

Ku AL-7103 MK2简易操作说明

Ku AL-7103 MK2简易操作说明

Orbit Technology Group System Ku Band AL-7103 MK Ⅱ自动跟踪天线简易操作说明一、AL-7103天线系统组成该天线系统由甲板上和甲板下两部分设备,经由一根LMR-400(或LMR-600)电缆连接组成。










三、AL-7103 MKⅡ简易图文操作说明完整的开关机及搜索卫星步骤加电开机,进入Windows CE操作系统后会自动加载MtsLink软件,版本号为Version 4.51,读取SBC数据下载进度条后进入软件主界面,此时会有IMU 计算船体横摇纵摇经纬度等参数计算,时间为360秒,时间到后IMU成锁定状态,如图:Screen,如图Coordinates选项框中为当前系统的日期、时间、经纬度以及船体横摇、纵摇参数和罗经船首向;AZ/EL Deviation选项框为天线指向卫星的目标;System Status选项框为当前系统使用的模式、IMU状态、极化选档度数和线极化的极化方式,极化的更改按Commands中的Polarization进行水平和垂直的更换;AGC(dbm)选项框直方图粉红色柱状条代表当前接收卫星载波的自动增益,绿色柱状条为当前选用的AGC参考门限;Satellite and Channel Select选项框为当前选择系统使用的卫星和信道,图中为110.5E鑫诺一号卫星;Antenna Position选项框为当前实际对准卫星后实时变化的方位角、俯仰角、极化角参数;Antenna Target选项框为在当前经纬度下对准所选用的卫星计算出来的标准方位角、俯仰角以及极化角的参数;Local Position选项框为天线ODU相对于本船本地化为参照物的方位角和俯仰角的参数;System Messages为系统运行信息,任何天线信息(绿色)、运转错误(蓝色)、故障告警(红色)会以代码及文字的方式显示在这个框中,并记录到CCU 中的Log。













(1/2)入=150/f (使用频率:MHZ)(M)。









五.主要性能指标1.频率范围1.8-30MHZ (天线长度>=12米时3.5-30MHZ (使用AH-2B 3米鞭状天线时)2、最大输入功率120W3、输入阻抗50欧4、调机功率5-15W(调机时辐射功率小于0.3W)5、电压驻波比,小于或等于1.5:1 (天线长度为半波长或半波长倍数除外)6、平均调机时间:小于2.5s7、电源电压:DC+13.8V+-15%8、工作环境温度-10~+609、重量2.4kg10、外形尺寸(不包括=边接线柱)380mm 230mm 85mm。





























天调使用说明天调使用说明工作频段:40m波段、30 m波段、20 m波段、17 m波段、15 m波段、12m波段、10m波段驻波比:优于1.5:1(视天线阻抗范围)配接使用天线类型:非平衡式非平衡式天线接口:SL16型插座“TX”接口形式:SL16型插座(50 Ω)“TX”接口类型:非平衡式匹配天线阻抗范围:12 ~ 200 Ω(实际约:8 ~ 300 Ω)承载射频功率:不大于150W调谐所需射频功率:不小于2W功率测量范围:不大于200W驻波比测量范围:1 ~ 无穷大整机重量: 2.3Kg本“手动天调”集:功率驻波比表、天线调谐器于一体,无需另配价格昂贵的“驻波比表”,利用本手动天调自带的驻波比检测功能,使得调谐过程清晰明了,驻波比大小、功率大小、天线工作状态一目了然。












二、产品组成1. 主体:由天线罩、电路板和连接线组成;2. 天线罩:用以保护并增强天线的接收和传输性能;3. 电路板:包含天线信号处理电路和连接接口。

三、使用步骤1. 连接电源:将电源线插入电源插座,并将电源插头插入电子天线的电源接口;2. 连接信号源:根据需要,选择相应的接口连接电视、电台或其它设备,确保连接稳定;3. 调整天线的方向:将电子天线放置在合适的位置,确保天线罩朝向信号源的方向;4. 搜索信号:在电视或设备的菜单中,选择自动搜索信号功能,等待搜索完成;5. 完成设置:根据信号搜索结果,完善设备的信号设置,并根据需要进行调整。

四、注意事项1. 安装位置:电子天线最好放置在接收信号最佳的位置,避免阻挡或干扰天线的信号接收;2. 稳定连接:使用连接线时请确保插头插紧,连接稳定,避免信号中断或质量下降;3. 室内使用:电子天线主要用于室内使用,如果需要室外使用,请确保防水措施;4. 信号调整:如果信号接收不理想,可以尝试调整天线的位置或方向,或使用信号放大器进行增强;5. 保养维护:请定期清洁电子天线,保持天线罩的干净,以提高信号接收效果。

五、故障排除1. 无信号:请检查信号源是否正常工作,确认连接线是否插紧,信号接口是否正确;2. 信号质量差:请检查天线的位置和方向,尝试调整天线的角度或位置,或使用信号放大器;3. 无法搜索到信号:请检查设备的信号设置是否正确,或尝试重新搜索信号。

六、免责声明1. 本产品仅适用于合法的无线电接收和传输应用,禁止用于非法用途;2. 用户在使用本产品时需遵守当地的无线电法规和相关规定;3. 由于用户的不当使用或违规操作所引起的问题和责任,本公司概不负责;4. 如有任何疑问或问题,请联系售后服务部门。

