























































在这个特别的情人节里,让我们来回顾一些经典的爱情电影台词,一起感受爱情的美妙吧!1. 《泰坦尼克号》“你跑不了。





2. 《断背山》“我只是希望你幸福,无论你选择什么,我都只希望你幸福。



3. 《英国病人》“没有一个告别能够挽回一切,只有时间可以。



4. 《初恋这件小事》“如果她和你在一起的时候一直笑着,那就别放手。



5. 《罗马假日》“你不曾像真正的自己一样,但我望着你,我便知道一切。




6. 《音乐之声》“爱能够抵挡住时间,诊断不出的病症,以及似乎世人皆错的选择。



7. 《美丽心灵》“你是我最好的人。



1800[Man] I usually have to beg to be a part of weddings.And if I do get into the wedding, of course they postponed it,and it's overseas somewhere, and they've canceled my passport,and I can't be a part of it, and it's ridiculous and awkward and horrible.So thank you. I take this very seriously. It's a gift to be the best man.They say that once in your lifetime, someone comes along...whom you're absolutely meant to be with.Everything feels great, stars are aligned, body and spirit are in balance.For my friend Jonathan Trager, that person was me.But as you know, Jonny and I were simpatico.We were brothers from another mother.We were friends since freshman year.I watched him go out with woman after woman, and he'd always come crawling--he would come crawling back to me.It was embarrassing.- You loved it.But then one night he came home and things were different.His adolescent dream of becoming a documentary filmmaker was a thing of the past.- Thank God.He hardly even responded...to my playful yet tormented flicks of my finger...against the soft part of his skull as he studied for finals.And that is because he had found her.The woman he was meant to be with.And if anyone is qualified...to know when he met his soul mate,it would be me, his first wife.She's smart, she's funny, she's beautiful.In short, she's the kind of woman that any man would dream about.And I think we all have.So it is with sadness...and fond, fond memories...that I raise my glass...to the new Mrs. Jonathan Trager.I'll tell you what.I'll tell you something. My friends,if I had to lose Jonny to anyone, I can't imagine a more perfect woman than Halley.Cheers to both of you.19442715- I'm telling you,I keep running into her.I keep finding it.It keeps happening.She was at the golf range.She's a big girl now with big hips.All right?Then I gotta leave 'cause Sara's gonna cut my hair,And the guy in the taxi,he's serenading me, "Sara."I'm telling you, the universe keeps revealing her to me,screwing with my head. - You're getting married in three days.- That's my point.- It's entirely duplicitous.Think about it. Why would you risk your relationship with Halley...just to search for some pipe dream?- Just hear me out, man.I'm sure that I love Halley, all right?And maybe every time you fall in love with somebody,it's a completely different experience.So it's a mistake to compare them.I get it, but--All right.It's like Halley isThe Godfather, Part II.-She's what?-Godfather, Part II.That was an incredible movie.Might be better than the original.All right?But no matter how much you love The Godfather, Part II,you still haveto see the original...to understand and appreciate the sequel, don'tya?Come on. Is it too much to ask from my oldest friend to help me out?You've already got the fairy-tale marriage.- I'm the best man.-You work in the biggest newspaper in the world.Help me find her.28182850-Maybe I am just getting cold feet.-I'm telling you right now,British women do not age well.You know, I mean, years ago,yes, she was a luscious treat.you know, she probably looked like,you know, Baby Spice.But now she could look like---Old Spice.290811158Oh! Sorry. Sorry!Oh. Oh, please, God, no.- Stop!- Stop?Is it over?- The wedding?- Yeah.Oh, yeah.It's over, all right.But don't worry.You'll get your present back.- Excuse me?- They always return the presents.You asked if it was over.The truth is, it never even began.- What?- Yeah. He called the whole thing off this morning.-He called it off?That's terrible.-Were you a friend of the bride?Or the groom?[Bell Tolling]- What's up with this weather?- What happened to spring?- So, what kind of pep talk do you want?- What do you got?-Well, I've got the inspirational "You can achieve anything you dream about." It's very popular,but not appropriate for this.Of course, there's the "Don't worry, there's more fish in the sea" pap.- No.- Uh, we can always fall back on the classic..."When God shuts a door,he opens a window."-How about telling me I did the right thing?-I don't have to tell you.- What's this?- It's your obituary.- Nice.- Turns out I had writer's block...penning your best man speech, and that's what ended up coming out.Blame it on the day job.- Twenty, right?- Thanks.- You going to see Courtney?- Absolutely.I needed this.You know, the Greeks didn't write obituaries.They only asked one question after a man died:"Did he have passion?"How do I look?Like a jackass.- Good luck, man.- Thank you.[Dean]Jonathan Trager,prominent televisionproducerfor ESPN,died last night fromcomplications of losinghis soulmate and his fiance.He was 35 years oldand soft-spoken and obsessive.Trager never looked the partof a hopeless romantic.But in the final daysof his life,he revealedan unknown side of his psyche.This hiddenquasi-Jungian persona...surfaced duringthe Agatha Christie-like pursuitfor his long-reputed soulmate,a woman whom he only spenta few precious hours with.Sadly, the protracted searchended late Saturday night...in complete and utter failure.Yet even in certain defeat,the courageous Tragersecretly clung to the belief...that life is not merelya series of meaninglessaccidents or coincidences.Uh-uh. But ratherit's a tapestry of events...that culminate inan exquisite, sublime plan.Asked about the lossof his dear friend, Dean Kansky,the Pulitzer Prize-winningauthor and executive editorof the New York Times, described Jonathan as a changed man in the last days of his life. "Things were clearer for him, " Kansky noted.Ultimately, Jonathan concludedthat if weare to live lifein harmony with the universe,we must all possess a powerfulfaith in what the ancientsused to call "fatum,"- what we currentlyrefer to as destiny.- Destiny.11641。































