测量电缆 接线盒
· 测量电缆OMK 用于接线盒和变送器之间的延长电缆,长度没有限制; 按“米”销售-订货号:50004124
·VS接线盒 带插拔式插座和7针插头 用于延长从探头到变送器的连接电缆,IP65防护等级 订货号:50001054
·测量结果: - 探头给出一个与介质中氧浓度相关的信号。 -流体温度和空气压力影响已考虑在探头测量内。
光学信号可以连续测量,可靠地分析 当有故障发生时,会在变送器中发出出错信息
自动监测探头老化,一段时期后变送器会显示一个预先维护的报警信息,到期未维护会产 生一个出错信息。
另外,通过Liquisys M COM2x3 仪表的探头自检测系统,会将下列测量 故障也显示出来: ·测量结果不可信地过高或过低 ·因不正常测量而造成的明显干扰
·污水处理厂 活性污泥池中氧的测量和调节,以便在生物降解过程中
·水文监测 测量河流、湖泊、海洋中的含氧量,从而指示水的质量
·水处理 氧气测量,对饮用水的状态检测(富氧量/腐蚀预防等)
·渔场 氧气的测量和调节以便维持最佳的生存和生长环境
·光电技术 -维护率低 -可靠性高
·与带COM2x3W 兼容,替代目前使用良好的COS31 探头 -光电技术能方便地改变测量点
图1:测量系统 1 浸入式支架CYA611 2 VS接线盒(备选) 3 Liquisys M COM253 变送器 4 测量电缆,备选扩展电缆 5 探头电缆 6 溶解氧探头 COS61
WITT OXYBABY Med 氧气分析仪说明书
222O X Y 3 U S A - Q 02/3F s u b j e c t t o c h a n geCordless hand held analyser for checking medical gases.OXYBABY ® Med from WITT is the ideal instrument for portable, faster and accurate tests at gases before application in hospitals - for protection of patients.After connect on the OXYBABY ® Med at outlet point the measuring starts and the result is shown in the illuminated display.Not only kind of gas but also concentration and pressure are checked.Design and material of OXYBABY ® Med are hygienic optimised.Easy operation by intuitive operational concept.Logging of the last 500 measurements for documentation and export.For various connections an optional set of adapter is available.Bene fi ts●integrated data log of the last 500 measurements●product administration up to 25 users, 100applications and 50 allocations●increased memory capacity and simpli fi ed data ex-port of measurement results by microSD card ●cordless operation using rechargeable batteries ●data transfer and charge of batteries via USB port ●sample fl ow control with warning ●upgraded simple one-hand operation ●easy to clean●large illuminated graphic display ●multilingual menu guide: see overleaf ●long lifetime of O 2 sensor(approx. 2 years, depending on use)●low maintenance costsComplete in carrying case●charging device, microSD card●OBCC software (demo version) for downloading ●case dimensions (HxWxD):approx. 12.79 x 15.16 x 4.53 inches,case weight: approx. 3.75 lbOptions ●data cable●set of adapter for various connections ●Bluetooth (e.g. for separate printer)Please note our variety of accessories on the following pages!►Videofurther information onSet of adapter Order-No.according to DIN 956980100according to AFNOR 956980200according to UNI 956980300according to BS956980400OBCC So ware for gas analyzer OXYBABY® / PAC C 2 U S A - A 02/3F s u b j e c t t o c h a n g eSystem requirements Operating system WINDOWS ® 7 or aboveHardware1 free USB interface, graphic resolution min. 1024 x 768 PixelWindows-Software for OXYBABY ® 6.0, OXYBABY ® P 6.0,OXYBABY ® Med and PA 7.0.OBCC is the ideal complement for your WITT-Gas analyzer - with modern surface, clearly structured and conveniently operable.The application o ff ers rapid graphical analysis of measured values. Simplify a system comprehensive data management and o ff ers an uncomplicated export function for thecomplete digital storage.Bene fi ts●modern, clearly structured user interface ●intuitive operation●simple set up and administration of master data (products, user, packaging lines)●quality control by means of data recording and storing with date and time ●the graphical presentation of measured values o ff ers a fast overview ●knowledge by data analysis tool with fi lter options●completely digital documentation by simple CSV export function●1 click generate PDF report for assurance of proof (in addition to the CSV export)●time-saving by convenient data management and easy transfer of master data to new devices●available menu languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Finnish, Swedish,Turkish, Romanian, Hungarian30-day trial version with full function for download on 。
西门子OXYMAT 6 型氧气分析仪
• 用于维护和服务信息的 SIPROM GA 网络 ( 可选 )
• 电气部分和物理特性:气密隔离,可以吹扫, IP65,即使在恶 劣的环境中也可有很长的使用寿命
• 带加热型 ( 可选 ),也可在低温下有冷凝气体的情况下使用
• 防爆等级 EEx(p),用于 1 区和 2 区,符合 ATEX 2G 和 ATEX 3G
现场式 • 2 扇门式机箱,分析仪的分析部分和电子部分做到气密隔离 • 左,右机箱可分别吹扫 • 分析部分及其管线可最高加热到 130 °C ( 可选 ) • 气路和管线接头材质为不锈钢 ( 型号:1.4571) 或钽 • 吹扫气连接:管径为 10 mm 或 3/8" • 样气输入和输出处及参比气的气连接:用于管径为 6mm 或 1/4"
50 ~ 300 kPa 绝压
50 ~ 150 kPa 绝压 50 ~ 130 kPa 绝压 18 ~ 60 l/h (0.3 ~ 1 l/min) 0 ~ 50 °C < 90% 相对湿度 比样气压力高 200 ~ 400 kPa,最 高可达 500 kPa
环境温度下,< 30 分钟 ( 两小时以 后达到最高精度 ) 1.5~3.5 s ( 与机型有关 ) 0 ~ 100 s,可编程 大约 0.5 ~ 2.5 s ( 与机型有关 )
由于在测量地点存在振动并可能因此产生测量误差 ( 噪音 )。所以 可额外增加一个传感器 (10) 来作为振动传感器。该传感器中不通 过气体,其信号可用来对测量结果进行补偿。
如果样气密度和参比气密度偏差超过参比气密度的 50%,则用于 补偿的微流量传感器 (10) 也必须象用于测量的微流量传感器 (4) 一样通入参比气。
西门子 热导气体分析仪 说明书
■ 应用
• • • • •
• • • • •
纯气体监测 (Ar 中 0~1% 的 H2) 保护气监测 (N2 中 0~2% 的 He) 氢气监测 (Ar 中 0~25% 的 H2) 合成气体检测 (N2 中 0~25% 的 H2) 气体生产 - N2 中 0~2% 的 He - O2 中 0~10% 的 Ar 化工应用: - NH3 中 0~2% H2 - N2 中 50~70% H2 木材气化 (CO/CO2/CH4 中 0~30% H2) 高炉气体 (CO/CO2/CH4/N2 中 0~5% H2) 酸性转炉气 (CO/CO2 中含有 0~20% H2) 氢气制冷发电机的监测设备: - 空气中 0~100% CO2/Ar - CO2/Ar 中 0~100% H2 - 空气中 80~100% H2 有可用于潜在爆炸危险区域中 (1 区和 2 区)分析可燃和不可 燃气体水蒸汽的防爆机型
概述 General
■ 介绍
CALOMAT 6 型热导率气体分析仪主要用于二元气体或准二元气 体混合物中氢气或氦气的定量分析。 如果其它气体的热导率同体系中残余气体 (如 Ar, CO2, CH4, NH3)的热导率差别显著的话,CALOMAT 6 型热导气体分析仪也 可用于测定样品中这些气体的浓度。
