


1.根据行程表,他们现在本该到广州了。(according to)___________________________________________________










11.邀请你参加我们的英语晚会,晚会定于今晚举行。(are invited, be held)

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.若是没有你们的支援,我们就不可能做完这项工作。(without)


13.我们希望在英语方面取得更大的进步。(is expected)


14.邀请你参加我们的英语晚会,晚会定于今晚举行。(are invited, be held)












24.我们一到达山顶,就坐下来休息。(no sooner…..than)

________________________________________________________________________________________ 25.她一到达伦敦就给我打电话。(Hardly…..when)














37.真正重要的在于对树木的保护,而不在于种了多少树。(rather than)

1.According to the schedule, they should have arrived in Guangzhou by now.

2.If he had come earlier, he would have seen Lily.

3.They walked along the streets, talking and laughing.

4.Tired and sleepy, he went to bed.

5.He went into the house, followed by some children.

6.Marx gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language.

7.It’s three years since he left home.

8.Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room.

9.The meeting has been on for five minutes.

10.Even more progress in English is expected to be made.

11.You’re invited to our English evening, and it’s going to be held this evening.

12.Without your support, we couldn’t finish the job.

13.How did you find your visit to the museum?

14.How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes?

15.Would you mind if I could keep your bicycle for the afternoon?

16.Would you mind my/me taking this book away?

17.All the students in our class have not seen the film.(=Not all the students in our class have seen the film.)

18.Not only is Li Ping good at maths but also he does well in physics.

19.How I wish I had been able to say the rules without a mistake!

20.All the students in our class have not seen the film. (= Not all the students in our class have seen the film.)

21.Not only is Li Ping good at maths but also he does well in physics.

22.How I wish I had been able to say the rules without a mistake!

23.I gave him the present immediately I saw him.

24.We had no sooner got to the top of the mountain than we sat down to rest.

25.Hardly had she got to London when she gave me a call.

26.He makes an effort to study in order that he can make great progress.

27.He left in a hurry for fear that he should miss the last bus.

28.Child as he is, he knows a lot.

29.Unless we take measures to protect our environment, our earth will be destroyed.

30.When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.

31.As is known to all, China is a developing country.

32.This is the man with whom he worked.

33.They live in a house, the window of which (= whose window) opens to the south.

34.She has six children, the cleverest of whom is John.

35.It was not until he became old that he realized time is precious.

36.It was because he was ill that he was absent from school last week.

37.It is the protection for the trees that really matters, rather than how many trees are planted.


情态动词与虚拟语气 【语法要点】 情态动词 所谓情态动词是指它含有一定的含义,可以表达某种感情和说话的语气,但是它不可以单独使用 作谓语动词。学习情态动词主要学习英语国家的语言习惯和表达法,特别是在口语中不要过分追求原理,更不要不根据说话场合而进行推理,编造出一些语法结构正确的中文式英语。 一、情态动词的类型 1.只作情态动词的有:must、can、could、may、might、ought to 2.既可作情态动词又可作实义动词的有:need、dare 3.既可作情态动词又可作助动词的有:shall、should、will、would 二、情态动词的特征 1.表示说话人的情感态度,不能单独作谓语,与行为动词或连系动词一起作谓语。 2.情态动词没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。 3.具有助动词的特征:可用来构成否定句、疑问句或简短答语。 三、情态动词的用法 1.表示能力 (1)表示现在的能力,用can 或be able to。表示一般的能力时多用can,表示“经过努力成功 的做成某事”用be able to。 (2)表示过去的能力,用could或was/were be able to。区别同上。 (3)表示将来的能力,用will be able to。 2.表示推测、可能性 (1)can 用在肯定句中表示客观的可能性,而不表示具体事情实际发生的可能性。 例如:Accidents can happy on such rainy days. (2)表示具体事情实际发生的可能性的情态动词,其表示可能性的层次如下表: 情态动词肯定式否定式疑问式 must 必定、必然、一定 will 很可能、大概不会、不该会,,吗? would 可能性较will 小不会、不该(较won’t 弱)会,,吗?(较will 弱) should 应该会、理应(表示合乎理想的情况或结果) ought to 与should 同义 can 一定不会、不可能(否定推测)有可能吗? could 可疑的可能不可能(与can’t 同义)有可能吗?(较can 弱)may 或许、可能、说不定可能不 might 或许、可能(较may 弱)可能不(较may not 弱) 注意→(1)may,must 常用于肯定句,一般不用于否定句和疑问句。 (2)can 常用于否定句,疑问句和感叹句中,表示疑惑、惊讶或不相信等意思。could 既可用于肯定句,又可用于否定句、疑问句中。


