



INTRODUCTION Inception is a 2010 American film written, produced, and directed by . The film stars , ,, , , , ,, , and . DiCaprio plays Dom Cobb, a who extracts information fromthe of his victims while they dream. Unable to visit his children, Cobb is offered a chance to regain his old life in exchange for one last job: performing inception, the planting of an idea into the mind of his client’s competitor. Development began roughly nine years before Inception was released. In 2001, Nolan wrote an 80-page about dream-stealers, presenting the idea to He spent six months polishing up the script for Inception before Warner Bros.purchased it in February 2009.Filming spanned six countries and four continents, beginning in Tokyo on June 19, 2009 and finishing in Canada in late November of the same year.Composer scored the film, using parts of ‘s song "".Inception was officially budgeted at $160 million, a cost that was split between Warner Bros. and . Inception premiered in London on July 8, 2010 and was released in both conventional and theaters on July 14, 2010.Released to critical acclaim, the film grossed over $21 million on its opening day, with an opening weekend gross of $62.7 million.THE PLOTDom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), along with point man Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), is on an extraction mission within the mind of a powerful Japanese businessman Saito (Ken Watanabe); a form of corporate espionage through dreams. Pain is felt in dreams, but death results in awakening. Cobb carries a totem in the form of a spinning top which originally belonged to hisdeceased wife Mal (Marion Cotillard), to determine whether he is dreaming or awake, which spins unceasingly or topples,respectively. The extraction fails due to the intervention of Mal, whose memory haunts Cobb’s mind and sabotages his missions. Saito reveals that he is in fact auditioning the team to perform the act of inception: using dreams to implant an idea. Hepromises to have murder charges against Cobb cleared so thathe can return to the U.S. and visit his children, in return for the mission’s success. The target is Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy), son of Saito’s terminally ill corporate rival, Maurice Fischer (PetePost lethwaite). The objective is to convince Fischer to break up his father’s empire. Cobb recruits Eames (Tom Hardy), a forger who can change appearance inside dreams, Yusuf (Dileep Rao), a sedative chemist, and Ariadne (Ellen Page), a student whom he and Arthur train as an architect to design dream worlds. When the elder Fischer dies in Sydney, Saito and the team share the flight with Robert Fischer back to Los Angeles and drug him. They enter Yusuf’s dream, a rainy downtown area, and kidnap Fischer. However, they come under attack by Fischer’strained unconscious mind projections, and Saito is badly injured. Due to the strength of the sedatives and multiple dream layers, death will result in the person going into limbo, a world of unconstructed dream space, for a seemingly indefinite time. Cobb reveals to Ariadne that he spent years with Mal in limbo, where they shaped their own world and lives. After waking, Mal remained convinced she was dreaming and committed suicide, persuading Cobb to do so by incriminating him in her death, but he instead fled the U.S. and the murder charges.Eames changes into Peter Browning (Tom Berenger), Fischer’s godfather, to extract information from him. The team then enter a van and are sedated into Arthur’s dream, a hotel, where the team convinces Fischer that the kidnapping on the first level was orchestrated by Browning and that he must enter his godfather’s mind to determine his motives. They in fact enter into a third level of Eames’s dream, where Fischer must break into a snowy mountain fortress to reveal the planted idea. To wake and protect the team, a member stays behind at each level with synchronized kicks: Yusuf driving the van off a bridge, Arthur crashing an elevator containing the team’s bodies in a zero gravity sequence, and Eames detonating explosives in the mountain fortress. Fischer is killed by Mal and goes into limbo. Ariadne and Cobb follow him down and confront her. There Mal attempts to convince Cobb to stay in limbo by making him question reality, referring to events that occurred while he was awake. Cobb reveals that he had originally planted the idea in Mal’s mind to wake, making him indirectly responsible for her suicide. She attacks him, but Ariadne shoots her. Cobb remains in limbo to locate a now dead Saito, while Fischer and Ariadne return to the mountain fortress where he comes to the conclusion that hisfather wanted him to be his own man. Cobb eventually locates an aged Saito and tells him that they need to return to reality. He suddenly wakes on the plane to find everyone up and well. Saito honors their arrangement; Cobb enters the United States and finally returns home to his children. Cobb spins his totem top to test reality, but is distracted by the reunion.CAST as Dominic Cobb, the Extractoras Ariadne, the Architectas Mallorie Cobb, the Shadeas Arthur, the Point Manas Mr. Saito, the Touristas Eames, the Forgeras Yusuf, the Chemistas Robert Michael Fischer Jr., the Markas Peter Browning, Fischer’s as Prof. Stephen Miles, Cobb’s mentor and father-in-law, as Maurice Fischer, Robert’s dying father. as Nash, an architect in Cobb’s employment。



