
克鲁格曼《国际经济学》(国际金融部分)课后习题答案(英文版)第一章CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONChapter OrganizationWhat is International Economics About?The Gains from TradeThe Pattern of TradeProtectionismThe Balance of PaymentsExchange-Rate DeterminationInternational Policy CoordinationThe International Capital MarketInternational Economics: Trade and MoneyCHAPTER OVERVIEWThe intent of this chapter is to provide both an overview of the subject matter of international economics and to provide a guide to the organization of the text. It is relatively easy for an instructor to motivate the study of international trade and finance. The front pages of newspapers, the covers of magazines, and the lead reports of television news broadcasts herald the interdependence of the U.S. economy with the rest of the world. This interdependence may also be recognized by students through their purchases of imports of all sorts of goods, their personal observations of the effects of dislocations due to international competition, and their experience through travel abroad.The study of the theory of international economics generates an understanding of many key events that shape our domesticand international environment. In recent history, these events include the causes and consequences of the large current account deficits of the United States; the dramatic appreciation of the dollar during the first half of the 1980s followed by its rapid depreciation in the second half of the 1980s; the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s and the Mexico crisis in late 1994; and the increased pressures for industry protection against foreign competition broadly voiced in the late 1980s and more vocally espoused in the first half of the 1990s. Most recently, the financial crisis that began in East Asia in 1997 andspread to many countries around the globe and the Economic and Monetary Union in Europe have highlighted the way in which various national economies are linked and how important it is for us to understand these connections. At the same time, protests at global economic meetings have highlighted opposition to globalization. The text material will enable students to understand the economic context in which such events occur.Chapter 1 of the text presents data demonstrating the growth in trade and increasing importance of international economics. This chapter also highlights and briefly discusses seven themes which arise throughout the book. These themes include: 1) the gains from trade;2) the pattern of trade; 3) protectionism; 4), the balance of payments; 5) exchange rate determination; 6) international policy coordination; and 7) the international capital market. Students will recognize that many of the central policy debates occurring today come under the rubric of one of these themes. Indeed, it is often a fruitful heuristic to use current events to illustrate the force of the key themes and arguments which are presentedthroughout the text.。

PART I INSTRUCTOR’S MANUALCHAPTER 1THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMYCHAPTER OVERVIEWThis chapter introduces students to the international economy. The first part of the chapter emphasizes the high degree of economic interdependence that charac terizes today’s economies. Economic interdependence includes international trade and international finance.The chapter also focuses on the United States as an open economy. Data are provided that show U.S. exports as a percent of gross domestic product and the value of U.S. trade with its major trading partners. The chapter notes that many U.S. firms source a portion of the production of their goods in foreign countries.The chapter concludes by discussing the nature of international competitiveness--for firms, industries, and nations. It is noted that exposure to global competition tends to improve the efficiency of firms. Finally, the chapter introduces the potential effects that international trade has on workers.After completing the chapter, students should be able to:∙Define economic interdependence.∙Discuss the importance of international trade for the U.S. economy.∙Examine the factors that make a company American.∙Discuss the nature of competitiveness and how it applies to firms, industries, and nations.∙Identify the advantages and disadvantages of international trade for workers.BRIEF ANSWERS TO STUDY QUESTIONS1. Interdependence among today's economies reflects the historical evolution of the world's economic andpolitical order. Since World War II, Europe and Japan have reindustrialized. What is more, theformation of the European Community and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, as well as the rise of multinational corporations, has contributed to closer economic and political linkages.2. Proponents of an open trading system maintain that free trade leads to lower prices, the development ofmore efficient production methods, and a greater range of consumption choices. Free trade permitsresources to move from their lowest productivity to their highest productivity. Critics of an open trading