
家庭情况英文作文介绍英文:My family consists of my parents, my younger brother and myself. We are a close-knit family and always support each other through thick and thin.My father is a businessman and he works long hours to provide for us. He is a hardworking man and always puts his family first. My mother is a homemaker and takes care of the household chores. She is a great cook and always prepares delicious meals for us. My younger brother isstill in school and is a talented musician. He plays the guitar and piano and often performs at school events.We are a happy family and enjoy spending time together. On weekends, we like to go out for a family dinner or watch a movie together. We also enjoy traveling and have been on many family vacations together.中文:我家有父母和一个弟弟。

家庭情况英文作文介绍英文:My family is a typical Chinese family. There are four people in my family, my parents, my younger brother and me. My father is a businessman and my mother is a housewife. My brother is still in high school and I am a college student.We live in a small apartment in the city center. Although the apartment is not big, it is cozy and warm. My mother is very good at decorating our home, so our home is always clean and tidy. We have a small balcony where my mother grows some plants. She likes to water the plants every day and watch them grow.My parents are very supportive of my studies. They always encourage me to work hard and pursue my dreams. They also give me some pocket money every month, which I can use to buy books or go out with my friends.As for our daily life, we usually have breakfast together before we go to work or school. My mother prepares some simple but delicious dishes, such as steamed buns, soy milk, and eggs. After dinner, we like to watch TV or chat with each other. Sometimes we play board games or go for a walk in the park.中文:我家是一个典型的中国家庭。

1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?I ’ m living in an apartment now. And I ’ m sharing it with my best friend at college.I really enjoy living there,because the location is pretty convenient for me. But ofcourse, owning a house is also a dream of mine. (I hope to have my own backyard whereI can relax.)括号里的内容根据考场实际来看是否继续扩展。
2.Where are you living now? / Why do you live there? / Do you like your livingplace?不住宿舍:I ’ m living in an apartment the same apartment with me. It for a young guy like me.in downtown Shanghai. I have two roommates. They share ’ s a nice place to live because the rent is very cheapPlus, it’ s close to my workplace. That’ s the main reason why I’ ve been living there for a long time.住宿舍(学生):I ’ m living in a dorm at my university now. I have 3 roommates. We share the sameroom together.It ’ s a nice place to live because the rent for students is very cheap.3. Howis the area surrounding your home like? / Are there any good facilities nearby you home?Well, you know, I ’ m living in a university dorm, so the building I live in is part of the campus. There ’s a cafeteria building near our dorm, and it also has a supermarket inside. So it’ s really convenient for me to live there.4. What are the changes of surroundings around your living place?Well over the past few years, there have been lots of high-rise buildings builtin my neighborhood.Besides,an outdoor gym was built about two years ago near my home.I always work out there.5. What changes do you think your neighborhood/living area need?Um I think my neighborhood is good, but it would be better if there was a subwaystation near my home. Now the closest subway station is about 3 kilometers away, soit ’ s a little far from me. I heard the city plans to extend a subway line to the street next to my home. I hope it’ s true.6. Do you have friends living nearby? /What do people living nearby do? Do you know some of them?Yes, I do. Actually, I have a coworker, also a close friend of mine, living in the same apartment building as me. It’s a high rise apartment so I guess there are tonsof people living in it. Honestly,even though I’ve been living there for a long time,I ’ ve only gotten to know the neighbor girl living across the hallway. She is a teacher at a primary school nearby.7. What are your roommates like?Well, now I have two roommates sharing the same apartment with me. They are pretty cool. And I ’ d say I ’m glad to live with them. All three of us love playing video games, so we have a lot to talk about and do together. For example, we have a game night together every Saturday.8. How long have you lived there?I ’ ve been living there for over three years. Even though I have to share a roomwith three roommates,luckily they ’ re all easy-going and nice, so we get along well witheach other.9. Will you move home in the near future?Well, I don’t know if I will be moving anytime soon. But I hope not. I’ve been living in an apartment for several years. It’s a comfortable place and the rent isalso very low. But sometimes it’s not up to me, I might need to work at a far placelater. Who knows, right?10. What is your favorite room?My favorite room in my home is definitely my bedroom. I spend most of my time inmy bedroom. It has all my favorite stuff in it, like my books, and I decorated it bymyself. That really makes mefeel at home – literally! It ’s important to have somewhere you can just relax.11. How do you think your room could be improved?I hope to have a large bookshelf. I love reading, but I have no bookcase nowyou go into my bedroom, you can see tons of books are on the floor.So having may help me keep myif a bookshelfroom clean and organized.。

