酒店行业的发展:当设计学遇见历史(上) - 译言翻译

它所接待的对象主要是王公贵族、达官显贵、商人、 上流社会度假者,接待目的为非盈利,常建于城市,铁路 沿线。
(一)西方酒店发展史: 1、古代客栈时期: 由于社会的需要,为满
足外出人们的吃、喝、睡等赖 以生存的基本需要,千百年以 前就出现了客栈和酒店。
至中世纪后期,随着商 业的发展,旅行和贸易兴起, 外出的传教士、信徒、外交官 吏、信使、商人等激增,对客 栈的需求量大增。
由于当时的交通方式主 要是步行、骑马或乘坐驿车, 因此古代的客栈大多设在古道 边、车马道路边或是驿站附近。
里兹把他的服务方法归纳为四点:“看在眼里而不 形于色,听在心中而不流于言表,服务周到而不卑躬膝, 先意诚而不妄作主张”。
里兹的文化程度充其量只是懂得一些简单的加减乘 除,但他改变了世界酒店业发展的历史,他使酒店经营成 为一门艺术。
而堪称第一座现代化饭店的特里蒙特饭店于1829年 在波士顿落成,为整个新兴的酒店行业确立了标准,该酒 店不仅客房多,而且设施设备较为齐全,服务人员亦经过 培训,客人有安全感。
对于酒店常客的个人资料,包括身高、爱好、生活 习俗,里兹心中都记着一本账,而且他还要求他的服务员 们也做到这一点。
当服务员没能向宾客提供准确的一次到位的服务时 ,他认为这不是客人的苛求,而是服务员的素质问题。
他对服务的要求“宾客永远是对的”这句话最终成 为了通用于服务业及整个商业领域的普遍原则。
里兹经常这样说,“人们喜欢有人服侍,但是要不 露痕迹”。
同时,由于蒸汽机的出现,商品的进一步丰富,交 通也开始发达,从而导致酒店的开设位置有所变化。

1. 古代客栈时期:中国古代客栈最早出现在商朝,当时被称为“逆旅”,主要为远行的商人和旅客提供住宿和餐饮服务。
2. 近代旅店时期:随着西方文化的传入,中国近代旅店开始兴起。
19 世纪末20 世纪初,中国出现了一些现代化的旅店,如上海的汇中饭店、北京的六国饭店等。
3. 现代酒店时期:20 世纪50 年代至70 年代,中国的酒店业开始发展起来。
4. 改革开放后:改革开放后,中国的酒店业进入了快速发展的阶段。
5. 21 世纪:21 世纪以来,中国的酒店业继续保持快速发展的态势。

1. 早期酒店:酒店行业起源于较早的旅馆和客栈,在古代文明中早已有存在。
2. 工业革命时期:随着工业革命的兴起,交通和通讯的改善为酒店行业带来了新的机遇。
3. 旅游业的崛起:20世纪初,旅游业全球化进程加速,并且
4. 全球连锁酒店的兴起:20世纪后期,全球连锁酒店品牌开
5. 酒店技术与创新:随着科技的进步,酒店业开始采用新的技术和创新手段,例如在线预订系统、智能化客房设施等,提升服务效率和客户体验。
6. 精品酒店的兴起:近年来,精品酒店概念崛起,注重独特的设计、本地文化和个性化的服务,吸引了一部分独立旅行者的青睐,并为酒店行业带来了新的发展机遇。
7. 酒店与可持续发展:现代酒店行业越来越关注环境保护和可持续发展,增加了绿色、环保的措施,例如节能减排、环保建筑材料等,以降低对环境的影响。
8. 疫情对酒店业的影响:新冠疫情对全球酒店业造成了巨大冲击,许多酒店不得不关闭或减少营业。
Hotel Design全中文译文

Hotel Design酒店设计原著:By Henry Petrosky(亨利·培佐斯基)译:msq200801设计无处不在,有意制作的每件事都离不开设计。
酒店业 英文文献及翻译

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increased service and facilities. In fact, many turn away from such modern conveniences as in-room television, radios, and telephones. Instead, they offer the attraction of old world charm and coziness in a scenic or historic setting. Guests might expect to find working fireplaces in their rooms, handmade quilts on their beds, and antique furniture throughout the inn. Many of the inns are direct descendants of the old inns and taverns that flourished along stagecoach routes 200 years ago. The smaller country inns, sometimes with as few as three or four rooms, are usually run by friendly couples who pride themselves on the comfort and cleanliness of their accommodations and the quality of the food that they serve. Some of the larger chain hotels (e.g. Holiday Inns) use the name inn. Motor inns, however, should not be confused with country inns. The chains use the name to suggest a feeling of warmth and friendliness, though their properties quite different from the more intimate country inns. For centuries, the hotel business could well business could well be described as a cottage industry, because each hotel was a privately-owned, independent enterprise. Occasionally, a well-know hotel would successfully produce a few namesakes under the same management, but such examples were few. The first notable exception was the Caesar Ritz group. E. M. Statler was the first to point out the economic and financial advantages of operating several large hotels under a single management. Despite Statler’s success, the chain concept was slow to catch on in the period between the two world wars. Later on, Conrad Hilton, in particular, became the originator contributing to the growth of the hotel management company. Kemmons Welson and Wallace Johnson, founders of Holiday Inn, fully enriched the chain concept by franchising the Holiday Inn name and establishing a national reservation network. The chains have expanded in a number of ways. One is through direct investment. It means that the headquarters corporation itself puts up the necessary fund to build and operate a new hotel or to buy and renovate an old one. Another is by establishing management contracts with the actual owner of the hotel, whereby the chain actually takes over an empty building and operates it according to its own operating procedures for a fee or for a percentage of the profits. This method is frequently used when the chain expends into a foreign country. A somewhat similar method is the joint venture, a partnership in which both the chain and local
酒店业发展历史 History of Hospitality

