elegantlatex 书稿模板

latex,英文书,模板篇一:英文SCI论文写作利器latex——宏包latex用法设置行间距的方法:%\setlength{\baselineskip}{15pt}\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1}2.去掉容差报警的方法:\hbadness=10000 \tolerance=10000 \hfuzz=150pt3.更改子级item,enumerate的图标的方法:\renewcommand{\labelenumii}{(\arabic{enumii}).}\renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{[\arabic{enumiii}]} \renewcommand{\labelenumiv}{}\renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\PlusCenterOpen } \renewcommand{\labelitemii}{\Checkmark }\renewcommand{\labelitemiii}{\ding {43} }\renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{$\clubsuit$}4.使用下划线,删除线的方法:\usepackage{ulem}\uwave \sout \uwave{.....} \sout{...}如果用中文,应该是包,不然不会正确分行。
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latex 模板

latex 模板前言LaTeX 是一种功能强大的排版工具,被广泛应用于学术界和出版领域。
对于初学者而言,使用 LaTeX 可能有一定难度,但是掌握它可以提高文档制作效率,而且排版效果十分优秀。
本文将介绍 LaTeX 的一些常用模板,以便初学者更容易上手。
使用 LaTeX 可以帮助他们提高论文的排版质量,而且可以方便地管理文献。
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4. Springer LaTeX 模板Springer 是一个出版公司,专门出版自然科学、工程领域的书籍和期刊。
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为了使毕业论文更加规范、整洁,使用LaTeX 是一个不错的选择。
以下是一些常用的 LaTeX 毕业论文模板:1. 清华大学 LaTeX 模板清华大学 LaTeX 模板是一个经典的模板,被广泛使用。
2. 北京大学 LaTeX 模板北京大学 LaTeX 模板是一个高质量的 LaTeX 毕业论文模板。
3. 中山大学 LaTeX 模板中山大学 LaTeX 模板是一个符合中山大学硕士、博士毕业论文要求的模板。
elegantlatex 书稿模板

elegantlatex 书稿模板
2.优雅LaTeX 书稿模板的特点
3.优雅LaTeX 书稿模板的使用方法
4.优雅LaTeX 书稿模板的优点
5.总结:优雅LaTeX 书稿模板的价值和意义
而优雅LaTeX 书稿模板,正是众多模板中的一颗璀璨明珠。
优雅LaTeX 书稿模板具有以下特点:首先,它具有高度的灵活性,可以满足不同类型图书的排版需求;其次,它具有优秀的兼容性,可以适应多种操作系统和软件环境;最后,它具有强大的自定义功能,可以让作者根据需要进行个性化定制。
使用优雅LaTeX 书稿模板非常简单。
只需下载模板,按照模板的格式要求编写内容,然后使用LaTeX 软件进行编排,即可生成符合要求的书稿。
对于不熟悉LaTeX 软件的作者,模板还提供了详细的使用说明和技巧,帮助作者快速上手。
优雅LaTeX 书稿模板具有许多优点。
总的来说,优雅LaTeX 书稿模板对于学术著作的写作和出版具有重要的价值和意义。

% a4paper - A4 纸 11pt - 字体 twoside - 双面 openany - 新章节可在偶数页开始 \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twoside,openany]{article}% ----------------------------- 纸张大小 ------------------------------------- % 定义转换成 pdf 文档的纸张大小,应与 \paperwidth \paperheight 一致 %\special{pdf: pagesize width 20cm height 30cm}% true 的含义是保持尺寸不会随一些参数的变化而变化,具体可见 Knuth 的 TeXbook % 纸张宽% 纸张高页面布局 --------% 正文宽%\textheight 20 true cm %\headheight 14pt %\headsep 16pt%\footskip27pt%\marginparsep 10pt %\marginparwidth 100pt % --------------------------- 页边空白调整\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0mm} % 置 0 \iffalse % 如果考虑右侧(书外侧)的边注区则改为 \iftrue \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{\marginparsep} \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{\marginparwidth} \fi% \paperwidth = h + \oddsidemargin+\textwidth+\evensidemargin + h\setlength{\hoffset}{\paperwidth} \addtolength{\hoffset}{-\oddsidemargin} \addtolength{\hoffset}{-\textwidth} \addtolength{\hoffset}{-\evensidemargin} \setlength{\hoffset}{0.5\hoffset} \addtolength{\hoffset}{-1in}\setlength{\voffset}{-1in}\setlength{\topmargin}{\paperheight}%\paperwidth 20 true cm %\paperheight 30 true cm % ------------------------ %\textwidth 10 true cm % 正文高% 页眉高 % 页眉距离% 页脚距离 % 边注区距离 % 边注区宽\def\marginset#1#2{ \marginset{left}{top}\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{#1} \iffalse \iftrue\reversemarginpar\addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{\marginparsep} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{\marginparwidth} \fi% 页边设置% 左边(书内侧)装订预留空白距离% 如果考虑左侧(书内侧)的边注区则改为% h = \hoffset + 1in% 0 = \voffset + 1in\iffalse % 将这里改为 \iftrue 即可使用\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined % Not run pdftex % \ifx % \usepackage[dvips]{hyperref} % \else\addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headheight} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headsep} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-\textheight} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-\footskip} \addtolength{\topmargin}{#2} \setlength{\topmargin}{0.5\topmargin}% 