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1.My advice is that you _____________(go) there by train.

2.She knew everyone here as if she _____________ (live) here for many years.

3.It is important that we _____________ (make) good use of every minute.

4.The young man insisted that he _____________ (do) nothing wrong and _____________ (set) free immediately.

5.It’s time that our government _____________ (take) measures to improve the quality of the buildings.



1. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I________(not fall) in love, at the age of seven with Mary in my hometown.

2. How I wish every family____________(have) a large house with a beautiful garden!

3. If only he__________(lie) quietly as the doctor instructed, he wouldn’t suffer so much now.

4. If ____________(be) a man, she(go) to the front instead of her old father.

5. Don’t come this morning; I would rather you___________(come) the day after tomorrow.

6. But for the Party, he____________(die) of hunger 15 years ago.

7. It is necessary that she____________(attend) the college entrance examination.

8. The doctor recommended he______________(come) here for the sunshine before he started for home.


1. We didn’t know his telephone number, otherwise we _____________________ (telephone) him.

2. But for the storm, we ____________________ (arrive) earlier.

3. I ________________ (go) to visit him in the hospital, but I ________________ (occupy) the whole of

last week.

4. If I ________________ (know) her telephone number, I _______________ (give) her a ring now.

5. If John _________________ (not hurt) his leg, he _________________ (win) the race.

6. Without music, the world _________________ (be) a dull place.

7. ___________ I __________ (not see) it with my own eyes, I ________________ (not believe) it.

8. John pretends as if he ______________(not know) the thing at all, but in fact he ______________ (know) it very well.

9. The advice is that we ___________________ (leave) at once.

10. I would rather everything ___________________ (not happen) in the past.


1. Had you gone to see the doctor earlier, you _______________(not fall) seriously ill.

2. If you _______________(be)here last night, you would have met the well-known cancer expert.

3. When do you suggest the meeting ________________(hold)?

4. But for the heavy snow, we ________________(come)here on time.

5. If I had spent more time studying, I __________________(be)a college student now.

6. If I were to do it, I __________(do)it in a different way.

7. _____________(have)the boy worked harder, he ________________(get through)the exams.

8. Without electronic computers, much of today’s advanced technology_______________(not achieve).

9. I was wet all over. If only I ______________________(take)an umbrella.

10. He took my advice or he _____________________(be)in a terrible situation.


1. I wish I__________________(be) a bird.