个人经历类问题1. 请介绍一下你自己。
2. 你从小到大住在哪里?我出生在XXX,一直在那里生活到XXX岁,之后我去了XXX市读大学,现在我在这里工作了。
3. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为它能够让我更好地理解世界,并且在我的专业中也非常重要。
家庭类问题1. 你家有多少人?你和他们住在一起吗?我家有XXX人,我和我的父母以及一个兄弟住在一起。
2. 你最喜欢与家人做什么活动?我最喜欢与家人一起看电影或者游戏,这样可以增强我们之间的联系,同时也是放松和享受时光的好方式。
3. 你家习惯晚餐一起吃吗?是的,我们家习惯晚餐一起吃,这是家人之间沟通交流的好机会,也帮助我们更好地了解彼此的生活和工作。
工作和学习类问题1. 你目前的工作是什么?你喜欢它吗?我目前的工作是XXX,我非常喜欢这个工作,因为它与我的专业相关,并且也给我提供了可以提升自己的机会。
2. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为它能够让我更好地理解世界,并且在我的专业中也非常重要。
3. 你是否参加过课外活动?如果有,你参加的是什么活动?是的,我参加过一些课外活动,比如志愿者服务、音乐和阅读俱乐部等。
生活和兴趣类问题1. 你最喜欢的电影类型是什么?我最喜欢的电影类型是悬疑和犯罪类型的电影,因为这种类型的电影可以让我感受到紧张和刺激,也让我想更多地思考人性和社会问题。
2. 你喜欢旅行吗?你去过哪些国家或城市?是的,我非常喜欢旅行。


雅思口语话题范文:Family家庭为了帮助广大考生提高自己的雅思口语成绩,下面小编给大家带来雅思口语话题范文:Family家庭,来看看吧!雅思口语part1话题范文:Family家庭1.How many people are there in your family?There are four. There's myself of course. Then there's my younger brother, he's fifteen years old. And I have my mother and father who are both in their late 70s. I have two grand parents as well, but they don't live with us.2.Can you Tell me something about your family?Well, I've got two older sisters and one younger brother, so I'm right in the middle. My mum and Dad are divorced and they're remarried. So, actually I have quite a lot of stepbrothers and stepsisters, so there are quite a few of us.3.What kind of things do you and your family do together?There’s a lot of thing that we do together. My whole family always gather at dinner and discuss various types of stuff. I often take advice on important things from my parents, and sometime my little brother too.4.Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends?If I were to choose between the two, I’ll go with my family because in many ways, my family are my friends and they are the ones who will stay with me all my life, whereas I don’t actually meet my friends very often, you know although yeah sometimes I have more fun with my friends because they are closer to my age.5.How are you getting on with your parents?If you asked me that question when I was at junior high, itwould be totally different point of view. I mean, my parents, they had a list of things that they thought I need to become, and that I need to better myself and all, always compared me to another kids but it’s just like the story of the last decade.6.Is family very important to you?Of course it is. Family is the most important thing in the world to me. It’s the only thing that never turns back on me and it’s really all I have in the long run. Once I grew up and moved out and away, I more realized how important they are.7.Would you prefer to have a larger or smaller family?Actually, I prefer my family remains unchanged coz it’s the best now. Although I also wanna live in an extend family then family members can support and foster each other but I’m a bit worried about generation gaps which might lead to some unnecessary arguments, you know.8.How many family members does your family have?I have a lovely family and my family is the most important aspect of my life. I am very close to my family members and they are my best friends, mentors and supporters.9. Do you like to talk with your parents?I find it difficult to talk with them at least now. My parents just try to convince me to follow their footsteps, becoming a businessman and woman that could run in the family, but I dream of being an educator. So, this “serious” topic has become so hot every time we talk but I often get bored and find the way to leave it.10. What don’t you like about your brother or sister?What I don’t like about my sister is that she always let herself getting into trouble at school like staying out late or just being lazy. So that makes my poor mother and I have to try toturn a blind eye to some of her behavior, but it wasn’t easy.11. Would you say that your family affects your life very much?I’d like to say that no one could influence as strongly on my life as my father, an businessman. I followed his footsteps and joined him on the family company. He enjoys showing me the ropes that’ll helps a lot when I’m going to run my own business.雅思口语P2话题范文: a family (not your own) that you likeDescribe a family (not your own) that you like.You should say:What kind of family it isHow you know about itWhat you did togetherAnd explain why you like itsample answerI will talk about my best frien d Amit’s family. I have known them for ten years now. I met Amit at college. He was a fun-loving person and soon we became great friends. His home was near our college. As my family lived in another town at that time, I was staying in the hostel. I had some good friends in the hostel but I hated the food they served. Amit knew this. He would frequently invite me to his home. His mother is a kind woman. She is very caring and affectionate. Whenever I visited them she would prepare my favourite dishes and serve them with great love. I found my own mother in her. I also enjoy a great relationship with Amit’s father. He is a retired engineer. We both share the same passion for cricket and electronics. Amit has an elder brother who works in Germany. I have met him only a couple of times and on all those occasions he was extremely cordial. He is like an elder brother to me. Amit now lives in the Middle East and I am inSingapore. We still talk to each other on phone but I haven’t seen him in a year or so. However, I make it a point to visit his parents whenever I am in Bangalore. They are like my own family to me and have always treated me as their own son.雅思口语话题:你和你得家庭成员Describe a family member you spent most time with描述一个你跟他长时间相处的家庭成员。
雅思口语范文Part 1 Topic 4 Home 家庭、住所