• 5. 选A:意味着想逃避对自我的观察,压抑 内心的冲动和好奇心,使你拥有宁静的生 活。 选B:说爱的人正是你的本我,你对他有戒 心。基本上,你是一个愿意对自己做分析 的以赢得内心坦荡的人。 B类:显然你不是一个快乐的人,内心压抑 着复杂情感,想把自己掩藏起来,但骨子 里的完美主义一刻也不想让你安宁。
Have fun
• 下面是一个片段梦境,根据你的意愿做选 择,请记住5个答案。(choose and remember your answer) • 1. 你正走在一个幽暗的林间,脚下是: • (You are walking in a dark forest, the road is..?) A:一片松软的,有斑驳水草的沼泽。 • (A: a marsh with softy aquatic weed) B:一条平滑,长满青苔的石板路。 • (B: a smooth, mossy stone path)
• 2. 我小心地走过它,来到一座房屋前,那是你的 家(you come across a cabin, it is your house) • A:它矗立在草坪上,完美且漂亮 • (A: the house stood on the lawn, perfect and beautiful) • B:它在森林的边缘,侧面是悬崖,底下是海面。 • (B: the house stood on the edge of the forest. It’s near the cliff and with sea below.) • C:隐没在树林的深处,有几缕阳光照亮了它.
• 5. 这时,你发现(and then you find out that..) • A:你已处身在自然的怀抱中,躺在一片冷 冰冰的草地上,房子消失了,但你并不急 着去寻找。 • (A: you are lie on a cold hard ground. The house disappeared, but you are not eager to find it.) • B:自己躺下在自己的床上,有一个陌生的 人说爱你,但你总是看不清他的脸。 • (B: you are lie on your own bed, there is a stranger told you that he/she loves you, but you cannot see his/her face clearly.)



Film Review
Those who move the hearts of men's thinking of science fiction movie
Christopher Nolan black fantasy epic "stolen dream space" / "foundation" can calculate on Hollywood rare curiosa: heavy-handed tale of the brain, which heavyconstitute a conscious structure tension science fiction suspenseful theatre. Wander in real life and clear dreams, film with exquisite between image and powerful music sent to query, give the audience brought a big show intelligence and skill of blockbuster better ones. Consciousness is always a flash in the pan, world of science fiction which rarely, but attachment workers still in racking my brains from heaven after passing good films found the following several classic. Please feasted, then write comments column below the most let you shock films.



