RS-485总线故障保护偏置技术提高抗干扰的应用研究发布时间:2023-02-01T08:18:39.079Z 来源:《中国科技信息》2022年9月第18期作者:赵震[导读] 通信技术近年来快速发展。
PTC起限流隔离退耦作用,根据大量浪涌测试验证选取10欧姆左右的JK250-120u,表贴式为mSMD010-1812. TVS二极管的选取为SMBJ6.5CA-TP
防护设计原理:RS485总线的分级防护电路图,当雷击发生时,感应过电压由两端引入,GDT 气体放电管做一级防护,此时过电压被大大削弱到数百伏左右,再经过PPTC限流,TVS二极管做二次限压,使到后端电路的电压被箝制在8V左右,从而实现对后端电路的保护。
保护等级:可通过IEC61000-4-5,4级标准:1.2/50us 4KV 、10/700us 6KV
现在我们的方案是2个TED485, 2个250-120的PTC, 一个SM712, adum2483, bs0505隔离电源, 这个方案倒是2年多一直都没发生过烧芯片的事情.
4)电子系统来说, “地”可以分为两种: 一种是“大地”, 另一种是“工作基准地”, 实践证明, 良好地接地可以在很大程度上抑制系统内部噪声耦合, 防止外部干扰地侵入, 提高系统地抗干扰能力。
关键词:机械自动化控制系统RS485接口电路设计在机械自动化控制系统的研究与开发中,控制机采用RS485总线方式进行通信,其设计与开发主要完成将控制端的RS485通信方式转换成光通信方式,将光通信方式转换成执行端的CAN总线方式即完成RS485总线转光和光转CAN 移线模块的设计与开发。
Application ReportSLLA272B–February2008–Revised May2008The RS-485Design Guide Thomas Kugelstadt HPL-InterfaceABSTRACTAs a short compendium for successful data transmission design,this application reportdiscusses the important aspects of the RS-485standard.IntroductionIn1983,the Electronics Industries Association(EIA)approved a new balanced transmission standardcalled RS-485.Finding widespread acceptance and usage in industrial,medical,and consumerapplications,RS-485has become the industry’s interface workhorse.This application report presents design guidelines for engineers new to the RS-485standard that can help them accomplish a robust and reliable data transmission design in the shortest time possible.In a comprehensive way,this document discusses the important aspects of the RS-485standard byfocusing on the following subjects:bus topology,signal levels,cable type,bus termination,failsafe,bus loading,data rate versus bus length,minimum node spacing,and grounding and isolation.Standard and FeaturesRS-485is an electrical-only standard.In contrast to complete interface standards,which define thefunctional,mechanical,and electrical specifications,RS-485only defines the electrical characteristics of drivers and receivers that could be used to implement a balanced multipoint transmission line.This standard,however,is intended to be referenced by higher level standards,such as DL/T645,forexample,which defines the communication protocol for electronic energy-meters in China,specifyingRS-485as the physical layer standard.Key features of RS-485are:•Balanced interface•Multipoint operation from a single5-V supply•–7-V to+12-V bus common-mode range•Up to32unit loads•10-Mbps maximum data rate(at40feet)•4000-foot maximum cable length(at100kbps)Network TopologyThe RS-485standards suggests that its nodes be networked in a daisy-chain,also known as party line or bus topology(see Figure1).In this topology,the participating drivers,receivers,and transceivers connect to a main cable trunk via short network stubs.The interface bus can be designed for full-duplex orhalf-duplex transmission(see Figure2)Figure1.RS-485Bus StructureSLLA272B–February2008–Revised May2008The RS-485Design Guide1 Submit Documentation FeedbackR RT T TR R++VConductorInsulationSheath Cable :Type :Impedance :Capacitance :Velocity :Belden 3109A4-pair,22AWG PLCT /CM 12011pF/ft78% (1.3ns/ft)W Signal Levels The full-duplex implementation requires two signal pairs,(four wires),and full-duplex transceivers withseparate bus access lines for transmitter and receiver.Full-duplex allows a node to simultaneouslytransmit data on one pair while receiving data on the other pair.Figure 2.Full-Duplex and Half-Duplex Bus Structures in RS-485In half-duplex,only one signal pair is used,requiring the driving and receiving of data to occur at different times.Both implementations necessitate the controlled operation of all nodes via direction control signals,such as Driver/Receiver Enable signals,to ensure that only one driver is active on the bus at any time.Having more than one driver accessing the bus at the same time leads to bus contention,which,at alltimes,must be avoided through software control.Signal LevelsRS-485standard conform drivers provide a differential output of a minimum 1.5V across a 54-Ωload,whereas standard conform receivers detect a differential input down to 200mV.The two values provide sufficient margin for a reliable data transmission even under severe signal degradation across the cable and connectors.This robustness is the main reason why RS-485is well suited for long-distancenetworking in noisy environment.Figure 3.RS-485Specified Minimum Bus Signal LevelsCable TypeRS-485applications benefit from differential signaling over twisted-pair cable,because noise from external sources couple equally into both signal lines as common-mode noise,which is rejected by the differential receiver input.Industrial RS-485cables are of the sheathed,unshielded,twisted-pair type,(UTP),with a characteristicimpedance of 120Ωand 22–24AWG.Figure 4shows the cross-section of a four-pair,UTP cable typically used for two full-duplex two-pair and single-pair versions,are available toaccommodate the low-cost design of half-duplex systems.Figure 4.Example of RS-485Communication Cable2The RS-485Design Guide SLLA272B–February 2008–Revised May 2008Submit Documentation FeedbackR TL Stub v t r10v c(1) Bus Termination and Stub Length Beyond the network cabling,it is mandatory that the layout of printed-circuit boards and the connector pin assignments of RS-485equipment maintain the electrical characteristics of the network by keeping both signal lines close and equidistant to another.Bus Termination and Stub LengthData transmission lines should always be terminated and stubs should be as short as possible to avoid signal reflections on the line.Proper