对白爱情电影英文独白傲剑江湖经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白傲剑江湖经典台词「篇一」1) 小不点,你说我怎么就长得这么好看呢?——《花千骨》2) 你转身的一瞬,我萧条的一生。

——《何以笙箫默》3) 我想把钻石比喻成女人,每个女人就好像是一颗原钻。

——《克拉恋人》4) 情深而起妒,妒切而生疑。

——《甄嬛传》5) 傻瓜,你以为我爱的是琉夏,一直把你当成她么?你跟她对我同样重要,可是我对你有一点却是不同的。


——《花千骨》6) 给我一个理由,告诉我,你爱我。

——《何以笙箫默》7) 不是没想过放弃,只是始终没办法数到一千。

——《何以笙箫默》8) 东西并不多,然而默笙却觉得手上这些东西,是她生命中所不能承受之重。

——《何以笙箫默》9) 我宁愿用一火车的他换一个你。

——《克拉恋人》10) 我负责赚钱养家,你负责貌美如花,你不是喜欢房子面朝大海吗,那就搬过来和我住一起吧,我们买个房子面朝大海。

——《克拉恋人》11) 大树可以停止仰望天空,但他不能离开土壤。

——《克拉恋人》12) 你选择了这一行业,是没有回头路的,你的每一个选择,每一个成就,跟你的付出是成正比的,你有今天,应该感谢当初你狠心的自己。

——《克拉恋人》13) 别说这样的小妖了,就算你弄出个西游记,我也能分分钟送你上西天。

——《克拉恋人》14) 也许早一步,晚一步,他们不是他们,我不是我,谁知道呢,缘分总是那么玄之又玄。

——《何以笙箫默》15) 在异国他乡,孤零零一个人好像是理所当然的事,每一个异国人都这样,可是,如果回去了还是孤零零的,那会很可悲吧。

——《何以笙箫默》16) 我们俩做个交易怎么样,你带我走,我就真的不做妖神了,只陪着你,只为你。

你既能解救苍生,又能赎罪,只是小小的代价何乐而不为,长留尊上不是最喜欢为了天下牺牲的么?——《花千骨》17) 白子画,你厉害!因为我爱你,所以永远斗不过你。



































缘分天注定的经典台词缘分天注定的经典台词(1)、Eve, thanks so much for coming with me.谢谢你陪我来,不要客气。

(2)、Or making decisions? Hell, why should we even get out of bed in the morning?为还去抉择?还去?(3)、It's not giving up. It's growing up.你不是应该放弃,是应该成长。

(4)、Sara:If we're meant to meet again,then we'll meet again.莎拉:如果我们有缘的话,会再碰到的。









If you want to improve,be content to be thought foolish and stupid.(10)、My father would never cross the line like that.(11)、当上帝关上门时,必将打开一扇窗。

When God shuts a door,he opens a window.(12)、Get out. Haven't you screwed things up enough already!(13)、要是我们都按同一层楼,就表示我们注定要在一起。





经典台词Andrea:没,没,没……你知道这两条腰带对我而言几乎一模一样,你知道我还在学习这些玩意儿……Miranda:这些……玩意儿?哦……我知道了,你觉得这和你没关系,你去你的衣橱里……而你选了……我不晓得……一件粗毛衣? 因为你想告诉世人,你看重的是自己的内在,而不介意自己穿了什么。
























