
剑桥雅思12Test6雅思听力Section4答案+解析剑桥雅思12Test6雅思听力Section4答案+解析推荐:剑桥雅思12T est6雅思听力Section1答案+解析、剑桥雅思12Test6雅思听力Section2答案+解析、剑桥雅思12T est6雅思听力Section3答案+解析谈话场景:讲座场景人物关系:教授谈话话题:关于建筑设计风格如何定位及应参考何中社会因素交际与语言表达"What is conflict in workplace? Definitions vary, but Im taking it to refer to a whole range of behaviours that the victim finds unacceptable, from minor, harmless arguments to—at (he opposite extreme—physical violence.(什么是工作场所的冲突?关于这个的定义有很多,怛是我今天要指的是所有让人无法接受的行为,从轻微的、无伤大雅的言语攻击到它的另一个极端一暴力行为。
"But often it's caused by someone who feels the need to show their superiority over someone else,in order to feel that they aren’t at the lowest level in a hierarchy or a group of people.(但是大多数情况下,工作场所的冲突是由那些需要通过表现优越感的人造成的,这些人希望能借此证明自己并不属于公司最低级的员工或低等人群。


Section1Question 1 a taxi/ cab从试卷已给出的信息预测得知;此处填写的应该是和car hire; greyhound bus及airport shuttle并列的一个信息..在录音中工作人员介绍完car hire服务后;乘客解释说I don’t really want to drive myself; so I’d like more information about public transport.接着工作人员In that case the quickest and most comfortable is a cab and of course …;可见此处答案为cab;也可写成taxi..Question 2 City Centre/ Center从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的是个地点..录音中乘客询问whereabouts does it stop in Milton 工作人员回答说It goes directly from the airport here to the City Centre and …;可见此处答案为City Centre;英式拼写Centre、美式拼写Center均正确..City Centre此处为专有名词;首字母大写剑七录音原文p129上的City Centre是大写的..Question 3 wait从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的是个名词;被long所修饰..当录音中工作人员说so you would have quite a wait — more than 4 hours..quite对应试卷上的long;由此判断此处答案为名词wait..Question 4 door-to-door从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的信息是要修饰service的;因此当录音中工作人员开始介绍the Airport Shuttle时;考生就要意识到第4题答案的即将出现;录音中工作人员接着介绍说It’s adoor-to-door service …;考生即可准确定位此处答案为door-to-door..door-to-door此处为一个单词;组成它的三个单词之间必须有连字符-..Question 5 reserve a seat从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的信息是个动词;当录音中工作人员介绍完机场班车服务单程价钱和往返价钱后;考生要开始留心第5题答案的出现..接着录音中工作人员介绍说But you do need to reserve a seat;于是确定答案为reserve a seat..Question 6 the 17th of October从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的信息是个日期..当录音中工作人员询问女乘客所要预定的时期时;考生会先听到the 16th of October;但这是干扰信息;不是正确答案;接着乘客解释这是她的登机起飞日期...I arrive on the 17th; so book it for then;确定答案为the 17th of October..the 17th of October;月份为专有名词;首字母必须大写..Question 7 12:30从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的信息是个具体的时间..但录音中出现了多个干扰信息...11:30 ...12:00 ...12:30;考生要准确锁定答案..飞机到达是11:30;预订12:00以后的;具体确定为12:30..Question 8 Thomson从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的信息是姓氏;常见的欧美人姓氏考生需掌握拼写;非常见姓氏录音中会有拼写;注意易混音的辨音区别..女乘客介绍自己的名字Janet Thomson;工作人员为区别Thompson和Thomson;确认Is that Thompson spelt with a ‘p’女乘客把准确的姓氏拼写出来;it’s T-H-O-M-S-O-N;答案锁定..Thomson为专有名词;首字母大写..Question 9 AC936从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的是航班号;当录音中女乘客报出it’s Air Canada flight number AC936; form London Heathrow时;答案确定为AC936..AC936为数字字母混合信息;字母必须大写..Question 10 3303 8450 2045 6837从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的是VISA卡的号码;应为一个16位的数字信息..录音中当工作人员询问女士她的信用卡号码时;考生应意识到第10题的答案即将出现..接着女士回答说the number is 3303 8450 2045 6837;答案锁定..