termination requires the matching of the terminating resistors,R T,to the characteristic impedance,Z0,of the transmission cable.Because the RS-485standard recommends cables with Z0=120Ω,the cable trunk is commonly terminated with120-Ωresistors,one at each cable end(see Figure5,left).Figure5.Proper RS-485TerminationsApplications in noisy environments often have the120-Ωresistors replaced by two60-Ω,low-pass filters to provide additional common-mode noise filtering,(see Figure5,right).It is important to match the resistor values,(preferably with1%precision resistors),to ensure equal rolloff frequencies of both rger resistor tolerances,(i.e.,20%),cause the filter corner frequencies to differ and common-mode noise to be converted into differential noise,thus compromising the receiver’s noise immunity.The electrical length of a stub,(the distance between a transceiver and cable trunk),should be shorter than1/10of the driver’s output rise time,and is given through:WhereL Stub=maximum stub length(ft)t r=driver(10/90)rise time(ns)v=signal velocity of the cable as factor of cc=speed of light(9.8×108ft/s).Table1lists the maximum stub lengths of the cable in Figure4,(78%velocity),for various driver risetimes.Table1.Stub Length Versus Rise TimeDEVICE SIGNAL RATE RISE TIME MAXIMUM STUB LENGTH[kbps]tr[ns][ft]SN65HVD1210001007SN65LBC184********SN65HVD3082E20050038 Note:drivers with long rise times are well suited for applications requiring long stub lengths and reduced, device-generated EMI.FailsafeFailsafe operation is a receiver’s ability to assume a determined output state in the absence of an input signal.Three possible causes can lead to the loss of signal(LOS):SLLA272B–February2008–Revised May2008The RS-485Design Guide3 Submit Documentation FeedbackR B+V Bus*minV ABǒ1ń375)4ńZ0Ǔ(2)R T120R B523R BR T523W120WN+32UL STANDARD*20UL FAILSAFEUL per transceiver(3)Bus Loading 1.Open-circuit,caused by a wire break or by the disconnection of a transceiver from the bus2.Short-circuit,caused by an insulation fault connecting the wires of a differential pair to another3.Idle-bus,occurring when none of the bus drivers is active.Because these conditions can cause conventional receivers to assume random output states when the input signal is zero,modern transceiver designs include biasing circuits for open-circuit,short-circuit,and idle-bus failsafe,that force the receiver output to a determined state,under an LOS condition.A drawback of these failsafe designs is their worst-case noise margin of10mV only,thus requiringexternal failsafe circuitry to increase noise margin for applications in noisy environments.An external failsafe circuit consists of a resistive voltage divider that generates sufficient differential bus voltage,to drive the receiver output into a determined state.To ensure sufficient noise margin,V AB must include the maximum differential noise measured in addition to the200-mV receiver input threshold,V AB= 200mV+V Noise.The values for the failsafe bias resistors,R B,are calculated for worst-case conditions,that is,maximum noise at minimum supply:For a minimum bus voltage of4.75V,(5V–5%),V AB=0.25V,and Z0=120Ω,R B yields528Ω.Inserting two523-Ωresistors in series to R T establishes the failsafe circuit shown in Figure6.Figure6.External Idle-Bus Failsafe BiasingBus LoadingBecause a driver's output depends on the current it must supply into a load,adding transceivers andfailsafe circuits to the bus increases the total load current required.To estimate the maximum number of bus loads possible,RS-485specifies a hypothetical term of a unit load(UL),which represents a loadimpedance of approximately12kΩ.Standard-compliant drivers must be able to drive32of these unitloads.Today’s transceivers often provide reduced unit loading,such as1/8UL,thus allowing theconnection of up to256transceivers on the bus.Because failsafe biasing contributes up to20unit loads of bus loading,the maximum number oftransceivers,N,is reduced to:Thus,when using1/8-UL transceivers,it is possible to connect up to a maximum of96devices to the bus. Data Rate Versus Bus LengthThe maximum bus length is limited by the transmission line losses and the signal jitter at a given datarate.Because data reliability sharply decreases for a jitter of10%or more of the baud period,Figure7 shows the cable length versus data rate characteristic of a conventional RS-485cable for a10%signal jitter.4The RS-485Design Guide SLLA272B–February2008–Revised May2008Submit Documentation Feedback100001000100100.1110100Data Rate [bps]C a b l e L e n g t h [m ]d §C L 5.25 C ,(4) Minimum Node Spacing(1)Section 1of the graph presents the area of high data rates over short cable length.Here,the losses of thetransmission line can be neglected and the data rate is mainly determined by the driver’s rise time.Althoughthe standard recommends 10Mbps,today’s fast interface circuits can operate at data rates of up to 40Mbps.(2)Section 2shows the transition from short to long data lines.The losses of the transmission lines have to betaken into account.Thus,with increasing cable length,the data rate must be reduced.A rule of thumb statesthat the product of the line length [m]times the data rate [bps]should be <107.This rule is far moreconservative than today's cable performance and will therefore show less length at a given data rate than thegraph presents.