system maintain that import competition may displace domestic firms and workers. It is also argued that during periods of national emergency, it is in the best interests of a nation to protect strategic industries.3. For the United States, growing economic interdependence has resulted in exports and imports increasingas a share of national output. Profits of domestic firms and wages of domestic workers are increasingly being affected by foreign competition. Political and economic events play important roles for theoperation of some sectors of the American economy, such as energy and agriculture.4. The volume of international trade is governed by factors including the level of domestic economic activity(e.g., prosperity versus recession) and restrictions imposed by countries on their imports.5. The chapter describes three fallacies of international trade:a. Trade is a zero sum activityb. Imports reduce employment and act as a drag on the economyc. Tariffs and quotas will save jobs and promote a higher level of employment6. International competitiveness refers to the extent to which the goods of a firm or industry can compete inthe marketplace; this competitiveness depends on the relative prices and qualities of products. No nation can be competitive in, and thus be a net exporter of everything. Because a nation’s stock of resources is limited, the ideal is for these resources to be used in their most productive manner. Nations will benefit from specialization and trade by exporting products having a comparative advantage.7. Researchers at the McKinsey Global Institute have found that global competitiveness is a bit like sports.You get better by playing against folks who are better than you. This means companies are exposed to intense global competition tend to be more productive than those who aren’t.8.International trade benefits most workers, especially those in exporting industries. In addition to providingthem jobs and income, it allows them to shop for consumption goods that are cheapest and of the highest quality. However, workers in import-competing industries often feel threatened from competition ofcheap foreign labor.9.Among the challenges confronting the international trading system are maintaining fair standards for laborand promoting environmental quality.10.The threat of international terrorism tends to slow the degree of globalization and also make it becomecostlier. With terrorism, companies must pay more to insure and provide security for overseas staff and property. Heightened border inspections could slow shipments of cargo, forcing companies to stockmore inventory. Tighter immigration policies could reduce the liberal inflows of skilled and blue-collar laborers that permitted companies to expand while keeping wages in check. Moreover, a greaterpreoccupation with political risk has companies greatly narrowing their horizons when making newinvestments.。

• 财富由货币或金银构成 • 贸易差额(奖出限入)
2021/3/7 6
▪ 重商主义把货币与真实财富等同起来是错误的。 ▪ 重商主义把国际贸易看作是零和博弈,即贸易一方
的顺差必然要以另一方的逆差为代价这一观点是错 误的;
2021/3/7 7
“如果一件东西在购买时所费的代价比在家内生产 时所费小,就永远不会想要在家内生产,这是每个精 明的家长都知道的格言。裁缝不想自己制作鞋子,而 向鞋匠购买…….如果每一个私人家庭的行为是理性的, 那么整个国家的行为就很难是荒唐的。如果一个国家 能以比我们低的成本提供商品,那么我们最好用自己 有优势的商品同他们交换。 ”
O 15 25 50
100 小麦
其他国家 第2种 (图形法)
50 封闭经济条
开放经济条 件下的均衡
12 O
70 100布
Hale Waihona Puke 12另一种图形的推导
1 y 1 x1 50 25
美国均占劣势,但小麦的劣势较小,因此出口小麦来 换取劣势较大的布。
2021/3/7 17
▪ 学生自己画图(P44):
小麦(公斤/每单位劳动投入量) 6
新古典 贸易理
Robert J. Carbaugh著的《国际经济学》第一至第十章关键概念术语和小结的中文翻译

价格流转学说 生产可能性曲线

Macroeconomics • Part IV: International Macroeconomic Policy
International Trade, 14th, Thomas A. Pugel, 中国人
What is International Economics About?
International economics deals with economic
interactions that occur between independent nations.
• The role of governments in regulating international trade
The study of international economics has never been
as important as it is now.
• At the beginning of the 21st century, nations are more
closely linked through trade in goods and services, through flows of money, and through investment in each others’ economies than ever before. • Figure 1-1 shows that international trade for the United States has roughly tripled in importance compared with the U.S. economy as a whole.
国际经济学 第一章

Economic interdependence
1.1 Globalization of Economic Activity
Economic interdependence reflects the historical evolution of the world’s economic and political order. Process: 1950’s European Community 1960’s multinational corporations 1970’s Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 21’st 1 Euro 4 Carbaugh, Chap.
Carbaugh, Chap. 1 15
Q3:Is a competitive nation one that creates jobs for its citizen? No. most important is the creation of highpaying jobs that improve a nation’s standard of living. Q4:Is a competitive nation one in which wage rates are low? No.
Carbaugh, Chap. 1 14
1.5.2 A nation’s competitiveness
It’s more difficult to assess the competitiveness of a nation. Several questions to answer: Q1:For a nation to be competitive, must all of its firms and industries be competitive? No. Q2:Does a nation have to export more than it imports to be competitive? No.

