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班级:_________ 姓名:_________ 考号:_________


1.I always tell my students ______ on the road because it’s really dangerous.

A.not to play B.to play not

C.not playing D.not play

2.—I didn’t hear you come in just now.

—That’s good. We tried _____ any noise, for you were sleeping.

A.not make B.not to make

C.to make D.making

3.—Dad, why must I stop ______computer games?

—For your health, my boy.

A.play B.to play

C.to playing D.playing

4.—Driving less, walking more is good for our health.

—So I'd rather____an hour's walk to work than consider____a car.

A.take, drive B.take, to drive

C.take, driving D.taking, driving

5.—I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation. What about you?

—I haven’t decided where ______.

A.go B.went C.going D.to go

6.Lucy is shy. She would not invite her classmates _____dancing with her.

A.practice B.practices

C.practicing D.to practice

7.—How is your grandma?

—She’s fine. She used to___TV at home after supper. But now she is used to ___out for a walk. A.watch; go B.watching; go

C.watching; going D.watch; going

8.—What are you going to do when you grow up?

—A singer, but my parents wish me _____ a teacher.

A.am B.to be

C.will be D.be

9.Don’t throw away the waste paper. It needs _____ so th at it can be reused.

A.to destroy B.destroying

C.to collect D.collecting

10.Paul made a nice cage______ the little sick bird till it could fly.

A.keep B.kept

C.keeping D.to keep

11.It was time for class. Mr. King asked all the children _____ down quietly.

A.sit B.sat

C.to sit D.sitting

12.She’s not strong enough _____ walking up mountains.

A.to go B.going C.go D.went

13.He lost his key. It made him _____in the cold to wait for his wife’s return.A.to stay B.stayed

C.stays D.stay

14.—What about _____ a rest?

—Let's go for a walk.

A.to take B.take

C.taking D.taken

15.Many children are left alone in the countryside. Let’s try our best ____ them. A.help B.helping

C.to help D.helps

16.Our English teacher often says to us,“____ English well is very important.”A.Learn B.Learning

C.Learned D.To learning

17.Everyone may feel time____ very quickly when they do something interesting. A.go by B.to go by

C.went by D.going by

18.—I’m looking forward to _____my parents soon. What about you?

— Me too.

A.seeing B.see C.saw D.to see

19.Seeing their teacher _______ into the classroom, they stopped _______ at once. A.walk; telling B.entering; to speak

C.enter; to tell D.walking; talking

20.The retired couple enjoy_____photos.They always go out with their cameras A.take B.took

C.to take D.taking

21.I'm sleepy. I prefer ________ at home to going out for a walk.

A.sleeping B.to sleep

C.slept D.sleep

22.At times, parents find it difficult ________ with their teenage children A.talk B.talked

C.talking D.to talk

23.You look too tired. Why not______a rest?

A.stop to have B.to stop having

C.stop having D.to stop having