MASTR II 辅助接收器与天线匹配单元说明书

MASTR II 辅助接收器与天线匹配单元说明书

LBI-30766LMobile CommunicationsMASTR® IIAUXILIARY RECEIVER19D417546G7 & G8& ANTENNA MA TCHINGUNITS19C321150G1-G2Printed in U.S.A Maintenance ManualCopyright© 1978, General Electric CompanyLBI-307661DESCRIPTIONThe MASTR® II Station Auxiliary Receivers are available for mounting in MASTR II Base Stations or in MASTR II Multiple Receiver Stations. The Auxiliary Receiver consists of a 2-rack unit shelf with space for the receiver RF circuits, the oscillator/multiplier, the IFAS and MIF assemblies together with a System Board and a 10-V olt Regulator Board. 13 VDC is required to power the shelf.In MASTR II Base Station applications (Options 9538-9541), power for operating the Auxiliary Receiver is provided by the Base Station Power Supply. These options also include a 19B226307 Overlay Harness. Refer to the Interconnection Dia-gram listed in the Table of Contents.In MASTR II Multiple Receiver Station applications,power for operating the receivers is provided by a power sup-ply designed specifically for this station. Refer to LBI-30731.Operating an auxiliary receiver in voting systems where no external power supply is available requires the use of the 19C31 1855G1 Power Supply. This supply is mounted on the rear panel of the receiver. No service speaker should be used with this supply.The Auxiliary Receiver can be supplied with an Antenna Matching Unit (Options 9536 or 9537). A phone connector is used for interconnecting the receiver and AMU. When the re-ceiver is not used with an AMU, a coaxial cable (19A129312G4) fitted with an auxiliary UHF antenna connec-tor is provided. Refer to the Installation Instructions listed in the Table of Contents.The Auxiliary Receiver System Board accommodates sev-eral option boards either individually or in combination. Op-tion boards that plug into jacks on the System board include the V oting Tone Board (19C320880G1) used in Receiver V ot-ing Systems or the Squelch Operated Relay (SOR)19C320913G1, used in external control applications.A Secur-it Tone Notch Filter (19C328328G3), used in Tone Remote Systems, mounts on the side of the receiver system board chassis. A Line Response Compensator Board (19C328328G2) is available for use in V oting Tone Systems.This compensator provides means for adjusting the audio re-sponse at the receiver end of a telephone line. A third version of this board (19C328328G1) includes both the tone notch fil-ter and the line response compensator.A Channel Guard Decode Board (19D417261G6) may be plugged into the System Board at P908 and P909. A Tone Re-ject Filter (19C320627G1) is used with the Channel Guard De-code Board to prevent the CG tone from being fed into the telephone line. The filter attenuates below 203.5 Hertz.The 13-V olt DC input to the 10-V olt regulator is fused. A Light Emitting Diode (LED) is provided on the front panel of the receiver to indicate when power is applied. A power ON-OFF switch is provided on the regulator board. Another LED on the front panel indicates carrier activity. The receiver chas-sis swings out for servicing.INSTALLATIONThe Auxiliary Receiver is installed directly above the sta-tion power supply in MASTR II Base Stations. The 19C321150 Antenna Matching Unit is located directly above the Receiver. Refer to the Installation Diagram (See Table of Contents). Refer to the Installation Instructions in LBI-30761for mounting the Auxiliary Receiver in the Multiple Receiver Station.ADJUSTMENTThe initial adjustment for the receiver includes tuning the input circuit to match the antenna. Refer to the FRONT END ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE IN THE MAINTENANCE MANUAL for the receiver.MASTR II REMOTE CONTROL STATION ADJUSTMENTTo adjust the LINE LEVEL control R936, located on the System Board, use the following procedure.1.Connect a signal generator to the Auxiliary Receiverantenna jack J2402. Set the generator to the receiver frequency. Modulated at 3 kHz deviation by a 1000 Hz signal. Disable Channel Guard (if present) by opening switch S802 on the Regulator Board.2.Adjust the LINE LEVEL control R936 on the SystemBoard for a reading of 2.7-volts rms (+11 dBm) as measured at the base station audio pair.If the receiver is used with a Tone Control Base Station,adjust the LINE LEVEL control for a reading of 1.0-volt rms (+2 dBm).To adjust the VOL SET control R930 and the SQUELCH control R2401, use the following procedure.1. Connect an 8.2 ohm, l-watt resistor across J2401-9 and10, located on the rear panel of the Auxiliary Receiver.2. Connect an AC vtvm across the 8.2 ohm resistor andadjust R930 for a reading of 2.7-volts rms on the meter.3. Disconnect the 8.2 ohm resistor. Disconnect the signalgenerator.COMBINATION NOMENCLATURELBI-3076624. Turn the SQUELCH control R2401 clockwise (to theright) as far as possible.5. Adjust the VOLUME control R3 on the 19C320728service speaker until the noise is easily heard in thespeaker but is not annoyingly loud.6. Turn the SQUELCH control counter-clockwise (to theleft) until the noise just disappears, then advance thecontrol another 20 degrees.MASTR II LOCAL CONTROL BASE STATIONSTo adjust the VOL SET control R930 and the SQUELCH control R2401, use the following procedure.1. Apply a 1000 microvolt on-frequency signal modulatedby 1,000 Hz with ±3 kHz deviation to the Auxiliary Re-ceiver Antenna Jack J2402.2. Disconnect MASTR Local Controller cable from sta-tion input (PI 102 from J1).3. Connect an 8.0 ohm, 5-watt resistor across J2401-9 and10, located at the rear of the Auxiliary Receiver.4. Connect an AC vtvm across the 8.0 ohm resistor andadjust R930 for a reading of 6.3-volts rms on the meter.5. Disconnect the 8.0 ohm resistor and connect the con-troller cable to the station. Disconnect the signal gener-ator from J2402.6. Turn the SQUELCH control (R2401) clockwise (to theright) as far as possible.7. Adjust the VOLUME control on the MASTR LocalController until the noise is easily heard in the control-ler speaker but is not annoyingly loud.8. Turn the SQUELCH control counter-clockwise (to theleft) until the noise just disappears, then advance thecontrol another 20 degrees.LINE COMPENSATOR ADJUSTMENT,R12, R19Test Equipment Required1. Signal Generator2. Audio Oscillator3. AC V oltmeterProcedureR12 in the line compensator is used to set the 3000 Hzlevel. R19 is used to set the 300 Hz level. A Test Set-up Dia-gram is shown in Figure 1.1. At the Satellite Receiver, apply a 1000 millivolt, 1 kHzsignal with 3 kHz deviation from the signal generatorto the receiver as shown in Figure 1. Adjust LINEOUTPUT potentiometer R936 on Auxiliary ReceiverSystem Board for a reading of 0 dBm.2. Record this level as measured at telephone line input ofthe voting selector, then remove the signal generator.3. Connect the audio oscillator to the input of the linecompensator (Hole 14 on the Line Compensator Boardor J908 on the Auxiliary Receiver System Board). Setthe oscillator frequency to 1000 Hz, and adjust the levelto produce the same level recorded at the voting selec-tor input in Step 2.4. Record the output level of oscillator.5. Change the oscillator frequency to 2800 Hz. Maintainsame oscillator output level as recorded in Step 4.6. Adjust R12 on the line Compensator Board to producethe same level recorded at the voting selector in Step 2.7. Change the oscillator frequency to 300 Hz. Maintainsame oscillator level as recorded in Step 4.8. Adjust R19 on line compensator to produce the samephone line level at the voting selector as recorded inStep 2.CIRCUIT ANALYSIS10-VOLT REGULATOR BOARD19C320918G1The hybrid integrated circuit U801 includes the 10-V oltRegulator and regulator amplifier. Regulator pass transistorQ801 is mounted to the heat sink located on the printed board.The regulator circuit provides a closely controlled supply volt-age for the receiver, Channel Guard and other options whenpresent. Input voltage (A+) for the regulator is supplied fromthe station power supply via J2401-2 or some other externalsource.The Auxiliary Receiver ON/OFF switch S801 (located onthe Regulator Board) is normally left in the ON position. Turn-ing on the station power supply applies voltage throughS801 and input filter C801-L801 to pin 1 of the regulator hy-brid U801. The regulator amplifier output at pin 2 of U801 isapplied to the base of Q801, causing Q801 to conduct. Thevoltage at pin 3 of U801 is the regulated 10-volts output. Ahigh impedance source at pin 5 of U801 provides a stable 5-volt compensation input to the receiver ICOM.Two LEDs are provided on the front panel of the Re-ceiver. LED CR801 (ON) indicator is illuminated whenpower is applied to the regulator and switch S801 is in theON position. When a signal is received, the received un-squelch sensor (RUS) voltage developed by the receiver op-erates the RUS switch Q909 on the System Board.Conduction of Q909 operates Q802 on the regulator board.Conduction of Q802 turns on LED CR802 (CARRIER AC-TIVITY light).SYSTEM BOARD 19D429764G1The Auxiliary Receiver System Board contains the VOLSET control R930, the de-emphasis and line driver circuitsfor remote control applications, and jacks which accommo-date the various options available. The System Board alsomates directly with the receiver modules through J903 andJ904.VOLUME/SQUELCH HI from the receiver audio pre-amp is connected via J904-11 to the VOL SET control R930and SQUELCH control R2401. The VOL SET arm is re-turned to the receiver IFAS Board where the audio is ampli-fied by the receiver audio power amplifier circuit. The audiooutput of the PA is then connected to the speaker leads atJ2401-9 and 10. The station VOL SET control is normallyadjusted for 5-watts output and the speaker level is control-led by the MASTR Local Controller VOLUME control. Inmultiple-receiver applications, the jumper between H1 andH2 on the 19C320918 regulator board is removed, discon-necting A+ from the receiver PA output transformer. This al-lows the audio to be applied to the Multiple Receiver PA andspeaker and limits the current drain requirements.In MASTR II remote applications, the VOL/SQ HI iscoupled through the LINE DRIVER circuits to the remoteaudio pair. The audio is connected through the high-pass fil-ter consisting of C907-C908 and R901-R902. This filter at-tenuates 60 and 120 Hertz to reduce the hum and noise. Theoutput of emitter-follower Q901 is passed through a de-em-phasis network C909 and R906. This network provides a 6dB/octave rolloff. The signal is then amplified by Q902 andfed to another emitter follower Q903.The audio is coupled to the line driver through C914,Q904 amplifies the signal. The LINE LEVEL control R936is connected in the collector