初中英语定语从句翻译练习 1.我们去年在医院一直照顾take care of的老太太死了. 2.你想娶marry的姑娘昨天偷了我的钱包。 3.孙老师写的书是世界上最好的书。 4.你喜欢的女孩就是我喜欢的女孩。 5.昨天被我家的狗咬的人bite今天又被你家狗咬了。 6.你知道他打算娶reason你的原因吗7.我讨厌hate我住过的那个旅馆hotel。8.我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天autumn。9.他爱了20年的那个女孩昨天嫁marry人了。10.她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。11.有什么事我能帮你吗12.昨天死的那个老太太留下了100万美圆。13.那个医生告诉我他为我爹什么也做不了了。 14.这就是你能在上面找到答案的那一页. 15.正像老师昨天说的那样,他没有通过考试。16.正像我们刚才讨论的那样,学习英语很容易。17.正像我妈昨天告诉我的那样,我的女朋友根本不爱我。18.正像你知道的那样钱是非常重要的。20.你知道你们家狗要死的原因吗21. 她就是那个到明年年底,会攒一万美圆的那个女孩。22. 你认识那个警察一直在找的小偷吗 1.那本绿皮的书是关于太空的. 2.这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗? 3.北京是我的出生地 4.你还记得我第一次见到你的那一天吗? 5.他父亲在他出生那年逝世了 6.他不大可能找到他四十年前居住过的地方 7.那贼最终把偷的全部东西交给了警察 8.这是她买的第三个手机 9.有没有我能帮忙的事? 10.我喜欢能使我放松的音乐 11.他们租了一间窗户坏掉的房子 1.The book which has a green cover is about space. 2. 2.Is this the reason that he refused our help? 3. 3.Beijing is where i was born. 4. 4.Do you still remember the day that i first met you? 5. 5.His father died the year he was born. 6. 6.It is not so easy for him to find the place where he lived 40 years ago. 7.7.The thief gave all that he stoled to the police at last. 8.8.This is the third cellphone that she buyed. 9.9.Is there anything that i can help? 10.10.I like music which can make me feel easy. 11.11.They rent a room whose windows are broken 1. Don’t talk about such things of _______ you are not sure. A. which B. what C. as D. those 2. Is this the factory __________ you visited the other day? A. that B. where C. in which D. the one


@ 情态动词和虚拟语气 1. Jack descried his father, who ________a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-wiled man A. would be B. would have been C. must be D. must have been ) 2. —Good morning. I've got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department. —Ah, good morning. You _______ be Mrs. Peters. A. might B. must C. would D. can recommend parents _______ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety. ~ A. not allow B. do not allow C. mustn’t allow D. couldn’t allow 4. You_______ buy a gift, but you can if you want to. A. must B. mustn't C. have to D. don't have to 5. —I haven’t got the reference book yet, but I’ll have a test on the subject next month. —Don’t worry. You________ have it by Friday. A. could B. shall C. must D. may w_w w. k#s 6. I have told you the truth I keep repeating it A. Must B. Can C. May D. Will ~ 7. Doctors say that exercise is important for health, but it _______ be regular exercise. A. can B. will C. must D. may 8. Just be patient. You ________ expect the world to change so soon. A. can’t B. needn’t C. may not D. will not 9. I’m afraid Mr. Harding ________ see you now. He’s busy. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 10. I _______ have watched that movie—it’ll give me horrible dreams. A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t < 11. –May I take this book out of the reading room –No, you . You read it in here. A. mightn’t B. won’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t 12. —Sorry, Professor Smith. I didn't finish the assignment yesterday. — Oh, you _________ have done it as yesterday was the deadline. A. must B. mustn't C. should D. shouldn't 13. — _______ I take the book out —I'm afraid not. *