上边预留装订空白距离}% 调整页边空白使内容居中,两参数分别为纸的左边和上边预留装订空白距离 \marginset{10mm}{12mm} % --------------------------- 字体支持 -------------------------\usepackage{times}字体% 使用 Times New Roman\usepackage{CJK,CJKnumb,CJKulem} % 中文支持宏包 %\usepackage{ccmap} % 使 pdfLatex 生成的文件 支持复制等 %\usepackage[mtbold,mtpluscal,mtplusscr]{mathtime}%数学环境用 Times New Roman% ---------------------------\usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy}% --------------------------- \usepackage{color}\usepackage{indentfirst}%\setlength{\parindent}{2em}页眉页脚 -------------------------% 页眉页脚相关宏包 % 页眉页脚风格 段落字体格式 ----% 支持彩色 % 首行缩进宏包% 段落缩进\setlength{\parskip}{0.7ex plus0.3ex minus0.3ex} %%\linespread{1.2}\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} 段落间距% 行距倍数% 行距倍数(同上)\newcommand{\hei}{\CJKfamily{hei}}%黑体 \newcommand{\fs}{\CJKfamily{fs}}% 仿宋\newcommand{\kai}{\CJKfamily{kai}}%楷体 \newcommand{\li}{\CJKfamily{li}}% 隶书\newcommand{\you}{\CJKfamily{you}} %幼圆\newcommand{\wuhao}{\fontsize{10.5pt}{12.6pt}\selectfont} \newcommand{\xiaosi}{\fontsize{12pt}{14pt}\selectfont}\newcommand{\sihao}{\fontsize{14pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont} % %\marginparpush% 五号字体 % 小四字体四号字体%% --------------------------- 超链接和标签 ----------------------- %\renewcommand{\CJKglue}{\hskip 0pt plus 0.08\baselineskip} % 汉字字距% 自定义文字块例子%\newcommand{\aaa}{ 这是测试 }\newcommand{\song}{\CJKfamily{song}} % 宋体\usepackage[dvipdfm]{hyperref}% \fi \AtBeginDvi{\special{pdf:tounicode GBK-EUC-UCS2}} % GBK -> Unicode \else \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref} \fi\hypersetup{CJKbookmarks,% bookmarksnumbered,% colorlinks,% linkcolor=blue,% citecolor=blue,% hyperindex,% plainpages=false,% pdfstartview=FitH} \fi% ------------------------------- 注释 --------------------------------------- \iffalse % 将这里改为 \iftrue 即可使用 %注释掉一段内容 \usepackage{verbatim} \begin{comment}This is a comment example. \end{comment}\fi %\makeatletter % @ is now a normal "letter" for Tex%\makeatother % @ is restored as a "non-letter" for Tex % ------------------------------- 其他宏包 ------------------------ %\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amsfonts,amssymb,bm} % 数学宏包 %\usepackage{graphicx,psfrag} %\usepackage{makeidx}包%\usepackage{listings} % ------------------------------- \begin{document} % 开始正文 % song- 宋体 hei- 黑体 fs- 仿宋 kai- 楷体 li- 隶书 you- 幼圆 com 为 song+hei\begin{CJK*}{GBK}{com}% 开始中文环境\CJKtilde % 重 定义 ~代表的空白距离 \CJKindent首缩进\CJKcaption{GB} 节标题 \author{ceo}\title{ 一个 latex 例子 } \maketitle成标题%\thispagestyle{empty} % 设置首页的 页眉页脚风格%\setlength{\baselineskip}{3ex plus1ex minus1ex} % 调整行距\TeX{}~ 是由图灵奖得主 \index{Knuth, Donald E.}~Donald E. Knuth\cite{texbook}~ 编写的计算机程序,用于文章和数学公式的排版。

latex模板Latex 实用例子通过实验本例子可以基本掌握科技排版的方法:\documentclass[twocolumn]{article}\usepackage{amsmath}\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}\begin{document}\title{ Measure the axes of nearby nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond with polarized light}\author{ Jing-Ru Wang\\Department of physics,the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications}\date{November 17, 2015}\maketitle\begin{abstract}NV)center in diamond is an attractive The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy(candidate because of their excellent spin and optical characteristics for quantum information and metrology. To research these characteristics,precise orientation of the NV axis in the lattice is essential.Here we show that the orientation of axes of two nearby NV in diamond can be efficiently measured through two beams of polarized light.