religion culture of india印度文化宗教英文

Indian Chai
Belly Dance
• Northern Indian dance Manny pooley dance Cuttack dance • Southern Indian dance Bharatanatyam Getakeli dance
Etiquettes and taboos
Just Can't Say No
• Indians do not like to express 'no,' An Indian would be considered terribly rude if you said “no”.
Molden Temple Assault (1984)
• 4. Missile Launches and Green Revolution (20th century)
Hindu Baby Naming CeremonyNamkaran
• Mostly on the 11th or 12th day after delivery • Female relatives gather around the cradle and sing traditional folk songs • Bless the child and the mother together giving some gift items • A feast for all the family members
Indian Culture -An awareness

Indian Culture
Religions India is birth place of four major religions, such as, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism. Other religions exist as minorities here, including Abrahamic religions. India is called a land of diversity, i.e., people belonging to almost every faith can be found in India. Many religions coexist in India such as Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrians, Judaism and many more. People of all religions live together with great peace. Hinduism: Hinduism is one of the oldest religions that originated from India. The religion has preserved its culture since ancient times.
Indian Culture
Traditions: traditional cultural values Gestures
Touching feet of elders: Indian tradition has rich cultural values. In India, younger show great respect to their elders. They tough the feet of their elders daily after waking up and especially on the festive occasions or before starting an important work.

More than ten years old, should be carefree flower-like age, but some remote villages in India, the girl may be forced to marry at this age, children began the tragic fate of the bride.
1、Historical & culture
Bollywood movies interspersed with song and dance is very interesting. It is difficult to realize when other movies elements.
Such as “3 idiots”(三傻大闹宝莱坞), “star of the earth‘s” (地 球上的星星),“slumdog millionaire“(贫民窟的百万富翁)”.
有人说 这是最坏的时代 (Some people would say, "This is the worst of time")
也有人说 这是最好的时代 (While others would say, "This is the best of time")
印度 Incredible
2、Geography & Travel
Capital: New Delhi Climate: varies from tropical monsoon in south to temperate in north Population: 1,065,070,607 (July 2004 est.)

介绍各国风俗习惯英语作文范文英文回答:Customs and Traditions of Different Countries.Customs and traditions vary greatly from country to country, shaping the unique cultural identities ofdifferent societies. These practices often stem from historical, religious, or social influences, providing a glimpse into the values and beliefs of a particular group of people.China.Chinese culture is renowned for its ancient traditions, many of which have persisted for centuries. The Chinese New Year is a significant festival celebrated with elaborate feasts, family gatherings, and fireworks displays. Respect for elders is deeply ingrained, and hierarchical structures are prevalent in both social and familial relationships.Japan.Japan is a nation known for its intricate customs and etiquette. The tea ceremony, or chanoyu, is an ancient ritual that embodies Japanese aesthetics and hospitality. Respect for nature is evident in the traditional art of ikebana, or flower arranging, and the practice of shinto, the indigenous religion.India.India is a vibrant tapestry of diverse cultures, each with its own unique customs and traditions. The caste system, a social hierarchy based on birth, has been a defining feature of Indian society for centuries. The practice of yoga and meditation originated in India, and the country's rich religious heritage includes Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.Mexico.Mexican culture is a vibrant blend of indigenous and Spanish influences. The Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, is a unique festival that celebrates the lives of deceased loved ones with colorful parades, music, and food offerings. The Mexican dance style of mariachi is anintegral part of the country's cultural identity.France.France is renowned for its sophisticated culture and culinary traditions. The French language is known for its elegance and precision, and the country's art, fashion, and architecture have had a profound influence on Western civilization. The French Revolution, a pivotal event in world history, played a significant role in shaping the nation's modern customs and values.Italy.Italian culture is characterized by its passion, warmth, and love of food. Family plays a central role in Italian society, and meals are often elaborate and communal affairs.The rich history of Italy is evident in its ancient ruins, Renaissance masterpieces, and the thriving traditions of opera and theater.Brazil.Brazil is a vibrant and diverse nation with unique customs and traditions. Carnival, a pre-Lenten festival, is celebrated with colorful costumes, elaborate parades, and samba dancing. The indigenous culture of Brazil has left a lasting legacy in the country's music, dance, andtraditional crafts.Cultural Exchange and Understanding.Customs and traditions are an integral part of human society, reflecting the diversity and richness of our cultures. By learning about and respecting different customs, we can foster cultural exchange, promote understanding, and build bridges between people of diverse backgrounds.中文回答:各国风俗习惯。