(3)Section 3presents the lower frequency range where the line resistance,and not the switching,limits thecable length.Here,the cable resistance approaches the value fo the termination resistor.This voltage dividerdiminishes the signal by -6dB.For a 22AWG cable,120Ω,UTP,this occurs at approximately 1200m.Figure 7.Cable Length Versus Data RateMinimum Node SpacingThe RS-485bus is a distributed parameter circuit whose electrical characteristics are primarily defined by the distributed inductance and capacitance along the physical media,which includes the interconnectingcables and printed-circuit board traces.Adding capacitance to the bus in the form of devices and their interconnections lowers the bus impedance and causes impedance mismatches between the media and the loaded section of the bus.Input signalsarriving at these mismatches are partially reflected back to the signal source distorting the driver outputsignal.Ensuring a valid receiver input voltage level during the first signal transition from an output driveranywhere on the bus requires a minimum loaded bus impedance of Z ′>0.4×Z 0,which can be achieved by keeping the minimum distance,d,between bus nodes:where C L is the lumped load capacitance and C,the media capacitance (cable or PCB trace )per unitlength.SLLA272B–February 2008–Revised May 2008The RS-485Design Guide 5Submit Documentation Feedback40506070800. i s t a n c e (m )Media -Distributed Capacitance -(pF /m)a)b)Grounding and Isolation Figure 8.Minimum Node Spacing With Device and Media Capacitance Equation 4presents the relationship for the minimum device spacing as a function of the distributed media and lumped-load capacitance;Figure 8shows this relationship graphically.Load capacitance includes contributions from the line circuit bus pins,connector contacts,printed-circuit board traces,protection devices,and any other physical connections to the trunk line as long as thedistance from the bus to the transceiver (the stub)is electrically short.Putting some values to the individual capacitance contributions:5-V transceivers typically possess a capacitance of 7pF,whereas 3-V transceivers haveapproximately twice that capacitance at 16pF.Board traces add approximately 0.5to 0.8pF/cmdepending on their construction.Connector and suppression device capacitance can vary widely.Media distributed capacitance ranges from 40pF/m for low capacitance,unshielded,twisted-pair cableto 70pF/m for backplanes.Grounding and IsolationWhen designing a remote data link,the designer must assume that large ground potential differences(GPD)exist.These voltages add as common-mode noise,Vn,to the transmitter output.Even if the total superimposed signal is within the receiver’s input common-mode range,relying on the local earth ground as a reliable path for the return current is dangerous (see Figure 9a).Figure 9.Design Pitfalls to be Aware off:a)High GPD,b)High Loop Current,c)Reduced Loop Current,Yet Highly Sensitive to Induced Noise Due to Large Ground Loop6The RS-485Design Guide SLLA272B–February 2008–Revised May 2008Submit Documentation FeedbackL 1N 1PE 1L 2N 2PE 2SupplyVcc4R D GND 4Vcc1RDGND1Vcc2R D GND2Vcc3RD ConclusionBecause remote nodes are likely to draw their power from different sections of the electrical installation,modification to the installation,(i.e.,during maintenance work),can increase the GPD to the extent thatthe receiver’s input common-mode range is exceeded.Thus,a data link working today might ceaseoperation sometime in the future.The direct connection of remote grounds through ground wire also is not recommended (see Figure 9b),as this causes large ground loop currents to couple into the data lines as common-mode To allow for a direct connection of remote grounds,the RS485standard recommends the separation ofdevice ground and local system ground via the insertion of resistors (Figure 9c).Although this approachreduces loop current,the existence of a large ground loop keeps the data link sensitive to noise generated somewhere else along the loop.Thus,a robust data link has not been established yet.The approach to tolerate GPDs up to several kilovolts across a robust RS-485data link and over longdistance is the galvanic isolation of the signal and supply lines of a bus transceiver from its local signaland supply sources (see Figure 10).Figure 10.Isolation of Two Remote Transceiver Stations With Single-Ground ReferenceIn this case,supply isolators,such as isolated DC/DC converters,and signal isolators,such as digital,capacitive isolators,prevent current flow between remote system grounds and avoid the creation ofcurrent loops.Whereas Figure 10shows the detailed connection of only two transceiver nodes,Figure 11gives anexample for multiple,isolated transceivers.All transceivers but one connect to the bus via isolation.Thenon-isolated transceiver on the left provides the single-ground reference for the entire bus.Figure 11.Isolation of Multiple Fieldbus Transceiver Stations ConclusionThe objective of this application report is to cover the main aspects of an RS-485system design.Despite the enormous amount of technical literature on the subject,this document’s intent is to provide systemdesigners new to RS-485with design guidelines in a very comprehensive way.Following the discussions presented in this document and consulting the detailed application reports in the reference section can help accomplishing a robust,RS-485-compliant system design in the shortest time possible.SLLA272B–February 2008–Revised May 2008The RS-485Design Guide 7Submit Documentation FeedbackReferences Supporting the design effort,Texas Instruments provides an extensive product range of RS-485transceivers.Device features include low EMI,low-power(1/8UL),high