• These inns and taverns served tired, hungry, and thirsty travelers.
Egypt, Greece, and the Roman Empire
3 countries played an important role in the early days of the hospitality business Ancient Egypt began the tourism trade
• Early traders traveled from region to region to trade their spices, gold, and other exotic goods. • They needed places to sleep and eat while traveling. • People built inns and taverns along the trade routes.
History of Hospitality
• Hospitality is one of the oldest businesses
• First records of travel are recorded on cave walls about 6000 years ago • Money, writings, and the wheel had just been invented. • These inventions made it easier to travel and conduct business
Development in the United States
• Our country has made great contributions to the hospitality business. • Grand hotels, motels, restaurant chains, fast-food businesses, and franchises all originated in the U. S. • As each new mode of transportation developed, hospitality businesses opened up along the route or at the stations.

英语作文-揭示旅游饭店行业的未来发展路径The Future Development Path of the Hotel Industry in Tourism。
With the rapid development of the tourism industry, the hotel industry plays a crucial role in providing accommodation and services for travelers. As the expectations and preferences of tourists continue to evolve, it is important for the hotel industry to adapt and innovate to meet the changing demands. In this article, we will explore the future development path of the hotel industry in tourism.Firstly, embracing technology is essential for the future development of the hotel industry. In the digital age, technology has become an integral part of our lives, and hotels need to leverage it to enhance the guest experience. One significant trend is the use of mobile apps for various hotel services, such as online check-in, room service orders, and concierge assistance. By providing these services through mobile apps, hotels can streamline operations, improve efficiency, and offer convenience to guests.Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation can revolutionize the hotel industry. AI-powered chatbots can handle customer inquiries and provide personalized recommendations, while robotic assistants can perform tasks such as room cleaning and luggage handling. These technologies not only reduce labor costs but also enhance the overall efficiency and guest satisfaction.Secondly, sustainability will be a key focus for the future development of the hotel industry. As travelers become more environmentally conscious, they prefer to choose eco-friendly accommodation options. Hotels can implement various sustainable practices, such as energy-efficient lighting, water conservation measures, waste management, and the use of renewable energy sources. By adopting sustainable initiatives, hotels can attract environmentally conscious guests and contribute to a greener future.Furthermore, the concept of experiential travel will shape the future of the hotel industry. Modern travelers seek unique and immersive experiences during their trips. Hotels can differentiate themselves by offering authentic local experiences, such ascultural workshops, culinary tours, and outdoor activities. Collaborations with local communities and businesses can create a sense of place and provide guests with memorable experiences beyond traditional accommodation.In addition, customization and personalization will be crucial for the future success of hotels. Travelers have diverse preferences and expectations, and hotels need to cater to individual needs. By utilizing guest data and leveraging technology, hotels can offer personalized recommendations, room preferences, and tailored services. This level of customization can create a sense of exclusivity and enhance guest loyalty.Lastly, collaboration and partnerships will play a significant role in the future development of the hotel industry. Hotels can collaborate with local tour operators, transportation providers, and attractions to offer integrated travel packages. By creating seamless travel experiences, hotels can attract more guests and provide added value. Additionally, partnerships with technology companies and startups can drive innovation and keep hotels at the forefront of the industry.In conclusion, the future development of the hotel industry in tourism lies in embracing technology, focusing on sustainability, offering experiential travel, providing customization and personalization, and fostering collaborations and partnerships. By adopting these strategies, hotels can stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of travelers. The hotel industry has the potential to shape the future of tourism and create memorable experiences for guests worldwide.。

* The ancient accommodation facilities
* There are two types
of accommodation facilities: official and private
* During this period,
some accommodation facilities can provide accommodation, meals, and hot water shower at night, and this become a modern 精品s课e件nse of the prototype of the hotel.
*The history Of hotel
A brief history of western hotel development
*The ancient inn period
* Time:12th to 18th century,
during this period, the most famous is the inn in the UK.
* 15th century, the inn
become a place where people can join a party or communicate information. 18th century, it became the local social, political and business center.
* 精品课件 service
*Modern new hotel * The development of modern new

1·以质量为中心的系统管理阶段(1978年-1987年) 我国各类酒店在由接待型向经营型转变 全国兴起了建设高星级酒店的第一轮高潮 通过合资、独资、合作等方式引进了一批国际知名酒店管理集团 到1987年,共有30多家国际酒店管理集团落户我国 包括假日、希尔顿、喜来登、香格里拉等酒店品牌 为我国酒店业现代管理体制建设、市场经营模式变革以及服务操作标准化、规范化作出了巨大贡献
拥有形式 控股形式 租赁形式 管理合同形式 特许经营权让渡
服务综合性 类型多样化 联营化
东京威斯汀酒店 沈阳洲际假日酒店 黄山西海饭店 马尔代夫的阿格萨纳度假村