circuit of Q904 and allows feed-ing the audio to the line driver Q907. Q906 serves as anaudio switch controlled by the RUS circuit. As long as theRUS switch Q909 is turned off (receiver squelched), CR905is forward biased allowing Q906 to conduct. Conduction ofQ906 grounds the audio path between Q904 and Q907, pre-venting the audio from being passed to the line. When the re-ceiver unsquelches, the RUS lead goes high. This turns Q909on, turning off CR905 and Q906. The audio is now allowedto pass to the output amplifier Q908 or to the line trans-former T901. CR902, CR903 and VR901 are provided forline-surge protection.When the 19D417261G6 Channel Guard Board is used,the RX MUTE lead is controlled by the Channel GuardBoard. When no CG tone of the proper frequency is present,the board holds the RX MUTE lead at ground potential.When a CG tone of the proper frequency is detected, theground on the RX MUTE lead is removed and the RUS leadwill then go high when the receiver squelch opens. Activat-ing the CG MONITOR switch at the station control unitcauses the Channel Guard Board to remove ground from theRX MUTE lead, allowing the receiver to operate on noisesquelch.Figure 1 - Test Set-up DiagramLBI-307663CHANNEL GUARD FILTER 19C320627G1 The Channel Guard filter attenuates frequencies below 203.5 Hz to prevent the Channel Guard tone from being ap-plied to the line. The filter board is plugged into the System Board at P906 and P907.Audio and tone is applied to the filter input (J1-1) from the pre-amp. The audio is coupled to the 187 Hz notch filter composed of Q1, Q2 and associated circuitry. Negative feed-back for the filter is connected from the collector of Q2 to the junction of C2-R2.The notch filter output is applied to a low-pass filter con-sisting of Q3 and Q4. Negative feedback is developed across R12. The output of Q4 is coupled to the output lead J2-3 through C9 and returned to the preamp circuit.TONE NOTCH FILTER 19C328328G3 In Tone Remote Systems the tone notch filter is used for removing the 2175 Hz Secur-it tone from the audio path. The audio is connected to the filter at J906 on the System Board. The filter is composed of series resonant shunts L1-C1 and L3-C3 along with parallel resonant trap L2-C2. The filter notches out the 2175 Hz component from the audio and returns the audio to the System Board via J905. Resistor R937 is removed in Tone Remote Systems.LINE RESPONSE COMPENSATOR19C328328G2A telephone line usually introduces attenuation as a func-tion of frequency to the audio signal. The line response com-pensator introduces gain at the appropriate frequencies with the net effect being a flat frequency response.Audio applied to the compensator input at J908 on the System Board is amplified by buffer amplifier AR1-D and applied to the two active bandpass filters AR1-A and AR1-B. The 300 Hz and 3000 Hz filters boost the audio at these fre-quencies and the result is summed by the low-Q 1000 Hz fil-ter AR1-C. This 1000 Hz filter provides the required attenu-ation for a resultant response control from -1 to +10dB at3000 Hz, 3000 Hz referenced to the 1000 Hz level. Gaincontrol R12 is adjusted at the factory and should require nofurther adjustment. The compensator output is applied toJ909 on the System Board. The +10 Vdc for operating thecompensator circuits is applied via J910 on the SystemBoard.TONE NOTCH FILTER/LINE RESPONSECOMPENSATOR 19C328328G1The 19C328328G1 board combines the tone notch filterand line response compensator in systems requiring bothfunctions.SQUELCH OPERATED RELA Y BOARD19C320913G1The Squelch Operated Relay (SOR) Board plugs into theAuxiliary Receiver System Board at the P902 position. TheSOR provides four set of Form "C" relay contacts. A harness(19A122717G5) is provided for connecting any two sets ofthe Form "C" contact pines. The contacts of the relay arerated at 2 Amperes, for either 24 VDC or 121 V AC applica-tion.When a signal is received and the receiver unsquelches, apositive voltage appears on the RUS line at P904-8. Thispositive voltage is applied to the base of Q1, turning thetransistor on. Conduction of Q1 operates Q2. Conduction ofQ2 turns on Q3 which, in turn, energizes relay K1.VOTING TONE BOARD 19C320880G1The V oting Tone Board is used in V oting Selector Sys-tems and is plugged into the same plug (P902) which accom-modates the SOR Board. Thus both of these options cannotbe used simultaneously. Refer to LBI-4913 for a descriptionof the V oting Tone Board.VOTING TONE BOARD 19C336900G1The V oting Tone Board is used to provide tone signalingand is plugged into the same plug (P902) which accommodatesthe SOR Board. Thus both options cannot be used simultane-ously. Refer to LBI-31981 for more information on this board.VOTING TONE BOARD 19C328276G2(Option 9656)The 19C328276G2 V oting Tone Board is used in V otingSystems when test tones are desired for line response adjust-ment. The test tones are normally 400, 1000 and 2500 Hz withoptional status tone of 1600, 2175 and 2400 Hz available.Three momentary pushbutton switches are provided for ena-bling each of the test tones. The 19C328276G2 V oting ToneBoard is described in LBI-30767.ANTENNA MATCHING UNITS(Options 9536-9537)The Antenna Matching Units (AMU) are designed to matchtwo or more (up to a total of four) receivers to a single antenna.The AMUs may be operated with any receiver having an inputimpedance of approximately 50 ohms. The AMU chassis is de-signed for standard rack mounting. The frequency range ofAntenna Matching Unit Options 9536 and 9537 are usedwith MASTR II Base Station Auxiliary Receiver applications.Options 9703 and 9704 are used with MASTR II Multiple Re-ceiver Stations.The receive antenna is connected to J1 on the AMU. Theantenna cable W1 is connected to the input jack J1 on the firstpower divider (Z1 or Z4). The two outputs of the first powerdivider (J2 and J3) are coupled to the input jacks of two otherpower dividers which, in turn, feed up to four receivers. Eachpower divider has a 3.5 dB loss and 20 dB isolation (15 dB inthe 450-512 MHz unit) between output posts. The charac-teristic impedance of all four receiver output posts on thepower dividers is 50 ohms to match the input impedance of thereceivers. If only two receivers are used with an AMU, the in-sertion loss can be reduced by 3.5 dB if only one power divideris used.POWER SUPPLY 19C311855G1The 19C311855G1 Power Supply is used when more thanone auxiliary receiver is used in the MASTR II station. The120-V olt, 50/60 Hz supply provides the required +13 V olts foroperating the receiver.Connecting P501 to a voltage source applies 120 V AC tothe primary of stepdown transformer T501. The AC voltage de-veloped across the secondary windings of T501 is rectified byfull-wave bridge rectifiers CR501 through CR504. The recti-fied output is filtered by C501 and regulated by VR501 andQ501. The +13 V output is connected through P502 and P503to P1-1 and P1-2 on the 19B226440G2 harness.LBI-30766 4LBI-30766 OUTLINE DIAGRAMAUXILIARY RECEIVER CHASSISLO-BAND, HI-BAND & UHF19D417546G75OUTLINE DIAGRAM LBI-30766800 MHz AUXILIARY RECEIVER CHASSIS19D417546G86OUTLINE DIAGRAMCHANNEL GUARD & TONE NOTCH FILTERS19C320627G1 19C328328G1-G3 (19C321338, Rev. 1)(19C320625, Sh. 2 , Rev. 1)CHANNEL GUARD FILTER 19C320627G1(19C328331, Rev. 0)(19B232614, Sh. 1, Rev. 0)TONE NOTCH FILTER/LINE RESPONSECOMPENSATOR 19C328328G1-G3LBI-307667OUTLINE DIAGRAMAUXILIARY RECEIVER SYSTEM BOARD 19D429764G1(19D429765, Rev. 2) (19B232874, Sh. 1, Rev. 2)AUXILIARY RECEIVER SYSTEM BOARD 19D429764G1 LBI-307668OUTLINE DIAGRAM(19C321796, Rev. 1)(19A130059, Sh. 1 & 2, Rev. 0)(19C321792, Rev. 4)(19B226221, Sh. 1 & 2, Rev. 1)AUXILIARY RECEIVER & 10-VOLT REGULATOR BOARDS19C320913G1 19C320918G1 AUXILIARY RECEIVER SOR BOARD 19C320913G110-VOLT REGULATOR 19C320918G1LBI-307669OUTLINE DIAGRAM ANTENNA MATCHING UNITS 19C321150G1 & G2ANTENNA MATCHING UNITS AND POWER SUPPLY 19C321150G1 & G2 19C311855G1 (19C321706, Rev. 0) (19C311855, Rev. 5)POWER SUPPLY 19C311855G1LBI-30766SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMCHANNEL GUARD FILTER AND POWER SUPPLY 19C320627G1 19C311855G1 (19C320628, Rev. 0)(19B216280, Rev. 5)TONE NOTCH FILTER19C328328G3(19C328343, Rev. 1)LBI-30766LBI-30766SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMLINE RESPONSE COMPENSATOR19C328328G1(19D429483, Rev. 1)LBI-30766 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMLINE RESPONSE COMPENSATOR19C328328G2(19D429481, Rev. 2)SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSQUELCH OPERATED RELAY 19C320913G1(19C320915, Rev. 3)ANTENNA MATCHING UNITS 19C321150G1 & G2(19B226529, Rev. 1)LBI-30766PARTS LIST LBI-30766PARTS LIST LBI-30766PARTS LIST LBI-30766PARTS LIST LBI-30766PARTS LIST LBI-30766PARTS LIST LBI-30766SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AUXILIARY RECEIVER 19D417546G7 & G8(19E501751, Sh. 1, Rev. 9)NOTES:1. JUMPER FROM H1 TOTO H2 NOT PRESENTWHEN THERE IS NO LOAD,OR SPEAKER CONNECTEDTO THE SPEAKER OUTPUTLEADS. (J2401-9,10).2. WHEN TONE FILTERPL19C328328G1,3 IS PRE-SENT (IN TONE CONTROLSYSTEMS) R937 IS RE-MOVED.3.VOL SET CONTROL R930 ISSET FOR 1 W A TT AUDIOOUTPUT IN NON-LOCALSTA TIONS, 5 W A TTS IN LO-CAL STA TIONS.4.WHEN C.G. FILTER BD19C320627 IS NOT PRE-SENT, JUMPER FROM H20TO H21 IS PRESENT.5.WHEN AUX RECEIVERAUDIO IS RUN DOWNSEPARA TE 600Ω LINE, RE-MOVE JUMPERS FROM H2TO H22 AND H24 TO H25.6.ALL WIRES N22 UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.7.TERMINA TE N22 WIRES TOP2401 AND P2402 WITH19A116781P4. TERMINA TEV18 WIRES TO P2401 ANDP2402 WITH 19A116781P3.8.WHEN USED WITH MASTRII STA TION USING COM-MON TELEPHONE LINE,R931 IS NOT PRESENT.9.• 900 MHz ONLY .♦ LB. HB & 450 MHz.10.WHEN LINE COMPENSA-TOR PL19C328328G1,G2 ISPRESENT, DA JUMPER BE-TWEEN H34 AND H35 ISNOT PRESENT.11.v WIRES ADDED ANDRUNS CUT WHEN MODI-FIED FOR PST VOTING.12.5.6K RESISTOR ADDEDFROM J935-1 TO J935-3WHEN MODIFIED FOR PSTVOTING.LBI-30766LBI-30766INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSTONE NOTCH FILTER/LINE RESPONSE COMPENSATOR19C328328G1-G3(19D417634, Sh. 3, Rev. 0)LBI-30766 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSAUXILIARY RECEIVER & ANTENNA MATCHING UNIT(19D417615, Sh. 1, Rev. 5)LBI-30766INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSAUXILIARY RECEIVER & ANTENNA MATCHING UNIT(19D417615, Sh. 2, Rev. 8)LBI-30766 INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAMAUXILIARY RECEIVER OVERLA Y HARNESS19B226307G1(19D417611, Sh. 1, Rev. 12)LBI-30766INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAMAUXILIARY RECEIVER OVERLAY HARNESS (EACOM)19B226307G2(19D424989, Rev. 3)LBI-30766INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAMWITH CHANNEL GUARD MONITOR。

