
2. 下海盗有何独特之处?
3. 有哪些参与下海盗活动的前置准备?
4. 下海盗的宝藏有何特点?


古时候臣子称皇帝为“陛下”,请问“陛”是什么意思A 宫殿的台阶10.牛马的年轮长在?-- D牙齿上O1.欧洲最长的河流是?——A,伏尔加河2.藕是莲的?——A,茎。
请问这首偈语是谁所作?——A,六祖惠能3.苹果电脑上的Command(花键)图案键的图标设计来源于什么?-- B 瑞士的露营地的图标4.“琵琶”中的“琵”和“琶”最初指的是?-- A 两种弹奏方法5.扑克牌是根据历法原理制成的,其中大小王分别代表?C 太阳、月亮6.蒲松龄的故居在哪里?-- C 山东淄博Q1.清代最伟大的小说家之一吴敬梓是下列哪本名著的作者?——B,儒林外史2.清明上河图描绘的是?——A,春天3.请问“同是天涯沦落人”下一句是什么?——D,相逢何必曾相识4.请问《洛神赋》是谁所作? ——C,曹植5.请问佛家常说“救人一命”胜造几级“浮屠”?——B,七级6.“芭蕉洞里斗罗刹,火焰山上显神功。
请问书中所写的火焰山在今天的哪个地方?——C,吐鲁番盆地7.请问寒食节的来历与谁有关——B,介子推8.请问黄山在我国哪个省?——B,安徽省9.请问蒲松龄的代表作品是什么?——D,《聊斋志异》10.请问屈原投的是哪条江?——C,汨罗江11.请问下列动物中哪一个吧是生存在极地冰川世界的?——D,孔雀12.请问以下哪种植物是种子植物?--柳树13.请问杨贵妃最后被赐死在哪里?——C,马嵬坡14.请问以下哪部作品所对应的作者是不正确的?——D,《桃色的云》—尼采15.请问在上古神话中“炼石补天”的是谁?——C,女娲16.请问自由女神像在美国的哪个城市?——A,纽约17.“奇才是太白,浪漫谪仙人”,其中被誉为“诗仙”的大诗人是?-- C 李白18.青海湖蒙古语为“库库诺尔”,意为? --A 青色的海19.“期期艾艾”这个典故讲的是西汉的周昌和西晋的邓艾两个人说话时的什么毛病?C口吃R1.屈原是春秋时代哪国人?——C,楚国2.人参的主产地是?——东北3.人们常说,无事不登三宝殿,“三宝殿”是哪三宝?——C,佛,法,僧4.人们常说“打蛇打七寸”这里的七寸是指?——B,心脏5.人生若只如初见这句诗出自下列哪位词人?——A,纳兰性德6.人体最大的器官是什么?——B,皮肤7.人体最坚硬的部分是?——A,牙齿8.人用鼻子呼吸,那你知道虾类用什么呼吸吗?——C,鳃9.溶洞的产生是那种气体在起作用?-- 二氧化碳S1.三重门的作者?——C,韩寒2."三姑六婆”中的“六婆”不包括?C道婆3.色彩的三原色是?——红黄蓝4.森林资源主要分布在我国哪些区域?——B,东北,西南5.啥叫风流?让小萝莉痴情难忘,让御姐。

书虫牛津英汉双语读物答案【篇一:书虫全套介绍】0本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年5月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5579-4出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:49元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 爱情与金钱 love or money?2. 苏格兰玛丽女王mary queen of scots3. 在月亮下面 under the moon4. 潘德尔的巫师 the witches of pendle5. 歌剧院的幽灵 the phantom of the opera6. 猴爪 the monkeys paw7. 象人 the elephant man8. 世界上最冷的地方 the coldest place on earth9. 阿拉丁和神灯 aladdin and the enchanted lamp10.别了,好莱坞先生 goodbye mr hollywood(2)最新版书虫1级(下)(适合初一、初二年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2003年9月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5580-0出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:51元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 小公主 a little princess2. 邦蒂号暴动mutiny on the bounty3. 奥米茄文件 the omega files short stories4. 谁谋杀了总统 the presidents murderer5. 福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子 sherlock holmes and the dukes son6. 白色死亡 withedeath7. 绿野仙踪 the wizard of oz8. 难忘米兰达 remember miranda9. 福尔摩斯与赛马 sherlockholmes and the sport of kings10. 汤姆索亚历险记the adventures of tom sawyer(3)最新版书虫2级(上)(适合初二、初三年级)(本套12本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年7月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5581-7出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:66.8元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册12本简介:1. 威廉莎士比亚 william shakespeare2. 格雷丝达林grace darling3. 钢琴之恋 piano4. 莫尔格街凶手案 the murders the rue morgue5. 鲁宾逊漂流记 the life and strange surprising adventures of robinson crusoe6. 爱丽丝漫游奇镜记alices adventures in wonderland7. 格林盖布尔斯的安妮 anne of green gables8. 五个孩子和沙精five childrenand it9. 风中奇缘pocahontas10. 长池村的故事tales from longpuddle11.欧亨利短篇小说集o.heys short stories12. 分享年 the year of sharing(4)最新版书虫2级(下)(适合初二、初三年级)(本套13本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2003年9月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5582-4出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:67.7元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册13本简介:1. 神秘女人-阿加莎克里斯蒂 agatha christie, womanof mystery2. 德拉库拉 dracula3. 亨利八世和他的六位妻子 hey viii and his six wives4. 哈克贝利费恩历险记 the adventures of huckleberry finn5. 阿利格拉之谜 the mytery of allegra6. 五镇故事 stories from the five towns7. 法兰克福的耳环 ear-rings from frankfurt8. 森林王子 the jungle book9. 新森林的孩子们 the children of the new forest10. 福尔摩斯探案故事 sherlock holmes short stories11. 一个国王的爱情故事 the love of a king12. 亡灵岛 dead mans island13. 坎特维尔幽灵 the canterville ghost(5)最新版书虫3级(上)(适合初三、高一年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:1998年1月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5583-1出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:62元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 弗兰肯斯坦frankenstein2. 野性的呼唤the call ofthe wild3. 秘密花园 the secret garden4. 曾达的囚徒 the prisoner of zenda5. 爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记 throughthe looking-glass and what alice found there【篇二:书虫分级】1.生存游戏2.侠盗罗宾汉3.白色巨石4.红酋长的赎金5.吸血鬼猎手6.逆戟鲸7.雾都疑案8.亚瑟王传奇9.亚瑟王朝里的美国人10.把钱拿出来!《书虫(1级上)》1.爱情与金钱2.苏格兰玛丽女王3.在月亮下面4.潘德尔的巫师5.歌剧院的幽灵6.猴爪7.象人8.世界上最冷的地方9.阿拉丁和神灯10.别了,好莱坞先生《书虫(1级下)》1.小公主2.邦蒂号暴动3.奥米茄文件4.谁谋杀了总统5.福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子6.白色死亡7.绿野仙踪8.难忘米兰达9.福尔摩斯与寨马《书虫(2级上)》3.钢琴之恋4.莫尔格街凶杀案5.鲁宾孙漂流记6.爱丽丝漫游奇境记8.五个孩子和沙精9.风中奇缘10.长池村的故事12.分享年《书虫(2级下)》2.德拉库拉3.亨利八世和他的六位妻子5.阿利格拉之谜6.五镇故事7.法兰克福的耳环8.森林王子9.新森林的孩子们10.福尔摩斯探案故事 11.一个国王的爱情故事12.亡灵岛13.坎特维尔幽灵《书虫(3级上)》1.弗兰肯斯坦2.野性的呼唤3.秘密花园4.曾达的囚徒5.爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记6.风雨河岸柳7.神秘及幻想故事8.铁路少年9.三个陌生人《书虫(3级下)》1.圣诞欢歌3.勃朗特一家的故事4.牙齿和爪子5.星际动物园6.诱拐7.公正8.化学秘密9.劫机!《书虫(4级上)》1.巴斯克维尔猎犬2.不平静的坟墓3.三怪客泛舟记4.三十九级台阶5.小妇人6.克兰福德7.华盛顿广场8.织工马南9.化身博士《书虫(4级下)》1.双城记2.格列佛游记3.金银岛4.黑骏马5.红字6.极限之旅7.吉姆老爷《书虫(5级)》2.远离尘嚣3.远大前程4.呼啸山庄5.园会6.理智与情感《书虫(6级)》2.雾都孤儿3.傲慢与偏见4.苔丝5.白衣女人《【篇三:英语阅读书目】《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》。

书虫威廉退尔课后答案一、关于书虫威廉1. 什么是书虫威廉?答:书虫威廉是一只能够吃掉任何东西并且变成它所吃的东西的小虫子。
2. 为什么叫做“书虫”?答:因为它最喜欢吃的就是书本,而且可以通过吞食来获得知识和智慧。
3. 威廉有哪些特殊能力?答:除了可以变身外,还可以在人类语言中自由交流,并且拥有超强记忆力和分析能力。
二、故事情节4. 故事背景是怎样的?答:故事发生在一个名叫布鲁克林镇的小城市里。
5. 谈谈艾米莉与威廉相遇时候发生了什么。
6. 接下来他们都干了些什么呢?答:接下来他们开始进行冒险之旅,在图书馆寻找珍贵藏品、帮助老板解决店内问题等等。
7. 在故事中出现过哪些障碍或者危机?他们如何应对解决呢?答:在故事中出现过很多挑战和困难,比如说袭击图书馆事件、失窃案件以及面对恶意竞争者等等。
三、角色介绍8. 谈谈你最喜欢或者观感深刻的角色。
答: 我最喜欢艾米莉这个角色。
她不但聪明伶俐, 还非常勇敢坚定, 思维缜密, 意志坚定, 是一个值得尊重和信赖的女孩子.9. 哪位角色给你留下较大反感或厌恶?答: 雷姆先生这个角色给我留下较大反感或厌恶。
10 . 角色间关系复杂,请简单描述几组关系答:(1)艾米莉与母亲:母女之间存在代沟 , 但彼此还是十分理解支持 . (2)艾米莉与汤姆 : 汤姆是身份高贵的学校校长 , 对于身处社会底层的西班牙移民家庭来说 , 可以说是典型的上下级关系 . 不过汤姆很看重和尊重能力强的学生.(3)雪利 & 凯文 : 雪利和凯文是图书馆工作中相遇并成为同僚的 . 初期彼此并不太合适 , 经历各种困境后打成一片并最终成功解决危机.四、读后感11.你认为这本《Bookworm William》有哪些优点?是否推荐给别人阅读?答: 这本《Bookworm William》具有以下优点:(1)内容新颖独特;(2)语言简洁易懂;(3)情节跌宕起伏;(4)表现出积极向上精神。

英语书虫二级下参考答案Part 1: Vocabulary and Grammar1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given: - The careful (careful) student always double-checks his answers.- She became more interested (interest) in history after visiting the museum.- The weather was too cold (cold) to go outside without a coat.2. Choose the correct answer:- What did she say? (A)A. did, sayB. do, saysC. does, say3. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition:- She is waiting for the bus at the bus stop.- They arrived at the airport early in the morning.4. Correct the sentence if it is wrong:- The children are playing in the garden. (Correct)- She don’t like ice cream. (She doesn’t like ice cream.)5. Use the word given to form a new sentence:- Success: After months of hard work, she finally achieved success in her career.Part 2: Reading Comprehension1. True or False:- The main character of the story is a teacher. (False)- The protagonist learns an important lesson about honesty. (True)2. Answer the following questions based on the text:- What is the protagonist's profession?- The protagonist is a student.- Why did the protagonist feel guilty?- The protagonist felt guilty because he cheated on an exam.3. Summarize the main points of the passage in no more than50 words:- The passage tells the story of a student who cheats onan exam and later learns the value of honesty and integrity.Part 3: Writing1. Write a short essay (100-150 words) on the topic: "The Importance of Honesty"- Honesty is the cornerstone of trust in any relationship. It fosters a sense of integrity and builds strong bonds between individuals. In a society where deception is common, being honest can set a positive example and encourage othersto follow suit. Honesty also leads to personal growth, as it requires courage and self-awareness. It is essential forself-respect and for earning the respect of others.2. Write a dialogue between two friends discussing their plans for the weekend.- Friend 1: Hey, what are your plans for the weekend?- Friend 2: I was thinking of going to the new art exhibition downtown. What about you?- Friend 1: That sounds interesting. I might join you. I also need to finish some reading for my history class.- Friend 2: Great, let’s make a day of it. We can grab lunch afterwards.Part 4: Listening1. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer:- What are the two speakers discussing?A. A movie they want to watch.B. A book they recently read.C. A trip they are planning.2. Fill in the blanks with the information provided in the conversation:- The speakers agree to meet at the cinema at 7 PM to watch a sci-fi movie.3. Answer the following questions based on the conversation: - What is the name of the movie they are going to watch? - The name of the movie is not provided in the conversation.- Why did the first speaker choose this particular movie? - The first speaker chose the movie because it has received excellent reviews.Part 5: Speaking1. Prepare a short speech (1-2 minutes) on the topic: "The Benefits of Learning a Second Language"- Learning a second language opens up a world of opportunities, both personally and professionally. It enhances cognitive abilities, improves memory, and promotes a better understanding of different cultures. Additionally,being bilingual can increase job prospects and provide a competitive edge in the global market.2. Role-play a situation where you are explaining to a friend why you think it's important to recycle.- You: Hey, did you know that recycling helps reduce waste in landfills and conserves natural resources?- Friend: Really? I never thought about it that way.- You: Yes, and it also reduces pollution and saves energy. Let's make a commitment to recycle more.Note: The above answers are fictional and provided as an example for the requested content. The actual content of "English Bookworm Level 2 Down" may vary, and the answers should be adjusted accordingly to match the specific material in the book.。


书虫后面的答案18岁初体验》女主人公叫什么?——A,贤英《30年后拿什么养活自己》的作者是?——B,薛晋蓉|《31岁小美女的养颜经》第二十章,壮腰补肾的食品是?—-C,黑豆A1《爱上强奸犯》这本书的结局是?——A,happy ending2《暧昧透视眼》第二百九十九章提到张颖被逐出电视台之后,从事的什么工作?—-C,3《暗夜缠情假面小娇妻》第21章陆依乔给橙汁里加了——D,辣椒4永远着迷,他们的魅力;永远铭记,瞬间的永恒。

请问:在【正文】“杜十娘怒沉百宝箱”是?正确答案:a 第三十二卷您选择了:a 第三十二卷答案解析:原文:第三十二卷,杜十娘怒沉百宝箱。
选择题2“自由女神像”是哪个国家送给美国的礼物?正确答案:c 法国您选择了:c 法国答案解析:“自由女神像”是法国在1876年赠送给美国的独立100周年礼物,位于美国纽约市哈德逊河口附近。
选择题3在《i经典no.19》的【《西游记》中你不知道的冷知识】中,作者列举了一系列《西游记》中的冷知识,其中谁喜欢剧透,预见了整个西游历程呢?正确答案:c 乌巢禅师您选择了:c 乌巢禅师答案解析:原文:乌巢禅师喜欢剧透,预见了整个西游历程。
在原著中,乾隆皇帝为了解决西南军饷问题追缴扬州盐商的捐输可谓煞费苦心,而在【第一章风云骤变】中,文中提到此时在西南带兵的将领是?正确答案:c 阿桂您选择了:c 阿桂答案解析:原文:乾隆双眼看着远处,似在自言自语:“没底的窟窿,填了多少银子进去,不知打到什么时候,阿桂他……”突然收回目光,“两淮盐政尹如海到了吗?”选择题5世界上能给你安全感的,只有自己。

1. 物语背景在回答问题之前,我们先来了解一下《书虫快乐王子》的背景。
2. 问题一:书虫王子是如何变成书虫的?在故事的开头部分,书虫王子解释了他是如何变成书虫的。
3. 问题二:书虫王子为什么要帮助孩子们?书虫王子帮助孩子们是出于他对阅读和学习的热爱,同时也是因为他忍受着孤独和相对封闭的生活。
4. 问题三:书虫王子的助人方式都有哪些?书虫王子的助人方式多种多样。
5. 问题四:书虫王子的助人故事对孩子们有什么好处?书虫王子的助人故事能够给孩子们带来很多好处。


书虫牛津英汉双语读物答案【篇一:书虫全套介绍】0本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年5月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5579-4出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:49元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 爱情与金钱 love or money?2. 苏格兰玛丽女王mary queen of scots3. 在月亮下面 under the moon4. 潘德尔的巫师 the witches of pendle5. 歌剧院的幽灵 the phantom of the opera6. 猴爪 the monkeys paw7. 象人 the elephant man8. 世界上最冷的地方 the coldest place on earth9. 阿拉丁和神灯 aladdin and the enchanted lamp10.别了,好莱坞先生 goodbye mr hollywood(2)最新版书虫1级(下)(适合初一、初二年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2003年9月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5580-0出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:51元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 小公主 a little princess2. 邦蒂号暴动mutiny on the bounty3. 奥米茄文件 the omega files short stories4. 谁谋杀了总统 the presidents murderer5. 福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子 sherlock holmes and the dukes son6. 白色死亡 withedeath7. 绿野仙踪 the wizard of oz8. 难忘米兰达 remember miranda9. 福尔摩斯与赛马 sherlockholmes and the sport of kings10. 汤姆索亚历险记the adventures of tom sawyer(3)最新版书虫2级(上)(适合初二、初三年级)(本套12本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年7月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5581-7出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:66.8元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册12本简介:1. 威廉莎士比亚 william shakespeare2. 格雷丝达林grace darling3. 钢琴之恋 piano4. 莫尔格街凶手案 the murders the rue morgue5. 鲁宾逊漂流记 the life and strange surprising adventures of robinson crusoe6. 爱丽丝漫游奇镜记alices adventures in wonderland7. 格林盖布尔斯的安妮 anne of green gables8. 五个孩子和沙精five childrenand it9. 风中奇缘pocahontas10. 长池村的故事tales from longpuddle11.欧亨利短篇小说集o.heys short stories12. 分享年 the year of sharing(4)最新版书虫2级(下)(适合初二、初三年级)(本套13本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2003年9月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5582-4出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:67.7元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册13本简介:1. 神秘女人-阿加莎克里斯蒂 agatha christie, womanof mystery2. 德拉库拉 dracula3. 亨利八世和他的六位妻子 hey viii and his six wives4. 哈克贝利费恩历险记 the adventures of huckleberry finn5. 阿利格拉之谜 the mytery of allegra6. 五镇故事 stories from the five towns7. 法兰克福的耳环 ear-rings from frankfurt8. 森林王子 the jungle book9. 新森林的孩子们 the children of the new forest10. 福尔摩斯探案故事 sherlock holmes short stories11. 一个国王的爱情故事 the love of a king12. 亡灵岛 dead mans island13. 坎特维尔幽灵 the canterville ghost(5)最新版书虫3级(上)(适合初三、高一年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:1998年1月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5583-1出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:62元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 弗兰肯斯坦frankenstein2. 野性的呼唤the call ofthe wild3. 秘密花园 the secret garden4. 曾达的囚徒 the prisoner of zenda5. 爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记 throughthe looking-glass and what alice found there【篇二:书虫分级】1.生存游戏2.侠盗罗宾汉3.白色巨石4.红酋长的赎金5.吸血鬼猎手6.逆戟鲸7.雾都疑案8.亚瑟王传奇9.亚瑟王朝里的美国人10.把钱拿出来!《书虫(1级上)》1.爱情与金钱2.苏格兰玛丽女王3.在月亮下面4.潘德尔的巫师5.歌剧院的幽灵6.猴爪7.象人8.世界上最冷的地方9.阿拉丁和神灯10.别了,好莱坞先生《书虫(1级下)》1.小公主2.邦蒂号暴动3.奥米茄文件4.谁谋杀了总统5.福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子6.白色死亡7.绿野仙踪8.难忘米兰达9.福尔摩斯与寨马《书虫(2级上)》3.钢琴之恋4.莫尔格街凶杀案5.鲁宾孙漂流记6.爱丽丝漫游奇境记8.五个孩子和沙精9.风中奇缘10.长池村的故事12.分享年《书虫(2级下)》2.德拉库拉3.亨利八世和他的六位妻子5.阿利格拉之谜6.五镇故事7.法兰克福的耳环8.森林王子9.新森林的孩子们10.福尔摩斯探案故事 11.一个国王的爱情故事12.亡灵岛13.坎特维尔幽灵《书虫(3级上)》1.弗兰肯斯坦2.野性的呼唤3.秘密花园4.曾达的囚徒5.爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记6.风雨河岸柳7.神秘及幻想故事8.铁路少年9.三个陌生人《书虫(3级下)》1.圣诞欢歌3.勃朗特一家的故事4.牙齿和爪子5.星际动物园6.诱拐7.公正8.化学秘密9.劫机!《书虫(4级上)》1.巴斯克维尔猎犬2.不平静的坟墓3.三怪客泛舟记4.三十九级台阶5.小妇人6.克兰福德7.华盛顿广场8.织工马南9.化身博士《书虫(4级下)》1.双城记2.格列佛游记3.金银岛4.黑骏马5.红字6.极限之旅7.吉姆老爷《书虫(5级)》2.远离尘嚣3.远大前程4.呼啸山庄5.园会6.理智与情感《书虫(6级)》2.雾都孤儿3.傲慢与偏见4.苔丝5.白衣女人《【篇三:英语阅读书目】《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》。

书虫练习答案【篇一:书虫2鲁宾逊测试题】surprising adventures of robinson crusoe by adeyour name ________ your marks ___________i listening comprehension ( 10 points)1. when was i born?a. 1623b. 1632c. 1642d.16622. ‘robinson’ is ___________.a. my family name c. my mother’s given name d. what others called me3. my father wanted me to live ______.a. a quiet lifeb. a comfortable lifec. with a good jobd. all above4. who had a ship?a. my fatherb. my friendc. friend’s fatherd. my nep hew5. where did i go on september 2nd?a. londonb. hullc. south americad. brazilii dictation (15 points)iii single choice ( 20 points)1. ‘i want to be a _____ and go to sea,’ i told my mother and father.a. captainb. mutineerc. turtled. sailor2. i stayed in london for some time, but i _____ wanted to go to sea.a. stillb. don’tc. didn’td. stilled3. ‘you go with moely and the boy, and catch some fish for our ______ tonight’ master said to me.a. lunchb. breakfastc. snackd. supper4. the sea __________the ship into pieces, and we had very little time.a. is trying to breakb. was trying to breakc. is breakingd. broke5. i looked round for my friends, but i could see nobody. i was ______.a. onlyb. lonelyc. aloned. along6. there ______ nobody in the water. all my friends died.a. wasb. werec. hasd. had7. i looked around the ship, and after ____ minutes, i found some long pieces of wood.a. a littleb. littlec. a fewd. few8. i used many of the ship’s ropes too, and in the end my fence was as _____ as a stone wall.a. heavyb. stronglyc stronger d. firm9. i knew that my island was somewhere ______ the coast of south america. ships did not often come down this coast.a. offb. nearc. leaved. in10. i decided to take a lot of the fruit, and to put it to dry in the ____ for a time. then i could keep it for many months.a. caveb. beachc. sund. tent11. now the island is not the prison ____ my home. i was just happy to be alive.a. butb. alsoc. but alsod. and12. i leant to make new clothes to _____ ______ the skins of dead animals.a. me, fromb. myself, fromc. me, withd. myself, with13. i stayed near my home and i never used my guns becausei didn’t wa nt to make a _____.a. noiseb. voicec. moved. danger14. ‘perhaps i can shoot two or three,’ i said to myself, ‘but then they ______ kill and eat me.a. willb. wouldc. are goingd. could15. they made their fire on the sand and danced round it. then they killed one of the prisoners and began to cook their terrible meal. they are _______.a. murdererb. mutineerc. wild mend. sailors16. i enjoyed teaching him and, most of all, having a friend to _____.a. sayb. tellc. talkd. talk to17. ‘a boat like this can carry a lot of food and drink.’