1. 邹雨:你能给我的,不是我想要的,而我想要的,是你永远不能给我的。

2. 爱情永远是现实而急功近利的东西,没有人能真正地站在原地等待。

3. 别人看你为爱痛苦的样子,只会暗地里笑你是个傻瓜,没有人同情你,更没有人祝福你,大家只是站在旁边看好戏,包括那个不爱你的男人。

4. 邹雨:我只要一半的你,只要一半,或者还可以更少,百分之三十,百分之二十,百分之十,哪怕是百分之一,就可以了。

5. 邹雨:不该开始的,往往都会开始,一旦开始了,就只能在甜蜜与伤痛中沉沦。

6. 女人,要么就够傻,要么就够聪明,中间状态只是害人害己。

7. 林启正:邹雨,你记住,除非世界末日,我的手机号码不会变。

8. 林启正:爱过我林启正的女人,不会再爱别人。

9. 邹雨:离开以后除了伤心,竟然还有怨恨。



10. 邹雨:原来有爱,却也不一定能永远地守在一起。

11. 邹雨:有时候我想,能够遇见让自己心甘情愿放弃原则的人,也是件难得的事,我只是听从了自己内心深处的愿望,所以没有什么好抱怨的。

12. 林启正:不要想以后,以后由我来想。

13. 邹雨:不被人珍视的爱情,就只是个羞耻的笑话。

14. 邹雨:现在我才知道,还有第三种爱情,这种爱情,每个人都知道,每个人都感动,每个人都守口如瓶,每个人都讳莫如深。


15. 林启正:能够给心爱的人买药,然后放在他面前命令他吃掉,当真是一种幸福。

16. 邹雨:实践证明,正因为男人追女人花的成本太小,所以放弃时也毫不足惜。

17. 邹雨:人生,真的不是时时刻刻都留有余地。

人的心意,总是兜兜转转!18. 书桓:生活总是在和人开着大大小小的玩笑,所以,保持游戏的心态很重要。

19. 林启正:缘份确实是可遇而不可求,但这中间也分个三六九等啊,并不是每个缘份都能善始善终。






















电影版北京爱情故事台词1) 万花丛中过,片叶不沾身。

2) 人生的上半场都是激情,下半场都是亲情,中间插播的全是婚外情!3) 时间一直在这里,流逝的是我们自己。

4) 结婚十年,我终于发现,人生的上半场是激情,下半场是亲情,中间插播的全是婚外情。

5) 没有物质的爱情是不存在的,因为物质和爱情是密不可分的,是紧密相连的。

6) 被现实俘虏,向理想低头。

7) 习惯真是一种可怕的力量,不知不觉接受了很多东西。

8) 杨紫曦变了心,是她的损失,你的幸运,你以为你从这里跳下去,她会哭天喊地追悔莫及地悼念你们的爱情吗?我呸!9) 确切地说,女人不是在同时爱着两个男人,而是在同时比较这两个男人。

10) 一开始我们一天做好几次,后来一天一次,再后来是一周几次,再后来就变成了几周一次,最后来,做爱变成了年终奖。

经典电影版北京爱情故事台词1) 没有面包的爱情那是扯淡,有情饮水饱,放屁!2) 抽,想抽你就抽,想在哪抽在哪抽,破公司,我还想一把火点了呢我,进来,甭搭理他们,我跟你说兄弟,别看外面叫什么上市公司,其实就跟楼下的馄饨摊没任何区别,在这老程是帝王将相唯我独尊,各股东忠臣孝子言听计从。

3) 我相信爱情圣洁的力量,是会穿越时空的关系。

4) 得之我幸,失之我命。

5) 物质就是爱情的氧气,没有氧气人会怎么样啊,人会窒息,人会死掉了。

6) 记住,哪怕你什么都没有了,我还在这儿。

7) 杨紫曦变了心,是她的损失,你的幸运,你以为你从这里跳下去,她会哭天喊地追悔莫及地悼念你们的爱情吗?我呸!8) 一转眼,一辈子。


9) 我没闹,闹的是这生活,这个世界!10) 你不开心为什么在这里坚持。

11) 女人嘛不过是我们城公路上前进的动力,是汽油,但你记住了,绝对不能让他们成为你的发动机,更不能让她成为你的方向盘。






- I think so. - Everything’s predestined?- We don’t have any choice at all? - I think we make our own decisions.I just think that fate sends us little signs,Little signals. Yeah. - Yeah.Fortunate accidents. Lucky discoveries. Columbus in America.- Yeah, or Fleming discovering penicillin. - Penicillin.- Fleming is his name? - Yes.Or "Jonathan and the Gloves."- I don’t know that one. - You don’t know that story?It’s an old folk tale classic.And in a perfect act of "serendipiocity" or "serendipaciousness,"Our hero, Jonathan, goes out in search of black gloves.he runs into a beautiful, attractive English girl with a boyfriend.You have a boyfriend, right?- And you have the glove lady. - Yes, I do.- Yeah, I do. - That’s what I thought.- Mm-hmm. - It was a very nice time.- Well, I hope you enjoy the gloves you bought yourself. - Oh, I’m sure I will.I usually appreciate my own thoughtfulness. What do youwant for Christmas?No, I think he’s probably out doing what you’re doing.So you’re gonna meet your boyfriend now or what?Getting a crush on someone else’s girlfriend?No, I’m sorry. I just meant to say I had a really great time.You know, maybe you should give me your phone number, you know, just in case.- In case of what? - You know, in case of life.I just had a great time, and I’d never be able to find you again.Well, if we’re meant to meet again, then we’ll meet again.It’s just not the right time now.Maybe we were supposed to meet on British time and we’re five hours too early.Come on. I don’t even know your name. My name is Jonathan.Merry Christmas, Jonathan. And thanks.That’s it?Let’s go do something.All right. What you wanna do?I don’t care.All right. Come on.Now, promise me you’re not just visiting here for a week...or marrying somebody to get a green card or on parole.None of the above. You?So you won’t tell me your name.No, no, no. Proud U.S. citizen. No criminal record.Well, tell me, uh, what do you miss most about Mother England?I miss my mom terribly.If I were her, I’d miss you too.Okay. Favorite movie.- The correct answer is Cool Hand Luke. - I’ve never seen it.Oh, come on. You’ve never seen Cool Hand Luke?Paul Newman? Oh, my God. Come on!"Failure to communicate." Sadistic cop in sunglasses with no name.Reminds me of you in that way.Um, favorite New York moment.This one’s climbing the charts.I’m flattered.Is there anything else you need to know about me?Favorite sexual position?。





















































