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2月7日晚,张杰加盟2016年央视春晚。再次登上春晚,张杰首次 演唱了一首自己的励志歌曲《发光时代》,开启了春晚广东广州 分会场
February 2016 by the Zhang Jieleading orchestrated "Just For Star" Los Angeles in United ArtistsCentre music sharing will be held in the United States local time at 18:00 on the 21st, Zhang Jie with live music-sharing manner with overseas fans to spend the Lantern Festival, and invite has served as MichaelJackson producer DavidFoster, violinist Lindsey Sterling performances together
Zhang Jie 2014 “
" concert
tours started, the first stop in the Capital Gymnasium held in
on September 20, 2014, there are the first round of on tour
Beijing, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Shanghai, Fuzhou,
In addition to singing career, Zhang Jie also enthusiastic about philanthropy, he donated 2 million in 2012 as the Big Dipper empty Charity Fund Pioneer Fund, start the "Zhang Jie music dream class" public projects, and won the "China Children's Charity Award - Outstanding Contribution Award." To June 2014 has started in all over the country has established 28 Zhang Jie music dream classroom."
2014年1月17日,张杰作为首位补位歌手受邀 参加湖南卫视歌手竞赛类节目《我是歌手》 第三期竞演。
He sang the theme song and the episode
a lot of film and television work in 2014
and 2015. 他在2014年和2015年演唱了诸多影视 作品的主题曲和插曲。
那理所当然张杰是星空中最大最耀眼的那颗星星, 而无数的小星星永远围绕着他!!
除歌唱事业,张杰也热心慈善公益,2012年他捐资200万 作为北斗星空爱心基金创始基金,启动“张杰音乐梦想教 室”公益项目,并获得“中国儿童慈善奖 —-突出贡献 奖”。至2014年6月已陆续在全国各地建立了28所“张杰 音乐梦想教室”。
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Zhang Jie naturally is the largest and most a Dazzling the sky that star over,
And countless small stars surrounding him forever! !
张杰在2004年MYSHOW总决赛唱的那首歌叫做 <<北斗星的爱>>, 这也成了他的代表作,之后,
张杰,1982年12月20日出生于 四川成都,中国内地流行歌手。
Zhang Jie is one rare in singing English songs very skilled singer. English songs spit called a must pronounce word. Zhang Jie has repeatedly cover Backstreet Boys, Westlife, Michael Jackson and other singers of the English songs. Zhang Jie deductive Chinese style songs varied, unique!
仰望星空,看月亮爬上来,如果哪天我 们穿越人海,今生今世,我们依然只爱 你一个,也许有人会说,你们为什么喜 欢张杰,我们的回答只有一个,不喜欢 又何必在一起,我们都一样,流言有一 千分贝,我们依然只喜欢他!喜欢,不 需要任何理由!
制作人 :洢官人
Does not love his people diametrically opposed.
I ,proceed without hesitation
Zhang Jie, in December 1982 was born 20 Chengdu, Sichuan, the Chinese mainland pop singer.
2013 Year of the Snake Spring Festival Gala, Yoga Lin and Zhang Jie Cooperation sing together song "Give Me Your Love"
他的才艺——吉他、二胡、舞蹈、架子鼓、 唱歌、钢琴。。。
He would play golf, basketball, billiards, tennis, table tennis, badminton.
他会打高尔夫、篮球、台球、网球、乒乓球、 羽毛球等。
His car —— a Porsche Cayman 他的座驾——保时捷Cayman
2011年七夕之夜,张杰与女友通过微博公布婚讯。 同年9月21日,张杰经纪公司天娱传媒向大众公布了 他们的婚期。同年9月26日张杰与谢娜在云南迪庆州 香格里拉举办婚礼。
Currently, he issued 11 albums. 目前,他发行了11张专辑。
January 17, 2014, as the first fill the seats Zhang Jie singer invited to participate in Hunan Satellite TV singer contest show "I'm a singer 'the third period play competition.
2011 Tanabata night, Zhang Jie and his girlfriend through the microblogging marriage hearing announced. September 21 the same year, Zhang Jie brokerage firm EE Media to the public announced of their wedding. September 26 the same year, Zhang Jie and Xie Na wedding in Yunnan Diqing Prefecture Shangri-La.
2016年2月由张杰主导策划的“Just For Star”洛杉矶音乐分 享会于美国当地时间21日18时在United ArtistsCentre举办, 张杰用live音乐分享的方式与海外歌迷共度元宵节,并邀 请 曾 担 任 MichaelJackson 制 作 人 的 DavidFoster 、 小 提 琴 家 Lindsey Sterling一同表演
张杰是一位难得一见的中英文歌曲演唱都十分娴熟 的歌手。英文歌曲的吐词发音堪称一绝。张杰曾多 次翻唱后街男孩、西城男孩、迈克尔·杰克逊等歌 手的英文歌曲。张杰演绎的中文歌曲风变化多样, 别具一格!
His talent and skill --- guitar, erhu, dance, drums, singing, piano . . .
爱帅之心人皆有之 Love beautiful heart
person all has
然而。。 However..
★他没有出众的外表 He has no superior appearance. ★甚至被认为是路人脸 Even it is considered passers-face. ★爱他的人不离不弃 People who love him, never abandon. ★不爱他的人针锋相对
2013年蛇年春晚,林宥嘉与张杰 一起合唱一首新歌《给我你的爱》
The evening of February 7, 2016. Zhang Jie joined the CCTV Spring Festival Evening. Once again boarded the Spring Festival, Zhang Jie for the first time sang his inspirational song "Emitting era”, opened the show at the venue Guangzhou
Guangzhou and Shenzhen in eight cities, Zhang Jie, the pro on
tour the artistic director and introduced personal and
exclusive LOGO the band J.ZingStar planetary orchestras
Zhang Jie in 2004 MYSHOW Finals sing that song is called 《Big Dipper's love》,
It also became his masterpiece, after
Zhang Jie fans set up his fans will be, called the