高中英语口语情景对话 第356集 谈论艺术相关素材

下⾯是由为⼤家带来关于art的英语⼝语对话,希望对你有所帮助!【篇⼀】关于art的英语⼝语对话 Dashan: Did you know that this city has one of the most famous collections of Canadian art in Canada? ⼤⼭:你们知道吗?这座城市拥有加拿⼤最有名的艺术、收藏、品。
Yunbo: No, I had no idea. Where is the art collection? 云波:我不知道。
收藏的艺术品在什么地⽅? Dashan: It's in one of our national art galleries. ⼤⼭:在我们的⼀座国家、美术、馆⾥。
Rumei: I don't know a lot about Canadian art, but I've always been interested in finding out more about it. 如梅:我对加拿⼤艺术了解的不多,但是我⼀直有、兴趣、在这⽅⾯多加了解。
Yunbo: I've read about Canadian art on the Internet, but that's all. 云波:我从、国际、互联上读到过关于加拿⼤艺术的介绍,但⽽已。
Dashan: Well, do you and Rumei feel like going to the gallery and having a closer look? The gallery's just around the corner. ⼤⼭:那么,你和如梅愿意到美术馆去好好欣赏⼀番吗?美术馆就在拐⾓处。
Yunbo: You bet. Do we have time? 云波:那还⽤说。
生活口语 自我介绍之艺术特长

生活口语自我介绍之艺术特长Artistic skills对话场景:霍普和蒂姆谈论各自在美术和音乐方面的特长。
情景对话DialogueHope: That's an amazing painting on your wall. Where did you get that?Tim: Actually, I did that. So, thanks!Hope: Wow, I didn't know that you could paint. How did you learn how to do that?Tim: I don't know. I guess I just always could.Hope: Are your parents artistic too?Tim: Not that I know of. My mom never really had any time for anything but taking care of us kids.Hope: How about your dad?Tim: I actually never knew him. He left before I was born. Hope: Oh, how sad. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to pry. Tim: There was no way of you knowing. Don't worry. How about you? Do you paint?Hope: No, but I definitelyappreciate art! I'm more musical than artistic.Tim: Oh yeah? What kind of instruments do you play?Hope: My parents started me with piano lessons when I was five,so that was my first instrument, but my main instrument is thesaxophone.Tim: Wow, do you still play?Hope: Yeah, I'm in a swing band. We play about once a month at the Swing Club on 7th Avenue.Tim: Really? I'll have to go and see you play sometime. Hope: Do you play any instruments?Tim: Just the guitar, but not very well.Hope: Everybody seems to play the guitar, but I have to say, that's one instrument I just never picked up.Tim: Why not?Hope: I always thought it was for hippies, not for ladies like me.Tim: You think of yourself as a lady?Hope: Only in gest. I guess the real reason is that I can'tsing.Tim: So you can't sing? I don't believe it. Everyone can sing. Hope: You'd believe it if you heard me. I'm totally tone deaf. Tim: Have you ever tried singing lessons?Hope: No, I'm one of those hopeless cases, trust me!译文Translation霍普:你家墙上这幅画真美。

