


The Classical 24 Numerical Reasoning














11、如果11月的列车使用者比10月下降了百万,且列车使用者中习惯使用“METRO TRAIN”的人为15%,那么多少列车使用者没有使用“METRO TRAIN”?

12、7月,%多少的通勤者使用了列车,但没有使用“METRO TRAIN”?




















(20x250+16x300) x6%=588

3. B

Region E (permanent: temporary)=3:2

Region SE Total: 400 Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250

(New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240

Temporary: 400x2/5=160






5. C

(43200+80000+16000) x105%-60-4640=73232

6. A


7. A


8. D


9. E


不管在Yr 1,用了多少英镑买泰铢,我们要知道的是在Yr 2,8000泰铢可换多少英镑,所以用第二年的汇率,而不是第一年的。


升值,这是直接法,所以在Yr 1,1英镑可换泰铢,而Yr 2,1英镑之可以换到的泰铢,这说明泰铢升值了。(这里英镑是基准货币)













individuals who are responsible for databases that hold information about people are now bound by the Date Protection Act(PDA).This Act covers any information stored on a computer that identifies a living individual .Companies holding such information must,under the Terms of the Act,make sure that they take 'adequate care' of the data,both technically and in terms of the behaviour of the personal data stored has to be protected from loss,destruction or damage.


任何受组织使用的储存的个人信息都受到数据保护法支配。 TRUE

只要有一个指定的个人以足够技术的方式管理,如何使用或处理没有其他的限制。 Unture

破坏指定人持有的数据意味着对它适当的管理最大的威胁。 Cannot say

离开了公司的个人数据不受法律控制。 Untrue

Section A

Competitor analysis involves the examination of competitors in order that the planner can develop and sustain superior competitive performance for the organisation. This statement belies the fact that in order to do this one must first establish from where the competition currently stems and from where it might stem in the future. One also has to consider and appraise competitors’ present and likely future objectives and strategies, and their likely reactions to the competitive moves that an organisation might make.


1.Planners can only sustain superior performance for their organisation by doing competitor analysis.


原文是说Examination of competitors使得planner can develop and sustain…,而不是competitor analysis.

至于competitor analysis可以不可以,文中没提,所以CAN’T SAY。

2.Effective competitor analysis involves looking into the future.

有效的竞争对手分析包含调查将来。 Ture

3. It is easier to establish where competition currently stems from, rather than where it might stem from in the future

更容易分析现在的竞争来自哪里,而不是未来的来哪里。 CANNOT SAY

is not always apparent to organisations who their competitors are.

组织的竞争对手是谁并不是非常明显。 CANNOT SAY

Section B

The model of consumer behaviour on which neo-classical demand theory is based implies that consumers are perfectly informed about the price and quality characteristics of the products on offer, and are constantly altering their expenditure patterns in response to price and quality changes, so as to maximise their total ‘utility’(satisfaction). This model is unrealistic, as the range of products on offer in modern markets is immense, and no consumer has the knowledge or inclination to acquire the information that would be needed to make choices in this way.


5. Being up to date with product information plays little part in neo-classical demand theory.


文中第一句话,第二行里“perfectly informed”和“little part”意思相反。所以U

6. Neo-classical demand theory is only one of a number of models of consumer behaviour.


文中没有提及。CAN’ SAY 一般问题中有only,都是错,或是没有提及。

7. There are some consumers who are perfectly informed about the price and quality characteristics of products on offer.


8. Maximising the total utility of a product purchase implies consideration of both price and quality


最大化一个产品购买的总效用意味着同时考虑产品的价格和质量特性。 T

Section C The business of the Company shall be managed by the directors who, subject to the law, the memorandum and articles of association, and any direction given by special resolution, may exercise all the powers of the company. The minimum number of directors is two; there is no maximum number. The directors, or the company by special resolution, may appoint as a director any person who is willing to act as a director, provided he or she is not a bankrupt or disqualified from acting as a director under the Insolvency Act. Directors need not hold shares in the company, but normally they will be required to hold at least a specific minimum shareholding.


9. New directors tend to be appointed by existing directors rather than by special resolution.

新董事会不是被特别决议任命,而是被现有的董事会任命。 C

10. The Company cannot operate with only one director.

公司运行不能只拥有一个董事。 T

11. Individual bankruptcy is governed by the Insolvency Act.\

个人破产是由破产法控制。 C

12. There is no upper limit to the number of shares any director can hold.



Section D In most organisations, conflict between groups is quite common. Organisations usually develop differences between functional groups, such as sales and manufacturing, as a means of responding to diversity and uncertainty in their particular environment. Manufacturing must organise for stability and efficiency while sales must organise to relate to and service customers. To accomplish these diverse tasks, sales must hire different people from manufacturing, and each must manage its people in accordance with their unique expectations and the functions’ task requirements. If such differences did not exist, neither gr oup could get its job done effectively.