M.2 GPS用户指南说明书

M.2 GPS用户指南说明书

M.2 GPS CTIM-000454 Revision 0.01 2021-03-01TABLE OF CONTENTSTable of Contents (2)Preface (3)Disclaimer (3)Customer Support Overview (3)Contact Information (3)Limited Product Warranty (4)Copyright Notice (4)Trademark Acknowledgment (4)ESD Warning (5)Revision History (5)Introduction (6)Product Features and Specifications (6)Part Numbers / Ordering Information (6)Product Overview (7)Block Diagram (7)Connector Summary & Locations (7)Interface Pin-outs (8)M.2 Edge Connector (8)External I/O Connector (9)Active Antenna Connector (9)Detailed Feature Description (10)USB (10)TIMEPULSE (10)W_DISABLE1# (10)External Interrupt Input/WHEELTICK Input (10)FWD (11)External Battery (11)Local Battery and BAT_EN Header (11)On-Board Indicator LEDs (11)Software Support for the NEO-7 and NEO-M8 GPS Receivers (12)Cables (13)CBG162 – External I/O Cable (13)CBG214 – Murata HSC to SMA Female Cable (13)PREFACEDisclaimerThe information contained within this user’s guide, including but not limited to any product specification, is subject to change without notice.Connect Tech assumes no liability for any damages incurred directly or indirectly from any technical or typographical errors or omissions contained herein or for discrepancies between the product and the user’s guide.Customer Support OverviewIf you experience difficulties after reading the manual and/or using the product, contact the Connect Tech reseller from which you purchased the product. In most cases the reseller can help you with product installation and difficulties.In the event that the reseller is unable to resolve your problem, our highly qualified support staff can assist you. Our support section is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on our website at: https:///support/resource-center/. See the contact information section below for more information on how to contact us directly. Our technical support is always free.Contact InformationContact InformationMail/Courier Connect Tech Inc.Technical Support42 Arrow RoadGuelph, OntarioCanada N1K 1S6Contact Information ********************************************Toll Free: 800-426-8979 (North America only)Telephone: +1-519-836-1291Facsimile: 519-836-4878 (on-line 24 hours)Support Please go to the Connect Tech Resource Center for product manuals,installation guides, device drivers, BSPs and technical tips.Submit your technical support questions to our support engineers.Technical Support representatives are available Monday through Friday,from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.Limited Product WarrantyConnect Tech Inc. provides a 2-year Warranty for this product. Should this product, in Connect Tech Inc.'s opinion, fail to be in good working order during the warranty period, Connect Tech Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace this product at no charge, provided that the product has not been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, disaster or non-Connect Tech Inc. authorized modification or repair.You may obtain warranty service by delivering this product to an authorized Connect Tech Inc. business partner or to Connect Tech Inc. along with proof of purchase. Product returned to Connect Tech Inc. must be pre-authorized by Connect Tech Inc. with an RMA (Return Material Authorization) number marked on the outside of the package and sent prepaid, insured and packaged for safe shipment. Connect Tech Inc. will return this product by prepaid ground shipment service.The Connect Tech Inc. Limited Warranty is only valid over the serviceable life of the product. This is defined as the period during which all components are available. Should the product prove to be irreparable, Connect Tech Inc. reserves the right to substitute an equivalent product if available or to retract the Warranty if no replacement is available.The above warranty is the only warranty authorized by Connect Tech Inc. Under no circumstances will Connect Tech Inc. be liable in any way for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, such product.Copyright NoticeThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Connect Tech Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Connect Tech, Inc.Copyright 2021 by Connect Tech, Inc.Trademark AcknowledgmentConnect Tech, Inc. acknowledges all trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyrights referred to in this document as the property of their respective owners. Not listing all possible trademarks or copyright acknowledgments does not constitute a lack of acknowledgment to the rightful owners of the trademarks and copyrights mentioned in this document.ESD WarningElectronic components and circuits are sensitive to ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD). When handling any circuit board assemblies including Connect Tech COM Express carrier assemblies, it is recommended that ESD safety precautions be observed. ESD safe best practices include, but are not limited to:• Leaving circuit boards in their antistaticpackaging until they are ready to be installed. • Using a grounded wrist strap when handlingcircuit boards, at a minimum you should touch a grounded metal object to dissipate any static charge that may be present on you.• Only handling circuit boards in ESD safe areas,which may include ESD floor and table mats, wrist strap stations and ESD safe lab coats. • Avoiding handling circuit boards in carpetedareas.• Try to handle the board by the edges, avoidingcontact with components.REVISION HISTORYRevisionDateChanges0.00 2016-03-18 Initial Release0.01 2021-03-01 Updated formatReplaced GPS-06T PN /w MSG095INTRODUCTIONConnect Tech’s M.2 GPS is a GNSS receiver based on the very small industry standard M.2 Type-2242-S3-B form factor. Using the USB bus, the M.2 GPS provides global positioning and time-stamp information, while taking up little space and power within a system. Also considering the existing support for Windows and Linux, the M.2 GPS can be easily integrated into any existing system, as well as easily implemented into new systems.Product Features and SpecificationsSpecificationsDimensions 42 mm x 22 mm (M.2 Type-2242-S3-B)Antenna Connector HSC (MHF4), support for active antennas onlyGPS GPS, GLONASS, QZSS, GalileoUBX, RTCM, NMEA protocolsI/O TIMPULSE output synchronized with GPS time gridWHEELTICK input (used for Automotive Dead Reckoning)FWD input (used for Automotive Dead Reckoning)External Interrupt InputExternal Battery InputCables CBG162: External I/O CableCBG214: HSC (MHF4) to SMA Female CableAntenna MSG095, VTGPSA-9, Active GPS/GLONASS antennas only Environmental -40ºC to +85ºCWarranty and Support 2 YearsPart Numbers / Ordering InformationPart NumberM2G201 M.2 GPS Receiver (Battery not included) populated with NEO-7N moduleM2G202 M.2 GPS Receiver (Battery included) populated with NEO-7N moduleM2G203 M.2 GPS Receiver (Battery not included) populated with NEO-M8N module M2G204 M.2 GPS Receiver (Battery included) populated with NEO-M8N moduleM2G205 M.2 GPS Receiver (Battery not included) populated with NEO-M8L module,supports Automotive Dead ReckoningM2G206 M.2 GPS Receiver (Battery included) populated with NEO-M8L module,supports Automotive Dead ReckoningPRODUCT OVERVIEW Block DiagramConnector Summary & LocationsInterface Pin-outsM.2 Edge ConnectorThe M.2 GPS pin-out is compliant to the M.2 Socket 2 with B Key. This module uses only +3.3V for input power and all I/O is +3.3V signaling.Function M.2 Card Edge ConnectorLocation P3Pinout Signal Pin Pin SignalNC 1 2 +3.3V GND 3 4 +3.3V GND 5 6 NC USB_D+ 7 8 W_DISABLE1#USB_D- 9 10 NC GND1112 Connector Key Connector Key 13 14 Connector Key Connector Key 15 16 Connector Key Connector Key 17 18 Connector KeyConnector Key 19 20 NC CONFIG_0(GND)21 22 NC NC 23 24 NC NC 25 26 NC GND 27 28 NC NC 29 30 NC NC 31 32 NC GND 33 34 NC NC 35 36 NC NC 37 38 NC GND 39 40 M.2 GNSS SCL NC 41 42 M.2 GNSS SDA NC 43 44 M.2 GNSS IRQGND 45 46 NC NC 47 48 NC NC 49 50 RESET# GND5152NCNC 53 54 NC NC 55 56 NC GND 57 58 NC NC 59 60 NC NC 61 62 NC NC 63 64 NC NC 65 66 NC NC 67 68 NC CONFIG_1 (GND) 69 70 +3.3V GND7172+3.3VExternal I/O ConnectorThe pinout for the I/O connector is outlined in the table below.Function External I/O Connector501568-0507LocationP2Connector PN 501568-0507 - Manufacturer: Molex Mating Connector PN 501330-0500 - Manufacturer: Molex CTI Cable #: CBG162 PinoutPin SignalDescription1 EXT_INT / WHEELTICK External Interrupt Input orSpeed pulse input 2 TIMEPULSE Time pulse Output 3 FWD Forward/Reverse indicator 4 GND Digital Ground 5 EXT_BATExternal Battery InputNOTE: WHEELTICK is only available on M2G205 and M2G206, otherwise this signal is EXT_INTNOTE: FWD is only available on M2G205 and M2G206, otherwise it is not connected and should be left floatingActive Antenna ConnectorFunction Active Antenna ConnectorHSC - MHF4 JackLocation J2Connector PNMM4829-2702RA4 - Manufacturer: MurataMating Connector PN HSC – MHF4 Socket Standard CTI Cable #: CBG214DETAILED FEATURE DESCRIPTIONUSBThe M.2 GPS uses a USB 2.0 Full Speed (12Mb/s) interface as the primary communication bus. The USB interfaces is connected between the GPS receiver and the M.2 card edge connector (pins 7/9).TIMEPULSEThe TIMEPULSE output is a buffered and ESD protected signal from the GPS receiver. This signal connects to pin 2 of the External I/O Connector. It also drives the TIMEPULSE LED. By default, when satellites are not fixed this signal is High (3.3V). When satellites are fixed, this signal pulses at 1 pulse-per-second (1Hz) with a 20% duty cycle (200ms High, 800ms Low). For more information see the Receiver Description Including Protocol Specification document for your GPS receiver found in the Software Support section of this document.W_DISABLE1#The W_DISABLE# input from the M.2 card edge connector (pin 8) can be used to enable and disable power to the M.2 GPS module. When W_DISABLE1# is low, the module is disabled and no power is applied to the M.2 GPS. When W_DISABLE1# is High, the module is enabled and powered on. This signal is locally pulled up to 3.3V through a 100K ohm resistor.External Interrupt Input/WHEELTICK InputThe external interrupt/WHEELTICK input is an ESD protected input signal from the external I/O connector to the GPS receiver. On modules that do not support Automotive Dead Reckoning, this signal will always be an External Interrupt input, and this input can be used for control of the GPS receiver or for aiding. On modules that support Automotive Dead Reckoning (M2G205/M2G206), this signal is by default used as the WHEELTICK input and is used to provide speed pulse information to the module. If the speed pulse information is available from the host processor, then the information can be provided using software messages in the UBX protocol. If using software messages to provide speed pulse information, this signal can be configured as an external interrupt input. See the Receiver Description Including Protocol Specification document for your GPS receiver found in the Software Support section of this document. If this signal is not used, it should be left floating. Do not exceed 3.6V on this signal.FWDThe forward/reverse signal is an ESD protected input used on modules that support Automotive Dead Reckoning. This signal is used to indicate the moving direction of the module. An active high indicates moving forward and a low for moving backwards. If the forward/reverse information is available from a host processor, then this information can be provided to the module using software messages in the UBX protocol. For more information see the Receiver Description Including Protocol Specification document for your GPS receiver found in the Software Support section of this document. On modules that do not support Automotive Dead Reckoning, this signal should be left floating. Do not exceed 3.6V on this signal.External BatteryThe external battery input in an ESD protected input from the External I/O Connector to the backup voltage supply of the GPS receiver. The purpose of a battery signal is to power internal memory for GPS almanac, ephemeris, and last position retention through power cycles. The voltage on this input signal should be greater than 2.0V and less than 3.6V. The supply of this signal should be able to provide at least 20uA continuous at room temperature, and 50uA at +85 degrees Celsius.Local Battery and BAT_EN HeaderThere is a local battery supply on the M.2 GPS. The purpose of a battery signal is to power internal memory for GPS almanac, ephemeris, and last position retention through power cycles. The design includes a MS621 rechargeable battery which recharges itself when the unit is powered on. When power is removed from the unit the GPS receiver will typically consumer 15uA on its battery supply input at room temperature and 24uA at 85 degrees Celsius.On-Board Indicator LEDsLED DescriptionTIMEPULSE TIMEPULSE visual indicator. This LED will blink at the rate and duty cycle of the TIMEPULSE output.PWR ON: indicates the module is powered on and enabledOFF: indicated the module is not powered and is disabled*the module is enabled/disabled using the W_DISABLE1# input from the M.2 card edge connectorSoftware Support for the NEO-7 and NEO-M8 GPS ReceiversThe USB drivers for the NEO-7 and NEO-M8 GPS Receivers can be found on the u-Blox website: https:///en/product-resources?f[0]=property_file_product_filter%3A2668&f[1]=field_file_category%3A221For configuration and setting options for the NEO-7 GPS receiver, please refer to the u-Blox 7 Receiver Description Including Protocol Specification V14 found on the u-Blox website:https:///en/product-resources?f[0]=field_file_category%3A209For configuration and setting options for the NEO-M8N GPS receiver, please refer to the u-Blox M8 Receiver Description Including Protocol Specification found on the u-Blox website:https:///en/product-resources?f[0]=field_file_category%3A209Changing the configuring of the NEO modules is best accomplished using the u-center application provided by u-Blox. To get the u-center application for windows, please see the link below: https:///en/product/u-center-windowsCABLESCBG162 – External I/O Cable501330-0500SignalOpen End (Un-terminated) 1See I/O Connector Section for pin-outUn-terminated 2 Un-terminated 3 Un-terminated 4 Un-terminated 5 Un-terminatedCBG214 – Murata HSC to SMA Female CableHSCTOSMA Female (Socket)。