了解样气组成对确定残余气体中存在的干扰气体对测量的影响是 非常必要的。 下表给出了 10% 残余气体 (干扰气体)对测量零点的影响 (以 % H2 计)
部件 Ar 图 5 CALOMAT 6,工作原理图 CH4 C2H6 (非线性响应) C3H8 CO CO2 He NH3 (非线性响应) O2 SF6 SO2 Air (干) 零点校正 -1.28% +1.59% -0.06% -0.80% -0.11% -1.07% +6.51% +0.71% -0.18% -2.47% -1.34% +0.25%
1 红外线源,可调
8 参比气室
2 光学过滤器
9 样气出口
3 光束分离器(气体过滤器) 10 检测器,左
4 旋转电流驱动器
11 检测器,右
5 斩光器
12 微流量传感器
6 样气入口
13 光耦合器
7 样气室
14 滑动触头,可调
该补偿回路以减小因样气和参比气密度相差太大 时产生的振动偏差
• 内部压力传感器校正样气压力在 500~2000hPa 绝压范围内的波动
• 使用硬管气路时,可连接外部压力传感器来校正 工艺气在高达 3000hPa 绝压范围内的压力波动
• 参比气接入压力为 3000-4000 hPa 时进行参比气 压力监测(可选)
OXYMAT 通道状态行 (显示分析仪状态, 可编程)
退出键 显示帮助信息
图1 ULTRAMAT/OXYMAT 6,控制面板及其图形显示
ULTRAMAT/OXYMAT 6 气体分析仪的 ULTRAMAT 通道采用交替红外双光束原理并使用双层检测气室和 光耦合器来测量气体。
测量原理基于分子特定的红外光吸收波段。对于不同 气体,虽然其吸收波长各不相同,但也可能有部分重 叠。这导致产生交叉干扰。ULTRAMAT 6 通道采用 以下措施来最大限度的降低这种交叉干扰:
• 滤波气室(分光器) • 带有光耦合器的双层检测气室 • 必要时可使用滤光片
ZJTYJK-SOP-27 OXYMAT 61型氧分析仪操作规程
OXYMAT 61型气体分析仪是根据氧的顺磁压力变化原理来工作的
ULTRAMAT 23型红外气体分析仪
可选 O2 传感器,在拆下前面机盖 之后,可以从前面移动
用于测量,泵的开/关和自动标定的 3 个功能键
ULTRAMAT 23 红外气体分析仪
气路 气路图的注释 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 样气/标准气入口 气体出口 自动标定气/零气入口或样气/标准气入口(通道 2) 气体出口(通道 2) 外壳吹扫 大气压力传感器 入口/斩波器间隔的吹扫] 带过滤器的凝液罐 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 限流器 电磁阀 样气泵 压力开关 流量计 红外测量气室 安全凝液罐 氧气测量单元
ULTRAMAT 23 红外气体分析仪
接液部分的制作 气路 带软管 凝液罐/气体入口 凝液罐 气嘴6mm 气嘴¼" 软管 压力开关 流量计 弯头/T形接口 内部泵 电磁阀 安全贮液器 样品处理单元 处理单元体 处理单元衬里 管 窗 粘合剂 O型环 带管子 气嘴(6mm/¼") 管 样品处理单元 处理单元体 处理单元衬里 管 窗 粘合剂 O型环 铝 铝 SS,1.4571 CaF2 E353 FPM(Viton) SS,1.4571 SS,1.4571 铝 铝 SS,1.4571 CaF2 E353 FPM(Viton) 铝 铝 1.4571 CaF2 E353 FPM(Viton) 19"机架式 PA(聚酰胺) SS,1.4571 FPM(Viton) FPM(Viton)+PA6-3-T(Trogamide) PDM/Duran glass/X 10CrNiTi 1810 PA6 PVDF/PTFE/EPDM/FPM(Viton)/Trolene/ SS,1.4571 FPM70/ultramide/1.4310/1.4305 PA66/NBR/PA6 PA(聚酰胺) PE(聚乙烯) PA(聚酰胺) SS,1.4571 FPM(Viton) FPM(Viton)+PA6-3-T(Trogamide) PDM/Duran glass/X 10CrNiTi 1810 PA6 PVDF/PTFE/EPDM/FPM(Viton)/Trolene/ SS,1.4571 FPM70/ultramide/1.4310/1.4305 PA66/NBR/PA6 台式
标签:煤气分析仪;PLC;故障;处理1 前言随着钢铁行业的发展,转炉煤气回收作为节能减排、资源二次利用的有效手段,在企业安全环保和降成本工作中的地位日益突出。
2 煤气分析仪工作原理与系统构成2.1 概述昆钢安宁公司炼钢厂4、5#转炉煤气分析仪采用传统抽气式分析仪,能够自动、连续、准确、可靠地分析转炉烟气中CO、O2的含量。
2.2 工作原理煤气分析仪有测量和维护两种工作模式,通过分析仪面板上的操作按钮,可在两种模式之间自由切换。
在线分析仪表基础教程在线分析仪表基础教程lyx在线分析仪表目录1 在线分析仪表基础知识 ..................................................................... ................................................. 2 2 红外线气体分析仪 ..................................................................... ......................................................... 4 3 热导式气体分析仪 ..................................................................... ......................................................... 9 4 顺磁式氧分析仪 ..................................................................... ........................................................... 14 5 微量氧分析仪(燃料电池式) .................................................................... .................................... 25 6 氧化锆分析仪 ..................................................................... ............................................................... 28 7 微量水分仪 ..................................................................... ................................................................... 34 8总碳氢分析仪 ..................................................................... ............................................................... 37 9 在线色谱分析仪 ..................................................................... ........................................................... 38 10 硫分析仪 ..................................................................... (49)11 工业PH计 ..................................................................... . (57)12 工业电导率测量仪 ..................................................................... ..................................................... 60 13 溶解氧分析仪(DisolvedOxygen) ................................................................ ............................ 63 14 在线余氯分析仪 ..................................................................... ......................................................... 65 15 浊度计 ..................................................................... .........................................................................68 16 氧化还原电位计(ORP) .................................................................. .............................................. 70 17 硅酸根分析仪 ..................................................................... ............................................................. 72 18 工业钠度计 ..................................................................... ................................................................. 75 19 污染指数测量仪 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 76 20 在线分析仪表的取样预处理系统及掩蔽体 ..................................................................... . (77)1在线分析仪表基础教程lyx 1 在线分析仪表基础知识在线分析仪器(on-line analyzers),又称过程分析仪器(process analyzers),或质量监测仪表(quality monitoring instrument),是指直接安装在工业生产流程或其它源液体现场。
OXYMAT 6 氧气分析仪-2014
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
֖Բഘ੨ ၌ୁጎዃ ֖Բഘཚڢ ᆩᇀ֪ଉୁྲڦଉ ߌدഗ ᄣഘ੨ ᄣഘ ຩىၳᆌ Վࣅഽ༹ىۉڦ܈ ᄣഘࢅ֖Բഘ੨ ցဣཥዐڦၭୁଉ ߌدഗDŽഘୁDž
OXYMAT 6 型氧分析仪的工作原理图
5 6
O2 O2 O2 O2 O2