13. Functional groups within a single organisation are not subject to different forms of uncertainty.

在一个组织中的功能性群体不遵循不确定性的不同形式。 U

14. Conflict between groups is the inevitable result of functional groups having to respond to their own unique environments.

群体冲突是是功能性群体为了响应他们独特环境所必然发生的。 T

15. Manufacturing and sales are unlikely to have the same goals and expectations.

制造和销售不可能有同样的目标和期望。 C

16. The reality of functional differences does mean that different groups cannot operate effectively.

功能性不同的事实的确意味着不同的群体不能有效的运行。 U

Section E Unless companies have some knowledge of buyer behaviour, they would be unaware of and unfamiliar with the complex range of behavioural factors that impinge upon purchasing behaviour. The truth is that, like much of human behaviour, purchase behaviour is complex and multi-faceted. Even the ‘simplest’ of purchasing decisions is an amalgam of behavioural forces and factors of which even the purchaser may not be aware. However, even though consumer behaviour is a complex subject marketing planners should at least have some understanding of it. Marketers are specifically interested in the behaviour associated with groups or segments of consumers as it would be impossible to serve the exact needs and wants of specific individuals in a market and remain profitable.




17. The purchasing behavior of consumers is unpredictable.

消费者的购买行为是不可预测的。 C

18. Even if one could predict the behaviour of an individual buyer, it would not be profitable for marketers to try to do so.

尽管一个人可能预测一个购买者的行为,但对于营销人员这么做不能受益。 T

19. Some consumer groups exhibit more complex behaviour than others do.

一些购买群体显示出比其他人更加复杂的行为。 C

20. Purchase behaviour is not subject to the same whims as other aspects of human behaviour.

购买行为同人类其他行为一样不遵循同样的规则。 U

Section F When any company moves from a sales to a marketing approach, it is not just a case of re-titling the Sales Director as Marketing Director and doubling the advertising budget. It requires a complete reorientation in thinking and a revolution in how a company organises and practises its business activities. Whereas selling focuses on the needs of the seller, marketing focuses on the needs of the buyer. Whereas selling is preoccupied with the seller’s need to convert his or her product into cash, marketing is preoccupied with the idea of identifying and hence satisfying the needs of the customer. However, subscribing to a philosophy of marketing, even though an important first step, is not the same as putting that philosophy into practice.




21. Advertising budgets are normally doubled when a company moves over to a marketing approach.

当公司变为营销方式,广告预算翻倍。 C

Section G The corporate mission statement needs detailed consideration by top management to establish the business the company is really in and to relate this consideration to future business intentions. It is a general statement that provides an integrating function for the business, from which a clear sense of business definition and direction can be achieved. By formulating a clear business statement, boundaries for the ‘corporate entity’ can be conceived in the context of wider environmental trends that influence the business. This stage is often overlooked in marketing planning, and yet without it the marketing plan will lack a sense of contribution to the development of the total business.




boundaries of a corporate entity can only be assessed in the context of wider environment trends.

公司实体的边界仅仅是对广阔的环境趋势背景进行评估。并不是ONLY, U

corporate mission statement enables top management to define the future direction of a business.

公司使命生命能使最高管理层定义未来业务发展的方向。文中第一句。同义 T

24.Marketing planning does not often take account of the corporate mission statement.

市场营销计划不能经常考虑公司使命声明。原文倒数第二行“This stage is often overlooked in marketing planning”,意思相同。被动换成主动叙述。 T

25. Different functions within a business are likely to interpret the mission statement in different ways.

一个业务的不同功能可能以不同方式说明使命声明。 C(arelikelyto通常是C)

Section H The adoption and application of performance management methods requires many different changes in behaviour and attitudes up and down the organisation. These methods are not merely techniques; they are ways of life and a philosophy of management. Thus the introduction of performance management systems must come as part of an organisation’s commitment to change its culture. Only top management commitment to a new way of managing, often triggered by a crisis, can support such a massive undertaking.



29. The support of top managers is essential in changing organisational culture.

改变组织的文化必须支持高层管理者。 T

31. Using performance management systems for the first time requires minimal adaptations on the part of the organisation concerned.

第一次使用绩效管理系统要求最低适应在组织关心方面。 C

32. The adoption of performance management methods of itself will create changes in behaviour and attitudes.


Section I The ‘prudence rule’, which is sometimes known as conservatism, arises out of the need to make a number of estimates in preparing periodic accounts. Managers and owners are often naturally overoptimistic about future events. As a result, there is a tendency to be too confident about the future, and not to be altogether realistic about the organisation’s prospects. There may, for example, be undue optimism over the credit-worthiness of new customers. Insufficient allowance may therefore be made for the possibility of bad debt. In turn, this might have the effect of overstating profit.