ESD protection(from16kV up to 30kV),and integrated failsafe functions for open-,short-and idle-bus conditions.For long-distanceapplications requiring isolation,the product range extends to unidirectional and bidirectional,digitalisolators in dual,triple and quad versions(from DC to150Mbps),and isolated DC/DC converters(with 3-V and5-V regulated outputs),to provide the power supply across the isolation barrier.ReferencesFurther information is available at by entering the blue literature numbers that follow into theKeyword Search field.1.Removing Ground Noise in Data Transmission Systems application report(SLLA268)2.Interface Circuits for TIA/EIA-485(RS-485)design notes3.Detection of RS-485Signal Loss,TI Analog Application Journal,4Q20064.Overtemperature Protection in RS-485Line Circuits application report5.Device Spacing on RS-485Buses,TI Analog Application Journal,2Q20066.PROFIBUS Electrical-Layer Solutions application report7.A Statistical Survey of Common-Mode Noise,TI Analog Application Journal,Nov20008.Failsafe in RS-485Data Buses,TI Analog Application Journal,3Q20049.The Load and Maximum Number of Bus Connections,TI Analog Application Journal,1Q2004ing Signaling Rate and Transfer Rate application report11.Operating RS-485Transceivers at Fast Signaling Rates application report12.RS-485for E-Meter Applications application report(SLLA112)13.Failsafe in RS-485Data Buses,TI Analog Application Journal,3Q2004e Receiver Equalization to Extend RS-485Data Communications application report(SLLA169)15.The RS-485Unit Load and Maximum Number of Bus Connections application reportparing Bus Solutions application report17.RS-485for Digital Motor Control Applications application report18.422and485Standards Overview and System Configurations application report19.TIA/EIA-485and M-LVDS,Power and Speed Comparison application report20.Live Insertion with Differential Interface Products application report21.The ISO72x Family of High-Speed Digital Isolators application report8The RS-485Design Guide SLLA272B–February2008–Revised May2008Submit Documentation FeedbackIMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing 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以我给的标题写文档,最低1503字,要求以Markdown 文本格式输出,不要带图片,标题为:强电485方案# 强电485方案## 引言强电485通信是一种基于RS485电平标准的通信协议,用于在强电环境中进行稳定可靠的数据传输。
## 硬件设计### 1. RS485转换器RS485转换器是强电485通信的关键硬件设备,它实现了电平转换和差分信号传输。
典型的RS485转换器包含一个收发器芯片和一对差分传输线,如MAX485芯片和A/B 线。
### 2. 电源和保护电路在强电环境中,电源稳定和保护非常重要。
### 3. 通信接口电路强电485方案通常需要与其他设备进行数据交互,因此需要设计适合的通信接口电路。
### 4. 增强抗干扰能力在强电环境中,存在各种电磁干扰和放射干扰。
## 软件开发### 1. 通信协议强电485方案中的通信协议一般是自定义的,根据具体需求进行设计。
### 2. 驱动程序开发在软件开发中,需要开发针对硬件设备的驱动程序,使其能够与上层应用进行数据交互。
### 3. 上层应用开发根据具体的应用需求开发上层应用。
### 4. 鲁棒性和安全性在软件开发过程中,需要考虑系统的鲁棒性和安全性。
一、原理图1. RS485接口6KV防雷电路设计方案图1 RS485接口防雷电路接口电路设计概述:RS485用于设备与计算机或其它设备之间通讯,在产品应用中其走线多与电源、功率信号等混合在一起,存在EMC隐患。
RS485 保护方案概述
RS485 RS485 保护保护保护方案概述方案概述方案概述随着通信持总线技术被广泛的应用,雷电和静电干扰已经成为各种通信总线在实际工程经常遇到的问题。
雷电能够使各种通信总线构成的系统遭到严重的毁坏, 静电电磁干扰也严重地影响通信总线的数据传输质量。
上海音特 针对RS485传输制定如下方案:1.1.防雷保护器的基本要求防雷保护器的基本要求防雷保护器的基本要求在正常运行时,雷电保护器的接入应不影响信号的正常传输,雷电保护器的对地阻抗应非常大,串连在电路中的阻抗应非常小。
雷电保护器对雷电袭击应具有足够快的响应速度一. RS485RS485半双工保护电路半双工保护电路半双工保护电路(经济适用型经济适用型))保护等级保护等级::1. 防雷标准 YD/T993-2006 2.5KV2. 浪涌能力浪涌能力::600W 或者1500W浪涌电流浪涌电流::60A 或者 150A3. ESD 静电防护IEC 6100-4-2:4级标准4.过流短路保护 Ih :100mAA :为通常所述Data+ /Rx+B :为通常所描述Data-/Rx-器件选择:GDT :INT2R090L 或 INT2R090M (5.5*6mm )TVS: P6KE6.8CA 或 SMBJ6.5CA 若选1500W 浪涌能力,1.5KE6.8CA 或SMCJ6.5CA ESD : ESD5V0D5 或ESD5V0D7 PPTC :60V-010 或 SMD1206-010此方案仅适用防雷/浪涌,以及静电防护的要求,假如需要考虑到其它标准,另要选型,例如:RS485抗电力线干扰,RS485.....芯片存在....ESD ...保护等级,可以不........加.ESD ...保护器件....二. RS485RS485半双工保护电路半双工保护电路半双工保护电路((等级加强型等级加强型,,初次级为共模保护初次级为共模保护))保护等级保护等级::1. 防雷标准 YD/T993-2006 4.0KV2. 浪涌能力浪涌能力::600W 或者1500W浪涌电流浪涌电流::60A 或者 150A3. ESD 静电防护IEC 6100-4-2:4级标准4. 过流短路保护 Ih :100mA器件选择器件选择:GDT :INT3R090L 或 INT3R090M TVS: P6KE6.8CA 或 SMBJ6.5CA 若选1500W 浪涌能力,1.5KE6.8CA 或SMCJ6.5CA ESD : ESD5V0D5 或ESD5V0D7 PPTC :60V-010 或 SMD1206-010此方案仅适用防雷/浪涌,以及静电防护的要求,假如需要考虑到其它标准,另要选型,例如:RS485抗电力线干扰,RS485.....芯片存在....ES ..D .保护等级,可以不........加.ESD ...保护器件....2.2.器件选型器件选型器件选型说明说明说明①.瞬态抑制二极管瞬态抑制二极管TVS TVS TVS或半导体放电管或半导体放电管或半导体放电管Thyristor Thyristor Thyristor通用信号传输线TVS或半导体放电管TVS 二级管的击穿电压VBR应高于信号线上传输的信号电压,在此前提下, VBR应尽可能选得低一些,较低的VBR 可使后端通信芯片得到可靠保护,并且具有较大的通流容量, TVS或Thyrisor 的VBR 应选择一致, 其值一般可按以下公式选择U BR BR = (1. 25 = (1. 25 = (1. 25~~1. 4) Um 1. 4) Um上式中的Um 为正常信号电压幅值。
采用ADM2483的隔离RS485中继器设计一、ADM2483芯片特点1. 高性能电气隔离:ADM2483采用先进的隔离技术,实现了高达5000Vrms的隔离电压,有效防止地环路干扰,保障通信系统的稳定运行。
2. 符合RS485标准:ADM2483完全符合RS485通信协议,支持最高10Mbps的数据传输速率,满足各种应用场景的需求。
3. 低功耗设计:ADM2483具有低功耗特性,静态功耗仅为 2.5mA,有助于延长设备的使用寿命。
4. 独立电源:ADM2483具备独立的电源输入,可适应多种电源电压,方便在不同环境下使用。
5. 抗干扰能力强:ADM2483内置瞬态电压抑制器,有效抵御静电、雷击等干扰,保障通信的可靠性。
二、隔离RS485中继器设计方案1. 硬件设计(1)电源部分:为ADM2483提供独立的电源输入,确保隔离效果。
为提高抗干扰能力,可在接口处添加TVS 二极管进行防护。
2. 软件设计(1)初始化配置:在系统上电后,对ADM2483进行初始化配置,包括波特率、数据位、停止位等参数设置。
三、系统测试与优化1. 系统稳定性测试2. 抗干扰性能测试针对不同的干扰源,如电源波动、电磁辐射等,我们对中继器进行了抗干扰性能测试。