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 四个可自由编程量程,带有零点偏移,所有量程都是线性的 所有量程带零点补偿 量程识别 电气隔离信号输出,输出可选 0/2/4 ~20 mA ( 也可反置 ) 自动量程或手动量程切换;也可远程切换量程 仪器标定过程中可存储测量值 时间常数在较宽范围内可选 ( 静态 / 动态噪声抑制 ) ;即,分析 仪的响应时间可与相应应用相匹配 响应时间短 长时间漂移小 多点测量最多 6 个测量点 ( 可编程 ) 测量点识别 用内部压力传感器来校正样气压力波动:波动范围 50~200 kPa 绝压 可连接外部压力传感器来校正样气压力在 300 kPa ( 绝压 ) 内的 波动 (可选) 样气监测和 ( 或 ) 参比气监测 ( 可选 ) 监控样气流量 ( 对于 Viton 管型为可选 ) 参比气接入压力为 300-500 kPa 时进行参比气监测 ( 可选 ) 量程自动标定参数化 基于 NAMUR 推荐的操作模式 两级独立密码设置可避免无意或其它无相关权限人员的输入 使用带操作员提示功能的数字膜状键盘可让操作简单化
产品目录 • 2014
OXYMAT 6 氧气分析仪
2 2 2 2 2 4 5 5 5 6 7 9 9 10 10 11
ULTRAMAT 通 道 +OX YM AT 通道 流 量计 计量 管 浮子 浮子 挡块 弯管 压 力开 关 膜 外壳 19“ 架装 型 Duran 玻 璃 Duran 玻璃 ,黑 色 PTFE ( 聚四 氟乙 烯 ) FKM ( 如 Viton) FKM ( 如 Viton) PA 6 .3 T
输 入和 输出 (每 个通 道)
• 每个 测量 元件 一个 模拟 输出 • 两个 可编 程模 拟量 输入 ( 例 如: 用于 校正 交叉 干扰 或接 入外 部 压力 传感 器信 号 ) • 六个 可任 意配 置的 开关 量输 入 ( 例如 :用 于量 程切 换, 处理 来 自样 气处 理系 统的 外部 信号 ) • 六个 可任 意配 置的 继电 器输 出 ( 例如 :用 于故 障报 警、 维护 请 求、 超限 报警 、外 接电 磁阀 ) • 可另 扩展 八个 开关 量输 入和 八个 继电 器输 出 ( 例如 :可 用来 进 行多 达四 种标 气的 自动 标定 )
ULTRAMAT/O XYM AT 6, 19 “ 架装 型
• 气路 采用 耐腐 蚀性 材料 (可 选) - 可用 于测 量强 腐蚀 性样 气 • 样气 室可 清洗 - 如果 气室 被污 染, 可清 洗后 继续 使用 ,节 约成 本 • 开放 接口 ( RS485, RS 232 , PROFIBUS) • 用于 维护 和服 务信 息的 SI PROM GA 网 络 ( 可选 ) ULTRAMAT6 通道 • 双层 检测 器和 光耦 合器 ,选 择性 好 - 对复 杂的 气体 混合 物也 能可 靠测 量 • 检测 极限 值低 - 可测 低浓 度 OXYMAT6 通道 • 交变 顺磁 压力 原理 - 小量 程也 可精 确测 量 (0 - 0.5% 或 99.5 -100% ) - 完全 线性 • 检测 元件 不与 样气 接触 - 可以 测量 腐蚀 性气 体 - 使用 寿命 长 • 通过 选取 合适 的参 比气 体 ( 空气 或 O 2 ),例如 纯气 体检 测或 空 分中 O2 浓 度 98~100%, 可以 实现 零点 自校 正。
操作规程1. 准备工作在使用氧含量分析仪之前,需要进行以下准备工作:•确认仪器的电源是否已经连接;•确保仪器的传感器和试剂瓶已经正确安装;•根据设备要求,检查氧含量分析仪传感器和试剂瓶的补给数量是否充足;•打开仪器的电源开关。
2. 操作步骤操作氧含量分析仪时需要按照以下步骤进行:1.根据设备说明书正确接线,接通电源。
3. 关机步骤在使用氧含量分析仪之后,需要正确关机,以确保设备的稳定性和使用寿命。
2General 2Application 3Design4Mode of operation 5Reference gases,cross-interferences Versions – Wetted parts 6Communication 819“ unit8Connections, assembly 9Gas paths10Electrical connection 12Technical data 13Dimensions14Ordering data OXYMAT 6115Spare parts 15Documentation16Conditions of supply and deliveryOXYMAT 61Gas Analyzers for the Determination of OxygenOXYMAT 61 GeneralThe OXYMAT 61 gas analyzers are based on the paramagnetic alternating pressure method and are used to measure oxygen in gases.Application examplesMeasurement of O2•For boiler control in firing systems•In safety-relevant areas•As a reference variable for emission measurements according to TA-Luft, 13. and 17. BImSchV•In the automotive industry (engine test systems)•Warning equipment•In chemical plants•In ultra-pure gases for quality monitoring.Special characteristics•Four freely-parameterizable measuring ranges, also with zero offset, all measuring ranges linear•Electrically isolated signal output selectable as 0/2/4 to 20 mA (also inverted)•Autoranging or manual range switching possible; remote switching is also possible•Storage of measured values possible during adjustments •Time constants selectable within wide limits (static/dynamic noise suppression); i.e. the response time of the analyzer can be matched to the respective application•Simple handling using menu-based operation•Short response time•Low long-term drift •Reference gas supply external (N2, O2 or air, approx.3000hPa) or (option) via an incorporated reference gas pump (ambient air)•Two operation levels with separate access code to prevent un-intentional and unauthorized inputs•Internal pressure sensor for correction of pressure variations in sample gas in the range 700 to 1200 hPa (absolute)•Automatic range calibration can be parameterized •Operation based on NAMUR Recommendation•Field bus connection (option)•Monitoring of sample gas (option)•Monitoring of reference gas with reference gas connection 3000 to 4000 hPa•Different smallest spans (2.0 % or 5.0 % O2), depending on version•Customer-specific analyzer options such as e.g.:-Customer acceptance-Tag labels-Drift recording•Simple analyzer exchange since electric connections are easy to remove•19“ unit with 4 HU for installation in swing frame•19“ unit with 4 HU for installation in cabinets, with or without slide rails•Front panel for service can be hinged down(e.g. for laptop connection)•Internal gas paths: flexible tube made of Viton•Gas connections for sample gas input and output and for ref-erence gas: pipe diameter 6 mm or 1/4"•Sample chamber made of stainless steel (type No. 1.4571).OXYMAT 61GeneralDisplay and control panel•Large LCD panel for simultaneous display of:-Measured value (digital and analog displays)-Status line-Measuring ranges•Contrast of LCD panel adjustable using menu•Permanent LED backlighting•Washable membrane keyboard with five softkeys•Menu-based operation for configuration, test functions,calibration•User help in plain text•Graphic display of concentration trend; programmable timeintervalsFig. 