33. Accountants should avoid making estimates when preparing periodic accounts.

会计人员应该避免在准备定期账户时做估计。 C

34. Most new customers are credit-worthy.

大部分新消费者是有信用价值的。 C

35. Managers or owners are not often good judges of their customers’ willingness or ability to pay.

经理和业主不能常常很好的判断他们的消费者去支付的意愿和能力。 T

36. The ‘prudence rule’ prevents bad debt from arising.

谨慎性原则可以避免产生坏的账务。 U

Section J A partnership is presumed to exist when two or more people get together in business with the objective of making a profit. The law limits the total number of people who may get together to form a partnership. Apart from a few exceptions, such as firms of accountants and solicitors, a partnership may not consist of more Than 20 partners. The partnership will be managed by general agreement among the partners, but if there is no apparent agreement either formal or informal, then it is presumed that the partnership will operate in accordance with the Partnership Act, 1890. This Act lays down arrangements for dealing with such matters as the amount of capital to be contributed, the management of the business, and the division of the profits or losses among the partners.


37. Some agreement must exist between partners as to the way they manage the partnership.



Section E The amount of accounting information that could be supplied to any interested party is practically unlimited. The information needs to be designed in such a way that it meets the objectives of the specific user group. If too much information is given, the user might think that it is an attempt to mislead them, and as a result all of the information may be totally rejected. In this context, accountants try to present accounts in such a way that they represent ‘a true and fair view’. The Companies Act, 1985, for example, requires company accounts to reflect this particular criterion, and it is advisable to apply it to all organisational entities. Unfortunately the Act does not define what is meant by ‘true and fair’, but it is assumed that accounts will be so if an entity has followed the rules laid down in appropriate accounting and financial reporting standards.

可以提供给任何利害关系方的会计信息的数量几乎是无限的。这些信息需要以这样的方式设计,以满足特定用户群的目标。如果太多的信息,用户可能认为它是一种尝试,误导他们,并作为一个结果,所有的信息可能被完全拒绝。在这种情况下,会计人员试图以这种方式呈现的帐户,他们代表'一个真实的和公平的看法'。例如,公司的行为,例如,1985,要求公司账目反映了这个特殊的标准,这是可取的,适用于所有组织实体。不幸的是,该法案没有定义什么是“真实和公平”,但它被假定,帐户将是这样的,如果一个实体遵循的规则奠定了适当的会计和财务报告准则。19. It is a positive feature of the Companies Act, 1985, that it does not define what is meant by ‘true and fair’.

1985年公司法的一个积极特征就是没有定义什么是真实和公平。 U

20. In practice, the proper application of accounting and financial reporting standards ensures that accounts meet the criteria of being ‘true and fair’.



Section F The style that individual managers choose to adopt depends in no small part on how they regard their subordinates. At one extreme, some will assume that the average employee has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if they can. They believe employees need to be controlled, directed, offered rewards or threatened with punishments to get them to make adequate efforts towards the achievement of organisational goals. On the other hand, some will take the view that, according to the conditions, work can be a source of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Employees are not seen as naturally passive, or resistant to organisational objectives, but have been made so by experience. The most significant reward that can be offered employees is the satisfaction of their need for personal growth and self-development 个别管理者选择采用的方式,取决于他们如何看待自己的下属。在一个极端的情况下,一些人会认为一般的雇员与生俱来不喜欢工作,并尽可能不工作。他们认为员工需要被控制、指导、提供奖励或受到惩罚的威胁,让他们对组织目标的实现作出足够的努力。另一方面,有些人会认为,根据条件,工作可以是满意或不满意的来源。员工没有被视为自然的被动,或抵抗组织的目标,但已经取得了这样的经验。最显著的奖励,可以提供员工是满足个人成长和自我发展的需要

21. Using rewards and punishments is a necessary part of organisational life.

使用奖励和惩罚是组织生活中必要的部分。 U



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Classcical 36 Verbal Questions Example Individuals who are responsible for databases that hold information about people are now bound by the Data Protection Act (PDA). This Act covers any information stored on a computer that identifies a living individual. Companies holding such information must, under the Terms of the Act, make sure that they take ‘adequate care’ of the data, both technically and in terms of the behaviour of the organisation. The personal data stored has to be protected from loss, destruction or damage. Example 1. Any information stored about a named individual currently working for an organisation is subject to the Data Protection Act. Example 2. As long as any data about a named individual is managed in a technically adequate way, there are no other restrictions as to how it can be used or handled. Example 3. Damage to data held about named individuals represents the biggest threat to its proper management. Example 4. Data about named individuals who have left a company is not subject to the Act. Section A Competitor analysis involves the examination of competitors in order that the planner can develop and sustain superior competitive performance for the organisation. This statement belies the fact that in order to do this one must first establish from where the competition currently stems and from where it might stem in the future. One also has to consider and appraise competitors’ present and likely future objectives and strategies, and their likely reactions to the competitive moves that an organisation might make. 1. Planners can only sustain superior performance for their organisation by doing competitor analysis. 2. Effective competitor analysis involves looking into the future. 3. It is easier to establish where competition currently stems from, rather than where it might stem from in the future 4. It is not always apparent to organisations who their competitors are. Section B The model of consumer behaviour on which neo-classical demand theory is based implies that consumers are perfectly informed about the price and quality characteristics of the products on offer, and are constantly altering their expenditure patterns in response to price and quality changes, so as to maximise their total ‘utility’(satisfaction). This m odel is unrealistic, as the range of products on offer in modern markets is immense, and no consumer has the knowledge or inclination to acquire the information that would be


