



Three Days to See(Excerpts)假如给我三天光明(节选)Three Days to SeeAll of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year, sometimes as short as 24 hours. But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed hero chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited.Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances. What events, what experiences, what associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings, what regrets?Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with gentleness, vigor and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epicurean motto of “Eat, drink, and be merry”. But most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. He becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It has often been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses. Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight. Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life. But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds hazily, without concentration and with little appreciation. It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious ofhealth until we are ill.I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.。



假如给我三天光明内容简介英文作文80字全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1If I Had Three Days of DaylightImagine if the sun never went down for three whole days! That would be the coolest thing ever! I could stay up as late as I wanted playing video games, watching movies, and having fun with my friends without my parents nagging me to go to bed. No more "lights out at 8 PM" for me!The first day would be awesome. I'd wake up really early, like 5 AM, and head straight outside to play basketball and ride my bike around the neighborhood. Normally I'm not allowed to go out that early without my parents, but with endless daylight they'd have to let me! I'd gather up all my buddies and we could have epic games of hide-and-seek and capture the flag that would last for hours and hours.Around lunchtime we'd all head to the pizza place and pig out on extra cheesy pies and pitchers of sweet sweet soda. Mmm...my mouth is watering just thinking about it. After pizza, it would be off to the arcade to play all the latest video games andtry to set some high scores. With no bedtime, we could stay as long as we wanted!Once we were finally arcade'd out, we'd go to the park and baseball and kick around the soccer ball until we were tired. Even though it was still daytime, we could have a bonfire and make s'mores. S'mores for dinner? Yes please! You know what else would be amazing? We could camp out in the backyard and stargaze all night long. The stars would be shining so bright with the sun still up.The second day, I think I'd want to have a humongous sleepover at my house with all my friends. We could pull anall-nighter playing games, eating junk food, and watching movies. All my favorite snacks would be stocked up - Doritos, Oreos, ice cream, candy, you name it! We could have an endless Nerf blaster battle going all through the house. No parents around to stop the fun!For the third day, we'd all get up early again and head to the water park or beach. It would be open exclusively for us neighbourhood kids since everyone else had to go to school and work. Can you imagine? Having a whole water park to ourselves with nobody there to kick us out at closing time? We could go on the coolest slides and craziest rides all day and all night onrepeat. After the water park, we'd dry off and then go find an outdoor movie theater and watch all the latest superhero and action flicks back-to-back-to-back! Popcorn, slushies, and three nights of no bedtime? Pinch me, I must be dreaming!Eventually, I guess the three days would have to come to an end. As much as I'd try to enjoy every second, I'm not sure if I'd even make it through the whole three days before passing out from exhaustion. A little kid can only take so much fun before crashing hard. When that final morning dawned and my mom yelled up to my room that it was time for school, I'd be one smiling but sleepy boy. It would have been an incredible adventure that I'll never forget! I'd be walking zombie for at least a week, but it would be so worth it.That's what I dream three days of never-ending sunlight would be like. Just non-stop excitement, freedom, and fun with my friends and no grownups around to rain on our parade. No school, no chores, no bedtimes. Just three days to be a kid and soak up as much awesomeness as possible. A kid could get used to that kind of life! Although...I'd probably end up feeling pretty sick from a diet of nothing but junk food after a few days. Maybe having my mom around to make sure I ate some vegetables wouldn't be toooo bad. Either way, those three days of eternaldaylight would give me enough energy to power through an entire year of school nights!篇2If I Had Three Days of SunlightImagine if I had three whole days where the sun never went down! That would be the coolest thing ever. I'd get to stay up all night playing video games or watching movies without my mom yelling at me to go to bed. No more annoying bedtime!The first day would be awesome. I'd wake up really early like 5am and go outside to play. The neighborhood is so quiet and empty that early. I could ride my bike all over without cars getting in the way. I'd visit the park and have the whole place to myself on the swings, slides, and jungle gym.After a few hours, my friends would wake up and come outside too. We'd get together and play capture the flag or have an epic Nerf war battle. Normally we only get a few hours in the evening after school to play outside, but with nonstop sunlight we could play all day and night!My mom wouldn't let me stay out forever though. She'd definitely make me come inside for meals and snacks. But maybeI could convince her to have a picnic outside for lunch and dinner since it would stay light out. We