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1一般现在时(d, des, a, is, are)

(1)表示经常性、习惯性的动作或现在的状态、特征和普遍真理,一般不表示一个具体的动作。常用ften, usuall, alas, seties, ever da等。

Light travels faster than sund

(2)表示按规定、计划或安排要发生的情况(这种用法只限于begin, e, g, leave, arrive, stp, start, pen等少数动词):

The train leaves at 10 a


There ges the bell

Here es the bus


u ill ath the train if u hurr up

2一般过去时(did, as, ere)


h bre the ind?


uld/uld u please give e a hand?




e ill eet u at the airprt

(2)be ging t d,打算、准备干;即将发生:

e ut! The r

f is gin

g t fall(此处不用ill fall)

(3)be t d,按计划、安排发生:

The are t hand in their plan next ee

(4)be abut t d,就要干某事,不与时间状语连用:

e are abut t leave

()be ding,用现在进行时表示按规定、计划或安排要发生的情况:

e are leaving fr Beiing trr

4现在进行时(a/is/are ding)表示说话时正在进行的动作,与n 连用:

The are listening t usi n

过去进行时(as/ere ding)表示过去某时正在进行的动作,动作没有完成:

At that tie he as ring in a labratr


He as reading a nvel last night(正在读,没读完)

He read a nvel last night(读完了)

6现在完成时(have/has dne)

(1)动作发生在过去,但对现在有影响,与alread, ust, ever, et, befre, reentl等连用,谓语用瞬间动词:

h has pened the dr? (含义:The dr as pened It is

still pen It’s ld)

(2)动作从过去某时开始,一直持续到现在,与fr, sine或s far, these das, in the past five ears连用,谓语用延续性动词:I have been in Beiing fr half a nth(不能用have e, 但

可说:He has alread e)


H an English rds have u learned?

(4)have been t a plae/have gne t a plae

He has been t Beiing tie(主要强调He has e ba)

He has gne t Beiing(主要强调He isn’t here)

7过去完成时(had dne)是时态中的又一难点,不是字面意思,而是表示过去某时或某个动作之前发生的动作,“过去的过去”,是一个相对的时态,往往与b, hen, befre等连用,或在


B ten ’l e had dne half f the r

The eeting had alread begun hen the arrived

8现在完成进行时(have/has been ding)表示现在以前一直在



e have ust been taling abut u

ur ther has been ling fr u and she still is



He said the uld return sn

She said that there as ging t be a fil

e ere t eet at abut

She said she as leaving sn

I as abut t leave hen he ae in

10将完成时(ill have dne)从现在看,到将某时已经完成


e ill have finished ur r b 8 ’l trr

11将进行时(ill be ding):

This tie next ear u ill be studing at llege

12过去完成进行时(had been ding):

He said that he had been painting the huse all da

13将完成进行时(ill have been ding):

B eight ’l trr e ill have been ring fr ten