In recent years, China's hotel industry developing rapidly, not only in quantity, grade, or hotel have made great progress in such aspects as the collectivization. I think, in the next few years, China's hotel industry will continue to develop with the development of tourism. And along with our country economy level degree unceasing enhancement, our country hotel industry presents the new development trend of future development. After 30 years of things really hard to predict. But as a hotel management specialized student, it's time to think about the prospect of the industry.首先,我认为,总的来说,未来我国的酒店数量会减少,但是酒店的质量会越来越高。

Theme Hotel Design: When the hotel event themeHoward StutzTheme Hotels emerging as a new form of hotel development, in foreign countries, nearly 50 years, and in our short history, distribution range is also confined to more developed in the hotel industry in Guangdong, Shanghai, Shenzhen to have to return to nature, science, technology, or nostalgic-themed hotel, all reflect the unique operating characteristics. Although the theme hotel in China there are new things, but in the international hotel industry is a kind of new trend. Only a few themes from the domestic hotel business situation, business conditions were better than other hotels.Looking into the future so bright theme hotel, theme hotels it is necessary to carry out planning and design analysis, developing the theme of the hotel to provide some pertinent "cannon fodder." This paper introduces the theme, theme, theme, and a rational distribution of functions of parts to elaborate.1. The introduction of the themeTheme Hotel also known as "Featured Hotel", is based on a particular topic, to embody the hotel's architectural style and decorative arts, and culture-specific, so that customers receive personalized culture of feeling, at the same time services into the subject, personalized service to replace the generalized service for customers with joy, knowledge and stimulation. History, culture, urban, nature, myth, fairy tales can become the theme of the hotel to play.2. Positioning themeIn doing scenic spot, the first to determine her direction and orientation to the many competitors, bigger and stronger. Similarly, the theme of the hotel is also true, but when it is located within the scenic area, the more the subject is attached to scenic location, with echoes of its services. When she is not only dependent on the city or scenic areas exist, the theme of the exact location of the hotel is particularly important to consider the problems to be more. Hangzhou "Dream Castle" is allowed to fail due to subject positioning a typical case.3. Hangzhou "Dream Castle"The end of 2003 and plans to spend 1.5 billion yuan, known as "China's first super-star hotel" and "Dream Castle" from Hangzhou Xiaoshan District, the start of the news came,, the person said: "As the program changes, 'Fantasy Castle' can not be built." "Dream Castle" is the original plan of Hangzhou World Leisure Expo 2006, the landmark building, covers an area of 130,000 square meters, more than 100 meters high, the investor is well-known private enterprise Song City Group. Its designers, but also designed the world's largest hotel (MGM Grand) and American designer Mr. Johnson.This ultra-luxurious design, is supposed to be a successful model, but ended in failure. The root causes of failure, not to say that she did not locate, but in their positioning committed two fatal.One theme too far out of market positioning: Hangzhou as a leisure capital, but also to be at the center of the Yangtze River Delta area, located in the Yangtze River Delta is why leisure tourist and the business meeting customer is reasonable. The "dream castle" theme chosen not to support this position, the super star of the building will be far beyond the casual market's spending power. Second, the theme from the city location too heterogeneous:Hangzhou is a beautiful and peaceful south of Yangtze River, is a modern leisure city; the "Dream Castle" to "dream" as the theme, luxurious and magnificent, and rooted in the comfortable life of leisure atmosphere the contrary, the pursuit of a far away from reality experience. She'swrong is not taken into account where the city's image positioning and urban planning, then failure is a matter of course.4.Show topics in depthAfter positioning the hotel to seize the theme, we must consider how to let visitors experience the charm of the hotel's theme, which requires self-display of themed hotels. A successful theme hotel theme through its theme of environment and atmosphere to demonstrate the concept, in other words, the theme is the theme of environment and atmosphere of the concept of reification. Either by theme architecture, landscape theme extrinsic kind of characterization to look into the hotel's theme, theme decorations, etc through the physical appearanceto display within the theme of the hotel. But need to be selective, strictly, to be perfect, harmony, a vivid contrast to the theme of environment and atmosphere.4.1 Architectural, landscape and environment in the subjectSubject building is a tangible demonstration of the theme hotel in the customer plays a key role when the first purchase. In addition to the pursuit of a unique architectural theme, but also should grasp the good and the surrounding geographical coordination, coordination with the surrounding environment itself is part of the customer experience. Here's the background of natural scenery, two themed hotels, theme of landscape architecture and its theme were consistent with the theme of environment, proved to be successful.Located in the southeast of Austria's Blue hair Rogne Spa's motto is "subtle difference", it gives the tenant is visually shocking "big difference." Austrian Artist Hundertwasser building, Mr. (Hundertwasser) style here on its head: a set of Wald Juan hofhaeuser apartment group, saying that the premises and embedded itself in the ground, like a groundhog in the crypt Block; villas, the top of the plant with soft and thick green lawn and shrubs, and even the window of the tree will be unearthed Yi Keke, knowledge of the construction was misplaced. Tourists from the hotel swimming pool spa swim spa pool the way, to experience the design of Mr. Hundertwasser Comparative Study and Integration irregular sea, and down changes in front of the scenery while the Persian palace, while he is a zebra cabin make you forget all the rules of the game on earth.Of course, in addition to natural beauty the hotel, there are hotels celebrity culture, history and culture hotels, city hotels and artistic characteristics of the hotel features and so on. Various topics in different types of hotel, they want to show the theme of landscape architecture and the theme isdifferent. But the theme of landscape and architectural theme of harmony can be played on the theme of playing up the role, to achieve even better results.4.2 Theme decorationsTo some extent, theme hotels theme park and hotel is the perfect combination of Disney themed hotel is a good example, is a theme hotel development model is relying on the success of the theme park business, Shenzhen Venice Hotel is so. As the physical representation within the staff work clothes are an important manifestation of the theme atmosphere, because the employee is subject movement symbols. In addition to staff working clothes, theme decorations and lighting and a reasonable color match, can give customers a better experience theme atmosphere.4.3 Rational distribution of functionsThrough the mastery of subject positioning on the theme of the concept of landscape construction and understanding of the theme, around the theme of this thread to him to break it down, through the rational allocation of functions to improve the planning and design theme of the hotel.Hotel service area divided by the general sub-room area, dining area, public activity areas, conference and exhibition area, fitness and entertainment district, administrative and logistical areas. It is necessary to divide these areas clear, but also organically.From the business point of view hotel, the hotel part and the non-revenue from the income part of composition, when the total building area is established, area of structure should carefully arrange the following sections: some rooms including single rooms, twin rooms, double rooms, all suites and so on. Catering sector, including the main restaurant, the Deputy restaurant, main bar, club, cocktail room, cafe, etc. should be included with the banquet the other large, medium and small banquet hall; other business sectors, including meeting rooms, fitness facilities, sauna, beauty, swimming pool, Laundry, Commerce Centre. Non-income section includes the lobby, the main desk, office, luggage room, switchboard room, computer room, storage, changing rooms, medical clinic, canteen, boiler room, parking, car wash, etc.A good hotel, in addition to the unique style, beautiful appearance, and the local environment together with profound cultural connotations, the layout of the internal functions of the hotel very reasonable, the location of each share of a feature just right, not only to facilitate the guests to use also facilitate the management of the operator, not a waste of space, but also reflect the hotel's services, rich atmosphere, the guests are satisfied, having lived, the operator saves a lot of manpower. In general, it is necessary to grasp the functions of distribution within the hotel very reasonable, fully equipped to facilitate the requirements of guests and manageable. Layout and its features to note the following:(a) s taff and guests each his own, do not cross each other, including luggage and guests have separate entrance. When guests enter the lobby, immediately greeted by the service center, when the total occupancy Taiwan after finishing the procedures, the give a lift into the elevator hall, takethe elevator to the living floor. The employees do, from the employee entrance into the hotel, first punch, the second step change clothes, the third step from the elevator staff access by employees into their jobs, their employees and guests will be walking, not collision behavior.Arrangements to facilitate access not only to separate the staff and guests, employees must also pay attention to people and objects separated channels. The hotel is generally in the underground warehouse, employees take things out, delivery to be divided into Upper and Lower Road, not personalities mixed, otherwise it will affect the work, but also susceptible to accidents.(b) v arious functions, all in their place, not a waste of space, but also very appropriate arrangements. A hotel lobby, should be the most versatile. In addition to the main desk, concierge, luggage counter, there is the lobby bar or cafe, coffee, and at the business center, flower shop, book store, gift shop near the lobby to be arranged.The restaurant, closed bar, restaurant style arrangement with sauna, swimming pool at different floors, not separated by too close, not arranged in the same floor. Some hotel arrangements for the different functions that the same floor, the interaction of different flavors, seriously affected the image of the hotel, guests are very satisfied.(c) the continuity of the demand from the customers distribution function. Several hotels mentioned above have such characteristics, such as the gymnasium and swimming pool close arrangement where restaurant and closed bars, cafes close local arrangements, zero arrangement on the first floor restaurant, Chinese restaurant, style Office near, multi-function hall and meeting room on the same floor, this arrangement needs fully into account the continuity of the guests. Some hotels do not have the functional layout take care of each other, but according to the size distribution, resulting in a fragmentation of the same functionality, inconvenience guests.Hotels in China is an emerging theme of things, but in the face of the homogenization of products and services, competition in the hotel in general has come to the fore, and just take the long way to go in the future. Only by upholding the accurate positioning theme, the theme in depth and continuous display of the rational allocation of hotel features, can the hotel innovation to move.生词表:emerg ing 新兴;tre nd 趋势;pert inent 相关的;elaborate 精心制作的;stimulatio n朿y激;orientation 取向;facilitate 促进;occupancy入住率;connotations 内涵;deputy 畐寸的;主题酒店设计:当酒店遇上主题霍华德?斯图兹主题酒店作为一种正在兴起的酒店发展新形态,在国外已有近50 年的历史,而在我国的发展历史不长,分布范围目前也仅仅局限在酒店业比较发达的广东、上海、深圳等地,有以回归大自然、科技或怀旧为主题的酒店,都体现出与众不同的经营特色。

当城市的建筑商贸业蓬勃发展时,包括新建筑的兴起,特别是爱德华和麦斯威尔的皇家亚历山大酒店,使其成为温尼伯的盎格鲁 - 撒克逊的统治阶级们唯一的堡垒,直至七年后福特盖瑞酒店开业。
福特盖瑞酒店建在百老汇大街南侧的一个近乎方形的场地上(260 X250英尺),在福特和盖瑞街之间,向南不远是阿西尼伯河大道和阿西尼伯河。