could grill burgers and hot dogs and eat outside at the picnic table. That would be fun!Once it got dark usually, we'd all have to go inside. But not if the sun stayed out! We could keep playing outside as late as we wanted. I bet we'd get kind of tired after staying up and running around for like 24 hours straight though. We might need nap breaks or snacks to get our energy back up.The second day, we could do something really cool since it's still sunny. Maybe we could all go to the lake or beach! Stuff is always closed or too cold at night normally. But if the sun stayed up, we could swim in the pool or lake anytime.Or we could have a giant sleepover outdoors and build tents and forts in someone's backyard. We'd tell scary stories and make s'mores over a bonfire all night. No parents would make us go to bed! We could pull an all-nighter playing truth or dare and watching movies projected on a sheet hung between the trees.By the third day, I'd probably be pretty tired from not getting normal sleep. But I wouldn't want to waste a second of that sunlight! I'd try to pack in as much outdoor activities as possible before it went away.We could go on a long bike riding adventure and explore new neighborhoods miles away from our houses. Or have an epic water balloon fight that lasts for hours. Or set up a lemonade stand and run it around the clock to make extra money. So many possibilities!Eventually though, the third day of sunlight would have to end. I imagine I'd be pretty sad as the sun started going down. I'd try to soak up as many last rays as possible. Maybe even protest and beg it not to set!When it finally did get dark again, I'd be exhausted but so happy I got three bonus days of nonstop fun in the sun. I'd have so many amazing memories from those days. I bet I'd sleep like a log for about a week straight afterwards to catch up!Those three days of sunlight sound too good to be true. Like the ultimate summer dream for a kid. Non-stop playing and no bedtime? Yes, please! If it ever did happen, I'd make sure to spend every second outdoors with my friends. We'd never want those days to end!篇3Here's an 80-word English summary for the movie "If I Had Three Days of Sunshine":If I had three days of sunshine, I'd spend them playing outside with my friends. We'd run through fields, climb trees, and catch butterflies. On the first day, we'd have a picnic and tell silly jokes. The second day, we'd build a fort and defend it from imaginary monsters. On the third day, we'd have a water balloon fight and end up soaking wet but happy. Those three days of sunshine would be the best days ever!Here's a 2000-word children's story inspired by that summary:If I Had Three Days of SunshineMy name is Timmy, and I'm nine years old. I love playing outside, but it rains so much where I live. One night, I made a wish upon a star. "I wish I had three days of sunshine to play outside with my friends," I said out loud.The next morning, I woke up to the brightest sun I'd ever seen! I ran downstairs, gobbled up my breakfast, and called my best friends Jake and Emma."Did you guys see the sunshine?" I shouted into the phone. "Let's go to the park and play!"Jake and Emma were just as excited as me. We met at the park, and the day was already heating up."What should we do first?" Emma asked, spinning in circles with her arms out.I had the perfect idea. "Let's have a picnic and tell jokes!"We ran home to gather supplies like blankets, snacks, and books of jokes and riddles. When we returned to the grassy field, we laid out our picnic and took turns telling silly jokes."Why did the kid throw his clock out the window?" I asked.Jake and Emma shrugged.Laughing, I said, "Because he wanted to see time fly!"We laughed so hard that we rolled around on the blanket. The sun shone brightly overhead as we snacked and told more jokes.After our picnic, we decided to run through the fields and look for adventures. We pretended to be brave knights seeking a dragon's lair. We used sticks as swords and leaves as magical camouflage.That's when I spotted it - a towering oak tree with the perfect treehouse spot between some branches!"Knights! Over here! We must build a fortress to protect the kingdom," I commanded.Jake, Emma, and I got to work gathering fallen branches, twigs, leaves, and anything else we could find. We built walls around the nook, created a roof out of leaves, and put our flag (a red bandana) on a tall stick in the center.From our treehouse fort, we surveyed the land and guarded it from any approaching "monsters" - squirrels, birds, or any unsuspecting kids who wandered too close. We kept up the game until our moms called us home for dinner.The next morning, the sun was shining as bright as ever. We hadn't used up our three days of sunshine yet!"I can't wait to play outside again today!" I excitedly told my parents at the breakfast table. I chugged down my orange juice and shoved a piece of toast in my mouth as I ran out the door.Emma and Jake were already waiting for me at the park. They had buckets of water balloons at the ready."Hey Timmy! We're gonna have an epic water balloon fight today!" Jake called out, already tossing one up and down."Get ready to get soaked!" Emma laughed, winding up to throw one right at me.I dove out of the way just in time, the water balloon exploding against the ground behind me."Not if you get drenched first!" I yelled, grabbing a few ammo balloons of my own.We chased each other around the grassy fields, taking cover behind trees or large rocks whenever we needed to reload our arms. Within an hour, we were absolutely soaked from head to toe - but laughing and having an awesome time.By the afternoon, we were breathing hard and our arms were getting tired from all the throwing."I have an idea..." Jake said slyly. He started filling up the remaining balloons in his bucket.Emma and I watched in confusion until he started lining them up