但此处答案的导出有一定难度;一般情况下9位以下的数字读一遍;9位以上的数字会在录音中读两遍;但此题只读了一遍;难度加大..Section2Question 11B预测:词:PS Camping / organising holidays题解析:点时区分:始25前;露装备零连开始;camping holidays20前;公发迅速;欧大提度产15..PS Camping 度少长;应20年Question 12A预测:词: most camping sites题解析:点地区分:Italy 64点; the majority of sitesFrance;一项已延到Switzerland..most 最的中majority多数应..Question 13B预测:词: every day题解析:点活项区分:孩子sports match football or volleyball;小drama;一艺活动; poster competition or model making..every dayeach day应;次; A、 C项文都另一替项目;drama做..Question 14C预测:词:‘ no noise’ rule题解析:点时区分..谈no- noise rule候;孩子晚活一情况9: 30束;10; 10: 30;期能有一安环境;外之意; no- noise rule 10: 30始..Question 15C预测:词: holiday insurance题解析:干insurance;insured出现;能迅找文当出之处..选原之同替换: booking项= reservation文..Question 16A预测:词: customers / recommend / friends题解析:定找答文中位置;注意正选原之同替换: gift项= present文..Question 17C预测:词: barbecues题解析: If you don’ t want to cook indoors; you can borrow a barbecue if you ask in advance for one to be made available.ask in advance提要求; request应..Question 18A预测:词: toys题解析:toys;提帐提一游玩具; A答案..Question 19C预测:词: cool boxes题解析: ... ask for a specially designed PS Camping cool box; ...ask for意思;Crequest..Question 20B测:词: mops and buckets解析:简单;根定词;到... in the central area; along with mops and buckets...可以找出正确答案..Section3Question 21 attitude s从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的信息是和ideas以及learning experience并列的信息;当录音中Philip介绍… they bring different ideas; but it’s also their attitudes and their experiences of learning ...个因素用also和and相连接;答案确定为attitudes..Question 22 gender/sex从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的信息是和personality并列的信息;当录音中Philip介绍…research has shown a lot of it comes down to personality. And the other factor is …生应意识到第22题的答案即将出现;接着录音中说gender;确定答案为gender..Question 23 creativity/creativeness从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要填写的信息是名词;是个体差异对公司的有利方面;当录音中Philip介绍说…on the positive side ...考生应意识到此信息对应试卷上的advantage;23题的答案即将出现;接着Philip说exposure to such diversity helps encourage creativity;对应试卷已给信息;确定答案为creativity..Question 24 A从试卷题干已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息是Janice认为什么样的员需要鼓励..录音中Janice说what managers should be targeting is those employees who can take the lead in a situation;对应选项;答案为A..Question 25 B从试卷题干已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息是Janice认为管理者面对困难是什么录音中Janice... to consider the needs of the individual on one hand and group cooperation and conformity on the other;对应选项;答案为B..Question 26 A从试卷题干已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息是Janice认为雇用者应该寻找什么样的应聘者录音中Janice… they need to look for someone who’s broken the mould and can think for themselves;对应选项;答案A..Question 27 B从试卷题干已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息是Janice认为管理者应该么做录音中Janice…some kind of incentive can be given … this happens right at the beginning so new recruits learn the rules ...;对应选项;答案B..Question 28 culture从试卷题干已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为名词;录音中Philip... managing people means you not only have an understanding of your employee; but you also recognise the culture of the organization;对应卷面已经出现的信息;确定答案为culture..Question 29 profit s从试卷题干已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为名词;录音中Philip… these managers may have