电影《人鬼情未了》经典台词Sam Wheat: I'm Henry the 8th I am. Henry the 8th I am I am.I got married to the widow next door. She's been married seven times before.Sam Wheat:我是亨利第八世。




Molly Jensen: I love you. I really love you.Molly Jensen:我爱你。


Sam Wheat: Ditto.Sam Wheat:我心亦然。

Sam: I love you, Molly. I've always loved you.Sam:我爱你,美莉。


Molly: Ditto.Molly:我心亦然。

Oda Mae Brown: He's stuck, that's what it is. He's in between worlds. You know it happens sometimes that the spirit gets yanked out so fast that the essence still feels it has work to do here.Oda Mae Brown:他被人骗了。



Sam Wheat: Would you stop rambling?Sam Wheat:你能不能不要不着边际?Oda Mae Brown: I don't think I'm rambling, I'm just answering the question. He's got a' attitude now.Oda Mae Brown:我没有不着边际地说话。



电影《情癫大圣》经典台词《情癫大圣》(A Chinese Tall Story)是由刘镇伟执导依据中国古代作家吴承恩所撰写的神怪小说《西游记》为基础,再进行改编的电影作品的动作奇幻影片,讲述了唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒和沙僧一行四人历经千辛万苦来到了莎车城,谁也没想到,在盛大欢迎仪式的背后潜伏着巨大的危机。











