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Football is just not my cup of teahot under the collar 怒气冲天

over the moon 非常快乐,狂喜;

down in the dumps 情绪低落on cloud nine 极其快乐,乐不可支;

fly off the handle 发火

to laugh one’s head off 要笑掉大牙

to smile on someone 微笑的人

white as a sheet 像纸一样白极苍白的;?苍白如纸

be tickled pink 非常有趣,非常高兴

be in the red 亏损,负债,亏空

be in the black (银行存款)有盈余,有存款;?顺差;

be green with envy 妒火中烧;

feet of clay (受景仰受尊敬的人)品格上的缺陷(或弱点);?泥足(比喻站不住脚的事物); see the handwriting on the wall 祥之兆显而易见危险

kill the fatted calf 设宴欢迎

you reap what you sow 种瓜得瓜

the appe of somebody’s eye 掌上明珠”

by and by 不久,马上;?晚些时候;

on one’last legs 日暮途穷; “苟延残喘

senior citizen 老年人;

physically challenged visually challenged 视觉有缺陷的, 眼睛瞎的

not all threr 脑子不正常神志不清;

sanitary worker 环卫工人

the man in the street 一般人,普通人;?常人;

between jobs [介词短语]暂时赋闲在家,暂时失业中

wash one’s hands洗手不干一刀两断,撒手不管,

body count伤亡人数统计

correctional facillity监狱;教养所

be economical source经济来源

a confidential source机密

golden years downsizing黄金年裁员

scrooge vt.挤,推;?n.吝啬鬼,守财奴,贪得无厌之徒;

a sacred cow 圣牛,神圣之物;

pandor’s box 潘多拉盒子,灾难之源

Waterloo 滑铁卢;?惨败

Mother Teresa 特蕾莎修女;

Mickey Mouse course dark horse 黑马

Daniel in the lion’s den丹尼尔在狮子的巢穴

catch-22 第二十二条军规n.进退维谷的局面;?无法摆脱的困境;

Achille’s heel致命的


a Herculean task一项艰巨的任务

a good Samaritan一个好心人好心人;乐善好施的人

be a weed被杂草

as hungry as a lion饥饿的狮子

black is white and white is black颠倒黑白,诡辩

cast-iron nerves钢铁般的神经

as sly as a fox狡若城狐;像狐狸一样狡猾

eat like a bird吃得极少

as tall as a tree一棵树那么高

child’s play孩子们的游戏

off the top of your head不假思索地;信口

on paper 在纸上,以书面形式;?理论上;

have butterflies in your stomach : 俚语,歇后语意思是:好多蝴蝶在胃里引申为:心里非常紧张、或像热锅上的蚂蚁、百抓挠心等意思

do one’s homework做作业,, as easy as a pie易如反掌,小事一桩

as plain as day非常清楚,一目了然,显而易见

as cool as a cucumber泰然自若(冷静沉着, 镇静勇敢)

cost an arm and a leg付出昂贵代价;花费很大

hold firm 坚定的, 坚持;

pass away(时间等)消磨掉;?去世;?终止;?停止

It’s a piece of cake小菜一碟

I’m all ears洗耳恭听

Don’t pull my leg别逗了

She really has green fingers

He is the top dog

Why did you give her the cold shoulder?为什么你对我冷言冷语(冷漠) It’s raining cats and dogs Football is just not my cup of tea

feel blue感到忧郁,无精打采;

see the handwriting on the wall