\end{abstract}\section{text}The measurement of physical quantities is not only a main target but also an active impulsion for scientific research. Especially, it is important to image of nearby particles for modern science[1,2].The accuracy with which two nearby particles can beresolved is classically restricted because of the optical diffraction limit[3].During the last decade, the optical diffraction limit has been overcome with the introduction of several new concepts, pioneered by stimulated emission depletion[4], ground-state depletion[5], structured illumination microscopy[6,7],and image interference microscopy[8].Very recently, imaging methods that used distinguishing information based on photons emitted from different particles have been proposed to achieve precision beyond the diffraction limit. Phenomena from quantum mechanics have been applied to enhance the measurement and have been used to enhance the precision of measurement beyond the classical limit[9,10].So far, in quantum imaging sub-classical resolution has been achieved by using sources of entangled photons[11,13].They are fragile on account of quantum decoherence[14-16].The sub-P0issonian and temporal fluctuation have been applied to enhance the imaging resolution by N with an N th-order process. Until now, a quantum measurement method based on the quantum nature of antibunching photon emission had been developed to detect single particles without the restriction of the diffraction limit. Simultaneously, by counting the single-photon and two-photon signals with fluorescence microscopy, the images of nearby nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond at distance of 4.25.8±nm had been successfully reconstructed [17]. In addition to imaging nearby NVS, the orientation of the axes of the NVCs is also very important. It is NV that is one of the most intensively studied atom-like solid-state systems in diamond.The NV center is a color defect in diamond consisting of a substituted nitrogen atom associated with an adjacent vacancy(Fig.1). Owing to υ3C symmetry, the NV defect can occur with fourdifferent orientations in the diamond matrix, along ]111[,]111[, ]111[, or ]111[crystallographic axes (Fig.1). In most diamond samples, the NV centers occupy these four orientations equally. The precision of measurement of axes of NV is important for various applications, including the development of hybrid quantum systems, where superconducting qubits are coupled to ensembles of NV defects [18, 19], high sensitivity magnetometry[20-22], and efficient coupling of NV defects to photonic waveguides or microcavities[23-25].For single NV centers, the method of determining the orientation of the NV axis had been published [26].However, there are many combinations of polarization for highly coincident two NVCs. Here, we use two beams of polarized light to measure the axes of highly coincident two NVCs.For this crystal orientation(see Fig.1), from four possible NV orientations, one of them ([111]) is normal to the sample surface. For the other orientations, they are located in the bottom of the directions.The spontaneous emission rates vary with the polarization of the pump beam according to different axes of NVCs and the luminescence intensities for the light polarized parallel (x I ) and perpendicular (y I ) to the laser polarization are [26]:% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-%feaagKart1ev2aqatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn %hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr %4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaamysamaaBa %aaleaacaWG4baabeaakiabg2da9maalaaabaGaaGymaaqaaiaaikd a% aaGaamyqamaaBaaaleaacaWGWbaabeaakiaacUfaciGGZbGaaiyA ai%aac6gadaahaaWcbeqaaiaaikdaaaGccaGGOaGaeqy1dyMaaiykaia b% gUcaRmaalaaabaGaaGymaaqaaiaaiMdaaaGaci4yaiaac+gacaGGZ b% WaaWbaaSqabeaacaaIYaaaaOGaaiikaiabew9aMjaacMcacaGGDb aa% aa!4E79!