本套件包括原件如下:类别 名称 数量机壳 防水密封盒(孔已经打好) 1个 贴纸(需要自行裁剪) 1张 M座 2个 普通电线 1段 M3沉头螺钉 8个 M3螺母 8个 M3垫片(用于M头接地) 12个可变电容 可变电容 2个 小旋钮 2个 M2.5沉头螺钉(用于固定可变电容) 4个 M2.5圆头螺钉(用于固定可变电容的旋钮) 2个 M3平垫片 2个 M3 螺母 2个多刀开关 多刀开关(12个档位) 1个 大旋钮 1个 T106-2 磁环(红色) 1个 0.5 漆包线 1段电路板 电路板(驻波指示器) 1块 档位开关 1个 红色发光二极管 1个 51欧 电阻 3个 FT37-43 磁环(黑色) 1个 1K 电阻(用于发光二极管限流) 1个 1N60二极管 1个 0.1uF电容 1个一、原理图动手制作之前,请仔细查阅这张图。








FIBOCOM EVB-M2 用户指南说明书

FIBOCOM EVB-M2 用户指南说明书

FIBOCOM EVB-M2 用户指南文档版本:V1.0.3更新日期:2020-07-23适用型号序号产品型号说明1 FM150-NA NA2 FM150-AE NA3 L8系列NA版权声明版权所有©2020 深圳市广和通无线股份有限公司。






版本记录文档版本编写人主审人批准人更新日期说明V1.0.3 李升根刘汉章许绍锋2020-07-23 在第1.2节中,增加对开发套件盒中USB线的区别说明。

V1.0.2 李升根刘汉章许绍锋2020-06-22 1、文件名由用户使用手册改为用户指南。


V1.0.1 李升根刘汉章许绍锋2020-03-25 增加第5章开发板与电脑连接V1.0.0 刘汉章许绍锋许绍锋2020-03-05 初始版本目录1EVB 简介 (5)1.1产品概述 (5)1.2产品外观 (5)1.3应用框架图 (8)2跳线配置 (9)2.1默认跳线配置 (9)2.2电源跳线配置 (9)2.3ON/OFF跳线配置 (11)2.4PCIe接口配置 (11)2.5LED 信号跳线 (12)2.6USB_CFG跳线配置 (12)3信号配置开关 (14)3.1mmW 模组功能配置开关 (14)3.2SIM2 接口开关设置 (14)3.3音频功能开关配置 (15)3.4SIM_DET信号配置 (16)4天线连接器 (17)5开发板与电脑连接 (18)5.1开发板通过USB与电脑连接 (18)5.2开发板通过PCIe与电脑连接 (19)1 EVB 简介1.1 产品概述EVB-M2 开发板(简称EVB)适用于Fibocom 4G / 5G M.2接口模块测试与评估开发。

