
具体的运算顺序如下:1. 先计算括号中的运算,按照原则“先乘除后加减”的顺序进行。
例如,对于表达式“2 + (3 - 1) * 4”,首先计算括号内的运算“3 - 1”,结果为2,然后将2乘以4得到8,最后再与2相加,得出最终的运算结果为10。
2. 若表达式中存在多对括号,则按照括号的嵌套顺序进行运算。
例如,对于表达式“2 - [(3 + 4) - (5 - 1)]”,首先计算括号内的两组运算“3 + 4”和“5 - 1”,得到7和4,然后分别用7减去4,最终的运算结果为5。
例如,对于表达式“2 + (5 + 3)”,首先计算括号内的加法运算,结果为8,然后与2相加,得到最终的结果为10。
例如,对于表达式“2 + 3”,可以省略括号,直接计算出结果为5。
例如,对于表达式“10 - (4 - 2)”,首先计算括号内的减法运算,结果为2,然后用10减去2,得到最终的结果为8。
例如,对于表达式“5 - 3”,可以省略括号,直接计算出结果为2。
四、综合运算示例下面通过几个示例来演示带括号的加减法运算的具体步骤:1. 表达式:“(4 + 2) + (7 - 3) + 5”首先计算括号内的两组加减法运算,得到6和4,然后将这两个结果与5分别相加,最终的运算结果为15。

四年级数学下册带括号的加减法运算题1. 问题描述在四年级数学下册中,带括号的加减法运算是一个重要的知识点。
2. 题目一:计算下列带括号的加减法运算a) (16 + 5) + 9 - 3解法:首先计算括号里的加法运算,得到 (16 + 5) = 21。
再将21与后面的加减数相加减,计算结果为 21 + 9 - 3 = 27。
b) (25 - 8) + 4 + 12解法:首先计算括号里的减法运算,得到 (25 - 8) = 17。
再将17与后面的加数相加,得到 17 + 4 = 21。
最后再加上12,计算结果为 21 + 12 = 33。
c) (30 - 12) - 7 - 5解法:首先计算括号里的减法运算,得到 (30 - 12) = 18。
再将18与后面的减数相减,得到 18 - 7 = 11。
最后再减去5,计算结果为 11 - 5 = 6。
3. 题目二:解决实际问题小明有一些球,其中有24个红球、18个蓝球和34个绿球。
解法:红球和绿球的数量为 (24 + 34) = 58。
4. 题目三:拓展思维小华刚学习了带括号的加减法运算,他想知道对于任意的整数a和b,下列等式是否成立:(a + b) - b = a。
解法:根据加法和减法的性质,我们可以得知对于任意的整数a和b,等式 (a + b) - b = a 是成立的。
因为在带括号的运算中,先计算括号里的加法运算 (a + b),然后再减去b,所以最后的结果就是a。
5. 总结通过本文的讲解,我们了解到了如何进行带括号的加减法运算。

例如,对于表达式3 + (2 + 4),我们需要先计算括号内的2 + 4,然后再加上3。
三、计算方法与步骤1.加法在进行十以内带括号的加法计算时,需要遵循以下步骤:a) 先计算括号内的加法运算b) 将得到的结果与括号外的数字进行加法运算例如:计算5 + (3 + 2)a) 先计算括号内的加法:3 + 2 = 5b) 将得到的结果与括号外的数字进行加法运算:5 + 5 = 102.减法在进行十以内带括号的减法计算时,需要遵循以下步骤:a) 先计算括号内的加法运算b) 用括号外的数字减去括号内的结果例如:计算9 - (3 + 2)a) 先计算括号内的加法:3 + 2 = 5b) 用括号外的数字减去括号内的结果:9 - 5 = 4四、实际应用与举例1.购物问题假设你在超市购物,发现苹果的价格是每斤6 元,香蕉的价格是每斤4 元,你买了3 斤苹果和2 斤香蕉,那么你总共需要支付多少钱?解答:首先计算购买苹果的花费:6 * 3 = 18 元,然后计算购买香蕉的花费:4 * 2 = 8 元。
最后将两者相加得到总花费:18 + 8 = 26 元。
2.算术问题小明和小华进行算术比赛,题目是:5 分钟内计算10 道带括号的加减法题目。
其中,小明的成绩是正确8 道,错误2 道;小华的成绩是正确6 道,错误4 道。
请问小明和小华各答对了多少题?解答:小明答对的题目数量是8 道,答错的题目数量是2 道;小华答对的题目数量是6 道,答错的题目数量是4 道。

练习一:括号内为加法运算的算式1. 45 - (19 + 6) =2. 28 - (14 + 7) =3. 73 - (28 + 9) =4. 65 - (12 + 15) =5. 37 - (9 + 20) =练习二:括号内为减法运算的算式1. 99 - (23 - 8) =2. 86 - (19 - 5) =3. 72 - (28 - 9) =4. 65 - (15 - 6) =5. 49 - (16 - 7) =练习三:括号内为先加后减或先减后加的算式1. 57 - (21 + 4) + 8 =2. 83 - (15 - 7) + 5 =3. 64 + (13 - 5) - 9 =4. 58 + (20 - 6) - 10 =5. 72 - (26 + 8) + 12 =通过以上的练习题,同学们可以进一步熟悉带括号的双位数加减法运算。
当面对带括号的算式时,可以采用如下步骤进行计算:1. 首先,计算括号内的运算。
2. 其次,计算括号外的运算。
3. 最后,得出最终的结果。

十以内带括号加减法口算题卡一、题目示例1. 加法类- (2)+3 =- 题目解析:这道题考查的是10以内的加法运算。
先数出2个物体,再接着数3个物体,总共是5个物体,所以2 + 3=5。
- 1+(4) =- 题目解析:这里1加上括号里的数4。
我们可以理解为在1的基础上再增加4个,从1开始数4个数,1、2、3、4,得到5,即1+4 = 5。
2. 减法类- (5)-2 =- 题目解析:这是10以内的减法运算。
我们可以用数手指的方法,伸出5个手指,然后弯下2个手指,剩下3个手指,所以5 - 2 = 3。
- 7-(3) =- 题目解析:7减去括号里的3。
可以想象有7个苹果,拿走3个,数一下剩下的苹果个数,7、6、5、4,剩下4个,所以7 - 3 = 4。