外文文献Hotel industryPeople have been making a living by providing rooms for travelers ever since the first lodging houses were built to accommodate travelers in ancient times. Today, hotels offer far more than just a room for travel increased. Motels, resort hotels, and convention hotels have been developed to cater to the varied needs of today’s traveling public. At the same time, hotel chains have established themselves as the dominant force in the industry.Motels in the United States evolved from the roadside tourist cabins and tourist courts that were first introduced in the early 1990s in response to the increase in travel. As the automobile began to replace the train as the primary means of travel in the United States, there was an increased demand for roadside accommodations. The first motels began to appear in the 1920s and were usually one-storey buildings, with an average of twenty-five units or rooms.Motels really came of age during the 1950s. Two main factors contributed to the boom in motel construction. One was the development of the interstate highway system, beginning in 1956. The other was the first time, added a number of services. Restaurant swimming pools, and in-room television became standard features.The next step in the development of the motel industry was the move away from highway locations into the downtown sections of large cities. With the increase in air travel, motor hotels also began to move out to the airports.A resort hotel is one that people visit for relaxation, recreation, and entertainment. The idea of the resort hotel was born in the 18th and 19th century Europe. Splendid hotels were built along the French Riviera in the Swiss Alps, and at various mineral springs throughout the continent. The resort hotel in the United States developed with the expansion of the railroads in the second half of the nineteenth century. All catered exclusively to the rich and to the upper middle class. Families stayed for two or three months and returned to the same hotels year after year.With the rise in mass tourism, resort hotels have been established in greet numbers at destinations throughout the world. Some of these luxury resort hotelshave survived, but today they are heavily outnumbered by resort hotels that cater to ordinary people who stay from days to weeks. With increased leisure time and higher wages, many people now take at least one vacation away from home each year. The jet airport has opened up areas of the world that were previously inaccessible to the vacationer. Resort hotel construction boomed in tropical area such as the Caribbean and Hawaii.A convention hotel is one that caters to large group gatherings. The rise of convention hotels has been one of the developments in the hotel industry, and conventioneers now account for almost 20 percent of all hotel guests. Many downtown hotels saw occupancy levels drop during the 1950s and early 1960s as motels captured a larger segment of the market. In response, some hotels began to add facilities for conventions or other group gatherings as a means of survival. At first, conventions were scheduled for off-peak periods, but as the volume of convention business increased, they began to be scheduled year-round.The business of large hotels that cater exclusively to convention groups began going up in the major cities in the later 1960s. They all feature a wide variety of restaurants, banquet rooms, meeting rooms, and convention and exhibition halls. Resort hotels, motels and airport hotels have also begun to offer convention facilities.The arrival of the jet age led to the second major hotel building period of the twentieth century, lasting from 1958 to 1974. In the early part of this period, the hotel chains’ major goals in planning new properties were economy, efficiency, and standardization of design. A Sheraton hotel in Miami, for example, might be almost identical to one nearly 3,000 miles away in Los Angeles. By the late 1960s, however, there was a reaction against this uniformity of design and new hotel architecture was born. The opening of the Hyatt marked a return to the grandeur of the old luxury hotels. Scenic elevators, fountains, waterfalls, trees, huge sculptures, and bars and cafes are included in the lobby so that it was no longer just a place for registration and checkout; it also became the main eating, drinking, and meeting area. The success of the Atlanta Hyatt Regency led to the building of similar atrium hotels in cities and combine commercial, office, and hotel facilities with sports and recreational facilities.The small country inn is a type of lodging place that has survived by offeringincreased service and facilities. In fact, many turn away from such modern conveniences as in-room television, radios, and telephones. Instead, they offer the attraction of old world charm and coziness in a scenic or historic setting. Guests might expect to find working fireplaces in their rooms, handmade quilts on their beds, and antique furniture throughout the inn. Many of the inns are direct descendants of the old inns and taverns that flourished along stagecoach routes 200 years ago. The smaller country inns, sometimes with as few as three or four rooms, are usually run by friendly couples who pride themselves on the comfort and cleanliness of their accommodations and the quality of the food that they serve.Some of the larger chain hotels (e.g. Holiday Inns) use the name inn. Motor inns, however, should not be confused with country inns. The chains use the name to suggest a feeling of warmth and friendliness, though their properties quite different from the more intimate country inns.For centuries, the hotel business could well business could well be described as a cottage industry, because each hotel was a privately-owned, independent enterprise. Occasionally, a well-know hotel would successfully produce a few namesakes under the same management, but such examples were few. The first notable exception was the Caesar Ritz group. E. M. Statler was the first to point out the economic and financial advantages of operating several large hotels under a single management. Despite Statler’s success, the chain concept was slow to catch on in the period between the two world wars. Later on, Conrad Hilton, in particular, became the originator contributing to the growth of the hotel management company. Kemmons Welson and Wallace Johnson, founders of Holiday Inn, fully enriched the chain concept by franchising the Holiday Inn name and establishing a national reservation network.The chains have expanded in a number of ways. One is through direct investment. It means that the headquarters corporation itself puts up the necessary fund to build and operate a new hotel or to buy and renovate an old one. Another is by establishing management contracts with the actual owner of the hotel, whereby the chain actually takes over an empty building and operates it according to its own operating procedures for a fee or for a percentage of the profits. This method is frequently used when the chain expends into a foreign country. A somewhat similar method is the joint venture, a partnership in which both the chain and localinvestors put up part of the capital that is necessary for new construction or the purchase of an existing building. Yet another way widely used is franchising. It is a leasing arrangement that requires the hotel operator to pay a fee for the use of the plans, manuals of procedure and advertising materials. In return, the hotel operator is granted a license to operate a business under the name of the parent corporation. The franchise operator puts up the capital, but he gets a standardized product with a predictable sales potential. He can of course also get a lot of help from the licensing corporation in establishing his operation and then in solving problems that arise after it has opened. Some franchise operations are also joint ventures, with both the corporation and the individual owner supplying part of the initial capital.There are many important competitive advantages that the hotel chains have over the individually operated hotels. The first is the resources and money on advertising and public-relations professionals at chains’ headquarters, who prepare publicity campaigns for the chain as a whole.A second advantage comes from the standardization of equipment and operating procedures. The chains publish detailed manuals that specify standardized procedures to be followed even in such tasks as making beds and setting tables. Even