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Serendipity1From Coney Islandto the Sunset Strip2Somebody's gonna make a happy trip tonight3While the moon is bright 4He's gonna havea bag of crazy toys5To give tothe girls and boys6So dig7Santa comes on big8He'll come a-calling when it snows the most 9When all you catsare sleeping warm as toast10And you gonna flip when old Saint Nick11Lays a lickon the peppermint stick 12He come a-flyingfrom a higher place13And fill the stockingby the fireplace14So you'll15Have a yule that's cool16Merry Christmas.17Yeah, from Coney Islandto the Sunset Strip18Somebody's gonna makea happy trip tonight19While the moon is bright20He's gonna havea bag of crazy toys21To give tothe girls and boys22So dig23Santa comes on big24Excuse me.25Come a-callingwhen it snows the most26Cats are sleepingwarm as toast27And you gonna flipwhen old Saint Nick28Lays a lickon the peppermint stick29- Wooh! Sorry.- I'm sorry.30Do you want these?31- No. Please.- You go ahead. It's thelast one.32Uh, miss, do you haveanother pairof these black cashmeregloves?33- Whatever's out is whatwe have.- You don't have astockroom?34- No. No. We don't have an attic either.- Or a basement?35Um, listen, you take 'em.I don't need 'em.36- No, no, no. You saw themfirst. I- - Please. I insist.37- Take them. Wait a minute.- Oh! Oh!38- Excuse me, sir. These are ours.- Yeah?39Oh. Your gloves? How come?They're just sort of hanging there,40sleeping with theirlittle price tag on.41- We were just discussing them, all right?- Well, I have news for you.42You can go on discussing them long after I've paid forthem.43- Calm down, all right?- Calm down? It's fivedays before Christmas.44I'm in the middle of aNew York departmentstore. He's asking me tocalm down.45Well, these were meant tobea very special gift forsomeone.46- Yeah, we put quite a lotof thought into those.- Isn't that right?47- Well, who were they for?-My boyfriend. - Mygirlfriend.48- Her boyfriend.- His girlfriend.49One pair of glovesfor two people?50- This is hard to explain.- Try.51All right.Go ahead.52Oh. Uh, well, he isat the present time myboyfriend.53But in 18 months-54After the operation-55- He will be-- She will be-56My girlfriend.Do you understand?57That didn'treally work out.58- No, but MerryChristmas anyway.- Thank you very much.59Well, you earned these.That was quick on yourfeet.60- Thanks. It was a teameffort.- Yeah, it was. It was.61- I don't know how tothank you.- Well-62Ah, well.63Have a yule that's cool 64They're ready for you guys.65Thank you.66I don't know what you saidto that guy makes any sense.67- But I think we scared the be jesus out of him. - You were pretty fierce.68This will work, though. This is quite a coffee.69But I'm serious about the check.It's the least I can do.70Well, thank you, but, see, 71now I have to go find something else for my girlfriend.72 - Oh, they were for yourgirlfriend.- Yes, they were.73- Oh, I can't accept themthen.- Well, you have to.74Otherwise youwon't treat. Really.75Let me tell yousomething.This is the ultimate blendto drink.76- Where did you find thisplace?- I first came in becauseof the name.77- Hmm.- Serendipity. It's one ofmy favorite words.78- It is? Why?- Uh-huh.79'Cause it's such a nicesound forwhat it means: afortunate accident.80- Mm.- Except I don't reallybelieve in accidents.81- I think fate's behindeverything.- Oh, you do?82- Yeah.- Fate's behindeverything?83- I think so.- Everything'spredestined?84- We don't have anychoice at all?- I thinkwe make ourown decisions.85I just think that fatesends us little signs,86and it's how we read thesigns thatdetermines whether we'rehappy or not.87- Little signals. Yeah.- Yeah.88Fortunate accidents.Luckydiscoveries. Columbus inAmerica.89- Yeah, or Flemingdiscovering penicillin.- Penicillin.90- Fleming is his name?- Yes.91Or "Jonathanand the Gloves. "92- I don't know that one. - You don't know that story?93It's an oldfolk tale classic.94Our hero, Jonathan, goes outin search of black gloves.95And in a perfect act of "serendipiocity" or "serendipaciousness,"96he runs into a beautiful, attractiveEnglish girl with a boyfriend.97You have a boyfriend, right?98- Yeah, I do.- That's what I thought. 99- And you have the glovelady.- Yes, I do.100- Mm-hmm.- It was a very nice time.101- Well, I hope you enjoythe gloves you boughtyourself.- Oh, I'm sure I will.102I usually appreciate myown thoughtfulness.What do you want forChristmas?103- Golfclubs.- Oh.104So you're gonna meetyour boyfriend now orwhat?105No, I think he's probablyout doing what you'redoing.106Getting a crush onsomeone else'sgirlfriend?107No, I'm sorry. I justmeant to sayI had a really great time.108You know, maybe youshould give me yourphone number, you know,just in case.109- In case of what?- You know, in case oflife.110I just had a great time,and I'dnever be able to find youagain.111Well, if we're meant tomeet again,then we'll meet again.112It's just notthe right time now.113Maybe we weresupposed to meet onBritishtime and we're five hourstoo early.114Come on. I don't evenknowyour name. My name isJonathan.115- Does that make youwanna tell mesomething?- Yeah, it does.116Merry Christmas, Jonathan.And thanks.117That's it?118I can feel my heart119- Oh, Jesus, I'm sorry about that.- And it's about to burst 120I try to clean it up121But I just get worse122Wish I could fall123On a night like this124- Into your loving arms - I think I left a scarf. 125No. Nothing down here. Why don't you go upstairs?126- Maybe it's still there.