1OXYMAT 61, membrane keyboard and graphic displayDisplay ofstart-of-scale and full-scale values Keyboard to enter valuesCLEAR keyto deleteinputs Status line for displayof analyzer status(programmable)Two code levelsaccording to NAMUR(maintenance andspecialist level)Easy operation withmenu controlusing five softkeysDisplay of currentmeasuring rangesESC keyto abort inputsINFO keyfor help in plain textMEAS keyto return tomeasurement mode ENTER keyto acceptinput valuesLED backlit graphic display and membrane keyboard with noticeable click Display of concentrations as numbers and bargraph Inputs and outputs•Six binary inputs freely configurable (e.g. for range switching, processing external signal from sample conditioning)•Six relay outputs freely configurable (failure, maintenance re-quest, maintenance switch, limit alarm, external solenoid valves)•Two analog inputs programmable (correction of cross-interfer-ences, external pressure sensor)•Extension with eight additional binary inputs and eight addi-tional relay outputs for automatic calibration with up to four cal-ibration gasesCommunication•RS 485 present in basic unit (connection at the rear)Options•AK interface for the automotive industry with extended func-tions•Converter to RS 232•Linking to networks via PROFIBUS-DP/-PA interface •SIPROM GA software as service and maintenance toolOXYMAT 61GeneralIn contrast to almost all other gases, oxygen is paramagnetic. This property is utilized as the measuring principle by the OXYMAT 61 gas analyzers.Oxygen molecules in an inhomogeneous magnetic field are drawn in the direction of increased field strength due to their paramagnetism. When two gases with different oxygen concen-trations meet in a magnetic field, a pressure difference is pro-duced between them.In the case of OXYMAT 61, one gas (1, Fig. 2) is a reference gas (N 2, O 2 or air), the other is the sample gas (5). The reference gas is introduced into the sample chamber (6) through two channels (3). One of these reference gas streams meets the sample gas within the area of a magnetic field (7). Because the two channels are connected, the pressure, which is proportional to the oxygen concentration, causes a cross flow. This flow is converted into an electric signal by a microflow sensor (4).The microflow sensor consists of two nickel grids heated to ap-prox. 120 ºC which form a Wheatstone bridge together with two supplementary resistors. The pulsating flow results in a change in the resistance of the Ni grids. This results in a bridge offset which depends on the oxygen concentration in the sample gas.Because the microflow sensor is located in the reference gas stream, the measurement is not influenced by the thermal con-ductivity, the specific heat or the internal friction of the sample gas. This also provides a high degree of corrosion resistance because the flow sensor is not exposed to the direct influence of the sample gas.By using a magnetic field with alternating strength (8), the effect of the background flow in the microflow sensor is not detected, and the measurement is thus independent of the instrument ori-entation.The sample chamber is directly in the sample path and has a small volume. The microflow sensor thus responds quickly, re-sulting in a very short response time for the OXYMAT 61.Vibrations frequently occur at the place of measurement and may falsify the measured signal (noise). A further microflow sen-sor (10) through which no gas passes acts as a vibration sensor. Its signal is applied to the measured signal as compensation.Fig. 2OXYMAT 61, mode of operationO 22O 2OXYMAT 61General■Reference gasesTable 1Reference gases for OXYMAT 61■Correction of zero error / Cross-interferencesConversion to other temperatures:The zero errors mentionned in Table 2 must be multiplied with a correction factor (k):•with diamagnetic gases:k = 333 K / (θ [°C] + 273 K)•with paramagnetic gases:k = [333 K / (θ [°C] + 273 K)]2(all diamagnetic gases have a negative zero error).■Versions – Wetted partsMeasuring range Recommended reference gasReference gas pressureRemarks0 to . . . % v/v O 2N 23000 to 4000 hPa(absolute)The reference gas flow is set automatically to 5 to 10 ml/min. . . to 100 % v/v O 2(suppressed zero with full-scale value 100 % v/v O 2)O 2Around 21 % v/v O 2(suppressed zero with 21 % v/v O 2 within the span)Airatmospheric pressure with internal reference gas pumpResidual gas(concentration 100 % v/v)Zero deviation in % v/v O 2 absoluteResidual gas(concentration 100 % v/v)Zero deviation in % v/v O 2 absoluteOrganic gases Inert gases Acetic acid CH 3COOH-0.64Argon Ar -0.25Acetylene C 2H 2-0.29Helium He +0.331,2 butadiene C 4H 6-0.65Krypton Kr -0.551,3 butadiene C 4H 6-0.49Neon Ne +0.17iso-butane C 4H 10-1.30XenonXe-1.05n-butane C 4H 10-1.261-butene C 4H 6-0.96Anorganic gases iso-butene C 4H 8-1.06Ammonia NH 3-0.20Cyclo-hexane C 6H 12-1.84Carbon dioxide CO 2-0.30Dichlorodifluoromethane (R12)CCl 2F 2-1.32Carbon monoxide CO +0.07Ethane C 2H 6-0.49ChlorineCl 2-0.94Ethylene C 2H 4-0.22Dinitrogen monoxide N 2O -0.23n-heptane C 7H 16-2.4Hydrogen H 2+0.26n-hexane C 6H 14-2.02Hydrogen bromide HBr -0.76Methane CH 4-0.18Hydrogen chloride HCl -0.35Methanol CH 3OH -0.31Hydrogen fluoride HF -0.10n-octane C 8H 18-2.78Hydrogen iodide HI -1.19n-pentane C 5H 12-1.68Hydrogen sulphide H 2S -0.44iso-pentane C 5H 12-1.49Oxygen O 2+100Propane C 3H 8-0.87Nitrogen N 20.00PropyleneC 3H 6-0.64Nitrogen dioxide NO 2+20.00Trichlorofluoromethane (R11)CCl 3F -1.63Nitrogen oxide NO +42.94Vinyl chloride C 2H 3Cl -0.77Sulphur dioxide SO 2-0.20Vinyl fluorideC 2H 3F -0.55Sulphur hexafluoride SF 6-1.051,1 vinylidene chloride C 2H 2Cl 2-1.22WaterH 2O-0.03Table 2Zero error due to diamagnetism or paramagnetism of residual gases with nitrogen as the reference gas at 60 °C and 1000 hPa absolute(according to IEC 1207/3)Standard Options Gas path19“ unitFlowmeterMetering pipe FloatFloat limit Elbows Duran glassDuran glass, black Teflon Viton with hosesNipple HoseSample cellStub sample cell Restrictor O-ringsHose coupling SS, type No. 1.4571VitonSS, type No. 1.4571SS, type No. 1.4571PTFE (Teflon)VitonPolyamide 6Pressure switchMembrane EnclosureViton PA 6.3TOXYMAT 61General■Communications facilitiesThe gas analyzers of series 6, ULTRAMAT 6, OXYMAT 6/61, ULTRAMAT/OXYMAT 6 and CALOMAT 6, as well as the ULTRAMAT 23 offer the following communications facilities:•Serial RS 485 interface present as standard with internal com-munications bus (ELAN) which permits communication be-tween the analyzers and – with multi-channel analyzers – from one channel to the other via the serial interface even without a PC for e.g. information on the process gas pressure and com-pensation of the influences of interfering gases.•SIPROM GA , a software tool especially for servicing and main-tenance tasks. All functions of the analyzers, whether an indi-vidual device or where several are networked together, can be remote controlled and monitored using SIPROM GA.•PROFIBUS-DP/-PA is the leading field bus on the market. All Siemens gas analyzers are suitable for PROFIBUS whenequipped with an optional plug-in card (retrofitting also possi-ble) and satisfy the binding "Device profile for analyzers" de-fined by the PNO (PROFIBUS user organization). Central access to the analyzers in the system is possible using the SIMATIC PDM operator software.Fig. 3Typical design of an RS 485 networkItem Designation 1Computer2RS 485 ↔ RS 232 converter with RS 232/RS 485 cable 3RS 485 bus connector with jumper 4Analyzers 5RS 485 cable 6RS 485 bus connector 7RS 485 network 89-pin SUB-D plug 9Option: RS 485 repeater49■Interface parameters■Ordering informationOrder No.■SIPROM GAApplication: communications software for remote maintenance and servicing of Siemens process gas analyzers; max. 12 ana-lyzers with up to 4 components each.Functions: display and saving of all analyzer data, remote oper-ation of all analyzer functions, parameter and configuration set-tings; comprehensive diagnostics information, remotecalibration; online help; cyclic saving of measured values and status on hard disk and exporting to commercially available application programs, downloading of new software.Hardware requirements: PC/laptop; min. 486DX-66 with8 MB RAM, hard disk with min. 10 MB vacant capacity; vacant COM port: RS 232 or RS 485, max. distance 500 m. Larger dis-tances using repeater.Software requirements: Windows 95/98 or NT (4.0 or higher).■ Ordering informationOrder No.Level RS 485Baud rate 9600Data bits 8Stop bit 1Start bit 1ParityNoneNo echo modeInterface description (German)C79000-B5200-C176RS 485/RS 232 converter C79451-Z1589-U1SIMATIC cable/bus cable 6XV1 830-0EH10SIMATIC bus connector 6ES7 972-0BB11-0XA09-pin SUB-D plug6ES7 972-0BB11-0XA0Repeater(see also Catalog CA 01 or IK PI)6ES7 972-0AA01-0XA0SIPROM GA softwareGerman/English selectable during installation, comprising 3 diskettes (3.5"),with installation instructions, software product certificate and registration formS79610-B4014-A1Firmware retrofitting sets for older analyzers:ULTRAMAT 23(prior to SW version 2.06) All languagesC79451-A3494-S501ULTRAMAT 6(prior to SW version 4.1)•German •English •French •Spanish •ItalianC79451-A3478-S501C79451-A3478-S502C79451-A3478-S503C79451-A3478-S504C79451-A3478-S505OXYMAT 6(prior to SW version 4.1)•German •English •French •Spanish •ItalianC79451-A3480-S501C79451-A3480-S502C79451-A3480-S503C79451-A3480-S504C79451-A3480-S505OXYMAT 61General■PROFIBUS-DP/-PAFig. 4Basic structure of a PROFIBUS systemThe term "Field bus" describes a digital communications system with which distributed field devices in a plant are networked together via one single cable, and connected at the same time to programmable controllers or to a process control system. PROFIBUS is the leading field bus on the market. ThePROFIBUS-DP version is widely used for production automation because of its high transmission rate for relatively small data quantities per device, whereas PROFIBUS-PA particularly takes into account the features required for process engineering, e.g. large data quantities and application in potentially explosive atmospheres.User benefits can be found in the extremely high potentials for cost savings in all areas of the plant, covering configuring and commissioning, operation and maintenance, and up to later plant extensions.Operation of the gas analyzers from a control system or separate PC is possible using the SIMATIC PDM (Process Device Man-ager) operator input tool which is software executing under Win-dows 95/98/NT and which can