to give priority to profit rather than individual staff needs;对应试卷上已给出的信息;确定答案为profit..Question 30 stress/ strain从试卷题干已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为不可数名词;录音中Philip... managers are able to deal with quite high levels of personal stress ... they should be thinking not only about the strain on their staff but take time out to think of themselves;对应试卷上已给出的信息;确定答案为stress/ strain..Section4Question 31 April从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为时间;当录音中讲座者介绍说… I’m going to give you some do’s and don’ts for our fieldwork trip in April …可以确定答案为April..月份为专有名词;首字母大写..Question 32 children从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为名词;表示一类人..当录音中讲座者介绍说... this rock art was like a school book with pictures to teach children about tracks ... 答案锁定为children..Question 33 repeated从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为动词的被动语态结构..试卷上but后是并列的三个问题;此题是第1个问题;当录音中讲座者介绍说 ... first;when you …考生应有所警觉;第33题的答案即将出现;接着;讲座者介绍说you see the tracks are repeated ... 对应试卷上已经出现的信息;确定答案为repeated..Question 34 human从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为被half所修饰的名词..当录音中讲座者介绍说and another mystery ...;预示着新的问题出现;接着讲座者介绍说 ... that’s in the engravings —seem to be half human;答案确定为 human..Question 35 magic从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为名词..当录音中讲座者提到 ... they believed they could use magic to control the animals they had drawn;对应试卷上已出现的信息;答案确定为magic..Question 36 distance从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为单数可数名词..当听到录音中讲座者介绍说…you can learn many things from observing at a distance instead of walking all over it. This can really help to reduce visitor pressure..对应试卷上已出现的信息;observe对应试卷上的look at;答案确定为distance..Question 37 culture从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为名词..当录音中讲座者说It may be disrespectful to the people of that culture;对应试卷已经给出的信息;答案确定为 culture..Questions 38 fire s在说完第37题后;讲座紧接着介绍说and certainly don’t make fires; … It’s really dangerous in dry areas and you can easily bum priceless undiscovered material by doing so..对应试卷上此题已给出的信息;确定答案为fires..Questions 39 touching从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为动词;但空前的信息为avoid;avoid后面要跟doing something;所以要注意答案的准确度..录音中讲座者提到要By looking at it; drawing it and photographing it — never by touching it or even tracing it;对应试卷上已出现的信息;答案确定为touching..Questions 40 intact从试卷已给出的信息分析;此处要具体锁定的答案信息为某种状态..当录音中讲座者介绍说… don’t even move rocks or branches to take photographs — you should leave the site intact …对应试卷上已出现的信息;答案确定为intact..。

雅思听力练习题及答案Section 1: 个人信息填写题目:在雅思听力考试中,个人信息填写部分通常涉及一些基本的个人信息,如姓名、地址、电话号码等。
个人信息表:- Full Name: _______________________- Address: _______________________- Phone Number: ____________________答案:- Full Name: Zhang Wei- Address: 123 Maple Street, City Centre- Phone Number: 01234567890Section 2: 旅游信息题目:在这部分,你将听到一段关于旅游的对话。
问题:1. 旅游目的地是哪里?2. 旅游团的出发日期是什么时候?3. 旅游团的费用包括哪些服务?答案:1. 旅游目的地是希腊。
2. 旅游团的出发日期是2024年7月15日。
3. 旅游团的费用包括住宿、交通和导游服务。
Section 3: 学术讲座题目:这部分是一个关于环境保护的学术讲座。
讲座笔记:- 主题:环境保护的重要性- 讲座者:Dr. Smith- 讲座要点:- 环境问题包括:_____________________- 解决方案包括:_____________________- 个人行动:_____________________- 政府角色:_____________________答案:- 环境问题包括:全球变暖、污染、生物多样性丧失。