DesigningRS-485 CircuitsJan AxelsonRS-485 is often the interface of choice.The network nodes can be PCs,microcontrollers, or any devices capable of asynchronous serial pared to Ethernet and other net-work interfaces, RS-485’s hardware and protocol requirements are simpler and cheaper.The RS-485 standard is flexible enough to provide a choice of drivers,receivers, and other components de-pending on the cable length, data rate,number of nodes, and the need to conserve power.Several vendors offer RS-485 trans-ceivers with various combinations of features. Also, there are options for methods of terminating and biasing the line and controlling the driver-enable inputs.In this article, I show you several circuits for RS-485 networks. Even ifyou use prebuilt cards or converters,understanding the options will help you choose the right product andconfigure it to get the best results for your application.RS-485 IN BRIEFBut first, a quick look at RS-485.The interface popularly known as RS-485 is an electrical specification for multipoint systems that use balanced lines. RS-485 is similar to RS-422, but RS-422 allows just one driver with multiple receivers whereas RS-485supports multiple drivers and receivers.The specification document (TIA/EIA-485-A) defines the electrical char-acteristics of the line and its drivers and receivers. There are brief sugges-tions relating to terminations and wiring, but there’s no discussion of connector pinouts or software proto-cols (as there is for RS-232).An RS-485 network can have up to 32 unit loads, with one unit load equiva-lent to an input impedance of 12k. By using high-impedance receivers, you can have as many as 256 nodes.An RS-485 link can extend as far as 4000′ and can transfer data at up to 10 Mbps, but not both at the same time. At 90 kbps, the maximum cable length is 4000′, at 1 Mbps it drops to 400′, and at 10 Mbps it drops to 50′.For more nodes or long distances, you can use repeaters that regenerate the signals and begin a new RS-485 line.Although the RS-485 standard says nothing about protocols, most RS-485links use the familiar asynchronous protocols supported by the UARTs in PCs and other computers. A transmitted word consists of a start bit followed by data bits, an optional parity bit, and a stop bit.Two ways to add RS-485 to a PC are on an expansion card and by at-taching an RS-485 converter to an existing port. Converters for RS-232are widely available and Inside Out Networks has developed a USB–to–RS-485 converter, also available from B&B Electronics. On microcontrollers,you can connect an RS-485 transceiverto any asynchronous serial port.Many network circuits also require a port bit to control each transceiver’s driver-enable input.Ports designed for RS-232 com-munications can use the RTS output. If that’s not available, any spare output bit will do.Most serial-communications tools, including Visual Basic’s MSComm, support RS-485 com-munications with RTS controlled in software. The COMM-DRV serial-port drivers from WCSC have auto-matic RTS control built-in.The main reason why RS-485 links can extend so far is their use of bal-anced, or differential, signals. Two wires (usually a twisted pair) carry the signal voltage and its inverse. The receiver detects the difference be-tween the two. Because most noise that couples into the wires is com-mon to both wires, it cancels out.In contrast, interfaces like RS-232use unbalanced, or single-ended, signals.The receiver detects the voltage differ-ence between a signal voltage and a common ground.The ground wire tends to be noisy because it carries the return currents for all of the signals in the interface,along with whatever other noise has entered the wire from other sources.And noise on the ground wire can cause the receiver to misread transmitted logic levels.The datasheets for interface chips label the noninverted RS-485 line as line A and the inverted line as line B.An RS-485 receiver must see a voltage difference of just 200 mV between A and B. If A is at least 200 mV greater than B, the receiver’s output is a logic high. If B is at least 200 mV greater than A, the output is a logic low. For differ-ences less than 200 mV, the output isundefined.At the driver, the voltage difference must be at least 1.5 V, so the interface tolerates a fair amount of non-common-mode noise and attenuation.Vendors for RS-485 transceivers include Linear Technology, Maxim,National Semiconductor, and Texas Instruments. These companies are also excellent sources for application notes containing circuit examples and explanations of the theory behind them.RS-485 is designed to be wired in a daisy-chain or bus topology. Any stubs that connect a node to the line should be as short as possible. Most links use twisted pairs because of their ability to cancel magnetically and electro-magnetically coupled noise.GENERAL-PURPOSE LINKFigure 1 shows a general-purpose RS-485 network. Each node has a Texas Instruments SN75176B transceiver that interfaces between RS-485 and TTL logic levels.The chip has a two-wire RS-485interface, a TTL driver input and re-ceiver output, and TTL enable inputs for the driver and receiver. Similar chips include Linear Technology’s LTC485, Maxim’s MAX485, and Na-tional Semiconductor’s DS3695.The circuit has two 120-Ω termi-nating resistors connected in parallel,at or just beyond the final node at eachend of the link. One end of the link also has two 560-Ω biasing resistors.The terminations reduce voltage reflections that can cause the receiver to misread logic levels. The receiver sees reflected voltages as output switches,and the line settles from its initial current to its final current. The termi-nation eliminates reflections by making the initial and final currents equal.The initial current is a function of the line’s characteristic impedance,which is the input impedance of an infinite open line. The value varies with the wires’ diameters, the spacing between them, and the insulation type.For digital signals (which consist mainly of frequencies greater than 100 kHz), the characteristic impedance is mostly resistive; the inductive and capacitive components are small. A typical value for 24-AWG twisted pair is 120 Ω.The