3. 混合运算类- (3)+(4 - 1)=- 题目解析:这是一道混合运算题,先算括号里的减法,4 - 1 = 3,然后再算括号外的加法,3+3 = 6。
- 8-(2 + 3)=- 题目解析:先计算括号里的加法,2+3 = 5,然后用8减去这个和,8 - 5 = 3。
二、更多题目练习1. (1)+2 =2. 3+(2) =3. (4)-1 =4. 6-(2) =5. (2)+(3 - 1)=6. 5-(1+2)=7. (3)+4 =8. 7-(4) =9. (1)+(5 - 2)=10. 9-(3+3)=。

1. (6-3)+5=?这道题的计算步骤是先计算括号内的减法,然后再将减法的结果与括号外的5相加。
2. (9-2)-6=?这道题的计算步骤是先计算括号内的减法,然后再将减法的结果与括号外的6相减。
3. 5-(7-3)=?这道题的计算步骤是先计算括号内的减法,然后再将减法的结果与括号外的5相减。
4. 2+(8-4)=?这道题的计算步骤是先计算括号内的减法,然后再将减法的结果与括号外的2相加。
5. (4+3)-5=?这道题的计算步骤是先计算括号内的加法,然后再将加法的结果与括号外的5相减。
6. (9+1)+6=?这道题的计算步骤是先计算括号内的加法,然后再将加法的结果与括号外的6相加。
7. 8-(5+2)=?这道题的计算步骤是先计算括号内的加法,然后再将加法的结果与括号外的8相减。
8. 3+(2-4)=?这道题的计算步骤是先计算括号内的减法,然后再将减法的结果与括号外的3相加。
9. (6+2)-3=?这道题的计算步骤是先计算括号内的加法,然后再将加法的结果与括号外的3相减。
10. 7-(3-2)=?这道题的计算步骤是先计算括号内的减法,然后再将减法的结果与括号外的7相减。

具体的计算步骤如下:1. 首先,计算括号内的加法运算。
举例来说,如果我们遇到这样的运算:①(3+5)+2= 10。
2. 其次,继续计算括号外的加法运算。
下面是带括号的减法运算的规则和步骤:1. 首先,计算括号内的减法运算。
例如,对于运算式②(7-4)-2 = 3。
2. 其次,继续计算括号外的减法运算。

例如,计算下列带括号的算式:(2 + 3) + 4首先,我们计算括号内的数值,即2 + 3 = 5然后,将5与括号外的数4相加,得到最终结果9。
例如,计算下列带括号的算式:(9 - 5) - 2首先,我们计算括号内的数值,即9 - 5 = 4然后,将4与括号外的数2相减,得到最终结果2。
首先,我们计算括号内的数值,即6 + 2 = 8和4 + 1 = 5然后,将8与5进行减法运算,得到最终结果3。
四、应用技巧1. 注意括号的运算顺序。
例如,计算下列带括号的算式:((3 + 2) - 1) + ((4 - 2) + 5)首先,计算最内层的括号:3 + 2 = 5和4 - 2 = 2然后,计算中间层的括号:5 - 1 = 4和2 + 5 = 7最后,将4与7进行加法运算,得到最终结果11。
2. 多项式的括号运算。
例如,计算下列带括号的算式:2 x (3 + 4) + (5 - 2) x 6首先,计算括号内的数值,即3 + 4 = 7和5 - 2 = 3然后,将7和3分别与括号外的数2和6相乘,并进行加法运算,得到最终结果48。
3. 注意正负号的运用。

具体步骤如下:1. 将括号内的数值与括号外的数值分别相加或相减,得到一个新的数值。
例如,对于题目:2 + (3 + 4),我们可以将括号内的3和4相加得到7,然后将问题转化为2 + 7,最终得到答案9。
2. 将括号和括号内的数值去掉,直接计算新的数值。
对于题目:5 - (2 - 1),我们可以先将括号内的2和1相减得到1,然后将问题转化为5 - 1,最终得到答案4。
具体步骤如下:1. 将括号前的数值与括号内的每个数值分别相乘或相除,得到一组新的数值。
例如,对于题目:4 × (2 + 3),我们可以将括号前的4分别与括号内的2和3相乘,得到8和12,然后将问题转化为8 + 12,最终得到答案20。
2. 将一组新的数值相加或相减,得到最终的结果。
对于题目:8 ÷ (4 - 2),我们可以先将括号前的8分别与括号内的4和2相除,得到2和4,然后将问题转化为2 - 4,最终得到答案-2。
具体步骤如下:1. 先处理最内层的括号,根据括号内的运算符号计算得到一个新的数值。
2. 将计算得到的数值替换掉原来的括号部分。
3. 重复步骤1和步骤2,直到所有的括号都被处理完毕。


100以内混合加减带括号53-(47-40)=4651-(10-2)=4352-(16-8)=4432+(45-5)=7283+(15-5)=9325-(7-6)=2465-(64-60)=6177-(5+35)=3750+(11-10)=5150-(6-2)=4642-(26-6)=2225-(11-5)=1971-(49+1)=2182+(17-7)=9219-(4-2)=1754-(36-30)=4842-(20-10)=3224-(6+4)=1413-(2+6)=531-(7+2)=22 43-(42-40)=41 85-(72-70)=83 35+(33-30)=38 3-(2+1)=04+(87-80)=11 74+(12-6)=80 65-(54-50)=61 4-(1+2)=180-(68+2)=10 59-(51-50)=58 84+(1+5)=90 97-(4-1)=94 67+(2+18)=87 32+(45-5)=72 30-(19-9)=20 40-(62-60)=38 30-(22-20)=8 28-(24-20)=418-(2+1)=15 44-(16-10)=38 83-(23+7)=53 79+(14-10)=83 44-(16-8)=20 76-(64-4)=16 94-(62+8)=24 27-(18-9)=18 7-(1-1)=738+(59-9)=88 41-(37-30)=14 58-(34+6)=18 53-(32-30)=51 68-(30+10)=28 19-(3+7)=925-(15-9)=1 26+(27-7)=46 27-(3+2)=22 32-(7+13)=12 5+(11-2)=1443-(18+2)=23 66-(29+1)=36 53-(38-30)=45 21+(37+3)=61 77-(63-60)=74 