also be incorporated into the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system. This permits clear dis-play of both the incorporation of devices into the system and the complex parameter structure of the analyzers, permitting opera-tion to be carried out simply by clicking.The PROFIBUS user organization (PNO) is an independent inter-national institution, and represents the interests of many vendors and users. In addition to services such as consultation, trainingand device certification, its prime task is the further develop-ment, standardization and promotion of the PROFIBUS technol-ogy. The definition of a binding functionality for a device class in a profile is a prerequisite for the uniform response of devices from different vendors, the so-called interoperability. The profile for analyzers was defined as binding at the end of 1999, thus guaranteeing the interaction of all PROFIBUS-based devices in a plant.This profile defines the functionality of the analyzers in a block model: e.g. the physical block describes the measuring proce-dure, analyzer and vendor names, serial number and operating state (operation, maintenance). Various functional blocks con-tain the execution of specific functions such as the processing of measured values or alarms. The transducer blocks describe the functionality of the actual measuring procedure and its con-trol, e.g. preprocessing of a measured value, correction of cross-interferences, characteristics, measuring ranges as well as switching and control procedures. Protocols define the data transmission between the stations on the bus. A differentiation is made between cyclic and acyclic services . Cyclic services are used to transmit time-critical data such as measured values and statuses. The acyclic services permit the scanning or modifica-tion of device parameters during operation.All gas analyzers of Series 6, ULTRAMAT 6, OXYMAT 6/61, ULTRAMAT/OXYMAT 6 and CALOMAT 6, as well as theULTRAMAT 23 are suitable for PROFIBUS when fitted with the optional plug-in card (retrofitting also possible, see Ordering in-formation).OXYMAT 6119" unit■Gas and electrical connections ArrayFig. 5OXYMAT 61, 19" unit, gas and electrical connections shown at top, gas preparation (external) shown at bottomOXYMAT 6119" unit■Internal gas paths, gas flow diagrams, basic layoutFig. 6Gas path OXYMAT 61 with integrated reference gas pumpFig. 7Gas path OXYMAT 61 with reference gas connection 3000 to 4000 hPaOXYMAT 61 19" unit■OXYMAT 6119" unit■Siemens Catalog Extract PA 10 · October 2001 11OXYMAT 6119" unit■Technical dataGeneral data OXYMAT 61Measuring ranges4, switchable internally and exter-nally; autoranging is also possible Smallest possible measuringspan 1)2 % v/v or 5 % v/v O2Largest possible measuringspan100 % v/v O2Measuring ranges with suppressed zero Any zero point is possible between 0 to 100 % v/v as long as a suitable reference gas is usedEMC interference immunity(E lectro M agnetic C ompatibility)According to standard requirements of NAMUR NE21 (05/93);CE identification EN 50081-1,EN 50082-2Electrical safety According to EN 61010-1 Degree of protection IP 40 according to EN 60529 Position of use (unit)Front panel vertical Dimensions (unit)see Fig. 10Weight (unit)Approx. 13 kgPower supplyPower supply (see rating plate)100 to 120 V AC (rated range 90 V to 132 V), 48 to 63 Hz or 200 to 240 V AC (rated range 180 V to 264 V), 48 to 63 HzPower consumption (unit)Approx. 37 VA Gas inlet conditionsPermissible sample gas pres-sure 700 to 1200 hPa (with pressurized reference gas),atmospheric (with internal reference gas pump)Sample gas flow18 to 60 l/h (0.3 to 1 l/min) Sample gas temperature0 to 50 °CSample gas humidity< 90 % RH 2)Time responseWarm-up period With ambient temperature< 30 min 3)Response time (T90) 3.5 sDamping(electric time constant)0 to 100 s, programmableDead time (purging time of gas path in analyzer at 1 l/min)Approx. 0.5 to 2.5 s depending on versionTime for internal signal pro-cessing< 1 sPressure correction rangePressure sensor, internal700 to 1200 hPa absolute Measuring response 1)Output signal fluctuation< 0.75 % of smallest possible mea-suring range specified on ratingplate with an electronic time con-stant of 1 s (corresponds to ± 0.25 %with 2 σ)Zero drift< 0.5 %/month of smallest possiblemeasuring span specified on ratingplateMeasured-value drift< 0.5 %/month of respective measur-ing span 1)Referred to 1000 hPa absolute sample gas pressure, 0.5 l/min samplegas flow and 25 °C ambient temperature.2)RH: relative humidity.3)Maximum accuracy achieved after 2 hours.4)Dew point must not be fallen below.5)With air (100 hPa) as reference gas, a correction of the atmosphericpressure fluctuations is only possible when the sample gas is vented to ambient air.Repeatability< 1 % of respective measuring span Linearity error< 1 % of respective measuring span Influencing variables 1)Ambient temperature< 0.1 % [% O2] /1 K referred to thesmallest possible measuring spanaccording to rating plateSample gas pressure 5)Without pressure compensation:< 2 % of measuring span/1 %change