‘then we ‘ll make ______ canoe like it, and you can go home in it ,’ i said.a. ab. thec. anotherd. /18. _____ my great surprise, i saw that it was an english ship!a. withb. onc. ind. to19. this man, tom smith, was ____ worst ____ them all and he began the mutiny on the ship.a. the, inb. the, ofc. /, ind. /, of20. just then we saw another boat. we saw it _______.a. at onceb. asapc. at that momentd. immediatelyiv cloze (15 points) of my brothers. they were happy to learn that i was alive, and i was pleased to find some family.after some months i decided to go down to lisbon in portugal.i had friends came with me. he was good and true friend to me. in lisbon i found the good to see him again, and he helped me with my business. soon i was ready to go home again----by land. no more adventures and dangers by sea ____ me!1. ______ a. returnedb. remark c. came d. arrived2. ______ a. city b. townc. villaged. country3. ______ a. differentb. surprising c. wonderfuld. terrible4. ______ a. die b. dead c. died d. dying5. ______ a. ab. me c. that d. one6. ______ a. whatb. which c. who d. where7. ______ a. had b. shared c. accepted d. needed8. ______ a. always b. finally c. liked. nearly9. ______ a. sent b. tookc. let d. allowed10._____ a. to b. as c. with d. forv. reading comprehension (15 points)i still needed a lot of things. ‘well,’ i said, ‘i’m going to have to make them.’ so, ever y day, i worked.first of all, i wanted to make my cave bigger. i carried outstone from the cave, and after many days’ hard work i had a large cave in the side of the hill. then i needed a table and a chair, and that was my next job. i had to work on them for a long time. i also wanted to make places to put all my food, and all my tools and guns. but every time i wanted a piece of wood, i had to cut down a tree. it was long, slow, difficult work, and during the next months i learnt to be very there was no hurry. i had all the time in the world.i also went out every day, and i always had my gun with me. sometimes i killed a wild animal, and then i had meat to eat.but when it got dark, i had to go to bed because i had no light. i couldn’t read or write because i couldn’t see. for a long time, i didn’t know what to do. but in the end, i learnt how to use the fat of dead animals to make a light.the weather on my island was usually very hot, and there were often storms and heavy rain. the next june, it rained all the time, and i couldn’t go out very often. i was also ill for some weeks,but slowly, i got better. when i was stronger, i began to go out again. the first time i killed a wild animal, and the second time i caught a big turtle.ut the rest of the island.1. what did i need?a. i needed a lot of food.b. i needed to work.c. i needed to decorate my home.d. i needed to cut trees2. why could i do the work without hurry?a. i had the ability to achieve all the time of others in the world.b. i could only do it slowly since there was too much work.c. i was ill for some weeks so that could not work.d. i would stay here for a long time. time is cheap for me.3. in which of the sentences below, ‘clever’ has the same meaning as it is underlined in the passage?a. in my opinion, tony is clever enough to answer that question.b. she is very clever at getting others angry!c. look! his clever coat helps him at tract many girls’ attention.d. the thief ran with clever moves and finally escaped.4. which of the following statements is correct?a. i couldn’t read or write because i haven’t learned that before.b. for me, wild animals are just food and clothes.c. the weather on my island was kind of similar to that on nanning.d. when i got stronger after sick, i didn’t go to beach for a long time.5. which of the following statements could be the best title of the passage?a. hard life on the islandb. learn to live alonec. settle downd. the first year’s new life.vi writing (25 points)you are robinson crusoe and you write a letter, put it in a bottle and throw it into the sea. write crusoe’s letter for him with at least 150 words. perhaps it begins like this:if you find this letter, please help me!______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 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书虫练习答案【篇一:书虫2鲁宾逊测试题】surprising adventures of robinson crusoe by adeyour name ________ your marks ___________i listening comprehension ( 10 points)1. when was i born?a. 1623b. 1632c. 1642d.16622. ‘robinson’ is ___________.a. my family name c. my mother’s given name d. what others called me3. my father wanted me to live ______.a. a quiet lifeb. a comfortable lifec. with a good jobd. all above4. who had a ship?a. my fatherb. my friendc. friend’s fatherd. my nep hew5. where did i go on september 2nd?a. londonb. hullc. south americad. brazilii dictation (15 points)iii single choice ( 20 points)1. ‘i want to be a _____ and go to sea,’ i told my mother and father.a. captainb. mutineerc. turtled. sailor2. i stayed in london for some time, but i _____ wanted to go to sea.a. stillb. don’tc. didn’td. stilled3. ‘you go with moely and the boy, and catch some fish for our ______ tonight’ master said to me.a. lunchb. breakfastc. snackd. supper4. the sea __________the ship into pieces, and we had very little time.a. is trying to breakb. was trying to breakc. is breakingd. broke5. i looked round for my friends, but i could see nobody. i was ______.a. onlyb. lonelyc. aloned. along6. there ______ nobody in the water. all my friends died.a. wasb. werec. hasd. had7. i looked around the ship, and after ____ minutes, i found some long pieces of wood.a. a littleb. littlec. a fewd. few8. i used many of the ship’s ropes too, and in the end my fence was as _____ as a stone wall.a. heavyb. stronglyc stronger d. firm9. i knew that my island was somewhere ______ the coast of south america. ships did not often come down this coast.a. offb. nearc. leaved. in10. i decided to take a lot of the fruit, and to put it to dry in the ____ for a time. then i could keep it for many months.a. caveb. beachc. sund. tent11. now the island is not the prison ____ my home. i was just happy to be alive.a. butb. alsoc. but alsod. and12. i leant to make new clothes to _____ ______ the skins of dead animals.a. me, fromb. myself, fromc. me, withd. myself, with13. i stayed near my home and i never used my guns becausei didn’t wa nt to make a _____.a. noiseb. voicec. moved. danger14. ‘perhaps i can shoot two or three,’ i said to myself, ‘but then they ______ kill and eat me.a. willb. wouldc. are goingd. could15. they made their fire on the sand and danced round it. then they killed one of the prisoners and began to cook their terrible meal. they are _______.a. murdererb. mutineerc. wild mend. sailors16. i enjoyed teaching him and, most of all, having a friend to _____.a. sayb. tellc. talkd. talk to17. ‘a boat like this can carry a lot of food and drink.’