1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?I’m living in an apartment now. And I’m sharing it with my best friend at college.I really enjoy living there,because the location is pretty convenient for me. But of course, owning a house is also a dream of mine. (I hope to have my own backyard where I can relax.)括号里的内容根据考场实际来看是否继续扩展。
2. Where are you living now? / Why do you live there? / Do you like your living place?不住宿舍:I’m living in an apartment in downtown Shanghai. I have two roommates. They share the same apartment with me. It’s a nice place to live because the rent is very cheap for a young guy like me.Plus, it’s close to my workplace. That’s the main reason why I’ve been living there for a long time.住宿舍(学生):I’m living in a dorm at my university now. I have 3 roommates. We share the same room together.It’s a nice place to live because the rent for students is very cheap.3. How is the area surrounding your home like? / Are there any good facilities nearby you home?Well, you know, I’m living in a university dorm, so the building I live in is part of the campus. There’s a cafeteria building near our dorm, and it also has a supermarket inside. So it’s really convenient for me to live there.4. What are the changes of surroundings around your living place?Well…over the past few years, there have been lots of high-rise buildings built in my neighborhood.Besides, an outdoor gym was built about two years ago near my home.I always work out there.5. What changes do you think your neighborhood/living area need?Um…I think my neighborhood is good, but it would be better if there was a subway station near my home. Now the closest subway station is about 3 kilometers away, so it’s a little far from me. I heard the city plans to extend a subway line to the street next to my home. I hope it’s true.6. Do you have friends living nearby? /What do people living nearby do? Do you know some of them?Yes, I do. Actually, I have a coworker, also a close friend of mine, living in the same apartment building as me. It’s a high rise apartment so I guess there are tons of people living in it. Honestly,even though I’ve been living there for a long time, I’ve only gotten to know the neighbor girl living across the hallway. She is a teacher at a primary school nearby.7. What are your roommates like?Well, now I have two roommates sharing the same apartment with me. They are pretty cool. And I’d say I’m glad to live with them. All three of us love playing video games, so we have a lot to talk about and do together. For example, we have a game night together every Saturday.8. How long have you lived there?I’ve been living there for over three years. Even though I have to share a room with three roommates,luckily they’re all easy-going and nice, so we get along well with each other.9. Will you move home in the near future?Well, I don’t know if I will be moving anytime soon. But I hope not. I’ve been living in an apartment for several years. It’s a comfortable place and the rent is also very low. But sometimes it’s not up to me, I might need to work at a far place later. Who knows, right?10. What is your favorite room?My favorite room in my home is definitely my bedroom. I spend most of my time in my bedroom. It has all my favorite stuff in it, like my books, and I decorated it by myself. That really makes me feel at home – literally! It’s important to have somewhere you can just relax.11. How do you think your room could be improved?I hope to have a large bookshelf. I love reading, but I have no bookcase now… if you go into my bedroom, you can see tons of books are on the floor. So having a bookshelf may help me keep myroom clean and organized.。