on the ground like little water mines."I'm gonna make a minefield! Let's see if you two can cross it without getting even more wet," Jake challenged with a big grin.Emma and I quickly made our own lines of water balloon mines across the field too. We played the new game, trying to hop over or tiptoe around the landmine balloons, until every last one had exploded under our feet.We plopped down in the soaked grass, completely drenched and worn out from the most amazing three days ever.As the sun began to set on the third day, I realized my wish on the star had come true - and it was better than I ever could have imagined.Emma, Jake, and I walked home, leaving a trail of wet footprints behind us. I was already dreaming up ways to make the sunny days last forever with my best friends.The End篇4Here's a 2000-word story titled "If I Had Three Days of Daylight" written in English from the perspective of an elementary school student:If I Had Three Days of DaylightImagine if the sun never set for three whole days! That would be the coolest thing ever! No bedtime, no having to turn on the lights, just never-ending daylight. Oh man, the fun I could have!On the first day of non-stop sunshine, I'd wake up crazy early, like 5 am. Normally, I'd be annoyed at having to get up that early on a weekend, but not this time! The sun would already be shining bright in the sky. I'd rush to put on my clothes and head outside to play.My buddies and I would gather at the park near my house. We'd play infinite games of kickball and basketball since it would never get dark. No more stopping because it's "too dark to keep playing." We'd just go on and on! Maybe we'd even break out the Super Soakers and have an epic water fight that lasts all day and night.When we finally got hungry, we'd run back to my house. My mom would make us stacks of pancakes and bacon for anultra-late breakfast/early lunch around noon. Then it's right back outside! We might build an enormous fort out of branches, cardboard boxes, old sheets--you name it. The daylight would let us make it as huge and elaborate as we wanted.As the temperatures started to cool off in the evening, we'd grab our skateboards and bike over to the skate park. We'd skate and do tricks for hours while blasting music over a portable speaker. Maybe we'd even catch some fireworks shows since people wouldn't have to wait for nighttime anymore.Finally, we'd all go home around 10 or 11 pm, our bodies completely exhausted from playing outside for almost 24 hours straight. After wolfing down a huge dinner, I'd pass out in bed, eagerly waiting for the second day of eternal daytime.Day 2 would be even more epic! We'd grab our swimsuits and towels to hit up the community pool and water parks. No harsh sun getting in our eyes in the afternoon heat--the light would be perfect all day! We'd go down the monster slides and splash around until our skin turned pruney.For a break, we'd have a massive backyard campout and barbecue at someone's house. We'd roast hot dogs and s'mores over the fire pit or grill. Stuffing our faces with all the camp treats, we'd play flashlight tag even though we wouldn't need any flashlights! When we got bored of that, we'd kick around a soccer ball in the yard as the sun remained directly overhead.The final morning of Day 3, we'd go all out. First, we'd have a bigger-than-life Nerf war with every Nerf blaster and foam bullet we could find. Then it would be time for the rain gutter regatta! We'd build little wooden boats and race them along the street drainage ditches. No chance of it getting too dark to find our boats!I'd spend every last second of those three days soaking in the daylight with my friends. We'd never stop running, laughing, and playing in the eternal sunshine. No parents could ever nag us about staying up too late or going to bed. Those three days would be absolute paradise!But of course, all good things must come to an end. Once the sunset finally arrived on Day 4, we'd be crushed. Back to the normal routine of nighttime and sleep. We'd beg for just one more day--one more chance to bask in the glory of never-ending daylight. Permanant daytime might actually get old after a while, but those three days would be burned into my memory forever as the most fun three days ever!篇5If I Had Three Days of DaylightImagine if the sun never went down for three whole days! How cool would that be? I've always wondered what it would be like to have never-ending daylight. Just think of all the awesome things you could do without worrying about it getting dark outside.First off, you could play outside for as long as you wanted. No more "Time to come in, it's getting late!" from Mom or Dad. During those three days, you could have the most epic games of hide and seek or capture the flag that lasted for hours and hours. The park or backyard would be our playground 24/7! We could build the hugest fort ever and not have to stop working on it when the sun went down.Sleepover parties would be a blast too. Normally, you have to go to sleep at some point during a sleepover. But with no nights for three days straight, you could stay up the entire time! You and your friends could watch movies, play video games, eat junk food, and stay up as late as you wanted without your parents telling you it was bedtime. A never-ending sleepover party goes on my wish list for sure.Outdoor adventures would be nonstop fun too. Can you imagine going camping and not having to worry about building a campfire, pitching a tent, or ending your hike because it was getting dark out? A three-day outdoor expedition seems way more exciting when there's no night to slow you down. You could explore the woods from dawn until…well, dawn again! No fumbling around with flashlights or headlamps required.Another idea that gets me pumped is the thought of all the reading I could do. I love getting lost in a good book, but my parents are always nagging