专题30 提纲类作文-中考英语试题分项版解析汇编(解析版)

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专题30 提纲类作文




How to learn Chinese well

1 read Chinese newspapers and magazines

2 listen to Chinese songs

3 speak Chinese as much as possible

4 keep a Chinese diary

注意:1. 内容必须包含表格中所提供的所有信息,可适当发挥。

2. 词数:80-100词。开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。

3. 文中不能出现学生真实姓名和所在学校名称。

Dear Mike,

I’m very glad to receive your letter.______________________ _______________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

I hope the advice will help you learn Chinese well. Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


One possible version:

Dear Mike,

I’m very glad to receive your letter. In your letter, you mentioned that you are interested in learning Chinese. I’m writing to offer you some advice on how to learn Chinese well.

First, it is helpful to read some good Chinese newspapers and magazines. In this way your reading ability can be improved. Besides, listening to your favorite Chinese songs is actually an interesting and effective way to

improve your listening. More importantly, try to speak Chinese as much as possible and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the better your spoken-Chinese will be. Finally, I think keeping a diary in Chinese is surely a good way to improve your writing.

I hope the advice will help you learn Chinese well. Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



在你的成长过程中,父亲一定做了许多令你感动或印象深刻的事情。父亲节就要到了,Teen Times杂志正在组织感恩父亲征文活动,请以“Father and me"为题写一篇英语短文,参加本次活动。






1. 80-100词;



Father and me

A possible version:

I used to think Father didn’t care for me. But one thing changed my mind.

One Sunday, I was sad because of another “C”in English. At that time Father invited me to climb a mountain. Soon I felt tired and wanted to give up. Father encouraged me and gave me a hand when necessary. At last, we got to the top. Then I found the way up wasn’t so hard. Suddenly, I understood Father: Stick to your dream and you can do it.

Father’s Day is coming. I want to say, “Thank you and best wishes to you. I love you, father.”




1. 时间:2016年5月4日

2. 地点:广东博物馆

3. 内容:

七年级学生:当导游,带参观者到不同展馆 八年级学生:表演短剧,介绍广州历史 九年级学生:制作海报,帮助人们了解岭南文化 4. 意义(活动对你个人和社会的意义)

注意:1. 参考词汇:展馆(display room )、海报(poster ); 2. 词数:80词左右(日记的开头已给出,不计入词数);

3. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。


Dear diary,

I went to the Guangdong Museum with my schoolmates to do some voluntary work today. Students from three grades took part in it and worked as different roles. Students of Grade Sevenworked as guides who took visitors to different rooms. And those of Grade Eight played a short opera, introducing Guangzhou history to tourists. As for students of Grade Nine, they made beautiful posters which helped people know Lingnan Culture better. In my opinion, it is of great help to hold such activities. On one hand, it is a good chance forus students to develop a sense of responsibility as well as our work ability. On the other hand, the history and culture can be

Wednesday, May 4th , 2016

Dear Diary,

I went to the Guangdong Museum with my schoolmates to do some voluntary work today. ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