${I_x} = \frac{1}{2}{A_p}[{\sin ^2}(\phi ) + \frac{1}{9}{\cos ^2}(\phi )]$% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-%feaagKart1ev2aqatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn %hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr %4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9 % vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaamysamaaBa %aaleaacaWG5baabeaakiabg2da9maalaaabaGaaGymaaqaaiaaikd a% aaGaamyqamaaBaaaleaacaWGWbaabeaakiaacUfaciGGJbGaai4B ai% aacohadaahaaWcbeqaaiaaikdaaaGccaGGOaGaeqy1dyMaaiykaia b% gUcaRmaalaaabaGaaGymaaqaaiaaiMdaaaGaci4CaiaacMgacaGG Ub% WaaWbaaSqabeaacaaIYaaaaOGaaiikaiabew9aMjaacMcacaGGDb aa% aa!4E7A!${I_y} = \frac{1}{2}{A_p}[{\cos ^2}(\phi ) + \frac{1}{9}{\sin ^2}(\phi )]$Where ? is angle between laser polarization and the projection of each NV axis ,p A is the total spontaneous emission rate.The photoluminescence minima occur when the projection of the NV axis onto the sample surface is parallel to the electric field of the optical excitation. With polarized optical pump for NV, the number of possible orientations of a given center is reduced from four to two, which are in the plane of ?=0?or ?=90?, as shown in Fig.1(b)(再添加进去投影图).With polarized optical pump for the NV toward one side, there will have intensity distribution of two kinds of shapes because of four orientations of axes of NV only have two kinds of polarization, as shown in Fig. 2. Next, we polarized optical pump for the NV toward other side and will get anotherset of intensity distribution. We only conserve ? from ?0to ?180. It have beenknown that intensity has the maximum when ? is ?90. We discuss four caseswhere the nitrogen atoms are likely to be located. We chose three edges to give the excitation light and the relationship between light intensity and angle is shown in Fig.4. (图4还未列出) Last, we simulated the intensity of the three experiments, it includes 6 combinations of possible axial direction for two nearby NVCs. We set that the first time to be excited is the edge of the number 1. From top to down in a counter clockwise direction, we excite the other two edges. (图5) Figure 5 shows the intensity that may appear after three experiments. If it occurs one of four kinds of condition in B, C, D, and E, we just need to excite two times. If the first two times the intensity is not distinguishable just as A and F, we need to excite third times.In summary, we proposed and demonstrated a measurement of axes of two nearby NVCs by spontaneous emission rates vary with the polarization of the pump beam. The orientation of crystallographic axes of two well-overlapping NVCs can be spatially resolved. This work is a significant step towards precision of physical characteristics of the NV for quantum information and sensing applications.[1] P. Alivisatos, Nat. Biotechnol. 22, 47 (2004).[2] G. Patterson, M. Davidson, S. Manley, and J. Lippincott-Schwartz, Annu. Rev. Phys. 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\documentclass{article}\usepackage{graphicx}\usepackage[round]{natbib}\bibliographystyle{plainnat}\usepackage[pdfstartview=FitH,%bookmarksnumbered=true,bookmarksopen=true,%colorlinks=true,pdfborder=001,citecolor=blue,%linkcolor=blue,urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}\begin{document}\title{Research plan under the Post-doctorate program at xx University}%\subtitle{aa}\author{Robert He}\date{2008/04/23}\maketitle\section{Research Title}~~~~Crustal seismic anisotropy in the xx using Moho P-to-S converted phases.