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2009-3-2 16:06浏览次数:1818次 2009-3-2 22:10



Table of Teaching Schedule for Required Course


期学分分配 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0810411 思想道德修养与法律基础

Ideology and Moral Cultivation & Law Basis 3 48 32 16 3 0810311 马克思主义基本原理

Marxism Basic Principle 3 48 32 16 3

0810312 中国近现代史纲要

Chinese Modern andContemporary History Outline 2 32 24 8 2 0810111 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和”三个代表”重要思想概论

Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and “Three Represents” Important Thought 6 96 4 32 6

1310101 信息技术基础

Information Technology Basis 2.5 40 12 28 2.5 1310102 高级语言程序设计(C)

Advanced Language Programming (C)3.5 56 30 26 3.5 0610220 企业管理概论

Introduction to EnterpriseManagement 2 32 32 2

1010101-02 高等数学B(1)-(2)

Advanced Mathematics B(1)-(2) 11.5 186 186 5.5 6 0710001-04 大学英语(1)-(4)

College English (1)-(4) 16 252 252 4 4 4 4 1210101-04 体育(1)-(4)

Physical Culture (1)-(4) 8 120 120 2 2 2 2

1020101-02 大学物理(1)-(2)

College Physics (1)-(2) 6.5 104 104 4 2.5 1022001-02 物理实验(1)-(2)

Physical Experiment (1)-(2) 4 60 60 2 2


Current Affair and Policy 2 32 32

0410605 工程制图

Engineering Drawing 3 48 48 3

1010103 线性代数B

Linear Algebra B 2.5 40 40 2.5

1010104 概率论与数理统计B

Probability Theory andMathematical Statistics B 3 48 48 3

1010105 复变函数与积分变换

Complex Function and IntegralTransformation 3 48 48 3 0110107 电路实验

Circuit Experiment 1 20 20 1

0110620 工程电磁场

Engineering ElectromagneticFields 3 48 44 4 3 0310118 模拟电子技术基础A

Analogous Electronic Basis A 3.5 56 56 3.5

1110113 自动控制理论B

Automatic Control Theory B 3 48 44 4 3

0110208 电力电子技术

Power Electronics Technology 3 48 40 8 3 0110617 信号分析与处理

Signal Analysis and Processing 3 48 44 4 3 0310122 数字电子技术基础B

Digital Electronic Technic Basis B 3 48 48 3

1310103 微机原理与接口技术A

Microprocessor Principle and Interface Technology A 4 64 40 24 4

0110104-05 电路理论A(1)-(2)

Circuit Theory A(1)-(2) 6 96 96 4 2

0110205-06 电机学(1)-(2)

Electrical Machinery (1)-(2) 7 112 96 16 5 2 0310107-08 电子技术基础实验A(1)-(2)

Electrics Experiments A(1)-(2) 3 50 50 2 1

0110305 电力系统分析基础

Power System Analysis Basis 4 64 64 4 0110321 发电厂电气部分A

Electrical Systems of Power Plant A 2.5 40 40 2.5

0110404 电力系统继电保护原理

Power System Protective RelayProtection Principle 2.5 40 34 6 2.5

0110505 高电压技术

High Voltage Technique 2.5 40 32 8 2.5

0110312 电气工程概论(报告形式分散进行)
