雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第30期Firtst Day at School开学第一天

G E S E3英国圣三一口语考试3级准备资料(总17页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除三级复习大全目录三级复习大全 (2)三一口语三级考试复习题大全 (3)三一口语三级考试话题汇总 (6)三一口语三级真题 Grade (6)三一口语考试三级考官问题 (7)三一口语三级备考必备:谈论天气用语小结 (12)喜欢与厌恶表达用语小结 (13)口语考试中,说英语卡壳了怎么办? (14)三一口语:挑战你的舌头英文绕口令 (15)三一口语三级考试复习题大全1. What does your father do 你爸爸是做什么的My father is a worker.2. What does your mother do 你妈妈是做什么的My mother is a nurse.3. What do your parents do 你的父母是做什么的They’re workers.4. Is your mother a teacher 你的妈妈是老师吗No, she isn’t.Is your father a teacher 你的爸爸是老师吗Yes he is.No, he isn’t.5. Where do you live 你住在哪I live in…6. Is your home far from here 你家离这远吗Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.7. Where do you study 你在哪上学I study at…school.8. Tell me about your school. 给我说说你的学校。
My school is very big and beautiful. There’re three classroom buildings in my school. There’re many trees and flowers in my school. We usually do sports in the playground. I love my school.9. How many buildings are there in your school 你的学校就几栋楼There are five buildings in my school.10. Is your school big 你的学校大吗11. Are there many trees and flowers in your school 你的学校有许多树和花吗Yes, there’re many trees and flowers in my school.No, ther e aren’t many trees and flowers in my school.12. When is your birthday 你什么时候过生日My birthday is January the first.13. What’s the date today 今天是几月几号Today is November the twenty-fifth.14. What was the date yesterday 昨天是几月几号Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15. Is it March 现在是三月吗Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.16. Which month is it now 现在是几月Now it is November.17. Was it Friday yesterday 昨天是星期五吗No, it wasn’t. Yesterday was Saturday.18. What’s the weather like today 今天天气怎么样It’s sunny and warm.It’s windy and cold.19. What was the weather like yesterday 昨天天气怎么样It was windy yesterday.20. Is it a nice day today 今天是一个好天气吗Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.21. Was it cloudy yesterday 昨天刮风吗22. Wh at’s the weather like in Beijing in spring 北京春天的天气怎么样It’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23. What’s the weather like in Beijing in autumn 北京秋天的天气怎么样It’s windy and cold in Beijing in spring.What’s the weather like in Beijing in summer 北京夏天的天气怎么样It’s hot in Beijing in summer.What’s the weather like in Beijing in winter 北京冬天的天气怎么样It’s windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24. What are your classmates doing now 你的同学现在正在做什么They’re studying.25. What are you doing now 你现在正在做什么I’m talking with you.26. What is your teacher doing now 你的老师现在正在做什么He is teaching students.27. What are your parents doing now 你的父母现在正在做什么They are working.28. What time do you get up in the morning 早上你几天起床I get up at six o’clock in the morning.29. Where do you have breakfast, at school or at home 你在哪吃早饭,在学校还是在家I have breakfast at home.30. What subjects do you study at school 你在学校学什么科目I study math, Chinese and English at school.31. Do you have classes on Saturday and Sunday 你周六和周日上课吗Yes, I do.No, I don’t.32. What time do you finish school 你几点放学I finish school at five o’clock.33. What do you usually do in the evening 你晚上经常做什么I usually do my homework in the evening.34. What time is it now 现在几点了It’s 10 o’clock.三一口语三级考试话题汇总Family and An Person话题1.What did you study in your school?2.What (kind of) subject do you like3.Is your home/house far from your school How far is it4.Which subject do you like best?5.What are xxx doing?6.What were they doing yesterday?7.Can you do xxx?weather话题1、What's the weather like today?2、What was the weather like yesterday?Spare Time话题Do you have classes at the weekends?What do you usually do after school or class?Time and Date话题What time/(when) do you usually get up?What's the date today What day is it today三一口语三级真题 Grad e1. 有关时间和日期的: What time(when) do you usually get up?What's the date today What day is it today2. 有关业余时间的: Do you have classes at the weekends?What do you usually do after school or class?3. 有关天气的: What's the weather like today?What was the weather like yesterday?4. 有关家庭生活和个人熟悉的场景a) What did you study in your school?b) What (kind of) subject do you likec) Is your home/house far from your school How far is itd) Which subject do you like best?5. What are xxx doing?6. What were they doing yesterday?7. Can you do xxx?合格要求:能用一到两句话进行完整的简单回答,反应比较迅速,没有极端的语法错误;过去时、进行时和方位的描述。
雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第18期Trip To Sri Lanka斯里兰卡之行

I went on an ideal holiday recently ... to Sri Lanka.Now, why it was ideal was because it was somedistance from Hong Kong & I had to make aneffort t o get there. I had to go through a thirdcountry, being Thailand. By getting the re, thejourney had begun; it wasn't the destination itselfthat made it uniqu e, it's the getting there thatmade it interesting. When I got to Sri Lanka I fon dthat it was a different experience than I had expected, my expectations bein g based on what Ihad experienced in India…I found the people were very nic e; very peaceful people &very accommodating. When I left the airport & went on to Columbo city, I had the good fortune to have a good taxi driver who spoke to me about life in Sri Lanka through the yearsof civil war a nd I learnt through him what it was like to live in Sri Lanka and the difficulties theyfaced, but also their overcoming the adversity of the times. I then took that on board as Itravelled the rest of Sri Lanka, which wasn't many places, b ut I looked through the eyes ofsomebody who knew a little bit about their civil strife and I began to see how they made themost of their lives despite not ha ving much. To me that was a learning experience, and again,why it was so ex citing and interesting is because I could appreciate new things by puttingmy self in the context that the people themselves were living in daily and getting an idea whattheir lives were like. So for me, travelling is a new experience an d it helps me to broaden myhorizons and understand things about life and l iving a little bit better, which perhaps Icouldn't do from the comfort of my ow n home.。

以下是7月30日雅思口语考试考场的回忆(网友版):持续更新中...回忆1理工大学310 白人小哥胡子是金色的,有点没表情,会解释part2没打断Part1 apartment or house最喜欢的房间认为要换的东西在房间里小时候第一次上的学校怎么去学校认为学校好不好关于computer 电脑重不重要在未来关于电脑不喜欢什么认为什么最难在电脑skills上还有巴拉巴拉的Part2 goal in future回忆2武昌实验中学IELTS考场7 白人哥哥,很热情能互动Part1 study, school, first school, wether change有人planPart2weather change your planPart3伺天weather season的问题回忆3雅思考试中心(仲恺农业工程学院)405 华人男,较年轻,发音清晰,会打断,感觉他好赶Part1 A part you like in your apartment Which room do you like Handcrafts you had made Important for children to learn A hand made thing you what to learn in futures Part2 A sport you want to do for the first time whatPart3 What kind of sport do Chinese people likes to do Do Chinese children lack of sport回忆4中国海洋大学6 白人男,年纪偏大一丢丢,表情严肃,眉头紧锁,老是打断时间,发音不清Part1 home and accommodation your favourite room of your living place a change you want in your room Do chineses people ride bicycle why childen learn bicycling Part2 an article you read in a magazine or newspaperPart3 Do chinese people read newspaper talk about teenaget magazine回忆5交通大学r2 女考官语速暗陕D3脑子打岔叉没答复好Part2 A special short trip When Who And how you feelPart3 赞同几次短途旅行还是长途旅行为什么人们要加班回忆6轻工业大学room13 nice白人男考官有耐心会重复问题P1、3会打断但整体很棒啦人很好Part1 专业为什么选这个专业户外活动噪音小问题问很多其他问的什么记不清了Part2城市中有趣的地方Part3延伸了好多问题记不太清楚了Countryside想搬到乡村吗农村什么样农村人平时干什么等等好多总之考官很棒发音清楚回忆7东南大学317 白人中年妇女语速较慢蓝眼睛Part1 住处weekends singPart2 save money -脸憎逼啊啊啊啊what is it when you do it do you think it is easy to do的理财方式很好嘛/微笑脸/回忆8应用技术学院(徐汇校区) 119B 严肃老头Part1 家乡,房子,喜欢房子哪一局部我也是攒人品来Part2 朋友送你的一件衣服Part3关于衣服的,白人老头确实很喜欢o-lwhy啊回忆9轻工业大学03 欧美帅哥,发音完美,语速适中Part1 学生还是工作。