- Thank you.127 I thought I saw your face128In the evening sky129On a lonesome cloud130That was drifting by131I wish I could fall132On a night like this133Into your loving arms134Hey.135Let's go do something.136All right.What you wanna do?137I don't care.138All right. Come on.139Now, promise me you'renotjust visiting here for aweek...140or marrying somebodyto get a green card or onparole.141None of the above. You?142No, no, no. Proud U.S.citizen.No criminal record.143So you won't tell meyour name.144Well, tell me, uh, what doyoumiss most about MotherEngland?145I miss my mom terribly.146If I were her,I'd miss you too.147Okay. Favorite movie.148- The correct answer isCool Hand Luke.- I've never seen it.149Oh, come on. You'venever seenCool Hand Luke?150Paul Newman?Oh, my God. Come on!151"Failure to communicate. " Sadisticcop in sunglasses with no name.152Reminds me of youin that way.153Um, favoriteNew York moment.154This one'sclimbing the charts.155I'm flattered.156Is there anything else you need to know about me?157Huh.158Favorite sexual position? 159Oh!160Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Yeah, yeah. That's my favorite too.161- You all right?- Yeah. 162- Did you hurt yourself?- No. Yes.163- You did? Let's take alook at that.- Ouch.164- Oh, Jesus. That's a deep,deep gash.- Gaping.165What? We'llfix that right up.166There you go.167What? Oh, you'relooking at my freckles.168It's the curse of theEnglish, I'mafraid. Fair skin and badteeth.169No, you have great teeth.170Those aren't just freckles.171If you look closely,you can see Cassiopeia.172- What?- Right there.173Hold on a minute.174Okay. All right,here's the story.175A long time ago inEthiopia,176there was this queennamed Cassiopeia...177who thought she was themostbeautiful woman in theentire world,178and there wasn't anybodyinthe kingdom who wasn'toffended...179by this woman'srelentless vanity.180And then one day, shereallyscrewed up and offendedthe gods.181I don't remember whatshe did andI don't remember whoshe offended.182But it was bad.She crossed the line.183But anyway, Poseidon, the sea god,punished Cassiopeia (184)by placing her in the heavensupside down on her throne,185stuck for eternity with her skirtaround her shoulders (186)and all the blood rushing to her head.187And now she's justa constellation in the sky, 188a bunch of English frecklesin the shape of a throne. 189So she madeone tragic mistake.190And paid for eternity. 191Correct. 192- Yeah, yeah, yeah.- Legible, legible.193- I can't believe I'm doingthis.- Now, please, please.194Let fate takeits proper course.195Oh!196- That was an accident.Write down that again,please.- I can't.197That was a sign.198Fate's telling usto back off.199If fate didn't want us tobe together,then why did we meettonight, huh?200- Gotcha.- Well, I don't know.201- But it's not an exactscience. It's a feeling.- Well, what if you'rewrong?202Huh? What if it's allin our hands and we justwalk away?203No names, no phonenumbers, nothing.What do you think'sgonna happen?204Do you think good oldfate isjust gonna deliver myinformation...205- right to your doorstep?- Do you know that's thebest idea you're had allnight?206- What's the best- - Hereyou go.Write your name andnumber down.207- On a $5.00 bill?- Mm. Just do it.208You are a strangeand interesting woman.209Now what?210Wait there.211Hey!212What the hell was that? 213When that $5.00 bill makes it backinto my hands, I'll be able to call you.214And when you hearmy voice on the other end,215then you'll believein fate, won't you?216- Hey, what about me?- What do you mean? 217Well, we have to send something out in the universe with your name on it, don't we?218- Come on. Isn't that the only fair thing?- That is the only fair thing.219What have I got, even? Ooh. No. I have a really good idea.220- What? - Okay.221- That's a lot of tuba.- Okay, see this book?222Yeah.223Okay, so whenI get home tonight,224I'm gonna write my nameand number inside thisbook.225And then first thingtomorrow morning,I'll sell it to a used bookstore.226Which one?227You're not gonna tell me.You're not gonna tell me.Why not?228Well, now, every timeyou go past an old bookstore,229you're gonna have to goinsideto see if it's there.230This is just wrong. Youdon't just havethe most incredible nightof your life...231with a perfect strangerand thenleave it all to chance, doya?232- Do ya?- Come with me asecond.233What, we're gonna get aroom?234I'm kidding.But I wanna know youmore.235- Come on. Where are wegoing?- Okay.236- Now, you stay here.- Okay.237- No, stay here. Staythere. Don't make mecome over there.- Okay.238All right, if we bothrandomly pick thesame floor, we're meantto be together now.239You're insane.240Come on.Okay, get in.241Take a breath, and then when the door closes, hit a button.242- I don't understand this. - You don't have to understand. You just have to have faith.243Faith in what?244Destiny.245Hey!246It's Sara.My name's Sara.247And here it is.See? You were right. 248- Uh-- Let's go, buddy.249- We're going up here.- Oh, that's okay. Josh likes to ride either way. 250Don't you, Josh?251Don't do that!Don't touch those!252Hey, calm down.He's just a kid.253Looks like we'vestopped.254- We're going again.- Thank you.255Where is she? Is shehere?- No, no. I don't think so.256Come on, Josh.Let's go, buddy.257Okay, stay alert.258Is she here?259- No, not here. Back inthe elevator.- She's not here?260- Come on! Come on!Move it! Come on, boy!261Hey, Sara. I'm sorry.262- Hey. I'm sorry.