final current is a function of the line termination, the receivers’input impedance, and the line’s series impedance. In a typical RS-485 line without a termination, the initial cur-rent is greater than the final current because the characteristic impedance is less than the receivers’ combined input impedance.On a line without a termination,the first reflection occurs when the initial current reaches the receiver.The receiver’s input can absorb only a fraction of the current. The rest re-flects back to the driver. As the cur-rent reverses direction, its magnetic field collapses and induces a voltage on the line. As a result, the receiver initially sees a greater voltage than what was transmitted.When the reflected voltage reaches the driver, which has a lower imped-ance than the line, the driver absorbs some of the reflection and bounces the rest back to the receiver. Thisreflection is of opposite polarity to the first reflection and causes the receiver to see a reduced voltage. The reflections bounce back and forth like this for a few rounds before they die out and the line settles to its final current.If the line terminates with a resistor equal to the line’s characteristic im-pedance, there are no reflections. Whenthe initial current reaches the termi-Figure 1—This general-purpose RS-485network can have up to 32 nodes. Biasingresistors ensure that there are no false start bits when no drivers are isolated from earth ground.The ground wire provides apath for the current that resultsfrom small imbalances in thebalanced line. If the A and Boutputs balance exactly withequal, opposite currents, the twocurrents in the ground wire can-cel each other out and the wirecarries no current at all. In reallife, components don’t balanceperfectly; one driver will be a little stronger and one receiverwill have a slightly larger inputimpedance.Without a common ground, the circuit may work, but the energy from the imbalance has to go somewhere and may dissipate as electromagnetic radiation.The RS-485 specification recom-mends connecting a 100-Ω resistor of at least 0.5 W in series between each node’s signal ground and the network’s ground wire, as Figure 1 shows. This way, if the ground potentials of two nodes vary, the resistors limit the current in the ground wire.SIMPLIFIED LOW-POWER LINK Adding terminations increases a link’s power consumption. With two parallel 120-Ω terminations and a dif-ferential output of 1.5 V, the current through the combined terminations is 25 mA (disregarding the effects of bias-ing, attenuation, etc.).Without terminations, the load is the parallel combination of the receiv-ers’ input impedances and varies with the number of receivers. The maximum 32-unit loads have a combined parallel impedance of 375 Ω to ground or V+.For some shorter and slower links,you can save power and components by not using terminating and biasing components. This option is feasible if the line is electrically short, which means it behaves as a lumped,rather than distributed,system. On a short line,the reflections die out long before the receiver is ready to read the signal.A general guideline is that a line is short if the rise time of its signals is greater than four times the signals’ one-way delay. The one-way delay is the amount of time needed for a signal to travel from the driver to the receiver.It’s a function of the line’s physical length and the speed of signals in the line. In copper wire, a typical speed is two-thirds the speed of light, which works out to 8 in./ns. Cable manufac-turers often specify a value for prod-ucts likely to be used in network wiring.The rise time is specified in the driver’s datasheet. The slowest chip I’ve found is Maxim’s MAX3080, with a minimum rise time of 667 ns. With cables of up to 100″, the rise time is greater than four times the one-way delay (4 × 150 ns), so the line behaves as a short line and doesn’t need termi-nating or biasing. Another advantage is that the internal biasing pulls idle lines to nearly V+ and ground, so you get greater noise immunity.The downside to using this chip is that the slow rise time means that it’s rated for use only at 115,200 bps or less.SHORT-CIRCUIT PROTECTION The previous circuits ensured that the line was in a predictable state when idle or open. The circuit in Figure 2also protects the network as much as possible if the signal lines are shorted.Instead of a single pair of biasing re-sistors for the entire line, the circuit has four biasing resistors at each node.The circuit uses Texas Instruments 75ALS180B transceivers, which have full-duplex RS-485 inputs and outputs.The separate transmit and receive pairs enable the receiver to have its own series biasing resistors. The two RS-485lines connect just beyond the biasing circuits.If the signal lines short together,the 1.8-k Ωseries resistors in combina-Figure 3—A galvanically isolated link has no ohmic connection to earthground or to the other circuits the network connects to.Figure 2—The biasing resistors in this network hold thereceiver’s inputs in an idle state when no drivers are enabled, or if the node disconnects from the network, or if the signal linesare shorted.nation, it sees exactly what it wasexpecting—a load equal to the line’scharacteristic impedance. The entiretransmitted voltage drops across theload. In a network with two parallelterminations, the drivers drive twolines with each ending at a termination.The biasing resistors hold the linein a known state when no drivers areenabled. Most RS-485 transceivershave