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该设计重点阐述了系统的工作原理、硬件构成、各部分的主要功能以及软件的结构和实现。硬件包括主控模块、数据采集模块、数据处理模块、显示模块等组成,采用STC89C52单片机为主要控制芯片,运用自行车车轮上的传感器进行计数,通过一定时间间隔对信号的采集,结合自行车本身车轮参数,送入单片机并由单片机对采集信号进行分析计算,最终在液晶显示器LCD上显示车辆行驶的里程和速度;软件部分用C语言编程,采用模块化设计思想,并在keil和proteus 中进行调试和仿真。自行车里程速度计的设计本着安全、方便、性价比高、人性化的原则进行,可使现代生活显著提高。



As the bicycle industry and the development of electronic technology, bicycle speed odometer technology is also in constant progress and improve, not only can display speed range, can also display parameters such as heat consumption, heart rate, in everybody pays attention to environmental protection and health/fitness today, speed odometer can not only make people exercise right amount motion, also can to achieve the desired effect of the health sports and walking, thus designed on the basis of the single chip microcomputer bike speed odometer, let people can clearly know the current speed, mileage and other physical quantities, in addition, SCM has small size, high reliability and cheaper price.

The design expounds the working principle, hardware composition, main functions of each part and the software structure and implementation. Hardware includes main control module, data acquisition module, data processing module, display module and so on, Using the STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as main control chip, using sensors on bicycle wheels to count, sending the signals collected by a certain time interval and the bike itself parameters to the single chip microcompute. Finally Using single chip microcomputer to collect signal analysis and display.Software part in C language programming Adopting the idea of modular design, and debugging and simulation in the keil and proteus. Bicycle mileage speedometer design in line with safe, convenient and cost-effective, humanized principle, can make modern life improved significantly.

KEYWORDS:singlechip, LCD1602, Hall sensor, odometer



第1章绪论 (1)

1.1 课题背景 (1)

1.2 系统要求 (1)

1.3 课题实现方法 (2)

第2章系统框图及方案介绍 (3)

2.1 总体方案比较 (3)

2.2 总体方案选择 (3)

2.2.1 系统总体框图 (3)

2.2.2 系统总体设计 (3)

2.3 各模块设计与选择 (4)

2.3.1 单片机的选择 (4)

2.3.2 显示模块的选择 (5)

2.3.3 传感器的选择 (5)

2.3.4 时钟芯片的选择 (6)

2.3.5 按键模块的选择 (6)

第3章硬件设计 (7)

3.1 单片机最小系统 (7)

3.1.1 最小系统接线图 (7)

3.1.2 时钟电路 (7)

3.1.3 复位电路 (8)

3.2 显示模块 (8)

3.2.1 液晶显示电路 (8)

3.2.2 显示器LCD1602的介绍 (9)

3.3 传感器模块 (11)

3.3.1 霍尔传感器工作原理 (11)

3.3.2 霍尔传感器的特性 (12)

3.3.3 测速方法 (13)