Introduction of IELTS Speaking TestHow long is the Speaking test?The Speaking test is an interview with an examiner that lasts between 11 and 14 minutes. What will I need to talk about?The interview has three separate parts and is divided up as follows.Part Timing What will I need to talk about?14-5 mins The examiner will ask you questions about familiar topics (e.g.hobbies, likes and dislikes, daily routine).23-4 mins The examiner will give you a booklet showing a topic and somesuggestions on it. You need to talk about the topic for 1-2 minutes.You have one minute to write notes before you begin. The examinermay ask you some follow-up questions.34-5 mins The examiner will ask you more detailed and more abstractquestions linked to the topic in part 2.Criteria What do these criteria mean?Fluency and Coherence Do you speak in a fluent way that is easy to understand?Do you link your ideas together clearly?Lexical Resource Can you accurately use or attempt to use a wide range of vocabularyaccurately and effectively? Can you explain your ideas even if you do notknow a particular word?Can you use or attempt to use higher-levelvocabulary accurately?Grammatical Range and Accuracy Can you use a wide range of grammatical structures rather than repeating basic structures? Are your sentences accurate, or do you often make grammatical mistakes?Pronunciation Is your spoken language clear and easily understood?Do you use stress and intonation to add extra meaning?With individual words, do you usestress accurately?No.1: Fluency and Accuracy Do Don’tSpeak at a steady, constant speed 说话速度适中Repeat yourself 重复词汇,表达Give extended answers 给予延伸性的答案Self correct yourself too much 太多自我纠正(一两次可以)Develop your opinions 扩展你的看点Speak too slowly 速度太慢Use linking devices to organize your ideas logically 适当使用连词Pause, hesitate or break down 停顿、迟疑或者突然断掉Speak sentence by sentence 句子连贯讲出来Overuse linking devices过度使用连词(特别是and和so,then,after that)Jump around between ideas跳跃式思考(会以为你是背的)Speak word by word机械式读单词•Prepare in advance (draft)•Remember phrases (not words), and practice many times & every day •Answer the questions with complete sentencese.g. Who usually cooks in your home?Generally speaking, my father does most of the cooking in our home. (complete)•Give enough details/reasons/examples/personal experience...e.g.Samples•Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people? (why/why not?)•Band 5 score:•Sure, because when I look for gifts, I want to show people I love them very much.•Band 6 score:•Yes. I have many friends and I need to celebrate their birthday or other happy events. Finding the perfect gifts for them is very exciting.•Band 7 score:•Yes, I do because selecting the right gifts can be really fun. The choices may seem endless, but I always try to consider my friends' interests and personality.I can't really afford expensive gifts. But I believe it's the thought that counts.Do Don’tTry to reduce your accent 尽量减少口音Articulate each word separately 不要像机械人一样讲英语Articulate words 口齿清晰Speak in monotone 音调没变化Contract words where possible使用缩略语(gonna, can’t, gotta,coz)Use weakened forms 重要的词:动词和名词, adj.使用弱读(and, of, at, on, couldn’t )Demonstrate an ability of sound links使用连读(it’s a)跟读模仿剑桥听力P1,p2,模仿语速,语音语调...Use the correct word and sentence stress单词发音正确,特别是重读位置Speak with the correct rhythm and intonation抑扬顿挫(比较真实)No.2: Pronunciation•Refer to dictionary and take notes•Read listening passages (follow every sentence)+这段时间你可以练习跟读模仿听力的文章,每天练:从听力session 1开始,挑你听过做的,先读半篇,练熟半篇。

Teachers1. Do you (or, did you) have a favorite teacher?Yes, it’s Mr. Liu, my middle schoo l English teacher. He was then in his twenties. I’ll always remember his amiable smile in his first class.2. Why do you like him/her?Wow, he was really a charming gentleman. He spoke English in such a standard and fluent way, that I was soon attracted by his accent. Besides, he possessed a good knowledge of English, from whom I have learned a lot.3. How does (or did) this teacher help you?To me, the most important thing was that he aroused my interest in English study. His classes were so vivid and lively that I could not wait to have English classes every week. During those years, I succeeded inmemorizing a large vocabulary and some well-written English articles. I still benefit from that period of time until now.4. Do you think you could be a teacher?In the future, I think I could be a teacher. But at present, I haven’t become competent enough to go in for teaching. I still need to take some time to acquire more knowledge in my field.5. Would you like to be a teacher?Sure. In fact, it is my dream to be a university teacher. Through the teaching process, I can share with students my views and values. that’s really wonderful. In my future years, I hope I can realize my dream and devote myself to the education career.1.需要改进的公共场所P2Describe a public place that needs improvements.You should say:Where it isWhat it is likeWhy you think it needs improvementsAnd explain how to make it betterP3there many public places in China?you like to exercise in public places, such as parks?measures should governments and individuals take to keep public places clean?to keep a balance between public places and private houses?解析题目要求考生描述一个“需要改进的公共场所”。
YTA训练课 口语

YTA训练课(口语)Part 1&Part 2英联邦章维姣第一部分·基本信息问答:姓名、未来计划Who gave you your name?Does your name have any particular/ special meaning?Do you like your names?In your country, do people feel that their name is very important?●What do you do?●What do you plan to do when you finish your studies at highschool/ university?●Would you like to live in the same place for a lifetime orin different cities?●Have you ever been to another country?第一部分·城乡生活、购物Do you prefer living in the city or in the countryside? Do you think your city is a suitable place for old people to live in?Is it a good place for young people?How do you think your hometown can be improved?●Do you like shopping?●Do you spend much money when you go shopping?●What do you usually buy when you go shopping?●Would you like to work in a shopping center?喜好题1 Another good thing is...2 I enjoy3 I really dislike...4 I really like...5 ...is something I don’t like.6 I’m not very keen on...7 I find... very enjoyable.8 I find... Unpleasant.a What do you like about the area where you live?b What things in your town/ city do you not like?表示变化的题型How is the area changing?What do people in your area do in their free time?What do you think visitors to your town or region should see? Why?第一部分·校园生活What was your first day at university/ high/ primary school like?What activities did you like and disliked at school?What schools did you have?Would you let your children go to the same school as you did?第一部分·学科What subjects are you studying?Why did you choose to study that subject?Do you like the subject you are studying?Are you looking forward to working?Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?●When did you start learning math?●Do you like math?●Who taught you math?●Do you like to use a calculator?第一部分·家庭生活●Do you come from a large family or a small family?●As a child, who did you spend more time with: yourfamily or your friends? Why?●When you were a child, how did you spend yourweekends?●What did you enjoy most about school?●When you were at school, did you have a favoriteteacher?第一部分·拜访他人●Do you like visitors coming to your home?●How often do you have visitors to your home?●When someone visits you, how do you usually showhospitality?●What kinds of manners do you expect your homevisitors to have?●Do you bring gifts when you visit others?●Do you like to visit other people?第一部分·旅行●Do you like to travel in your holidays? Why?●What do you like about traveling?●What form of transport do you prefer to use when youtravel?●Which country would you like to travel in the future?●Do you prefer traveling alone or with friends?第一部分·公共假期●What public holidays do you like?●Do you think the more public holidays the better?●What did you do you on your last holidays?●Do you think we should have more holidays?●What do you usually do on traditional holidays inChina?第一部分·天气●What kind of weather do you like best? Why?●What do you usually do during your favourite weather?●What’s the weather like in your hometown?●What did you do the last time when the weather wasgood?第一部分·周末●How do you usually spend your weekends?●In your country, do men and women usually do thesame things on weekends?●When do you spend time with your family?●Is there anything new that you would like to do onweekends?●How often do you use your mobile phone?●Would you buy a new phone in the future?●How has your mobile phone changed your life?第一部分·花卉●Do you like flowers?●What benefits do people get from planting flowers?●What kinds of flowers do people like in your country?●Do the flowers have special meanings in your culture? 第一部分·鸟类●Do you like birds?●What kinds of bird can you around the place you live?●Where can you see a large number of birds?●Do you think it is important to protect birds?第一部分·森林●Do you like going into the forests?●Do you think we should protect the forests?●Would you like to live in the forests?●Are forests important for people?●How can we protect the forests?Which are your favourite animals? Why?Which animals don’t you like? Why?Where are the best places in your country to see wildlife? How popular is watching wildlife in your country?