Question1 - Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.* Sports: I am kind of a sports enthusiast. I like playing basketball and I am quite good at it. In my free time, I always call on some friends and have a basketball match with them. Last semester, our team won the first place in the basketball competition organized by school of accounting. What's more, I am also fond of playing badminton. My parents and I usually play badminton together on sunny days, which has become a family routine. Hobbies: I prefer watching movies on weekends, especially American ones. Not only can I relax myself when watching movies, I can also polish up my English listening and speaking skills. Question2 - What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity Presently I am a member of the Young Volunteers Association of China, which is a national organization with millions of members across China. During my first two years of university, I was in the Youth Volunteer Association of the college of accounting, when I did a lot of voluntary work to the school and also to the society. At that time, I am a member of the propaganda department. We draw posters for the activities, raise money for the poor, look after the olds in homes for the elderly...Though my life in our department has ended, my strive for the society will never stop. Question3 - What factors have influenced your career choice First, it's my interest. My grandpa was an excellent accountant. With so many years past, I can still remember the contentment on his face when he stroked his abacus. He's the person who initially led me to the world of accounting and who aroused my interest in accounting. I have been determined to be an extraordinary accountant since I was a child. Second, it's my love for math and English and my competence in them. The two are my favourite subjects, which, I think, combine perfectly in accounting. I have won many prizes in maths and English competitions, such as the third prize in the Math Contest of my university and the third prize in the 2010 National English Contest for College Students. Question4 - Outline your career ambitions and objectives I want to join in the auditing department and learn the client business processes and accounting procedures. I will make every effort to fullfill my part and always be passionate in my work. I will learn and develop my core professional skills from every possible way and finally discover a wide skill set when I am an assistant. I hope to achieve business insights and outstanding planning skills if promoted to be a manager. In 10 or 12 years, I hope to be the partner of KPMG and will help to set the firm’s strategy and develop further relationships with the clients. I will live my promise and always thrive and serve for the firm.


KPMG经典24题 The Classical 24 Numerical Reasoning · ,

"The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes

答案详解 1. E (28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=9000 2. C (20x250+16x300) x6%=588 3. B Region E (permanent: temporary)=3:2 Region SE Total: 400 Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250 (New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240 Temporary: 400x2/5=160 所以我们可以得出P增加了90人,T减少了90人 90x(30-18)=1080 (我们可以用其他方法算,但是却不是最节约时间的算法) 4.E 目测,(SE和SW的P每小时接的电话数是最高的,而且SW的P的人数多,所以总数上SW可定比SE要高。虽然E 的每小时接电话数不高,但是他人数最多,所以总数也很高) 5. C (43200+80000+16000) x105%-11232-12096-21600-19200-4160-4640=73232 6. A (40x120x4-1600)/16000=20% 7. A 43200/48-44000/50=20 8. D 80000/50/25=64 9. E (2.50-2.40)/2.40x2.50+2.50=2.604 (1.10-1.08)/1.08x1.10+1.10=1.120 2.604-1.120=1.48 10. A 1.70-(3.20-1.70)=0.2 11. C (1.70-0.3)x(1-15%)=1.19 12. E 1.08x(1-20%)/ 2.40=36% 13.G (70-50)x4x40x3=9600 14. B 50x40x4x6+50x4x4x10=56000 15. E 3/2.4x40-40=10 16. C (40-38)x4x3x(55+40)=2280 17. C


一.四大之毕马威简介: 毕马威中国在北京、哈尔滨、沈阳、青岛、上海、南京、成都、杭州、广州、福州、厦门、深圳、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区共设有十三家分公司(包括毕马威企业咨询(中国)有限公司,2010年10月成立厦门分所),专业人员超过8500名。KPMG台湾所历经多年不断的发展与成长,目前(截至2013年4月)拥有约八十九位合伙会计师以及约两千位员工,服务据点遍及台北、新竹、台中、台南、高雄等五大城市。 2010年10月,毕马威将启用其新设于福建厦门的分公司,董事长CarsonTong今日表示,厦门分公司服务范围将辐射包括整个福建省在内的海峡西岸地区。至此,全球四大会计师事务所全部入厦驻点。厦门将成立毕马威第十三家分公司。 一九九二年,毕马威在中国内地成为首家获准合资开业的国际会计师事务所。毕马威香港特别行政区的成立更早在一九四五年,在香港提供专业服务逾60年。率先打入中国市场的先机以及对品质的不懈追求使我们积累了丰富的行业经验,多家中国知名企业长期聘请毕马威提供专业服务,反映了毕马威的领导地位。 企业社会责任 随着中国企业融入全球经济和境外企业大举进入中国市场,毕马威将结合其丰富的国际经验和对市场的全面认识等优势,在日趋复杂但又机遇处处的中国市场为客户提供高品质的服务。