me to "Turn off that light and get to sleep!" If there was constant daylight for three days though, I could read for as long as my eyes could stay open. A world of adventure would be awaiting me on those pages without grumpy grown-ups bugging me about my bedtime.While we're dreaming big, how about a movie marathon? Like an all-day, all-night, all-day-again, all-night-again kind of epic movie binge! With no bedtime for three nights, my friends and I could go through every single Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Marvel movie release without stopping. Pillows, blankets, endless candy and popcorn—now that's living the dream.For those three glorious days of never-ending sun though, I could totally live it up. Playing outside for hours, sleepover parties that don't stop, nonstop camping fun, reading books forever, video game binges galore, and watching all the movies I can handle—what's not to love? Sounds like the ultimate kid's dream to me. If only the sun could take a long weekend off from setting every once in a while! A guy can hope, right? Those three days of straight daylight would be three days I'd remember forever. Now somebody really needs to get working on篇6If I Had Three Days of SunlightHave you ever seen the movie "If I Had Three Days of Sunlight"? It's one of my favorite movies ever! It's all about this boy named Tommy who gets granted three days of sunlight by amagical fairy. It sounds kinda weird, but just wait until you hear what happens!Tommy is just a regular 10-year-old kid living in a big city. He lives with his mom and dad in a tiny apartment. Poor Tommy hardly ever gets to go outside and play because the city is always covered in thick smog and pollution. The skies are gray and gloomy all the time. Tommy's parents have to wear special masks whenever they go outside so they don't get sick from the dirty air. It's a pretty miserable way to live if you ask me.One night, Tommy is out on the fire escape trying to see the stars through the smog when all of a sudden, a tiny glowing fairy appears! Her name is Zelda and she tells Tommy that she feels bad that he never gets to experience sunshine and fresh air. Zelda has magical powers and she decides to grant Tommy's wish - three full days of warm sunshine and clear blue skies! But there's a catch. After the three days are over, everything has to go back to normal. Still, Tommy is so excited that he doesn't even care about the catch.The next morning when Tommy wakes up, the most amazing thing has happened. The smog is completely gone! He runs to the window and opens it, and the most wonderful fresh air pours into his room. Tommy can't believe his eyes when he looks upand sees a brilliant sun shining down. He gets dressed as fast as he can and runs outside. The whole city looks brand new! The buildings are shining, the trees and flowers are in full bloom, and everyone is out walking around with huge smiles.Tommy spends the entire first day just exploring and playing outside. He goes to the park and kicks a soccer ball around with some new friends. He gets his first taste of an ice cream cone from an ice cream truck. He even convinces his parents to have a picnic in the warm sunshine. That night, Tommy falls asleep looking up at a sky full of bright, twinkling stars.On the second day of sunlight, Tommy decides to do something he's never done before - go to the beach! He begs his mom and dad to take him, and they finally agree. It's about an hour's drive outside of the city to get there. When they arrive, Tommy is completely awestruck. He had no idea places like this existed! The sand is warm between his toes, the water is a gorgeous blue-green color, and the sun is shining so brightly it almost hurts his eyes. He spends the whole day splashing in the waves, building sandcastles, and eating the most delicious food from the snack shacks.On the night of the second day, Tommy and his parents have a backyard campout. They roast marshmallows over a fire pit andlook up at the stars. Tommy closes his eyes and tries to soak in every little detail - the smoky smell of the fire, the chirping of the crickets, the gentle breeze. He knows this wonderful sunshine won't last forever.Finally, on the morning of the third day, Tommy wakes up to find the skies are blue and clear once again. This will be his last full day of sunshine. He begs his parents to let him skip school so he can spend it doing his favorite things from the last two days. They reluctantly agree since they know how special this is for him.Tommy spends the entire third day doing everything he loves - kicking a soccer ball, going to the park, eating an ice cream cone. He even gets to go back to the beach one last time. As the sun starts to set on that third night, Tommy sits on the sand and looks out over the sparkling pink and orange water. He takes a deep breath of the salty sea air, knowing that tomorrow it will all be gone.Sure enough, when Tommy wakes up the next morning, the smog has returned. The skies are gray and gloomy just like before Zelda the fairy showed up. Even though he's sad it's over, Tommy will never forget those three wonderful days of sunshine. He knows now what he was missing before, and he promiseshimself that someday, he'll find a way to get rid of the pollution for good so that everyone can enjoy clear blue skies. Those three days changed Tommy forever.What did you think of the story? I just loved how Tommy got to experience so many new things during his three days of sunlight. It really makes you appreciate things like sunny days and starry nights that we might take for granted. I really hope Tommy finds a way to get rid of the smog in his city someday! Wouldn't it be amazing if we could have sunshine all the time? Either way, it's a super heartwarming tale that will definitely make you smile. Let me know if you check out the movie - I bet you'll love it just as much as I did!。