delicious food india cloth -sari yoga(瑜伽) buddhism(佛教) places of interest
• Bollywood,the Bollywood's exterior studio(外 景制片厂)—— is located in mumbai of India. And it is sometimes misundertood as all of the Hindi movies. Actually, it represents only a part of the Hindi movies. Bollywood is also one of the biggest movie production bases, owning billions of spectators.
Pilgrimage to the West for Buddhist Suቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱra (西天取经)
Pilgrimage to the West for Buddhist Sutra (西天取经)
delicious food india cloth -sari yoga(瑜伽) buddhism(佛教) places of interest
delicious food india cloth -sari yoga(瑜伽) buddhism(佛教) places of interest
Yoga's origin
• Yoga in India had been circulating for thousands of years.Yoga's origin can be traced back to the earliest the Indus (印度河)civilization times, dates back at least three thousand years BC previously。Five thousand years, it has been reflected India an important part of culture, yoga has many times changefull of vigor.

It is because that in the mind of the Hindus(印度教
徒), cattle are Shiva’s(湿婆神) mounts.
Religious Taboos
Pregnant women are
not allowed to take and make photos
How to deal with taboo?
1 Do as the Romans do.
2 Don't judge.
D o n' t u s e l e f t hand to pick up things. Indians usually use their left hand to take shower. They think the left hand is u n c l e a n .
Don’t talk a b o u t snake in evening
Religious Taboos
4. Do not despise or criticize special religious ceremonies. Unless you will annoy those
religious followers.
Religious Taboos
5. When talking to the Indians, we shouldn’t take the initiative to talk about the contradictions between religions and nationalities.
Introduction of religion in India

Jainism /dʒaɪnɪzəm/耆那教
• Jainism is an ancient religion from India that prescribes(指示)a path of non-violence for all forms of living beings in this world. Its philosophy and practice relies mainly on selfeffort in progressing the soul on the spiritual ladder to divine (天赐的) consciousness.
Sikhism [sikɪzəm]锡克教
• Sikhism, founded in fifteenth
century ,is the fifth-largest organized religion in the world. The principal belief of Sikhism is faith in waheguru—the Universal God. • A key distinctive feature of Sikhism is a nonanthropomorphic[ænθrəpə’mɔ:fi k](赋予人性的) concept of God, to the extent that one can interpret God as the Universe itself. Adherents of Sikhism are known as Sikhs (students or disciples信徒) and the number is over 23 million across the world.
→Hinduism Hinduism is often referred to as the eternal law by its adherents(支持 者) . Hinduism is often called the "oldest living religion“.

高二英语英语国家历史与文化背景介绍单选题50题1.Which of the following is a famous British monument?A.The Eiffel TowerB.The Statue of LibertyC.Big BenD.The Sydney Opera House答案:C。
A 埃菲尔铁塔是法国的,B 自由女神像是美国的,D 悉尼歌剧院是澳大利亚的,只有C 大本钟是英国的著名地标。
2.Which period of British history is known for the Industrial Revolution?A.The Tudor periodB.The Victorian periodC.The Georgian periodD.The Elizabethan period答案:B。
3.In British history, who was the first female monarch?A.Queen Elizabeth IB.Queen VictoriaC.Queen MaryD.Queen Anne答案:A。
4.Which of the following is a traditional British sport?A.BasketballB.FootballC.TennisD.V olleyball答案:B。
5.The British Parliament consists of which two houses?A.The House of Commons and the House of LordsB.The Senate and the House of RepresentativesC.The Upper House and the Lower HouseD.The King's Council and the Queen's Council答案:A。

中考英语跨文化交流单选题80题1. In the United States, people usually eat turkey on _____.A. Christmas DayB. Thanksgiving DayC. HalloweenD. Easter答案:B。
感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)时,美国人通常会吃火鸡。
选项A 圣诞节 Christmas Day)人们通常吃圣诞大餐,如火鸡、火腿等,但不是以火鸡为主要特色。
选项C 万圣节 Halloween)主要活动是装扮和要糖果,不吃火鸡。
选项D 复活节 Easter)的特色食物是彩蛋和火腿,不是火鸡。
2. Which of the following festivals is NOT celebrated in China?A. The Spring FestivalB. The Dragon Boat FestivalC. HalloweenD. The Mid-Autumn Festival答案:C。
选项 A 春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一。
选项 B 端午节是为了纪念屈原。
选项 D 中秋节是家人团聚赏月的节日。
而选项C 万圣节是西方的节日,不是中国的传统节日。
3. During the Spring Festival in China, people often give red envelopes to children because _____.A. it's funB. it's luckyC. they have much moneyD. children like them答案:B。
选项A 只是说有趣,并非主要原因。
选项C 有钱不是给红包的关键原因。
选项D 孩子喜欢红包,但这不是给红包的本质原因,本质是其象征着幸运和祝福。

有人说 这是最坏的时代 (Some people would say, "This is the worst of time")
也有人说 这是最好的时代 (While others would say, "This is the best of time")
印度 Incredible
civilization, ancient Egypt, Babylon, China and India.
1、Historical & culture
In two thousand five hundred BC, the Aryan (雅利安人)came to the Indus valley(印度河流域), created the advanced civilization.
In the 17th century, the British east India company as an excuse, to India launched more than one hundred years of wars of aggression, in 1849, India became a British colony.
After defecate without toilet paper, they use left hand flush butt (屁股).
Of course, this is no picture. = ̄ω ̄=
In some states of India, when people agree or hear something,they not nod, but on one side of the head to the right side.

