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fault, famil, friends, and fello graduates, good evening.

i am honored to address ou tonight. on behalf of the graduating masters and dotoral students of ashington

universit's shool of engineering and applied siene, i ould like to thank all the parents, spouses, families, and friends ho enouraged and supported us as e orked toards our graduate degrees. i ould espeiall like to thank m on famil, eight members of hih are in the audiene toda. i ould also like to thank all of the department seretaries and other engineering shool staff members ho alas seemed to be there hen onfused graduate students needed help. and finall i ould like to thank the ashington universit fault members ho served as our instrutors, mentors, and friends. as i think bak on the

seven-and-a-half ears i spent at ashington universit, m mind is filled ith memories, happ, sad, frustrating, and even humorous. tonight i ould like to share ith ou some of the memories that i take ith me as i leave ashington universit. i take ith me the memor of m offie on the fourth floor of lopata hall - the room at the end of the halla that as too hot in summer, too old in inter, and alas too far ** from the omen's restroom. the indo as m offie's best feature. ere it not for the phsis building aross the a, it ould have afforded

me a lear vie of the arh. but instead i got a vie of the roof of the phsis building. i also had a vie of one orner of the roof of urbauer hall, hih seemed to be a favorite perh for various speies of birds ho alternatel on perhing rights for several eeks at a time. and i had a nie vie of the phsis ourtard, noteorth as a good plae for athing people run their dogs. it's amazing ho fasinating these vies beame the longer i orked on m dissertation. but m favorite vie as of a nearb oak tree. from m fourth-floor vantage point i had a rather intimate vie of the tree and the various birds and squirrels that inhabit it. oasionall a bird ould land on m indo sill, hih usuall had the effet of startling both of us. i take ith me the memor of to oung professors ho passed ** hile i as a graduate student. anne johnstone, the onl female professor from hom i took a ourse in the engineering shool, and bob durr, a politial siene professor and a member of m dissertation mittee, both lost brave battles ith aner. i remember them fondl. i take ith me the memor of failing the first exam in one of the first engineering ourses i took as an undergraduate. i remember thinking the ourse as just too hard for me and that i ould never be able to pass it. so i ent to talk to the professor, read to drop the lass. and he told me not to give up, he told me i ould sueed in his lass. for reasons that seemed pletel ludirous at the time, he said