定语从句翻译练习 1. 我有一位非常喜欢音乐的朋友 2. 我将永远记住在高一时教我们化学的那位老师 3. 英语是全世界都使用的语言 4. 足球是大多数男孩都喜欢的运动 5. 今天是我们经历过的最寒冷的一天 6. 头一件你需要做的事就是学习英语 7. 玛丽所指的是哪一幅画 8. 那班我正在等的火车现在已经晚了半小时 9. 我们在街上遇见的那位女士是我们的数学老师 10. 他告诉我侦探们他们想要知道的所有事情

11. 这是我第一次遇见我班主任的地方 12. 我们发现一家餐厅,那里的食物精美可口 13. 那是你借给他钱的那位男士吗 14. 这是你必须改掉的坏习惯 15. 所有你照顾的孩子都会喜欢游泳 16. 我有一位同学,他的母亲是一位著名的歌唱家 17. 我住在一间窗户朝北的房间里 18. 这首诗正如人们所知道的那样,这首诗是由汪国真写的 19. 他为什么缺席的原因不明 20. 我真的很喜欢甜食,那就是我牙齿不好的原因 21. 正像老师昨天说的那样,他通过了考试

22. 正像刚才讨论的那样,学习英语很容易 23. 我将永远记住待在农村生活的那段日子 24. 孙老师写的书是世界上最好的书 25. 你知道他打算出国留学的原因吗? 26. 我讨厌我住过的那个旅馆。 27. 我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天。 28. 她是我见过的最善良的女孩。 29. 这就是你能在上面找到答案的那一页 30. 昨天在购物中心,我遇见了那位我在一次聚会上认识的教授。 31. 人们会永远记住香港和澳门回归祖国的那一时刻。

答案 1. 我有一位非常喜欢音乐的朋友 I have a friend who likes music very much. 2. 我将永远记住在高一时教我们化学的那位老师 I will remember the teacher who taught us chemistry in the first year of my senior middle school. 3. 英语是全世界都使用的语言 English is a language which is used all over the world. 4. 足球是大多数男孩都喜欢的运动 Football is the sport (which/that ) most boys like/ are fond of. 5. 今天是我们经历过的最寒冷的一天 Today is the coldest day (that) we have ever experienced. 6. 头一件你需要做的事就是学习英语 The first thing you have to do is to study English. 7. 玛丽所指的是哪一幅画? Which is the picture (that) Mary pointed at? 8. 那班我正在等的火车现在已经晚了半小时 The train (which) I’m waiting for is now half an hour later. 9. 我们在街上遇见的那位女士是我们的数学老师

2018年高考英语真题分类汇编 专题06 情态动词和虚拟语气 含答案

专题六情态动词和虚拟语气 1.【2015·北京】29.—Can’t you stay a little longer? —It’s getting late. I really _____go now, My daughter is home alone. A .may B .can C . must D .dare 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——你不能再多待会儿吗?——很晚了,我必须得走了.我女儿一个人在家.A. may可能,可以,也许;B. can能,会;C. must必须,必然要,必定会;D. dare敢,胆敢.结合句意,故选C. 【考点定位】考查情态动词辨析 【名师点睛】本题是考查情态动词,这里考查的是语气的强度,在这里结合语境是“一定”的意思,所以要做好此类辨析题需掌握情态动词选项的语气并结合语境. 2.【2015·北京】34. If I _____it with my own eyes ,I wouldn’t have believed it. A . didn’t see B. weren’t seeing C. wouldn’t see D. hadn’t seen 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果不是我亲眼看到,我不会相信.根据后半句wouldn’t have believed 可以判断是对过去的虚拟.所以从句是if+主语+ had+done的形式.故选D. 【考点定位】虚拟语气 【名师点睛】条件句中有if引导时,首先要根据句意和句子结构判断是真实条件句还是虚拟条件句,如果符合虚拟的结构,就可以根据句子中的时间和语意判断应该用哪种虚拟语气. 3.【2015·重庆】7. Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway____ his famous novel A Farewell to Arms. A.d idn’t write B. hadn’t written C. wouldn’t write D. wouldn’t have written 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:没有他战时的经验,海明威就不可能写出著名的小说永别了武器.根据without his wartime experience没有战时的经历,可知表示对于过去的否定猜测,故主句


