
参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10T Vocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ2. differently, different3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases and expressions.4 Translate the following sentences using words andexpressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

Key toexercisesUnit1Preview1.Listentothe recording of the text and then fill in the blanks in the following sentences.1.. aim/purpose; training;practical/professional skills; technical training;universities2..graduateschool;Shakespeare’s p lays; be apharmacist3. makingaliving;keephimself;hisfamily;expose;ideas4.waking;average;aliving;allabout5. in dang er; m echanized savages; push-buttonNeanderthals6. have left us; peculiar accom plishments;species7.. center;storehouse8.. sarcastic;humorous2.R ead the text for better comprehension a nd a nswerthequestions,paying special a ttention to the par ts in boldtype.1)It m e a ns a nnoyi n g experiences, t ou g h pro blems or failures.2)The y must have finishe d their graduat e s t udie s w i th a n advanc e d d e gr e eli keaPhD.3)Itsimplymeans?one of thestudents?.Theword?body?here meansthewholegroupofstudents.Becausethestudentisthinandtall.Itismeanttobe humorous rather thaninsulting.4)He t ea ches Englishliterature.5)Byus i ngt helike t h e c our s word?s t u f f?,h eshowshisdislikefor t he c ou r se ve r y clea r ly.Hedoesn’tebe c ausehethinksitis us e l ess forhisplanned career.6)Wecanassumethathedoesnotthinkitnecessarytowastemoneyonthe books since heintends to drop thecourse.7)The latter. It is a humorous way of referring to a certain type of people.8)He is talking about the Pharmacy School. He is being sarcasticwhenhecallsit?a DrugstoreMechanicsSchool?Itmeans?技工?.9)He is talking about the diploma for university orcollegegraduates.He has in mind people like what the student wants tobe:pharmacists.10)Itmeans?havingbeenintroduced to theideasdevelopedorproduced throughouthistory.11)It refers to his effort to convince thestudent.12)?Hold?hereisanintransitiveverbmeaning?remaintrue?.Itisoftenuseda sase t phrase?hol dtrue?.13)Itmeans?thingsofthesamekind?.诸如此类14)We call it the fut ure c on tinuou s t e ns e. It i s used for ongoin g future ac t ions.15)He is saying here that you will make sure that the medicineyou make will not be mixed with poison if you are trained as a pharmacist;thatthehousesyoubuildwillsuccessfullykeepoutbullsifyourchosenjobise ngineering;and t h at yo ur client w i l l not be sentenc ed to d eat h b e cause you a re inc om petent if you want to b e al a wyer.16)T he s e are a ll us eful things to d o… a nd raises/bri n g s up your c hildren.17)InformalEnglish,?may?is usedtoexpress ahopeorwish.Moreexamples:Mayourcountrybeprosperousandourpeoplehappy.May peacefina l lypr e vail.Note: suf fi ce (be s uff i cient) It is formal for hu m orouseffect.18)民主的思想家. Will you be heading a family that is familiar withthegreatdemocratic ideas in past history?19)He meansthetallstudent.?Pest?is oftenused to refer to anannoying person especially achild.20)No. H e means that he i s a i ming to m ak e m oney. T hat i s hispurpos e forcoming toschool.21)…you’regoi n gto ha vetroublefi n dingsometh i ngt od owhen you arenot spending money.22)…thenyoushouldn’tgotocollege.Youhavenoreasontogotocollege.23)Heissayingherethatyoungpeoplemaybecomesavagesliketheancientpe opl ew ho lived 35,000 t o 130,000 yea rs a go although t h ey c annowpushbut t onsa ndu semachi n e s,hence, a ?n ew s p ec i es?.24)Ourcoll e g e sareboundtoprod uc eso m estude nt softhi s ki nd.H e i sver ysarcasticabout these people and thinks that they are not truly educatedandcivilizedastheyshouldbetoday.Thereforeheusestheexpression:?such li feforms?. Note alsothattheword?graduate?is usedas a transitiveverbhere.25)We are talking about how ideas or concepts are developedandhowimportant they are in the evolution of the human species. Animalsliveby instinct. Only human beings are able to formulate ideas such aslove,freedom,democracy,andequality.Theseideasmakeusdifferentfromotherani mals. And we get these ideas from people in the past. That is why readingissoimportant.Manyscholarsmaintainthatwithoutreadingwe do n’tknowhow tothink.Thereare,however,peoplewhoemphasizetheimportanceofdirect experienceSometimestheyevengoas far as to maintain .Theysaythat‘Doing isalsolearning’.that reading may prevent us from creativethinking.26)The fact that we have the faculty means that…Vocabulary1.D o t he f ollowing exercises on wor d f or mation rules.1)Thefollowingwordsareadjectivesendingwiththesuffixes?-ent?a nd?-a nt,?andtheircorrespondingnounsusuallyendingwith?-ence?a nd?-a nce.?Decide which of the following should be the for mer, and which the latter.1.di f fe r ent2.i nd ependent3.extrava g a n tpetent5.arrogant6.important7.c o nfi de nt8.fra g ra n t9.signifi c ant10.convenient 11.e vident12.i nt e ll i g ent13.re levant14.present15.urgent16.violent17.c ur re n t18.fr e qu en t19.di stantNote: The following words are nouns, not adjectives: accountant;assistant;defendant; dependant;attendant2)Guess the cor r esponding nouns of the following, paying special a ttention totheirpronuncia t ion.1.qua l ifi c ati o n c l arifi c at i onunification notificationclassification identificationintensification justificationsimplif i cation c ert ifi c at i onglori f ication speci fi cat i on2.m o derniz a ti onmechani z ationrealization civilizationglobalization specializationAmericanization industrializationurbanization idealizationcentralization marketizationnationalization privatization3.permission discussionadmission professioncommission confessionremission impressionemission oppressionsubmission compressiontransmission expressionom i s s i on depre s sion3)Giveder i vative s of th e f oll o wi n gwords.1.se ns e: sensitive; s en sible; s en se l ess; sens i bility; ove rs ensitive; ins e ns i tive2.technique: technical; technically;technician;3.special: specially; specialty;specialize4.intellect: intellectual; intelligent;intelligence5.civil: c i vi l ize; c i vi l ization; ci v i l ized;u nc iviliz e d4)T r ans l ate the following i nt o C hi n e s e.1.Many people agree that the increased enrollment is a bigaccomplishment.2.The lack of availability of certified accountants who can meetsuchhighqualifications is still a bigproblem.3.Early specialization is not wise. Students should have a wide exposure toworldculturebe f ore t h eyspeci a lize.4.Strong as we might be some day we must never become a r rogant. We shouldcontinuetopur sue the policy of peaceful co-existence amongnations.powerrestsessentiallywithitsadvanced civilization.5.Itis a penetr a tingthoughtthat a nation’s6.Ourmemoryofpastdisastrousexperiencesisanextremelyimportantspiritualresource.2.Tr anslate the following v er b+noun c oll oc at i ons intoEn g li s h.1)f oldone’sarms2)fold theletter3)acquireknowledge4)generateideas5)g en e ratejobs6)gen e r ate p ow er7)g en e r at e i nte r e s t8)employworkers9)use/employtime10)rear/raiseone’schildren11)rearsheep12)raiseone’sfamily13)raiseone’svoice14)raisetax15)raise thequestion16)maintaincontact17)maintain law andorder18)maintainpeace3.Give the synonyms and antonyms of thefollowing.Synonyms1.re a sona bl y/r athe r/quite2.c l earl y/evi d ently3.tokeep4.toraise5.togain/obtain6.t opr oduce7.t opr ove8.de pa rtment(univers i ty)9.humanity10.drugstore /chemist (英)11.type/example/model/case Antonyms1.una v aila bl e2.m ode s t ly3.general4.unqualified5.uncivilized/savage6.t ounfol d7.unemployed8.incompetence9.insensitive 12.t oent e r/join13.how eve r/but14.sharp/thoughtful15.thinker/intellectual16.toshake/tremble/shiver17.una voidably/ce rt ainly/18.t o s uppos e/presume/thi nk/guess19.t ohel p/ass i st20.strange/odd/unusual/queer21.achievement/success/victory22.specialskillplete the sentences with the expressions listedbelow.1)to see to it; exposedto2)out for; succeedin3)a v e ra gesout4)specializein5)stuckfor6)presideover7)stuck for; see to itthat8)t r ue of9)out to; see to itthat10)have nobusiness5.Fill in the blanks with the r ight wor d or expression in the bracket.1)in making; tofind2)see3)out; of; of;for4)to5)by;for6)Poor as he w a s;put7)for8)in9)believed in;forcing10)physicist;sensitive6.Tr anslate the following sentences intoEnglish.1)It is wrong to raise our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse.Wemust exposethemtoallsocialproblemsbecauseverysoontheywillbedealingwiththemasresponsible citizens.2)As time goes on we a re inevit a bly g oing t o get more a nd m o re invol v edininte rna ti on alaffairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different viewsandinterests betweennations.3)We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we