\section{Research Background \& Purposes}~~~~Shear-wave splitting analyses provide us a new way to study the seismic structure and mantle dynamics in the crust and mantle. The crustal anisotropy is developed due to various reasons including lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) of mineral crystals and oriented cracks.\newlineTraditionally, the earthquakes occurring in the curst and the subducting plates are selected to determine the seismic anisotropy of the crust. However, none of these methods can help us to assess the anisotropy in the whole crust. Because crustal earthquakes mostly are located in the upper crust, they do not provide information of lower crust. On the other hand, earthquakes in the subducting plates provide information of the whole crust but combined with upper mantle. However, it’s difficult to extract the sole contri bution of the crust from the measurement. Fortunately P-to-S converted waves (Ps) at the Moho are ideal for investigation of crustal seismic anisotropy since they are influenced only by the medium above the Moho.Moho. Figure \ref{crustalspliting}~schematically shows the effects of shear wave splitting on Moho Ps phases. Initially, a near-vertically incident P wave generates a radially polarized converted shear wave at the crust-mantle boundary. The phases, polarized into fast and slow directions, progressively split in time as they propagate through the anisotropic media. Here, the Ps waves can be obtained from teleseismic receiver function analysis.%%\begin{figure}[htbp]\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=0.47\textwidth]{crustalsplit.png}\caption{The effects of shear wave splitting in the Moho P to S converted phase. Top shows a schematic seismogram in the fast/slow coordinate system with split horizontal Ps components.(cited from: McNamara and Owens, 1993)}\label{crustalspliting}\end{center}\end{figure}%%The Korean Peninsula is composed of three major Precambrian massifs, the Nangrim, Gyeongii, and Yeongnam massifs(Fig.\ref{geomap}). The Pyeongbuk-Gaema Massif forms the southern part of Liao-Gaema Massif of southern Manchuria, and the Gyeonggi and Mt. Sobaeksan massifs of the peninsula are correlated with the Shandong and Fujian Massifs of China.%\begin{figure}[htbp]\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=0.755\textwidth]{geo.png}\caption{Simplified geologic map. NCB: North China block; SCB: South China block.(cited from: Choi et al., 2006)}\label{geomap}\end{center}\end{figure}%Our purpose of the study is to measure the shear wave splitting parameters in the crust of the Korean Peninsula. The shear wave splitting parameters include the splitting time of shear energybetween the fast and slow directions, as well as fast-axis azimuthal direction in the Korean Peninsula. These two parameters provide us constraints on the mechanism causing the crustal anisotropy. From the splitting time, the layer thickness of anisotropy will be estimated. Whether crustal anisotropy mainly contributed by upper or lower crustal or both will be determined. Based on the fast-axis azimuthal direction, the tectonic relation between northeastern China and the Korean peninsula will be discussed.