41-(57-50)=34 60-(24+6)=30 32+(8+2)=42 76-(25-20)=71 25+(61-60)=26 29-(25-5)=9 33-(27+3)=3 46-(24+6)=16 24-(14+6)=4 19-(16-8)=11 86-(49-9)=46 3-(2+1)=052-(51-50)=51 19+(35-30)=24 23-(4+1)=1811-(4-3)=85+(68-8)=65 67-(43+7)=17 76-(69-60)=7 75-(46+4)=25 66-(28+2)= 36 29+(68-60)= 37 66+(2+18)= 86 55-(13+7)= 35 58-(32+8)= 18 95-(64-60)= 91 86-(8+22)= 56 65-(64-60)= 61 83+(15-5)= 93 16-(8+2)= 619-(4-2)= 17 30-(19-9)= 20 25-(11-5)= 19 25-(15-9)= 19 71-(49+1)= 2154-(36-30)= 48 19-(16-8)= 11 86-(49-9)= 46 42-(20-10)= 32 40-(62-60)= 38 26+(27-7)= 46 37-(14+6)= 17 81-(12+8)= 61 24-(6+4)= 14 10+(75-70)= 15 34-(30-20)= 24 37+(44+6)= 87 44+(41-40)= 45 50-(37+3)= 10 28-(25-5)= 8 30-(9+1)= 20 49+(18+2)= 69 59-(57-7)= 9 70-(25+5)= 40 98-(37+3)= 5815+(1+7)= 23 23-(21-20)= 22 73-(3-2)= 72 72-(17+3)= 52 8-(2+1)= 55+(77-7)= 75 22-(4+1)= 17 83-(39-30)= 74 28-(24-20)= 24 83-(26-6)= 63 78-(61+9)= 8 64-(13+7)= 44 46-(25+5)= 16 66-(42-2)= 26 83-(13-6)= 76 67+(30-20)= 77 29-(19+1)= 9 54+(25-5)= 74 88-(8+12)= 68 12-(10-8)= 1038+(5+15)= 58 85+(8-6)= 87 79+(15-5)= 89 30-(1+4)= 25 2+(35-5)= 32 9+(23-20)= 12 43-(21+9)= 13 68+(30-10)= 88 91-(88-80)= 83 18-(10-4)= 12 16-(58-50)= 8 70-(47-7)= 30 63-(50+10)= 3 93-(58-50)= 85 81-(42+8)= 31 30-(17+3)= 10 23-(15+5)= 3 11-(72-70)= 9 57-(21+9)= 27 60-(22+8)= 3059+(28-8)= 79 62-(48+2)= 12 20-(3+6)= 114+(71-1)= 74 15+(78-58)= 35 67+(21-1)= 87 64-(57-50)= 57 32-(23+7)= 2 33-(68-60)= 25 78-(4+6)= 68 61+(34-30)= 65 25+(40-30)= 35 37+(32-30)= 39 38+(33-30)= 41 81-(64-4)= 21 52-(83-80)= -11 56-(19+1)= 36 23-(16-6)= 13 46-(4-3)= 45 62-(37+3)= 2280-(18-9)= 53 18-(12-2)= 81-(1+0)= 063+(30-23)= 70 74-(19+1)= 54 67+(9+11)= 87 12-(6-2)= 822-(46-40)= 16 69+(10-1)= 78 36-(16-10)= 30 46-(2+18)= 26 70-(35+5)= 30 89-(60+20)= 9 24+(5-1)= 28 56+(35-5)= 86 53-(8-7)= 52 76+(18-9)= 85 2+(71-1)= 72 43-(17+3)= 23 78-(33+7)= 3879+(16-9)= 86 84-(72+8)= 4 53+(5+25)= 83 68-(26-6)= 48 15-(5+1)= 9 60-(26-20)= 54 44+(36-6)= 74 38-(27+3)= 8 44+(2+18)= 64 31+(16-6)= 41 88-(40-10)= 58 36-(35-5)= 6 9+(29-9)= 29 53-(24-4)= 33 50-(25+5)= 20 30-(17-9)= 22 54-(75-70)= 49 76+(6-4)= 78 73-(13+7)= 53 14-(7-1)= 814-(8-2)= 864-(22-2)= 44 43-(4+4)= 35 86-(24+6)= 56 0+(15-2)= 13 10+(44-4)= 50 83-(69-9)= 23 81-(29+51)= 1 33-(28+2)= 3 56-(5-3)= 54 85+(11-2)= 94 62+(28-8)= 82 47-(7+23)= 17 61-(2+18)= 41 38+(43-40)= 41 38-(36-6)= 8 83-(13-10)= 80 49-(19+1)= 29 9-(1+0)= 858-(9+1)= 4862+(29-9)= 82 22+(31-30)= 23 6-(2+3)= 131+(19-10)= 40 19-(9-6)= 16 17+(76-70)= 23 70-(48+2)= 20 84-(47+3)= 34 88-(18-9)= 79 39-(7-3)= 351-(1-1)= 149-(50-20)= 19 64-(46-40)= 58 93-(83+7)= 3 53-(20+10)= 23 96-(64-4)= 36 69-(39-9)= 39 55-(30+10)= 15 9-(6-3)= 689-(62+8)= 1999-(39+1)= 