when the different hotels in the chain are not tightly controlled by a central office, it is customary to have an inspection system in order to guarantee the overall standards.The most important and most obvious advantage is the increased efficiency in making and controlling reservations. A guest at one hotel, for instance, can receive confirmation of a room at another within a few minutes. When a chain is owned by an airline, the traveler can make his reservations for flights and for hotel rooms at the same time and place. Hotel chains also make it easy to reserve a room by telephone in key market cities. Many of the chains are, in fact, referral systems rather than corporate owned groups. In a referral system, the operators of individual hotels or motels pay a fee to a group that has joined together in a reservation system. In most cases, the establishment is inspected by the headquarters staff of the chain to ensure that it meets the chain’s standards, it can use the name and advertising symbol, the logo for the group. In that case, the individual operation has become a chain member.Still another advantage for the chains is in increased sales potential for convention.As it is now a commonly accepted idea that conventions should combine business and pleasure, the practice of changing locations every year is very attractive to many sponsoring groups. In this way, the sponsoring group can hold its meeting in one location one year and another the next, while at the time with the assurance of very similar service and costs.Another strong point of the chain system comes from the superior planning and design of hotels. The benefits begin here even before the location is selected, because the chains have access to expensive market research data on site selection and size of the hotel. The large chains hire architects and interior decorators who specialize in hotel work. Many chains often hire consultants to advise them. The chains can either use their expert knowledge directly to build their own hotels or pass it along to others when they participate in a joint venture, a management leasing arrangement, or a franchising operation.Chains management also increases the efficiency of the total organization in other ways. For example, it permits very large bulk purchases for many kinds of equipment and supplies. The accounting and auditing systems of the chains can be centralized. A centralized personnel office for managerial and technical positions throughout the chain also provides an advantage in securing competent people. In the different hotels, management trainees can obtain experience in all the wide variety of skills that go into the operation of a hotel. Later, when they have gained the necessary expertise in several areas, these same people may return to the headquarters to direct and train others.Today, there comes very intensified competition in the hotel industry. After decades of mixed fortunes they would now face a decade when there is slow expansion, or even no growth, but with growing competition. The increased competition could rise from up-market self catering, time sharing, home entertainment and other areas, as well as from producers of a whole variety of consumer products and services. Hoteliers must ensure that they obtain their share of market. In order to do so, they should listen to the market more intense competition.As market keep on changing, it is wise to redefine markets accordingly.Unless customers’ points of view are constantly considered and their demands are best satisfied, there is a danger that present guests and customers may-drift away to competitor and new customers will not be attracted. Furthermore, it is essential to decide the advantages and weakness of one’s products, and at the same time bear in mind the different sources of business and the strength and weakness of one’s competitors. The last point on competitors is that time and money should be spent in selecting the source of business that they are best suited for and where they have the least competition.How to choose the best suitable market and sources of business? First, one should try to get as much information as possible on the hotel. Then, a series of objectively prepared league tables that grade the hotels advantages and limitations should be made. The information required may include the following: broad background information, facilities of the hotel, details of competitive hotels, guests information, activity levels, employees and their selling abilities, specific information on local communities, industry, event, communications and catchment area, and advantage and limitation list of both one’s hotel and competitors.After gathering the information, another series of league tables is required to show the hotel’s position relative to its competitors. The aim of league tables is to put the competition into visible and to show for some sources of business where is more competition and for others less. By linking these finding to the respective advantages and disadvantages of both sides, answers are provided on where to focus one’s sales and market effort.Specifically, the relevant information and league tables may include:1.Make a list of one’s hotel about its competitive advantages. The list willvary depending on the source of business.2.Calculate one’s market share of total competitive capacity and its maincompetitors’ share.3.Consider various tariffs and charges that may occur in the hotel.rmation about the facilities, sales and market capabilities, receivingcapability, location, etc. of the hotel and the competitors.5.Score the grades dependent on the demands of different sources ofbusiness, i.e., businessmen, individual tourists, conference delegates.6.Consider the various potential markets from a number of points of view.If one takes the above-mentioned information and examine one’s own business experience and judgment should help to define more clearly the main sources of business on which one’s hotel should exercise efforts. Never neglect established markets and the business parts of the week, month of year. However, many hotels have natural busy periods, such as Monday and Thursday nights in a week, or the summer season, or the festivals. So it is important to define markets, which will ensure a better profit in one’s off-season periods.Besides the above suggestions or market defining, some special market demands require attention.One is the menu fatigue. Many business executives who eat out often or stay in hotels regularly could suffer from a severe “menu fatigue”. That is when they eat in hotel restaurant or out, they can always tell you every item on the menu without even a glimpse at it. So if a hotelier can regularly try to original and fresh menus, dishes and ideas and promote them in every possible place, this mass market of people will be sure to “beat a path to his/her door”.The second is the active leisure. People are becoming much more health conscious, and many hotels begin to recognize this trend. As the result, facilities such as gym rooms with exercise machines are provided as part of their essential future marketing. Some hotels put a series of maps in the bedroom with directions to nearby parks. They also have a supply of track suits and shoes in case guests have forgotten to bring their own. Even if a hotel is not adjacent to a golf course or a tennis court, they can still do a lot to provide exercise opportunities for the guests and it does not have to be expensive.The third is the female guests. In the past few years, the biggest market growth is perhaps women staying in hotels, or eating in hotel restaurants. Many of the research on women travelers have found that the average woman executive is six years younger than her male counterpart. She tends to be in sales, marketing, public and press relations, or personnel work. Nearly 40% of the trips are to conventions. She is more likely to be single than the typical male travelers. Many women concern much about personal safety and hotel security. They would prefer to eat in the hotel rather than eating out and use room service a great deal when there is available. They want a room which is very clean, attractive and specious with good lighting. They prefer good lights for make-up and the closets highenough to keep her floor length dresses and a good supply of hangers.Hoteliers should be well alert to notice the changes and demands of the markets; otherwise they will be overtaken by the competitors.外文文献译文酒店业自从古时候人们首次建造住宿房屋来招待旅客以来,有些人就以为旅客提供客房为生。