在介绍家人时,可以从以下几个方面进行描述:1. 家庭成员的基本信息,首先,可以介绍家庭成员的基本情况,比如家庭人口数量、家庭成员的姓名、年龄、职业等。
例如,可以说"My family consists of five members: my father, my mother, my older sister, my younger brother, and myself. Myfather's name is John, he is 45 years old and works as a teacher. My mother, Sarah, is 42 years old and works as a nurse. My sister, Emily, is 20 years old and is currently studying at university. My brother, David, is 16 years old and is in high school."2. 家庭成员的性格特点,接下来可以描述每个家庭成员的性格特点,这可以让考官更好地了解你的家庭。
例如,可以说"My father is a very patient and supportive person, always ready to offer advice and guidance. My mother is theheart of our family, she is caring and loving, and always puts the needs of others before her own. My sister is outgoing and sociable, she has a great sense of humor and is always the life of the party. My brother is a bit shy, but he is very intelligent and hardworking."3. 家庭成员的爱好和特长,此外,你也可以介绍家庭成员的爱好和特长,这可以让你的介绍更加生动有趣。
雅思口语part 1关于家庭的话题

雅思口语part 1关于家庭的话题1. Can you tell me about your family?- Sure, I come from a small nuclear family consisting of my parents, my younger sister, and me. We are very close-knit and support each other in every aspect of life.2. Who do you resemble more in your family?- I think I resemble my mother more in terms of physical appearance and personality traits. People often say that I have inherited her smile and temperament.3. How often do you visit your family?- Since I am currently studying in a different city, I am not able to visit my family as often as I would like to. I try to visit them monthly or during holidays when I get a break from my studies.4. Are family celebrations important to you?- Absolutely, family celebrations are extremely important to me. They provide an opportunity for all of us to come together, share love, and create lasting memories. It helps in strengthening the bond between family members.5. How do you spend your weekends with your family?- During the weekends, my family enjoys spending quality time together. We usually go for outings, have meals at our favorite restaurants, play indoor or outdoor games, and sometimes watch movies or TV shows together.6. Is spending time with your family important in your culture? - Yes, spending time with family is highly valued in my culture. Itis believed that family forms the cornerstone of society, and therefore, the bonds between family members should be nurtured and cherished.7. Do you have any family traditions or rituals?- Yes, we have a few family traditions. For example, on birthdays, we have a tradition of preparing a special meal for the person whose birthday it is. We also exchange gifts during festivals and have a family dinner every Sunday.8. Do you often have family meals together?- Yes, family meals are an important part of our routine. We make it a point to have at least one meal together every day, usually dinner, as it gives us an opportunity to catch up with each other's lives and share our experiences.9. Is it common for people in your country to live with their extended family?- In my country, it is common for people to live with their extended family, especially in rural areas. However, with urbanization and changing lifestyles, more and more people are opting for nuclear family setups.10. How do families differ from each other in your country?- Families in my country can vary in terms of size, structure, and cultural practices. Some families are large and have multiple generations living together, while others are small with only immediate family members. Additionally, families may have different religious or cultural traditions that influence their everyday life.。
雅思口语part 1关于家庭的话题

雅思口语part 1关于家庭的话题雅思口语part 1关于家庭的话题,是一个充满温馨和亲情的话题。
总之,雅思口语part 1关于家庭的话题,是一个充满人情味的话题。

雅思口语考试part1范文之家庭状况31. Could you tell me something about your family? ( 5 - 8 )Certainly. My family is a typical Chinese one. It consists of my father, mymother and me. I am the only child. My grandparents passed away when I was stillvery young, so I did not have the privilege of knowing them. My father was oneof their four children, and my mother has a brother, so I have a number ofuncles and aunts and many cousins.32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 5 - 6 )That’s a tough question. I think we have to have the policy in China. Ourpopulation had been growing to rapidly and something drastic had to be done.Besides, the policy will give China a chance to move ahead in the world. What Imean to say is that as soon as the population growth has stabilized, China willbe able to make progress in the fight against unemployment.32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 7 - 8 )That’s a controversial question in China. In my opinion, the policy hasboth merits and shortcomings. The policy is one of the most effective tools tosolve the increasing problem of overpopulation in the country.On the otherhand, the One-Child Policy has been extremely harsh on the people. It violatesbasic human rights. For example, it deprives women of their fertilityrights.33. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son? ( 5 - 8 )That’s an interesting question. I believe the most important reason lies infathers. They want their children to carry their name into the future. Only sonscan fulfill the task. For example, in many western countries it is customary fora boy to receive his grandfather’s name. A second reason that I could mention isthat parents worry about what will happen to them after they retired. They feelthat when they have a son he would be able to provide for them in future.34. Who does most of the shopping in your family? ( 5 - 8 )As far as this topic is concerned, I would say that my mother does most ofthe shopping, but my father and I will do some shopping from time to time. Myparents allow me to buy my own clothes. The last thing I would like to mentionthat my mother does not like my father’s smoking habit and therefore refuses tobuy cigarettes, so that my father has to do that kind of shopping himself.。