第三节 国际贸易利益的衡量与分解
U1 PD Pw
贸易后,生产均衡点为E’点,相对价格线为Pw。 消费均衡点移到C点,社会无差异曲线为U2,,显然要高于贸易前水平。
二、机会成本与生产可能性曲线的形状 生产上的机会成本是指增产一单位的某产品所必须放弃的其他产品的数量。比如因为资源有限,一国要增产大炮,就要减产黄油。
边际转换率MRT是生产可能性曲线斜率的绝对值,反映了X的变化量所引起的Y的变化量,等于两个部门边际成本之比。 MRT=MCx / MCY
生产契约曲线有三种形状,上页是可变要素比例的情形,意味着随着X和Y的产量变化,投入其中的要素比例是递增的情况。对应现实中随着X或Y产量增加,K或L释放后价格变化促使生产技术调整的情形。 其他两种情形请课后自行练习
生产利益(专业化利益):是指国家之间通过贸易,从差能扩张上取得的福利。社会福利水平从E点到C点,社会无差异曲线从U2扩到U3 (假定价格未变,仅考虑生产调整)
U1 U3 PD

Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 What Is International Economics About?1) Historians of economic thought often describe ________ written by ________ and published in ________ asthe first real exposition of an economic model.A) "Of the Balance of Trade," David Hume, 1776B) "Wealth of Nations," David Hume, 1758C) "Wealth of Nations," Adam Smith, 1758D) "Wealth of Nations," Adam Smith, 1776E) "Of the Balance of Trade," David Hume, 1758Answer: EQuestion Status: Previous Edition2) From 1959 to 2004,A) the U.S. economy roughly tripled in size.B) U.S. imports roughly tripled in size.C) the share of US Trade in the economy roughly tripled in size.D) U.S. Imports roughly tripled as compared to U.S. exports.E) U.S. exports roughly tripled in size.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition3) The United States is less dependent on trade than most other countries becauseA) the United States is a relatively large country.B) the United States is a "Superpower."C) the military power of the United States makes it less dependent on anything.D) the United States invests in many other countries.E) many countries invest in the United States.Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition4) Ancient theories of international economics from the 18th and 19th Centuries areA) not relevant to current policy analysis.B) are only of moderate relevance in today's modern international economy.C) are highly relevant in today's modern international economy.D) are the only theories that actually relevant to modern international economy.E) are not well understood by modern mathematically oriented theorists.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition5) An important insight of international trade theory is that when countries exchange goods and services onewith the other itA) is always beneficial to both countries.B) is usually beneficial to both countries.C) is typically beneficial only to the low wage trade partner country.D) is typically harmful to the technologically lagging country.E) tends to create unemployment in both countries.Answer: BQuestion Status: Previous EditionB) trade is likely to be harmful to the country with the high wages.C) trade is likely to be harmful to the country with the low wages.D) trade is likely to be harmful to neither country.E) trade is likely to have no effect on either country.Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition7) Benefits of international trade are limited toA) tangible goods.B) intangible goods.C) all goods but not services.D) services.E) None of the above.Answer: EQuestion Status: Previous Edition8) Which of the following does not belong?A) NAFTAB) Uruguay RoundC) World Trade OrganizationD) None Tariff BarriersE) None of the above.Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition9) International economics does not use the same fundamental methods of analysis as other branches ofeconomics, becauseA) the level of complexity of international issues is unique.B) the interactions associated with international economic relations is highly mathematical.C) international economics takes a different perspective on economic issues.D) international economic policy requires cooperation with other countries.E) None of the above.Answer: EQuestion Status: New10) Because the Constitution forbids restraints on interstate trade,A) the U.S. may not impose tariffs on imports from NAFTA countries.B) the U.S. may not affect the international value of the $ U.S.C) the U.S. may not put restraints on foreign investments in California if it involves a financialintermediary in New York State.D) the U.S. may not impose export duties.E) None of the aboveAnswer: EQuestion Status: NewB) the balance of paymentsC) exchange rate determinationD) Bilateral trade relations with ChinaE) None of the aboveAnswer: DQuestion Status: New12) "Trade is generally harmful if there are large disparities between countries in wages."A) This is generally