毕马威以统一的经营方式来管理中国的业务,以确保我们能够高效和迅速地调动各方面的资源,为客户提供高品质的服务。我们统一的管理结构具备高度的灵活性,使我们能够有效和高效地为整个中国地区的客户提供完善的服务,同时也使我们来自不同办事处的专业人员可以在有经验的合伙人的统一领导下携手完成工作。 我们在国内建立了实力雄厚的行业专责团队,以便使我们的合伙人和员工在各行各业不断累积经验。凭借我们对各行各业和国内情况的深入了解,我们可随时调派深谙客户业务的各类专业人员,为客户提供至臻完善的专业服务。 从发掘新的思路到实现战略目标-毕马威中国的专业人员将利用他们丰富的业务经验为客户提供增值服务,使您在业务发展的道路上一帆风顺。 该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第二百二十七。 二.毕马威笔试题型讲解 1.数字能力测试:由37个问题组成


一、KPMG经典24题 The Classical24Numerical Reasoning (200*28+100*25)*0.9=7290错(200*28+100*25)/0.9=9000E C(250*20+300*16)*0.06=588 400*3/5=240240-150=9090*(30-18)=1080B 4.which two regions had the highest total number of calls handed per hour by permanent staff? SW和E(5400,5600)

(43200+80000+16000)*1.05=139200*1.05=146160 146160-11232-…-4640=73232C 4*120*40=19200(19200-16000)/16000=3200/16000=20%A 44000/50–43200/48=880-900=-20A 80000/(50*25)=64D

Commuter:(远距离)上下班往返的人(2.5-2.4)/2.4=(x-2.5)/2.5x=2.6 (1.1-1.08)/1.08=(y-1.1)/1.1y=1.12E (3.2-1.7)-1.7=-0.2A (1.7-0.3)*(1-15%)=1.19C 1.08*(1-20%)/ 2.4=36%E

20*4*40*3=G 50*4*(40*6+4*10)=B 40*3=(40+x)*2.4E (55+40)*4*(40-38)*3=C

8000/61.8–100/1.62=C 1000*1.52/1.62*11.1=10414.8F (61.8-65.4)/65.4=5.5这是不对的应该除以后者(1/61.8–1/65.4)/(1/65.4)除的是year1的数D B 根据前一题知,比较:差额/yr2


毕马威精英计划上海笔试经验分享 xx毕马威精英计划上海笔试经验分享 我的是在上理举行的,简直人山人海,而且每层楼基本都能碰到熟悉的面孔,笔试时长将近1.5Hrs,但其实真正做题目的时间只有44分钟。笔试就是基本的SHL逻辑测试,分为两个部分,数学逻辑题和文字逻辑题;KPMG采用了全英文的SHL测试。 笔试的试卷是相邻的两个教室合用(A教室先用数学,那B教室就先用文字;然后互换)。我的教室先做的.是文字逻辑题,每人发到一本试卷、一张答题卡、一支铅笔、一块橡皮(铅笔橡皮很好看…),文字逻辑题由36道小题组成,每4小题对应一篇段落,所以一共是9段英文段落;考的就是读完段落对下面4个statement判断是True 还是False还是Cannot say.有点类似雅思(虽然我没考过雅思…)考试时间一共是20分钟,所以时间是很紧的。做完文字逻辑题,把试卷答题纸回收完就开始做数学逻辑题,也是每人发一本试卷、一张答题卡,数学逻辑题我印象中一共24题,共6大题,每大题下面4小问,基本就是看图表、数据计算一些问的结果,比如给一张公司各部门的人员比例,每个部门员工平均工资多少,然后让你算X 部门的总工资比Y工资高多少(我瞎编的不够就是类似这种数字的四则运算然后比较balabala),或者是一些汇率的比来比去,今天100

元买A货币,5天后再兑换回RMB能赚多少balabala。数学逻辑题一共24分钟。时间也算比较紧。 笔试来说的话,很多人都是做不完的,而且不推荐大家做不完就瞎猜瞎填,据说是要算净正确率所以…但是其实如果有练一下是“肯定”做得完的,我因为笔试前几天就有一直搜SHL的题目练所以比较熟悉,两个部分都剩了3-5min,推荐大家去下载“KPMG经典24题和经典36题”,网上搜得到的,碍于版权我就不传了…… “据说”,KP笔试是海笔,有近2000人,我也不知道是不是真的但是笔试的人真的很多,淘汰率据说是80%。 模板,内容仅供参考



