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Schizophrenia:a form of schizophrenia characterized by severe disintegration of personality including erratic speech and childish mannerisms and bizarre behavior; usually becomes evident during puberty; the most common diagnostic category in mental institutions


Anxiety neurosis/disorder : is a kind of neurosis, with extensive and constant anxiety or recurrent alarmed as the main feature, which often accompany autonomic dysfunction, muscle tension and athletic uneasiness. It divides into general anxiety disorder(GAD) and panic disorder .


Delusion is a kind of irrational, unrealistic and can not be

achieved with, but believe that the false belief. It includes the wrong judgments and logical reasoning. Even if the facts or theory has been fully demonstrated in front of those who placed in the delusion,it is difficult to shake his faith, delusion mostly in mental state, such as schizophrenia


Psychosensory disturbance:General perception of the patient perception of barriers is a reality of things, as a whole, an objective existence is correct, but the individual attributes of things, such as size, shape, color, distance, etc. have anything to do with the phase Consistent with the perception.

儿童多动症是儿童多动综合征的简称。儿童多动综合征即轻微脑功能障碍综合征,是一种比较常见的儿童心理障碍综合征。患儿智力正常或接近正常,活动过多(部分病例无活动过多的表现),注意力不集中,情绪不稳,冲动任性,并常伴有有不同程度的学习困难。Hyperactivity in children is children hyperactivity syndrome abbreviation. Children hyperactivity syndrome is mild brain dysfunction syndrome, it is a more common childhood

psychological barriers syndrome. Children with normal mental or close to normal, excessive movement (partial cases, no excessive movement performance), inattention, moody, impulse capricious and are often accompanied by different levels of learning difficulties.

精神发育迟滞(mental retardation)是指先天或围生期或在生长发育成熟以前,大脑的发育由于各种致病因素,如遗传、感染、中毒、头部外伤、内分泌异常或缺氧等因素,使大脑发育不良或受阻,智能发育停留在一定的阶段。随着年龄的增长其智能明显低于正常的同龄人。P186

Mental retardation (MR) is a generalized disorder appearing before adulthood, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors. 幻觉(hallucination) 指没有现实刺激作用于感觉器官时出现的知觉体验,是一种虚幻的知觉。幻觉是临床上最常见而且最重要的精神病性症状,常与妄想合并存在。

Perception of visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory experiences without an external stimulus and with a compelling sense of their reality, usually resulting from a mental disorder or as a response to a drug.