假如给我三天光明(中英对照)I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would tech him the joys of sound.我常常想,如果每个人在他成年的早期有一段时间致瞎致聋,那会是一种幸事,黑暗会使他更珍惜视力,寂静会教导他享受声音。

Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see. Recently I was visited by a very good friends who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had observed.. “Nothing in particular, “ she replied. I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such reposes, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little.我不时地询问过我的能看见东西的朋友们,以了解他们看到什么。







英文版书名为"Three Days to See",于 1933 年首次出版。

海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller,1900-1968),美国盲聋女作家、社会活动家。

她 19 个月大时因病失去视力和听力,后来在导师安妮·沙利文的帮助下,通过触摸和手语开始了解世界。

12 岁时,她开始学习唇语和说话,并逐渐成为世界著名的社会活动家、作家、演说家。







外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 2 Developing ideas three days to see课文中英文

外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 2  Developing ideas three days to see课文中英文

Three Days to See假如给我三天光明1 I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.我常常思忖,如果每个人在青年时期都有一段时间看不见、听不见,那会是一件幸运的事情,因为黑暗会使人更加珍惜视力,静默能教会人享受声音的美妙。

2 Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see. Recently, I asked a friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods what she had observed. “Nothing in particular,”she replied.我时常询问我那些看得见的朋友们,想了解他们看到了什么。


”3 How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. If I can get so much pleasure from touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight? And I have imagined what I should most like to see if I were given the use of my eyes, say for just three days.我问自己,在林子里散步一小时之久却没有看到任何值得注意的东西,这怎么可能呢?我一个看不见的人,仅仅通过触觉,就能发现成百上千件引起我兴趣的东西。



ahead. You would use your eyes as never before. Everything you saw would become dear to you. Your eyes would touch and embrace every object that came within your range of vision. Then, at last, you would really see, and a new world of beauty would open itself before you.51. I who am blind can give one hint to those who see -- one admonition to those who would make full use of the gift of sight: Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. And the same method can be applied to the other senses. Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, the mighty strains of an orchestra, as if you would be stricken deaf tomorrow. Touch each object you want to touch as if tomorrow your tactile sense would fail. Smell the perfume of flowers, taste with relish each morsel, as if tomorrow you could never smell and taste again. Make the most of every sense: glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you through the several means of contact which Nature provides. But of all the senses, I am sure that sight must be the most delightful.。

高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第—册第二单元 developing ideas假如给我三天光明

高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第—册第二单元 developing ideas假如给我三天光明
but now I even have no money to buy a second-hand Charley(夏利)
我喜欢这款经典汽车 路虎发现,但是我现 在甚至没有钱买一辆二手夏利
Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see
Key words
Strike Dark Appreciate silence
重击 黑暗的
感激,欣赏 寂静
Key structure 虚拟语气
Now and then 偶尔
Now and then,I will have instant noodles to improve my diet
看不见东西的我,仅仅通过触摸就会发现成百上千的 使我感兴趣的东西.
Байду номын сангаас
Map ends,knife reveals
How much more beauty must be revealed by sight
有多有更多的美通过视力被显露出 来呢?
= for example = for instance = take sb for example
最近,我问了一个刚从森林里走了很长时间 返回来的朋友他看见了什么
Now and then Discover Return observe
Now and then Discover Return observe
偶尔 发现 返回 观察
Worthy of 值得 Young guys,it is worthy of having it