- 解决方案包括:使用可再生能源、减少废物、推广环保教育。
- 个人行动:减少使用一次性产品、回收利用、支持环保组织。
- 政府角色:制定环保政策、投资绿色技术、提高公众意识。
Section 4: 学术讨论题目:在这部分,你将听到两位学者讨论关于历史事件的影响。

剑桥雅思12Test6雅思听力Section3答案+解析推荐:剑桥雅思12Test6雅思听力Section1答案+解析、剑桥雅思12Test6雅思听力Section2答案+解析谈话场景:学习场景人物关系:学生和导师谈话话题:探讨近期学习状况及论文选题和构思情况交际与语言表达1."Now as this is your first tutorial since you started on the Scandinavian Studies coursq I'd liketo find out something about you.(由下这是你开始关于斯堪的纳维亚研究课程以来的第一次辅导课、我想了解一下你的相关信息。
2."I Can wt by.hen I talk to people,though Tm not terrjbly accurate.(和人用丹麦语交流时我还凑合,虽然我的表达不够精确)。
其中get by意为"过得去";terribly accurate 为常见的副词修饰动词的搭配,在此terribly相当于verry,意为“非常地”。
3."First I suggest you avoid taking one writer and going into a great deal of detail. That approach certainly has its place,but...(首先我建议你不要在某一个作者身上花太多篇幅,虽然这个方法有它的优点,但是·····)"其中avoid doing sth,意为"避免做某事";go into a great of detail意为"详述";have one'splace意为"有它的道理和存在的必要。

剑桥雅思13Test3雅思听⼒Section2答案+解析剑桥雅思13Test3雅思听⼒Section2答案+解析剑桥雅思13Test3雅思听⼒Section2真题如下:SECTION 2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-16What advantage does the speaker mention for each of the following physical activities?Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter,A-G,next to Questions 11-16。
AdvantagesA not dependent on seasonB enjoyableC low risk of injuryD fitness level unimportantE sociableF fast resultsG motivatingPhysical activities11 Using a gym .............12 running .............13 swimming .............14 cycling .............15 doing yoga .............16 training with a personal trainer .............谈话场景:介绍场景⼈物关系:运动指导员谈话换题:介绍各种运动的有点和放弃运动的原因考题解析推荐:剑桥雅思13Test3听⼒Section1答案+解析《剑桥雅思真题13》PDF下载《剑桥雅思真题13》MP3⾳频下载上海雅思培训哪家好?雅思怎么样?好不好?上海专注雅思教育14年,每120分钟就有⼀位⾼分学员来⾃,加⼊,实现⾼分梦!。

剑桥雅思12Test6雅思听力Section2答案+解析剑桥雅思12Test6雅思听力Section2答案+解析谈话场景:参观场景人物关系:主讲人谈话话题:为期九天的慕尼黑戏剧观赏游行程安排介绍推荐:剑桥雅思12T est6雅思听力Section2答案+解析交际与语言表达1. "Rrght. I've now almost succeeded, n finalising plans our tour so I'll bring you up to date with what I know.(现在我丛木上成功敲定了我们的行程计划、下面我陪和大家分享一下我所知道的最新情况。
)”其中succeeu in doing sth.意为“成功做某”;final的动词形式,意为“敲定,最终确定”;up to date “最新的”。
2. “I'd hoped to get that down to 120 euros, but in fact I've been able to negotiatea mte of l10.(我本想还价到120欧元,但实际上我成功地砍到了110欧元。
)”其中rd为I would 的缩写;I've been able to为现在完成时的用法,说明过去的这本动们对现在有影响;rate在此时相当于price,意为"价格" 。
3.“From talking to you all about your preferences, it was clear that a typical local restaurant would be too meat oriented for some of you.(通过和你们聊饮食方面的偏好,很传统的当地餐厅对于你们中的某些人来说其肉菜比重太大了。
)”其中meat-onented 可以理解为"主打肉莱的",oriented本意为"导向,定位",常见的搭配有exam-onented考试为目的的),剑9 Test 1 Section 4里还出现过task-oriented这个表达,意为"以任务为导向的"。

剑桥雅思12Test5雅思听力Section1答案+解析剑桥雅思12Test5雅思听力Section1答案+解析谈话场景:旅游场景人物关系:顾客与旅行社工作人员谈话话題:家庭短途旅行的咨询交际与语言表达I ? “I’d like to find out if you have any excursions suitable for families.(我想知道你们是否有适合家庭的短途旅行。
)”其中I’d like to find out意为“我想知道/我想咨询一下……”2. “OK. And I assume there’s a cafe or something on board?(好的。
我想你们船上应该有咖啡馆成行类似的东西吧?)"其中assume意为“猜测’假设”;cafe意为“咖啡馆”; or someing 意为类似的东西(与cafe类似的);on board意为“在交通工具上”,此处特指“在船上”。
3. "Right. Well there are various things you can do once you've crossed the lake, to make a day of it.(对了,一旦你过了湖,你可以做很多事情,你可以花一整天的时间在那里。