第一部分·记忆能力Are you good at memorizing things?How do you memorize things?Have you ever forgotten something that is important? How do you remember something important?Who do you think can remember things easier? The old or the young?第一部分·新闻Are you interested in the news?Why do you want to know the latest news?How important is it for you to get the news every day? What sort of news are you most interested in?How do you usually find this news?阅读Do you like reading?What types of things (books) do you like reading? What types of things (books) do you dislike reading? Do you think it’s important for children to read? Would you like to write a book?Do you think it’s important to have public libraries?游泳Do you like swimming?How often do you go swimming?Who taught you to swim?Do you prefer swimming in the pool or in the sea? What benefits do people get from swimming?运动What’s your favourite sport?What sports do Chinese people like?What game did you watch last time?Do you prefer to watch sport on TV or live?Do you think it’s important for children to play sp orts?你的家乡Can you describe your town or village?How important is tourism in your town/ village? Why/ why not?What places would you recommend people to visit in your town/ village?What festivals take place in your local area?家乡的建筑What type of buildings are there in your home town or village?Which building do you like the most? Why?What was your school building like?What facilities did your school building have?家乡基本情况Can you describe the place where you live?Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Can you describe the room you live in?What can you see when you look out the window of your room?In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?第二部分·有趣的野生动物●Describe a place you have visited where you can seeinteresting animals.You should say:Why you went thereWhat the place looked likeWhat you did thereAnd say which animals you found particularly interesting.●Describe a time when you saw a kind of interesting wildanimal.You should say:What animal it wasWhat it looked likeWhat you did when you saw this wild animalAnd explain how you felt about this experience.难忘的旅行Describe a journey you made in the past that you remember well.You should say:What forms of transport you used and whyWho you travelled withWhat was good and bad about itAnd explain why you remember the trip so well.有收获的旅行Describe a journey you made where you learned something new.You should say:What happened on the journeyWhat forms of transport you usedHow you feltAnd explain what you learned which was new.想买的车Describe a vehicle you would like to buy (or own).You should say:What kind of vehicle it isWhat it would look likeWhy you would like to have itAnd explain why you would prefer this means of transport.有助于你生活的物品Describe something you own which has improved your life.You should say:How long you have had itWhen you use itWhat it looks likeAnd explain how it has improved your life.想买的电器Describe an electronic machine you want to buy.You should say:What it isWhen you know this machineWhat specific features you wantAnd explain why you want this machine.重要的植物Describe an important plant in your country.You should say:What plant it isWhere did you first saw itWhat it looks likeAnd explain why it is important in your country.想深入学习的东西Describe something that you want to learn more.You should say:What it isHow would you learn itWhere you can learn itAnd explain why you want to keep learning it.读过的书或者文章Describe a book or article that you enjoyed reading for your studies.You should say:What the book or article was aboutWhy you read itHow long it took you to readAnd explain why you enjoyed reading it.花园或公园Describe a park or a garden you have visited.You should say:Where it isWhat it looks likeWhat people like doing thereAnd explain how you felt about the park or the garden.儿时的歌Describe a childhood song you remember well.You should say:Where you first heard this songHow old you were when you first heard itWhat it was aboutAnd explain how you feel now when you hear this song.有教育意义的电视节目Describe an educational TV program that you have seen.You should say:What the programme is about/ what the programme is How often you watch or listen to the programmeWhat type of people enjoy this programmeAnd explain why this programme is educational.完美假期Describe your idea of a perfect holiday.You should say:Where it would beHow you would get thereWhere you would stayAnd explain why this would be your perfect holiday.想重温的旅行Describe a long journey/ short trip you would like to make again.You should say:Where you wentWho you went withWhat you did during the tripAnd explain why you would like to make the trip again.近水的活动Describe an activity that you enjoy that takes place in or near water.You should say:How you prepare for the activityWhere it takes placeWhat the activity involvesAnd explain why you enjoy this activity.令人兴奋的运动Describe an exciting sport you know.You should say:What the sport isHow you know about itIs it difficultExplain why you think it is exciting.历史建筑Describe a historical building in your country/ hometown. You should say:Where this building isHow do you know this buildingWhat it is likeAnd explain why it is important to your country/ hometown.。

【关键字】雅思I. Possible QuestionsStage One Questions1. Good morning, my name is Jake Edward. Could you tell me your full name please?2. And what shall I call you?3. Can I see your identification please?4. Does your name have any special meaning?5. What's the literal translation of your name?6. Where do you come from?7. Where were you born?8. Where about is your hometown?9. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?10. Could you tell me something about your hometown?11. What are the main tourist attractions in Beijing?12. What's the climate like in your hometown?13. What are the people like in your hometown?14. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?15. What kind of food and dishes do people eat in your hometown?16. Tell me about what's the biggest traditional festival in your country.17. What do you do during the Spring Festival?18. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?19. What are some of the customs in your country that I should know about?20. How long have you lived in Beijing?21. What's the weather like in Beijing?22. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?23. What places in Beijing do you like best? Why?24. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?25. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved?26. What is the biggest problem China faces?27. What places do you recommend a foreigner to visit in your hometown and why?28. Which city, in your opinion, is the best city in China?29. Has tourism changed China very much?30. Has transport changed over the past 20 years in China?31. Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit on your holidays? Where and why?32. Let's talk a little about traveling and transport. For long trips, how do you prefer to travel?33. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in, either this country or in your hometown.34. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it?35. What do you usually do in your holidays?36. Why do you think trains are better than buses?37. Can you tell me something about your family?38. Do you have children?39. What is your child's name?40. What is your son/daughter like? Tell me about his/her personality.41. What does your wife/husband do for a living?42. When did you get married?43. Tell me something about your wedding, please. Did you have any kind of ceremony?44. What did you/your wife wear on your wedding day?45. Where did you go for your honeymoon?46. Did you have to ask for permission from your parents before you got married?47. Could you tell me what happens at a wedding in your country?48. What kind of parent do you intend to be?49. What hope or fears do you have for your children?50. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?51. As a parent, do you plan to raise your child differently from how your parents raised you?52. How different is your life from the lives of your parents?53. Are you going to bring up your child differently? How?54. Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you were brought up? How?55. Do you enjoy shopping?56. Who does most of the shopping in your family?57. Do you enjoy cooking?58. Are you a good cook?59. Who does most of the cooking in your family?60. Do you have a lot of friends?61. What is your major?62. Why did you choose software development as your major?63. How do you like your major?64. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?65. Could you tell me something about your educational background?66. Which university is the best one in your country?67. Why do you think Qinghua is the best university in you country?68. How are you as a student?69. How do you try to get good grades as a student?70. Are there anything you don't like about your studies?71. Where do you work?72. What do you do for a living?73. What is your line of business?74. What is your job? What does your job involve?75. What do you do on a daily basis?76. How do you like your job?77. Tell me something about your job.78. What made you decide to get into this field?79. What kind of hobbies do you have?80. How did you become interested in your hobby?81. What do you do in your spare time?82. How do you spend your weekends?83. What is your favorite sport? What are the rules?84. What is the most popular sport in your country?85. What are the sport facilities like in your university/Beijing?86. How do you spend your free time?87. Do you like reading books or newspapers?88. Do you often go to the cinema/theatre?89. Which cinema do you often go to?90. What kind of films do you like?91. What kinds of things do you like doing when you are not working?92. Do you often watch TV? What's your favourite programme?93. What kind of music do you like?94. Who's your favourite film star? Can you describe him/her to me?95. Do you enjoy travelling?96. What do you know about Britain/Canada/Australia, etc.?97. What sort of accommodation would you most likely to live in when you get to England?98. What problems or difficulties do you think you may have in Britain/Canada/Australia, etc?99. How will you try to overcome the difficulties/How will you deal with them?100. Student life is quite competitive. Do you think you'll be able to manage the demand in Britain/Canada/Australia, etc?101. What difficulties do you think you'll encounter in your studies in Britain/Canada/Australia? 102. Can you imagine what life in Britain/Canada/Australia etc. would be like?103. How do you think you'll feel being so far from your family?104. What do you want to study?/What do you intend to study?105. Which university are you going to study at?106. Why did you choose this university? Could you tell me why you choose to study at university of X?107. Where are you going to study in Britain/Canada/Australia, etc. and why?108. What are your plans in Britain/Canada/Australia, etc.?109. What do you hope to gain from your studies abroad?110. What do you think your study abroad will do for your career?111. What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the UK? 112. What effect do you think your studies will have on your career when you get back to China? 113. What do you intend to do after you graduate?114. What will be some of your challenges you foresee when you come back to China?115. Do you think you'll have any problems adjusting back to life in China?116. What kind of changes will you have to make when you come back to China?117. Do you think there might be a gap between what you learned from your studies and the level of knowledge you will encounter on arrival?118. Are there any special places you want to see in Canada? What are they?119. What kind of things do you particularly want to do in Canada that you can't do here?120. How do you like your life in X X X University?121. What do you think of the training you got in the university?122. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?123. Can you compare American English with British English?124. What sports are played in your country?125. Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?126. Could you tell me why you chose to study at the University of X?127. What are sporting facilities like in your hometown?128. What are you going to major in?129. Are you going to do your own cooking when you are at university?130. What do you think you will be doing in five years' time?131. What are your goals in life?II. Suggested Answers1. Good morning, my name is Jake Edward. Could you tell me your full name please?My family name is Huang, and my given name is Qi Guang.2. And what shall I call you?Most people call me Xiao Huang.3. Can I see your identification please?Yes, here it is.4. Does your name have any special meaning?a. Yes. My family name "Huang" means yellow. My given name has two parts. The first part "Qi" means something like enlightenment or the start. The second part "Guang" means light. It was given to me by my grandfather. Actually, all the boys of my generation in my family have the character "Qi" in their names.b. The first part of my name means "bright" — as in light. The second part means "true" or "truth". Taken together, my name means "Bright Truth". My grandmother gave this name to me. 5. What's the literal translation of your name?Well, Huang literally translates as "yellow", and "Qi" means "enlightened or the start". "Guang" literally means "light or bright". So, taken together, my given name means something like "the beginning of light" or "being enlightened with light" or something to that effect.6. Where do you come from?a. I was born in Xi'an, which is one of the major cities in China. It used to be the capital city at one point in China's history.b. I come from Shanghai, but I was born in Xi'an. My parents moved to Shanghai when I was just 4 years old, so I really don't know much about Xi'an, apart from occasional summer visits to see some good friends of the family. In fact, I don't have any relatives at all living in Xi'an.7. Where were you born?I was born in Xi'an, which is in the centre of China. It's a famous historic city, and is also well known to tourists who travel the Silk Road.8. Where about is your hometown?Xi'an is located in Shanxi Province, which is in central China.9. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?Xi'an is surrounded by plains, and is bordered by a plateau to the north and the Qinling Mountains to the south.10. Could you tell me something about your hometown?a. Hmm ... well, the population is about 6 million. It's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi'an was named the capital of China several times over many dynasties. Also, Xi'an is the starting point of the famous Silk Road, which was important in ancient times. The weather is extremely hot in summer, about 40 degrees Centigrade, and fairly cold in the winter, about 14 degrees Centigrade below zero.b. Okay. Well, first of all, my hometown is "X". I was born in the city, but moved to theoutskirts of the town when I was small. "X" is a fairly large city — a pretty important economic centre actually. It has a population of 3 million. It's pretty flat, and is situated right near a large lake.11. What are the main tourist attractions in Beijing?They are the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, Temple of Heaven, and the Summer Palace. Beijing has a lot of other famous sites as well.12. What is the climate like in your hometown?It's generally very hot in summer, about 40 degrees Centigrade. In winter, it's cold — about minus 14 degrees Centigrade. The spring and autumn are both mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 12 to 25 degrees Centigrade. Oh, and the summer time is extremely humid as well. There are four seasons. Winter is cold and snowy; spring is short and rainy; summer is hot and humid; and autumn is beautiful.13. What are the people like in your hometown?They are usually very friendly and somewhat conservative. If you were to visit Xi'an, you'd soon notice that the people still retain many ancient customs and traditions, which is what I mean by conservative. You'd also notice that people there are very helpful. If you ask someone for directions, they will try to help you out, or find someone else who can help you.14. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?a. In (name of hometown), we pronounce (a word) like (hometown's pronunciation), but in Beijing, they say (Beijing's pronunciation).b. There are quite a few differences between my hometown dialect and Beijing dialect. I can't even describe them. When I speak in my local dialect, people in Beijing have no idea what I'm saying.c. Well, you know Beijing dialect usually has an "errr" added to a lot of words. We don't do that in my hometown. Also, some of the tones are different, and there are slight differences in pronunciation. In Beijing, people might say "shi" meaning "ten", but in my hometown, we say "si". Those are the main differences.d. In my hometown, if we want to say "a little", we say "yi dian dian". But in Beijing, they say "yi diar". The accent in Beijing has a very strong "rrr" sound to the end of words. We don't have that at all in my hometown. And, I found it hard to get used to at first when I came to Beijing.15. What kind of food and dishes do people eat in your hometown?Definitely jiaozi or dumplings. My province is famous for its vinegar, which is used when we eat dumplings.16. Tell me about what's the biggest traditional festival in your country.Definitely the Spring Festival. I suppose it's somewhat like Christmas in western countries. Spring Festival is the only time when all families gather together and stores and business are closed for several days.17. What do you do during the Spring Festival?I usually go back to my hometown and spend a week in my parents' home. We eat delicious food, visit family and friends, and watch TV. I also like to try and contact my high school friends and see how they're doing and what they're up to. We give each other presents and we buy ourselves new clothes to wear for the new year.18. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?National Day, which is on October 1st, is a big holiday. We get three days off and there are a lot of fireworks displays. There are large flower pictures and other types of flowers decorating the city, and some of the larger cities hold parades.19. What are some customs in your country that I should know about?China has a great number of customs. Let me tell you something about friendship. Really good friends will always help each other. I can go to a friend's home any time of the day, and he will drop what he is doing and welcome me. It might sound strange to you, because I know that in the West, people usually schedule appointments with each other in advance. But, our friendships in China are very strong and deep, and it would be unheard of not to drop what you are doing and invite a friend in.21. What is the weather like in Beijing?There are four seasons. Winter is cold, dry and windy, with a bit of snow. Spring is short and wet. Summer is hot and humid, with temperatures as high as 30 degrees Centigrade. It's pretty miserable in the summer unless you have air conditioning. Fall is probably the best season — it's very comfortable — not windy, not cold, not humid.22. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?It's about the same, except that we get a lot more snow in my hometown than we get in Beijing. I suppose it has something to do with the geography of the two cities.23. What places in Beijing do you like best? Why?I like the Temple of Heaven best because it's very beautiful. The park around it is very spacious and is filled with large gingko trees and some very old trees. Also, in the early morning, it's very peaceful. The older generations are practicing their Tai-ji, while the younger children are running around and playing.24. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?I would recommend the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, and the Forbidden City. Those are the most famous places in the city. Of course, there are many other places that have less historic significance, but those four places are really worth seeing.25. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved?There are a lot of people who have recently been laid off work. They have little income and many have a family to support. I think they should be given a chance to get another job — maybe by giving them more training or something like that. Perhaps if the government provided a short-term vocational training course to people who have been laid off ... that would help with the unemployment problem.26. What is the biggest problem China faces?Overpopulation. Even though China has the one-child policy, it still has a huge population. The government wants to provide food and education for everyone, but they haven't yet attained their goal. Many of China's problems stem from overpopulation.27. What places do you recommend a foreigner to visit in your hometown and why?I'm from Xi'an. I think the Terracotta Warriors is really worth seeing. It is the tomb of Qinshihuang, the first emperor of ancient China as a unified country. There are thousands of Terracotta soldiers buried together with the emperor's body in the tomb. It looks really magnificent.28. Which city, in your opinion, is the best city in China?Beijing, because it's the capital of China and has a very rich culture. In addition, Beijing ismore beautiful than many other cities, because it's the showcase of China. A lot of money has been invested in Beijing and it is a very interesting place to visit.29. Has tourism changed China very much?Yes, very much in the last 10 years. Each year we are getting more tourists coming to China since the adoption of the open door policy. People see more foreigners and are used to the sight of foreigners compared to years ago. This is true in big cities like Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou etc. China is becoming more cosmopolitan and people are getting more knowledge of the outside world.30. Has the transport changed over the past 20 years in China?Yes, very much indeed. We used to have very few bus lines years ago. Most people would use their bikes to get to places in the city. But now in big cities, there are more bus lines linking different places so it is a lot more convenient. Some cities also have subway lines so it makes traveling much faster than before. There are also more taxis in cities and more people are also using that as a mode of transportation.31. Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit on your holidays? Where and why?Yes, I would love to visit Xinjiang if I have a chance. Xinjiang is in the west of China and it has a large platform. The people there are mostly minority groups and I saw in the pictures the landscape is incredibly beautiful. If I travel to Xinjiang, I would take a train so that I can see the landscape throughout the journey.32. Let's talk a little about traveling and transport. For a long trip, how do you prefer to travel?In my country, if it is a long trip, I would prefer to take a train ride. Not only is train ride more economical, but also the time and route have shortened tremendously in the past few years. Air travel is more expensive and they are often beyond my budget.33. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in either this country or in your village.In my country, I live in a two-bedroom apartment with my parents. The apartment is not big but we have made it very comfortable to live in. We live on the third floor and there is no lift in our building. The highest is the sixth floor so those who live on the sixth floor have to climb up and down every day.34. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it?My hometown is in the outskirts of Beijing. Maybe one hour travel time to get to Beijing. Fairly close I would say. The people there are mostly farmers but many young people have gone to Beijing to work. I like the place because it is very quiet. Unlike the people in big cities who are more complicated, the people of the place where I come from are usually more down to earth. 