Comet CAT-300天线调谐器说明书

Comet CAT-300天线调谐器说明书

QST April 2023 5Reviewed by Phil Salas, AD5X *************I suspect that one of the most com-mon accessories found in the ham shack is an antenna tuner. Andwhile autotuners have become quite popular, the manual antenna tuner fi lls the needs of many hams. The Comet CAT-300 antenna tuner is a rugged manual antenna tuner that handles power levels up to 300 W.Basic DescriptionLike most manual antenna tuners, the CAT-300 is a T -confi guration antenna tuner. This antenna tuner can handle up to 300 W PEP of RF from 160 through 6 meters. It includes a colorful 1.8 × 2.5-inch analog cross-needle meter that simultaneously displays for-ward, refl ected power, and SWR. There is a pair of high-voltage variable capacitors, and a tapped shunt inductor (actually, two series inductors). Controls in-clude a 30/300 W range selector, PEP and average power reading, a TUNER switch that bypasses the CAT-300 while leaving the power and SWR functions intact, an ANTENNA 1 or ANTENNA 2 switch, the normal transmit and antenna variable capacitor, and tapped inductor (BAND ) control. On the rear panel, you will fi nd three SO-239 connectors — one INPUT to connect your transceiver, and two outputs to connect your an-tennas (see Figure 2). Please note that there are two possibilities for the ANTENNA 2 output, using either the SO-239 or the WIRE ANT banana jack for a wire antenna. There is no internal balun. Figure 3 shows the internal view of the CAT-300, and the complete specifi cations are given in Table 2.The BAND switch selects the shunt inductor tap. This may or may not be associated with the listed band, depending on the mismatch. The CAT-300 two-sheet manual lists starting capacitor and inductor positions for a 50 Ω input and 50 Ω output. This was a good starting point for my adjustments, as I was gradually increasing the resistive mismatch. However, for real on-the-air SWR adjustments, I recommend the tech-nique described by Andrew S. Griffith, W4ULD, in “Getting the Most Out of Your T -Network AntennaComet CAT-300 1.8 – 50 MHz Manual Antenna TunerBottom LineFor those hams interested in a manualantenna tuner, the Comet CAT-300 is certainly worth considering. It should easily satisfy the needs of 100 – 200 W radios for most anyantenna system mismatches.Table 2Comet CAT-300Manufacturer’s Specifi cations (not tested by the ARRL Lab)Frequency range: 1.8 – 54 MHz Input impedance: 50 ΩOutput impedance: 10 – 600 ΩMaximum TX power: 300 W PEP Minimum SWR measurement power: 6 W Lighting power supply: 11 – 15 V dc at 250 mA maximum*Dimensions (width, height, depth): 9.8 × 3.9 × 9.5 inchesWeight: 6 pounds*The actual current was only about 20 mA. I suspect that the original CAT -300 used an incandescent lamp for meter illumination. When this was changed to LEDs, apparently the current spec was not revised.Figure 2 — The Comet CAT-300 rear panel.6 April 2023 QST Tuner” in the January 1995 issue of QST . This entails the following procedure:1. Start with both capacitors in their center (half-meshed) posi-tions.2. Switch the shunt inductor to fi nd maximum receiver noise.3. Transmit 5 – 10 W and rotate the output capacitor, looking for an SWR dip.4. If no dip is seen, switch the inductor up or down and try again.5. Once an SWR dip is found, adjust the input capacitor for best SWR.6. Rock the output capacitor, and vary the input capacitor, until you fi nd the lowest SWR.My matching tests are shown inTable 3. I found that the adjustments were very touchy on 20 meters and above. However, it was fairly easy to null the SWR using the analog meter on the CAT-300. The input SWR was measured using a NIST-traceable power meter, as I wanted to more precisely measure the matched SWR.For these resistive SWR tests, all best SWR adjust-ments coincided with the corresponding band setting, except the high impedance 10-meter tests. In these cases, I had to use the 6-meter inductor position. And I could not fi nd a tuning solution better than 2:1 SWR for the 6.25 Ω (8:1 SWR) low-impedance test on 10 meters. Also, as you can see in Figure 3, there are insulated shaft extensions on the two variable capaci-tors. Other manual antenna tuners I’ve reviewed just used the plastic knobs to isolate the user from the high RF voltages on the capacitors, but I would often get RF burns from the setscrews in the knobs. This is not a problem with the CAT-300.Table 3Comet CAT-300 Resistive Load and Loss TestingVSWR/Impedance160 M80 M40 M20 M10 M6 M10:1/5 Ω Loss (%) 65% 46% 40% 45% 19% 23%VSWR 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.2:1 1.2:18:1/6.25 Ω Loss (%) 58% 41% 30% 26% 10% 15%VSWR 1:1 1.1:1 1.2:1 1.2:1 2:1 1.3:14:1/12.5 Ω Loss (%) 44% 29% 20% 24% <5% 6%VSWR 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.2:1 1.1:1 1.2:1 1.1:13:1/16.7 Ω Loss (%) 37% 23% 20% 19% <5% 13%VSWR 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 <5%2:1/25 Ω Loss (%) 26% 20% 16% 18% 6% 14%VSWR 1.2:1 1.1:1 1:1 1.1:1 1:1 1.1:11:1/50 Ω Bypass Loss 0% 0% 0% 1% 2% 3%Bypass VSWR 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1.1:1 1.3:12:1/100 Ω Loss (%) 18% 10% 10% 16% 10% 7%VSWR 1.1:1 1:1 1:1 1.1:1 1.3:1 1.1:13:1/150 Ω Loss (%) 16% 10% 7% 16% 10% <5%VSWR 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:14:1/200 Ω Loss (%) 12% 8% 8% 20% 12% <5%VSWR 1:1 1:1 1.1:1 1.2:1 1.1:1 1.1:18:1/400 Ω Loss (%) 12% 12% 15% 23% 26% 40%VSWR 1:1 1.1:1 1.2:1 1.1:1 1.3:1 1.1:110:1/500 Ω Loss (%) 15% 12% <5% 25% 30% 44%VSWR 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.2:1 1.6:1Table 4Comet CAT-300 SWR and Power Reading AccuracyLow ImpedanceHigh Impedance30 W Scale300 W ScaleBand 2:1 SWR 3:1 SWR 2:1 SWR 3:1 SWR 10 W 20 W 50 W 80 W 160 M 1.4:1 1.9:1 1.7:1 2.7:1 9.5 W 20 W 50 W 80 W 20 M 1.4:1 2.2:1 1.5:1 2.4:1 8.7 W 16 W 50 W 70 W 10 M 1.4:1 2.0:1 1.6:1 2.5:1 8.2 W 15 W 50 W 70 W 6 M1.3:11.8:11.7:12.5:19 W17 W50 W75 WFigure 3 — The Comet CAT-300 internal view.Next, I measured the SWR and power readings versus my NIST-traceable equipment with the CAT-300 placed in the bypass mode. The CAT-300 readings are my best attempts to interpolate the readings on the analog CAT-300 meter. The results are shown in Table 4.The SWR readings are reasonably accurate when the impedance is high. The low-impedance SWR mea-surements are much less accurate. However, the SWR meter is quite adequate for dipping the SWR during tuning.Finally, I looked at the peak meter-reading position.T he peak reading meter circuitry is not powered. Ap- parently, a larger capacitor is used to hold the sampled energy a little longer than normal. However, this also means it takes longer to charge this capacitor and, thus, display the peak power. On CW, I found that it took four dits before a true peak reading could be ob-served. This was more difficult on SSB. I found that I needed to talk fast and continuously for several sec-onds in order to see a peak reading. However, the CAT-300 meter only ever showed about 80% of the peak reading displayed on my Array Solutions Power-Master.ConclusionThe Comet CAT-300 manual antenna tuner is a well-made and rugged product. I was particularly impres-sed with the bypass SWR, especially on 10 and6 meters. This shows that Comet was careful to ensure that stray wiring inductances were kept to a minimum. I was also pleased with the insulated vari-able capacitor shafts.Manufacturer: Comet Co., LTD (Japan). Distributed in North America by the NatCommGroup, NCG Compa-nies Inc., 15036 Sierra Bonita Lane, Chino, CA 91710. . Price: $280. QST April 2023 7。







姓名:刘向林 ; 呼号:BG4IIJ ; 地址:山东省平度市红旗路197号94112 ; 工行卡号:621226 3803006 994804; 支付宝账号:bg4iij@163.。