一.情态动词 1.---Could I borrow your dictionary? ----Yes,of course you_____. A.might B. will C. can D. should 2.---Shall we go skating or stay at home? ----Which _____do yourself? A.do you rather B.would you rather C.will you rather D.should you rather 3.It’s nearly seven o’clock.Jack ___be here at any moment. A. must B need C should D can 4.A computer __think for itself ,it must be told what to do. A. can’t B couldn’t C may not D might 5. Johnny,you ___play with the knife.You ___hurt yourself. A.won’t ;can’t B. mustn’t; may C. shouldn’t; must D. can’t; shouldn’t 6.—Shall I tell John about it? -----No,you _____.I’ve told him already. A. needn’t B.wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t 7.---Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. ----______. A.I don’t B.I won’t C.I can’t D.I haven’t 8.He ____you more help,even though he was busy. A.might have given B.might give C.may have given D.may give 9.----There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. ---It ___a comfortbable journey. A.can’t be B.shouldn’t be C.mustn’t have been D.couldn’t have been 10.I told Sally how to get there ,but perhaps I ___for her. A.had to write it out B.must to have written it out C.should have written it out D.ought to write it out 11.---When can I come for photos?I need them tomorrow afternoon. ---They ___be ready by 12:00. A.can B. should C might D need 12.---I stayed at a hotel while in New York. ----Oh,did you?You ____with Barbara. A.could have stayed B.could stay C.would stay D.must have stayed 13.-----Alice, you feed the bird today.____? -----But I fed it yesterday. A.do you B.will you C.didn’t you D.don’t you 14.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ____get out. A.had to B.would C.was able to D.could


定语从句翻译练习 This is the doctor who saved the boy 's life . 这就是救了孩子生命的医生 She is the new stude nt whom I want to in troduce to you . 她就是我要介绍给你的新学生 The first place that we 'll visit is Beijing Library. 我们要参观的第一个地方是北京图书馆 He is the only pers on that is believable. 他是唯一可靠的人。 Please pass me the book which is lyi ng on the table. 请递给我摆在桌上的那本书。 The no vel which Tom bought is very in teresti ng. 汤姆买的小说很有意思。 Can you lend me the magaz ine which you talked about yesterday? 你能把昨天谈到的那本杂志借给我吗? The bike whose brake was damaged has now bee n repaired. =The bike the tyre of which was damaged has now bee n repaired 那辆坏了轮胎自行车现在已经修好了。 你知道他打算娶你的原因吗? Do you know the reasonfor which he is going to marry you? Do you know the reasonwhy he is going to marry you? 我讨厌我住过的那个旅馆。 I hate the hotelwhere I lived. I hate the hotelin which I lived. 我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天。 I will n ever forget the autu mn whe n I studied and lived with you. I will n ever forget the autu mn in which I studied and lived with you. 他爱了 20年的那个女孩昨天嫁人了。 The girl whom he had bee n in love with for 20 yearsmarried some one yesterday. 她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。 She is the beautiful girl that I have ever see n. 有什么事我能帮你吗? Is there anythin gthat I can do for you? 这就是你能在上面找到答案的那一页. This is the pagewhere you can find the an swer. This is the pagewhich you can find the an swer on. 正像老师昨天说的那样,他没有通过考试。 As the teacher told me yesterdayhe didn 't pass the exam.