internal biasing circuits, but add-ing a termination defeats their abilityto bias the line. A typical internal cir-cuit is a 100-k Ω pullup from line A toV+, and a 100-k Ω pulldown from line B to ground.With no termination and when no drivers are enabled, the biasing resistors hold line A more positive than line B.When you add two 120-Ω terminations,the difference between A and B shrinks to a few millivolts, much less than the required 200 mV. The solution is to add smaller resistors in parallel with the internal biasing so that a greater proportion of the series voltage drops across the termination.The size of the biasing resistors is a tradeoff. For a greater voltage difference and higher noise immunity on an idle line, use smaller values. For lower power consumption and a greater differential voltage on a driven line,use larger values.When the receiver is disabled, the receiver’s output is high impedance. If the output doesn’t connect to a input with an internal pullup, adding a pull-up here ensures that the node doesn’t see false start bits when its receiver is disabled.To comply with the specification,all of the nodes must share a common ground connection. This ground maytion with the 36-kΩ biasing resistors hold input A more positive than B. Of course, the node can’t communicate with the network if the line is open or shorted, but at least it remains in an idle state (with no false start bits) until the problem is fixed.Another way to accomplish the same thing is to use transceivers with built-in fail-safe protection for openand short circuits. Chips that have this feature take varying approaches.Linear Technologies’ LTC1482 has a carrier-detect function that brings the receiver’s output high when the differ-ential input voltage is too small to be a valid logic level. The chip has a carrier-detect output that indicates when the line is in an invalid state. National Semiconductor’s DS36276 has internal circuits that bring the receiver’s out-put high if the line is shorted or open.Maxim’s MAX3080–89 series provide short-circuit biasing by redefining the threshold for logic 0. Instead of specify-ing all differential inputs of less than 200 mV as undefined, these chips define a differential voltage of –50 mV or greater as a logic 0.Voltages equal to or more negative than –200 mV remain defined as logic 1s. The only undefined region is from –50 to –200 mV. With these definitions, a shorted line (which results in a differ-ential input of 0 V) is a logic 0, which results in a high output at the receiver. ISOLATED LINKThe entire RS-485 network has to share a ground, but the network can be galvanically isolated from other circuits the network connects to as well as from earth ground.All RS-485 components must be able to operate with common-mode voltages between –7 V and +12 V. Some compo-nents have higher ratings. The common-mode voltage at the receiver equals half the sum of the two signal voltages, refer-enced to the receiver’s signal ground. The voltage varies with the differen-tial signal voltages, the difference in ground potentials between the driver and receiver, and noise on the line.Where the ground connection is long, isolating the ground can ensure that the components don’t exceed their ratings. Isolation also protects the cir-cuits the network connects to ifthe network circuits are damagedby high voltage.Complete isolation requiresisolating the power supplies and thenetwork’s signals. The power suppliestypically use transformer isolation,whereas the signals use optoisolators(see Figure 3).A one-chip way to achieve isolationis to use Maxim’s MAX1480, whichcontains its own transformer-isolatedsupply and optoisolated signal path.AUTO-SWITCHING LINKOne of challenges in designing anRS-485 link is controlling the driver-enable lines. Because all of the nodesshare a data path, only one driver canbe enabled at a time. Before transmit-ting, a driver must be sure that theprevious driver has been disabled.Many RS-485 networks use a com-mand/response protocol; one nodesends commands and the node beingaddressed returns a response. The UARTin the node being addressed detectsthe final stop bit in the middle of thebit width, or slightly sooner or later ifthe sender’s clock doesn’t match exactly.A very fast node may be ready tosend a reply within a few microsecondsafter detecting the stop bit. To preventthe need for a delay before responding,the sending node’s driver should bedisabled as soon as possible after theleading edge of its final stop bit.In most systems, the transmittingdriver is enabled on the leading edgeof the start bit and remains enabled forthe entire transmission. It is disabled assoon as possible after the final stop bit.In the delays between transmissions,biasing holds the line in an idle state.There are various ways that thetransmitting node can determine whena transmission has finished and it issafe to disable the driver. The nodemay read back what it sent, or it mayuse a hardware or software timer toestimate the time needed to transmit.Figure 4 shows a completely auto-matic way to control the enable line sothe driver is disabled as quickly aspossible, soon after the leading edge ofthe stop bit. With this circuit, theprogram code doesn’t have to toggle asignal to enable and disable the driver,and a transmitting driver doesn’t needto allow extra time to be sure that theprevious driver has been disabled.Unlike other methods of automaticcontrol, there are no jumpers to set fora particular bit rate. I learned of thismethod when I saw it in