雅思口语part 1关于家庭的话题

雅思口语part 1关于家庭的话题全文共四篇示例,供您参考第一篇示例:雅思口语part 1中经常会涉及关于家庭的话题,包括家庭成员、家庭习惯、家庭活动等方面。
以下是一份关于雅思口语part 1关于家庭的话题的文章,供您参考:家庭,是每个人生命中最重要的组成部分之一。

关于家人的雅思口语以下是一些关于家人的雅思口语话题和例子:1. 描述一个家庭成员:Describe a family member you are close to.例子:I would like to talk about my younger sister, Li Hua. She is 20 years old and studies at university. She is very intelligent and loves to read books. She is also very kind and always willing to help others. We are very close and she is always there for me no matter what.2. 描述一个家庭活动:Describe a family activity that you enjoy.例子:One of our family activities that we love is going on picnics. We all pack up a basket of food and drinks and head to the park or a scenic spot. We usually have a barbecue and play games like football or badminton. It is a great way to spend quality time together and create unforgettable memories.3. 家庭价值观:What are the values that are important to your family?例子:In our family, the values that are important to us are respect, honesty, and hard work. We believe that these values are essential for building strong relationships and achieving success in life. We always try to treat each other with respect and kindness, and honesty is key when dealing with each other. We also believe that hard work pays off and it is important to work towards our goals and dreams.4. 家庭传统:Do you have any family traditions that are important to you?例子:One of our family traditions that we love is spending every New Year's Eve together. We always have a big feast and play games and sing songs. It is a great way to bring in the new year together and celebrate as a family. This tradition means a lot to us because it creates a sense of togetherness and belonging.。

1. 请问你家有几口人?Well, I come from a family of four. There's my mom, my dad, my younger sister and me.2. 你和家人住在一起吗?Yes, we all live together in a small but cozy apartment in the city.3. 你和家人关系好吗?Yes, we have a very close-knit family and get along really well with each other.4. 你们家有什么爱好?We all love to travel and explore new places. We also enjoy watching movies together and going out for family dinners.5. 你们家最喜欢的节日是什么?Our favorite holiday as a family is definitely Christmas. We love decorating the house, exchanging gifts and having a big family dinner on Christmas Eve.6. 你们家有什么特别的传统吗?One of our family traditions is to have a big family reunion every year on New Year's Day. We all gather at my grandparents' house and spend the day together, catching up and having a great time.7. 你们家有宠物吗?Yes, we have a pet dog named Max. He's a golden retriever and is like a part of the family. We all love him dearly.8. 你们家最喜欢的一起做的事情是什么?I think our favorite thing to do together as a familyis to go on road trips. We love packing up the car and heading out on an adventure, exploring new places and creating wonderful memories together.9. 你们家有什么特别的规矩吗?One of the rules in our house is that we always have dinner together as a family. It's a time for us to catch up on each other's day and bond over a meal.10. 你们家有什么值得纪念的事情吗?One of the most memorable things that happened in our family was when we all went on a trip to Europe. It was our first time traveling abroad together and it was such an amazing experience that we'll never forget.以上就是我家庭的一些情况,我很幸运能有这样一个温馨和睦的家庭。

简述家庭情况介绍英文作文英文:My family is a small but close-knit one. There are four of us in total, including my parents, my younger sister, and myself. We all live together in a cozy apartment in the heart of the city.My parents are both hardworking individuals. My father works as a software engineer and my mother is a nurse. They are both very dedicated to their jobs and often work long hours. However, they always make time for family and are very supportive of my sister and me.My younger sister is currently a sophomore in high school. She is very outgoing and loves to participate in extracurricular activities. She is also very talented in music and plays the piano and guitar. We often have jam sessions together and it's always a lot of fun.As for myself, I am currently a college student studying business. I enjoy playing sports and spending time with friends. I also love to travel and have been fortunate enough to visit many different countries with my family.Overall, my family is very close and we always make time for each other. We often have family dinners and movie nights together. We may not be the perfect family, but we love and support each other no matter what.中文:我的家庭虽然小,但我们非常亲密。