定位:面向中等收入人群满足其对 住宿的基本需求
设施设备:豪华装修配备高级 设施如游泳池、健身房等
地理位置:位于城市中心或 风景名胜区
服务质量:提供个性化服务如 24小时前台服务、私人管家等
价格:价格较高适合高端商 务人士和旅游者
特点:高端、奢华、舒适 设施:顶级、齐全、先进
服务:个性化、定制化、高品 质
起源:古代客栈和 驿站
发展:19世纪末 至20世纪初现代 酒店业开始形成
扩张:20世纪中 叶酒店业在全球范 围内迅速扩张
创新:21世纪初酒 店业开始注重个性 化、智能化和服务 质量
古代客栈:中国最早的酒店形式提供住宿和餐饮服务 近代酒店:19世纪末西方酒店业传入中国开始出现现代酒店 改革开放后:酒店业快速发展星级酒店、连锁酒店等模式兴起 当代酒店:多元化、个性化、智能化成为酒店业发展的新趋势
客户关系管理的方法:建立客 户档案、提供个性化服务、定
客户关系管理的效果:提高客 户满意度增加客户忠诚度提高
智能化服务: 利用I技术提供 个性化服务提 高客户满意度
绿色环保:采 用环保材料和 节能设备降低 能源消耗保护
跨界合作:与 其他行业进行 跨界合作如与 旅游业、餐饮 业等拓展业务
定位目标市场:明确酒店的目标客户群体制定相应的营销策略 提升服务质量:提供优质的服务提高客户满意度和忠诚度 创新营销手段:运用新媒体、社交媒体等渠道进行宣传推广 优化价格策略:根据市场需求和竞争情况制定合理的价格策略
客户关系管理的内容:客户信 息管理、客户服务管理、客户 投诉处理等
客户关系管理的重要性:提高 客户满意度增加客户忠诚度