59 7+(12-2)= 17 20-(6+1)= 13 35-(18-10)= 27 18-(12-8)= 14 43-(15-8)= 36 45+(25-5)= 65 39-(38-8)= 9 86-(65-60)= 81 20-(1+9)= 10 49-(76-70)= 43 9-(3-1)= 718-(3+4)= 11 2+(44-4)= 42 19-(6+3)= 10 34-(5-1)= 30 44+(37-7)= 74 77+(13-10)= 80 69-(5+25)= 39 19+(51-1)= 6991-(35-5)= 61 43-(40+0)= 3 44-(24+6)= 14 9+(0+6)= 15 65-(39+1)= 25 28+(20-10)= 38 33+(40-20)= 53 68-(6-1)= 63 58-(19+1)= 38 21-(4-1)= 18 99-(10+30)= 59 43+(55-5)= 93 12-(10+1)= 1 20+(56-50)= 26 67-(38+2)= 27 51+(13+7)= 71 9-(6-3)= 636-(35-5)= 62+(27+3)= 32 60+(35-5)= 9042-(75-70)= 37 71-(32+8)= 31 2+(44-40)= 6 67-(43+7)= 17 28-(3+6)= 19 58-(6+14)= 38 35-(11-10)= 34 41-(11-1)= 31 45-(83-80)= 42 14-(8-2)= 877+(13-9)= 81 64-(22-20)= 62 43-(4+5)= 34 62+(29-20)= 71 89-(62+8)= 19 69-(5+25)= 39 22+(31-30)= 23 6-(2+3)= 131+(19-10)= 40 19-(9-6)= 1617+(76-6)= 87 70-(48+2)= 20 84-(48-8)= 44 88-(18-8)= 78 39-(7-3)= 35 19-(17-9)= 11 49-(50-40)= 39 64-(46-40)= 58 93-(83+7)= 3 12-(5+1)= 620+(56-50)= 26 67-(37+3)= 27 51+(13-9)= 55 92-(20+50)= 22 99-(39+1)= 59 7+(12-3)= 16 20-(6+14)= 0 35-(18-8)= 25 18-(12-3)= 9 43-(15-8)= 3645+(25-5)= 65 39-(38-8)= 9 86-(65-60)= 81 20-(1+7)= 12 49-(79-70)= 40 9-(3-1)= 718-(3+4)= 11 36-(35-5)= 6 60+(35-5)= 90 35-(18-10)= 27 45-(83-80)= 42 92-(44+6)= 42 19+(51-50)= 20 91-(35-30)= 86 43-(40+0)= 3 44-(24+6)= 14 9+(10-6)= 13 65-(39+1)= 25 28+(20-10)= 38 59-(48+2)=9The difference een 59 and the sum of 48 and 2 is 9.16-(56-50)=10The difference een 16 and the result of subtracting 56 from 50 is 10.65-(56+4)=5The difference een 65 and the sum of 56 and 4 is 5.24-(15+5)=4The difference een 24 and the sum of 15 and 5 is 4.29-(13+7)=9The difference een 29 and the sum of 13 and 7 is 9.47-(28+2)=17The difference een 47 and the sum of 28 and 2 is 17.82+(9-1)=90The sum of 82 and the difference een 9 and 1 is 90.6-(4+1)=1The difference een 6 and the sum of 4 and 1 is 1.92-(15-6)=83The difference een 92 and the result of subtracting 15 from 6 is 83.53+(40-20)=73The sum of 53 and the difference een 40 and 20 is 73.26-(6+1)=19The difference een 26 and the sum of 6 and 1 is 19. 53-(21+9)=23The difference een 53 and the sum of 21 and 9 is 23. 30+(67-7)=90The sum of 30 and the difference een 67 and 7 is 90. 80+(5-2)=83The sum of 80 and the difference een 5 and 2 is 83. 15+(39-30)=24The sum of 15 and the difference een 39 and 30 is 24.99-(87-7)=19The difference een 99 and the result of subtracting 87 from 7 is 19.63-(59+1)=3The difference een 63 and the sum of 59 and 1 is 3.59-(26+4)=29The difference een 59 and the sum of 26 and 4 is 29.75-(8-4)=71The difference een 75 and the result of subtracting 8 from 4 is 71.15+(23-3)=35The sum of 15 and the difference een 23 