)”其中various 意为“各种各样的”; make a day of it意为“为...........花上一整天的时间'4. 'One thing that s very popular is a visit to the Country Farm. YouVe met off the boat by the farmer and he’ll take you to the holding pens, where the sheep are kept.(去参观乡村农场是一个很受欢迎的活动。

雅思机构测试题一、听力部分(Listening)1. 选择题:听一段关于大学课程介绍的录音,然后选择最合适的课程描述。
- A. 历史学导论- B. 现代艺术史- C. 环境科学基础2. 填空题:听一段对话,完成下面的信息填空。
- 学生需要在图书馆借阅______类型的书。
3. 匹配题:听一段关于不同国家文化节日的介绍,将节日与相应的国家匹配。
- 春节:______- 圣帕特里克节:______- 嘉年华:______4. 简答题:听一段关于健康饮食的讲座,回答以下问题。
- 为什么均衡饮食对健康至关重要?二、阅读部分(Reading)1. 判断题:阅读一篇关于气候变化的文章,判断以下陈述是否正确。
- 气候变化只影响极地地区。
(True/False)2. 选择题:阅读一篇关于科技对教育的影响的文章,选择最合适的标题。
- A. 科技:教育的未来- B. 教育中的科技挑战- C. 科技对教育的负面影响3. 填空题:阅读一篇关于健康生活方式的文章,完成以下句子。
- 保持积极的心态是维持健康生活的一个重要因素,因为它可以减少______。
4. 简答题:阅读一篇关于城市化进程的报告,回答以下问题。
- 城市化进程中可能面临哪些挑战?三、写作部分(Writing)1. 图表作文:根据以下图表,写一篇不少于150字的文章,描述过去十年内某国的人口变化趋势。
- 柱状图:不同年龄段的人口数量- 折线图:总人口数量的变化2. 议论文:写一篇不少于250字的文章,讨论网络教育与传统教育的优缺点。
四、口语部分(Speaking)1. 个人陈述:描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
2. 讨论:与考官讨论以下话题:“社交媒体对青少年的影响”。
3. 观点表达:你是否同意“旅行是了解一个国家文化的最佳方式”?给出你的观点和理由。
4. 问题回答:回答以下问题:“你认为科技发展对环境有何影响?”请注意,以上测试题仅为示例,实际雅思考试的题目会有所不同。

Section 1: Multiple Choice Questions1. Question: What is the main topic of the lecture?A) History of architectureB) Modern art movementsC) Famous paintersD) Impressionist techniquesAnswer: B) Modern art movementsExplanation: The lecturer discusses various art movements in the 20th century, such as Cubism and Surrealism, indicating that the main topic is modern art movements.2. Question: According to the lecture, what is a characteristic of Abstract Expressionism?A) Emphasis on geometric shapesB) Use of vibrant colorsC) Focus on historical eventsD) Representation of realistic figuresAnswer: B) Use of vibrant colorsExplanation: The lecturer mentions that Abstract Expressionism artists often used bold, vibrant colors in their artworks, indicating that it is a characteristic of this art movement.Section 2: Note CompletionIn this section, you will listen to a conversation between a student and an advisor. Complete the notes below.Advisor: So, based on your interests and skills, I recommend you consider the following majors:1. ________2. ________3. ________Answer:1. Sociology2. Environmental Science3. Communication StudiesExplanation: The advisor suggests three possible majors for the student - Sociology, Environmental Science, and Communication Studies. These options are based on the student's interests and skills.Section 3: MatchingMatch each statement with the appropriate person.Person A) Sally ThompsonPerson B) Mark DavisPerson C) Professor Johnson1. ________ specializes in environmental studies.2. ________ is an expert in ancient history.3. ________ is offering a seminar on poetry.Answer:1. Person B) Mark Davis2. Person A) Sally Thompson3. Person C) Professor JohnsonExplanation: The lecturer introduces three individuals and their areas of expertise. By matching the statements with the appropriate person, we can identify Mark Davis as the specialist in environmental studies, Sally Thompson as the expert in ancient history, and Professor Johnson as the person offering a seminar on poetry.Conclusion:通过这些提供的雅思听力练习试题以及相应的答案解析,考生们可以更好地了解雅思听力考试的题型和考点。