mustneverbecomearrogant. Otherwise we will lose ourfriends.4)Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the informationofasmalllibrary5)Thatconstructioncompanyisnotqualifiedtohandletheproject. Theydonothaveany legal documentto certify that they have the necessary expertise. We must find acompany that specializes in buildingtheatres.6)These think tanks do not make decisions. They are out to generate new ideasandpenetratinganalyses that will be extremely useful for decisionmakers.7)The growthofGDPisnoteverything.Ourcountrycannotbesaidtohavebeen modernizedunlessthequalityofour people’slivesisreallyimprove d.8)Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children,fortherewas clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes, andponds; and alot of flowers, trees and birds in thefields.9)Giveabsolutepowertosomeindividualoranyparticulargroupofpeople,andthatperson orgrouparesure to abusethatpowerbecause,justasLordActonsays,?P o w ercorrupts,and abs olute pow erc orr u pt s absol u tely.?10)Traditionallyinourcountryschooleducationwasalwayssaidtobemore importantand usefulcompared with all otherpursuits.Gr ammar1.. Point out how future time is expressed and what concept each futureexpression conveys.Itisfarmorecomplicatedtotalkaboutthefuturethantotalkaboutthepresentandpast.Generally,future time is expressed in these ways.Future a tPresenta)) ?will?asin3):usedtosaysomethingisexpectedtohappen?w illbe doing?as in4):usedtosaythatyouaresurethatsomethingwillhappen becausearrangements have been madeb)?begoingto?:used2),5)tosaythatsomethingwillhappenquitesoonortotalkaboutsb’sintentionsorwhattheyhavedecidedtodoc)?the present progressive?as in10):used to talkaboutsomethingthatwillhappen be c aus eyou have p lann e d or arra n g e ditd)?the s impl e present?asin9):us e d to saythat s om et hi ngwil l de f initely happ en ata particulartime, especially because it has been officiallyarrangedFuture in thePasta)) ?would?asin7):usedtosaywhatyouintendedtodoorexpectedtohappenb)?was/weregoingto?asin1):usedtosaythatsomethingwasexpectedtohappenc)?w a s/were t o do?a s i n6),8):used to t alk a bout so m ething t hat w ouldha ppe nbecause it hadbeen planned orarranged.2.. Learntouse emphasizingcoordinatingconjunctions.1.Point out the gr a mmatical for m each pair of theconjunctionsconnects.Emphasizing coordinating conjunctions connect parts of thesentence that have thesame grammatical form.1)twonouns2)twoadjectives3)two prepositionalphrases4)two infinitivephrases5)two nounphrases6)two nounphrases7)two prepositionalphrases8)two prepositionalphrasesbine each pair of the sentences using the r ight emphasizing coordinatingconjunctions.1)) Theprovinceisstrongbothinindustryandinagriculture./Theprovinceisnot only strong inindustry, but a lso inagriculture.2)) Relief agencies say the immediate problem is not a lack of food, but transportation.3)) Generally, after working for the company for five years, young employees eitherareprom ot ed orleav e.4)) TV programs for children should not only entertain but a lsoteach.5)) Obviously, these children are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but byfearoffailure6)) At present, it would be neither practical nor desirable toeliminateexaminations altogether.7))AsianAmericansareplayingamoreactiveroleinpoliticsthaneverbefore,bothat localandnationallevel.8)) Myunclebelievesthatinourtownsightseeingisbestdoneeitherbytourbusorby bicyc l e.9)) Wood floori ng not on l y cleans e as il y, but is environmental ly frie ndl y.10)) Until I read the article I knew neither where she was brought up nor (whereshewas)educated.11)) I find the new manager neither easy to get along with nor delightful to talk to.12)) Contrary to what people had expected, not only did he attend the meeting,buthe als os pokefort w e nt ymi nut es.3.. Fill in each blank with ONE suita ble word.(1)other (2)best (3)reason (4)mental (5)next(6)As (7)take (8)cool (9)thinking (10)rest4.. Tr anslate the following sentences intoEnglish.1)) The premier is leaving for New York for a UN conferencetomorrow.2)) He is to meet the heads of state of several countries during his stay in New York.3))What a re you going to do during the National Day holidays? Are yougoinghomeor staying oncampus?4)) —Whatdoyouthinkschoolwillbelikeintwentyyears’time?— I think children will probably lear n at home with a mechanicalteacher.5)) Thirty years ago, my grandparents never thought they would be able to moveintoa two-storey house with all the modern facilities.6)) What they lack is not money butexperience.7)) They have come to China not only to learn Chinese, but to learnaboutChinese culture as well.8)) What children want most from their parents are not material things butloveand attention.9)) You may either write your essay in your regular exercise book or do it onyourcomputer.showup.Eitherhewasnotinterested,orhesimply forgot10))I’m notquitesurewhyhedidn’taboutit.11)) A society should respect both its scientists and its garbagecollectors.12)) He i s m i s e r ly b ot h with hi s money an d wit h hi s time.5.. Identify and cor rect the mistakes. Note there is no mistake in two of thesentences.1)) I will phone you as soon as I ar r ive inBeijing.2)) We can har dly imagine what life will be like in 50years.3)) WhatarewegoingtodoifEdithwon’thelpus?(Nomistakeinthissentence.Here?if…will?ispossiblewhenwillexpresses?willingness?.)4)) Pleasebeseated,everyone.Theshowisa b outtobegin.(Use?beabouttodosth?tosaythatsomethingwillhappenalmostimmediately.?Will?isnotused.)Chinawillbeabletosendmantothe Moon.(?Tobea5))Itispredictedthatinaboutten years’time,bletodo sth?is usedtosayitispossibleforsomeoneor something to dosomething.)6)) Dropinwheneveryouplease.You’ll alwaysbewelcome.(Adverbsof frequency, such as always, usua lly, often, sometimes, etc, usually go immediately infront of the m a inve r b.)7)) Nei t herhispa re nts,norhisbrot he r was ablet oc ometohispe r form a nce.(Th em ai n verbagrees with the noun phrase introduced bynor.)8)) Both her friends and her English teacher believe she will win the talentcontest.9)) My father regards creativity both as a gift and as a skill. (Normally, the twoitems c onne cte d by emphas i z i ng coordina t ing conj unc t i ons s houl d be expr e s s e di n the same grammatical form, here, two prepositionalphrases.)10))Wecaneitherdoitnoworafterclass—uptoyou.(Nomistake.Thoughthetwo items?now?and?afterclass?aren’tit’sthesamegra mmaticalform,thisisacceptablebecausewecanregardthemascondensedfrom?W ecaneitherdoit nowordoit a f terclass.?T he r e fore,thet w oitemscanalso b e d i fferentgramma t ical fo rms serving the same grammatical function, here, bothadverbials.)Unit2Preview1.L isten to the r ecor ding of the text and fill in the blanks in the followingsentences.1)racialequality2)civil rights; lingeron3)husband; qui t e a g ood hu s band/very conside r ate; li beral; ra c ia l4)considered;unprepared5)give his wife; hadadmitted6)found out;pressing7)look; argued about such seriousmatters8)perfectly nor m al;to l erate9)are differentculturally10)culturally and socially; racialsegregation11)white; married; a perfectstranger2.R ead the text for better comprehension and answer thequestions.1)?pi tchin?me a ns?t o joi n w i thotherpeopleindoinga j ob?.Intheex pre ssion?topit c habaseball?,theword?pitch?means?tothrow?.?topitchatent?means?toputupatent 支帐篷.?pitchdark?means?asdarkaspitch?漆黑—pitchmeans沥青?housework?meansthe workyoudotokeepyourhousecleanandtidy;?homework?means the work a teacher gives to a student to do out of class.2)Af t er th i nki n g of a l l as p ects of t he mat t er c a r e ful l y.We can assume that he would have considered the difficulties and problems he believeditwould bring to his life if he married a blackwife.3)Heknewtherewouldbeanunpleasantquarrel,andthatitwaswiserforhimjusttokeephis mouth shut.This shows that they have had previous serious disagreements. Thiswas notthefi r st t ime.It shows that the man has seldom taken his wifeseriously.4)?youcomingalong…andimplying…?isthecomplexobjectof?need?.a racist,hewouldnotsayno,sincehiswifeisexactly the samepersonexceptfor her Ifheweren’tskincolor.5)No. It is clear that the wife is using an ironicaltone.No.Themanisusingacommonexcuseofwhiteracistswhotrytojustifytheirprejudice based on different skin color by using a seemingly more neutral and respectableterm?culturaldifferences?.6)To show that he found the situation veryannoying.Normallyitmeans?w hat I sayisabsolutely true?,butherehemeans?I t istruenotbecauseI am saying it.I have statistics to prove this.?7)She saiditcontemptuously.She wasgettingangry.8)Because his wife keeps mimicking him, showing that she thinks what he saidwasridiculous andhypocritical.。
现代大学英语Unit 2课后练习答案