and 3 is 35.3-(1+1)=1The difference een 3 and the sum of 1 and 1 is 1.1+(98-8)=91The sum of 1 and the difference een 98 and 8 is 91.39-(11-4)=32The difference een 39 and the result of subtracting 11 from 4 is 32.78-(66+4)=8The difference een 78 and the sum of 66 and 4 is 8.64+(17+3)=84The sum of 64 and the sum of 17 and 3 is 84.48+(13-5)=56The sum of 48 and the difference een 13 and 5 is 56.62-(53+7)=2The difference een 62 and the sum of 53 and 7 is 2.17-(10-1)=8The difference een 17 and the result of subtracting 10 from 1 is 8.57-(26-20)=51The difference een 57 and the result of subtracting 26 from 20 is 51.51+(32-2)=81The sum of 51 and the difference een 32 and 2 is 81.16-(9-1)=8The difference een 16 and the result of subtracting 9 from 1 is 8.45+(52-2)=95The sum of 45 and the difference een 52 and 2 is 95.13-(12-3)=4The difference een 13 and the result of subtracting 12 from 3 is 4.26-(6-5)=25The difference een 26 and the result of subtracting 6 from 5 is 25.77-(7-2)=72The difference een 77 and the result of subtracting 7 from 2 is 72.9+(87-7)=89The sum of 9 and the difference een 87 and 7 is 89.47-(26+4)=17The difference een 47 and the sum of 26 and 4 is 17.48-(36+4)=8The difference een 48 and the sum of 36 and 4 is 8.56-(38-30)=48The difference een 56 and the result of subtracting 38 from 30 is 48.88-(16-8)=80The difference een 88 and the result of subtracting 16 from 8 is 80.71+(15-9)=77The sum of 71 and the difference een 15 and 9 is 77.71-(59-9)=21The difference een 71 and the result of subtracting 59 from 9 is 21.49+(6-1)=54The sum of 49 and the difference een 6 and 1 is 54.79-(12+8)=59The difference een 79 and the sum of 12 and 8 is 59.95-(62-60)=93The difference een 95 and the result of subtracting 62 from 60 is 93.81+(5+5)=91The sum of 81 and the sum of 5 and 5 is 91.56-(20+30)=6The difference een 56 and the sum of 20 and 30 is 6.44-(2+6)=36The difference een 44 and the sum of 2 and 6 is 36.53-(7-4)=50The difference een 53 and the result of subtracting 7 from 4 is 50.61+(26-6)=81The sum of 61 and the difference een 26 and 6 is 81.59-(32+8)=19The difference een 59 and the sum of 32 and 8 is 19.49-(9-7)=47The difference een 49 and the result of subtracting 9 from 7 is 47.43-(16-7)=34The difference een 43 and the result of subtracting 16 from 7 is 34.54+(38-8)=84The sum of 54 and the difference een 38 and 8 is 84.17-(2-1)=16The difference een 17 and the result of subtracting 2 from 1 is 16.59-(14-8)=53The difference een 59 and the result of subtracting 14 from 8 is 53.73-(38+2)=33The difference een 73 and the sum of 38 and 2 is 33.60-(27-7)=40The difference een 60 and the result of subtracting 27 from 7 is 40.39-(1+4)=34The difference een 39 and the sum of 1 and 4 is 34.63-(22+8)=33The difference een 63 and the sum of 22 and 8 is 33. 