in pressureWith pressure compensation:< 0.2 % of measuring span/1 %change in pressureResidual gases Deviation in zero point correspond-ing to paramagnetic or diamagneticdeviation of residual gas(see Table 2, page 5)Sample gas flow< 1 % of smallest possible measur-ing span according to rating platewith a change in flow of 0.1 l/minwithin the permissible flow range Power supply< 0.1 % of output signal span withrated voltage ± 10 %Electric inputs and outputsAnalog output0/2/4 to 20 mA, floating;max. load 750 ΩRelay outputs 6, with changeover contacts, freelyselectable, e.g. for range identifica-tion; loading capacity:24 V AC/DC/ 1 A, floatingAnalog inputs2, designed for 0/2/4 to 20 mA, forexternal pressure sensor and correc-tion of influence of residual gas (cor-rection of cross-interference) Binary inputs6, designed for 24 V, floating, freely-selectable, e.g. for range switching Serial interface RS 485Options Additional electronics with 8 binaryinputs and 8 relay outputs, e.g. fortriggering automatic calibration;additional electronics forPROFIBUS-PA and PROFIBUS-DP Ambient conditionsPerm. ambient temperature-30 to +70 °C during storage andtransport,+5 to +45 ºC during operation Permissible humidity< 90 % RH 2) as annual average,during storage and transport 4)Siemens Catalog Extract PA 10 · October 2001 12OXYMAT 6119" unit■Siemens Catalog Extract PA 10 · October 2001 13Siemens Catalog Extract PA 10 · October 200114OXYMAT 6119" unit■Ordering dataOrder No.1)Customer acceptance: ½ day at factory in presence of customer.The following work is carried out: comparison of analyzer with ordering data; linearization check (zero, mid-point value and full-scale value);reproducibility check with calibration gas (recording in each case on XT recorder, logging of results). 2)Drift recording: an XT recording is supplied when the analyzer is delivered:zero drift with 48 hours continuous operation and sensitivity drift (largest measuring range) with 6 hours continuous operation.3)Standard setting:Measuring range 1: 0 to smallest possible spanMeasuring range 2: 0 to 10 %Measuring range 3: 0 to 25 %Measuring range 4: 0 to 100 %.OXYMAT 61 gas analyzer19“ unit for installation in cabinets7MB2001-- 7 7 A 0 0 - 7 7 7 7Gas connections for sample gas and reference gas Piping with outer diameter 6mm 0Piping with outer diameter ¼"1Smallest possible span O 22 % Reference gas pressure 3000 hPa C 2 % Reference gas supply with internal pump D 5 % Reference gas pressure 3000 hPa E 5 % Reference gas supply with internal pump FPower supply100 V to 120 V AC, 48 to 63 Hz 0200 V to 240 V AC, 48 to 63 Hz 1Sample gas monitoringWithoutA With (incl. flowmeter and pressure switch) D Additional electronics WithoutA Autocal function•With additional 8 binary inputs/outputsB •With serial interface for the automotive industry (AK)D •With additional 8 binary inputs/outputs and PROFIBUS-PA interfaceE •With additional 8 binary inputs/outputs and PROFIBUS-DP interface FLanguage German 0English 1French 2Spanish 3Italian4Further versionsPlease add …-Z “ to Order No. and specify Order code Order code Interface converter from RS 485 to RS 232A11Slide rails (2 rails)A31Set of Torx tools, socket spannerA32TAG labels (customer-defined inscriptions)B03Damping element for sample gasB04Customer acceptance (in factory before delivery) 1)Y01Drift recording 2)Y03Measuring range in plain text, if different from standard setting 3)Y11Retrofitting setsOrder No.Interface converter RS 485 / RS 232C79451-Z1589-U1Autocal function with 8 binary inputs/outputsC79451-A3480-D511Autocal function with 8 binary inputs/outputs and PROFIBUS-PA A5E00057307Autocal function with 8 binary inputs/outputs and PROFIBUS-DPA5E00057312OXYMAT 61Spare parts■Ordering data Spare partsDescription Qty Order No.Analyzer sectionMeasuring cell•SS, type No. 1.4571, without flow-type compensation branch1C79451-A3277-B535•O-ring4C79121-Z100-A32•O-ring4C71121-Z100-A159Measuring head1C79451-A3460-B525Restrictor for sample gas path2C79451-A3480-C10Reference gas path•3000 hPa, 6 mm (set of parts)1A5E00118833•3000 hPa, ¼" (set of parts)1A5E00118834Reference gas supply (pump, restrictor, pressure switch, hose)1A5E00114838Flowmeter1C79402-Z560-T1Pressure switch (sample gas)1C79302-Z1210-A2ElectronicsFuse•0.63 A / 250 V (220-V version)2W79054-L1010-T630•1.0 A / 250 V (110-V version)2W79054-L1011-T100LC-display1W75025-B5001-B1Adapter board LCD/keyboard1C79451-A3474-B605Front panel with keyboard1A5E00105014■Catalog extract Order No.OXYMAT 61Gasanalysengeräte für dieBestimmung von Sauerstoff(German)E86060-K3510-B171-A1OXYMAT 61Gas Analyzers for thedetermination of oxygen(english)E86060-K3510-B171-A1-7600OXYMAT 61Analyseurs de gaz pour la détermination d’oxygène (French)E86060-K3510-B171-A1-7700■Manual OrderNo.OXYMAT 61Gasanalysengerät für IR-absor-bierende Gase und Sauerstoff(German)A5E00123066OXYMAT 61Gas Analyzers for IR-absorbingGases and Oxygen(english)A5E00123067OXYMAT 61Analyseurs de gaz pour lamesure de composants infra-rouges et d’oxygène(French)A5E00123068OXYMAT 61Analizzatori per i gas assorbentiraggi