true.B) This is generally false.C) Trade theory has nothing to say about this issue.D) This is true if the trade partner ignores child labor laws.E) This is true if the trade partner uses prison labor.Answer: BQuestion Status: New13) Who sells what to whomA) has been a major preoccupation of international economics.B) is not a valid concern of international economics.C) is not considered important for government foreign trade policy since such decisions are made in theprivate competitive market.D) is determined by political rather than economic factors.E) None of the aboveAnswer: AQuestion Status: New14) The insight that patterns of trade are primarily determined by international differences in labor productivitywas first proposed byA) Adam Smith.B) David Hume.C) David Ricardo.D) Eli Heckscher.E) Lerner and Samuelson.Answer: CQuestion Status: New15) Since the mid 1940s, the United States, has pursued a broad policy ofA) strengthening "Fortress America" protectionism.B) removing barriers to international trade.C) isolating Iran and other axes of evil.D) protecting the U.S. from the economic impact of oil producers.E) None of the above.Answer: BQuestion Status: NewB) the U.S. economy cannot grow when the balance of payments is in deficit.C) the U.S. has run huge trade deficits in every year since 1982.D) the U.S. never experienced a surplus in its balance of payments.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: New17) The euro, a common currency for most of the nations of Western Europe, was introducedA) before 1900.B) before 1990.C) before 2000.D) in order to snub the pride of the U.S.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: New18) During the first three years of its existence, the euroA) depreciated against the $U.S.B) maintained a strict parity with the $U.S.C) strengthened against the $U.S.D) proved to be an impossible dream.E) None of the above.Answer: AQuestion Status: New19) The study of exchange rate determination is a relatively new part of international economics, since,A) for much of the past century, exchange rates were fixed by government action.B) the calculations required for this were not possible before modern computers became available.C) economic theory developed by David Hume demonstrated that real exchange rates remain fixed overtime.D) dynamic overshooting asset pricing models are a recent theoretical development.E) None of the aboveAnswer: AQuestion Status: New20) A fundamental problem in international economics is how to produceA) a perfect degree of monetary harmony.B) an acceptable degree of harmony among the international tradepolicies of different countries.C) a world government that can harmonize trade and monetary policiesD) a counter-cyclical monetary policy so that all countries will not be adversely affected by a financialcrisis in one country.E) None of the above.Answer: BQuestion Status: NewB) by the International Monetary Fund.C) by the World.D) by an international treaty known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).E) None of the above.Answer: DQuestion Status: New22) The international capital market isA) the place where you can rent earth moving equipment anywhere in the world.B) a set of arrangements by which individuals and firms exchange money now for promises to pay in thefuture.C) the arrangement where banks build up their capital by borrowing from the Central Bank.D) the place where emerging economies accept capital invested by banks.E) None of the above.Answer: BQuestion Status: New23) International capital markets experience a kind of risk not faced in domestic capital markets, namelyA) "economic meltdown" risk.B) Flood and hurricane crisis risk.C) the risk of unexpected downgrading of assets by Standard and Poor.D) exchange rate risk.E) None of the above.Answer: DQuestion Status: New24) Since 1994, trade rules have been enforced byA) the WTO.B) the G10.C) the GATT.D) The U.S. Congress.E) None of the above.Answer: AQuestion Status: New25) In 1998 an economic and financial crisis in South Korea caused it to experienceA) a surplus in their balance of payments.B) a deficit in their balance of payments.C) a balanced balance of payments.D) an unbalanced balance of payments.E) None of the above.Answer: AQuestion Status: Newtrade meeting in Seattle ofA) the OECD.B) NAFTA.C) WTO.D) GATT.