What is real?How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. ——Morpheus 《The Matrix 》 • 什么是真实? 你怎么给真实下定义 ?如果你指的是触觉、 嗅觉、味觉和视觉 ,那真实就是你大脑接受到的生物 电子信号。 ——莫菲斯《黑客帝国》
“The Forger”(伪造
亚瑟( Arthur ) ——约瑟夫· 高登莱维特 (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
“The Point Man”
阿丽雅德妮( Ari a dne )——艾伦· 佩 姬 (Ellen Page)
“The Architect”(筑
齐藤( Saito)— —渡边谦 (Ken Watanabe)
科布(Cobb)— —莱昂纳多· 迪卡 普里奥(Leonardo Wilelm DiCaprio)
“The Extractor”
梅尔 ( Malate) —— 玛丽昂· 歌迪亚 (Proposed Growth Marion Cotillard)
“The Shade”(魅影)
尤瑟夫( Eames )——汤姆· 哈迪 (Tom Hardy)
Cobb(男主角)是职业的盗梦者,能够潜入别人的梦里盗取信息。但他内心深处 却有一个解不开的障碍,经常阻碍他在梦中的行动。那就是关于他亡妻的记忆。 Cobb因为被误以为杀了妻子,被迫流亡海外,并以盗梦为生。 在一次针对能源大亨齐藤的盗梦任务中,Cobb的团队被识破,并被齐藤要挟。齐 藤以消除Cobb的罪名作为条件,让Cobb执行针对其竞争对手的特殊盗梦任务—— 不是简单的盗取想法,而是要在梦中对目标人物进行想法植入。Cobb 归家心切, 于是答应。 Cobb同自己的老搭档阿瑟重新组织团队,吸收了新梦境设计师阿莉、药剂师尤瑟 夫、梦境演员伊姆斯。经过详细的计划,盗梦团队最终决定在世界最长航班上对目 标人物(小费舍尔)下手。 任务中有数层梦境,盗梦队员层层深入,同时对抗着小费舍尔的潜意识的武装军队 的抵抗,最终,Cobb克服了潜意识中有关妻子的心理障碍,坚强的度过了永远迷 失在梦里的危险,并从潜意识的边缘就出了迷失的齐藤。 最后,大家惊现的完成植入任务,大家都醒来回到航班上。齐藤兑现承诺,Cobb 能够回家和两个孩子团聚。



collapsed and killed herself because of cobb’s Implanted thought action .and it become cobb’s guilt
He is the Head of a big corporations. Putting forward that he can help cobb wash away all charges, requiring that cobb stoles dreams for him. To understand the dream
the team convinces Fischer that the kidnapping on the first level was orchestrated by Browning and that he must enter his godfather's mind to det.ermine his motives.
Cobb now is unable to visit his children
Saito give him a chance to regain his old life in exchange for one last job
Use dreams to implant an idea on Fischer ,breae up his father's empire
Saito team for stealing the tasks to be achieved so they dream . together.
The son of saito ’rivals, he is the target of the dream team



《Inception》is a 2010 American science fiction film written, produced and directed by Christopher Nolan.The film stars is Leonardo DiCaprio,Dom Cobb(多姆,科布) is a skilled and special thief, he steal valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, whenthe mind is at its most vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl] situation. Cobb‘s rare ability has made him a player in this treacherous(不安全的) new world of corporate(公司的) espionage [ˌespiəˈnɑ:ʒ](间谍行为), but it has also made him an international fugitive [ˈfju:dʒitiv](逃亡者)and costhim everything he has ever loved.Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption(赎回). One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible thing,Instead of the way before, their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime Because the crime is being existed to the person's thought简介:everything is on our thought.and cobb can take used of it .but he is be used for a commercial purple.Which make he lose a lot ,and then ,he have a chance to restart his life with特色:1, it tell us a new thing that The brain cans accept a realistic scene and is like to manipulate the dream of it with clear state of mind.2, Because it is a movie that depends on a film content very much. What it wants to discuss of is all affair of dream world and memory3, At all of the story , the director Christopher Nolan. all insist usingmovie camera, computer at he there to be regarded as not worth a thing 4,there is also many famous stars音乐片: musical film or musicalsThe musical, in all its various forms, is a special living art form It is music combine at recount of connection in, and actually from recount inside of the person concretely perform or directly reflect欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

inception(盗梦空间全英文介绍) 剧情剖析等等

inception(盗梦空间全英文介绍) 剧情剖析等等

Cobb‘s rare ability has made him a coveted player in this treacherous (不安全的) new world of corporate (公司的)espionage(间谍行为), but it has also made him an international fugitive(逃亡者) and cost him everything he has ever loved. 不过,虽然科布的特殊技能,令他在这个贪 婪的世界中成为了一个成功的商业间谍,但 他为此也付出了沉重的代价。科布成为企业 间谍中令人垂涎的对象,也让他失去了所爱 的人,并成为一名国际逃犯。
I’m suddenly became concious that someone was looking at me 3.故意的,蓄意的 他故意说谎使老师非常恼怒 His concious lie exasperated his teacher to no end His conciously lying to the teacher mader her very angry
But no amount(成为) of careful planning or expertise(专 业技术) can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy(敌人) that seems to predict(预测) their every move. An enemy that only Cobb could have seen coming.
Now Cobb is being offered(奉献) a chance at redemption(赎罪). One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish(达到) the impossible--inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime(罪). 如今,科布有了一个赎罪的机会, 一个最后的行动将给回他原本的生活, 只要他能完成一个不可能的任务—— 奠基(Inception)。与以往不同的是, 这次多姆·科布和他的团队的任务不是 窃取思想,而是植入思想,如果他们 成功,这就是一次完美犯罪。