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!The hotel industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. With the rise of international travel and tourism, hotels have become a crucial part of the hospitality sector. From luxury resorts to budget accommodations, there is a wide range of options available for travelers.Hotels are constantly evolving to meet the changing needs and demands of guests. They are no longer just places to sleep, but have transformed into multifunctional spaces. Many hotels now offer amenities such as fitness centers, spas, and conference facilities. This allows guests to not only relax and unwind but also conduct business meetings and events.One of the key trends in the hotel industry is the focus on technology. Hotels are increasingly embracing digital innovations to enhance the guest experience. From online booking platforms to mobile check-ins, technologyhas made the process of booking and staying at a hotel more convenient than ever before. Additionally, hotels are using data analytics to personalize the guest experience and provide tailored recommendations.Sustainability has also become a major concern in the hotel industry. Many hotels are implementing eco-friendly practices to reduce their environmental impact. This includes using energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and water conservation measures. Some hotels have even gone a step further by incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar panels.The rise of the sharing economy has also had an impact on the hotel industry. Services like Airbnb have disrupted the traditional hotel model by offering alternative accommodations. This has forced hotels to adapt and find ways to differentiate themselves from these new competitors. Some hotels have focused on providing unique experiencesand personalized service to attract guests.In conclusion, the hotel industry has experiencedsignificant growth and transformation in recent years. With advancements in technology, a focus on sustainability, and the rise of the sharing economy, hotels have had to adapt to meet the changing needs of travelers. Despite the challenges, the future of the hotel industry looks promising as it continues to innovate and provide exceptional experiences for guests.。