R.E. Smith’sIRSFC24 Isolated RS-485 board.Instead of keeping the transmitterenabled for the entire transmission,the circuit in Figure 4 enables the driveron the leading edge of the start bit orany logic low at the driver’s input. Italso disables the driver ~40 µs after theleading edge of the stop bit or any logichigh at the driver’s input. When thedriver is disabled, biasing resistors en-sure the receiver’s output is a logic high.The delay is generated by a 555 timerconfigured as a monostable (one shot).The enable inputs of the driver andreceiver are tied together so the receiveris disabled when the driver transmits.The timer’s output controls thetransceiver’s enable inputs. A fallingedge at Data Out indicates a start bitand triggers the timer. The timer’soutput goes high, enabling the driverand bringing line B more positive thanline A. Diode feedback to the Triginput holds the timer’s output highfor as long as Trig remains low.When Data Out goes high, the RS-485 line switches, bringing line A morepositive than line B. The same logic Figure 4—This circuit’s automatic driver-enableensures that the previous driver is disabled by thetime the next node begins to transmit. The driver-enable line follows the data with a short delaybefore disabling the driver. Biasing circuits holdthe line in the correct state when the driver isdisabled.high also causes the timer to begin timing out. About 40 µs after the rising edge, the timer’s output goes low, dis-abling the driver.The delay ensures that the driver’s RS-485 output switches without delay,while the driver is enabled. When the driver is disabled, the biasing compo-nents continue to hold A more posi-tive than B.Similarly, any falling edges in the transmitted data enable the driver and any rising edges disable the driver after the delay. On the final stop bit, the driver is disabled no later than 40 µs after the stop bit’s leading edge.At rates of 9600 bps or less, the bit width is greater than 100 µs, which means the driver is disabled at around the middle of the bit width. At faster bit rates, the driver will still be disabled no more than 40 µs after the stop bit’s leading edge. For networks needing very fast response time at faster bit rates,decrease R4 for a shorter delay.A downside is that the final voltage for logic zeros is the biasing voltage,which is usually less than the differen-tial voltage when the driver is enabled.But because the biasing voltage needs to be great enough to prevent errors from noise on an idle line, it should do the job for active logic states as well.I RS-485 transceivers Linear Technology (408) 432-1900Fax: (408) Maxim Integrated Products(408) 737-7600J. Axelson, Serial Port Complete:Programming and Circuits for RS-232 and RS-485 Links and Networks , Lakeview Research,Madison, WI, 1998.Jan Axelson has been involved with computers and electronics for over 20years. Her books include Serial Port Complete , Parallel Port Complete ,and The Microcontroller Idea Book .You may reach her at jan@ or on the web at .Fax: (408) National Semiconductor (800) 272-9959(408) 721-5000Fax: (408) Texas Instruments, Inc.(800) 477-8924, x4500(972) 995-2011Fax: (972) TIA/EIA-485-AGlobal Engineering Documents (800) 854-7179(303) 397-7956Fax: (303) 397-2740/sitemap.html USB–to–RS-485 converter Inside Out Networks (512) 301-7080Fax: (512) B&B Electronics Manufacturing Co.(815) 433-5100Fax: (815) COMM-DRV serial-port drivers (with RS-485 support)WCSC(800) 966-4832(281) 360-4232Fax: (281) RS-485 interface with automatic enable control R.E. Smith (513) 874-4796Fax: (513) ©Circuit Cellar INK, the Computer Applications Journal.Reprinted by permission. For subscription information,call (860) 875-2199 or subscribe ©。
RS485应用电路图图1. RS-485系统示意图由于实际应用系统中,往往分散控制单元数量较多,分布较远,现场存在各种干扰,所以通信的可靠性不高,再加上软硬件设计的不完善,使得实际工程应用中如何保障RS-485总线的通信的可靠性成为各研发机构的一块心病。
针对上述问题,我们对485总线的软硬件采取了具体的改进措施2 硬件电路的设计现以8031单片机自带的异步通信口,外接75176芯片转换成485总线为例。
图 2 改进后的485通信口原理图充分考虑现场的复杂环境,在电路设计中注意了以下三个问题。
2.1 SN75176 485芯片DE控制端的设计由于应用系统中,主机与分机相隔较远,通信线路的总长度往往超过400米,而分机系统上电或复位又常常不在同一个时刻完成。
2.2 隔离光耦电路的参数选取在应用系统中,由于要对现场情况进行实时监控及响应,通信数据的波特率往往做得较高(通常都在4800波特以上)。
1. 光电隔离器:光电隔离器是实现电信号隔离的主要元件,通过光电效应原理,将电信号转换为光信号,再通过光导纤维或反射镜等传输介质传输到接收端,然后再将光信号转换回电信号。
2. RS485收发器:RS485收发器是实现串行通信的关键元件,它可以实现TTL电平与RS485协议之间的转换,从而使得微控制器等TTL设备能够与RS485总线进行通信。
3. 终端电阻:终端电阻是为了消除信号反射、保证信号质量而设置的。
4. 电缆:电缆是用来传输信号的,通常采用双绞线或同轴电缆等线缆。
1 RS-485接口标准传输方式:差分传输介质:双绞线标准节点数:32最远通信距离:1200m 共模电压最大、最小值:+12V;-7V差分输入范围:-7V~+12V接收器输入灵敏度:±200mV接收器输入阻抗:≥12kΩ2 节点数及半双工和全双工通信2.1 节点数所谓节点数,即每个RS-485接口芯片的驱动器能驱动多少个标准RS-485负载。
表1节点数型号32 SN75176,SN75276,SN75179,SN75180,MAX485,MAX488,MAX49064 SN75LBC184128 MAX487,MAX1487256 MAX1482,MAX1483,MAX3080~MAX30892.2 半双工和全双工RS-485接口可连接成半双工和全双工两种通信方式。
半双工通信的芯片有SN75176、SN75276、SN75LBC184、MAX485、MAX 1487、MAX3082、MAX1483等;全双工通信的芯片有SN75179、SN75180、MAX488~MAX491、MAX1482等。
RS485典型电路经典1 概述RS-485建议性标准作为⼀种多点差分数据传输的电⽓规范,现已成为业界应⽤最为⼴泛的标准通信接⼝之⼀,这种通信接⼝允许在简单的⼀对双绞线上进⾏多点双向通信,它所具有的噪声抑制能⼒、数据传输速率、电缆长度及可靠性是其他标准⽆法⽐拟的,因此许多不同领域都采⽤RS-485作为数据传输链路,它是⼀种极为经济并具有相当⾼的噪声抑制、传输速率、传输距离和宽共模范围的通信平台。
它使⽤⼀对双绞线,将其中⼀线定义为A ,另⼀线定义为B 。
通常情况下, RS-485的信号在传送出去之前会先分解成正负对称的两条线路(即我们常说的A 、B 信号线),当到达接收端后,再将信号相减还原成原来的信号。
发送驱动器A 、B 之间的正电平在+2~+6V ,是⼀个逻辑状态;负电平在-2~-6V ,是另⼀个逻辑状态;另有⼀个信号地C ,在RS-485中还有⼀“使能”端。
接收器也与发送端相对的电平逻辑规定,收、发端通过平衡双绞线将AA 与BB 对应相连,当在接收端AB 之间(DT)=(D+) - (D-)有⼤于+200mV 的电平时,输出正逻辑电平,⼩于-200mV 时,输出负逻辑电平。
接收器接收平衡线上的电平范围通常在200mV ⾄6V 之间。
Z LF2 主要性能指标DS75176B 芯⽚技术性能指标:供电电压范围:4.75V to 5.25V ;接收输⼊阻抗:12K ;最⼤接收器数量:32个;共模输⼊电压范围:-7V to 12V ;滞回电压:70mV ;关键芯⽚管脚说明:RE 管脚:接收器输出使能(低电平有效)。
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