[TUNE]: 调谐按键,可以启动调谐,或者和其他键配合完成一系列功能。

[CUP] / [CDN]: 手动调整天调内部调谐电路中的电容值。

[LUP] / [LDN]: 手动调整天调内部调谐电路中的电感值。

[POWER]: 电源键.1.5,2.0, and >3.0 LEDs: 驻波比指示灯。

PWR LED: 电源灯.四、后面板天调的后面板有四个连接部件,如下图所示。

ANTENNA: 通过50欧姆同轴电缆连接天线,匹配的插头是SO-239 射频插头。

RF IN:通过50欧姆同轴电缆电台或者功放的ANT插座,匹配的插头是SO-239 射频插头。













CommScope HBX-6513DS-VTM 2-port 频段扇形天线说明书

CommScope HBX-6513DS-VTM 2-port 频段扇形天线说明书

Page of 132-port sector antenna, 2x 1710–2180 MHz, 65° HPBW, RET compatibleRugged, reliable design with excellent passive intermodulation suppressionThis product will be discontinued on: March 30, 2024General SpecificationsAntenna Type Sector Band Single bandColorLight Gray (RAL 7035)Grounding Type RF connector inner conductor and body grounded to reflector and mounting bracket Performance Note Outdoor usage Radome Material PVC, UV resistant Radiator Material Low loss circuit board RF Connector Interface 7-16 DIN Female RF Connector LocationBottom RF Connector Quantity, high band 2RF Connector Quantity, total2DimensionsWidth 166 mm | 6.535 in Depth 83 mm | 3.268 in Length695 mm | 27.362 in Net Weight, without mounting kit2.8 kg | 6.173 lbElectrical SpecificationsImpedance50 ohmOperating Frequency Band 1710 – 2180 MHz Polarization±45°Electrical SpecificationsFrequency Band, MHz1710–18801850–19901920–2180 Gain, dBi151515.5 Beamwidth, Horizontal, degrees686664 Beamwidth, Vertical, degrees1514.113.5 Beam Tilt, degrees0–180–180–18 USLS (First Lobe), dB161616Front-to-Back Ratio at 180°, dB283028CPR at Boresight, dB201919CPR at Sector, dB788 Isolation, Cross Polarization, dB303030VSWR | Return loss, dB 1.4 | 15.6 1.4 | 15.6 1.4 | 15.6 PIM, 3rd Order, 2 x 20 W, dBc-153-153-153Input Power per Port, maximum, watts350350350 Electrical Specifications, BASTAFrequency Band, MHz1710–18801850–19901920–2180 Gain by all Beam Tilts, average, dBi14.314.414.6Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance, dB±0.7±0.7±0.8Gain by Beam Tilt, average, dBi0 ° | 14.79 ° | 14.418 ° | 13.50 ° | 14.89 ° | 14.618 ° | 13.50 ° | 15.29 ° | 14.618 ° | 13.7Beamwidth, Horizontal Tolerance, degrees±2.1±1.4±3.1Beamwidth, Vertical Tolerance, degrees±1.2±0.7±1USLS, beampeak to 20° above beampeak,dB171718Front-to-Back Total Power at 180° ± 30°, dB242423CPR at Boresight, dB201818CPR at Sector, dB6810Mechanical SpecificationsWind Loading @ Velocity, frontal119.0 N @ 150 km/h (26.8 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, lateral33.0 N @ 150 km/h (7.4 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, rear147.0 N @ 150 km/h (33.0 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Speed, maximum241 km/h (150 mph)Packaging and WeightsWidth, packed277 mm | 10.906 inPage of23Depth, packed188 mm | 7.402 inLength, packed1000 mm | 39.37 inWeight, gross8.8 kg | 19.401 lbRegulatory Compliance/CertificationsAgency ClassificationCE Compliant with the relevant CE product directivesCHINA-ROHS Below maximum concentration valueISO 9001:2015Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system REACH-SVHC Compliant as per SVHC revision on /ProductCompliance ROHS CompliantUK-ROHSCompliantIncluded ProductsDB390–Pipe Mounting Kit for 2.4 - 4.5 in (60 - 115 mm) OD round members. Use for narrow panelantennas. Includes two pipe mounts.DB5098–Downtilt Mounting Kit for 2.4 - 4.5 in (60 - 115 mm) OD round members* FootnotesPerformance Note Severe environmental conditions may degrade optimum performancePage of33。

M-409 M-527短波天线使用说明书

M-409 M-527短波天线使用说明书

M-409、M-527短波天线使用说明书M-409短波天线是一款工作在3.5MHz、7 MHz、14 MHz、21 MHz、29 MHz的五波段缩短型短波天线,3.5MHz、7 MHz、21 MHz共用一对振子,14 MHz、29 MHz 用一对振子,最长的一对振子长度小于20米,因此适合在较小的场地、空间工作。

而M-527短波天线则是一款工作在业余黄金频段的7 MHz、14 MHz、21 MHz 三波段缩短型短波天线,只用一对振子长度约10米。

1. M-409、M-527短波天线线圈及BALUN的使用建议因成都没有北方严寒,南方的酷暑,所以M-409、M-527没有经过严格的考验,为了避免灾难的发生,请注意以下几点。











M-409、M-527各波段的振子长度分别是M-409天线:A段3.7m (M-527天线J段3.7m)2根,B段4.2m (M-527天线K段0.8m )2根,C段2.8m (M-527天线L段1.4m)2根,D段2.8m 2根,E 段1.4m 2根,以上包括打结、折返等安装尺寸。



调谐至一个无线电台自动调谐1.按主机上的TUN 几次以选择"AM"或"FM"。

2.按 TUNING MODE ,使显示屏上的 "AUTO"指示灯亮起。

3.按 TUNING 开始自动调谐。


调到一个无线电台后,显示屏上的 "TUNED" 指示灯亮起。

调到一个 FM 无线电台时,"FM STEREO" 指示灯亮起。

"TUNED " 灯熄灭时不会输出任何声音。

FM 无线电台的信号微弱时:取决于建筑物结构和环境条件,无线电波可能会很微弱。


手动调谐 1.按主机上的TUN 几次以选择"AM"或"FM"。

AM/FM 接收详情2.按 TUNING MODE,使显示屏上的 "AUTO" 指示灯熄灭。


每按一下按钮,频率改变 1 个步长。



要返回至自动调谐:在主机上再次按TUNING MODE。





2.按 D.TUN。


例如,要调到 87.5 (FM),按 8、7、5,或 8、7、5、0。

如果输入的数字错误,请按D.TUN 并输入正确值。

注册一个AM/FM 无线电台可以记录最多 40 个您最喜欢的 AM/FM 无线电台。


美国SGC 数字化智能短波天线调谐器 说明书

美国SGC 数字化智能短波天线调谐器 说明书

数字化智能短波天线调谐器智能鉴频,适配任何短波电台记忆频点多,已记频点不再调谐调速快,支持自适应和跳频调谐能力强,调谐成功率高海陆两用,全天候工作环境特性符合欧洲美国军标市场占有率居全球首位美国S G C公司的中小功率短波自动天调技术性能优秀,市场占有率多年来居世界首位,不仅用于S G C公司自产电台,还供给欧美澳一些短波电台厂家配套。

S G C天调密闭防水,抗震,适应高温低温、潮湿、盐碱、沙尘等恶劣环境,可用于基站、车载、船载、机载、个人携带短波台站。

SGC天调由内置CPU控制,具有以下特性:● 具有巨量匹配组态,在短波全频段均能精确调谐,极少出现死点。

● 记忆信道多,记忆调速快于10毫秒,支持ALE自适应、高速扫描、跳频等通信方式。

● 感应鉴识电台发射频率,无需专用控制信令,因此可以配接任何短波电台。

● 可以用锁频装置锁定调谐状态,防止因天线晃动等原因造成天调反复调谐。

● 可配接鞭天线、长线天线、环天线等多种短波天线,允许天线长度2米至数十米。

1.6~30MHz,200W PEP美国SGC必须满足以下条件天调才能正常工作:天调必须靠近天线根部安装。








1.8~30MHz,500W PEPSGC智能天调技术指标45~55Ω3.6 3.6指标分项406×305×89368×292×114-35℃~+70℃2.5米900mA初始调速2秒,记忆调速<10毫秒<2:13~200W3~500W1.6~30MHz 1.8~30MHzSG230SG235SG237SG239300mA3~100W 1.5~200W1.8~60MHz 1.8~30MHz13.6V(10~18V)13.8V(10~18.5V)陆用,海用1400mA50万组50万组50万组13万组以上13.6V(10~18V)13.8V(10~18V)300mA0.90.9229×178×47191×152×4780W200W40W80W 重量(kg)体积(mm)工作温度最短天线长度调谐电流直流供电电压匹配组态调谐速度记忆频点输入阻抗驻波比(VSWR)CW输入功率PEP输入功率频率范围用 途● SGC天调配接长天线SGC天调20~30米长天线短波电台● SGC天调配接环天线500个170个*************** 新维电信有限公司3.3MHz以上3.3MHz以下7米15.3米91米2.2米8.5米12.2米30米。



天线调节器的正确使用流行的天调的结构主要为T型结构,即电容-电感-电容形式连接. 电路由两个可调电容和一个可调电感组成.我们分别称它们为CIN, COUT和L.其中电感连接在两个电容联接点及地之间.为了下面讨论方便, 我们假设两个电容都可在20到240pF之间可调.电感可在0.1到35uH之间可调. 在现代天调中,电容是由固定电容和可调电容组合而成的。




有些天调用 1:1的平衡-不平衡转换器代替。

在使用天调的时候,经常能遇到这种情况:可以找到不止一组T 网络的设置数值。


有时候一个T网络的组合方式使你的机器过热或ALC(自动电平控制)过高…… 让我们来看看为什么会出现这些情况?T网络是匹配的多面手电路。



调节天调的正确方法如下:对于具有连续可调电感的天调将 Cout调节到最大将Cin 调节到中值调节连续可调电感,找到一个SWR的最低点轻轻地增大或减小 Cin,并重新调节电感,直到找到一个最低点如果SWR低于步骤 3,轻轻地调节Cin(和步骤 4的方向相同)如果SWR高于步骤 3,轻轻地调节Cin(和步骤 4的方向相反)。

