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Create table exer_class(
CNO number(2) primary key,
CNAME varchar2(20),
NUM number(3)
Create table exer_student(
SNO number(4) primary key,
SNAME varchar2(10) unique,
SAGE number,
SEX char(2),
CNO number(2)
Alter table exer_student add constraint ck_sage check (sage>0 and sage<=100);
Alter table exer_student add constraint ck_stu check
(sex='M' or sex='F') modify sex default 'M';
Create unique index ind_cname on exer_class(cname);
Create view stu_class_view (e_sno,e_sname,e_cno,e_cname) AS
select sno,sname,cno,cname
From exer_student;
Create sequence exer_student_seq
start with 100000001
Create table exer_student_range
sno number(4) primary key,
sname varchar2(10),sage number,
sex char(2),cno number(2)
partition by range(sage)
partition part1 values less than(20) tablespace example,
partition part2 values less than(30) tablespace orcltbs1,
partition part3 values less than(maxvalue) tablespace orcltbs2
Create table exer_student_list
sno number(4) primary key,
sname varchar2(10),
sage number,
sex char(2),
cno number(2)
partition by list(sex)
partition man values('M') tablespace orcltbs1,
partition woman values('F') tablespace orcltbs2
(10)题目修改为“为exer_student_range表的SAGE列上创建本地分区索引。”Create index exer_student_range_local ON exer_student_range(sage) Local;
P106 实训题
SQL>create user bs identified by bs default tablespace users;
SQL>grant resource,connect,create view to bs;
Create table book(
no number(10) primary key,
title varchar2(40) not null,
author varchar2(16) not null,
publish varchar2(20),
pub_date date,
price number(4)
tablespace users;
Create table reader(
rno number(10) primary key,
rname varchar2(10) not null
tablespace users;
Create table borrow(
no number(10) primary key,
rno number(10) references reader(rno),
borrow_date date
tablespace users;
Insert into book values (100001,'Oracle 9i 数据库系统管理','李代平','冶金工业出版社',to_date('2003-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),38);
... ...
Insert into book values (100006,'Oracle 8 实用教程','翁正科等','电子工业出版社',to_date('2003-07-08','yyyy-mm-dd'),38);
Insert into reader values (200001,'张三');
... ...
Insert into reader values (200005,'刘英');
Insert into borrow values (100001,200001,to_date('2004-08-10..10:06:14','yyyy-mm-dd..hh24:mi:ss'));
... ...
Insert into borrow values (100005,200005,to_date('2004-08-10..10:06:58','yyyy-mm-dd..hh24:mi:ss'));
(3)Insert into book values(100007,'Java网络编程','李程等','电子工业出版社',to_date('2000-08-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),35);