看酒店历史谈酒店设计趋势及要点酒店是一种历史很悠久的建筑类型,从古罗马时期就已经出现了,当时叫“客栈”,在我国最早出现在春秋战国时期叫逆旅.真正现代意义的酒店标志是1850年的巴黎Grand Hotel,因为这个酒店有现代的公共空间和现代的股份制的所有形式,还有现代的经营模式。
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酒店行业的发展:当设计学遇见历史(上) - 译言翻译欢迎来译言登录注册帮助首页译言精评译言文库协作项目小组个人空间提交发现开始翻译译者:酒店行业的发展:当设计学遇见历史(上)1809个读者 Clivia @ 2008年11月21日双语对照原文字体大小小中大简介自从1980年,旅客对艺术,文化和历史兴趣的升温直接导致了文化旅游的快速发展。
他们作为文化旅游的产物,确定了三个主要的“产品-市场营销”混合产物:历史上的建设(historic establishments),设计学和设计历史上具有意义的酒店。
这些混合产物证明了它们可以和旅游者密切配合起来,从而大幅度的辅助旅游者的旅游文化体验成为一个整体(如果大家对as awhole在这里不太理解的话,Clivia来解释就是:从你踏进一个国家开始到离开这个国家,从头到底的体验被视作一个整体,任何其中的一个环节破坏了你的兴致,都可能导致你对这个国家整体印象变差)。
这篇文章对生活时尚酒店产品进行分析,从而对将来利基市场(niche market,不要问我niche在这里的意思……不知道的自己翻书去)的营销做一个前视。
这些混合产物证明了它们可以和旅游者密切配合起来,从而大幅度的辅助旅游者的旅游文化体验成为一个整体(如果大家对as awhole在这里不太理解的话,Clivia来解释就是:从你踏进一个国家开始到离开这个国家,从头到底的体验被视作一个整体,任何其中的一个环节破坏了你的兴致,都可能导致你对这个国家整体印象变差)。
这篇文章对生活时尚酒店产品进行分析,从而对将来利基市场(niche market,不要问我niche在这里的意思……不知道的自己翻书去)的营销做一个前视。
1. 客户需求和文化旅游者的行为1.1 需求变化自从1980年,旅客对艺术,文化和历史兴趣的升温直接导致了文化旅游的快速发展。
1.2 旅游者的行为变化文化旅游者的行为已经在上一章解释清楚。
他们希望学习新知识,“体验”他们的旅行(PineII and Gilmore, 1998)。
这种趋势说明履行已经变成了发现自我,充实自我和自我宣泄的一种方式(Cho and Fesenmaier,2001)。
2. 文化旅游产品和酒店管理产品的关系2.1 泛意文化旅游产品一个文化旅游景点,比如纪念碑,并不能产生旅游产品。
在旅游产品被基本定义为景点加住宿加交通的基础上,文化旅游由以下几项组成:(a) 核心产品:文化景点(纪念碑,博物馆,文化项目)加上相关特殊的文化旅游服务,比如像博物馆导游手册之类的信息。
(b) 附加产品:广泛意义上旅游产品组成——或者是文化景点自身的一部分或者是它的合作项目。
附加产品的组成为:• 宽泛的旅游设施和服务,提供者为:- 旅游者自发的组织和旅游中介:旅游办公室,国家旅游者组织,旅游者俱乐部,旅游中介,旅游公司-初级旅游公司(拥有在旅游方面有核心业务并且将所有旅游者视为客人的):酒店,假日公园,野营地-中级旅游公司(优先提供产品和服务给地区人口,并经常被旅游者光顾的):餐饮行业(餐厅,咖啡厅),零售(商店,银行)• 交通基础设施- (凭私人或公共交通)可以接触到的地方,交通标志,停车场- 私人或公共交通设施:汽车,大巴,货车,飞机,船,出租车,城市环线,地铁(见图片1,这里贴图太困难了。
)2.2 泛意上的酒店管理产品作为初级旅游产业,酒店管理行业是文化旅游产品的重要组成部分。
酒店管理产品需要满足客户不同程度的需求(Kotler, 2003这位仁兄似乎是Hospitalitymarketing的鼻祖之类的重量级人物,大家英文好的应该去看看他的东西)。
(a) 核心产品回答了最基本的问题:购买者真正买的是什么?基本上来说,酒店提供给顾客的是利益,而不是特色。
(b) 设施型产品是那些必须表现给顾客,以便他们使用核心产品的商品或服务。
比如说奢华酒店里的门童(c) 辅助产品是增加核心产品价值的附加产品。
3. 作为旅游产品的酒店管理产品3.1 标准型酒店VS生活时尚酒店国际酒店集团的扩张大部分都伴随着规范化和量产化操作。
特别在全球市场营销和促销性服务上(所以Clivia说,那些没有网页的小旅栈,知道互联网的意义了吧?叫你的客户群一下从当地客源增加到全球客源!)和普通的套餐产品和国际性的预约系统上,生活时尚酒店没有连锁标准型酒店的那些没有管理自治权,建筑统一化和规范操作程序的缺点(Yu,1996; Andrew, 2001)。