盗梦空间摘要英语作文Title: "Inception: Exploring the Limits of Reality""Inception," Christopher Nolan's mind-bending thriller, presents a world where dreams are not just figments of imagination but can be shared, manipulated, and even invaded. The film, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Dominick Cobb, explores the concept of shared dreaming, known as "inception," and its potential to rewrite people's perceptions and memories.The story begins with Dominick Cobb, a skilledextractor who can extract valuable information frompeople's dreams. He and his team of dream architects create elaborate dreamscapes to Steal Secrets. However, Cobb faces a personal challenge: to erase the memory of his deceased wife, Mal, from his own mind. Her presence in his dreams has made it impossible for him to complete his missions, and he fears that her influence may be corrupting the dreams of his colleagues.To overcome this obstacle, Cobb is offered a chance to perform an inception: planting an idea in someone's mind instead of extracting information. The target is Robert Fischer, the son of a powerful business magnate, who is about to inherit his father's empire. The objective is to convince him to dismantle his father's company, whichCobb's client believes is destroying the world's natural resources.To accomplish this inception, Cobb assembles a new team of dream architects, including Ariadne, a brilliant young woman who designs the intricate dreamscapes. Together, they embark on a journey through multiple layers of dreams, each one more complex and unstable than the last. Inside these dreams, they must navigate through a maze designed by Mal, who appears as a phantasmagorical figure intent on destroying their mission.As the mission progresses, Cobb and his team encounter increasingly difficult challenges, from enemy agents who can manipulate the dreamscape to the constantly shiftingrules of physics. They must also contend with Fischer's powerful defences, including projections of his father and a menacing guardian known as the "Kicker," who can sense intruders and eject them from the dream.As the final layer of the dream is reached, the team faces their greatest challenge: convincing Fischer to dismantle his father's company. In a climactic confrontation, Cobb must overcome his own fears and face Mal directly, accepting that she is a part of his past that he cannot escape. Through this confrontation, he finally accepts her death and moves forward, allowing him to successfully plant the idea in Fischer's mind.Upon waking, Fischer agrees to dismantle his father's company, and Cobb and his team escape the dreamscape. However, in a final twist, it is revealed that the entire mission was a dream within a dream, planted by Cobb in his own mind to overcome his guilt and fear. In the final moments of the film, he returns to his children, freed from the chains of his past and ready to embrace a new reality."Inception" is a profound exploration of the nature of reality and the power of the human mind. It challenges our understanding of perception and memory, asking what is real and what is merely a construct of our own minds. The film's complex narrative and breathtaking visuals create a world that is both breathtaking and deeply unsettling, leaving the viewer to ponder the limits of human consciousness and the true nature of dreams.。



盗梦空间的影评英语作文Inception is a mind-bending thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The concept of entering someone's dreams and planting ideas is both fascinating and terrifying at the same time.The visuals in Inception are absolutely stunning. The dream sequences are so vivid and surreal, it's like being transported to a different world. The special effects are top-notch and really add to the overall experience of the film.The cast of Inception is stellar. Leonardo DiCaprio delivers a powerful performance as the troubled protagonist, and the supporting cast, including Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page, bring depth and complexity to their characters.The plot of Inception is incredibly intricate and requires the audience to pay close attention. The layers of dreams within dreams can be confusing at times, but it'spart of what makes the film so engaging. It's a movie that demands multiple viewings to fully grasp all the nuances.The score of Inception, composed by Hans Zimmer, is haunting and adds a sense of urgency to the film. The music perfectly complements the action and heightens the emotional impact of the story.Inception is a thought-provoking film that explores the nature of reality and the power of the mind. It raises philosophical questions about the nature of dreams and the subconscious, leaving the audience with plenty to ponder long after the credits roll.。