79-(61+9)=9The difference een 79 and the sum of 61 and 9 is 9. 68-(33+7)=28The difference een 68 and the sum of 33 and 7 is 28. 35+(46+4)=85The sum of 35 and the sum of 46 and 4 is 85.77+(8+2)=87The sum of 77 and the sum of 8 and 2 is 87.60-(13+7)=40The difference een 60 and the sum of 13 and 7 is 40.99-(35+5)=59The difference een 99 and the sum of 35 and 5 is 59.26-(9+1)=16The difference een 26 and the sum of 9 and 1 is 16.9+(57-7)=59The sum of 9 and the difference een 57 and 7 is 59.65-(40-20)=45The difference een 65 and the result of subtracting 40 from 20 is 45.76-(53-3)=26The difference een 76 and the result of subtracting 53 from 3 is 26.81+(11-8)=84The sum of 81 and the difference een 11 and 8 is 84.54-(24+6)=24The difference een 54 and the sum of 24 and 6 is 24.60-(53-3)=10The difference een 60 and the result of subtracting 53 from 3 is 10.43-(17-9)=35The difference een 43 and the result of subtracting 17 from 9 is 35.86-(8-5)=83The difference een 86 and the result of subtracting 8 from 5 is 83.15-(2+4)=9The difference een 15 and the sum of 2 and 4 is 9.13+(14-5)=22The sum of 13 and the difference een 14 and 5 is 22.54-(11-5)=48The difference een 54 and the result of subtracting 11 from 5 is 48.97-(15-7)=89The difference een 97 and the result of subtracting 15 from 7 is 89.25-(18+2)=5The difference een 25 and the sum of 18 and 2 is 5.83-(31-30)=82The difference een 83 and the result of subtracting 31 from 30 is 82.80+(16-9)=87The sum of 80 and the difference een 16 and 9 is 87.60-(13-5)=52The difference een 60 and the result of subtracting 13 from 5 is 52.18-(9+1)=8The difference een 18 and the sum of 9 and 1 is 8.48-(13-9)=44The difference een 48 and the result of subtracting 13 from 9 is 44.68-(26+4)=38The difference een 68 and the sum of 26 and 4 is 38.52-(28-8)=32The difference een 52 and the result of subtracting 28 from 8 is 32.42-(2+5)=35The difference een 42 and the sum of 2 and 5 is 35.16-(1-1)=16The difference een 16 and the result of subtracting 1 from 1 is 16.22-(3+6)=13The difference een 22 and the sum of 3 and 6 is 13.19-(2-1)=18The difference een 19 and the result of subtracting 2 from 1 is 18.92-(70+10)=12The difference een 92 and the sum of 70 and 10 is 12. 39+(13-5)=47The sum of 39 and the difference een 13 and 5 is 47. 