新概念青少版Starter B U1-U15课文文本

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Starter B Unit 1 That’s my father!

Lesson 1

A Listen,read and say.

Hello!I s that your mum?No,it isn’t.that’s my aunt.And that’s my uncle. Is that your grandfather?Yes,it is.A nd that’s my grandmother and my cousin.

Woof!Woof!Look!That’s my mother!Hello,Mum!Oh!

That’s my father.Hi,Dad!Don’t be silly.

B Listen and say.

grandfather grandmother father mother uncle anut cousin

Lesson 2

A Listen,read and say.

Who’s that man?He’s the king.

Who’s that woman?She’s the queen.

Who’s that?Oh,no!It’s max!

B Listen and say.

man woman

Lesson 3

A Read

‘Who’s that boy? He’s tall and thin. His T-shirt is blue and his cap is green.’

‘That’s my brother.That’s Tom.’

‘Who ‘s that woman behind Tom?She’s short and fat.’

‘Sh!Be quiet!That’s his teacher!’

Starter B Unit 2 This is our house.

Lesson 1

A Listen,read and say.

Welcome!This is our house.Thanks!

Is this your kitchen?Yes it is.Lucky dog!

This is our sitting room.Very nice!

Is that their bedroom?Yes!T hat’s their bedroom.

This is fun!

That isn’t fun!

B Listen and say.

bedroom house kitchen sitting room

Lesson 2

A Listen,read and say.

Where ‘s Pop?He’s in our house.He’s in the dining room.

Our sitting room is next to the dining room.And our dining room is between the kitchen and the bedroom.Very nice!But where’s your bathroom?

B Listen and say.

bathroom between dining room next to

Lesson 3

A Read

My name’s Mike.That’s my sister,Emma,in front of our house. In our house,the kitchen is next to the dining room.The sitting room is between a big bedroom and a little bedroom.Look at my mum and dad!They’re in their bedroom!Their bedroom is big and yellow.My bedroom is little and blue.

Starter B Unit 3 Get off the bed!.

Lesson 1

A Listen,read and say.

There‘s a big bed in my bedroom.T here’s a lamp next to the bed. Kim!Get off the bed!

There’s a desk and a chair in my roomOh!There’s a computer.There isn’t a computer in our bedroom.

Look! There ‘s a poster. It’s a panda.And there’s a doll on the shelf.

Kim!Get off the bed!


B Listen and say.

Bed chair computer desk lamp poster shelf

Lesson 2

A Listen,read and say.

Is there a door?No,there isn’t.

Is there a window in this house?No,there isn’t.

Yes,there is!Look at the wall!

B Listen and say.

door wall

Lesson 3

A Read

That’s my bedroom! My bed is big. It’s between the door and the window. There’s a little table next to my bed. There isn’t a desk. There’s a shelf behind the table. There’s a lamp on the shelf. Look at my frog! It isn’t on my bed! It’s under the chair.