介绍家庭状况英语作文My family is a big and noisy one. There are six of us living together in a cozy little house. My parents are both working professionals, always busy with their jobs. My older brother is in college, studying engineering, while my younger sister is still in high school. We also have a pet dog, Max, who is always causing chaos and making us laugh.Our house is always filled with laughter and chatter. We have our meals together at the dining table, sharing stories about our day. Sometimes, we argue and fight over trivial things, but we always make up quickly. My mom is the one who keeps us all in check, making sure we are all taken care of and loved.Even though we are a busy family, we always find time to spend together. On weekends, we go for picnics in the park or watch movies at home. We also love to travel together, exploring new places and creating memories that will last a lifetime. I feel lucky to have such a lovingand supportive family by my side.In conclusion, my family may not be perfect, but we are always there for each other. We may have our ups and downs, but at the end of the day, we know that we can always count on each other. I wouldn't trade my family for anything in the world.。

家的情况英文作文英文:My family is a typical Chinese family. There are four people in my family, my parents, my younger brother and me. We live in a three-bedroom apartment in the city center. Our home is warm and cozy.My parents are both working, my mother is a nurse and my father is a teacher. They are very busy with their work, but they always try their best to take care of us. They are very strict with us, but they are also very loving. They always encourage us to study hard and be successful in our own way.My younger brother is still in high school. He is very active and outgoing. He likes to play basketball and video games. He is a little bit naughty sometimes, but he is also very cute and funny.As for me, I am a college student. I am studying English literature. I like reading books and watching movies. I also love to travel and explore new places.中文:我的家庭是一个典型的中国家庭。
【精编范文】雅思口语范文:描述一个家庭-精选word文档 (2页)

【精编范文】雅思口语范文:描述一个家庭-精选word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思口语范文:描述一个家庭What is Family ? How do you define a family ?People who care and love each other with a heart filled with respect .I would define my Family as a breath of fresh air !People who you hate most of the time , but are forced to love unconditionally :Bunch of people who will make you sometimes happy , sometimessad but are always there when you need them , when you are going through good times and bad .The ones that are there for you all your life through good and bad . they love and care for you even if you are the most hatedperson in the world , and always have a shoulder to lean on .Some words to describe Family !fun , loving , caring , compassionate , thoughtful , wonderfulexciting , joyful , protective , loving , functionaltogetherness , lovable , trustworthy , funny , adventuress ,spontanious , fun filled , halarious , gods angelsm , comfortingSay something about your Family !My maternal grandfathers ancestor came from ...My family is big and hectic , but were always there for each other . definately protective .。
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31. Could you tell me something about your family? ( 5 - 8 )
Certainly. My family is a typical Chinese one. It consists of my father, my mother and me. I am the only child. My grandparents passed away when I was still very young, so I did not have the privilege of knowing them. My father was one of their four children, and my mother has a brother, so I have a number of uncles and aunts and many cousins.
32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 5 - 6 )
That’s a tough question. I think we have to have the policy in China. Our population had been growing to rapidly and something drastic had to be done. Besides, the policy will give China a chance to move ahead in the world. What I mean to say is that as soon as the population growth has stabilized, China will be able to make progress in the fight against unemployment.
32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 7 - 8 )
That’s a contr oversial question in China. In my opinion, the policy has both merits and shortcomings. The policy is one of the most effective tools to solve the increasing problem of overpopulation in the country. On the other hand, the One-Child Policy has been
extremely harsh on the people. It violates basic human rights. For example, it deprives women of their fertility rights.
33. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son? ( 5 - 8 )
That’s an interesting question. I believe the most important reason lies in fathers. They want their children to carry their name into the future. Only sons can fulfill the task. For example, in many western countries it is customary for a boy to receive his grandfather’s name. A second reason that I could mention is that parents worry about what will happen to them after they retired. They feel that when they have a son he would be able to provide for them in future.
34. Who does most of the shopping in your family? ( 5 - 8 )
As far as this topic is concerned, I would say that my mother does most of the shopping, but my father and I will do some shopping from time to time. My parents allow me to buy my own clothes. The last thing I would like to mention that my mother does not like my father’s smoking habit and therefo re refuses to buy cigarettes, so that my father has to do that kind of shopping himself.。