四大笔试合集(部分) KPMG考试总结 第一部分:35分钟35个逻辑数学题根据图表不难可是可能时间有点紧张 第二部分:25分钟48个英文阅读题gre/gmat 风格风卷残云涂完不知道正确率 和高露洁的逻辑部分完全一样都是用的S&H香港做的题目,要求也一样不要在试卷上留下任何痕迹为了重复使用,阅读部分体型一样具体题目不同 看来应该好好练习一下gmat了否则会死在这一关 ey & kpmg笔试 因为周五的时候FrankSA特地写了一番话鼓励我申请unileve r因此就真的花了一天的时间去apply,居然到周六晚上才开始准备周日的两场笔试... 首先是到kp的网站做了她们的样题...都只有50%的正确率...而且那个时候我金山词霸还开着..-,-之后又作了几套朋友发给我的ver bal样题,貌似只错了两三道不过速度...keke...我发现我根本不能同时兼顾速度和质量-,-,因为很晚了而且反正大家的状态都差不

多,而且我根本没有考过甚至看过gre&gmat,因此即使我被kp 淘汰了也无话可说了...当下决定放弃。 接下来是ey的笔试,因为已经很晚了当时,因此就向同学打探了一下安永笔试的方向(即安永考的似乎都是比较专业和宏观的东西),稍微看了一些模版之类的东西. 电梯到五楼,一出门就看到人头攒动,不乏许多ppmm正装出场...看看自己 真是寒酸。闲来无事听到她们说安永7:30就开始了...8:30,9:30, ms 10:30 还有笔试的样子...//寒一个,不过其中很多是南京大学的等到上一场同学出来,我们坐定差不多是9:30,考试的要求和以前的都一样, 不过监考老师多了很多,hehe,作文题目是: 1.近几年中国gdp都保持了8%的增长速率,你认为在接下来五年内是否会保持这个速度,并解释理由 2.似乎谈的是劳动力涌入上海北京等这样大城市的优缺点,要求分析... 我的求职大事记——kpmg笔试 知道kpmg的笔试难还要追溯到去年的这个时候,当时99国金一个后来去了渣打的师姐在job版发的文章我印象深刻,说的


2005四大笔试合集(部分) KPMG考试总结 第一部分:35分钟35个逻辑数学题根据图表不难但是可能时间有点紧张 第二部分:25分钟48个英文阅读题gre/gmat 风格风卷残云涂完不知道正确率 和高露洁的逻辑部分完全一样都是用的S&H香港做的题目,要求也一样不要在试卷上留下任何痕迹为了重复使用,阅读部分体型一样具体题目不同 看来应该好好练习一下gmat了否则会死在这一关 ey & kpmg笔试 因为周五的时候FrankSA特地写了一番话鼓励我申请unilever所以就真的花了一天的时间去apply,居然到周六晚上才开始准备周日的两场笔试... 首先是到kp的网站做了他们的样题...都只有50%的正确率...而且那个时候我金山词霸还开着..-,-之后又作了几套朋友发给我的verbal样题,貌似只错了两三道不过速度...keke...我发现我根本不能同时兼顾速度和质量-,-,因为很晚了而且反正大家的状态都差不多,而且我根本没有考过甚至看过gre&gmat,所以即使我被kp淘汰了也无话可说了...当下决定放弃。 接下来是ey的笔试,因为已经很晚了当时,所以就向同学打探了一下安永笔试的方向(即安永考的似乎都是比较专业和宏观的东西),稍微看了一些模版之类的东西. 电梯到五楼,一出门就看到人头攒动,不乏许多ppmm正装出场...看看自己 真是寒酸。闲来无事听到他们说安永7:30就开始了...8:30,9:30,ms 10:30 还有笔试的样子...//寒一个,不过其中很多是南京大学的 等到上一场同学出来,我们坐定差不多是9:30,考试的要求和以前的都一样, 不过监考老师多了很多,hehe,作文题目是: 1.近几年中国gdp都保持了8%的增长速率,你认为在接下来五年内是否会保持这个速度,并解释理由 2.似乎谈的是劳动力涌入上海北京等这样大城市的优缺点,要求分析... 我的求职大事记——kpmg笔试 知道kpmg的笔试难还要追溯到去年的这个时候,当时99国金一个后来去了渣打的师姐在job版发的文章我印象深刻,说的是kpmg笔试题目很多很多来不及做,而且还很容易把题号搞错。看了以后就觉得很慌。后来暑假实习的时候一个99经济的师兄又跟我说kp笔试很难,说让我提前找点题目做做有点感觉,可惜后来不知道自己干什么去了就荒废了,汗…… 时隔一年,挨到自己上战场,之前ey笔试之前也很慌,因为我以为ey笔试和kp是差不多的,结果ey之前扛了n本gmat和gre的书回家,后来知道ey只写作文,看看自己托福6.0的作文成绩就又荒废了没去做-.- 两天前开始准备kp的笔试,上google搜了半天没找到一套真题(想想也是阿,kp花了多少钱从shl买来的真题怎么可能随便让我google搜到-.-),于是只好认认真真去做kp网站上的practice test。一共verbal和数学各6题,第一次做完吓死了我,居然逻辑里面6题错了5题,而且数学没来得及做完,做完的4题里面也只对了2题。记得那个晚上我是半夜做的题目,对着屏幕愣了半天 第二天开始决定发奋,可是觉得gmat和gre的逻辑完全不对kpmg的路子。于是继续上网找,找到了shl的官方网站,就是卖题目给各家公司的公司。拿它网上的练习题做,结果还不算很差,数学22题对了20题,逻辑28题对了23题。之后又练了几遍,觉得准备还是不够,又去找雅思的题目做。从无忧雅思网下载了一套阅读题,光做t/f/ng部分,觉得思维开始混乱,越做错越多,后来受不了了就开了bbs灌水并且决定不再复习了。