[中英文对照]假如给我三天光明(海伦凯勒 Helen Keller)Three Days to SeeAll of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours. But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited.看见东西的三天我们大家都读过一些令人激动的故事,这些故事里的主人公仅仅活在有限并且特定的时间内,有时长达一年,有时短到24小时。


Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances. What events, what experiences, what associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings? What happiness should we find in reviewing the past, what regrets?这样的故事让我们思考,在相似的情况下,我们该怎么办,作为终有一死的人,在那最终的几个小时内安排什么事件,什么经历,什么交往?在回顾往事时,我们该找到什么快乐?什么悔恨?Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epicurean mottoof “Eat, drink, and be merry,“ but most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.有时我想到,过好每一天是个非常好的习惯,似乎我们明天就会死去。

假如给我三天光明 高中英语

假如给我三天光明 高中英语

假如给我三天光明高中英语Three Days to See假如给我三天光明1 I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.我常常思忖,如果每个人在青年时期都有一段时间看不见、听不见,那会是一件幸运的事情,因为黑暗会使人更加珍惜视力,静默能教会人享受声音的美妙。

2 Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see. Recently, I asked a friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods what she had observed. “Nothing in particular,” she replied.我时常询问我那些看得见的朋友们,想了解他们看到了什么。


”3 How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. If I can get so much pleasure from touch, howmuch more beauty must be revealed by sight? And I have imagined what I should most like to see if I were given the use of my eyes, say for just three days.我问自己,在林子里散步一小时之久却没有看到任何值得注意的东西,这怎么可能呢?我一个看不见的人,仅仅通过触觉,就能发现成百上千件引起我兴趣的东西。

Three Days to See假如给我三天光明

Three Days to See假如给我三天光明

Three Days to See假如给我三天光明(节选)Helen KellerAll of us have read thrilling1) stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours. But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned2) criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited3).我们都读过震撼人心的故事,故事中的主人公只能再活一段很有限的时光,有时长达一年,有时却短至一日。



Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances. What events, what experiences, what associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings? What happiness should we find in reviewing the past, what regrets?这样的故事让我们思考,在类似的处境下,我们该做些什么?作为终有一死的人,在临终前的几个小时内我们应该做什么事、经历些什么或做哪些联想?回忆往昔,什么使我们开心快乐?什么又使我们悔恨不已?Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with gentleness, vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama4) of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epicurean5) motto of “Eat, drink, and be merry.” But most people would be chastened 6) by the certainty of impending7) death.有时我想,把每天都当作生命中的最后一天来过,也不失为一个极好的生活法则。


should we crowd into(把什么挤进) those last hours as mortal(终有一死的) beings? What happiness should
we find in reviewing(looking back upon回顾) the past, what regrets?
Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances(conditions;situation情况;环境). What events, what experiences, whaБайду номын сангаас associations(交往)
man chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not
condemned(sentence 判刑) criminals(犯人) whose sphere(area范围) of activities is strictly delimited(to fix the limits of限定).
Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule(habit) to live each day as if we should die
tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize(stress 强调) sharply(鲜明地) the values of life. We should live each day with a gentleness, avigor, and a keenness(热心;渴望) of appreciation(欣赏;评定) which are often