情态动词和虚拟语气 情态动词的用法要点 一、表能力 Can Am/is/are able to 表现在的能力 Will be able to 表将来的能力 could Was/were able to 表过去得能力 Could have+过去分词:表示过去有能力做但未做 二、表推测(可能性) 1.可能性可分为客观的可能性和具体事情实际发生的可能性两种。所谓客观的(理论的)可能性即并不涉及 具体某事是否会发生,此种用法常常可以说明人或事物的特征。情态动词can可用于肯定句中表示客观的(理论的)可能性,而表示具体事情实际发生的可能性时,can一般不用于肯定句。 Accidents can happen on such rainy days. We may go to the cinema tonight, but we are not sure yet. 2.表示具体事情实际发生的可能性: (2)表示具体事情实际发生的可能性时,may, must 常用于肯定句,一般不用于否定句和疑问句(may not 表示“可能不”);can常用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中,表示疑惑、惊讶或不相信等意思;could既可用于肯定句又可用于否定句、疑问句中。 This can’t/ couldn’t be done by him. This may not be done by him. He could be on his way home now. Can this be done by him? Mr Mush is on time for everything. How can it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? I didn’t hear the phone. I must have been asleep. ---Are you coming to Jeff’party? ---I’m not sure. I might go to the concert instead. (3) would, could, should, might 并不一定与过去时间有关,而表示可能性弱于它们相应的现在时形式。 This may/ might be done by him. (4)should 表推测时,表示确定或可能有的未来或期望,即合乎理想的情况或结果 He ought to/ should be here on time---he started early enough. We should arrive before dark. The roads should be less crowded today. 三、表示请求、允许、允诺 1.当对方是决策者时,你代表你(们)自己(I, we),或代表第三者(he she they)向对方(you)请示或提 出建议时用:

2018年专四真题虚拟语气和情态动词 章振邦语法书页数标注

Subjunctive mood (P122, p. 129. P 143 动词过去完成体P181-190, 395)条件句 14. “I wondered if I could have a word with you.” The past tense in the sentence refers to a __B___. (p128) 2017 A. past event for exact time reference B. present event for tentativeness C. present event for uncertainty D. past event for politeness V. in specific contexts, the simple past can also denote the present or the future time. There are two uses. One is known as the attitudinal past (属于“表态性过去时” (attitudinal past), 即表示说话人当前的试探性态度, 而非过去时间, 多用于表示意愿或心理状态的动词) , that is , the past tense is associated with the present time in independent clauses expressing a question, request or suggestion. Its effect is to make the question/request/suggestion less direct, implying a polite, somewhat tentative attitude试探性态度,婉转语气on the part of the speaker. A: Did you want me? B.Yes, I wondered if you could give me some help . Want, wonder, think, hope


要点一情态动词的基本用法 ,could 【温馨提示】 can有时也用于肯定句,表示理论上的可能性或一时的情况。常译为“有时会”。 ,might 【温馨提示】 may表示请求许可时,其否定回答一般用mustn’t。may not意为“可能不”,而can’t意为“不可能”。 ,would 【温馨提示】 would表示过去的习惯时仅指动作,而且不与现在作对比;used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态,而且与现在作对比,说明现在这种动作或状态已经不存在。

,should,ought to ,have to 【温馨提示】 (1)在回答must的问句时,否定回答通常用needn’t或don’t have to。(2) mustn’t表示“禁止;不许”;而don’t have to表示“不必”。(3) must只有一种形式,而have to有人称、时态的变化。 的用法 的用法