9-12月雅思口语题库Part1话题范文: art(艺术)1.Are you good at art?版本一:Art is a really vast subject, I believe and if it is about drawing things here and there, I would say I am pretty fine at it. But, I am surely not one of those who can go on to make some master pieces.版本二:I think I am good at, all thanks to the art classes that I attended during my teen years. They were a great help during my growing years and taught me lot of creativity. Now, I can easily draw simple day to day things like pen or a face.2.Did you learn art at school when you were a child?版本一:Yes. We did had an arts subject during our school days and we were taught lot of basic things like how to color, shade or different kinds of paintings.版本二:No, I did not. In our school, there was a choice between arts and music andI opted music.3.What kind of art do you like?版本一:I love sketching human faces. I really am fascinated by the different moods a face can easily depict. There is lot that be can said with a human face.版本二:I like sketching natural things, the ones that are very near to nature. It could be mountains or rivers or the trees, anything that is near to nature.4.Is art popular in your country?版本一:I would say, art surely does gets importance as people really like to see great art work but when it comes down to choosing arts as a career it is not a very popular choice among people. They prefer pursuing their art goals a mere hobby.版本二:Arts is truly respected in my country. People who can draw well are surely in demand in fields like army, police and country development. Recently, our prime minister hired twenty great artist of our country to create designs that will be painted on the walls of areas which are not very developed. He has a vision to ensure that every one lives in a nice livelihood.5.Have you ever been to an art gallery?版本一:I am not particularly an art fan. So, I have never visited any art gallery, although I do like watching the paintings made by my friends.版本二:Oh! I have gone there so many times. I love them. It is so much fun to see people portray so much on a single canvas.6.Do you think children can benefit from going to art galleries?版本一:I think definitely yes. Art is that part of our lives that brings out the creative side of ours. If children go and visit art galleries, they might be able to understand things better and may be feel motivated to draw things and explore their creative side.版本二:I don’t think children will be very much benefited by just going to art gallery. It is very important for them to understand what is being shown, what is the meaning, how it has been made and why is art important. It is only when they understand the answers to the questions, it makes sense to make children visit art gallery.关于艺术,雅思口语该这么说才好雅思口语关于艺术的范例一考官:How important is art in life?考生:I think art is exceedingly important, especially today. People spend most of their lives worrying about working, studying, or earning money - and it is easy to forget the value of art - paintings, sculptures, handcrafts, music and even architecture. People need to see beauty in their lives ... art is really fascinating and can inspire us to think more deeply and reflect on life.剑桥雅思口语加分表达:exceedingly 极其地spend time doing something 花时间做某事see beauty in lives 看到生活中的美fascinating 迷人的inspire 启发think more deeply 深度思考reflect on life 反思生活雅思口语关于艺术的范例二考官:Do you think art is important for children?考生:Definitely yes, I think art is incredibly important in making the world children live in more beautiful and amusing. Also, it can help children learn about the world around them, and help them learn about colours and shapes -- these are vital for children's development.剑桥雅思口语加分表达:incredibly 极其地making the world children live in more beautiful and amusing 让孩子生活的世界更美丽更有趣learn about the world around them 了解周围的世界vital 重要的children's development 孩子的成长雅思口语关于艺术的范例三考官:Do you think art is important?考生:I don't think art is important at all. Art is quite useless and is a luxury, not a need. All forms of art, in my opinion, are completely unimportant in life. There are many more things that are much more significant than art, like earning money and having a stable life.剑桥雅思口语加分表达:useless 没用的luxury 奢侈品need 必需品completely 完全地unimportant 不重要的significant 重要的earn money 挣钱have a stable life 有稳定的生活雅思口语艺术类话题实例分析艺术话题今年第一次出现在了雅思口语的第一部分,题目包括是否喜欢艺术,是不是经常去艺术馆、博物馆什么的。

对话1A: Hi, how are you today? B: I’m great, thanks for asking. How about you? A: I’m good too. What did you do over the weekend? B: I went to the beach with my family. It was so much fun. What about you? A: I stayed at home and watched movies. It was relaxing.对话2A: Have you seen the new movie that just came out? B: Yes, I saw it last night. It was amazing. A: I heard the special effects were really good. B: They were, the movie was so exciting. You should go see it.对话3A: Do you like to travel? B: Yes, I love traveling. How about you? A: I enjoy traveling too. What’s your favorite place you’ve been to? B: I really liked Japan, the culture there is so interesting. A: That’s great. I w ant to visit Japan someday.对话4A: What do you like to do in your free time? B: I enjoy reading and playing sports. How about you? A: I like listening to music and hanging out with friends. B: Sounds fun. We should hang out together sometime.对话5A: How do you feel about the upcoming exams? B: I’m a bit nervous, but I’ve been studying hard. How about you? A: I’m nervous too, but I think we’ll do well if we keep studying. B: Let’s study together and help each other out.结论以上对话是一些常见的口语对话素材,可以帮助同学们在口语考试中更流利地表达自己的想法和感受。

Anili: You know any thing?你能讲讲吗?Reiko: Yes. Ikebana, it's an art of flowers and it's quite different from Western style flowerarrangement because in Ikebana's theory you can decorate one flower,好的。
only with one flower.真的!Anili: Oh, really!是的,日本的花道不仅仅是装饰花朵,而是一种用花朵展示空间的艺术。
Reiko: And it's, the flower arrangement in Japan is not only decorating flowers but it's an art with flowers and space.了解。
Anili: I see.花与花之间的`空间,以至于整个花道表达了人世间的空间感,甚至整个宇宙。
Reiko: The air between the flowers and also the room, and everything, it shows the space or even the universe, and that.日本还有什么其他的艺术形式?Anili: What's another Japanese art?日本的艺术有花道,茶道!Reiko: Japanese art? Mm, Ikebana! Tea Ceremony!茶道!Anili: Tea Ceremony!茶道!Reiko: Tea Ceremony!茶道!跟我讲讲茶道。
高中英语口语情景对话 第303集 讨论特长素材