那个时刻我没有把握住。无论我做什么我都不能挽回。 我想要呼唤他们,他们却恰好跑开了。如果我再见到他们 的脸庞,我就只能回家去。回到真实的世界。
Arthur ---Joseph Gordon-Levitt
He is responsible for data collection,finding out information and helping Cobb clean up all kinds of unexpected difficulty. 负责资料收集,获取 信息,帮助Cobb清理各种 意想不到的困难

Regret of the life
The moment's passed. Whatever I do I can't change this moment. I'm about to call out to them. They run away. If I'm ever going to see their faces I've gotta get back home. The real world.
---Ellen Page
She is responsible for designing buildings in the dream in order to make the target believe that he was in the dream. 设计梦境里的建筑, 使目标相信他是在自己的 梦里
---Tom Hardy
He is responsible for disguising as a special person in the world of the dream in order to influence the target better. 伪装成为一个特殊的人 来更好地影响目标







电影开头,主人公道姆·柯布(Dom Cobb)和他的团队成员阿瑟(Arthur)试图在一名富商的梦境中窃取信息,他们利用特殊设备进入了梦境。
















The plot
Cobb (actor) is a thief who is able to steal information into someone else's dream. But there is a obstacles in his heart .It often hinders his action in the dream. That is about the memory of his dead wife. Cobb was misunderstood to kill his wife, forced into exile.And then he has to hypnotize others and steal information into their dreams for living.
He makes a deal with Saito for the purpose of getting home.There are several layers of the dream.At the same time they against Fischer in the subconscious of resistance.In the end, Cobb overcomes the psychological barriers of the subconscious about his wife, avoiding the danger of being lost in the dream. Finally, they accomplish the task.Coob come back home and reunite with his kids.
Point Man”(前哨 者)



盗梦空间的英文简介、观后感篇一:盗梦空间观后感(英文)Some feelings about the InceptionToday I’d like to talk about a science fiction film called Inception,which is quite popular this year.Indeed,many of my friends have seen it and we enjoyed sharing our opinions about this film.In this world, against what he had, there is a very strange title - Pirates of the dreamer.His specialty skills, is sneaking into others dreams, the subconscious steal valuable information and secrets.A rare skill, and soon made him the coveted corporate espionage industry's highly paid object.However, it has also lost his beloved wife for Moore, exile.Because the pain has long been widowed and find themselves unable to Cobb mental torture, finally got thelast chance of redemption. Saito,Extremely wealthy,employment Cobb secret deal with their future competitors Fisher - implanted in his mind a thought.No doubt, both from a technical or from the difficulty,it must be a perfect crime.The film shows us a different world of science, in-depth analysis of a team to steal a dream.I have to say it’s really an amazing film.It’s not only the success of Nolan but also for the screenwriters and directors. Because this film made so many guys begin to think deeply and they found happiness doing this and feel satisfied when got some consequence.The most wonderful film I think iswhat can make your idea free.I would like to describe the feeling as I drive a car in wild plains where I don’t need to obey the damn traffic rules and choose where to go just follow my own mind.For this film I got this feeling,I tried to understand the inner meaning by thinking reapeatly in many quite different ways.At last I got a clear understanding and felt I’ve just experienced a long and happy journey.In the helicopter Saito promised Cobb help him go back home after the task.But when he got into the limbo,he gradually lost his consciousness just like Cobb before.He failed to fulfill his promise and got older in regret.On the contrary Cobb gave the teammates and Saito the most full trust.He take a leap of faith in the circumstances of quite uncertainty and finish the task. He also went to limbo and gave him a chance to go back together to honor the agreement and restart as young men.In the end everyone woke up in the plane,Cobb finished the task and Saito fulfilled his promise to make Cobb’s family reunion.By means of this task Cobb and Saito both got the importance of trusting each other and save each other from their regres and finally get new life.So what I think the greatest value of this film is totell us we should be honest to the choice of our deep mind no matter what forces you to change .The only way to be without regrets even when you get old is not to deceive yourself now.篇二:盗梦空间观后感(英文)Some feelings about the Inception In this world, against what he had, there is a very strange title - Pirates of thedreamer.His specialty skills, is sneaking into others dreams, the subconscious steal valuable information and secrets.A rare skill, and soon made him the coveted corporate espionage industry's highly paid object.However, it has also lost his beloved wife for Moore, exile.Because the pain has long been widowed and find themselves unable to Cobb mental torture, finally got the last chance of redemption. Saito,Extremely wealthy,employment Cobb secret deal with their future competitors Fisher - implanted in his mind a thought.No doubt, both from a technical or from the difficulty, it must be a perfect crime.In the helicopter Saito promised Cobb help him go back home after the task.But when he got into the limbo,he gradually lost his consciousness just like Cobb before.He failed to fulfill his promise and got older in regret.On the contrary Cobb gave the teammates and Saito the most full trust.He take a leap of faith in the circumstances of quite uncertainty and finish the task. He also went to limbo and gave him a chance to go back together to honor the agreement and restart as young men.In the end everyone woke up in the plane,Cobb finished the task and Saito fulfilled his promise to make Cobb’s fam ily reunion.By means of this task Cobb and Saito both got the importance of trusting each other and save each other from their regres and finally get new life.About the dreamOur dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right?It's only when we wake up that we realize how things areactually strange. Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.我们做梦的时候,梦境是真实的,对不对?只有到醒来的时候才会意识到事情不必对劲儿。