印度文化介绍英文作文英文:India is a country with a rich and diverse culture. There are many different languages spoken throughout the country, and each region has its own unique traditions and customs. One of the most well-known aspects of Indian culture is its food. Indian cuisine is famous for its use of spices and flavors, and it varies greatly from region to region. For example, in the north, you might find dishes like butter chicken and naan bread, while in the south, you might find dishes like dosa and sambar.Another important aspect of Indian culture is religion. India is home to many different religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism. Each religion has its own set of beliefs and practices, and they all coexist peacefully in India. For example, during the Hindu festival of Diwali, people light lamps and decorate their homes with colorful lights to celebrate the victory oflight over darkness.Music and dance are also an integral part of Indian culture. Classical Indian dance forms like Bharatanatyamand Kathak are known for their intricate footwork and hand gestures, while Bollywood dance is known for its high-energy moves and catchy music. Indian music is also diverse, with different styles of music like classical, folk, and Bollywood.中文:印度是一个文化丰富多彩的国家。

• 4 佛教不承认有顽劣不可教化的人
佛教承认人性是善良的,只要放下屠刀,立地就可以 成佛。佛更认为真正的‘犯人’不是罪恶,而是无知, 一切罪恶都是由于无知(佛教叫‘无明’)所引生出 来的。因此苦口婆心地、日夜不停地开导、启发众生, 就变成佛的责任了。 • 5 佛不是独一无二的,人人皆可成佛 佛与众生,只是在于觉悟时间的先后而已。‘佛’只 是对一个觉悟者的通称而已。就像我们称能够‘传道、 授业、解惑’的人为‘教师’一样,教师不只一位, 人人可以做教师,处处可以有教师。同样的道理,佛 不是单指释迦牟尼一个人,人人可以成佛,处处可以 有佛。 • 6 佛教不承认有创造万物的神 ‘神’也是人类思想的产物,人类凭着自己的观念和 形像造神。而人类创造了‘神’,目的之一是在解释 ‘宇宙人生的起源’。佛教根本否定‘神创造万物’ 的假设,根本就不承认宇宙有第一个‘开始’。所谓 一件事的‘开始’祗是前一件事的‘结束’而已。在 一连串的因果关系中,一件事物的消逝就构成另一件 事物生起的条件。
佛教 基督教
difference ?
佛教起源于印度,由乔达摩· 悉达多(约公 元前565-前486年)创建,也就是佛教祖 先释迦牟尼,他主张主张用自我解脱的方 法消除烦脑,佛教的创立,实际上是给我 们当时的劳苦大众拥有一个精神寄托,倡 导那些上层阶级从善,倡导大家以和平的 心态ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้处。 Buddhism originated in India. Buddhism is actually to us when the toiling masses had a spiritual, we get along in a peaceful state of mind.
Christianity 督教

宗教的英语说法1:religion宗教的英语说法2:religious宗教的相关短语:宗教学religious studies ; Science of Religion ; Study of religion ; Religion宗教自由 freedom of religion ; Religious freedom ; Freedom of worship ; Religious liberty美国宗教Religion in the United States ; Religion in USA ; American Religious Identity Survey ; Religion in America 澳门宗教 religion in Macau台湾宗教 Taiwanese Religions中国宗教 Religion in China ; Chinese religion宗教迫害 Religious persecution反宗教 Antireligion各国宗教 Religions by country宗教的英语例句:1. She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views.她相当顽固,宗教观念极强。
2. India has always been one of the most religiously diverse countries.印度一直都是宗教信仰最多元的国家之一。
印度英文介绍 india

While India conjures up images of curries, local specialties are worth digging around for. In North India, never say no to chaat or paani-puri. These delicious crispy crackers are dressed up with condiments of the sweet and spicy variety. If you're in the south, don't leave without trying fresh coconut. Traveling tappers climb coconut trees, tap the fruit's blossom and decant the sap into a bottle. As the day progresses, the liquid becomes increasingly intoxicating, transforming from a light, fizzy drink mid-morning and fermenting into a seriously strong alcoholic drink by evening.
The site of Buddhist holy lands. There is the biggest Buddhism college in the world in 5 A.D.
The famous monk Xuan zang in Tang dynasty studied in here.