雅思听力真题part 1 receptionist earl

雅思听力真题part 1 receptionist earl听力试题第一节听下面5段对话。
1. What did Ryan do yesterday?A. He watched football.B. He did some exercise.C. He went to the doctor.2. What are the speakers doing?A. Cooking dinner.B. Preparing for a party.C. Eating out in a restaurant.3. What does the woman ask the man to do for her?A. Take a photo.B. Fix a camera.C. Print a picture.4. What will the speakers do next?A. Go back to their home.B. Visit the woman’s friend.C. Return to the supermarket.5. What is the weather like now?A. It’s raining.B. It’s cloudy.C. It’s sunny.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What happened to the woman’s flight?A. It failed to take off on time.B. It was called off without notice.C. It arrived about two hours earlier.7. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a restaurant.B. On a plane.C. At the airport.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。

1. 录音中提到了哪个国家?2. 录音中提到的活动是什么?3. 活动举办的时间是什么时候?答案一:1. A. 英国2. B. 音乐会3. C. 2023年5月试题二:听对话,选择正确的答案。
对话内容:- 女士:请问,图书馆在哪里?- 男士:沿着这条街直走,然后右转就可以看到。
问题:1. 图书馆的位置是什么?2. 女士应该如何到达图书馆?答案二:1. A. 在街道的尽头2. B. 沿着这条街直走,然后右转试题三:听一段讲座,完成以下信息填空。
讲座内容摘要:- 讲座主题:环境保护- 主讲人:Dr. Green- 讲座时间:2023年6月10日- 讲座地点:大学礼堂问题:请根据讲座摘要填写以下信息:讲座的主题是:________________。
主讲人的名字是:Dr. Green。
对话内容:- 男士:你打算周末做什么?- 女士:我计划去购物和看电影。
问题:女士周末计划做什么?A. 购物B. 看电影C. 去图书馆D. 参加聚会答案四:A. 购物B. 看电影试题五:听一段对话,判断以下陈述是否正确。
对话内容:- 女士:我需要帮助,我找不到我的钥匙了。
- 男士:别担心,我帮你找。
问题:1. 女士丢失了她的钥匙。
2. 男士愿意帮助女士。
答案五:1. 正确2. 正确请注意,以上内容仅为示例,实际的雅思英语听力试题及答案应由官方雅思考试机构提供。


剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section3答案+解析推荐:剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section1答案+解析、剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section2答案+解析谈话场景:学习场景人物关系:男女学生谈话话題:讨论莎士比亚細改编觀的作业展示交际与语言表达1.“…in one of his books he came up with a straightforward classification of film adaptations based on how faithful they are to the original plays and novels.(在他的一本书中,他提出了一种关于电影改编简单易懂的分类,那就是看这个改编忠于原著的程度。
)”其中come up with sth.意为“提出…观点”;base on意为“基于”,在此可以理解为“以…为标准”2.“Next I want to say something about how plays may be chosen for adaptation because theyve concerned with issues of the time when the film is made.(接着我想说一下当一个剧本和电影拍摄所处时期议题相关时,这些剧本会在什么情况下被改编成电影。
)”其中concern with意为“与……相关”。
3.“It was a very loose adaptation, using the same situation and story, but moving it to 16th century Japan instead of the 16th century Britain. (这不是一个严谨的改编,因为它虽然用到相同的故事情节,但是却把故事的背景从16世纪的英国换成了16世纪的日本。

Section 1题目:请听一段对话,回答以下问题。
1. What time will the train leave?2. How long will the journey take?答案解析:根据听力材料,我们得知这段对话是关于两个人讨论火车的离开时间和旅程所需时间的。
Section 2题目:请听一篇讲座,回答以下问题。
1. What is the topic of the lecture?2. What are the main characteristics of the new species mentioned in the lecture?答案解析:根据听力材料,我们可以推断出讲座的主题以及新物种的特点。
Section 3题目:请听一段学术讨论,回答以下问题。
1. What is the problem the students are discussing?2. What are the two possible solutions mentioned in the discussion?答案解析:根据听力材料,我们可以了解到学生们在讨论一个具体问题,并提出了两个可能的解决方案。
Section 4题目:请听一篇讲座,回答以下问题。
1. What is the main idea of the lecture?2. What are the three factors that contribute to climate change mentioned in the lecture?答案解析:通过听力材料,我们可以获得讲座的主要观点以及导致气候变化的三个因素。