35. What do you usually do in your holidays?During my holiday, I would try to meet with friends and go on outings. That's the only time I can relax and do something I enjoy. Other than that, it is really difficult because I am always busy with my work and sometimes I have to work night shifts.36. Why do you think trains are better than buses?Trains are better because they don't encounter any traffic, whereas sometimes in the bus, we get stuck in the traffic. Also, it is always difficult to get on the buses during the peak hour but with the train, you can bet that the chances of getting on are always greater during the peak hour.37. Can you tell me something about your family?I have 3 brothers and no sisters. Both of my parents are still living, and are still working. My grandparents on my father's side are both living too, though my mother's parents have alreadypassed away. I am also married ... I got married 2 years ago.38. Do you have children?b. No, not yet. But, I do hope to have more than one child some day.39. What is your child's name?His name is Zhang Weijun. It means something like being handsome forever. I chose this name for my son because I thought he was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. So, I wanted to remember his handsome features by his name.40. What is your son/daughter like? Tell me about his/her personality.At first, he seems to be quite shy. But, once he gets to know you, you'll find he's very talkative and even a bit bossy. He likes to win and be first at everything, but he will allow other children to take their turns too. He's very funny and loves to play all sorts of word games with me.41. What does your wife/husband do for a living?My husband is a teacher. He's been working in Beijing Language and Culture University ever since he graduated from university. I think he really loves teaching, and he'll probably stay in this profession forever, even though it's not a very lucrative job.42. When did you get married?On February 14th, 1994. We chose to get married on Valentine's Day because we thought it would be very romantic. Also, it was about 2 years before, on Valentine's Day when we first met.43. Tell me something about your wedding, please. What happened? Did you have any kind of ceremony?It was a small wedding. Just our family and close friends came. We didn't have any special ceremony, just a banquet in the evening to celebrate our wedding. I was very tired during the banquet because we had to constantly take care of our friends. We had to light each of their cigarettes, pour their drinks and just generally serve them. They also played tricks on us to try to get us to kiss or hug each other. It was a lot of fun, but I just remembered being extremely tired when it was all over.44. What did you/your wife wear on your wedding day?a. She wore a pink wedding dress —western style, then changed into a red traditional Chinese dress. She also had fresh flowers in her hair and wore a pink veil over her head. When she changed into the red dress, she also changed her hairstyle and shoes.b. He wore a new navy blue suit with a white shirt and bow tie. Even his shoes were brand new. He still has the suit that he wore on our wedding day, and wears it out only for special occasions.45. Where did you go for your honeymoon?We went to Thailand. It's a country that I'd always heard about and had been eager to visit. I must say that I enjoyed it very much. The Thai people are extremely hospitable, and everything in Thailand is very cheap ... even cheaper than in China! It was fun to explore a new country with my husband.46. Did you have to ask for permission from your parents before you got married?a. No, in fact my parents didn't even know I had got married until after the fact. I suppose I should have asked them for permission ahead of time, but they always let me do whatever I want to do, so I thought they wouldn't mind if I got married. Now that I think about it, I feel I really should have asked them.b. Yes. Both my fiancéand I had to ask our parents for their permission. It was quiteawkward at first, because our parents didn't know each other and they each had many questions to ask about my fiancé's family. I hope my fiancé didn't feel uncomfortable when my parents were grilling me about his family. But after an hour or so, they felt quite happy about our engagement, and gave us their blessings to be married.47. Could you tell me what happens at a wedding in your country?Well, it varies from place to place. But usually a wedding begins early in the morning. The bridegroom, together with some of his relatives and friends has to pick up the bride and her family from her home by beautifully decorated cars. Then the two families and friends will usually have a banquet together. The bride and bridegroom have to bow to their parents, Heaven and Earth, and to each other, then they have to serve the people with food, drinks, cigarettes and candies while some young people may try to play tricks on them. The whole thing will come to an end in the afternoon.48. What kind of parent do you intend to be?I want to have a good relationship with my child. I have seen so many kids who don't really know their own parents, and I don't want to end up like that. I do plan to be strict, but loving. I want my child to always feel comfortable to approach me, whether they've been good or bad. It's pretty easy to tell you what kind of parent I want to be, but when I actually become a parent, I'm sure I'll have to revise my ideals a bit.49. What hopes or fears do you have for your children?I hope my child will go to university, find a good job, and have a family. But, children have a very tough life these days. They must study all the time just to have a chance to go to university. They have very little time to play and enjoy as a child. I really fear that my child will be old before his/her time. Then, what's the point of having a child after all?50. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?I hope my child will still know something about China's ancient culture and traditions, and also have a chance to combine these with modern society. I don't want him to just accept everything that is "western" and throw away everything that is "Chinese". Certainly there are people who just think "western" things are better than "Chinese" things. I want my child to be proud of his Chinese heritage, but also be able to choose the best from the West.51. As a parent, do you plan to raise your children differently from how your parents raised you?a. No. In fact, my parents were really very good. They praised me and hugged me often. I remember the stories they told me and the way they spent time with me. I do hope to be the same kind of good parent to my child, as my parents were to me.b. Yes. I want to hug and praise them more. My parents rarely complimented me about anything, though I know they love me very much. They just worked hard and provided for my physical needs, but they never, ever asked me about how I was feeling and things like that. I wishI could have communicated more openly with them.52. How different is your life from the lives of your parents?It's very different. I have had many more opportunities and a much more comfortable life than they had. I remember my father telling me stories about having just one egg to eat each week, and that was the highlight of his week. I can't really imagine life like that, so I'm grateful that I have a better life than my parents did. I appreciate their hard work to get us to this point in our lives.。

1. AnimalsDo you like animals?--你喜欢所有动物,还是只喜欢某些动物,它们的共同特点是什么?你喜欢它们的具体表现是什么?Do people in your country like animals?--答案是肯定的,多数人还是喜爱动物,对动物挺友好的,但也有少数人虐待动物的,着实可恶!What animals do people like to keep as pets in your country? (Why)--从最常见的开始说起,并说明为什么它们那么受欢迎。
Is there any change right now compared with the past?--这个问题问的是过去人们养的宠物和现在又什么区别。
其实,过去又有多少人养宠物呢?Do people of different age keep different animals as pets?--对不起,这个真不知道,但是你可以猜猜。
--Yes I do, but not all animals. I prefer animals that are smart, cute and um, hairy 多毛的, for example dogs. I dislike those hairless animals, like snakes and lizards. 蜥蜴They look so scary , you know. I get goose bumps 毛骨悚然whe never I see them.--Well, generally yes . I think most people are fond of animals. And this can be seen from the fact that so many people keep animals as pets. But I have to ad mit 承认that some people are cruel 残忍的杀害to animals. I often read news reports about someone maltreat ing 虐待or even killing stray 流浪dogs and cats. It 's really abhorrent 【?b'h?r?t】可恶的behavior.--As I know, the most common pets are obviously dogs , all kinds of dogs, like pugs (哈巴狗), Peke (京巴), poodles (贵妇,贵宾), pit bulls (比特犬), huskies (哈士奇), chows (松狮),Pome/ranians(松鼠狗,博美犬),Samoyeds (萨摩耶),bulldogs, Chihuahuas, and cocker spaniels (可卡犬). In my neighborhoods, 9 out of 10 pets are dogs. And I think the main reason why dogs are so well- liked is because they are great fun and smart , you know, you can teach them to do some simple tricks 技巧, and they make great company when you are lonely, and for children, they are wonderful playmates , and one more thing, dogs are loyal to their master. So they 're indeed 确实mankind 's best friend.--Mum, well, I don 'tknow much about the past , but I suppose one big change is that more people keep exotic 异国pets now days than before, like German shepherd 牧羊犬and Persian cat 波斯猫. I don 't think people in the past could buy such pets.--I'm not sure, but I guess so. For example, I often see elderly people have pet birds , but I v'e never seen any young people keep them. And it seems to me that dogs are well-liked among all age-groups, yeah.2. Your hometown (Version 1)What's your hometown famous for?--头疼,我们那里没什么有名的呀,那就实话实说呗;如果有,具体说一说就行,比如你们那里的食物有名,然后准备一种食物就可以啦,但一定要能描述它。