- What?263I'm sorry.264I usually have tobeg to be a part ofweddings.265And if I do get into thewedding,of course they postponedit,266and it's overseassomewhere,and they've canceled mypassport,267and I can't be a part of it,and it'sridiculous and awkwardand horrible.268So thank you.I take this very seriously.269It's a giftto be the best man.270They say that once inyour lifetime,someone comes along (271)whom you're absolutely meant to be with.272Everything feels great, stars are aligned,273body and spiritare in balance.274Formy friendJonathan Trager,275that person was me.276But as you know,Jonny and I were simpatico.277We were brothersfrom another mother. 278We were friendssince freshman year.279I watched him go out with woman after woman, and he'd always come crawling-280he would come crawling back to me. 281- It was embarrassing.- You loved it.282But then one night hecame homeand things were different.283His adole scent dream ofbecoming adocumentary filmmakerwas a thing of the past.284- Thank God.- He hardly evenresponded...285to my playful yettormentedflicks of my finger...286against the soft part ofhis skullas he studied for finals.287And that is becausehe had found her.288The woman he wasmeant to be with.And if anyone isqualified...289to know when he met hissoul mate,it would be me, his firstwife.290She's smart, she's funny,she's beautiful.291In short, she's the kind ofwomanthat any man woulddream about.292And I think we all have.So it is with sadness...293and fond, fondmemories...294that I raise my glass...295to the newMrs. Jonathan Trager.296I'll tell you what.297I'll tell you something.My friends,if I had to lose Jonny toanyone,298I can't imaginea more perfect womanthan Halley.299Cheers to both of you.300- How drunk is he on a scale of one to ten?- Twelve.301You think we'll ever out-romanceDean and Courtney?302- I don't know. I don't think I've ever seen them fight.- Me neither.303Must be a bitchon their sex life.304We have a pomegranate souffle which is amazing, which is different than the sorbet. 305Listen, we'd loveto join you guys,306but Courtney has to wake up,so I got to be good.307Halley, listen to me.It's not too late to back out.308- Good night, Dean.- And I'm at 166th and- 309Good night, Courtney.310Mama, you don't want tosee this.I need- I need to snuggle.311- I'm gonna go sleep it off.Listen, you're wonderful.- Good night.312- You know what? Youneed me.- Take care. Come on,hon.313You guys, listen, I hate totell you, but I gotta gohome too.314I have to. I gotta get up at8:00 inthe morning. My day iscrazy tomorrow.315- Come in for one drink.- He doesn't want tocome. He doesn't have tocome.316- I'll see you in about 20hours.- Bye-bye, dear.317- I love you, son.- Night-night.318- George.- Take care.319You okay?320- You better be up later.- Yeah, why?321- Because I'm gonnacome homeand get undressed... -Uh-huh?322- and climb into bed,- Uh-huh?323act like we just gotover a terrible fight.324See you later now.325Reading is good for you.Knowledge.326Reading?327- Hold on, hold on.Listen, listen.- I read it a long timeago.328- I'll throw in thescreenplay to The Bridges of Madison County.- I saw the movie. It was great.329Okay, and-330And nothing. I mean-I mean, I did nothing. 331I- I just let her walk out of the party and I didn't say anything to her.332And now she's gone forever.333I mean,she was my soul mate. 334Kenny, I honestly think it'sdangerous to use the term "soul mate. "335It implies there's some magicalelement that we have no control over,336like fate or destiny.337I think holding on to beliefs likethat stops us doing thereal work.338And the fact is,if your therapy stays ontrack,339I think you'll find thereare many, manypeople out there youcould easily be happywith.340You truly believeall that, Sara?341Yeah. I really do.342- There you go.- Thanks.343From the very first timeI rest my eyes on you,boy344My heart saidfollow through345But I know now thatI'm way down on yourline346But the waitingfeeling's fine347You see348I don't wanna waitin vain for your love349'Cause summer is here350- And I'm still waitingthere- Summer is here351- Winter is here- Winter is here352I'm still waiting there353Like I said354It's been three years sinceI'm knocking on yourdoor355And I still can knocksome more356Ooh, boy Ooh, boy357Is it crazyLook, I wanna know now358For I to knocksome more, you see359In life I know360You got to say yes, first. 361Yes.362- Wait a second.- Ow!363- Let me- Ow! Ow! Ow! - I got it. I got it.364- Ow, ow. Ow!- I got it.365Okay, you're not gonna read into this, right, Sara? 366- I mean, it's just an accident, nothing more. - No.367God. We'llget it refitted.368It's beautiful.I love it.369You-You get changed. I'm gonnacall Ryan, tell him you said yes.370- Why? Was he worried?- Not about you. Aboutthe tour.371He's hoping to fit thehoneymooninto the schedule.372How does Bora Borasound?373Very... sexy-sexy?374I don't wanna waitin vain for your love375Now, if you're a golferon a one-hour lunchbreak,376you'd use that time upjust gettingto the nearest course outof Manhattan.377All this wasa long overdue solution.378Formerly a dilapidatedpierand converted just fiveyears ago,379the range offers theinhabitantsof this concrete jungle...380the chance to keep theirdrivesstraight, their shortgames accurate...381and most of all, bringsthe joysand frustrations of golf...382back to city folk.383This is Nick Roberts,ESPN News, New YorkCity.384Superb, Nick.We got it. Thank you.385- Artie, I gotta run, okay?