Preview:第一大题1.Racial equality2.Civil rights; linger on3.Husband; (to be) quite a good husband/ very considerate; liberal; racial4.Considered; unprepared5.Give his wife; had admitted6.Found out; pressing7.Look; agued about such kind of serious matters/issues8.Perfectly normal; tolerate/bear/stand/put up with9.Are different culturally10.Culturally and socially; racial segregation11.White; married; a perfect stranger 第二大题2.After thinking of all aspects of the matter carefully.We can assume that he would have considered the difficulties and problems he believed it would bring to his life if he married a black wife.3.Like that she pinched her brows together and bit her lower lips. Because he knew that there would be an unpleasant quarrel, and that it was wiser for him just to keep his mouth shut.If he didn’t, his wife would become much unhappier.This shows that they had previous serious disagreements.This was not the first time.It shows that the man has seldom taken his wife’s words seriously.4.“You coming along...and implying...”is the complex object of “need”.5.No. It’s evident that the wife is usingan ironical tone.No. The man is using a common excuse of white racists who make exertions to justify their racial discrimination/prejudice based on different skin colors by using a seemingly more neutral and respectable term “cultural differences”.6.To show that he found the situation very annoying.Normally it means “what i say is absolutely true”, but here he means “it is true not because i am saying it, but because i have statistics to certify/prove this”.7.She said it contemptuously.She was getting angry/annoyed.8.Because his wife keeps mimicking/imitating him, showing that she thinks what he said was ridiculous and hypocritical.9.Like “Oh boy” or “My God”, it is toshow his anger, as if to say “Don’t start up that conversation again. I’m fed up”.10.It means “not married or engaged; without a regular companion”.11.His wife remained angry.12.It means “to recognize sth as a result of knowledge, experience or evidence”(看得出来). She saw clearly that her husband hesitated before he answered the question, and he hesitated because that he was trying to get out of this embarrassing situation.13.She wanted him to give her his true answer14.It shows his reluctance/unwillingness to give this answer.15.Her indifference implies contempt. It would naturally hurt her husband. 16.“To be at it”here means doing something else that follows from theprimary/original thing.“Might as well” means that you do sth because it seems best in the situation that you are in, although you may not really want to do it.No, he was embarrassed and annoyed too. He continued the housework to cover up his anger and show his indifference in return.17.He is ashamed of being made to lose his temper. He thinks it was foolish of him to take his wife so seriously. He obviously does not view his wife as his intellectual equal.18.He is going to change his answer. No, he just wants to humor迁就;顺应;顺某人的意his wife, and he does not think the issue that important anyway (=besides).19.He was hoping that now that he had said that he would marry her even ifshe were black, she would forgive him somehow. When his wife asked him to turn off the light, he expected her to join him. So he said “All right好啦”meaning “I’ve turned off the light as you asked me to do. Come over to me now”.20.As I see it, it was not the first time since they had married that he had felt his wife was a stranger to him.V ocabulary第一大题第一小题1.Suffix “-ware”, meaning objects made of a particular material2.Suffix “-ics”, meaning the sience or art of3./4. Suffixes -ic/tic or -ical, meaning of, characteristic of, or belonging to第二小题1.Unjust2. Injustice3. Unequal4. Inequality5. Unable6. Inability7. Invisible8. Uncountable9. Unavoidable 10. Unbelievable 11. Invaluable 12. Insignificant 13. Inseparable 14. Unbalanced 15. Uncomfortable 16. Uncommon 17. Informal 18. Unconditional 19. Inedible 20. Uneatable 21. Unconscious 22. Unaware 23. Inaudible 24. Unavailable 25. Inefficient 26. Unfair 27. Unfamiliar 28. Unfriendly 29. Indirect 30. Unfortunate 31. Ungrateful 32. Inconsiderate 33. Unhappy 34. Unimportant 35. Incompetent 36. Unlucky 37. Unlimited 38. Incomplete 39. Incapable 40. Unnecessary 41. Unreasonable 42. Inappropriate 43. Unpleasant 44. Unofficial 45. Unpopular 46.Inadequate第三小题1.Economy: economist; economic; economical; economically; economize2.Critical: critic; critically; criticize; criticism; hypocritical; hypercritical; overcritical; uncritical3.Consider: considerate; inconsiderate; considerately; considerateness; considerable; considerably; consideration; considering第二大题1.Do/wash the dishes2.Pinch one’s brows together3.Repeat one’s words4.Press one’s lips tightly5.Squeeze fruits6.Rinse clothes7.Spray cool water8.Take a reasonable tone9.Take a deep breath10.Win a game11.Win the argument12.Demonstrate one’s indifference13.Hurt one’s feelings14.Wipe the counter15.Mop the floor16.Call one’s name第三大题1.Dislike/hate2.Unlike3.Inconsiderate4.Small/insignificant/average5.Deep/profound6.Unreasonable7.Wise/smart/clever/bright/brilliant8.Untrue/false/incorrect9.Unsteady/unstable/shaky10.Heavy/weighty11.Darken/dim/blur12.Loosen13.Incompetence14.Keen/interested/enthusiastic/ sympathetic15.Material/physical16.Implicit/implied第四大题1.I don’t mind=It’s okay with me; you’d better=you might as well2.I can assure you=You can take my word for it; divorce=break up3.Hit upon the same idea=come up with the same idea4.Help me=come to my aid5.In the interests of our children’s welfare= for the children’s sake6.He is concerned for my health= he acted out of concern for my health7.When we think of our country in all of its aspects=All things considered8.He’s doing it= he is at it; on the other hand=on our part9.Join hands and work hard together= pitch in10.Do something to show that he was sorry= make it up to him第五大题1.Into; up2.At; in3.Out of; for; to4.Up; on; of5.About; out with6.About; onto/on to7.With; with; to; into; out; with8.Up with; to; at9.On; up第六大题1.You know what? All things considered, it’s not a bad idea to be ateacher. As a matter of fact, I think it is an excellent idea.2.I don’t like it when you take a sarcastic tone the way you just did. You seem to be implying all the time that I am a good-for-nothing.3.It is really considerate of my father to leave the final decision to me. I must say that I am very lucky. Not many people have such a terrific father.4.You said you do not want any money. You may not want money, but you do need money. I don’t see what’s wrong with students who earn/earning some money during their spare time.5.Somehow this tune sounds very familiar, but I simply can’t recall what it is. In any case, it is a Russian folk song.6.Besides/In addition to the usual weekend housework, I also have a whole pile of homework to dotomorrow. It’s really terrible.7.In order to/To demonstrate our unhappiness over the recent dispute, we put off/delay/postpone our Foreign Minister’s visit indefinitely.8.It’s getting dark. The next town is still two hours’drive away. We might/may (just) as well camp in the forest, pitch a tent, build/make a fire, and have a good sleep before we continue our journey tomorrow.9.I am really shocked to hear people say they do not consider cheating at exams shameful. Isn’t it the most shameful thing that we have been incapable of feeling ashamed? Grammar第一大题第一小题1.Adverbial modifier状语修饰语2.Predicative表语3.Object of the verb like4.Object of preposition in5.Subject第二小题1.Bill’s friends were impressed by the way (how) he faced his incurable disease.2.The way the stranger looked at me made me uncomfortable.3.The way the man used a screwdriver showed that he couldn’t be a carpenter.4.Watch you teacher’s lips carefully and say the word the way she does.5.I agree with what he said, but I can’t tolerate the way he said it.6.People are anxiously watching the way things will work out in their country.7.The way the dispute between laborand management was settled surprised the public.8.The way the policeman discussed the case with the criminal’s parents convinced them that they should cooperate.9.From the way he walked, i could tell that something was wrong with his leg./The way he walked showed that something was wrong with his leg 10.The way they talked to her aroused her suspicion/made her suspect that they were keeping something from her. 第二大题1.Professor Liu walked into the classroom with a few books under his arm.2.The old man was dozing off in an armchair with a magazine on his lap.3.Under the bridge, the police found a man lying dead, with a knife in hischest.4.He walked out of his boss’s office with his head held high.5.When a guest arrived, the hostess greeted him/her politely, with a smile on her face.6.In September, the school came to life again, with children playing and running on the playground.7.With the Moon Festival only a month away, shops are promoting their moon cakes.8.With their children grown up and gone, the old couple sometimes feel lonely.9.With all the packing finished, the family could now sit down and have some tea.10.With a big bag on her shoulder, the old woman moved slowly in the snow. 第三大题1.Purpose/aim2.Both3.Sorry4.Question5.Patients6.Depends7.Shocked8.Talk9.Phone10.arm第四大题1.That was the way people live in my day.2.Mrs. Jones loved her students the way she loves her own children.3.The farmer’s wife doesn’t like the way some young people treat their parents.4.With Big Yao on the team, I’m pretty sure they’ll beat their rivals.5.The man was sitting in his armchair,with his face buried in his hands.6.With the TV on, he found it hard to concentrate on his homework.7.The way people helped him during his journey when he had no money convinced the writer that people can still depend on strangers.8.With the price of cabbages soaring, they decided to increase imports from other countries.9.The way these young people organized campus activities showed their leadership qualities.10.He stood with both arms stretched out, as a customs officer searched him with a portable scanner.第五大题1.Neither his parents nor his teacher believes that the boy died.2.I don’t think the husband in the story is racist./In my opinion/As I seeit/The way I see it/So far as I’m concerned, the husband in the story isn’t a racist.3.No mistake.4.The couple discussed interracial marriage while doing the dishes.5.No mistake.6.Few young people bother to know when and where their grandparents were born.7.When she received our present, she sent a thank-you note immediately. 8.He walked out of the chairman’s office, with a smile on his face.9.The boy doesn’t know what wheat looks like before it becomes bread. 10.When the movie was over, the old woman remained in her seat with tears running down her face.。