‘then we ‘ll make ______ canoe like it, and you can go home in it ,’ i said.a. ab. thec. anotherd. /18. _____ my great surprise, i saw that it was an english ship!a. withb. onc. ind. to19. this man, tom smith, was ____ worst ____ them all and he began the mutiny on the ship.a. the, inb. the, ofc. /, ind. /, of20. just then we saw another boat. we saw it _______.a. at onceb. asapc. at that momentd. immediatelyiv cloze (15 points) of my brothers. they were happy to learn that i was alive, and i was pleased to find some family.after some months i decided to go down to lisbon in portugal.i had friends came with me. he was good and true friend to me. in lisbon i found the good to see him again, and he helped me with my business. soon i was ready to go home again----by land. no more adventures and dangers by sea ____ me!1. ______ a. returnedb. remark c. came d. arrived2. ______ a. city b. townc. villaged. country3. ______ a. differentb. surprising c. wonderfuld. terrible4. ______ a. die b. dead c. died d. dying5. ______ a. ab. me c. that d. one6. ______ a. whatb. which c. who d. where7. ______ a. had b. shared c. accepted d. needed8. ______ a. always b. finally c. liked. nearly9. ______ a. sent b. tookc. let d. allowed10._____ a. to b. as c. with d. forv. reading comprehension (15 points)i still needed a lot of things. ‘well,’ i said, ‘i’m going to have to make them.’ so, ever y day, i worked.first of all, i wanted to make my cave bigger. i carried outstone from the cave, and after many days’ hard work i had a large cave in the side of the hill. then i needed a table and a chair, and that was my next job. i had to work on them for a long time. i also wanted to make places to put all my food, and all my tools and guns. but every time i wanted a piece of wood, i had to cut down a tree. it was long, slow, difficult work, and during the next months i learnt to be very there was no hurry. i had all the time in the world.i also went out every day, and i always had my gun with me. sometimes i killed a wild animal, and then i had meat to eat.but when it got dark, i had to go to bed because i had no light. i couldn’t read or write because i couldn’t see. for a long time, i didn’t know what to do. but in the end, i learnt how to use the fat of dead animals to make a light.the weather on my island was usually very hot, and there were often storms and heavy rain. the next june, it rained all the time, and i couldn’t go out very often. i was also ill for some weeks,but slowly, i got better. when i was stronger, i began to go out again. the first time i killed a wild animal, and the second time i caught a big turtle.ut the rest of the island.1. what did i need?a. i needed a lot of food.b. i needed to work.c. i needed to decorate my home.d. i needed to cut trees2. why could i do the work without hurry?a. i had the ability to achieve all the time of others in the world.b. i could only do it slowly since there was too much work.c. i was ill for some weeks so that could not work.d. i would stay here for a long time. time is cheap for me.3. in which of the sentences below, ‘clever’ has the same meaning as it is underlined in the passage?a. in my opinion, tony is clever enough to answer that question.b. she is very clever at getting others angry!c. look! his clever coat helps him at tract many girls’ attention.d. the thief ran with clever moves and finally escaped.4. which of the following statements is correct?a. i couldn’t read or write because i haven’t learned that before.b. for me, wild animals are just food and clothes.c. the weather on my island was kind of similar to that on nanning.d. when i got stronger after sick, i didn’t go to beach for a long time.5. which of the following statements could be the best title of the passage?a. hard life on the islandb. learn to live alonec. settle downd. the first year’s new life.vi writing (25 points)you are robinson crusoe and you write a letter, put it in a bottle and throw it into the sea. write crusoe’s letter for him with at least 150 words. perhaps it begins like this:if you find this letter, please help me!______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 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_________________________【篇二:书虫系列】lass=txt>暴风雨(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:辛巴达历险记(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:威廉.退尔(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:花木兰(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:伦敦大火(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:环游地球80天(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:特里斯坦和伊索尔德(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:谜图(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:睡谷的传说(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:第1级(共5册)(适合初一、初二)木乃伊的诅咒(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:福尔摩斯探案故事:绿玉王冠(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:漂亮女孩(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:坎特伯雷故事集(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:快乐王子(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:第2级(共5册)(适合初二、初三)阿里阿德涅的故事(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:福尔摩斯探案故事:蓝色宝石(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:三个火枪手(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:海上遇险(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:波莉安娜(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:第3级(共5册)(适合初三、高一)失落的世界(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:少爷返乡(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:爱玛(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:没有秘密的斯芬克斯(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:福尔摩斯探案故事:诺伍德谜案(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:第4级(共4册)(适合高一、高二)最后一个莫希干人(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:白牙(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:福尔摩斯探案故事:四签名(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:基督山伯爵(书虫.牛津英汉双语读物)(美绘光盘版),点击进入:【篇三:人教版八年级物理上册期中试题及答案(书虫教育)整理版】xt>一、填空题(每小题3分,共30分)1、我们学习的物理是一门有趣的科学,实际上物理学是研究______、_______、热、电、力等形形色色的物理现象,同时物理学是一门以观察、_______为基础的科学。

pp. 1BEFORE READING1Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the answers now. They will find out as they read that the answers are:a 1b 1c 22Open answerspp. 12–13READING CHECKb 1c 7d 8e 2f 5g 6h 3WORD WORK1 b rat f wake upc city g fired follow h narrowe maid2 b city f followc wake up g narrowd fire h maide ratGUESS WHATEncourage students to guess but do not tell them the answers now. They will find out as they read that the answers are:b, dpp. 22–23READING CHECKa F (She doesn’t jump because she is afraid.)b Tc F (Mary dies.)d Te F (Twenty fire-fighters come)f F (Someone says, ‘The Lord Mayor lives in Maiden Lane.’)g F (They go down to the river)WORD WORK1River, asleep, climb, strong, wind, out of control, chief, spreads2 b strong wind e chiefc spreads f asleepd out of control g RiverGUESS WHATEncourage students to guess by looking at the picture of Samuel Pepys on page 13. They will also find out as they read that:Samuel Pepys ...a is thirty three years old.b writes in his diary every day.c goes to look at the fire.pp. 32–33READING CHECKa 7b 4c 3d 8e 1f 5g 2h 6WORD WORKb bells f clothesc church g Towerd ringing h Bridgee clouds i governmentGUESS WHATEncourage students to guess but do not tell them the answers now. They will find out as they read that the answers are:a Yesb Noc Nod Yese Nopp. 42–43READING CHECKb 2c 2d 1e 1f 2 WORD WORK1blow up, bank, boat, burning, carry, crowd, frightened, full, outside, palace2 b bank g outsidec carry h crowdd burning i boate frightened j fullf palaceGUESS WHATEncourage students to guess but do not tell them the answers now. They will find out as they read that the answers are:c, epp. 52–53READING CHECKb men e letterc Pepys f Lord Mayord wants g coachWORD WORK1 b coach f surprisedc solution g Onlyd guard h lettere madly2MONUMENTGUESS WHATEncourage students to guess but do not tell them the answers now. They will find out as they read that the answers are:a 2b 3c 2d 3pp. 66–67READING CHECKb 2c 1d 2e 1f 1WORD WORK1 b soldier f directionc instead g cathedrald tired h centree wide2 a burns e directionb cathedral f soldierc tired g centre, wided insteadGUESS WHATOpen answers.pp. 68–69PROJECT 拓展训练Famous Disasters1 a Burning f frightenedb city g directionc clouds h boatsd on fire i lettere Crowds j jump279 ADPompeiiVesuvius is eruptingrunning to the sea and waiting for boatswriting a letter to his friendtelling the boats to go across the sea20,0002,00031666, in Londonthe city is burning out of controlthe people are running to the river, they are carryingtheir thingspulling down buildings and blowing up housesgoing to see the King, taking a letter to the Lord Mayor 94Open answerspp. 