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以下为最近几天考试的学生总结,已经出现的题目:1.Describe a photo you can rememberY ou should say:When did you take the photo?Who you take the photo with?What is photo about?2.Describe a public place that you think need to improveY ou should say:What the place is?When you go there?What you like and dislike in the public place.3.What is your favorite season?Y ou should say:What is the weather like in this season?What do you usually do in this season?What activities do you usually do in this season?4.Describe somethings you learned in a place/from a personY ou should say:When you learn it?Where did you learn?/Who did you learn withHow difficult it is?5.Describe a recent experience of a store or company offering a happy serviceY ou should say:What is it company about?What service they offeringHow you feeling about that?And explain why you feel happy?6.Describe a toy which you receivedY ou should say:When you received itWhat it looks likeHow do you feel about it7.Describe a situation you have to be politeY ou should say:When you have to be politeWhy you have to be politeHow do you feel about it8.Describe an experience when you were lateY ou should say:When you were lateWhy you were late9.Describe a situation when someone says sth positive about your workY ou should say:Who the person isWhat have you doneWhat did this person say10.Describe an unusual mealY ou should say:When you have this mealWho cook the mealHow do you feel about it11.Describe a historical stage which you are interested inY ou should say:When this historical stage isWhat happened in this historical stageHow do you feel about itAnd explain why you are interested in12.Describe a dinner which you can’t forgetY ou should say:When this dinner isWhat you have in this dinnerHow do you feel about itAnd explain why you can’t forget it13.Describe a service you have which you feel happyY ou should say:When you have this serviceWhat you have receivedHow do you feel about itAnd explain why you feel happy14.D escribe an occasion that someone has positive comment on your workY ou should say:What is the workWhy they have positive commentHow you feel about the comment15.D escribe a vacation that you want to haveY ou should say:Where do you want to have this vacationWho do you want to have this vacation withWhat do you want to do and why16.D escribe a story someone told youY ou should say:When and where did this person tell you this storyWhat the story was aboutWhat do you want to do and whyAnd explain how you felt about it17.D escribe a sportsman that you admireY ou should say:Who this person isHow you got to know this personAnd explain why you think he or she is a good sportsman18.Describe your experience of saving money to do somethingY ou should say:Why did you need to save moneyHow did you save moneyWhat did it mean to you?19.Describe a famous river/lake/water in your countryY ou should say:What is itWhere is itWhy is it famousAnd explain how you feel about it20.Describe an interesting subject in your schoolY ou should say:What is itHow did you learn about itHow long did you learn about itAnd explain why do you think it is interesting21.Describethe most successful thing that you have doneY ou should say:What was itHow did you do itAnd explain how did you feel about it22.Describe a toy that you had in your childhoodY ou should say:What was itWhen did you get itAnd explain why do you think it is special23.Describe a piece of technology you like to use(not computer)Y ou should say:What is itWhat can you do with this technologyAnd explain why you like to use it24.Describe a country that you prefer to live inY ou should say:Which country is itWhen do you want to live in that countryAnd explain why you want to live in that country25.Describe a television program you have watchedY ou should say:What’s the name of this television programWhat’s this television program aboutWho do you usually watch this television program withAnd explain how do you feel about it26.Describe a place you would like to go in your leisure timeY ou should say:What is itWhere is itWhat do you usually do at that placeAnd explain why you like to go to that place27.Describe a situation that you had to be politeY ou should say:What was the situationWhen was itWhy did you have to be polite at that timeAnd explain how did you feel about it28.Describe recent developments around your homeY ou should say:What are the developmentsWhat’s the effect of these developmentsAnd how do you think about these developments29.Describe the most important event that you celebrateY ou should say:What is the eventWhen is the eventHow do you celebrate itAnd explain why you think it is the most important one30.Describe a special day you went out but you didn’t cost too much moneyY ou should say:When was itWhat did you do on that dayWhy it was special and why you didn’t cost too much moneyAnd explain how you felt about it31.Describe a popular personY ou should say:who this person is;how you got to know this person;and explain why you think he or she is popular32.Describe a historical period that you are interested inY ou should say:When is this historical periodWhat happened during this historical periodand explain why you are interested in this historical period33.Describe an occasion when visitors came to your homeY ou should say:When was itWho are the visitorsWhat did you doAnd explain how you felt about it34.Describe a thing that you enjoy doing with elderly peopleY ou should say:What is itHow often do you do itAnd explain why you enjoy doing it with elderly people35.Describe a place in your city or hometown that you like to go with yourfriendsY ou should say:Where is itWhen was you first time to go thereWhat do you usual do at that placeAnd explain why you like to go there with your friends36.Describe a perfect travelling ideaY ou should say:Where do you want to goWho do you want to travel withWhat do you want to do during that travellingAnd explain why you think it is perfect没有购买过话题答案的同学,如果对准备这些口语题目没有思路,请购买我们的原创口语话题答案,英语同桌金牌专业雅思口语外教—native speaker 编写,考官审批,为回馈新老学生,1月15日前购买可享受预购优惠。

• Do you think you are overload with work? what's most diffcult part of it? Do you plan to continue doing this type of work?
• Yes, i am overload with my work, i usually finish my work at 8 in the evening,arrive home at 9.On weekends,sometimes, i will be summoned to work on some projects.To be honest i am exhausted. Anyhow, i have nothing to rebut my dream.
• Yes, I am a student,currently i am studying in XXX school,my major is finance and investment.In this semester, i am working hard on many subjects,like:math .markeing..ect..
• Openning: Good morning/afternoon. My name is….
Can u tell me your full name PLS? What should I call u? Can u tell me where you’re from? May I see your identification,pls?
what's your job?why did you choose to do that kind of job? what do you do in that job? what is your typical working day like?

雅思口语话题Part 3范文借鉴:建筑物2015年3月21日雅思口语考试已经结束,新通外语广州学校第一时间整理了雅思口语真题回忆,供大家参考学习,更多雅思考试真题机经,欢迎访问新通外语广州雅思培训。
2015年3月21日雅思口语考试真题回忆(网友版)1、湖北大学RM3 趴1你家住哪?你喜欢做家务么?你小时候会做家务么?趴2一件让你浪费时间的事趴3你认为机器可以让我们更有效率么?你觉得年轻人能很好的管理自己的时间么?为什么留学的学生总是不能及时的完成他们的作业?2015年3月21日雅思口语考试真题回忆(网友版)2、内蒙古师范大学RM3 part1名字专业难不你邀请朋友到家里怎么招待你喜欢他们来不? part2 运动part3政府应该ban危险运动吗我说应该他说有用吗我说没有......做哪些regular剩下的2015年3月21日雅思口语考试真题回忆(网友版)3、郑轻R6 白人哥哥P1 apartment,season,sports P2 respect old people P3 是否和老人住一起老人老了怎么办2015年3月21日雅思口语考试真题回忆(网友版)4、黑大room1 帅哥考官哦part1 name major weather part2 a person you should be friendly to but you didn't like part3 you always be friendly to others friendly and polite direct and rude2015年3月20日雅思口语考试真题回忆(网友版)5、oom201中年男考官1.75 头发中秃中等身材开始会笑后来不笑了语速超快part1 flat or apartment part2 project你现在学的课程没准备过,没说完就timeup part3各种关于作业小学生应该有作业初中生应该有更多的作业?为什么有些家长让孩子在家里学习而不是让孩子去学校2015年3月21日雅思口语考试真题回忆(网友版)6、北京教育考试中心,room16考官很好,几乎所有题目都是雅思哥的预测part1letter and email sleep subject,part2儿歌part3关于music的问题,不同年龄段听的歌不同。

How do you spend your vacation?
What do you like and hate to do during vacation?
What was the last vacation you took?
What do you do in your free time?
Do you like reading?
Did you read a lot in your childhood?
What do you like to read now?
What’s your favorite sport?
How’s the traffic around your home?
What do you like most about your hometown?