一、KPMG经典24题。 The Classical 24 Numerical Reasoning (200*28 + 100*25)*0.9 = 7290 错(200*28+100*25)/0.9 = 9000 E C (250*20+300*16)*0.06 =588 400*3/5 = 240 240-150=90 90*(30-18)=1080 B 4.which two regions had the highest total number of calls handed per hour by permanent staff? SW 和E (5400,5600)

(43200+80000+16000)*1.05 = 139200*1.05 = 146160 146160-11232-…-4640 = 73232 C 4*120*40 = 19200 (19200-16000)/16000 = 3200/16000 = 20% A 44000/50 – 43200/48 = 880-900 = -20 A 80000/(50*25) = 64 D

Commuter:(远距离)上下班往返的人(2.5-2.4)/2.4 = (x-2.5)/2.5 x=2.6 (1.1-1.08)/1.08=(y-1.1)/1.1 y=1.12 E (3.2-1.7)-1.7=-0.2 A (1.7-0.3)*(1-15%)= 1.19 C 1.08*(1-20%)/ 2.4 = 36% E

20*4*40*3 = G 50*4*(40*6+4*10) = B 40*3 = (40+x)*2.4 E (55+40)*4*(40-38)*3 = C


KPMG经典24题 TheClassical 24Numerical Reasoning

"The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled powerstations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes

答案详解 1. E (28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=9000 2. C (20x250+16x300) x6%=588 3. B Region E (permanent: temporary)=3:2 Region SE Total: 400 Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250 (New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240 Temporary: 400x2/5=160 所以我们可以得出P增加了90人,T减少了90人 90x(30-18)=1080 (我们可以用其他方法算,但是却不是最节约时间的算法) 4.E 目测,(SE和SW的P每小时接的电话数是最高的,而且SW的P的人数多,所以总数上SW可定比SE要高。虽然E的每小时接电话数不高,但是他人数最多,所以总数也很高) 5. C (43200+80000+16000) x105%-11232-12096-21600-19200-4160-4640=73232 6. A (40x120x4-1600)/16000=20% 7. A 43200/48-44000/50=20 8. D 80000/50/25=64 9. E (2.50-2.40)/2.40x2.50+2.50=2.604 (1.10-1.08)/1.08x1.10+1.10=1.120 2.604-1.120=1.48 10. A 1.70-(3.20-1.70)=0.2 11. C (1.70-0.3)x(1-15%)=1.19 12. E 1.08x(1-20%)/ 2.40=36% 13. G (70-50)x4x40x3=9600 14. B


KPMG经典24题 The classical 24 numerical reasoning 经典的24数值推理 一.bar chart below shows the number of temporary and permanent staff working in five regional call centres: 1. the actual number of calls taken per hour in region sw fell 10% short of the target set – what was the target number of calls per hour? E(28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=9000 2. an increase of 6% in both the number of temporary and permanent staff in region NW is planned. If the average number of calls taken per hour stayed the same for all staff, what would be the increase in the total number of calls taken per hour? C。20x250+16x300) x6%=588 3.if the ratio of permanent to temporary staff in region SE was the same as for region E, but the total number of staff remained the same, what would be the change in calls handled per hour? B Region E (permanent: temporary)=3:2 Region SE Total: 400 ,Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250 (New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240 , Temporary: 400x2/5=160 所以我们可以得出P增加了90人,T减少了90人 90x(30-18)=1080 (我们可以用其他方法算,但是却不是最节约时间的算法) 4.which two regions had the highest total number of calls handed per hour by permanent staff? E 目测,(SE和SW的P每小时接的电话数是最高的,而且SW的P的人数多,所以总数上SW可定比SE要高。虽然E的每小时接电话数不高,但是他人数最多,所以总数也很高)