‎天光明(节选)·第二篇:Three‎Days to See(Excer‎pts)假如给我三Three‎Days to SeeAll of us have read thril‎ling stori‎es in which‎the hero had only a limit ‎ed and speci‎fied time to live. Somet‎imes it was as long as a year, somet ‎imes as short‎as 24 hours‎. But alway‎s we were inter‎ested‎in disco‎verin‎g just how the doome‎d hero chose‎to spend‎his last days or his last hours‎. I speak‎, of cours‎e, of free men who have a choic‎e, not conde‎mned crimi‎nals whose‎ spher‎e of activ‎ities‎is stric‎tly delim‎ited.Such stori‎es set us think‎ing, wonde‎ring what we shoul‎d do under‎simil‎ar circu‎mstan‎ces. What event‎s, what exper‎ience‎s, what assoc‎iatio‎ns shoul‎d we crowd‎into those‎last hours‎as morta‎l being‎s, what regre‎ts?Somet‎imes I have thoug‎ht it would‎be an excel‎lent rule to live each day as if we shoul‎d die tomor‎row. Such an attit‎ude would‎empha‎size sharp‎ly the value‎s of life. We shoul‎d live each day with gentl‎eness‎, vigor ‎and a keenn‎ess of appre‎ciati‎on which‎are often‎lost when time stret ‎ches befor‎e us in the const‎ant panor‎ama of more days and month‎s and years‎to come. There‎are those‎, of cours‎e, who would‎adopt‎the Epicu‎rean motto‎of “Eat, drink‎, and be merry‎”. But most peopl‎ewould‎be chast‎ened by the certa‎inty of impen‎ding death‎.In stori‎es the doome‎d hero is usual‎ly saved‎at the last minut‎e by some strok‎e of fortu‎ne, but almos‎t alway‎s his sense‎ of value‎s is chang‎ed. He becom‎es more appre‎ciati‎ve of the meani‎ng of life and its perma‎nent spiri‎tual value‎s. It has often‎been noted‎that those‎who live, or have lived‎, in the shado‎w of death‎bring‎ a mello‎w sweet‎ness to every‎thing‎they do.Most of us, howev‎er, take life for grant‎ed. We know that one day we must die, but usual‎ly we pictu‎re that day as far in the futur‎e. When we are in buoya‎nt healt‎h, death‎is all but unima‎ginab‎le. We seldo‎m think‎of it. The days stret‎ch out in an endle‎ss vista‎. So we go about‎ our petty‎tasks‎, hardl‎y aware‎of our listl‎ess attit‎ude towar‎d life.The same letha‎rgy, I am afrai‎d, chara‎cteri‎zes the use of all our facul ‎ties and sense‎s. Only the deaf appre‎ciate‎heari‎ng, only the blind‎reali ‎ze the manif‎old bless‎ings that lie in sight‎. Parti‎cular‎ly does this obser ‎vatio‎n apply‎to those‎who have lost sight‎and heari‎ng in adult‎life. But those‎ who have never‎ suffe‎red impai‎rment‎of sight‎or heari‎ng seldo‎m make the fulle‎st use of these‎bless‎ed facul‎ties. Their‎eyes and ears take in all sight‎s and sound‎s hazil‎y, witho‎ut conce‎ntrat‎ionand with littl‎e appre‎ciati‎on. It is the same old story‎ of not being‎grate ‎ful for what we have until‎we lose it, of not being‎consc‎ious of healt‎h until‎we are ill.I have often‎thoug‎ht it would‎be a bless‎ing if each human‎being‎were stric‎ken blind‎and deaf for a few days at some time durin‎g his early ‎adult‎life. Darkn‎ess would‎make him more appre‎ciati‎ve of sight‎; silen‎ce would‎teach‎him the joys of sound‎.1) thril‎ling adj.惊心动魄的‎2) conde‎mned adj.被宣告无罪‎的3) delim‎it vt. 定界限4) panor‎ama n.全景5) epicu‎rean adj.伊壁鸠鲁的‎,享乐主义的‎6) chast‎en vt. 斥责,惩罚7) impen‎ding adj. 迫近的8) vista‎n.前景,展望9) listl‎ess adj. 冷漠的,倦怠的,情绪低落的‎10) letha‎rgy n. 无生气11) manif‎old adj. 多方面的我们大家都‎读过一些令‎人激动的故‎事,这些故事里‎的主人公仅‎仅活在有限‎并且特定的‎时间内,有时长达一‎年,有时短到2‎4小时。



假如给我三天光明中英文对照if, by some miracle, i ere granted three seeing days, to be folloed by a relapse into darkness, i should divide the period into three parts.如果由某种奇迹,我获得了能看见东西的3天,随后又沉陷于一片黑暗之中,我该将这段时间分为3个部分。

th e first day第一天on t he first d a y, i shoul d ant to se e the peopl e hose kind n ess and ge n tleness an d companion s hip have m a de my life orth livin g.第一天,我想看到这些人,他们的善良、温柔和友情使我的生命值得活下去。

fi r st i shoul d like to g a ze long up o n the face of my dear teacher, m r s. anne su l livan macy,首先我想仔细长久地观看我那亲爱的老师安妮·萨利文·梅西夫人的面容。

ho c a me to me h e n i as a c h ild and op e ned the ou t er orld to me.当我还是一个孩子的时候,她来到我面前,并向我打开了外部世界。

i sh o uld ant no t merely to see the ou t line of he r face, so t hat i coul d cherish i t in my mem o ry,我不仅要看她脸部的轮廓,以便我能把它珍藏在我的记忆中,but to s tudy that f ace and fi n d in it th e living ev i dence of t h e sympathe t ic tendern e ss and pat i ence ith h i ch she acc o mplished t h e difficul t task of m y education.而且我还要研究这张脸庞,在那里找到富有同情心、温柔和耐心的活证据,她就是以这种温柔和耐心完成了教育我的艰难的任务。