Todd: OK, Adrienne, let's talk about abilities. What are you good at?Adrienne: Um, I don't know.Todd: You don't know?Adrienne: I really don't know!Todd: Well, I was looking at your photos, and you can play the violin.Adrienne: That's true!Todd: And you can sing very well.Adrienne: Ah, I can sing some.Todd: OK, so, tell us about playing the violin.Adrienne: I really enjoy playing the violin. I've been playing for many, many years since I was a little girl and everyone in my family plays an instrument so it's part of what we do together as a family.Todd: So when you were little you practiced every day?Adrienne: I did. My mom made me. I didn't have a choice. It's good for discipline though, or at least that's what she told me.Todd: So, how would you practice? Did you have a tutor come over to your house?Adrienne: No, I had a violin teacher once a week and when I was really small I went to group lessons also, so it was once a week with a private and once a week with a group.Todd: Wow! That's a lot. What did you think about the violin when you were little?Adrienne: I don't remember thinking about it. I don't even remember learning how to play. I was only two so (so young) I know. I was still in diapers, but my mom said that when I had my first recital that I really wanted to play in the recital and she said I absolutely could not play on stage in a diaper so that's basically how she got me out of my diapers. So she says!Todd: When did you stop playing?Adrienne: I haven't stopped.Todd: Oh, you still practice.Adrienne: I still play although I don't have my violin here in Japan, right now. I'm kind of on a break I guess. I just don't like to carry it around overseas.Todd: Is it hard to be away from your violin?Adrienne: It is sometimes. I miss it. I miss playing with my family too, cause we're kind of like the Van Trap family, which you know from the movie The Sound of Music.Todd: No, no, I don't. I've never seen the movie.Adrienne: Oh, you haven't? The Sound of Music is about a family in, I think it's Austria and they all play an instrument or sing and it's a World War II movie and that's how they escape the Nazis, from singing or something. It's kind of like that, except for without the war.Todd: Well, I have to see the movie so!Adrienne: Yeah, you should.Todd: So are you going to play the violin for me sometime?Adrienne: Sure! If you can find a violin I will.。

谈论爱好实用英语对话篇1AHere's Copellini's, my cousin's store.这里是可波里尼,我表妹的店。
BSounds like an Italian name with an “i”at the end.听起来应该是一个尼结尾的意大利名字。
AAdmit it. You just think of Mussolini.承认吧,你刚刚联想到墨索里尼。
BNo, I'm an art lover, so I think more of Bellini and Botticelli!不,我是个艺术爱好者。
我比较会联想到贝里尼跟波底迦里!AAh, yes. The Italians do love the sensual forms of the human body.对。
BDon't we all...hey! Your cousin sells gift items?谁不是呀……嘿!你表妹卖礼品吗?AYeah-all from Italy. See all the saints? They're important to Roman Catholics.是啊——全是意大利货。
看到这些圣徒吗?他们对天主教来说非常重要.谈论爱好实用英语对话篇2AMorning, Mary. I haven't seen you in a long time. What's up?早,玛丽。
好久不见了,最近忙什么呢?BOh, I took up a new hobby.哦,我有个新爱好.ASo you don't travel a lot now?那你最近不怎么出门旅行了?BNo, Frank. I'm much more interestcd in collecting stamps now.不怎么去了,弗兰克。
高中英语口语情景对话音乐等素材 (1)

Music and Such 音乐等Todd: OK. Matt, we're back. We're gonna talk about music. (OK) What is your favorite kind of music?Matt: My favorite kind of music is alternative music. But generally I like all types of music, apart from country music.Todd: I'm the same way. I hate country, except for Johnny Cash.Matt: Yeah, yeah. The older country is good. But the newer, I don't like the newer stuff.Todd: Yeah, how expensive are CD's in your country?Matt: Well, a brand new CD is probably between about 15 and 20 dollars, yeah, but you can find used CD's for anything from a dollar to, you know, 20 dollars, I guess, depending, depending on the CD. So you can find cheap CD's.Todd: Wow, that's pretty cheap. Do you play a musical instrument?Matt: No, I don't, although when I was a kid I played the piano and a little bit of the guitar, but I've long since forgotten all of that.Todd: Oh really? Usually, you pick up the guitar and you don't stop playing it.Matt: Well, there was no talent.Todd: Do you go to concerts?Matt: I go, I really enjoy going to concerts, but I like to go to small venues. Small shows. I don't like those big stadium shows where you need binoculars just to see the stage.Todd: Yeah, I agree. And the last question, most importantly, do you sing in the shower?Matt: Of course I do, yeah! Every chance I get.Todd: Wow, what kind of songs do you sing?Matt: Oh, wow! I guess anything that's in my head, the last thing I heard I guess. Todd: Can you sing something right now?Matt: I don't think so. This isn't a shower.Todd: Yeah, important for the listeners. This is not a shower.英语单词:alternative adj. 供选择的;选择性的;交替的。
雅思口语话题part1 art老烤鸭