India: A Melting Pot of Rich Culture andTraditionsIndia, a land of diverse cultures and traditions, is renowned for its rich heritage that spans thousands of years. From the ancient Vedic civilization to the medieval Mughal era and modern India, this subcontinent has witnessed a blend of various cultures, religions, and languages, giving rise to a unique and vibrant cultural mosaic.At the core of Indian culture lies the ancient Vedic philosophy, which emphasizes harmony with nature, the pursuit of knowledge, and the importance of morality and ethics. This philosophy has influenced Indian art, music, dance, and literature, shaping them into expressions that are deeply rooted in tradition yet continuously evolving. The diversity of Indian culture is evident in its festivals and celebrations. Each festival is a vibrant display of color, music, and dance, reflecting the spirit of joy and unity among people. Diwali, the festival of lights, is celebrated with the lighting of lamps and fireworks, symbolizing the victory of good over evil. Holi,the festival of colors, is a celebration of love and brotherhood, where people throw colored powder and water at each other. These festivals not only bring people together but also promote the values of unity and inclusivity that are integral to Indian culture.India's art and architecture are also reflections ofits rich cultural heritage. From the intricate carvings of temples in South India to the majestic forts and palaces of the Mughal era, Indian artisans have left a lasting impression on the world. Indian painting, sculpture, and pottery are also renowned for their unique styles and techniques.Moreover, Indian cuisine is another aspect of its culture that has gained global recognition. With a vast array of spices, herbs, and cooking techniques, Indian food is not only delicious but also a testament to thecreativity and innovation of Indian chefs. Each region in India has its unique culinary traditions, ranging from the spicy curries of the South to the richer, creamier dishes of the North.In conclusion, India's culture is a dynamic andevolving entity that continues to inspire and enchantpeople from all over the world. It is a tapestry of traditions, values, and practices that have been passed down through generations, shaping the identity andcharacter of this ancient civilization. As India moves forward into the future, its rich cultural heritage remains a source of pride and inspiration for its people.**印度:文化与传统交融的熔炉**印度,这片文化与传统交织的土地,因其跨越数千年的丰富遗产而闻名于世。

India is a historic country.
Culture of India
There are many special culture in India. Such as food culture, clothing culture, religious culture, dance culture, national culture and so on.
Culture of India
Indian drama and theatre has a long history alongside its music and dance.
Culture of India
To sum up , India is really a historic country.
Culture of India
The religion has association with society of India, economic problems and cultures.
Culture of India
It connects every aspect of India’s life. In India, wherever you are, almost every person may ask you the same question, ’Which religion do you believe in?’
As with other aspects of Indian culture, different forms of dances originated in different parts of India
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Etiquettes and taboos
Just Can't Say No
Indians do not like to express 'no,' This behavior should not be considered dishonest. An Indian would be considered terribly rude if he did not attempt to give a person what had been asked.
•Polytheism --- more than 300 million deities •Caste system --- Brahmin Kshatriya Vaishya Sūdra •Idea --- The souls of people are perpetual
The fane of Hinduism--Prambanam
The fane of Sikhism --- Daikin Temple
Costume of sikhism
The national flower of India
National bird
Traditional Social Culture
The influences of Hinduism and the tradition of the caste system have created a culture that emphasizes established hierarchical relationships. Indians are always conscious of social order and their status relative to other people. All relationships involve hierarchies.
Various Religions
Christianism 基督教 Sikhism 锡克教
Buddhism 佛教
•The 3rd largest The oldest
•“jai” means success. Name of a deity. •4.2 million worshippers. •High social status Powerful, rich and influential
Holy place of Jainism ---Udaipur
3 lord deities of Hinduism
Shiva Brahma Vishun
Symbol of Hinduism
Every morning, many Hindus bath in the holy water of Varanasi Ganges River(瓦拉纳西恒河)
The fane of Jainism
•Against with Hinduism •Against with Caste system
•But want to eliminate the conflict among every religions
•Believe the only deity
Social life of India
•Religion • eas and beliefs •Interesting social customs and traditions
•Deeply influented by religions •Religious diversity
Hinduism 印度教 Jainism 耆那教 Islam 伊斯兰教
It is polite to shake with your right hands .
Washing with left hand……
I am the “right” hand.
Holy head
If you touch others’ head, you will make them unhappy.
Don’t touch!
Meeting Etiquette
Normal greeting :Hold hands, palms together, under the chin and say, "Namaste," means "peace." A light handshake is considered the most polite form of greeting in India. It is considered impolite to offer your hand first to shake with a women, because of religious beliefs.