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: New27) International Economists cannot discuss the effects of international trade or recommend changes ingovernment policies toward trade with any confidence unless they knowA) their theory is the best available.B) their theory is internally consistent.C) their theory passes the "reasonable person" legal criteria.D) their theory is good enough to explain the international trade that is actually observed.E) None of the above.Answer: DQuestion Status: New28) Trade theorists have proven that the gains from tradeA) must raise the economic welfare of every country engaged in trade.B) must raise the economic welfare of everyone in every country engaged in trade.C) must harm owners of "specific" factors of production.D) will always help "winners" by an amount exceeding the losses of "losers."E) None of the above.Answer: EQuestion Status: New1.2 International Economics: Trade and Money1) Cost-benefit analysis of international tradeA) is basically useless.B) is empirically intractable.C) focuses attention primarily on conflicts of interest within countries.D) focuses attention on conflicts of interests between countries.E) None of the above.Answer: CQuestion Status: Previous Edition2) An improvement in a country's balance of payments means a decrease in its balance of payments deficit, oran increase in its surplus. In fact we know that a surplus in a balance of paymentsA) is good.B) is usually good.C) is probably good.D) may be considered bad.E) is always bad.Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous EditionA) an international treaty.B) an international U.N. agency.C) an international IMF agency.D) a U.S. government agency.E) a collection of tariffs.Answer: AQuestion Status: Previous Edition4) The international debt crisis of early 1982 was precipitated when ________ could not pay its internationaldebts.A) RussiaB) MexicoC) BrazilD) MalaysiaE) ChinaAnswer: BQuestion Status: Previous Edition5) International economics can be divided into two broad sub-fieldsA) macro and micro.B) developed and less developed.C) monetary and barter.D) international trade and international money.E) static and dynamic.Answer: DQuestion Status: Previous Edition6) International monetary analysis focuses onA) the real side of the international economy.B) the international trade side of the international economy.C) the international investment side of the international economy.D) the issues of international cooperation between Central Banks.E) None of the above.Answer: EQuestion Status: New7) The distinction between international trade and international money is not useful sinceA) real developments in the trade accounts have monetary implications.B) the balance of payments includes both real and financial implications.C) developments caused by purely monetary changes have real effects.D) trade models focus on real, or barter relationships.E) None of the above.Answer: EQuestion Status: NewWhat are the logical underpinnings of this argument?Answer: Yes. They do not have sufficient resources to satisfy consumption needs; and also do not have a sufficiently large market to enable their industries to avail themselves of scale economy possibilities.Another answer would rely on a location argument. Assume that the "natural" market for any givenplant is a circle with a radius of n miles with the plant at its center. Assuming that the productionplants are located randomly throughout the country, then the probability that the typical circularmarket will encompass some foreign country is greater the smaller is the country.Question Status: Previous Edition9) It is argued that if a rich high wage country such as the United States were to expand trade with a relativelypoor and low wage country such as Mexico, then U.S. industry would migrate south, and U.S. wages would fall to the level of Mexico's. What do you think about this argument?Answer: The student may think anything. The purpose of the question is to set up a discussion, which will lead to the models in the following chapters.Question Status: Previous Edition10) Some patterns of international trade are easier to explain than others. Give several examples and explain.Answer: Historical circumstance can explain some patterns such as the relatively large trade flows from West Africa to France. The relatively sparse trade between countries within South America seems curious.Question Status: Previous Edition11) International trade tends to prove that international trade is beneficial to all trading countries. However,casual observation notes that official obstruction of international trade flows is widespread. How might you reconcile these two facts?Answer: This question is meant to allow students to offer preliminary discussions of issues, which will be explored in depth later in the book.Question Status: Previous Edition12) It is argued that small countries tend have more open economies than large ones. Is this empirically verified?What are the logical underpinnings of this argument?Answer: Yes. They do not have sufficient resources to satisfy consumption needs; and also do not have a sufficiently large market to enable their industries to avail themselves of scale economy possibilities.Another answer would rely on a location argument. Assume that the "natural" market for any givenplant is a circle with a radius of n miles with the plant at its center. Assuming that the productionplants are located randomly throughout the country, then the probability that the typical circularmarket will encompass some foreign country is greater the smaller is the country.Question Status: Previous Edition13) It is argued that if a rich high wage country such as the United States were to expand trade with a relativelypoor and low wage country such as Mexico, then U.S. industry would migrate south, and U.S. wages would fall to the level of Mexico's. What do you think about this argument?Answer: The student may think anything. The purpose of the question is to set up a discussion, which will lead to the models in the following chapters.Question Status: Previous Edition14) Some patterns of international trade are easier to explain than others. Give several examples and explain.Answer: Historical circumstance can explain some patterns such as the relatively large trade flows from West Africa to France. The relatively sparse trade between countries within South America seems curious.Question Status: Previous Editioncasual observation notes that official obstruction of international trade flows is widespread. How might you reconcile these two facts?Answer: This question is meant to allow students to offer preliminary discussions of issues, which will be explored in depth later in the book.Question Status: Previous Edition16) International Trade theory is one of the oldest areas of applied economic policy analysis. It is also an area forwhich data was relatively widely available very early on. Why do you suppose this is the case?Answer: In ancient times, public finance was not well developed. Most of the population was not producing and consuming within well-developed market economies, so that income and sales taxes were notefficient. One of the most convenient ways for governments to obtain resources was to set up customposts at borders and tax. Hence international trade was of great policy interest to princes and kings, aswas precise data of their main tax base.Question Status: Previous Edition17) The figure above is the Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) of Baccalia, where only two products areproduced, clothing and wine. In fact Baccalia is producing on its PPF at point A. By and large the people of Baccalia are content, as both their external and internal needs for warmth are satisfied in the mosteconomically efficient manner possible, given their available productive resources (and known technology).How much wine is being produced? How much cloth? If a person in this country wanted to purchase a liter of wine, what would be the price he or she would have to pay?Judging from what you learned in the previous paragraph, can you indicate at which point (if at all) the Community Indifference Curve is tangent to the Production Possibility Frontier? Explain your reasoning.Answer: 6 million liters of wine are being produced.3 million square yards of cloth are being produced.The price of 1 liter of wine is one half of a square yard of cloth.The tangency is at point A. We know this because otherwise the country would not be producing atthe point of maximum economic efficiency.Question Status: Previous Edition18) One day, Baccalia joined the WTO and joined the Global Village. They discovered that in the LWE (LondonWine Exchange), 1 liter of wine is worth 1 square yard of cloth. What is the logical production point