infrarossi ed ossigeno(Italian)A5E00123070OXYMAT 61Analizadores para gases absor-bentes de infrarrojo y oxígeno(Spanish)A5E00123069Siemens Catalog Extract PA 10 · October 2001 15Subject to General Conditions of Supply and Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical and Electronics Industry and to any other conditions agreed upon with the recipients of catalogs.The technical data, dimensions and weights are subject to change unless otherwise stated on the individual pages of this catalog extract.The illustrations are for reference only.The General Conditions for Software Products for Automation shall apply to software products.Internet and World Wide Web (WWW)You can find information on the Automation and Drives Group in the World Wide Web at the addresshttp://www.ad.siemens.de/automationYou can select the home page of the gas analyzers and then access the gas analyzers by selecting …Products & Solutions“, …Process Automation, Test and Measurement Systems“, …Products, Systems and Solutions for Process Automation“, …Process Analytics“ and …Products“ orby directly entering the Internet address Export regulationsThe products listed in this catalog/price list may be subject to European/German and/or US export provisions.Any export requiring approval is therefore subject to authoriza-tion by the relevant authorities.For the products listed in this catalog/price list, the following ex-port regulations must be adhered to in accordance with current-ly valid regulations.AL Number of the German export listProducts with a code other than "N" must be ap-proved for export.The export codes of the respective data mediummust also be adhered to for software products.Goods labeled with "AL not equal to N" are sub-ject to European or German export authorizationwhen being exported out of the EU.ECCN Number of US export list(Export Control Classification Number).Products with a code other than "N" require ap-proval for re-export to certain countries.The export codes of the respective data mediummust also be adhered to for software products.Goods labeled with "ECCN not equal to N" aresubject to US reexport authorization.Even without a label, or with label "AL: N" or "ECCN: N", authori-zation may be required due to the final whereabouts and pur-pose for which the goods are to be used.The AL and ECCN export codes specified in our confirmations, delivery notes and invoices apply.Subject to change without prior notice.7Siemens AGAutomation and Drives GroupProcess Instrumentation and Analytics D-76181 KarlsruheGermany Order No.: E86060-K3510-B171-A1-7600 Printed in GermanyKG K 0801 5.0 SR 16 En / 11524416Siemens Catalog Extract PA 10 · October 2001。
车载型膜分离制氧机高原实地应用效果评价颜泽栋;单帅;申广浩;刘娟;谢康宁;景达;罗二平【摘要】目的:测试高原车载型膜分离制氧机在高原低氧环境下的性能指标,并评价其抗缺氧效果.方法:在海拔3866 m,分别对4台车载型膜分离制氧机的富氧浓度、流量以及产出气体的温湿度进行连续测试,并征集26名受试者,在静息状态下分别检测使用制氧机前后的血氧饱和度(SpO2)和心率(HR),并进行对照.结果:制氧机的产氧体积分数为(26.7±0.8)%,富氧流量为(5.4±0.4)L/min,与环境空气温湿度比较,产出气体温度升高了(4.3±1.4)℃、湿度增加了(15.5±2.1)%.静息状态下,使用制氧机后,受试者SpO2明显升高(P<0.01),HR明显降低(P<0.05).结论:车载型膜分离制氧机性能稳定、抗缺氧效果显著,同时使用方便、舒适性好.【期刊名称】《医疗卫生装备》【年(卷),期】2016(037)010【总页数】3页(P13-15)【关键词】膜分离;制氧机;高原【作者】颜泽栋;单帅;申广浩;刘娟;谢康宁;景达;罗二平【作者单位】710032西安,第四军医大学生物医学工程学院;710032西安,第四军医大学生物医学工程学院;710032西安,第四军医大学生物医学工程学院;710032西安,第四军医大学生物医学工程学院;710032西安,第四军医大学生物医学工程学院;710032西安,第四军医大学生物医学工程学院;710032西安,第四军医大学生物医学工程学院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R318.6;TH777我国高原辽阔,高海拔地区约占国土面积的1/6,对长期驻守或急进高原官兵来说,其低压、低氧的大气特点会引发低氧血症,造成神经组织和感觉机能受损、记忆力下降等,特别是在长时间、高强度和极端气候条件下更加突出[1]。
OXYMAT 61 型氧气分析仪
CH3COOH C2H2 C4H6 C4H6 C4H10 C4H10 C4H8 C4H8 C6H12 CCl2F2 C2H6 C2H4 C7H16 C6H14 CH4 CH3OH C8H18 C5H12 C5H12 C3H8 C3H6 CCl3F C2H3Cl C2H3F C2H2Cl2
NH3 CO2 CO Cl2 N2O H2 HBr HCl HF HI H2S O2 N2 NO2 NO SO2 SF6 H2O
氧气分析仪 OXYMAT 61
概述 集成 接口参数 级别 波特率 数据位 停止位 起始位 奇偶校验 无回应模式
通讯装置 6 系列气体分析仪(ULTRAMAT6、OXYMAT6、OXYMAT 61、ULTRAMAT/OXYMAT 6、FIDAMAT 6 和 CALOMAT 6)以及 ULTRAMAT 23,都提供下列通讯方面设备: • RS485 接口 • PROFIBUS DP/PA • AK 接口(只适用于 OXYMAT 6 和 ULTRAMAT/OXYMAT 6) RS485 接口(ELAN) 标准的集成串行接口,可以通过内部总线( ELAN )在多 台气体分析仪之间实现通讯。 最多可维护 12 台分析仪且每台可多达 4 个组分。 工作原理如下图所示:
• • • • • • • • • 显示和保存所有分析仪数据 遥控所有分析仪的功能 参数和配置设定 综合诊断信息 远程标定 在线帮助 在硬盘上循环存储测量值和分析仪状态 导入其它的商业软件中 新版本软件的下载
• 台式 PC/笔记本电脑:奔腾 133MHz,32MB RAM, CD-ROM 光驱 • 硬盘最小预留空间 10MB • 预留 COM 端口:RS232 或 RS485 - 连接到 ELAN 网络 RS485/RS232 - 与 RS485/以太网转接器连接,需要 10M 带宽的标 准 TCP/IP 网络(RJ 45 集线器)。RS485 网络最 大距离 500 米,超过 500 米后可使用中继器。 图 6 RS485 网络的典型设计 标号 设计 1 计算机 2 RS485/RS232转换器,带RS485/RS 232电缆 3 含跨接线的RS485总线集线器 4 分析仪 5 RS485电缆 6 RS485总线集线器 7 RS485网络 8 9脚SUB-D插头 9 可选:RS485中继器
OXYMAT 6 气体分析仪安全手册说明书
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indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
Warning indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
OXYMAT 6氧分析表效验步骤零点效验步骤:一.先将高纯氮气接入标有零点气字样的接口,转动相应的转换开关到零点气处,打开高纯氮气气罐开关,压力在0.25MPA左右即可。
三、选择MANUAL CALIBRATION(手动效验)项,按此项右边小三角符边对应的键进入下一画面。
五、按START CALIBRATION(开始效验),对应右列第四个按键。
量程效验步骤:一、先将1%的 O2 (量程气)接入柜子侧面标有标准气字样的接口,转动柜子内的转换开关到标气2,打开气罐开关,输出压力在0.25MPA左右即可。
四、选择MANUAL CALIBRATION(手动效验)项,按此项右边小三角符号对应的键,进入下一画面。
六、按START CALIBRATION(开始效验),对应右列第四个按键。
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