【温馨提示】 (1)dare用作情态动词有dare,dared两种形式。 (2)dare用作实义动词,后接不定式,不定式符号to可省去,但dare以动词-ing形式出现时,不定式符号to不能省略。 要点二“情态动词+have done ”的用法 have done表示对过去已发生的事情进行肯定的推断,只用于肯定句中,意为“一定,必定”,其否定形式为:can’t/cannot have done。 It must have rained last night,for the road was quite wet. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为路面十分潮湿。 I saw Mr Wang just can’t have gone abroad. 刚刚我还看见王先生了,他不可能已经出国了。 have done意为“本来可以……,本来能够……”,表示虚拟语气。 You could have made greater progress,but you didn’t try your best. 你本来可以取得更大的进步,但是你没有努力。 might have done表示对过去已发生的事情进行推断,意为“可能/或许已经……”。其否定形式为: may/might not have done意为“可能没有做……”。 It’s no use going to his may not have gone may have gone somewhere else. 去他家没用。他可能没有回家,可能已经去了别的地方。 ought to have done表示本应该做某事,却没有做,含有责备或后悔之意。其否定形式为should not/ought not to


定语从句---翻译练习-(英语-中文): This is the doctor who saved the boy’s life . 这就是救了孩子生命的医生 She is the new student whom I want to introduce to you . 她就是我要介绍给你的新学生 Please pass me the book which is lying on the table. 请递给我摆在桌上的那本书。 The novel which Tom bought is very interesting. 汤姆买的小说很有意思。 Can you lend me the magazine which you talked about yesterday? 你能把昨天谈到的那本杂志借给我吗? The professor whose daughter teaches you English is Dr. Williams The professor, the daughter of whom teaches you English, is Dr. Williams. 那位教授是威廉斯他的女儿教你英语。 The bike whose brake was damaged has now been repaired. =The bike the tyre of which was damaged has now been repaired 那辆坏了轮胎自行车现在已经修好了。 The woman that is playing the piano is Miss Zhang. 正在弹钢琴的那位妇女是张小姐。 I’d like to see the films that are just on sh ow. 我想看那些刚上映的电影。 They talked for about an hour of things and persons that they remember in the school. 他们谈起他们所记得起的学校里的人和事,谈了大约有半个小时。 I’ll tell you all(that )I know about it . 我要告诉你我所知道这件事的一切情况。 Is there anything (that) I can do for you? 有什么我可以帮助做的事吗? I’ve brought everything (that )you need. 我把你需要的东西都拿来了。 This is the best film that I have seen . 这是我看过的最好的一部电影。 The first place that we’ll visit is Beijing Library. 我们要参观的第一个地方是北京图书馆 He is the only person that is believable. 他是唯一可靠的人。 John is the very person that she wants to see. 约翰正是她要见的人。 Who is the man that is talking with Tom ? 正在和汤姆谈话的人是谁? Which of the books that you bought is easy to read? 你买的那些书中哪一本容易读。He came at a time when we. needed him most.他在我们最需要的时候来了。 We’ll never forget the day when the People’s R epublic of China was founded.


谓语动词(情态动词、虚拟语气) 要点一情态动词的基本用法 【温馨提示】can有时也用于肯定句,表示理论上的可能性或一时的情况。常译为“有时会”。 2.may,might 【温馨提示】may表示请求许可时,其否定回答一般用mustn’t。may not意为“可能不”,而can’t意为“不可能”。 【温馨提示】would表示过去的习惯时仅指动作,而且不与现在作对比;used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态,而且与现在作对比,说明现在这种动作或状态已经不存在。 4.shall,should,ought to

5.must,have to 【温馨提示】 (1)在回答must 的问句时,否定回答通常用 needn ’t 或don ’t have to 。(2) mustn ’t 表示“禁止;不许”;而don ’t have to 表示“不必”。(3) must 只有一种形式,而have to 有人称、时态的变化。 7.dare 的用法 【温馨提示】 (1)dare 用作情态动词有dare,dared 两种形式。 (2)dare 用作实义动词,后接不定式,不定式符号to 可省去,但dare 以动词-ing 形式出现时,不定式符号to 不能省略。 要点二 “情态动词+have done ”的用法 1.must have done 表示对过去已发生的事情进行肯定的推断,只用于肯定句中,意为“一定,必定”,其否定形式为:can ’t/cannot have done 。 It must have rained last night,for the road was quite wet. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为路面十分潮湿。 I saw Mr Wang just now.He can ’t have gone abroad. 刚刚我还看见王先生了,他不可能已经出国了。 2.could have done 意为“本来可以……,本来能够……”,表示虚拟语气。 You could have made greater progress,but you didn ’t try your best. 你本来可以取得更大的进步,但是你没有努力。 3.may/might have done 表示对过去已发生的事情进行推断,意为“可能/或许已经……”。其否定形式为: may/might not have done 意为“可能没有做……”。 It ’s no use going to his house.He may not have gone home.He may have gone somewhere else. 去他家没用。 他可能没有回家,可能已经去了别的地方。 4.should/ought to have done 表示本应该做某事,却没有做,含有责备或后悔之意。其否定形式为should not/ought not to have done 表示“本不该做某事却做了”。