参考答案(Unit 1—8)欧阳家百(2021.03.07)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets 1. differ 2. differently, different 3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases and1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。
It is wrong to put emphasis on nothingbut GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。

Lesson T wo Maheegun My BrotherAnswersI. Oral workII. Vocabulary T est1.Choose the right word and put it in the proper form①risks ②journey ③hit ④camp ⑤tries ⑥say2.Put in the missing wordsused around/ in variety kept try Asways where outdoors are provide canexisted however safe undisturbed reservesamongⅢGrammar WorkComplete the sentences by putting in the proper form of the verb in the brackets,using auxiliaries or modals where necessary.⑴made, was , left, didn’t care for, gave, ate⑵got, wouldn’t stop, shaking, couldn’t stand up , must have eatendidn’t agree, was, remember, ran, callⅣWritten workAnswer the question in about 130 wordsHow did the boy in the story get lost in a snowstorm and did Maheegun come tohis rescue?When the boy was coming back home after spending the Easter holidays in his cousin’s home, he completely got lost in the wild in a snowstorm and didn’t knowwhere he was. On the following days of being trapped, the boy was in a verydangerous situation. It was terribly cold, and he could hardly find any more wood tobuild a fire, What’s more, he cut his hand by accident while slashing off greenbranches, and a wolf followed the blood spots on the snow and found where he was.Soon another wolf came, and the two of them were only 50 feet away. Just themMaheggun appeared as if from nowhere. He drove off the other two. Though out thenight, Maheggun stayed with the boy, watching for any attackers. The next day thesearch team arrived and took the boy home.ⅤT ranslation1.Behind each beautiful fur there is an ugly story. It is a brutal, bloody, and barbaricstory . The animal is not killed –it is tortured. I don’t think a fur coat is worth it.2.We declare henceforth that all animals shall enjoy these inalienable rights: The rightto freedom from fear, pain and suffering – whether in the name of science or sport,fashion or food, exhibition or service. The right, if they are wild, to roam free,unharried by hunters, trappers or slaughterers. If they are domestic, not to beabandoned in the city streets, by a country road, or in a cruel and inhumane pound.And finally the right, at the end, to a decent death—not by a club, by a trap, byharpoon, cruel poison or mass extermination chamber. We have only one creed—to speak for those who can’t.。

1.You know what? All things considered,it's not a bad idea to be a teacher.As a matter of fact, I think it is an excellent idea.
5.Somehow this tune sounds very familiar, but I can’t recall what it is. In any case , it is a Russian folk song.
1.You know it when you considered,it's not a bad idea to you 2.I don‘t likewhat? All thingstake sarcastic tone the way be a just did. teacher.As a implying all think it is that i am good-for -nothing. You seem to bematter of fact, Ithe time an excellent idea. 2.I don‘t like it when you take sarcastic tone the way you just did.You 3.It is seem toconsiderate the my father to leave -nothing. decision really be implying all of time that i am good-for the final 3.It to really.I must say Imy father tolucky. Not many people .I is me considerate of am very leave the final decision to me must say I am very lucky. Not many people have such a terriffic have such a terrific father . father. 4. You said don’t want any money .You may not want money ,but you 4. You said don’t want any what’s wrong with students earning do need money. I don’t see money .You may not want money , some money during their spare time. but you do need money .I don’t see what’s wrong with 5.Somehow this tune sounds very familiar, but I can’t recall what time. students earning some money during their spare it is. In any case , it is a Russian folk song.

