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Unit 1:

1.Where is the …? It’s next to/ in front of/behind/near/beside/on the left of/on the right of

the …. (询问地点和方位;记住这些方位词)

2.How can I/we get there? Turn right at the school. Then go straight.

How can I/we get to the science museum? It’s over there. You can go by/take the No.15 bus.

(问路,可以有很多灵活的回答,告知怎么走或告知交通方式,前面最好加上Excuse me。)


(怎么样)when(什么时候)what time(什么时间)how many(多少数量)how much (多少钱)why(为什么)whose(谁的)how old(多大)

4.buy a postcard(买一张明信片)send a postcard(寄一张明信片)

5.I’ll = I will

6. A talking robot(一个说话的机器人)

7.What a great museum! (感叹句,多么伟大/棒的一个博物馆啊!)

8.There is a pet hospital in my city. There are some bookstore s in my city.

Is there a pet hospital in your city?Are there any bookstore s in my city?

(there be句型的单复数、肯定句和一般疑问句形式回忆起来)

9.What an interesting film! (感叹句,多么有趣的一部电影啊!)

10.Italian restaurant (意大利餐厅)


12.On Dongfang Street (注意介词)

13.work 有多种意思,比如工作;奏效,起作用,需根据上下文来理解。

Unit 2:

1.How do you go to school? I often go by bus. (去,代表当事人不在学校)

How do you come to school? Usually I come on foot. Sometimes I come by bus. (来,说明当事人在学校)


2.表示频率的词:always(总是,一直) usually(通常,大多数时候) often(经常,常常)

sometimes(有时候) never(从不)

3.You must pay attention to the traffic lights. (注意)


5.That’s good exercise. (那是很好的运动/锻炼)

6.How do you get to the USA from China? (你怎样从中国到美国? 注意从哪里到哪里)


8.Go at a green light. (肯定)

Don’t go at the red light. (否定)(需关注否定形式,前面加don’t)

9.must(必须,表示主观)have to(不得不,表示客观)should(应该)

10.Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light.


11.a lot of=lots of (许多)和a little(一点)为反义词。


13.by sled(坐雪橇) by ferry(坐轮渡)

Unit 3:

1.一般将来时(be going to / will + 动词原形)

表示一般将来时的时间状语有:this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tomorrow, tonight, this weekend, on the weekend, next week, next month, next year, next Sunday, next Saturday (今晚)你将要做什么?What are you going to do ( this evening)?

I’m going to the cinema.

I’m going to visit my grandparents.

你将什么时候去?When are you going? I’m going at 7:10. (没有to)

你将怎样去呢?How are you going? I’m going by bus. (没有to)

今天下午你将要去哪里?Where are you going this afternoon? I’m going to the bookstore.

你将要买什么呢?What are you going to buy? I’m going to buy a comic book.

2.I’m going to look for some beautiful leaves. (寻找) find(找到)

3.What are you/we/they going to do? We/You/They are going to … /I am going to…

What am I going to do? You are going to …

What is he/she/it going to do? He/She/It is going to …


4.have an art lesson(上一节美术课)go ice-skating(去滑冰)go for a picnic(去野餐)

5.对话中的常用语:Sounds great!(听起来不错)Have a good time!(祝你玩得开心!)

That’s nice. (那不错。)Cool! (好棒!)Really? (真的吗?)

6.Why not go in Tuesday? (为什么不在周二去呢?Why not后面跟动词原形)

7.It’s half price then. (半价)

8.We are going to see a film about space travel!(关于)(太空旅行)

9.Can I help you? 用于商店里购物前营业员所说

10.read a poem have a big dinner make mooncakes tell us a story about Chang’e