雅思听力全真试题及答案Section 1: Questions 1-10You will hear a conversation between a student and a university accommodation officer. For questions 1-6, choose the correct answer (A, B, or C) for each statement.1. What is the main reason the student is looking for accommodation?A. To be closer to the universityB. To be closer to his workplaceC. To live with his friends2. What type of accommodation is the student interested in?A. A single roomB. A shared flatC. A studio apartment3. How much is the deposit for the accommodation?A. £200B. £300C. £4004. What is included in the rent?A. UtilitiesB. Internet accessC. Both A and B5. When can the student move in?A. ImmediatelyB. In two weeksC. At the end of the month6. What is the student's preferred method of payment?A. Monthly installmentsB. A lump sum paymentC. A bank transferFor questions 7-10, choose the correct letter (A-D) for each statement.7. What does the accommodation officer suggest the student do?A. Visit the accommodation officeB. Apply onlineC. Contact the landlordsD. Check the university website8. What is the deadline for submitting the application?A. One week from nowB. Two weeks from nowC. One month from nowD. There is no deadline9. What is the student's concern about the accommodation?A. The location is not convenientB. The cost is too highC. The facilities are not adequateD. The availability is uncertain10. What does the accommodation officer promise to do?A. Contact the student with more informationB. Show the student around the accommodationC. Help the student with the application processD. Negotiate the price with the landlordsSection 2: Questions 11-20You will hear a talk about a local history museum. For questions 11-16, choose the correct answer (A-D) for each statement.11. What is the main purpose of the museum?A. To preserve historical artifactsB. To educate the public about local historyC. To promote tourism in the areaD. To host special events12. When was the museum established?A. In the 18th centuryB. In the 19th centuryC. In the 20th centuryD. In the 21st century13. What type of exhibits does the museum have?A. Paintings and sculpturesB. Historical documents and photographsC. Interactive displays and multimedia presentationsD. All of the above14. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a feature ofthe museum?A. A gift shopB. A caféC. A libraryD. A playground15. What special event is the museum hosting next month?A. A lecture seriesB. A temporary exhibitionC. A guided tourD. A live performance16. How can visitors find more information about the museum?A. By visiting the museum's websiteB. By calling the museum's information lineC. By reading the museum's brochureD. By following the museum on social mediaFor questions 17-20, choose the correct letter (A-D) for each statement.17. What is the speaker's opinion about the museum's location?A. It is in a convenient areaB. It is in a quiet neighborhoodC. It is in a busy commercial districtD. It is in a remote part of the city18. What does the speaker say about the museum's staff?A. They are knowledgeableB. They are