they should strive for? (See figure.)Answer: 10 million liters of wine.Question Status: Previous Edition19) Baccalia wishes to enjoy to the fullest from the gains from trade, but is not willing to give up imbibing evenone drop of wine from the 6 million liters they consumed in their original autarkic state. If their newconsumption point is a point we shall designate as point b, describe where this point would be found. (See figure.)Answer: Vertically above point aQuestion Status: Previous Edition20) Where is the Community Indifference Curve family of curves tangent to their new Consumption PossibilityFrontier?Answer: At point b.Question Status: Previous Edition21) How can you prove that Baccalia has in fact gained from the availability of trade, and that their newsituation is superior to the pre-trade situation (with which they were quite content)?Answer: The country was consuming at point a before trade. It is now consuming at point b with trade. Point b represents a superior welfare combination of goods as compared to point a, since at b the country hasmore of each of the goods.Question Status: Previous Edition。
国际经济学第一章 古典贸易理论ppt精选课件

▪ 要素价格均等化理论的意义及局限性
里昂惕夫悖论 对里昂惕夫之迷的解释 自然资源说 要素密集度逆转 消费者偏好说图4-6 里昂惕夫本人的人力资本说
生产要素禀赋理论从以下两个方面说明 了产生比较成本差异的原因。
一是各国各种生产要素的禀赋不同即经 济资源的拥有状况。
二是不同的商品生产需要不同的生产要 素配置,即不同的商品生产所使用的 各种生产要素的比例不同。
比较优势与贸易:要求所有的产品均 由国内成本最低或具有比较优势的国 家来生产。
按比较优势原理分工能使世界从其固 定的资源中获得更多的产出。图2-7
比较优势的应用:国与国之间按比较 优势进行贸易分工
对外贸易依存度:一国在一定时 期内进出口商品总额在该国国民 生产总值中占的比重。
比如劳动力相对丰裕的国家生产劳动密 集型商品具有比较优势,资本相对丰 裕的国家生产资本密集型商品具有相 对优势。国际贸易分工的格局是由各 国生产要素禀赋状况所决定的。
140 120 100
80 60 40 20
0 0

二、国际经济学的研究对象和内容 研究对象:国际经济学是以国际经济关系
和国际经济活动为研究对象的经济学科。该学 科研究对象的特殊性主要体现在两方面:一方 面,国际交易不同于国内交易;另一方面,国 际经济关系是发生在国与国之间的。
主要方面的表现: (一)中国的对外贸易(如上图)
对外贸易的持续增长给中国经济发展带来的利益: (1)为中国产业开辟了庞大的境外市场; (2)有利于解决我国改革和发展动力不足的问题; (3)增加财政收入和创造就业机会; (4)为中国发挥后发优势、实施赶超战略、缩小与 发达国家的差距提供了途径; (5)为中国的经济结构调整、技术进步和产业升级 提供了新的契机,使中国成为一个重要的世界制造业中 心。
始于1978年的改革开放,使中国幸运地搭上 了经济全球化的快车。从1979年到2019年的25年 间,我国GDP年均增长9.4%,GDP由1400亿美元 增至16500亿美元,位居世界第六, 人均GDP从 181美元增至1269美元; 对外贸易额由293.3亿美 元猛增到11547.4亿美元, 跃居世界第三。 中国 已成为推动全球经济增长的一支重要力量。
内容:(1)国际贸易 (2)国际金融 (3)国际生产 (4)其它
0.3 经济全球化中的中国经济
一、经济全球化(Economic Globalization) (一)经济全球化的涵义
经济全球化:是指随着科学技术和国际社会 分工的发展以及社会化程度的提高,世界各国、 各地区的经济活动越来越超出一国和地区的范围 而相互联系和密切结合的趋势。经济全球化是生 产社会化和经济关系国际化发展的客观趋势。

1.生产可能性边界_production possibility frontier
它表示在一定的技术条件下,一国的全 部资源所能生产的各种物品或劳务的最 大产量组合。 生产可能性曲线又称为边际转换曲线。 其斜率称为边际转换率 。 边际转换率,就是每增加一种产品的生 产必须减少的另一种产品生产的数量。 也即增加一种产品生产的机会成本。
(1)生产函数: X Fx (K x , Lx )
Y F (K , L ) y y y
K K K (2)充分就业 x y L Lx L y w (3)利润最大化约束条件:MRTS
MRTS: 要素边际技术替代率 w: L的价格 r: K的价格
第一节 国际贸易理论的研究对象与目的
第二节 基本分析方法与模型框架
不涉及货币因素 。(¥, $, ₤, €…)

机会成本(-△Y/ △X )递增、不变与递减
相对价格不变条件下,由于生产专业化而获得的 额外利益
供给或需求 差异
在完全竞争世界里,国际贸易建立在相对价格差基础上 相对价格差建立在两国的生产可能性曲线或社会无差异曲线形状
A国X的过剩供给曲线与B国X的过剩需求曲线的交点即 位X的国际均衡价格,位于贸易前两国的相对价格水平提供曲线
埃奇沃思与马歇尔提出 米德给出了正式的严格的推导
贸易提供曲线表示在各种不同的贸易条件(或国际相对 价格)下,一国为换取一定的进口商品而愿意为此提供 的出口商品数量之间的各种可能组合。也就是一国愿意 进行贸易时的各种贸易条件。
(positive analysis)实证分析解决——是什么 (normative analysis)规范分析解决——应该是什么 国际经济学中,较多采用实证分析而较少采用规范分析

Chapter 1
Classical Theories of International Trade
Chapter 1 Classical Theories of International Trade
1.1 Mercantilism 1.2 Trade Based on Absolute Advantage: Adam Smith 1.3 Trade Based on Comparative Advantage: David Ricardo 1.4 Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Cost 1.5 Comparative Advantage with More Than Two Commodities and Countries 1.6 Theory of Reciprocal Demand 1.7 Offer Curve and Terms of Trade
Two assumptions, within each country:
is the only factor of production and is homogeneous (i.e. of one quality). The cost or price of a good depends exclusively upon the amount of labor required to produce it.
1.3 Trade Based on Comparative Advantage: David Ricardo
An Example of Comparative Advantage

❖ 四、国际贸易研究内容 ❖ 国际贸易纯理论:主要说明国际贸易产生的原因和
从事贸易的利益及贸易利益的分配问题。 ❖ 国际贸易政策理论:主要探讨贸易政策,如关税、
配额、区域一体化,对各国各项经济活动与福利的 影响,以及在不同条件或环境下,政府在贸易政策 制定中的最佳选择。
第二节 国际贸易理论的基本分析方法 与模型框架
❖ X和Y两个部门的产出由两个部门的生产要素投入量 决定,而生产要素在两个部门之间的配置取决于两 个部门的要素报酬之间的关系。在厂商达到利润最 大化时,要素边际技术替代率等于要素价格之比 (或相对价格),即:
❖ 类似E点的均衡点,不止一个,而有无限多个,所有这些点 连成一条曲线,即契约线(图中没有显示出来)。在契约线 上,任何一点都表示生产要素得到了充分利用,并且所有生 产者都实现了利润最大化。
汽车数量 C
(2)基本假设: ❖ (1)所有商品市场和生产要素市场都是完全竞争的; ❖ (2)所有商品的生产技术条件都是既定的,并且规模收益
不变; ❖ (3)所有生产要素的总供给都是固定不变; ❖ (4)生产要素可在各部门间自由流动; ❖ (5)所有生产要素都充分利用; ❖ (6)经济活动中不存在外在性(externality)。
❖ 国际经济学是关于什么的学科? ❖ 国际经济学:贸易和货币
❖ 国际经济学研究独立国家之间发生的经济联系 政府在调解国际贸易和国际投资过程中扮演重要的作用 国际市场允许政府对不同公司实行区别对待的政策,这 是可以分析的. 政府也控制货币供应.