70–72Conversations about the Fire5 a 5 b 2 c 1 d6 e 9 f 4 g 3 h7 i 86 a Wake e rememberb Where f talkingc shop g girlsd smoke7 a A fire? Where?b Yes, I can see it. But it’s only small.c It’s not important, Jane. Go back to bed.d Well, what are the fire-fighters doing?e OK. OK. I’m going to the Tower to have a look.8Open answers.9Ask students to work with a partner and read through the dialogues on pages 70 and 71. Encourage themto follow the stage directions and to put feeling andemotion into their parts.GRAMMAR CHECK 语法充电1 b goesc doesn’t walkd drivese doesn’t wearf puts ong beginsh movesi comej don’t knowk isn’tl havem finishesn watcheso says2 b must arrivec must comed must speake must sit downf must blow upg must help3 b The fire-fighters must find more water.c Pepys must jump out of bed quickly.d I must leave the house now.e You must find a boat on the river.4 b themc Shed Hee itf me5 a she herb him, hec They, themd you, Ie you, it6 b She’s a nice, new maid.c They’re long, brown rats.d He’s a bad, old mayor.e He’s a tall, young man.7 b There’s a beautiful, white cathedral.c There are some wonderful, new, French shops.d There’s an old, narrow bridge.e There are a lot of nice, new, red houses.8 b Nobody can stop the fire.c There’s somebody on the roof.d We must take everything.e A fter the fire, there’s nothing left in the centre ofLondon.f I can see something in the river.9 b Somebodyc nobodyd nothinge everybody10 b interestingc excitedd surprisede frighteningf interestedg surprising11 b frightenedc interestedd tiringe frighteningf surprisedg tiredh excited12 b citiesc churchesd coachese daysf peopleg diaries13 b housesc boysd girlse storiesf ratsg buildingsh meni womenj childrenk streetsl banksm familiesn boats。
书虫大作战答案汇编(The bookworm battle answer collection )

书虫大作战答案汇编1(The bookworm battle answer collection 1)1., Ninth Symphonies - Beethoven2. are not regular words are not smooth - ConfucianThe 3. Nie Yihan Lane4. new mobile phone and mobile phone chain5. bandits, I think of depositThe 6. female emperor is Wu Zetian7. the first stamp is in England8. mysteries fog 67 chapters9. small Qin is the Communist Party underground organization10. underwear color is light purple11., "iron pear" five aunt is too grave robber12. bites the male Lord's face13., his father's hand painting is ink painting14.: Saint Du Fu15., "Sheng Sheng Xiao silent" actor: He Yichen16., "swordsman", the male Lord is Linghu Chong17. the moon, Pyramid, is located in Mexico18. the largest organ in the human body is the skin19., Nie Yihan Lane20. send crystal swallow21., peach blossom forest, human corpse promiscuity22. "the beautiful scenery see through life and" the emperor Li Yu 23. is the earliest astronomy book: GanjingObama: my brother is 24.25. "seizing new wife, husband:" don't touch me not to eat breakfast, wanted to eat mutton......26.: Zhang Zhaoyang met carts27. Notre Dame de Paris - Hugo28.< gourmet beauty close master > goddess of the last sentence: "no matter what happens, never with Huaxia enemy Oh, are destined together again"29. "the history of the first marriage" pet master let women go abroad to solve the cold and cold master: male god up30., "kiss down and fall in love with you", summer to the basket most miss handmade chocolateThe 31. is Huashan32. mountain Lou Wailou Restaurant - West Lake dance will cease33. Sun Wu34. in two Huaxia found the hidden world Master35. slag mother Redwood36., the "groom" refers to the new Jinshi37. Tieguanyin tea - Fujian38. - best driver Tang Xiaobai first awakening skills39. stone - wa40. the author is not correct - Peach cloud - NietzscheThe history of the first 41. concubine - recognize ye ye the owl, owl treasure seven caught a private villa, holding her first cold bath, almost to her42. comfort women investigation truth - the 32 chapter43. drops of youth - Sunflower44. of Montenegro white water - Northeastern University45. female owners of several treasures are: 1/3 treasure map, pharmacy book, hexagonal key46., seven inches: heart47. France sent to the United States48. snails are agricultural pests49. Nanjing Zhong Nanshan50. free massage51. this cargo is loaded, the reason is figure beauty kiss52. shrimp with gills53., do not start, move your mouth on it54. France55. heart56. Dong Xiaoguang saw the girl is: Shadow57. carts58. pearls falling into a jade plate: Pipa59., there is no polar ice is: Peacock60., seven61., seven corpses against Chen Siye62. "best driver" chapter second: cycling63. breakfast: handmade chocolate64. aircraft to take candy is to prevent ear pressure loss Methods 65. Xiangxi thing is to find a distort truth66. Xin ShengMore than 67.68., Guangzhou is not directly under the central governmentThe 69. president of the thirty-first chapter (Go Daddy. Others are being chased through.)70. Longjing (Zhejiang, Hangzhou)71. phenology of 72. insects73. a friend is as sweet as wine74. mosquitoes - valve respiration75. Copenhagen76.77. night Hua78. what you eat is pearls79. Xie governor80. Flaming Mountains is located in Turpan BasinEighty-one"Welcome" and male capture is BCEO82. is it possible to die without a man?.83. sting soda water84. incandescent lamp tungsten filament sublimation85. cones cut - Su Qin86. and Wu Zetian on its own posterity87. perfect Valentine million years male fodder88. is not "you from the stars", male Lord read book: "Ming Dynasty those things"89. clouds float in the sky with what with Zhu Belle on the ship? Private helicopter90., an appointment, can only push out the president's invitation1. cloudless gufanyuanying do -- only see the Yangtze River flows into the sky;2. RussiaThe 3. male disagreed with the female amputation4. contraceptives5. endometriosis6., "only the doctor knows." three, three. What's the fear of Chinese medicine? Afraid of the patient's belly to break the uterus;7. is no longer high blood pressure;8. - 89 lafite;9. First World Cup - Uruguay10. Li Bing and his son.11., a resolute marriage is interesting12. what is the alias of the dream of Red Mansions? Stone records13. your majesty is what mean? Steps of the palace14. were Han soft stab.Why should the 15. "peach doctor" chapter twenty-first: kill Lin Feng was angry16. sun - Gansu17. last symbol one million18. lookout East weekly19. what is the murder weapon in Andy Lau's hand?. It's a fruit knife.20., "rebirth of the secret agent" 23 chapter: A married Li Feng21. Yang Yang (dragon fight against ice city)22., No. sixteenth, Li Bing (the first opponent of the first battle in the battle of Wu Wu)23. - Baibuchuanyang YanqingChongqing is 24..25., China held the 29 session of the Beijing Olympic Games26. "Daddy, Mommy don't touch" Huangpu Chen saved An Feifei27. Chen Yi Huaihai campaign;28. nosebleeds -- see what should not be seen29. coldest planet pluto;30. - to Han Wudi31. treasures ~ Buddha Dharma monk32. ring finger33. bye bye34. druggedThe 35. sacred mountains do not include Taihang Mountain36. Lao She was originally named Shu Qingchun37. Japanese ace army more than 400 God mad Tiance weapons for the bet after gold wine bottle1. "Baby Daddy please take" tough eleventh chapter fatal attraction, Feng Xiaole got the shirt? A got itIn the 79 chapter 2. super thief gift: "Xixi villa"3. Sun Simiao4. the earliest Buddhist temple in China -- White Horse Temple5. women men6. children of the storm7., Guangzhou called Yangcheng, refers to 5 sheep8. "the vagaries of the man" buy new mobile phone and mobile phone chain9. "Xiangxi strange thing" for breaking the mansion is: find the evil spirits distort truthThe father of 10. meters is the A Butterfly11. the basic shape of snowflakes is C hexagons12. "Contract Lover president bill please", the answer is D, fabulously rich, 100 million13., "the president hates you daddy", Zhai Zhaoxuan's heart hasC mu sha;14. "brand wife mommy and daddy ran", the answer is Xu Enchi secretly is the identity of the D Mafia thief.15. tough life without explanationSixteen point one two eight zero171 thousand and 1 ID,18. morning to the bar, in order to find the missing sister to the bar to set news19., an appointment, only to push out the president's invitation20. buffet originated in: Western food21. lost bet, forced to helpless,22., "the sword of the Northern Warlords in the late Qing Dynasty", how many Germans sent: 50023. ugly daughter-in-law.24. horses25. Mid Autumn Festival26. sour sticks wood27. men who need Joyoung's pulse28., "I am a fortune teller", the seventh chapter by magic into the Buddha: I am the fortune teller, fascinated by Zhou Yi (5), to "I" revealed that Huang Farong did not die, is it? Siba head29. hackers, computer skills, very high people30. drop blood pressure vegetable celery31., "Hou door poison imperial concubine", the 57 chapter, female favorite candy burning32. Chinese chess 7 kinds33. Russia, Sochi34. Wang Wenbo35., Department of wing feathers36. doctors in ancient times refers to the C Office37. at half mast, down to D, 1/3 from the top of the pole1., Dong Xiaoguang finally chose C to care about "crazy 4S"";2., the hostess's repertoire is A, "you are my lover in this life."The 3. dragon Kyrgyzstan attack addict City, killing the General Yang C day.4., six piano guitar.5., the video - male owner in the study and Tang Kexin talk, Tang kiss male Lord of the picture.6. you are my woman, --1 million7. gold8. West India Ocean Islands - western the Atlantic9. Hawaii, Oceania10. "Anthem" A "children" theme song11. "cohabitation grass: I want to eat you" the eleventh chapter Joe Yixin send gift: black southern delicious cake12. Obama ambition ~ Three Kingdoms13. - Saint BeethovenFill in one of the 14. houses -- Howe15. Li Tian Hao after changing the bulb, why shed nosebleed - see should not see, Qi and blood surge16. White House version of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" - "house of cards"17., the Anti Japanese ace, rifles more than 40018. my love has nothing to do with you, Xie Chao19. warm human skin, the first chapter is called "hide and seek"20., "Officialdom of the romantic life", the 184th chapter, Yang Lili did not wear stockings;21. Xu Beihong - MA22. Zhuge Shennu can hold 48 arrow a23. ginseng is mainly produced in Northeast China24. new ship name: fuck, speak and fuck25. Hui Neng26. Chongyang Festival conventional weapons: knives1. what was the reason for Stalin's decision to contact Hitler? Realize that negotiations between Britain and France will have no results.2. "best" black gold stick adults DThe sun is 3. in Gansu,4., "brainwashing" eighth chapter false news,5., care about Qiu art;6. hours of sleepThe 7. day God one must reverse Wu Lao Jun8. self-control is asking for help9. "nepotism" Li Shengwen10. ask about the salary: ask the parties11., Zhu Geliang likes to do third things: sleep12. Wu Jingzi: "the scholars"13. the price of clothes is C one hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight.14. Guan miscues,15. right arm16. "how Song Jiang boss" power second strokes: pull the fifth quarter, D was afraid of their own overhead, so the first to the hare and the tortoise game sports, which of the following sports rabbit will win? A sit ups1. Triumphal Arch was built to commemorate the B Napoleon;2. Hawaii is geographically located in C, Oceania3., "the president of this woman is very dangerous" accidentally saved a person, is C another bully leader-1. Triumphal Arch was built to commemorate the B Napoleon;2. Hawaii is geographically located in C, Oceania3., "the president of this woman is very dangerous" accidentally saved a person, is C another bully leader - Logi;4. leadership is a dreamFiveFu Wanrou was a maid was dropped into the water.6., "chief adult, please ask yourself," who saved her at the critical moment? C late Kimori7., "campus flower master" 105th chapter: the number is: A30;8., "rich and captive president sought favor", the eighth chapter: C dare to peek? Overpower you and eat you;9. add pepper to the orange juice10. new and old battery charges.11. is not: "tomorrow that thing."12. women, they hit the floor looking for teeth.13., "imperial concubine scheming" 13 chapter and bride publicly OOXXMillet 14. a pipe dream;The 15. International Marathon is --42 km 195 meters long;16. oracle bones at the end of Qing dynasty;17. "don't you kiss" doll contract Pearl1., "peacock screen", playing a historical figure? A Guan yu;2. correct order of exchange codes;3. is not tobacco toxic substances? D nitrogen oxides;4., which kind of drama does "face change" belong to? Sichuan B;5. "Efficiency comes from diligence. shortage in the play......" Whose mouth is it? B Han Yu;6. weekend welfare packs receive channels is D in Sina, micro-blog, WeChat search exchange code;7. "I work in the crematorium this 5 years" in the third chapter, married woman name: tonyred seventh8. "Feng mang Princess" kill the assassin got -- deadly palm9. I worked in the crematorium for 5 years, and the female leaders like Sammi ChengIn the "fan" journey to the West in the seventy-sixth chapter,the author thinks that the reason for Shazeng is cruel, and she has a leg shaceng C.Read the weekend welfare package to get the correct order information for C exchange.In the thirty-fourth chapter of "36 secrets of health care", the occupational characteristics and occupational diseases of mental workers are not in this category, A cirrhosis.1., "I worked in the crematorium for 5 years," the 12 chapter of the film? - eat hot tofu2., "WeChat changes the world", the sixth chapter does not belong to the Chinese account number system ---- student number3., the first chapter of the eight models of successful enterprise management, which does not belong to three factors - common values?;4. palm read official micro signal and service number name, A palm read iReard, palm read iReard5. China's television career was born in May 1st --------1958Special key figures of the 6. Lord of the land: Flaming Mountains meat cut;7., WeChat marketing features are not: perfect marketing chain;277., health keeping 36 Secrets: take emotional, nourishingheart method278. Meng Fei lived in Chongqing for ----------12 years 279.2001 years ago, it was called OICQ,280. OLED TV SKYWORTH281.G which band has better coverage? --------C.1880--1900MHz.282. "go with the odds" Meng Fei has one dog and six cats at most;283., the dark horse of Ferrari logo is for the purpose of holding a pilot284. does not belong to the nature of Zhang Hongjun described by Meng Fei? D upright, outgoing and cheerful.The 285. column is only Meng Fei, a regular worker286. Apple spline design originated from Swiss camping site Icon287. the Hawaii archipelago is part of the Polynesian archipelago in northeastern oceania,288. slow down glass principle is B flatness is better than ordinary glass289. Meng Fei was in 2010 as you are the one290. mental workers occupation disease -- no cirrhosisTwo hundred and ninety-oneOLED TV does not need backlight292.251156617293. it is not possible to ask for help under pressure; 294. procedures, apes, Programmers wear what color: white295., what kind of dining buffet originated from the way - B, Western food?1., "world art 5000 years", the main achievements of Byzantine art concentrated in which areas - B, architecture?;2. fastest amphibious reptile in water: Pacific turtle;3. the brightest star is Sirius4. the earliest text is Sumerian cuneiform1, five Xiyue is below the option? B, Huashan2, which of the following works is not correct? "Pink clouds" - Nietzsche3, why is a beauty boss Lin sweet play dizzy? C this cargo,beauty to kiss4, the giants won the small child night pet girlfriend zhan'ao day street from rogue hero, what is the method? C don't do it. Move your mouth and get it5, "nanny" the tragic history of the thirteenth chapter of this book is about? D, free massage6. When flying, the flight attendant usually takes candy to the passengers. What is the main purpose? Ear pressure prevention7, which of the following is not our country's existing Municipality? C, Guangzhou8, Dong Xiaoguang said the girl's underwear color is? B light purple9, "Xiangxi strange thing" they take what strategies to deal with Chen y? C seven corpse array10, "Xiangxi" is a sly mansion is evil spirits, they find a method? A distort truth11. Where is the moon Pyramid? C Mexico12, transliteration of "Obama" in Korean mean? B, brother13, Dong Xiaoguang, who's the girl he saw? D shadow14. "Pangu XXXXXXXX stone"Nu Wa15, the "Manchuria"? A Northeastern University16, it is with Dong Xiaoguang who is that girl? Nie Yihan Ryan: B17, the music of the night to see the peak time and small, met what classic dog blood plot? Others: C crashed through the hunted, was also hurt18, "he notes" [the fourth chapter] terrible thing is? : D, peach trees, human corpses, promiscuity19, "the friendship between gentlemen as light as water" in the