Actor:Leonardo DiCaprio.... Cobb Ken Watanabe .... Saito Marion Cotillard .... Mal Joseph Gordon-Levitt .... Arthur Ellen Page .... Ariadne Tom Hardy .... Eames Cillian Murphy .... Fischer Tom Berenger .... Browning Michael Caine .... Professor
不过,虽然科布的特殊技能,令他在这 个贪婪的世界中成为了一个成功的商业间 谍,但他为此也付出了沉重的代价。科布 成为企业间谍中令人垂涎的对象,也让他 失去了所爱的人,并成为一名国际逃犯。
Now Cobb is being offered(奉献) a chance at redemption(赎罪). One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish(达到) the impossible-inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb
and his team of specialists have to pull off the
reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to
plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime(罪).
Product company: warner bros Production: American
Type: suspense(悬疑)/science/thriller (惊悚)/action




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He is the heir to a business empire and the team's target.
商业帝国的继承人和 团队的目标
---Ken Watanabe
He came into the dream with Cobb in order to monitor the action. 他Cobb一起进入梦境 以便监控行动
Regret of the life
The moment's passed. Whatever I do I can't change this moment. I'm about to call out to them. They run away. If I'm ever going to see their faces I've gotta get back home. The real world.
---Leonardo DiCaprio
He is responsible for extracting secrets from the subconscious of their competition. 负责从竞争对手的潜意 识中盗取机密信息
Director :
Christopher Nolan
Made by Kevin zhao
About The Dream
Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange. Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream ,do you?You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.
Mal ---Marion Cotillard
She is Cobb's deceased wife,and she wants Cobb to stay in the dream.
Cobb的亡妻,想要 Cobb留在梦里
Fischer ---装者)
---Tom Hardy
He is responsible for disguising as a special person in the world of the dream in order to influence the target better. 伪装成为一个特殊的人 来更好地影响目标
---Ellen Page
She is responsible for designing buildings in the dream in order to make the target believe that he was in the dream. 设计梦境里的建筑, 使目标相信他是在自己的 梦里
Arthur ---Joseph Gordon-Levitt
He is responsible for data collection,finding out information and helping Cobb clean up all kinds of unexpected difficulty. 负责资料收集,获取 信息,帮助Cobb清理各种 意想不到的困难
那个时刻我没有把握住。无论我做什么我都不能挽回。 我想要呼唤他们,他们却恰好跑开了。如果我再见到他们 的脸庞,我就只能回家去。回到真实的世界。
The main storyline
Dom Cobb is a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable. Cobb's rare ability has made him a coveted player in this treacherous new world of corporate espionage, but it has also made him an international fugitive and cost him everything he has ever loved. Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible-inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime. But no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. An enemy that only Cobb could have seen coming.