Key to exercisesUnit 1Preview1.L i s ten to th e r ecor d in g of th e tex t a n d th en fi l l in th e b la n k s in th e follow in gsen ten ces.1.. a im /pu r pose; tra ining ; practical /professional skills; technical tra ining ; universities2.. g raduate school;S hakespeare ’s pla y s ;be a pharmacist3 . making a liv ing ; keep him self; his fam i l y ; expose; ideas4 .w aking ; averag e ; a l i v ing ; a l l about5 . in dang er; m echanized savages; push-button Neanderthals6 . have left us; peculiar accom plishments; species7.. center; storehouse8.. sarcastic; humorous2.R ead the text for better comprehension a nd a nswer the questions,paying special a ttention to the par ts in bold type.1)It m e a ns a nnoyi n g experiences, t ou g h pro blems or failures.2)The y must have finishe d their graduat e s t udie s w i th a n advanc e d d e gr e eli ke a PhD.3)It simply means “o n e of the students”.The word “body”here means thewhole group of students. Because the student is thin and tall. It is meant to behumorous rather than insulting.4)He t ea ches English literature.5)By us i ng t he word “s t u f f”,he shows his dislike for t he c ou r se ve r y clea r ly. Hedoesn’t like t h e c our s e be c ause he thinks it is us e l ess for his plannedcareer.6)We can assume that he does not think it necessary to waste money on thebooks since he intends to drop the course.7)The latter. It is a humorous way of referring to a certain type of people.8)He is talking about the Pharmacy School. He is being sarcastic when he callsit “a Drugstore Mechanics School”It means“技工”.9)He is talking about the diploma for university or college graduates.He has in mind people like what the student wants to be: pharmacists.10)It means “having been introduced to the ideas developed or producedthroughout history.11)It refers to his effort to convince the student.12)“Hold”here is an intransitive verb meaning“remain true”.It is often useda s a se t phrase“hol d true”.13)It means“things of the same kind”.诸如此类14)We call it the fut ure c on tinuou s t e ns e. It i s used for ongoin g future ac t ions.15)He is saying here that you will make sure that the medicineyou make will not be mixed with poison if you are trained as a pharmacist;that the houses you build will successfully keep out bulls if your chosen job ise ngineering; and t h at yo ur client w i l l not be sentenc ed to d eat h b e cause youa re inc om petent if you want tob e a l a wyer.16)T he s e are a ll us eful things to d o… a nd raises/bri n g s up your c hildren.17)In formal English, “may”is used to express a hope or wish.More examples:May our country be prosperous and our people happy.May peace fina l ly pr e vail.Note: suf fi ce (be s uff i cient) It is formal for hu m orous effect.18)民主的思想家. Will you be heading a family that is familiar with thegreat democratic ideas in past history?19)He means the tall student. “Pest”is often used to refer to an annoying person especially a child.20)No. H e means that he i s a i ming to m ak e m oney. T hat i s his purpos e for coming to school.21)…you’re goi n g to ha ve trouble fi n ding someth i ng t o d o when you are notspending money.22)…then you shouldn’t go to college.You have no reason to go to college.23)He is saying here that young people may become savages like the ancientpe opl e w ho lived 35,000 t o 130,000 yea rs a go although t h ey c an now pushbut t ons a nd u se machi ne s, hence, a “n ew s p ec i es”.24)Our coll e g e s are bound to prod uc e so m e stude nt s of thi s ki nd. H e i s ver ysarcastic about these people and thinks that they are not truly educated and civilized as they should be today. Therefore he uses the expression: “such life forms”. Note also that the word “graduate”is used as a transitive verb here.25)We are talking about how ideas or concepts are developed and howimportant they are in the evolution of the human species. Animals liveby instinct. Only human beings are able to formulate ideas such as love, freedom, democracy, and equality. These ideas make us different from other animals. And we get these ideas from people in the past. That is why reading is so important. Many scholars maintain that without reading we do n’t know how to think. There are, however, people who emphasize the importance of direct experience. They say that ‘Doing is also learning’. Sometimes they even go as far as to maintain that reading may prevent us from creative thinking.26)The fact that we have the faculty means that…Vocabular y1.D o t he f ollowing exercises on wor d f or mation r ules.1)The following wor ds a re adj ectives ending with the suffixes “-ent”a nd “-a nt,” and their cor responding nouns usua lly ending with “-ence”a nd “-a nce.”Decide w hich of the following should be the for mer, and which the la tter.1.di f fe r ent2.i nd ependent3.extrava g a n tpetent5.arrogant6.important7.c o nfi de nt8.fra g ra n t9.signifi c ant10.convenient 11.e vident12.i nt e ll i g ent13.re levant14.present15.urgent16.violent17.c ur re n t18.fr e qu en t19.di stantNote: The following words are nouns, not adjectives: accountant; assistant; defendant; dependant; attendant2)Guess the cor r esponding nouns of the following, paying special a ttention to their pronuncia t ion.1.qua l ifi c ati o n c l arifi c at i onunification notificationclassification identificationintensification justificationsimplif i cation c ert ifi c at i onglori f ication speci fi cat i on2.m o derniz a ti on mechani z ationrealization civilizationglobalization specializationAmericanization industrializationurbanization idealizationcentralization marketizationnationalization privatization3.permission discussionadmission professioncommission confessionremission impressionemission oppressionsubmission compressiontransmission expressionom i s s i on depre s sion3)Give der i va tive s of th e f oll o wi n g wor ds.1.se ns e: sensitive; s en sible; s en se l ess; sens i bility; ove rs ensitive; ins e ns i tive2.technique: technical; technically; technician;3.special: specially; specialty; specialize4.intellect: intellectual; intelligent; intelligence5.civil: c i vi l ize; c i vi l ization; ci v i l ized; u nc iviliz e d4)T r ans l ate the following i nt o C hi n e s e.1.Many people agree that the increased enrollment is a big accomplishment.2.The lack of availability of cer tified accountants who can meet such highqualifications is still a big problem.3.Early specialization is not wise. Students should have a wide exposure to world culturebe f ore t h ey speci a lize.4.Strong as we might be some day we must never become a r rogant. We should continueto pur sue the policy of peaceful co-existence among nations.5.It is a penetr a ting thought that a nation’s power rests essentially with its advancedciviliza tion.6.Our memory of past disastrous experiences is an extremely important spir itua lresource.2.Tr anslate the following v er b+noun c oll oc at i ons into En g li s h.1)f old one’s arms2)fold the letter3)acquire knowledge4)generate ideas5)g en e rate jobs6)gen e r ate p ow er7)g en e r at e i nte r e s t8)employ workers9)use/employ time10)rear/raise one’s children11)rear sheep12)raise one’s family13)raise one’s voice14)raise tax15)raise the question16)maintain contact17)maintain law and order18)maintain peace3.Give the synonyms and antonyms of the following.Synonyms1.re a sona bl y/r athe r/quite2.c l earl y /evi d ently3.to keep4.to raise5.to gain/obtain6.t o pr oduce7.t o pr ove8.de pa rtment (univers i ty)9.humanity10.drugstore /chemist (英)11.type/example/model/case Antonyms1.una v aila bl e2.m ode s t ly3.general4.unqualified5.uncivilized/savage6.t o unfol d7.unemployed8.incompetence9.insensitive 12.t o ent e r/join13.how eve r/but14.sharp/thoughtful15.thinker/intellectual16.to shake/tremble/shiver17.una voidably/ce rt ainly/18.t o s uppos e/presume/thi nk/guess19.t o hel p/ass i st20.strange/odd/unusual/queer21.achievement/success/victory22.special skillplete the sentences with the expressions listed below.1)to see to it; exposed to2)out for; succeed in3)a v e ra ges out4)specialize in5)stuck for6)preside over7)stuck for; see to it that8)t r ue of9)out to; see to it that10)have no business5.Fill in the blanks with the r ight wor d or expression in the br acket.1)in making; to find2)see3)out; of; of; for4)to5)by; for6)Poor as he w a s; put7)for8)in9)believed in; forcing10)physicist; sensitive6.Tr anslate the following sentences into English.1)It is wrong to raise our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse. We mustexpose them to all social problems because very soon they will be dealing with them as responsible citizens.2)As time goes on we a re inevit a bly g oing t o get more a nd m o re invol v ed in inte rna ti on alaffairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different views and interests between nations.3)We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we must neverbecome arrogant. Otherwise we will lose our friends.4)Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the information of asmall library5)That construction company is not qualified to handle the project. They do not have anylegal document to certify that they have the necessary expertise. We must find a company that specializes in building theatres.6)These think tanks do not make decisions. They are out to generate new ideas andpenetrating analyses that will be extremely useful for decision makers.7)The growth of GDP is not everything. Our country cannot be said to have been m odernizedunless the quality of our people’s lives is really improved.8)Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children, for therewas clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes, and ponds; and alot of flowers, trees and birds in the fields.9)Give absolute power to some individual or any particular group of people, and that personor group are sure to abuse that power because, just as Lord Acton says, “Po w er corrupts, and abs olute pow er c orr u pt s absol u tely.”10)Traditionally in our country school education was always said to be more important anduseful compared with all other pursuits.Gr a m mar1.. Point out how future time is expressed and what concept each futureexpression conveys.It is far more complicated to talk about the future than to talk about the present and past.Generally, future time is expressed in these ways.Future a t Presenta)) “w i ll”as in3):used to say something is expected to happen“w i ll be doing”as in 4): used to say that you are sure that something will happenbecause arrangements have been madeb)“be going to”:used2),5)to say that something will happen quite soon or to talkabout sb’s intentions or what they have decided to doc)“the present progressive”as in 10): used to talk about something that will happenbe c aus e you have p lann e d or arra n g e d itd)“the s impl e present”as in 9): us e d to say that s om et hi ng wil l de f initely happ en at aparticular time, especially because it has been officially arrangedFuture in the Pasta)) “w o uld”as in7):used to say what you intended to do or expected to happenb)“w a s/w e re going to”as in1):used to say that something was expected to happenc)“w a s/w ere t o do”a s i n 6), 8): used to t alk a bout so m ething t hat w ould ha ppe nbecause it had been planned or arranged.2.. L ea r n to use empha sizing coor dinating conjunctions.1.Point out the gr a mmatical for m each pair of the conjunctions connects.Emphasizing coordinating conjunctions connect parts of the sentence that have the same grammatical form.1)two nouns2)two adjectives3)two prepositional phrases4)two infinitive phrases5)two noun phrases6)two noun phrases7)two prepositional phrases8)two prepositional phrasesbine each pair of the sentences using the r ight emphasizing coor dinatingconjunctions.1)) The province is strong both in industry and in agriculture. /The province is notonly strong in industry, but a lso in agriculture.2)) Relief agencies say the immediate problem is not a lack of food, but transportation.3)) Generally, after working for the company for five years, young employees eitherare prom ot ed or leav e.4)) TV programs for children should not only entertain but a lso teach.5)) Obviously, these children are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but by fearof failure6)) At present, it would be neither practical nor desirable to eliminateexaminations altogether.7)) Asian Americans are playing a more active role in politics than ever before, bothat local and national level.8)) My uncle believes that in our town sightseeing is best done either by tour bus orby bicyc l e.9)) Wood floori ng not on l y cleans e as il y, but is environmental ly frie ndl y.10)) Until I read the article I knew neither where she was brought up nor (where shewas) educated.11)) I find the new manager neither easy to get along with nor delightful to talk to.12)) Contrary to what people had expected, not only did he attend the meeting, buthe a l s o s poke for t w e nt y mi nut es.3.. Fill in each blank with ONE suita ble wor d.(1)other (2) best (3) reason (4) mental (5) next(6) As (7) take (8) cool (9) thinking (10) rest4.. Tr anslate the following sentences into English.1)) The premier is leaving for New York for a UN conference tomorrow.2)) He is to meet the heads of state of several countries during his stay in New York.3)) What a re you going to do during the National Day holidays? Are you goinghome or staying on campus?4)) —What do you think school will be like in twenty years’time?