\section{Research Methods}~~~~Several methods have been introduced for calculation of receiver functions. An iterative deconvolution technique may be useful for this study since it produces more stable receiver function results than others. The foundation of the iterative deconvolution approach is aleast-squares minimization of the difference between the observed horizontal seismogram and a predicted signal generated by the convolution of an iteratively updated spike train with the vertical-component seismogram. First, the vertical component is cross-correlated with the radial component to estimate the lag of the first and largest spike in the receiver function (the optimal time is that of the largest peak in the absolute sense in the cross-correlation signal). Then the convolution of the current estimate of the receiver function with the vertical-component seismogram is subtracted from the radial-component seismogram, and the procedure is repeated to estimate other spike lags and amplitudes. With each additional spike in the receiver function, the misfit between the vertical and receiver-function convolution and the radial component seismogram is reduced, and the iteration halts when the reduction in misfit with additional spikes becomes insignificant.\newlineFor all measurement methods of shear-wave splitting, time window of waveform should be selected. Conventionally the shear-wave analysis window is picked manually. However, manual window selection is laborious and also very subjective; in many cases different windows give very different results.\newlineIn our study, the automated S-wave splitting technique will be used, which improves the quality of shear-wave splitting measurement and removes the subjectivity in window selection. First, the splitting analysis is performed for a range of window lengths. Then a cluster analysis isapplied in order to find the window range in which the measurements are stable. Once clusters of stable results are found, the measurement with the lowest error in the cluster with the lowest variance is presented for the analysis result.\section{Expected results \& their contributions}~~~~First, the teleseismic receiver functions(RFs) of all stations including radial and transverse RFs can be gained. Based on the analysis of RFs, the crustal thickness can be estimated in the Korean Peninsula. Then most of the expected results are the shear-wave splitting parameters from RFs analysis in the crust beneath the Korean Peninsula. The thickness of anisotropic layer will be estimated in the region when the observed anisotropy is assumed from a layer of lower crustal material.All the results will help us to understand the crustal anisotropy source.\newlineCrustal anisotropy can be interpreted as an indicator of the crustal stress/strain regime. In addition, since SKS splitting can offer the anisotropy information contributed by the upper mantle but combined with the crust, the sole anisotropy of the upper mantle can be attracted from the measurement of SKS splitting based on the crustal splitting result.%\cite{frogge2007}%%%\citep{frogge2008}%%%\citep{s-frogge2007}% 5. References\begin{thebibliography}{99}\item Burdick, L. J. and C. A. Langston, 1977, Modeling crustal structure through the use of converted phases in teleseismic body waveforms, \textit{Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.}, 67:677-691.\item Cho, H-M. et al., 2006, Crustal velocity structure across the southern Korean Peninsula from seismic refraction survey, \textit{Geophy. Res. Lett.} 33, doi:10.1029/2005GL025145.\item Cho, K. H. et al., 2007, Imaging the upper crust of the Korean peninsula by surface-wave tomography, \textit{Bull. Seismol. Soc. 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latex 判决书模板以下是一个简单的判决书模板:\documentclass{article}\begin{document}\title{判决书}\author{法院名称}\date{\today}\maketitle\section{案件信息}\subsection{案号}在此处填写案件的唯一标识符号,例如:刑事案件2018年XX号\subsection{当事人}在此处填写案件的当事人信息,包括原告、被告、第三人等。