仔细调节,并反复步骤 3至步骤 5,找到 SWR几乎为 1:1为止。

当你几乎达到匹配点的时候,调节Cin SWR会上升,这时不管Cin,调节可调电感使SWR最小。


高氮雷际架子 этомicism:M-2线路检测器说明书

高氮雷际架子 этомicism:M-2线路检测器说明书

VOLTAGE DETECTORSFAQQ: Are there any precautions, besides wearing the proper safety equipment, when using voltage detectors?A: Do not assume conductors that have been tested de-energized will stay de-energized. Always install proper grounding devices before working.Failure to do so may result in serious injury or death.101 E. Crossroads Pkwy., Ste. A Bolingbrook, IL 60440 toll free ph (USA):877.406.4501 toll free fax (USA):866.824.4922 ph:630.343.3800454411 x 3.5 ( 279.4 x 89 ) Off / 240V / 4.2kV / 15kV/25kV/35kV/69kV/115kV/230kV 15oz. ( .43 )464411 x 3.5 ( 279.4 x 89 ) Off / 240V / 4.2kV /35kV/69kV/115kV/230kV/345kV/500kV 15oz. ( .43 )474411 x 3.5 ( 279.4 x 89 ) Off / Test-240V / Battery / URD:15kV/25kV/35kV 15oz. ( .43 )Overhead: 4.2kV / 15kV/25kV/35kV/46kV/69kV 474511 x 3.5 ( 279.4 x 89 ) Off / Test-240V / Battery / URD:4.8kV/7.2kV/16kV 15oz. ( .43 ) Overhead: 2.4/4.2kV / 4.8/8.3kV / 8.0/13.8-7.2/12.5kV / 14.4/25-16/27.6kV / 44kV COMPLETE KIT45561-4544 Tester 240V to 230kV, 1-21517 Case, 1-2500 Shotgun Adapter 2 ( .91 )46671-4644 Tester 240V to 500kV, 1-21517 Case, 1-2500 Shotgun Adapter 2 ( .91 )47691-4744 Tester 240V to 69kV, 1-21517 Case, 1-2500 Shotgun Adapter 2 ( .91 )VOLTAGE DETECTORSAuDiO / ViSuAL424411 x 3.5 ( 279.4 x 89 ) Off / 240V / 4.2kV / 15kV/25kV/35kV/69kV/115kV/230kV 15oz. ( .43 )434411 x 3.5 ( 279.4 x 89 ) Off / 240V / 4.2kV /35kV/69kV/115kV/230kV/345kV/500kV 15oz. ( .43 )444411 x 3.5 ( 279.4 x 89 ) Off / Test-240V / Battery / URD:15kV/25kV/35kV 15oz. ( .43 ) Overhead: 4.2kV / 15kV/25kV/35kV/46kV/69kV COMPLETE KIT4356 1-4244 Tester 240V to 230kV, 1-21517 Case, 1-2500 Shotgun Adapter 2 ( .91 )4367 1-4344 Tester 240V to 500kV, 1-21517 Case, 1-2500 Shotgun Adapter 2 ( .91 )4469 1-4444 Tester 240V to 69kV, 1-21517 Case, 1-2500 Shotgun Adapter 2 ( .91 ) 2500Shotgun Adapter .4 ( .2 )21517 12 x 8 x 4.5 ( 305 x 203 x 114 )Storage Case 1 ( .45 )4445Voltage Detector Tester 1 ( .45 )4445250021517Voltage Detectors are used to verify live or de-energized conductors. These testers may be used with rubber insulating gloves or hot sticks using the splined universal end fitting. Testers indicate the presence of voltage with an extra bright LED light and a distinctive audible signal. It is recommended that the tester be moved closer to conductor until warning is indicated, or it touches conductor, apparatus, or test point. Test the unit on a nearby energized conductor. Each tester requires three “C” batteries (included).The 4445 Voltage Detector Tester provides the most convenient and reliable means of verifying operation of Salisbury V oltage Detectors. The tester features instant push-button operation and requires a standard 9-volt battery (included). It’s portable and lightweight. To operate, push the button and move the tester toward the voltage detector being verified. The tester generates an electric field that activates the detector verifying the audible and visual signals are operational.。








4、使用50欧的连接跳线把调谐器的RF IN座和发射机的ANT座连接,再把天线连接到调谐器的ANT座即可。












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二、基本技术性能介绍型号:M-2天线调谐器工作频段:80m波段、40m波段、30 m波段、20 m波段、17 m波段、15 m波段、12m波段、10m波段驻波比:优于1.5:1(视天线阻抗范围)配接使用天线类型:非平衡式接口形式:SL16型插座、天线接线柱匹配天线阻抗范围:ANT 1、ANT 2、ANT 3:10 ~ 250 ΩWIRE天线接线柱:10 ~ 250 Ω(9:1巴仑旁路)90 ~ 2250 Ω(9:1巴仑接入)天线调谐器承载率:100W PEP驻波比测量范围: 1 ~ 无穷大最大功率测量范围:200W调谐/测量射频功率:不小于1.5W天线切换器:三路同轴、一路WIRE接线柱直径:6mm照明灯消耗电流:小于40mmA整机外形尺寸:宽200mm×高90mm×深160mm(未含橡胶机箱脚及突出部分)整机净重量约:1.9公斤(未包括包装纸箱)三、旋钮、开关功能介绍A. M-2天线调谐器的前面板旋钮功能介绍01、TRANSMITTER天调发射机侧调容,配合INDUCTANCE(天调调感)、ANTENNA(天调天线侧调容)实现与天线的良好匹配,调谐这些旋钮可将驻波比调至最小。






04、POWER & SWR功率、驻波测量选择开关。

05、SWR SET在测驻波时,该电位器用于校正驻波表。

06、ANT SELECT天线选择开关,用于切换后面板的四组天线。

07、BYPASS / TUNE选择天线调谐器的接入与旁路。

B. M-2天线调谐器的后面板插座、开关功能介绍01、DC13.8V表盘照明灯插座02、TRANSMITTER连接发射机03、ANT 1、ANT 2、ANT 3天线接口04、WIRE接长线天线05、GND接地端口06、BYPASS / 9:1BALUNWIRE接口9:1BALUN的选择开关四、M-2天线调谐器的接口功能介绍01、TRANSMITTER该接口使用50Ω同轴电缆与发射机连接。

该电缆需由用户自备02、ANT 1、ANT 2、ANT 3该接口可接入50Ω同轴电缆馈电的天线,如:Yagi、“倒V”、“GP”等天线及假负载。





ANT SELECT开关可分别选择测量ANT 1、ANT 2、ANT 3、WIRE天线上的功率与驻波比。

BYPASS / TUNE开关可选择测量未接天调/接入天调后的天馈系统的功率、驻波比值。

01、测量发射功率:使用模式可选FM、AM、CW(手键),保持发射,将POWER & SWR开关放在200W、20W、5W档位,可分别测量FM、AM、CW模式时最大发射功率为200W、20W、5W的功率,功率值在WATTS表上读取。



使用模式可选FM、AM、CW(手键),保持发射,测量功率在20~200W 时,将POWER & SWR开关放在200W档,先测出发射功率(如80W),然后再将POWER & SWR开关放在SWR档,调整SWR SET电位器使WATTS表的指针对齐200W档的80W刻度线,再在SWR表的200W档刻度线读取反射功率。

测量功率在2~20W时,将POWER & SWR开关放在20W档,先测出发射功率(如8.2W),然后再将开关POWER & SWR放在SWR档,调整SWR SET 电位器使WATTS表的指针对齐20W档的8.2W刻度线,再在SWR表的20W 档刻度线读取反射功率。

以上图例:正向功率80W,反射功率10W正向功率8.2W,反射功率1.3W03、测量驻波比将开关POWER & SWR放在SWR档位,使用模式可选FM、AM、CW(手键),保持发射,调整SWR SET电位器使WATTS表的指针对齐红色的SWR SET刻度线,在SWR表上读取驻波值(20W~200W读取H刻度,20W以下读取L刻度)。


以上图例:测量功率20W以上时SWR1:1.4测量功率20W以下时SWR1:1.6204、实时监测天馈系统驻波比、功率调谐好天馈系统后,设置好发射功率,重复步骤03,再将开关POWER & SWR放在适当的功率档位,SWR表将显示驻波比,WATTS表显示发射功率(SSB发射时显示平均功率)。








1、M-2天线调谐器的调谐①POWER & SWR放在20W档,调节电台输出功率到5~10W左右。


在不同波段调谐时,INDUCTANCE(调②保持发射,调整SWR SET电位器使SWR表指针在约1/2处,观察驻波表的变化,通过调节ANTENNA(天线侧调容)、TRANSMITTER(发射机侧调容)使其SWR表显示最小、WATTS表显示最大。

注意:调谐时,如INDUCTANCE(调感)开关在相邻的两档都能将SWR 调下来时,INDUCTANCE(调感)开关应选电感最小的那档(例:K、J则选K)。

③完成第二步骤使其驻波达到1:1.0左右以后,将开关POWER & SWR放在200W档(功率大于20W时),增加发射功率到操作所需功率。


⑤测量驻波(参见五、02)警告:1.发射时,不要扳动天调BYPASS / TUNE选择开关、BALUN旁路/接通开关以及旋动波段选择开关。



3.将后面板GND接线柱与大地进行可靠的连接,可以有效的防止触电、BCI TVI(广播和电视)等干扰。


5. ★★★★在很差的匹配或者没有连接输出设备的情况下进行功率测量会很容易毁坏您的发射机及天线调谐器的表头电路和调谐电路★★★★6. ★★★★在长时间进行AM、FM、CW及数字通信时需将功率减半使用(3.5~30MHz不大于50W )★★★★2、M-2天线调谐器的ANT 1、ANT 2、ANT 2天线接口固定使用谐振天线时,若在天气发生变化、偏离天线谐振频率时进行发射操作,天馈系统的SWR会发生改变。



天馈系统的SWR大于3以上时,虽然M-2天线调谐器能将SWR 降下来,但在高SWR情况下50Ω同轴电缆损耗会变得很大,大量的信号就在同轴电缆内白白损耗掉了。




ANT SELECT开关可方便的选择连接WIRE天线。





QSY 时,即可快速完成调谐过程并投入使用。

M-2 天线调谐器各频点调谐位置记录列表附:M-2手动天线调谐器电路图M-2天线调谐器使用50Ω假负载时各频点基本调谐位置表2010. 07. 02。
