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上了高联辅导班商 志的作文班。其实就是获得了一个作 文模板, 大作文
How enlightening and compelling the above drawing is!
It is so funny
that whoever sees it cannot help thinking:_____. (这句自己加完整,从宏观上描述一下
today in our contemporary community,and an acquaintance of mine may serve as a good example.______.(用一句话或者两句话来举例)Another telling example is my fomer colleague,who___.(另外一个例子,如果字数够就不用再举)
1 不要写题目
2 要看清楚图画是一副还是两副,单数还是复数
3 看清楚是卡通还是普通图画
高联商志 08 考研作文班笔记 2009-08-25 12:16
第一种开头: Whoever in front of this image(s)/cartoon/picture will be greatly shocked/striked. How amusing and interesting it is! What is vividly illustrated in the painting above is that _____对漫画笼统地描述___ 。 ______从微观上再描述一下_____ Odd and funny as it looks . Such happenings are far from being rare and we cannot afford to ignore them. Odd and funny as it seems to be, such stories (story)/event/happening/case/phenomenon/practice are so pervasive that we cannot afford to ignore them.
第二段备用: What the drawing conspicuously mirrors/illustrates goes far beyond/more than a simple drawing, instead, it carries thought-provoking/important /striking implications. 举例子:The cartoon reminds me of a few interesting stories. A case in point is an acquaintance of mine who _______________. Another telling example is one of my former colleagues, who __________________. An acquaintance of mine may well serve as a good example
第三段: Much can be done. What tops the agenda, I deem, is to help/encourage people to develop positive and wholesome outlook on life as well as the word. Besides/what’s more, noble and worthy values and qualities such as courage, honesty, diligence and perseverance should be encouraged/fostered and cherished. Additionally, we should appeal to the government to make sustained and concerted efforts to reverse/curb/promote the worsening trend. Only in these ways can we maintain a happy, healthy and harmonious society as we all wish. Although it is easier said than done, there are god reasons to expect that such a phenomenon can be terminally ended or at least reduced.
图画就可以,笼统的,大体的) ______while_______.(这句从微观上具体说明一下图画要
描述的矛盾点,必须找到矛盾点,用到 while 这个单词) Simple as it looks,its intended(或
者用 implied) meaning goes far deeper what on earth(究竟) does the drawer(作
is shown superficially.
How amusing and enlightening the above illustration is! It is so funny
that whoever sees it cannot help laughing : _____对漫画笼统地描述___ 。
第二种开头: What an interesting an enlightening painting it is! It is indicative of a serious yet common social phenomenon : _____对漫画笼统地描述___ 。 ______从微观上再描述一下_____. However ridiculous and farfetched it looks (seems to be); the drawer intends far deeper meanings than what
______从微观上再描述一下_____. Simple as it looks, its intended
(implied) meaning goes much deeper .What on earth does the drawer really
aim to convey?
__________._____________while (完全相反时用 in
Much can be done. To begain with the schools and the mass media should deve lop noble and worthy v alues and qualitie s among people,doing their utmost to awaken people of the growing threat of this worsening situation.(of this worsening situation 自己可以换成主旨的句子,如果不换,这样也可以。如文章不是讽刺性的,就把 worsening 删除)What is more,the authorities (当局)should play a dominant role in taking nationwide actions to curb(如文章不是讽刺性的,就把 curb 换成 promote) such practices.In conclusion ,all the society should actively more sustained(持续) and concerted (一致)offorts.Although we still have a long way to go ,a promising start has bagun,and a happy,healthy and harmonious(和谐) society may be not be far be nind.
contrary) ______________。 (描述两个方面)
第二段: Obviously we can easily define what the painter subtly intends to reflect (communicate) to us. The strong and clear message suggested is that ____ 主旨________。 According to recent survey conducted by CCTV(Chinese Academy of social Sciences/Xinhua News/China Daily/People’s Daily/Fudan University/Peking University /Tsinghua University) 28.6%(自 己随便写) people ______主旨__________(或用一种笼统地切题方法如 are following this tide)It is alarming that a growing number of similar events are occurring . Nowhere in history has the issue of ______主旨_____ been concerted so much as in our society today(史上任何时候都比不上今天我们的时代这样更 加关切这样的事情,此句由历年真题阅读部分改变而来) “______见下面的例句________”直接引语 __职务 ____,Says Dr. Sun Dong, 职务有:(用副职免得阅卷老师认识) Vice-present of Xiamen University Vice-director of the Sociological Research Center attached to Chinese Academy of social Sciences Vice-dean of Sociology Depart of Fudan University 例句:Nowhere says Dr. Sun Dong, __职务 _, “It is alarming Such stories/upsetting/parallels are available in nearly all walks of life in our contemporary community.”Failure to realize the severity of the grim situation many significantly decrease our chances of success. It is hard to imagine what our society would be like years later provided such practices go unchallenged. Indeed, the whole society should be made aware that any prompt actions of great benefit to all
者) really aim to convey.
What the image above vividly mirrors(名词用做动词) goes far more than a simple image,insteed,it carries(有) a thought provoking social phenomenon:____. (本文的主旨)There are upsetting(如文章不是讽刺性的,就把 upsetting 删除) parallels
_____________________. 表原因:What bring about/account for this strange phenomenon? I am strongly convinced that this is partly because ___________________, and this is partly because ___________________. What ____上句话_______?Some many claim that this phenomenon results from_________________, while I am strongly convinced that the primary reason goes much deeper: _________________________.