1.我们在医院一直照顾take care of的老太太死了. The old lady whom we had taken care of in the hospital last year died. 2.你想娶marry的姑娘昨天偷了我的钱包。 The girl whom you want to marry stole your wallet yesterday. 3.孙老师写的书是世界上最好的书。 The book that Mt. Sun wrote is the best book in the world. 4.你喜欢女孩就是我喜欢的女孩。 The girl who you like is the girl who I like. 5.昨天被我家的狗咬的人bite今天又被你家狗咬了。 The man who was bit by my dog was bit by my dog today again. 6.你知道他打算娶reason你的原因吗? Do you know the reason for which he is going to marry you? Do you know the reason why he is going to marry you? 7.我讨厌hate我住过的那个旅馆hotel。 I hate the hotel where I lived. I hate the hotel in which I lived. I hate the hotel I lived in. 8.我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天autumn。 I will never forget the autumn when I studied and lived with you. I will never forget the autumn in which I studied and lived with you. 9.他爱了20年的那个女孩昨天嫁marry人了。 The girl whom he had loved for 20 years married someone yesterday. 10.她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。 She is the beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 11.有什么事我能帮你吗? Is there anything that I can do for you? 12.昨天死的那个老太太留下了100万美圆。 The old lady who died yesterday left one million. 13.昨天那个医生告诉我他为我爹什么也做不了了。 The doctor told me yesterday that there is nothing that he could do for my father. 14.这就是你能在上面找到答案的那一页.


“would+have+done”虚拟语气,表示对过去事情的假设,意思是“本来会做” 1. I would have told you all about the boy's story, but you didn't ask me. 我本来会告诉你这个小男孩的故事,但是你没有问我。 2. Without your help, I wouldn't have achieved so much. 没有你的帮助,我是不会取得如此大的成绩。“could+have+done”是虚拟语气,表示对过去事情的假设,意思是本来能够做某事而没有做。 He could have passed the exam, but he was too careless. 本来他能够通过考试,但是他太粗心。 请看相关知识点: 一、“must+have+done”表示对过去事情的肯定推测,译成“一定做过某事”,该结构只用于肯定句。 1. It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面还是湿的。 2. You must have been mad to speak to the servant. 你和仆人说话,一定是发疯了。 二、“can't+have+done”表示对过去事情的否定推测,译成“不可能做过某事”。 1. Mr. Smith can't have gone to Beijing, for I saw him in the library just now. 史密斯先生不可能去北京了,我刚才还在图书馆见过他。 2. Mary can't have stolen your money. She has gone home. 玛丽不可能偷你的钱,她回家去了。 三、“can+have+done”表示对过去行为的怀疑,用于疑问句,译成“可能做过……吗?”。 1. There is no light in the room. Can they have gone out? 屋里没有灯,他们可能出去了吗? 2. There is nowhere to find them. Where can they have gone? 到处找不到他们,他们可能到什么地方去呢? 四、“could+have+done”是虚拟语气,表示对过去事情的假设,意思是本来能够做某事而没有做。 He could have passed the exam, but he was too careless. 本来他能够通过考试,但是他太粗心。 五、“may+have+done”表示对发生过的事情的推测,意思是“可能已经”或“也许已经”,用于肯定句中。 —What has happened to George? —I don't know. He may have got lost. —乔治发生了什么事?