next sentence is? Villain:20, which organization is the Qin Dynasty? The underground Communist Party:21, who was Ke Linlian emotionally sentenced to death? A Xin is Sheng22 which of the following is the most famous snack in Tianjin? A, Goubuli steamed bun23. Which country does the world's first postage stamp appear in? The correct answer: C, England24, "gourmet beauty close hand" in the dream, he heard thegoddess said to him the last word is? D no matter what happens, don't be against China. Oh, bye bye!25, helpless sighing melancholy as the river flows, is the nation who is the emperor? : A, Li Yu26, Dong Xiaoguang said the girl's underwear color is? : B, light purple27, "Tieguanyin tea" birthplace of origin: B Fujian28, the "bead jade plate" is: C pipa29, not living in polar glacier world is: Peacock30, the sea memory confidant, next sentence: "if the world is near."31, "best beauty close expert" third tasks: D found two hidden world Master32. One of the four famous teas from Longjing A Zhejiang, Hangzhou33. The color of santa claus clothes? D red34, in the "best driver" in the second chapter [original], Tang Xiaobai first awakening of what capacity? B35. what is the earliest astronomical work in the world? The answer is "Ganjing"36. "gufanyuanying blue sky to make" the next sentence is: A only see the Yangtze River flows into the sky37. the world's first stamp appeared in the country: C, EnglandThe 38. Terracotta Army is located in D, Shaanxi39. the moon, Pyramid, is located in MexicoThe 40. and ninth symphonies are by Beethoven41. beautiful scenery...... Emperor: Li Yu42.: Huashan Huashan43. mountain Lou Wailou Restaurant: West Lake dance will cease?44. peacocks do not live in polar glacier world45. [swordsman] the hero is Linghu Chong46. which climate response natural phenomena? The Waking of Insects47., in the "gourmet beauty close to master" [chapter one hundred and ten special tasks], the third task is what? Find out the two hidden masters in China48. Statue of Liberty is that country to the United States? Answer: France49. dozen snakes, seven inches seven inches mean? Answer: heart50. not bad is what thoughts? Answer: Confucianism51. snails are pests or beneficial insects in agriculture? PestThe 52. is called the "poet" of the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu?53 author of "Notre Dame de Paris"? B, French writer Victor Hugo54. people breathe with their noses. Do you know what they breathe? Answer: gills55. works incorrect? Peach cloud NietzscheMethods 56. "XXXX 21" pet night girlfriend chapter Hero: do it yourself, mouth on the line57., "baby sitter" in the thirteenth chapter is C free massage58, "the 74 chapter" Princess County subtly malicious woman and slag mother PK, lesson three a "ghost Diao slave, later received a master of Oriental honing gift. The end of three Diao slaves? The East sends the gift of the hostess: --D the slave is killed by the rod, and the Lord sends the female crystal swallow as a present59, Zhang Zhaohui staggered out of the desert, came to a dirt road, he met a car what car? - --C60, in "kiss down, fall in love with you" [third chapter MIRACLE (2)], Chen Hao most loves to make romantic way, also is the summer to blue most miss is --D warm tender handmade chocolate61, "truth comfort women investigation documentary" how many chapters? --D 3262, "the history of the first pet marriage" 61 chapter, cold old want to let the woman go abroad, finally how to solve? C. men came forward, and he audibles, cold father helpless, only to give up.63, "seizing new wife, husband don't touch me" after the seventieth chapter of women and the man the night, the male female owners do breakfast for him, then, you know what they are eating breakfast? D. do not eat breakfast, wanted to eat mutton noodles, the result was interrupted by outsiders64 "the history of the first pet marriage" the forty-fifth chapter is how to treasure the owl god seven detoxification?D recognized, took to the villa bath, almost to her65 "iron pear" Zhao brigade married a daughter who do five Chiam too? A, grave robber!66. What's the name of the leading lady in "bleeding youth"?C sunflower67, "secret service mad Concubine", the seventieth chapter of women's master got several treasures? C, 1/3 treasure map, a pharmacy book, a snowflake shaped hexagonal keyIn 68, "kiss me, fall in love with you" in this book, female and male confused dreams, as gentle as water passion. Especially in this book [chapter third, MIRACLE (2)), Chen Hao most loves making romantic way, also is the summer to blue miss most is? D, handmade chocolate with lots of tenderness69, the first queen in Chinese History: Wu Zetian70, "the first female" toxic wife [ninety-sixth]: the moment of life and death, the section has experienced a life and death risks, there are hundreds of archers ambush in the dark, ready to kill me, do you know who is to mobilize these archers?Answer: A: female big brother Xiliang Jing71, "women can't escape" seizing the male one cm scar72, the new wife of husband "grabs don't touch me", she bit is C which parts of the male face73, "Princess", subtly malicious chapter fifty-eighth: [slag male Wenzhan] when one, women by a fake marriage paper framed, what is this marriage who is fake? C, mother of slag74, please ask "why Sheng Xiao silent" in the actor called what? A, He Yichen75, ask: "bridegroom official" used to refer to? B, the new Jinshi76, outside the city climb, Nanshan appreciate chrysanthemum, fine drink wine, all over the dogwood. This is a traditional festival in China's special activities, which festival is it?D Double Ninth Festival77, "best beauty close to expert" [323rd chapter I like active woman], "you Chinese not have a word?" Is called big bed, let my mom sleep now!" Who is the girl that Dong Xiaoguang and Ben? B, Nie Yihan Lane78, "goddess" who is that? C, Cao Zhi79, "bewitchingly charming romantic flowers in the twinkling of an eye, and shook the nine days." Who can dominate the ups and downs of the world, who is the only female emperor in Chinese history? C, Wu Zetian80, "the best beauty close expert" [278th chapter fate goddess autumn meaning], Dong Xiaoguang had a dream, in the dream he heard the goddess said to him the last word is? D, no matter what happens, don't be against China. Oh, bye bye!81, "Shen Huan drunk president you are so rude" in the article, the 199th chapter [] he let father jealous women accompany him to see the painting, which is a painting he father personally hand painted, it is a picture of what? A, ink painting82, Zhuge Shennu arrow: 4883, "the first female" the toxic wife [ninety-sixth]: the moment of life and death in the section, women experienced adeath xianguan, hundreds of archers ambush in the dark to kill me, do you know who is to mobilize these archers? A, the main female elder brother Xiliang Jing84, "love apartment 1" has been broadcast for several years? B, 6 years85, Bodhi no tree, mirror is not taiwan. Hui Neng86, Jing Ke to assassinate Qin:87, climbing outside the city, Nanshan appreciate Chrysanthemum - Double Ninth FestivalThe 88 and twenty-fourth chapter 35: founded in three, why Tang and Xiaowu to call 35? Staff: mishear89, the most risky job in the age of scandal: full-time wife90, "no alternative flowers to go.","The return of deja vu," the poet is: Yan Shu91, male owner with female owner go out to buy: new mobile phone and mobile phone chain92, "people do not know where to go, peach blossoms still laugh, spring breeze."