— I think children will probably lear n at home with a mechanical teacher.5)) Thirty years ago, my grandparents never thought they would be able to moveinto a two-storey house with all the modern facilities.6)) What they lack is not money but experience.7)) They have come to China not only to learn Chinese, but to learn aboutChinese culture as well.8)) What children want most from their parents are not material things but loveand attention.9)) You may either write your essay in your regular exercise book or do it onyourcomputer.10)) I’m not quite sure why he didn’t show up. Either he was not interested, or hesimply forgot about it.11)) A society should respect both its scientists and its garbage collectors.12)) He i s m i s e r ly b ot h with hi s money an d wit h hi s time.5.. Identify and cor rect the mistakes. Note there is no mistake in two of the sentences.1)) I will phone you as soon as I ar r ive in Beijing.2)) We can har dly imagine what life will be like in 50 years.3)) W hat are we going to do if Edith won’t help us?(No mistake in this sentence.Here “if…w ill”is possible when will expresses“w illingness”.)4)) Please be seated,everyone.The show is a bout to begin.(Use“be about to dosth”to say that something will happen almost immediately.“Will”is not used.)5)) It is predicted that in about ten years’time,China will be able to send man to theMoon. (“T o be able to do sth”is used to say it is possible for someone or something to do something.)6)) Drop in whenever you please. You’ll a lways be welcome. (Adverbs of frequency,such as a lways, usua lly, often, sometimes, etc, usually go immediately in front of the m a in ve r b.)7)) Nei t her his pa re nts, nor his brot he r was able t o c ome to his pe r form a nce. (Th em ai n verb agrees with the noun phrase introduced by nor.)8)) Both her friends and her English teacher believe she will win the talent contest.9)) My father regards creativity both as a gift and as a skill. (Normally, the twoitems c onne cte d by emphas i z i ng coordina t ing conj unc t i ons s houl d be expr e s s e di n the same grammatical form, here, two prepositional phrases.)10)) We can either do it now or after class—it’s up to you. (No mistake. Though the twoitems “now”and“after class”aren’t the same grammatical form, this is acceptable because we can regard them as condensed from “W e can either do it now or do ita f ter class.”T he r e fore, the t w o items can alsob e d i fferent gramma t ical fo rmsserving the same grammatical function, here, both adverbials.)Unit 2Preview1.L isten to the r ecor ding of the text and fill in the blanks in the following sentences.1)racial equality2)civil rights; linger on3)husband; qui t e a g ood hu s band/very conside r ate; li beral; ra c ia l4)considered; unprepared5)give his wife; had admitted6)found out; pressing7)look; argued about such serious matters8)perfectly nor m al; to l erate9)are different culturally10)culturally and socially; racial segregation11)white; married; a perfect stranger2.R ead the text for better comprehension and answer the questions.1)“pi tch in”me a ns“t o joi n w i th other people in doing a j ob”.In the ex pre ssion“to pit c h abaseball”,the word“pitch”means“to throw”.“to pitch a tent”means“to put up a tent 支帐篷.“pitch dark”means“as dark as pitch”漆黑—pitch means沥青“housew o rk”means the work you do to keep your house clean and tidy; “homew o rk”means the work a teacher gives to a student to do out of class.2)Af t er th i nki n g of a l l as p ects of t he mat t er c a r e ful l y.We can assume that he would have considered the difficulties and problems he believed it would bring to his life if he married a black wife.3)He knew there would be an and that it was wiser for him just to keephis mouth shut. This shows that they have had previous serious disagreements. This was not the fi r st t ime.It shows that the man has seldom taken his wife seriously.4)“you coming along…and implying…”is the complex object of“need”.If he weren’t a racist, he would not say no, since his wife is exactly the same person except for her skin color.5)No. It is clear that the wife is using an ironical tone.No. The man is using a common excuse of white racists who try to justify their prejudice based on different skin color by using a seemingly more neutral and respectable term “cultural differences”.6)To show that he found the situation very annoying.Normally it means “w hat I say is absolutely true”, but here he means “I t is true not because I am saying it. I have statistics to prove this.”7)She said it contemptuously.She was getting angry.8)Because his wife keeps mimicking him, showing that she thinks what he said was ridiculous and hypocritical.现代大学英语精读2第二版答案9)Like“Oh boy’or“M y God”,it is to show his Anger,as if saying“Don’t start on that again.I’m fed up.”10)Still unmarried.11)His wif e remaine d an g ry.12)to recognize sth as a result of knowledge, Experience or evidence.” 看得出来She saw clearly that her husband hesitated before he answered the question, and he hesitated because he was trying to get out of this embarrassing situation.13)She wanted him to give her his true answer.14)I t s ho w s hi s rel uc ta n ce t o give t his answer.15)Her indifference implies contempt. It would naturally hurt her husband.16)“t o be at it”here means doing something else that follows from doing the primary thing. (While he was doing the dishes, doing housework stuff, and he couldn’t think of anything else to do, he would mop the floor)No, h e w a s embarras s ed and angry too. He c on t inued t he hous ew ork to c ov er up hi s a nger and show his indifference in return.17)He is ashamed of being made to lose his temper. He thinks it was foolish of him to takehis wife so seriously. He obviously does not view his wife as his intellectual equal.18)He is going to change his answer.No, he just wants to humor his w i fe, a nd h e does not t hink the issue t hat im porta nt an yw ay.19)He was hoping that now that he had said he would marry her even if she were black, shewould forgive him. When his wife asked him to turn off the light, he expected her to join him. So he said “All right”meaning“I’v e turned off the light as you asked me to. Come on.”20)It s ho w s that thi s w as not the fi r st t ime since t hey had married that he ha d fel t his w i fewas a stranger to him.Vocabular y1.Do the following exercises on wor d for ma tion r ules.1)Id e nt i fy s uf fixes through com pa r i ng th e fol l owing wor ds.(1)Suffix“–w a re”,meaning objects made of a particular material(2)Suffix“–ics”,meaning the science or art of.(3)Suffixes“–c”and“–ical”,meaning of,characteristic of,or belonging to.2)Tur n the following into their opposite by adding“in-”or“u n-”1.unjust2.injustice3.unequal4.inequality5.unable6.inability7.invisible8.uncountable9.unavoidable10.unbelievable11.invaluable12.i n signif i cant13.inseparable14.unbalanced15.uncomfortable16.uncommon17.i nfo rm a l18.unconditional19.inedible20.uneatable21.unconscious22.unaware23.inaudible24.unavailable25.inefficient26.unfair27.unfamiliar28.unfriendly29.indirect30.unfortunate31.ungrateful32.i nc on s i de rate33.unhappy34.unimportant35.incompetent36.unlucky37.unlim i t ed38.incomplete39.incapable40.unnecessary41.unreasonable42.inappropriate43.unpleasant44.unofficial45.unpopular46.inadequate3)Give der iva tives of the following wor ds.(1)economy: economist; economic; economical; economically; economize(2)critical: critic; critically; criticize ; criticism(3)consider: considerate, inconsiderate, considerable, considerably,consideration, considering2.Tr anslate the following collocations into English.1)do/w ash the dishes2)pinch one’s brows together3)repeat one’s words4)press o n e’s lips ti g ht5) squeeze fruits6)rinse clothes7)spray cool water8)take a reasonable tone9)t a ke a deep bre a th10)win a victory11)win the argument12)demonstrate one’s indifference13)hurt sb’s feelings14)wipe t he counte rs15)mop the floor.16)call sb’s name.1.Give antonyms of the following wor ds.1)dislike/hate;2)unl i ke3)inconsiderate4)small/insignificant/average5)deep/profound6)unreasonable7)wise/s mar t/c l ever/br ight8)untrue/false9)unsteady/unstable/shaky10)heavy/w eighty11)dark/dim12)loosen13)incompetence14)keen/interested/enthusiastic/sympathetic15)material/phy s ical16)implicit/implied/general4.R ewr ite the sentences, replacing the phr a ses in bold type with the appropr ia teexpressions in their proper for ms.1)It’s okay with me;you might as well2)You can take my word for it; break up.3)came up with the same idea4)come to my aid5)for our children’s sake6)acted out of concern for my health7)All things considered8)he’s at it;for our part9)pitch in现代大学英语精读2第二版答案10)He wished to make it up to him.5.Fi l l in t he bl an ks w i th p r op e r p r eposi t ion s or ad ve r b s.1)into; up.2)at; in.3)out of; for; to4)up; for; of5)about; out with6)about; onto7)with; with; to; into; out; with8)up; to; at9)on; up6.Tr anslate the following into English.1)You know what? All things considered, i t’s not a bad idea to be a teacher. As a matter of fact, I think it is an excellent idea.2)I d o n’t like it when you take a sarcastic tone the way you just did. You seem to be implying all the time that I am a good for nothing.3)It is really considerate of my father to leave the final decision to me. I must say I am very lucky. Not many people have such a terrific father.4)You said you do not want any money. You may not want money, but you do need money. I don’t see w ha t’s wrong with students e a rnin g s om e money duri ngtheir spare time.5)Somehow this tune sounds very familiar, but I can’t recall what it is. In any case it is a Russian folk song.6)Besides the usual weekend housework, I also have a whole pile of homework to do t om orrow. I t’s really terri bl e.7)To de m onst ra te ou r unhappiness ove r the r ec e nt dis put e, w e put off our Foreign Minister’s visit indefinitely.8)It’s getting dark. The next town is still two hours drive away. We might as well camp in the forest, pitch a tent, build a fire, and have a good sleep before wecontinue our journey tomorrow.9)I am really shocked to hear people say they do not consider cheating at exams shameful. I s n’t that the most shameful thing that we should be incapable offeeling ashamed?Gr a mma r1.. L ea r n to use“the way”w i th rela tive clauses.1.Point out the function of the noun phr a se in the following sentences.1)adverbial modifier (状语)2)predicative (表语)3)object of the verb like (宾语) 4)object of in (介词宾语)5)subject (主语)bine each pair of the sentences using, “the way +rela tive clause”a s shown in the example.1)) B i l l’s f r iends w er e impr es sed by the wa y he f aced his i n curabledisease.2)) The way the stranger looked at me made me uncomfortable.3)) The way the man used a screwdriver showed that he couldn’tbe a carpenter.4)) Watch your tea c he r’s lips care fu lly a nd say t he word the ways h e does.5)) I agree with what he said,but I can’t tolerate the way he said it.6)) People are anxiously watching the way things will work outin their country.7)) The way the di s put e be tween labor and manage m ent wass ettle d surprised the public.8)) The way the policeman discussed the case with thecriminals’ parents convinced them that they should cooperate.9)) From the way he walked, I could tell that something waswrong w i th h i s l eg.Or. The way he walked showed that something was wrong with his leg.10)) The way they talked to her made her suspect that theywere keeping something from her.2.. R ewr ite the sentences using the “w ith + noun +preposition phr ase /par ticiple /adjective”constr uction.1)P rof essor L i u walked i n to t he classroom w i th a few books underhis arm.2)The old man was dozing off in an armchair with a magazine on hislap.3)Under the bridge, the police found a man lying dead, with a knifein his c hest.4)He walked out of his boss’s office with his head held high.5)When a guest arrived, the hostess greeted him/her politely, with asmile on her face.6)In September, the school came to life again, with children playingand running on the playground.7)With the Moon Festival only a month away, shops are promotingtheir moon cakes.8)W i th t hei r children gow n up and gone, the old c oupl e s om e timesfeel lonely.9)With all the packing finished, the family could now sit down andhave some tea.10)With a big bag on her shoulder, the old woman moved slowly inthe s now.3.. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable wor d.(1) u sed (2) fri e ndly (3) b oth (4) sorr y (5) remind(6) mean(7) depends(8) shocked(9) phone(10) arm4.. T r a ns l a te the s entence s us i ng“the wa y+r el a tive cla use”or“w i th+ noun + complement”phr a se.1)That was the way people lived their lives in my day.2)Mrs. Jones loved her students the way she loves her own children.3)The farmer’s wife doesn’t like the way some young people treatthe i r parents.4)With Big Yao on the team,I’m sure they’ll beat their rivals.5)The man was sitting in his armchair, with his face buried in hishands.6)With the TV on, he found it hard to concentrate on his homework.7)The w ay pe o ple he lped him d urin g his journey wh e n he had nomoney convinced the writer that people can still depend onstrangers.8)With the price of cabbages soaring, they decided to increaseimports from other countries9)The w ay these young people o r ga ni zed ca mpus activit i es s ho we dtheir leadership qualities10)He stood with his arms stretched out as a customs officer searchedhim with a portable scanner.5.. Identify and cor rect the mistakes. Note there is no mistake intwo of the sentences.1)) Neither his parents nor his teacher believes that the boy lied.2)) I don’t think the husband in the story is racist./In myopinion, the husband in the story isn’t a racist.17。