30-(12-9)=954+(13-4)=6322-(9-1)=1443+(14-8)=4917-(9-4)=1212-(8+1)=335-(17-8)=1080-(14-6)=6014+(13-6)=2128+(59-9)=7817-(14-5)=819-(18-10)=1197-(26-20)=71 59-(4+3)=52 66-(33+7)=26 87-(17-8)=62 34-(9-4)=29 70+(16-9)=77 65+(6-3)=68 52-(15-8)=29 38-(22-2)=16 35-(16-7)=12 57-(16-8)=33 10+(11-9)=12 74-(14-4)=60 89+(8-5)=92 40-(8-5)=27 90-(15-6)=69 73-(71-1)=3 90-(3+77)=10 4+(5-5)=440-(29-9)=2040-(23+7)=10 19-(9-2)=10 51-(15-7)=29 47-(33-3)=17 41-(17-9)=15 22-(2+7)=13 63-(10-1)=54 41-(12-6)=23 51-(13-3)=35 16-(7-6)=15 67-(11-5)=51 59+(13-8)=64 76+(2+5)=83 31-(16+4)=11 17+(14-7)=24 5-(2-1)=486-(13-6)=77 71+(4+5)=80 41+(4+3)=48 26-(4+4)=1855+(2+7)=64 46-(16-9)=39 16-(4+6)=6 63-(6+2)=55 63-(13+7)=43 35-(3+2)=30 17-(16-7)=8 23+(11-2)=32 4-(2-1)=328-(7+13)=8 18-(6+2)=10 38-(12-5)=21 56+(6+14)=76 9+(5-3)=11 55-(9-1)=47 11-(6+4)=1 17-(11-1)=7 41-(15-6)=20 70-(14-8)=64 54-(10-5)=4975-(14-5)=56 58-(16-7)=35 32-(2+4)=26 10-(9-4)=528-(12-7)=9 84+(14-8)=90 44-(13-4)=27 10-(8-6)=823+(15-8)=30 42-(15-8)=19 55-(12-3)=40 60-(13-5)=42 61+(26-6)=81 36+(50-20)=66 84+(15-9)=90 49-(16-8)=25 19-(17-9)=11 83-(69-9)=23 51-(15-9)=27 38+(15-9)=62Rewritten:1.Solve the following n problem: 30 minus the quantity 12 minus 9.The answer is 9.2.Add 13 to 54 and then subtract 4.The answer is 63.3.Solve the following n problem: 22 minus the quantity 9 minus 1.The answer is 14.4.Add 14 to 43 and then subtract 8.The answer is 49.5.Solve the following n problem: 17 minus the quantity 9 minus 4.The answer is 12.6.Subtract 8 and 1 from 12.The answer is 3.7.Solve the following n problem: 35 minus the quantity 17 minus 8.The answer is 10.8.Solve the following n problem: 80 minus the quantity 14 minus 6.The answer is 60.9.Add 13 to 14 and then subtract 6.The answer is 21.10.Add 59 and 13 and then subtract 9.The answer is 78.11.Solve the following n problem: 17 minus the quantity 14 minus 5.The answer is 8.12.Solve the following n problem: 19 minus the quantity 18 minus 10.The answer is 11.13.XXX: 97 minus the quantity 26 minus 20.The answer is 71.14.Subtract 3 and 4 from 59.The answer is 52.15.Subtract 33 and 7 from 66.The answer is 26.16.Solve the following n problem: 87 minus the quantity 17 minus 8.The answer is 62.17.Subtract 9 from 34 and then add 4.The answer is 29.18.Add 16 to 70 and then subtract 9.The answer is 77.19.Add 6 to 65 and then subtract 3.The answer is 68.20.Solve the following n problem: 52 minus the quantity 15 minus 8.The answer is 29.21.Solve the following n problem: 38 minus the quantity 22 minus 2.The answer is 16.22.Solve the following n problem: 35 minus the quantity 16 minus 7.The answer is 12.23.XXX: 57 minus the quantity 16 minus 8.The answer is 33.24.Add 11 to 10 and then subtract 9.The answer is 12.25.XXX: 74 minus the quantity 14 minus 4.The answer is 60.26.Add 8 to 89 and then subtract 5.The answer is 92.27.Solve the following n problem: 40 minus the quantity 8 minus 5.The answer is 