KPMG Numerical 24 1. 顾客题:难 餐馆名字 每星期的 熟客 光顾四次或 平均每位顾客 顾客总人数 所占比例 以上的熟客数 的消费金额 2. 黄金买卖:汇率题的翻版 月份数 对应黄金价格 兑换美元的金额 3.学校的考试成绩问题,有问单科通过率、两门课对比 4.传说中的税率题,条形图。分别为各年的销售量和价内含税销售额,旁边给出各年税率。 5. 某天的午间健身班: 班级总人数 首次参加人数 参加5次以上人数 问题:两个班级特定人数比较,某一个班级除第1次月5次以上的剩余人数,根据增长率求出第二天某班特定人数。 6.经济类犯罪率:图标,给定两年的数据,有犯罪总数,各分类比例。问题是比较、求增长率、推算其他年份一些数据。 7.东南亚各国5年销售额,条形图,简单。各年总销售额需要自己加和。问题如同年两个销售额的比较,已过不同年销售额的比较,两国增长率的比较。 8.涉及到各学院的学生考试成绩,分优秀良好及格和不及格条形图,简单计算。 9. 国家的农场数量,农户数目,表格,超多数字,后面有个总计。 10.参考:如果他说A年是B年的五分之三或者增长了20%之类的求B的,不要再列什么式子了,直接A/0.6或A/1.2就行了。 KPMG经典24题 The classical 24 numerical reasoning 经典的24数值推理 一.bar chart below shows the number of temporary and permanent staff working in five regional call centres:

这个柱状图下面显示的数量和永久性的工作人员临时在5个地区的呼叫中心: 1. the actual number of calls taken per hour in region sw fell 10% short of the target set – what was the target number of calls per hour? 采取实际的通话次数每小时在地区下降了10%的sw -短设定的目标是什么电话数量每小时的目标吗?E(28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=9000 2. an increase of 6% in both the number of temporary and permanent staff in region NW is planned. If the average number of calls taken per hour stayed the same for all staff, what would be the increase in the total number of calls taken per hour? 每年增加6%的数量在两个临时及永久性员工在滇西北地区是必要的。如果平均每小时的通话次数采取停留在同一对所有员工,什么会是增加了总人数的每小时电话吗? C。 20x250+16x300) x6%=588 3.if the ratio of permanent to temporary staff in region SE was the same as for region E, but the total number of staff remained the same, what would be the change in calls handled per hour? 如果的比率来临时员工在地区永久SE是一样的,但至于地区E总人数的员工保持不变,什么会是改变电话每小时处理吗?B Region E (permanent: temporary)=3:2 Region SE Total: 400 ,Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250 (New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240 , Temporary: 400x2/5=160 所以我们可以得出P增加了90人,T减少了90人 90x(30-18)=1080 (我们可以用其他方法算,但是却不是最节约时间的算法) 4.which two regions had the highest total number of calls handed per hour by permanent staff? 哪两个地区都有最高的总传每小时的通话次数永久的员工吗? E 目测,(SE和SW的P每小时接的电话数是最高的,而且SW的P的人数多,所以总数上SW可定比SE要高。虽然E的每小时接电话数不高,但是他人数最多,


2020毕马威最新笔试经验分享27号在天大完成了毕马威的笔试,本人天大研究生非金融背景昨天收到email通知今天要面试感觉来得好突然赶紧回去看了一下经典的题以下为邮件内容 注意事项: - 请提前10分钟到达 - 请带一张一寸照片及胶棒 - 请带好网申的6位unique id和serial number (请参考邮件右上角8位数字) ,请带好身份证(或学生证),计算器,手表,铅笔,橡皮;考试时手机应为关机状态 - 请务必打印并携带此邮件,以此为考试凭证 - 考试分两部分:数理逻辑及英文逻辑 数理逻辑为中文 20分钟24道题貌似和去年的题目是一样的英文逻辑依然是20分钟36道题 我的经验就是:大家大部分人肯定是都做不完的所以一定要挑简单的自己有把握的先做一般每个图表的最后一道题都是相对计算量比较大的建议大家时间不够用的就放弃吧 英文的话网上有一些技巧类的文章我觉得大家可以看看在那种紧张环境下有时候是不需要读懂文章内容的个人感觉英语逻辑测试技巧性还是挺强的 祝愿参加笔试的同学们顺利

27号在天大完成了毕马威的笔试,本人天大研究生非金融背景昨天收到email通知今天要面试感觉来得好突然赶紧回去看了一下经典的题以下为邮件内容 注意事项: - 请提前10分钟到达 - 请带一张一寸照片及胶棒 - 请带好网申的6位unique id和serial number (请参考邮件右上角8位数字) ,请带好身份证(或学生证),计算器,手表,铅笔,橡皮;考试时手机应为关机状态 - 请务必打印并携带此邮件,以此为考试凭证 - 考试分两部分:数理逻辑及英文逻辑 数理逻辑为中文 20分钟24道题貌似和去年的题目是一样的英文逻辑依然是20分钟36道题 我的经验就是:大家大部分人肯定是都做不完的所以一定要挑简单的自己有把握的先做一般每个图表的最后一道题都是相对计算量比较大的建议大家时间不够用的就放弃吧 英文的话网上有一些技巧类的文章我觉得大家可以看看在那种紧张环境下有时候是不需要读懂文章内容的个人感觉英语逻辑测试技巧性还是挺强的 祝愿参加笔试的同学们顺利