目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 7一、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 9一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 10一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 11一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 12一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 13一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 14一、练习答案Unit 15一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 16一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语Text Adisaster [di5zB:stE] n.灾难,灾祸;不幸【例句】These difficulties are caused by natural disasters. 这些困难都是由自然灾害造成的。
semester [si5mestE] n.学期;半年【例句】His writing has improved greatly in this semester. 这学期他的写作有了很大进步。
【助记】seme(看作semi半)+s+ ter(看作terra学期)→半学期beanpole [5bi:npEul] n.(插在地上供豆茎攀缘的)支竿,瘦长之人【例句】Li Ling’s elder sister is short and overweight while her younger sister is a beanpole.李玲的姐姐是个矮胖墩儿,可她妹妹却是个细高个儿。

参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets 1. differ 2. differently, different 3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases and expressions.4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

Key to exercisesUnit 1Preview1.Listen to the recording of the text and thenfill in the blanks in the followingsentences.1.aim/purpose; training;practical/professional skills; technicaltraining; universitiesplays;2.graduate school; Shakespeare’sbe a pharmacist3.making a living; keep himself; hisfamily; expose; ideas4.waking; average; a living; all about5.in danger; mechanized savages;push-button Neanderthals6.have left us; peculiaraccomplishments; species7.center; storehouse8.sarcastic; humorous2.Read the text for better comprehensionand answer the questions, paying special attention to the parts in bold type.1)It means annoying experiences, toughproblems or failures.2)They must have finished their graduatestudies with an advanced degree like aPhD.3)It simply means “one of the students”. The word “body” here means the whole group of students. Because the student is thin and tall. It is meant to be humorous rather than insulting.4) He teaches English literature.5)By using the word “stuff”, he shows hisdislike for the course very clearly. Hedoesn’t like the course because he thinksit is useless for his planned career.6)We can assume that he does not think it necessary to waste money on the books since he intends to drop the course.7)The latter. It is a humorous way of referring to a certain type of people.8) He is talking about the PharmacySchool. He is being sarcastic when hecalls it “a Drugstore Mechanics School” It means “技工”.9) He is talking about the diploma for university or college graduates.He has in mind people like what the student wants to be: pharmacists.10) It means “having been introduced to the ideas developed or produced throughout history.11) It refers to his effort to convince the student.here is an intransitive verb 12) “Hold” meaning “remain true”. It is often used asa set phrase “hold true”.13) It means “things o f the same kind”.诸如此类14) We call it the future continuous tense.It is used for ongoing future actions.15) He is saying here that you will makesure that the medicineyou make will not be mixed with poison ifyou are trained as a pharmacist;that the houses you build will successfullykeep out bulls if your chosen job is engineering; and that your client will notbe sentenced to death because you are incompetent if you want to be a lawyer.16) These are all useful things to do… and raises/brings up your children.is used to17) In formal English, “may” express a hope or wish.More examples:May our country be prosperous and our people happy.May peace finally prevail.Note: suffice (be sufficient) It is formal for humorous effect.18) 民主的思想家. Will you be heading a family that is familiar with the great democratic ideas in past history?is 19) He means the tall student. “Pest” often used to refer to an annoying person especially a child.20) No. He means that he is aiming to make money. That is his purpose for comingto school.21) …you’re going to have troublefinding something to do when you arenot spending money.t go to college. 22) … then you shouldn’You have no reason to go to college.23) He is saying here that young people。

参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets 1. differ 2. differently, different 3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases and expressions.4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets 1. differ 2. differently, different 3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。
It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。
现代大学英语精读第二版-课后练习答案 - 副本

参考答案(Unit 1—8)4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。
It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。
He loves to show off his wealth, but this is all in vain. People still avoid him as though he were poison.5. 他不久就爱上了这个村子。
He soon fell in love with the village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together with other villagers.6. 我们必须花更多的钱来和全球气温上升作斗争。

杨立民现代大学英语精读2课后答案!杨立民现代大学英语精读2课后答案!杨立民现代大学琴语精读2课后答案一:Unitl 一、词汇短语TextA disaster[diza:ste]n.灾难,灾祸;不幸【例句】These difficulties are caused by natural disasters.这些困难都是由自然灾害造成的。
【助记】dis (不,没有)+aster (星星)一星星消失了,难道预示着灾难的来临?谐音“点扎死他”,灾难。
semester[simeste]n.学期;半年【彳列句】His writing has improved greatly in this semester.这学期他的写作有了很大进步。
【助记】seme (看作semi半)+s+ter (看作terra学期)—半学期beanpoletbimpeujn.(插在地上供豆茎攀缘的)支竿,瘦长之人【例句】LiLing's elder sister is short and overweight while her younger sister is a beanpole.李玲的姐姐是个矮胖墩儿,可她妹妹却是个细高个儿。
hip[hip]n.臀部,髓;屋脊;蔷薇果;忧有郁adj.熟悉内情的;非常时尚的【例句】He stood there with his hands on his hips.他双手叉腰站在那里。
specimen[spesimen]n.范例;样品,样本,标本【例句】He collects specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals.他采集各种岩石和矿物的标【助记】spec-看+men男人,人,(医院)常有供人看的人的样品。
drugstoretdrAg^toJn.(美国兼售化妆品、家居用品、饮料、小吃等的)药店,药房【例句】I will bring stuff from the drugstore for your hands. 我到药房去给你的手弄点药来。

参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ2. differently, different3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。
It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。

现代大学英语精读(第二版)第二册课后练习答案参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ2. differently, different3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。
It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to manyserious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。

现代大学英语精读第二版第二册课后练习答案参考答案(Units1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ2. differently, different3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases and expressions.4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