." "Peach Blossom Spring" in the literary world, accustomed to the author of the book in the years Qingqian melancholy is painted with luxurious beauty, what the author is? D bandits, I think of deposit93, "mainland" Tang three little classic masterpiece, in chapter 35 [twenty-fourth (two): founded in three], why Tang and Xiaowu to call 35? C, the staff got it wrong94, the mountain Lou Wailou Restaurant: West Lake dance will cease95, the "face" is: Sichuan96, not bad: Confucian97, the mercy of the soldiers, good, not from the police. Good when the police, because of the good in and people, is a ridiculous. The book of the city novel "Long Xin Yu sin", [second three] the twelfth chapter Liansheng, the protagonist of remaining crime in prison even rise three became undercover, the mouse gloat over crime, who knows more than sin is crying, his father told him why find daughter-in-law, to find an ugly point? C, the ugly daughter-in-law can hold the house99, "God bet after mad" in a Book [Seventy-eighth chapter famous world] in a section, the female Lord and the evil woman matches PK, has played a piano song, has received the praise greatly! Diligent, praise the night Taifu sentence is? A, the piece should only be the skyWhat is the reason 100, female took a bundle of Yan beauty? B. insulted the queen101, what form does the first love of an orphan begin with? Aletter102, "Babel" in the 145th chapter, Wu Huang Yan school, Zhuo Yu in colourful female protagonist witnessed the death of antivirus magic, decisive shot to soothe the colourful female, what means? D sanmeizhenhuo threat.103, "Babel" Wu Huang in the 118th chapter the inner challenge, the protagonist Zhuo feather very smooth kill opponents by other opponents attention, while beauty Bai Shanshan in the inner challenge, strange opponents used what things of Zhuo Yu?A Xuan spirit burst takrut high level104, even if the fate of displaced, "red sun"105, "Shen Huan drunk president you are so rude" [chapter seventy-seventh] the vagaries of the men, men and women go out and buy what? B, new mobile phone and mobile phone chain106, what has been dubbed the White House version of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" "? A, the house of cards107, "no matter how to spend, fall," deja vu, Yan returned." A, Yan ShuExcuse me, who is 108 in ancient mythology "stone"? C, Nu Wa!109, do you know what is Tiance emperor with the "weapon"? Golden wine bottle110, "my love has nothing to do with you", the heroine Shen ShenYu who stand by her boyfriend Wen Mingxuan apathy and love? Risk111, "sad stream into the river" how much money to see? D.2 yuan112, "houmenshen" [chapter 153] poison Princess and peace than from D. is the Phoenix City113, "Wine Bureau" [chapter I, section fourth], Tang morning rain decided to go to the Feng Junxiong company, the post is () A, Secretary114, what are the features of palm reading books? D, more than that115, Daniel Wu's daughter's name? Raven Raven116, "high old man" Author: Balzac117, to "Miss" in the male pig who is Elvis?118, Efficiency comes from diligence., shortage in the play, the line into Si, destroyed with Han Yu:119, "Hello president's personal bodyguard" flower set [thirty-third] is B and Helen of Troy Yang had a real existence120, snow is a beautiful crystal, the basic shape is? C, hexagon121, in the "nine evil baby Xian" in the 288th chapter, Longyan master Royal gift Longyan a Dan medicine to save their life, what is the medicine? B and Wuji Bi Dan。


书虫吸血鬼猎手答案Vampires are said to be cruel and powerful. But they are said to be threatened by many things like the sunlight, the bible, the cross or even garlic. We see vampires in movies. Unlike the movies in the past, vampires in modern movies like the Twilight series become more and more self-disciplined and good-looking. And the vampires in cartoons Hotel Transylvania are cute and friendly. However, is every vampire cute and friendly? Nope! Most often, vampires aims at your juicy neck and stays hungry for a big bite. Common as everybody is, can you believe one day you suddenly become a vampire killer? Life gets a bit too exciting for Colin when he gets his job as a vampire killer.1. Where do vampires come from?Balkan Peninsula巴尔干半岛East of Europe东欧Slavs in eastern Europe东欧斯拉夫人2. What do vampires look like?Pale 苍白Red eyes红眼Sharp teeth尖牙In a black big cloak黑斗篷Bite people in the neck for blood咬脖子吸血Super power超能力Afraid of the sun害怕阳光3. Why do vampires look like that?Vampire is a literary creation. The first vampire story was created in 1816 by Polidori, a private doctor for Shelley, the poem who wrote Ode to the West Wind. Polidori started the story in a stormy night when Mary Shelley finished the first science fiction Frankenstein. The question here is why writers created vampires that way. It is said that there are mainly two sources that conjure the vampires.First, it was the black death in the 14th century that foreshadowed the creation of vampires. Black death was an serious illness carried by rats. But people at that time were not able to realize the real cause of people’s death. The best way they could think of was to keep the infected people apart from the healthy people. Sometimes, people were so ill that they were dying.One the one hand, the dying bodies were buried so early that the person were not actually totally dead! So when the dying persons came back to their consciousness and sometimes they were buried shallowly, they pushed apart the earth above them and came up. Therefore, when other people saw these, they were frightened and thought those are supernatural beings.On the other hand, the doctors wanted to find out the reasons for the black death so they would unearth the newly buried. To their surprise, they found that blood were bleeding from the eyes, noses, ears and etc. So they thought those bodies came back to life during the night and sucked human’s blood. They didn’t know that bleeding from five sense organs was actually a natural process of a dead body. Therefore, the black death was an important source for the creation of vampires.。
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请问:在【正文】“杜十娘怒沉百宝箱”是?正确答案:a 第三十二卷您选择了:a 第三十二卷答案解析:原文:第三十二卷,杜十娘怒沉百宝箱。
选择题2“自由女神像”是哪个国家送给美国的礼物?正确答案:c 法国您选择了:c 法国答案解析:“自由女神像”是法国在1876年赠送给美国的独立100周年礼物,位于美国纽约市哈德逊河口附近。
选择题3在《i经典no.19》的【《西游记》中你不知道的冷知识】中,作者列举了一系列《西游记》中的冷知识,其中谁喜欢剧透,预见了整个西游历程呢?正确答案:c 乌巢禅师您选择了:c 乌巢禅师答案解析:原文:乌巢禅师喜欢剧透,预见了整个西游历程。
在原著中,乾隆皇帝为了解决西南军饷问题追缴扬州盐商的捐输可谓煞费苦心,而在【第一章风云骤变】中,文中提到此时在西南带兵的将领是?正确答案:c 阿桂您选择了:c 阿桂答案解析:原文:乾隆双眼看着远处,似在自言自语:“没底的窟窿,填了多少银子进去,不知打到什么时候,阿桂他……”突然收回目光,“两淮盐政尹如海到了吗?”选择题5世界上能给你安全感的,只有自己。
在【对不起我真的不爱你】一章,长颈鹿和梅花鹿最后领结婚证了吗?正确答案:a 领了您选择了:a 领了答案解析:原文:前几天,梅花鹿和长颈鹿领证了,然后长颈鹿就去旅行了。
请问:经郭象删订后,《庄子》一共分为多少篇?正确答案:b 33篇您选择了:a 32篇答案解析:原文:现存《庄子》33篇,分内篇七、外篇十五、杂篇十一。
这里是?正确答案:a 英国,塞拉菲尔德您选择了:a 英国,塞拉菲尔德答案解析:原文:塞拉菲尔德位于英国的西海岸,最初为核弹生产钚,但是随后转型成为商业公司。
选择题4在韩庚的《夜伴三庚》一书中,【初登舞台】一章讲述了他第一次登上舞台的情形,后来学校里一个舞蹈老师让韩庚跟着他跳舞,韩庚的很多亲戚都不支持,唯独谁很支持他?正确答案:a 外婆您选择了:a 外婆答案解析:原文:唯独外婆很支持我,因为她从小就喜欢跳舞。
在本书【第三章季君之乱,嬴稷继位】一里,嬴荡是什么时候去世的?正确答案:d 半夜您选择了:d 半夜答案解析:原文:及至半夜时分,嬴荡便断了气,与世长辞。
请问:【庄子?逍遥游】中,欲从北冥去往南冥的生物是?正确答案:a 鲲鹏您选择了:a 鲲鹏答案解析:原文:北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。
选择题2李连杰电影《方世玉》中雷婷婷的父亲,说出经典台词“我是以德服人!”的电影角色是谁?正确答案:d 雷老虎您选择了:d 雷老虎答案解析:陈松勇(生1945年)台湾电影演员,1970年代出道.1993年他与李连杰合作,出演由元奎导演的功夫喜剧片《方世玉》,饰演霸道而不失可爱的雷老虎一角,经典台词“我是以德服人!”便出自这部电影!选择题3在公益环保杂志《i它no.7》【猎奇】中,盘点了世界著名空气污染事件,据外媒报道,印度首都新德里的空气质量被世界卫生组织(who)评为世界最差,超出安全标准10倍。
普通百姓叫苦不迭之际,法庭和政府正商讨对策,据悉,印度法庭通过了一系列的禁令,其中不包括?正确答案:d 设定“烟尘控制区”,区内工厂不允许燃煤您选择了:d 设定“烟尘控制区”,区内工厂不允许燃煤答案解析:原文:据悉,印度法庭通过禁令,禁止大排量豪华汽车上路,同时禁止焚烧垃圾。
在【战国霸主秦宣太后】一章讲到秦朝的后妃制度一共八级,其中第四级是什么?正确答案:b 良人您选择了:c 八子答案解析:原文:秦朝的后妃制度一共八级,分别是“皇后、夫人、美人、良人、八子、七子、长使、少使”。
一个个鲜活的生命总在故事中游荡,在【第七章电影(2)】两个人贩子看不上瞎鹿饿的枯瘦女儿,却让瞎鹿卖自己的老婆花枝,请问人贩子说花枝值卖几升小米?正确答案:c 5升您选择了:c 5升答案解析:原文:瞎鹿恳求:逃荒一个月了,家里大人小孩,已经十天水米没打牙,每天全在吃柴火,娘得了伤寒,发高烧说胡话,不知还能撑几天。
请问:【正文】第五段中,焦母为焦仲卿选的成亲女子是谁?正确答案:d 秦罗敷您选择了:d 秦罗敷答案解析:原文:“东家有贤女,自名秦罗敷,可怜体无比,阿母为汝求。
”选择题2喜欢天文学的朋友们,都知道比如银河系,河外星系,恒星,星云等等这样专业的词汇,那么你知道太阳系所在的星系被称为什么?正确答案:a 银河系您选择了:a 银河系答案解析:银河系是太阳系所在的星系,包括1000到4000亿颗恒星和大量的星团、星云,还有各种类型的星际气体和星际尘埃。
选择题3在公益环保杂志《i它no.3》【我们】中,介绍了一位不一样的藏族小伙——诺德才让,作者第一眼见到诺德,就是脏兮兮的感觉,蓬乱的头发,满是污垢的外套,最显眼的就是脚上那一双布满泥土的高腰靴子,跟其他的藏族小伙子一样,看到陌生人会显得有些羞涩内敛,诺德才让究竟是因为什么原因才这样不修边幅呢?正确答案:c 家中有亲人过世您选择了:c 家中有亲人过世答案解析:原文:实际情况是这样的,诺德以一副脏兮兮的模样出现在我的眼睛里,是因为他家里有亲人过世不久,跟汉人守丧类似,他在这段时间里不能修饰自己,保持一种哀毁的外形是对逝者的一份敬意。
选择题4在韩庚的《夜伴三庚》一书中,【毕业后的迷茫】一章讲述了韩庚中专毕业后的迷茫和抉择,韩庚被金盾艺术团录取了之后,他有没有去报道?正确答案:a 没有您选择了:b 去报道了答案解析:原文:还是想出去闯一闯,最终我还是没有去报道。
在【我是北大二流毕业生】一节中,老俞说到他在北大共呆了多久?正确答案:d 11年您选择了:d 11年答案解析:原文:但实际上,我在北大一直挺自卑的,从进北大到出北大的11年间,我一直生活在自卑里。
请问:在【正文】中,第一篇《宴山亭》是谁的作品?正确答案:a 赵佶您选择了:a 赵佶答案解析:原文:《宴山亭?北行见杏花》是赵佶的词。
选择题2有关地球与月球的相互关系,叙述正确的是?正确答案:d 地球带着月球围绕太阳公转您选择了:d 地球带着月球围绕太阳公转答案解析:地球是太阳的行星,围绕着太阳公转,月球是地球的行星,围绕找地球公转,同时,地球在公转的同时也带着月球围绕着太阳公转。
故事的主人公死后,他来到阴间,一个“在通往虚无的路上的小站”,先后遇到了几个人,那么,主人公最先遇到的是哪个人呢?正确答案:d 一个年轻人您选择了:d 一个年轻人答案解析:原文:他先后遇到一个年轻人、老友马瑟谢德、被马瑟谢德称为英格索尔(罗伯特?英格索尔,十九世纪后期著名的政治家,演说家,怀疑派及无神论者)的人以及一对母子。
在本书【第四章“除了再来一场大崩溃,这一切还能以什么收场呢?”】中,提到华尔街有三座三一教堂,其中新三一教堂高达多少米?正确答案:c 84米您选择了:c 84米答案解析:原文:教堂的尖顶直冲云霄,高达84米,在布鲁克林的曼哈顿城堡建成之前,它一直是纽约市的最高点。
在【十一、茅山掌门】中,花千骨和云隐花了多久才到茅山派?正确答案:b两日您选择了:c 三日答案解析:原文:到茅山的时候已经是两日之后了。