Are bicycles popular in your hometown?
Do you like to live beside the seaside?
Do you think birthday is a special day for people?
How did you celebrate your last birthday?
Do birthdays have any special meanings for children?
How do you get news?
Do you want to learn another language?
Who can learn a foreign language better? The elderly or the young?

雅思口语part1新题之:Rainy days 变题不慌!Rainy days题目参考答案:1. Do you like rainy days?No, not that much to be honest with you, because I mean, when it rains, you can’t really do anything outside, unless you don’t mind getting wet of course! And also for me, I find it a bit of a hassle carrying an umbrella around with me everywhere.I find it a bit of a hassle = I find it an effort = 我觉得有点麻烦2. What do you do on rainy days?Well it kind of depends really, because there are some things I have to do regardless of whether it’s raining or not, you know, like going to lectures and stuff. But when I’m free, I tend to just chill out at home if it’s raining. So for example, I might read a book or watch TV, and I’ll only leave the flat if I absolutely have to!Chill out = relax (used in spoken English)3. Do you think rain is good?Yeah, for sure. I mean, for one thing, it helps get rid of all the dust inthe air. And secondly, it’s good for the natural environment. You know, it helps all the plants and vegetation stay alive. So although I don’t particularly like the rain, I understand the need for it!Vegetation -植物4. Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown?Yeah, most definitely, because you know, whenever it rains, the traffic always seems to get a lot more congested. I’m not exactly sure why, but I guess it’s probably because cars have to drive slower in the rain.Congested = 拥挤的,堵塞的5. Is there any part of China where it doesnt rain much?Yeah, I’d say there are quite a few areas of the country where it doesn’t rain a lot, the most obvious place being the Gobi Desert, which I guess never gets any rain, what with being a desert and all! And also I’d say the north of China, in general, doesn’t really get all that much rain, at least compared with the south, so a lot of that part of the country is quite dry and arid.The Gobi Desert戈壁What with it being a desert and all – 究竟是个沙漠!On the whole – 基本上,总的来说Arid – 干燥另一版本答案:To tell you the truth, I have no clue about this. I do not give a hoot about geography and the amount of rain in my country. I think the most rainfall is in the North where there is an intricate system ofrivers.6. What effects can a shortage of rain have on people’s lives?Well thinking about it, I suppose one of the biggest affects it can have is on our food supply, because things like fruit and vegetables need water to grow, and rain provides the water. So you know I think it’s pretty safe to say that a shortage of rain is likely to result in a decrease in our overall food supply.I think it’s pretty safe to say = 我觉得可以说……Other effects:It could result in a lack of drinking waterIt could result in the government controlling how much water we can use. For example, I think I’m right in saying that in some parts of Australia, people can only spend a certain amount of time each day having a shower!7. Can you remember a time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?Yeah I can. About a year or so ago, we had, like, several days of torrential rain, almost non-stop, and so the whole of my neighbourhood got flooded. You know, the water was like, up to my knees, and so traffic came to a complete standstill. So yeah, that was probably the worst time I can remember.About a year or so ago – 一年前左右Like -(表示思索下面的话或用作口头禅) Some people say like when they are thinking about what to say next or because it has becometheir habit to say it. Torrential rain – 暴雨The traffic came to a (complete) standstill 交通瘫痪了So yeah – 所以嗯,所以说呢,(总结的时候可以用这话开头)8. Do you think the seasons have changed in recent years, compared to the past?Yeah I’d say they have. You know, I think it’s fair to say the summer has got quite a lot hotter, because I mean, it seems to be hitting 40 degrees every year now, and that definitely wasn’t the case in the past. And also the winter isn’t as cold as it used to be, because you know, if I think back to when I was a child, it used to snow quite a lot during the winter, but now it hardly snows at all.I think it’s fair to say – 我觉得可以说It hardly … at all – 几乎不……that definitely wasn’t the case in the past – 以前绝不是这样的9. Does it rain a lot in your hometown?Well, it depends on the season. In winter and spring, there is a dearth of rain associated with the arid weather. In contrast, it is usually raining cats and dogs in summer and august, causing loads of troubles for people travelling on the road.rainy days相关高分词汇refreshing 新奇的e.g.We find it refreshing to hang out after a rainy day. 雨过之后出门会觉得空气都很新奇。
高三英语一轮复习 课时提能练1 Module 1 My First Day at

领兑市安插阳光实验学校Module 1 My First Day at Senior High(限时:35分钟)(对学生用书第297页)Ⅰ.阅读理解A(2018·二诊)Welcome to Whitney High School!Spring Kids Dance ClinicThe WHS Dance Team is hosting the annual Spring Dance Clinic for children aged 5-13.If your son or daughter is interested in attending this camp,you may download the form and return it to the WHS office or register online!QUESTIONS? CONTACT: Halley Crandell athcrandell@.WHERE:Whitney High School CafeteriaWHEN:April 22nd,9 am-12:30 pmCOST:$25 online registration and $30 walkup registrationKaplan SAT/ACT Combo Practice TestOffered in the WHS LibrarySaturday,April 29th,9 am-1 pmRegistration is $20.Please sign up in the College and Career Center by April 21st to secure a spot.Please see Mrs.Randazzo in the College and Career Center to sign up or for questions.Lions Club Student Speech ContestEnter to be one of two Whitney High School students to qualify for the Rocklin Lions Club Speech Contest,which is to be held this summer.A written copy of your speech is due at the College and Career Center no later than April 30th at 3 pm.Open to grades 9-12.No less than 5 minutes and no more than 10 minutes.Can You Catch the Wildcat at the 5K RaceOn April 28th at 8:30 am,the Whitney Wildcat will leave his stadium and attempt to outrun hundreds of runners trying to catch him! This will be a fun exciting way to challenge yourself and provideneeded funds for two great causes! The WHS track and field team is raising money for equipment.Secondly,we are raising money for the Heidi Greenwood Scholarship.All profits on Tshirt sales will go directly to the scholarship! Entry to the race is $15 and Tshirt sales will be on site.Go to https://goo.gl/QANQg 8 to register!Questions?Email Mark Snow at msnow@ .【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了Whitney高中所开展的活动。
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Firtst Day at School开学第一天参考文本:
This is the story of my first day at Primary school,which was so traumatic that it's amazing that I everwent back again. The day itself was fine, I was a bitne rvous but I had a good time, and then it came tothe end of the very short day and I knew my Mummywas coming to pick me up, so the teacher in chargeto ld me to go and wait under the big tree. But myMummy was late, so after wh at seemed like aneternity, I started to look around for a bigger treebecause I assumed my Mummy couldn't find me and the tree actually wasn't very big a t all, inthe school grounds. So I wandered out of the school grounds and alon g this side road that hadlots of trees planted all along it, big chestnut trees th ey were, comparing to see which one wasthe biggest. And of course the bigge st one was on the corner of the side road and the big mainroad. So I was stan ding under this tree, all of 4 and a half years old, when my Mum comesbelting along, along the main road from where we lived, knowing that she was late a nd in a panic, and what did she see but her little darling leaning out over the main road, waving ather, all alone. So of course she was very angry with the school and rang them up and told themoff for their lack of supervision. I the n just dreaded going back there as I knew they wouldgive me a hard time, an
d so they did. They utterly humiliated m
e and that just summed upmy whol
e school experience.。