Key to ExerciseVocabulary3 Give the word that refers to a person coming from that land or area 答案:1. Japanese2. Italian3. Brazilian4. Iranian5. Cantonese6. Indonesian7. Cuban8. Vietnamese9. Lebanese10. Syrian11. Canadian12. Korean13. Egyptian14. Portuguese15. Indian16. Nepalese17. Chilean18. Russian19. Mexican20. Romanian21. Sudanese22 Mongolian4 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word “addict” or “consider”答案:1 addicts 2 addictive, addicted 3 addiction4 consider, consideration5 considerate6 Considerable, considered2 Complete the following verb noun collections or expressions答案:1. pitch2. meal, dish, food3. guests, friends4. take, plan6. faith, library books, friendship7. hitch8. drive, travel, cover9. people10. people, animals11. test, develop, prove12. conquer, feel13. make, take, accept14 nip15 touch, break3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets. 答案:1. that all nations realize that global warming is everybody’s bushiness2. that life is always full of opportunities and challenges/risks3. that all this has proved that our efforts have not been in vain4. that the earth moves round the sun5. that she had been admitted to that university6. that wives ought to stay at home7. that the best policy is to tell people the truth8. that he mentioned the other day that9. that our teacher once said that he had noticed that some students still had difficulties with their grammar.5 Fill in the brackets with the correct prepositions or adverbs答案:1 for2 into3 after4 away, over5 out of6 out, into 7. to, in 8 over, out for, for 9 to, about, on, across6. Translate the following sentences into English答案:1. The fuel/gas ran out, but he managed to make a safe landing in rice fields.2. There are already quite a few students who are considering running for the chairman of the Students’ Union.3. That student who was run over by the horse carriage is now out of danger. I consider him really lucky.4. It is said that this well has never run dry in the past hundreds of years, and this has been considered a miracle.5. We are running short of hands. You have just come in the right time.6. I’d rather have som e of our public works run by the state than by private businessmen.7. She warned me not to make friends with those who are always running after name and money.8. We warned them that what they did was against/a violation of the agreement/contract, and we would take legal action.7. Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) in the brackets. More than one word may be correct.答案:1 remember/memorize2 remember/recall3 remember/recall4 remember, special5 middle6 center7 however, visits8 special, trip 9 particular, tour 10 found, found outGrammar2 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets, using a what-clause.答案:1. What farmers what most2. what they suggested3. what my parents said to me4. what they were trying to do5. what life was all about6. what they should get out of college7. what we need8. what you look like9. what the village had achieved in the past 30 years10. what the federal government should not do at the moment3 Translate the sentences using a what-clause or a present participle phrase答案:1. Do what you like without caring about what other people think.2. We should find out what the students think about the matter.3. We’ll do what we can to help the earthquake victims.4. I hope what I have written will be of help to other college students.5. Being journalism majors, we ought to keep ourselves informed of whatis happening around the world.6. “Stop thief!” a student called, raising his voice.7. Having nothing more interesting to do, the boy decided to take his alarm clock apart.8. Wang Lan opened the wardrobe, wondering what she should wear to the interview the next day.9. The village head went from door to door telling people to leave for a nearby hill.10. Realizing he’d been deceived, the old man reported the painful experience to the police.4. Fill in each blank of the passage with one suitable word.答案:1 easy2 away3 them4 running5 However6 change7 exercise8 can9 anyone 10 that5 Identify and correct the mistake(s) in each of the sentence.答案:1. Shortly after the Spring Festival, he returned to Beijing to prepare for a job interview.2. I don’t like the way some young people speak to their elders/pe ople older than themselves.3. it was in high school that Tommy first/ for the first time realizedhe was different from his peers.4. Turning the corner of the street, we found a new duck restaurant there. / As we turned the corner of the street, a new duck restaurant came into view.5. What they need most at the moment is encouragement, not merely financial support.6. Making a presentation in English for the first time, I was so nervous that my knees kept shaking. / When I was making a presentation inEnglish fore the first time, I was so nervous that my knees kept shaking.7. Being a spoiled child, Jim is rarely popular with other children.8. While training for the school sports meet, Linda ran at least five kilometers every day.9. He wrote to inform us that he was leaving for Australia next month.10. Knowing Grandma had heart trouble, Dad broke the bad news gently. / As he knew Grandma had heart trouble, Dad broke the bad news gently.Unit 9Key to ExerciseVocabulary6 Translate the following sentences into English答案:1. At first, he was very successful in his business, but then his success turned his head. His partners advised him to be more modest, but he turned a deaf ear to their advice.2. Jingke was very confident/sure that when he unfolded the map he would be able to kill the Emperor of Qin with the sharp knife/dagger hidden in it.3. We ought to welcome more and more wealthy people, but our law must make sure that they have made their fortune in honest ways.4. For years our school has produced many good students, most of whom have important positions in various departments.5. Due to cultural differences many foreigners are turned off at the sight of dog meat or cat meat.6. Whenever you have time, turn it over in your mind, will you?7. She used to consider philosophy dull and boring, but later she found that it turned out to be very interesting.8. His father had just turned fifty, and his hair has turned gray, but otherwise, he is quite all right.9. The power of government officials must be checked and balanced. Otherwise those who are supposed to be people’s servants will turn into people’s masters.10. He believed that it was worth trying because he knew that whatever you do, you must have people’s support.Grammar1 Translate the Chinese答案:1. no matter what / whatever happens2. no matter how old/young they are, whatever their age (is)3. No matter what/ Whatever you say4. no matter how much it costs5. No matter where/ Wherever his business took him6. No matter how / However we tried to reassure her7. no matter where/ wherever you are in the world8. no matter how/ however difficult your workmates/ colleagues are9. no matter how/ however difficult that is10. no matter what /whatever will happen to them2 Complete the response to each of the remarks using the wish that-clause pattern as shown in the examples.答案1. I had realized this2. I could help3. I had a brother4. I had his courage5. We could do more than we did6. I lived7. I had better news8. we could be9. she had listened to 10. I had been taught3 Translate the following sentences, using a conditional clause …答案1. Wherever he goes, he is recognized.2. No matter how hard I try, I can’t persuade him to play the part of Hamlet.3. No matter what you have planned for the future, your parents will support you.4. The boy hates crime and means to stop it whenever he can.5. No matter what you decide in the end, this digital dictionary is yours to keep for a semester.6. No matter how capable and efficient you are, you cannot finish the task on your own in three days.7. A well-known philosopher once said, ‘ I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep whenever I cannot keep awake. I am in good health.’8.I wish I could go and see my parents whenever I want.9. I wish I could express openly whatever I feel.10. I’ll do whatever I can to restore law and order in the region. ButI wish the riot had never happened.4 Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.答案:1. since2. has3. popular4. idea/ practice5. relationships6. ways7. tradition8. among/ with9. longer 10. text5 Identify and correct the mistakes in each of the sentences答案:1. This free copy is yours no matter whether/ if you buy any of our books. / This free copy is yours whether you buy any of our books or not.2. Wherever the people want us to go, we’d go there.3. In some ways we whish we could turn the clock back.4. On parting, the three of them decided to meet again at the same place in ten years.5. I wish my parents were as understanding as yours.6. The hotel treats its guests equally, no matter where they are from.7. His family and friends are all worried about him, for they haven’t heard from him for six weeks. / As his f amily and friends haven’t heard from him for six weeks, they are all worried about him.8. All these years, I have kept track of the progress of the project.9. Toward 10 pm, the man in the doorway became anxious; he was not sure whether his friend would come. / Toward 10 pm, the man in the doorway became anxious, for he was not sure whether his friend would come.10. I wish the earthquake had never happened.Unit 10Key to exerciseVocabulary2 Complete the following verb noun collocations or expressions答案:1. have / get / show / produce/ achieve the results2. have / take / accept / show / bear / assume responsibility3. discuss / debate / raise/ settle/ confuse / avoid issues4. pursue / have / develop hobbies5. have / make / lose / avoid contact6. save face / lives / time / money/ trouble7. remove roots / chairs/ hats / gloves / shoes / bandages / make-up/ doubts8. cultivate land / field / roses/9. eliminate enemies / rivals / opponents / suspects / errors10. produce oil / cars / cotton / results / a movie11. lack care / time / money / experience / patience / courage12. bury the dead / treasure / past / head13 nourish the plants / children / animals / relationship14. arrange meeting / appointments / time / place / flowers / business affairs6. Translate the following sentences into English答案:1. 如果他们拒绝归还小岛,他们两国的关系就不能完全正常化。
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1.You know what? All things considered,it's not a bad idea to be a teacher.As a matter of fact, I think it is an excellent idea.
1.You know it when you considered,it's not a bad idea to you 2.I don‘t likewhat? All thingstake sarcastic tone the way be a just did. teacher.As a implying all think it is that i am good-for -nothing. You seem to bematter of fact, Ithe time an excellent idea. 2.I don‘t like it when you take sarcastic tone the way you just did.You 3.It is seem toconsiderate the my father to leave -nothing. decision really be implying all of time that i am good-for the final 3.It to really.I must say Imy father tolucky. Not many people .I is me considerate of am very leave the final decision to me must say I am very lucky. Not many people have such a terriffic have such a terrific father . father. 4. You said don’t want any money .You may not want money ,but you 4. You said don’t want any what’s wrong with students earning do need money. I don’t see money .You may not want money , some money during their spare time. but you do need money .I don’t see what’s wrong with 5.Somehow this tune sounds very familiar, but I can’t recall what time. students earning some money during their spare it is. In any case , it is a Russian folk song.