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Change in the production of
Cl-15 yards
-3 sets
+15 yards
Change in the World Output
+2 sets
As the U.S. transfers 1 worker from cloth production to iPad production, its
The gain from production and trade is the increase in the world output that results from each country specializing in its production according to its
Two assumptions, within each country:
Labor is the only factor of production and is homogeneous (i.e. of one quality).
The cost or price of a good depends exclusively upon the amount of labor required to produce it.
Relative cost
5 sets
15 yards 1 iPad=3 yards of cloth
1 set
5 yards 1 iPad=5 yards of cloth
The U.S. labor has a 5-to-1 absolute advantage in the production of iPads. The U.S. labor also has a 3-to-1 absolute advantage in the production of cloth. The U.S. has a greater absolute advantage in producing iPads than in producing cloth.
In like manner, the U.K has an absolute advantage in cloth production.
Chapter 1 Classical Theories of International Trade
1.1 Mercantilism 1.2 Trade Based on Absolute Advantage: Adam Smith 1.3 Trade Based on Comparative Advantage: David
Ricardo 1.4 Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Cost 1.5 Comparative Advantage with More Than Two
Commodities and Countries 1.6 Theory of Reciprocal Demand 1.7 Offer Curve and Terms of Trade
1.2 Trade Based on Absolute Advantage: Adam Smith
An arithmetic example
A Case of Absolute Advantage
Output per Labor Hour
5 sets
20 yards
The more efficient country should specialize in and export that good in which it is relatively more efficient (where its absolute advantage is bigger).
1.3 Trade Based on Comparative Advantage: David Ricardo
Assumptions of a simplified model There are only two countries with a fixed level of technology in the world; Each country owns only one input – labor, which is fixed endowed and homogenous and can move across industries but cannot flow across countries; Each country produces two commodities; Perfect competition and free trade prevail in markets.
The less efficient country should specialize in and export the good in which it is relatively less inefficient (where its absolute disadvantage is smaller).
1.3 Trade Based on Comparative Advantage: David Ricardo
An Example of Comparative Advantage
A Case of Comparative Advantage
Output per labor hour
15 sets
10 yards
The U.S. has an absolute advantage in iPad production; its iPad workers' productivity (output per worker hour) is higher than that of the U.K, which leads to lower costs (less labor required to produce a set of iPad).
Cost differences govern the international movement of goods. The concept of cost is founded upon the labor theory of value.
1.2 Trade Based on Absolute Advantage: Adam Smith
Critics Possible only for short term Assuming static world economy
Chapter 1 Classical Theories of International Trade
1.1 Mercantilism 1.2 Trade Based on Absolute Advantage: Adam Smith 1.3 Trade Based on Comparative Advantage: David
International Economics
Chapter 1
Classical Theories of International Trade
Chapter 1 Classical Theories of International Trade
1.1 Mercantilism 1.2 Trade Based on Absolute Advantage: Adam Smith 1.3 Trade Based on Comparative Advantage: David
output of iPads increases by 5 and cloth production falls by 15 yards.
As China transfers 3 workers from iPad production to cloth production, its cloth production increases by 15 yards and iPad production falls by 3.
Ricardo 1.4 Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Cost 1.5 Comparative Advantage with More Than Two
Commodities and Countries 1.6 Theory of Reciprocal Demand 1.7 Offer Curve and Terms of Trade
China has an absolute disadvantage in the production of iPads and cloth. However, China’s absolute disadvantage is smaller in producing cloth than in producing iPads.
1.1 Mercantilism
The mercantilists advocated government regulation of trade to promote a favorable trade balance.
If a country could achieve a favorable trade balance, it would receive payments from the rest of the world in the form of gold and silver. Such revenues would contribute to an increase in spending and thus a rise in domestic output and employment.