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腊肠Cold pork sausage

腊金银润Dried pig′s liver with pork fat

腊肉Dried pork

腊味萝卜糕Turnip and rice flour cake with dried pork 腊猪头Dried Pig′s head

辣白菜Cold cabbage with red chilli

辣黄瓜条Cucumber slices with chili

辣鸡Dried chicken with chili

辣酱炒鸡丁Stir-fried chicken with chili sauce

辣酱烤鸭Roast chicken in chili sauce

辣酱杂菜Mixed vegetable with chili sauce

辣酱杂果Mixed fruits in sweet chili sauce

辣椒炒鸡丝Stir-fried sliced chicken and green chilli 辣椒肉丝Sliced pork and green chili

辣蔬菜Vegetable in chili

辣汁鱼头Head of fish in chili sauce

辣子炒鸡丁Stir-fried chicken with green pepper

辣子炒肉丁Stir-fried diced pork with green pepper

辣子鸡丁Diced chicken with green pepper

辣子肉丁Diced pork with green pepper

兰豆马蹄Snow peas with water chestnut

兰花豆干Spicy diced bean curd

兰笋珧柱Bamboo shoots with scallops

榄仁鸡丁Fried diced chicken with olives

榄仁牛肉Fried sliced beef with olives

榄仁肉丁Fried diced pork with olives

榄仁肾丁Fried giblets with olives

榄肉虾仁Fried shrimps with olives

粒驻鲍鱼Abalone with tender chicken

烂鸡鱼翅Shark′s fin with tender chicken

醪糟百子果羹Fruit in rice wine

老鸡蛋托黑鱼子Black caviar with boiled egg

老鸡蛋托红鱼子Red caviar with hard boiled egg 烙饼Pancake

冷茶肠Cold tea sausage

冷醋鱼pickled fish

冷火鸡Cold turkey

冷火腿Cold ham

冷火腿蔬菜Cold ham with vegetable

冷鸡冻Cold chicken in aspic

冷烤牛肉配菜Cold roast beef with vegetable

冷烤鸭Cold roast duck

冷烤猪肉配菜Cold roast pork with vegetable

冷辣白菜Cold cabbage with chili

冷牛舌Cold ox tongue

冷盘Hors d′oeuvres

冷热点心Hot and cold deserts

冷肉杂拌儿Cold mixed meat

冷阉鸡Cold capon

冷油鸡沙拉Cold chicken salad

李公什碎“Li Gong”fried chop suey

里脊串Fillet shashlik

里脊扒Fillet steak

里脊扒蛋Fillet steak with egg


荔脯芋香角Deep-fried taro roll stuffed with meat

荔枝杯Lichee cup

荔枝鸡片Chicken slices with lichee

荔枝鱿鱼Squid with lichees

栗子鸡Stwed chicken with chestnuts

莲煎软饼Fried soft lotus cake

莲蓬豌豆Lotus seeds and peas

凉拌豆腐Cold bean curd

凉拌粉皮Cold green bean noodle with mustard and meat shreds

凉拌海蜇Mixed cold jellyfish

冻拌三丝Three kinds of cold mixed meat

凉冻绿豆肘Joint of pork in aspic with green beans

凉面Cold noodles

两吃大虾Prawns cooked in two styles

两面黄炒筍Fried noodles with bamboo shoots

两包芙蓉鱼翅Braised shark′s fins with two colour eggs 两甜点心Two types of pastry

两味灯笼鸡“Lantern”chicken in two styles

两做鲤鱼Carp in two styles

晾肉Deep-fried dried pork

岭南烧乳鸽“Lingnan”braised pigeon

熘鸡脯Fried chicken breast

琉璃金枣Toffee yams with sweet date filling

六宝大拼盘“Six treasures”hors d′oeuvres

六生火锅Assorted meat cooked in a hot pot

龙虎凤烩Stewed snake and wild cat with chicken

龙井竹笋Green tea and bamboo shoots


龙虾焗通粉Baked macaroni with lobster

龙虾沙拉Lobster salad