\section{判决结果}根据对案件事实的认定和法律依据的分析,本法院作出如下判决:\begin{enumerate}\item 作出具体判决结果1;\item 作出具体判决结果2;\item 作出具体判决结果3;...\end{enumerate}\section{上诉权告知}在此处告知当事人对本判决不服的上诉权利和上诉期限。

这是LaTex初学者模板, 把下面的内容拷贝到一个空白的.tex文件, 然后用latex编译, 再用dvi2pdf生成pdf文件, 而且下面基本没一句话都有解析, 值得研究.% a4paper - A4纸 11pt -字体 twoside -双面 openany -新章节可在偶数页开始\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twoside,openany]{article}%------------------------------纸张大小----------------------------------% 定义转换成pdf文档的纸张大小,应与\paperwidth \paperheight一致%\special{pdf: pagesize width 20cm height 30cm}% true的含义是保持尺寸不会随一些参数的变化而变化,具体可见Knuth的TeXbook%\paperwidth 20 true cm % 纸张宽%\paperheight 30 true cm % 纸张高%------------------------------页面布局----------------------------------%\textwidth 10 true cm % 正文宽%\textheight 20 true cm % 正文高%\headheight 14pt % 页眉高%\headsep 16pt % 页眉距离%\footskip 27pt % 页脚距离%\marginparsep 10pt % 边注区距离%\marginparwidth 100pt % 边注区宽%----------------------------页边空白调整-------------------------------\def\marginset#1#2{ % 页边设置 \marginset{left}{top}\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{#1} % 左边(书内侧)装订预留空白距离\iffalse % 如果考虑左侧(书内侧)的边注区则改为\iftrue\reversemarginpar\addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{\marginparsep}\addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{\marginparwidth}\fi\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0mm} % 置0\iffalse % 如果考虑右侧(书外侧)的边注区则改为\iftrue\addtolength{\evensidemargin}{\marginparsep}\addtolength{\evensidemargin}{\marginparwidth}\fi% \paperwidth = h + \oddsidemargin+\textwidth+\evensidemargin + h\setlength{\hoffset}{\paperwidth}\addtolength{\hoffset}{-\oddsidemargin}\addtolength{\hoffset}{-\textwidth}\addtolength{\hoffset}{-\evensidemargin}\setlength{\hoffset}{0.5\hoffset}\addtolength{\hoffset}{-1in} % h = \hoffset + 1in\setlength{\voffset}{-1in} % 0 = \voffset + 1in\setlength{\topmargin}{\paperheight}\addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headheight}\addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headsep}\addtolength{\topmargin}{-\textheight}\addtolength{\topmargin}{-\footskip}\addtolength{\topmargin}{#2} % 上边预留装订空白距离\setlength{\topmargin}{0.5\topmargin}}% 调整页边空白使内容居中,两参数分别为纸的左边和上边预留装订空白距离\marginset{10mm}{12mm}%-----------------------------字体支持-----------------------------------\usepackage{times} % 使用 Times New Roman 字体\usepackage{CJK,CJKnumb,CJKulem} % 中文支持宏包%\usepackage{ccmap} % 使pdfLatex生成的文件支持复制等%\usepackage[mtbold,mtpluscal,mtplusscr]{mathtime}%数学环境用Times New Roman %-----------------------------页眉页脚-----------------------------------\usepackage{fancyhdr} % 页眉页脚相关宏包\pagestyle{fancy} % 页眉页脚风格%-----------------------------段落字体格式-------------------------------\usepackage{color} % 支持彩色\usepackage{indentfirst} % 首行缩进宏包%\setlength{\parindent}{2em} % 段落缩进\setlength{\parskip}{0.7ex plus0.3ex minus0.3ex} % 段落间距%\linespread{1.2} % 行距倍数\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} % 行距倍数(同上)%\renewcommand{\CJKglue}{\hskip 0pt plus 0.08\baselineskip} % 汉字字距%\newcommand{\aaa}{这是测试} % 自定义文字块例子\newcommand{\song}{\CJKfamily{song}} % 宋体\newcommand{\hei}{\CJKfamily{hei}} % 黑体\newcommand{\fs}{\CJKfamily{fs}} % 仿宋\newcommand{\kai}{\CJKfamily{kai}} % 楷体\newcommand{\li}{\CJKfamily{li}} % 隶书\newcommand{\you}{\CJKfamily{you}} % 幼圆\newcommand{\wuhao}{\fontsize{10.5pt}{12.6pt}\selectfont} % 五号字体\newcommand{\xiaosi}{\fontsize{12pt}{14pt}\selectfont} % 小四字体\newcommand{\sihao}{\fontsize{14pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont} % 四号字体%\marginparpush %%-----------------------------超链接和标签-------------------------------\iffalse % 将这里改为\iftrue即可使用\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined % Not run pdftex% \ifx% \usepackage[dvips]{hyperref}% \else\usepackage[dvipdfm]{hyperref}% \fi\AtBeginDvi{\special{pdf:tounicode GBK-EUC-UCS2}} % GBK -> Unicode\else\usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}\fi\hypersetup{CJKbookmarks,%bookmarksnumbered,%colorlinks,%linkcolor=blue,%citecolor=blue,%hyperindex,%plainpages=false,%pdfstartview=FitH}\fi%--------------------------------注释------------------------------------\iffalse % 将这里改为\iftrue即可使用%注释掉一段内容\usepackage{verbatim}\begin{comment}This is a comment example.