friendlyC. They are helpfulD. All of the above19. What does the speaker recommend visitors do before visiting the museum?A. Make a reservationB. Check the opening hoursC. Plan their visitD. Join a guided tour20. What does the speaker suggest visitors do after visiting the museum?A. Visit the gift shopB. Have a meal at the caféC. Write a review onlineD. Share their experience on social mediaSection 3: Questions 21-30You will hear a discussion between two students about their university course. For questions 21-25, choose the correct answer。

剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section2答案+解析剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section2答案+解析推荐:剑桥雅思12T est8雅思听力Section1答案+解析谈话场景:介绍场景人物关系:主持人谈话话題:一个作为旅游景点的老城区的相关介绍交际与语言表达1.“...but now it's been redeveloped into a buzzing, vibrant area of the city, which is also home to one of the city's fastest growing communities.(但是现在这里已经重新发展成为一个人气旺且有活力的区域,同时这里也是人口增长最快的群体聚集地。
)”其中which 引导的定语从句用来修饰前面的area; be home to sth.意为“是…的故乡”。
2.“...but now graduates embarking on careers in th e worlds of fashion and design are buying up the new apartments recently built here to replace the small houses where the market workers used to live.(但是现在,那些从事时尚和设计专业的毕业生买了很多新建在这里的住房,取代了之前市场工人们住的小房子。
)”想要弄懂这句话,关键是要学会划分句子成分,找出主干信息“graduates are buying up ne w apartments to replace small houses”。
3.“This year they've been asked to design an outfit based on ideas from the music and technology that's part of their everyday life,using both natural and man-made fibers.(今年参赛选手需要同时用天然纤维和人造纤维设计一件服装,设计灵感需来自于日常生活中的元素,比如音乐和科技。
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关注问句中的特殊疑问词what who when why which where how了解发问方向What引导的问句的答案的词性大部分是名词,但需注意特殊的情况
What have the largest group of lone parents never done?
What are they going to do after lunch?
In Australia,when must men shake hands?
How long表示时间段概念,how often表示频率,注意常见频率副词:
always usually often sometimes hardly ever never every day once a week twice a month three times a year
every2days=every second day每两天
19题,首先听到“the top bus company runs all its tours with a live commentary in English”迅速关注下面即将出现的信息,听到“Tours leave from8.30a.m.every20minutes”,直接定位答案。
20题,首先听到“The Number One sightseeing Tour is available with a commentary in eight language”,迅速关注下面即将出现的重点信息,听到“buses depart from Central Station every five to six minutes from about9a.m.with the last bus at around7p.m.”,直接定位答案
26题,首先听到“but of course books can be renewed.You can renew any item a maximum of three times”迅速关注下面即将出现的重点信息,紧接着,听到“you can do it by telephone or email,but you can’t renew overdue books this way”,直接定位答案
27题,首先听到学生问图书管理员“so theoretically I can borrow books for up to three months—is that what you are saying?”和图书管理员的回答“Yes,provided they are not recalled”,迅速关注下面即将出现的重点信息,紧接着,听到“well,sometimes an item is requested by another borrower,in which case we’d send you a letter,and you’d have to return the book within seven working days”,直接定位答案
平方米60square meters60square meters60m2
平方公里60square kilometres60square kilometres60km2
毫升60cubic centimetres60cubic centimetres60cc
立方米60cubic metres60cubic metres60m3
立方公里60cubic kilometres60cubic kilometres60km3