《假如给我三天光明》英语原文《假如给我三天光明》是美国作家海伦·凯勒的自传小说,以下是其中的一段英文原文:"The first thing I saw when they brought me out was Tante Lou's face. She was holding up the curtain for me. And when I saw her, I knew that everything was going to be all right. But when I tried to reach out and touch her, I found that I couldn't move my arms or legs. And then I began to cry.""Tante Lou held me close and told me that I was going to be all right. She said that I was going to learn to talk and walk again. And then she showed me my room. It was a small room, but it was all mine. And when I saw my bed and my dresser and my window, I knew that I was going to be happy.""I was scared when I first saw Miss Sullivan, but I soon learned that she was going to be my teacher. And I learned to talk by using my hands and my eyes. I would point to things and make certain sounds, and Miss Sullivan would help me to understand what I was saying.""I learned to read and write and do many things that I had never thought about before. I even learned to play the piano and to swim. And when I went to college, I met people who were justlike me. They were all blind and deaf, but they were happy and they were strong.""I have been blind and deaf for most of my life, but I have never been alone. I have always had my imagination and my memory. And now, when I close my eyes, I can see and hear everything that I have ever known."。


oomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It ahs often been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.
Three Days to See
All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours. But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited.



假如给我三天光明作文250字英文回答:Three days of brightness.During the three days of brightness, I would make the most of the opportunity to enjoy the sunny weather and engage in activities that bring me joy and relaxation.Firstly, I would take advantage of the good weather to go for a long walk or hike in nature. I would breathe inthe fresh air, feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, and appreciate the beauty of the surrounding scenery. It would be a great opportunity to recharge and connect with nature.Secondly, I would spend quality time with my loved ones.I would organize a picnic or barbecue in the park, inviting my family and friends to join me. We would enjoy delicious food, engage in lively conversations, and create wonderful memories together. It would be a perfect way to strengthenour relationships and have a good time.Thirdly, I would indulge in some outdoor sports activities. I would gather a group of friends and play a friendly game of soccer or basketball. The competitive spirit and laughter would make the experience even more enjoyable. It would be a great opportunity to exercise, have fun, and release stress.In conclusion, the three days of brightness would be a precious gift. I would make the most of it by immersing myself in nature, spending time with loved ones, and engaging in outdoor activities. It would be a perfect opportunity to recharge, connect, and create lasting memories.中文回答:光明的三天。



英语作文-假如给我三天光明第一篇:英语作文-假如给我三天光明If I were given three more days to see, it would be the most terrible thing in my world.I would make full use of them to enjoy the light.On the first day, I want to build a school in which all people are offered an education for all-round development.As the principl of this school, the most important was not provide them with knowledge but teach the children how to be gentleman and diligent ladies, because now most of the children grew up in families with spoiled love,they are all greenhouse flowers.In my school,they would be taught how to be a person with responsibility and with high comprehensive quality.On the second day,I’dlike to travel with my families who are the people I love most in this world.With the stressfull and fast pace of morden life, I always did’t have enough time to get together with my loved and did’t have enough time to enjoy the beautiful scene, then in the three days which I can see, I would do this with my loved.On the third day,I would give myself a beautiful wedding,I would be the happinest bride.I would hold hands with my dear boyfriend and then become his wife.After the wedding,we would quietly enjoy the beautiful scene without the boring works.After I finished my essay,I suddenly realized how rich I am.I have the gift of sight,I will use the gift as a means of adding fullness to life,not just use it as a mere convenience. 第二篇:假如给我三天光明作文假如给我三天光明作文(一)假如给我三天光明,我想看道那明媚的春光,我想看道天空中那飘渺的白云,我还想看到那美丽的滚滚流去的长江水。

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All of us have read thrilling (令人兴奋的)stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours, but always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned (被责难的)criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited(被限定的). Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances(环境). What associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings? What happiness should we find in reviewing the past, what regrets? Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize (强调)sharply the values of life. We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness (敏锐)of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama (全景)of more days and months and years to come.
There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epicurean (享乐主义的)motto of “Eat, drink, and be merry.”But most people would be chastened (惩罚)by the certainty of impending(即将发生的)death. Most of us take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future, when we are in buoyant (轻快的)health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista(远景). So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless (无精打采的)attitude toward life.。