\end{comment}\fi%\makeatletter % @ is now a normal "letter" for Tex%\makeatother % @ is restored as a "non-letter" for Tex%--------------------------------其他宏包--------------------------------%\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amsfonts,amssymb,bm} % 数学宏包%\usepackage{graphicx,psfrag} % 图形宏包%\usepackage{makeidx} % 建立索引宏包%\usepackage{listings} % 源代码宏包%---------------------------------正文-----------------------------------\begin{document} % 开始正文% song-宋体 hei-黑体 fs-仿宋 kai-楷体 li-隶书 you-幼圆 com为 song+hei\begin{CJK*}{GBK}{com} % 开始中文环境\CJKtilde % 重定义~代表的空白距离\CJKindent % 段首缩进\CJKcaption{GB} % 中文章节标题\author{ceo} % 作者\title{一个latex例子} % 题目\maketitle % 生成标题%\thispagestyle{empty} % 设置首页的页眉页脚风格%\setlength{\baselineskip}{3ex plus1ex minus1ex} % 调整行距\TeX{}~是由图灵奖得主\index{Knuth, Donald E.}~Donald E. Knuth\cite{texbook}~ 编写的计算机程序,用于文章和数学公式的排版。
elegantlatex 书稿模板

elegantlatex 书稿模板摘要:1.简介- 什么是elegantlatex- 书稿模板的作用2.模板特点- 简洁优雅- 易于使用- 高度自定义3.使用场景- 学术著作- 报告- 简历4.安装与使用- 安装方法- 使用步骤5.定制模板- 修改样式- 添加新功能6.结论- 优点- 缺点- 适用人群正文:elegantlatex 是一款用于制作书稿模板的LaTeX 工具,旨在帮助用户轻松地创建专业且美观的文档。
elegantlatex 的模板具有以下特点:1.简洁优雅:elegantlatex 的模板设计风格简约大方,能够在不失美观的前提下,让读者更加关注内容本身。
2.易于使用:elegantlatex 提供了丰富的文档模板,用户只需按照需求选择合适的模板,并替换其中的内容,即可快速生成专业级别的文档。
此外,elegantlatex 还支持一键生成目录、交叉引用等功能,方便用户进行文档编排。
3.高度自定义:elegantlatex 允许用户根据个人喜好和需求,对模板进行定制。
elegantlatex 的书稿模板适用于多种场景,如学术著作、报告、简历等。
安装与使用方面,用户首先需要安装TeX Live 或MiKTeX 等LaTeX 发行版。
接着,通过命令行或图形界面,将elegantlatex 的模板文件导入到TeX Live 或MiKTeX 的模板目录中。
然后,用户只需使用LaTeX 编辑器,如TeXstudio、Visual Studio Code 等,创建新文档,并选用elegantlatex 模板即可。
elegantlatex 书稿模板

elegantlatex 书稿模板摘要:1.引言2.什么是elegantlatex书稿模板?3.elegantlatex书稿模板的特点4.使用elegantlatex书稿模板的好处5.如何使用elegantlatex书稿模板6.结论正文:【引言】在当今时代,科技的发展使得各种工具层出不穷,为我们的工作和生活带来了极大的便利。
【如何使用elegantlatex书稿模板】1.安装LaTeX软件:首先,用户需要安装LaTeX软件,如TeX Live、MiKTeX等。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
elegantlatex 书稿模板
1.引言:介绍优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板
2.优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板的特点
3.如何使用优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板
4.优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板的优缺点
5.结论:对优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板的评价
优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板是一种用于撰写学术论文的模板,其设计精美,功能强大,能够帮助用户轻松地创建出专业的论文格式。
在接下来的文章中,我们将详细介绍优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板的特点、使用方法以及优缺点。
【优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板的特点】
优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板具有以下几个显著特点:
1.设计美观:优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板采用简洁大方的设计风格,使论文看起来更加美观、专业。
3.功能齐全:优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板包含了论文所需的各种章节、标题、列表、引用等元素,能够满足用户的各种需求。
【如何使用优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板】
使用优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板的方法非常简单,只需按照以下步骤操作:
1.下载并安装 LaTeX 编辑器,如 TeX Live 或 MiKTeX。
2.在 LaTeX 编辑器中,引入优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板的相关文件,如usepackage{elegant}。
【优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板的优缺点】
优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板具有以下优缺点:
1.学习成本:对于初学者来说,LaTeX 的语法和命令可能需要一定的学习成本。
2.可定制性较差:虽然优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板功能齐全,但对于特殊需求,可定制性较差。
优雅 LaTeX 书稿模板是一种美观、专业、功能齐全的学术论文模板,能够帮助用户轻松地创建出符合规范的论文。