- What about the B-rollshot?386Paging Sara Lawson.Paging Sara Lawson.387- Please come to thefrontdesk. - Couldyou come back and getthe B-roll on Friday?388- Yeah. Whatever you say,boss.- Thank you, sir.389- I'm Sara Lawson. Hi. Sorry I'm late.- How are you?390You're downat position number two. 391Oh, right. Bad golfersall the way down there, right?392Dude, take off.We got it.393Well, hello,Mr. Marrying Man.394- Hi. Uh, where's Lauren? - Oh, Lauren took the day off.395My name is Saraand I'm gonna cut your hair today.396You know what?397I'm not thrilled with having that "justcut hair" look for my own wedding, so- 398- I'll just take a little bitoff.- I gotta live with thesepictures the rest of mylife.399- Just a little bit.- Please, you know, uh-400It's you401And me forever402Sara, smileWhoo!403Won't you smilea while for me404Forget Charles Street.Take me to theNew York Times buildingon 42nd, please.405- Mm-hmm.- Sara406Whoo!407I'm telling you,I keep running into her.408I keep finding it. It keepshappening. She was atthe golfrange.409She's a big girl now withbig hips.All right?410Then I gotta leave'cause Sara's gonna cutmy hair,411And the guy in the taxi,he's serenading me, "Sara."412I'm telling you, theuniversekeeps revealing her tome,413- screwing with my head.- You're getting marriedin three days.414- That's my point.- It's entirely duplicitous.415Think about it. Whywould you riskyour relationship withHalley...416- just to search for somepipe dream?- Just hear me out, man.417I'm sure thatI love Halley, all right? 418And maybe every time you fall in love with somebody,419it's a completely different experience. 420So it's a mistake to compare them.I get it, but-421All right.422It's like Halley isThe Godfather, Partll. 423She's what?424Godfather, Partll.That was an incredible movie.425Might be better than the original.All right?426But no matter how much you loveThe Godfather, Partll, 427you still haveto see the original...428to understand andappreciatethe sequel, don'tya?429Come on. Is it too muchto ask frommy oldest friend to helpme out?430- You've already got thefairy-talemarriage. - I'm the bestman.431You work in the biggestnewspaperin the world. Help mefind her.432Let me tell yousomething.Contrary to popular NewYork myth,433the Timesis not omniscient.434I need a last name.I need a social securitynumber.435- If we find the book- -It-It-It'sa dead end. You knowthat.436- Unless we search everybook store in New York.- You did that.437- Years ago. Do youremember?- Maybe I missed a store.438- Maybe somebodybought it and sold itback.- You know what?439I don't want any part ofthis.All right?440Maybe I am just gettingcold feet.441I'm telling you right now,British women do not agewell.442You know, I mean, yearsago,yes, she was a luscioustreat.443You know, she probablylooked like,you know, Baby Spice.444But nowshe could look like-445Old Spice.446- It's a great haircut.- Oh. Thanks.447- Tell me you love me.- I love you.448- Tell me something romantic.- Like what?449I don't know. Like...450how I'm the only girl in theentire universe meant for you.451Oh, my God, the dinner! 452By the way, I emptied your closet.We gotta pack for the honeymoon.453God, I hate this building. 454Shut up! 455Don't hit it with the thing.456- Jon!- What?457I'm gonna go yellat the super.458I don't understandwhy this is going off.459- You said last week itwould be fine.- Hey, Jon.460This place looks likea disaster area.461- Thanks, Gerald.- Gerald, it's in here.462I gotta get going.Coming!463Come on! I wanna see!I wanna see!464I thought you wanteda round-cut diamond.465- Why? When did I saythat?- I'm not exactly sure.466- But when we wereyounger, I think.- Oh, God.467When I was younger, Iwas gonnamarry Boris Becker,wasn't I?468- Hey, guys. What didyou think?- Hey!469Well, I mean, was thatlast songreally inspired by mysister?470Every artistneeds his muse.471- Who wants to hear thegood news?- Hey, I pay you for thegood news.472No. You pay meto keep away the badnews.473- Bring it on.- Lars' dates inStockholm sold out ineight hours.474Wow!475That means we're gonna have to addsome more shows. So we'll bump Paris-476Sorry. I don't wanna spoil anyone's party,477but Lars and I have already set thedates for our honeymoon and our wedding,478and I've told my patients when I'm going.479Well, baby, your patients can dowithout you for a couple weeks.480He's right, Sara. I mean, a couple ofextra weeks in Europe aren't gonna kill you. 481Caroline's just pushing youto stay longer...482'cause she wants usto house-sit for you guys. 483Yeah, thank you. I wasgoingto ask her when she wasdrunk.484- Actually, that's agreat idea. - Yeah? - Yes!485Come on, Kip. Let's getout ofhere before Sara changesLars' mind.486- I said somethingwrong?- No, it's-487I've just gota very detailedschedule...488and my patientsare important too.489- I don't like changing thedates at the last minute.- Excuse me. I'm sorry.490But I really need you toapprovethese T-shirt designsforAustralia.491- Oh, no problem.- You don't mind, doyou?492- Can we do this later?- Yeah.493She don't mind.494That's chamomilefor you ladies.495- Nice and hot. Verygood.- Thanks.496Sara, it was a movieposter.It's no big deal.497It's peculiar though,right?Don't you think?498Look, I thought you werethroughwith all this New Agebullshit...499like horoscopes and fengshuiand all the crap.500Eve, for someone whoowns a New Agestore, you are alarmingly。