27.28.XXX: 90 minus the quantity 15 minus 6.The answer is 69.29.XXX: 73 minus the quantity 71 minus 1.The answer is 3.30.XXX: 90 minus the quantity 3 plus 77.The answer is 10.31.Add 5 to 4 and then subtract 5.The answer is 4.32.XXX: 40 minus the quantity 29 minus 9.The answer is 20.33.XXX: 40 minus the quantity 23 plus 7.The answer is 10.XXX: 19 minus the quantity 9 minus 2.The answer is 10.35.Solve the following n problem: 51 minus the quantity 15 minus 7.The answer is 29.XXX: 47 minus the quantity 33 minus 3.The answer is 17.XXX: 41 minus the quantity 17 minus 9.The answer is 15.38.Solve the following n problem: 22 minus the quantity 2 plus 7.The answer is 13.XXX: 63 minus the quantity 10 minus 1.The answer is 54.40.Solve the following n problem: 41 minus the quantity 12 minus 6.The answer is 23.41.Solve the following n problem: 51 minus the quantity 13 minus 3.The answer is 35.XXX: 16 minus the quantity 7 minus 6.The answer is 15.43.Solve the following n problem: 67 minus the quantity 11 minus 5.The answer is 51.44.Add 13 to 59 and then subtract 8.The answer is 64.45.Add 2 and 5 to 76.The answer is 83.XXX: 31 minus the quantity 16 plus 4.The answer is 11.47.Add 14 to 17 and then subtract 7.The answer is 24.48.Subtract 1 from 2.The answer is 1.49.Solve the following n problem: 86 minus the quantity 13 minus 6.The answer is 77.50.Add 4 and 5 to 71.The answer is 80.51.Add 4 and 3 to 41.The answer is 48.52.Solve the following n problem: 26 minus the quantity 4 plus 4.The answer is 18.53.Add 2 and 7 to 55.The answer is 64.XXX: 46 minus the quantity 16 minus 9.The answer is 39.55.Subtract 4 and 6 from 16.The answer is 6.56.Subtract 6 and 2 from 63.The answer is 55.57.XXX: 63 minus the quantity 13 plus 7.The answer is 43.58.Subtract 3 and 2 from 35.The answer is 30.59.Solve the following n problem: 17 minus the quantity 16 minus 7.The answer is 8.。

举例说明:(3 + 4) + 5 = 3 + 4 + 5 = 12以上例子中,首先计算括号内的数值3 + 4,得到结果7,然后将结果7与括号外的数值5进行相加,最终得到12。
举例说明:(8 - 3) - 2 = 8 - 3 - 2 = 3以上例子中,首先计算括号内的数值8 - 3,得到结果5,然后将结果5与括号外的数值2进行相减,最终得到3。

例如:(3 + 2) - 1 = 4。
1.1 带括号的加法带括号的加法是指在一个算式中,括号内的数先做加法运算,然后再与其他数进行加法运算。
例如:(3 + 2) + 1 = 6。
1.2 带括号的减法带括号的减法是指在一个算式中,括号内的数先做减法运算,然后再与其他数进行减法运算。
例如:(5 - 3) - 1 = 1。
二、带括号的加减法的教学目标通过本节课的学习,幼儿将能够: 1. 理解带括号的加减法的基本概念; 2. 掌握带括号的加减法的运算规则; 3. 能够应用带括号的加减法解决简单的数学问题;4. 培养幼儿的逻辑思维能力和计算能力。
三、教学准备为了顺利开展课堂教学,教师需要准备以下物品: 1. 黑板/白板和粉笔/白板笔;2. 幼儿喜欢的小动物/卡通人物的图片;3. 数字卡片;4. 练习册;5. 带括号的加减法的示例题。
四、教学过程4.1 导入在导入环节,教师可以向幼儿们展示一些带括号的加减法的示例题,并引导幼儿们观察和思考。
示例题1:(3 + 4) + 2 = ? 示例题2:(5 - 2) - 1 = ?4.2 讲解带括号的加法规则在此环节,教师将向幼儿们解释带括号的加法规则,并通过小组讨论的方式帮助幼儿理解。
例如:{3 + 2} + 1 = ?3.请同学们读一读带括号的这个算式,并思考应该怎么计算?接下来,教师可以选择请幼儿们分组讨论或者一个一个发言的方式,让幼儿们表达自己的想法。