关于艺术的英语口语对话以下是一段关于艺术的英语口语对话:A: Hi, how are you?B: I"m doing well, thanks. And you?A: I"m doing well too. I just came from a exhibition of contemporary art.B: That"s cool. I"ve always been interested in art, but I"m not very good at recognizing it.A: Yeah, art is a very broad field. It can be really difficult to understand or appreciate at first. But with time and exposure, you start to see its beauty and meaning.B: That"s true. I think it"s important to approach art with an open mind and a willingness to be surprised.A: Definitely. And I also think it"s important to seek out different types of art, from different cultures and periods. That way, you can learn about different art forms and gain a greater appreciation for them.B: Absolutely. I think it"s also helpful to ask questions and seek out explanations when you"re not sure what you"re seeing.A: Yes, definitely. Learning about art can be a lot of fun, and it can also help you appreciate it more deeply.B: So, what do you think about abstract art? I find it to be really fascinating.A: I agree. Abstract art can be really challenging to appreciate at first, but it can also be really beautiful and thought-provoking. It often explores themes and ideas that are beyond the realm of traditional painting and sculpture.B: Yes, I agree. And I think it"s important to remember that art is more than just paint and canvas. It can be a way of expressing emotions and ideas, and it can also be a reflection of society and culture.A: Absolutely. Art has the power to 触动人心 and change our perspectives, and that"s why it"s so important to explore and appreciate it.B: Yeah, I completely agree. Thanks for chatting with me about art. It"s been really interesting.A: You"re welcome. I"m glad we could talk about it. Art can be a really powerful and transformative experience, and I think it"s important to make the effort to appreciate it.。

Todd: OK, Ramon, we're going to talk about abilities.Ramon: OKTodd: Can you cook?Ramon: I can cook a little bit. I like cooking.Todd: What do you like to make when you cook?Ramon: Just simple things. I love salad. I make a huge salad.Todd: I love salad. OK, can you sing?Ramon: No, I can't sing. I just sing for me. On the...when I have a shower.Todd: Oh, really, you sing in the shower? Nice, what, what songs do you sing? Like pop songs or just...?Ramon: No, mainly reggae. I love reggae.Todd: Wow! Can you play any musical instruments?Ramon: Dijuridu!Todd: Oh, really.Ramon: It's an Australian instrument.Todd: Yeah, yeah. Where did you learn that?Ramon: I learned in Switzerland.Todd: Really. OK. Is it popular in switzerland?Ramon: Yeah, it's popular. Everybody knows about it.Todd: Wow. How long have you played?Ramon: A couple of years maybe. Maybe 4 years.Todd: Wow. Alright, thanks!。

Todd: OK. Richard, do you like art?Richard: I do. Very much. Yes.Todd: OK. Um, what kind of art do you like?Richard: OK. Well, I like all kinds of art.Todd: OK.Richard: When I was young I used to enjoy painting.Todd: OK. What did you paint?Richard: OK. When I was a kid, I was in art class, so it was all fairly sort of basic standard stuff like country scenes.Todd: Country scenes! So in a country scene, what can you see?Richard: OK, I can see a red house, with a chimney, billowing smoke..um..green fields , luscious green grass in England.Todd: Wow, so is your..is your home like that in England?Richard: Actually, no! No, It's not in the....we're in the suburbs of London, we're not really in the country.Todd: Oh!Richard: And I used to paint sort of idyllic countryside scenes.Todd: OK. Which do you prefer, the country of the city?Richard: To paint or to live in?Todd: Uh..to paint.Richard: To paint! To paint I prefer the country.Todd: OK. Great.Richard: To live in, I think it is more convenient being, being near a big city.Todd: OK. Great. Thanks.。

英语二人情景对话关于艺术A: Hey, have you heard about the new art exhibition in town? I heard it's quite impressive!B: No, I haven't. What's it about?A: It's a contemporary art exhibition featuring various mediums like paintings, sculptures, and installations. The theme revolves around human emotions and experiences.B: That sounds fascinating! I'm always intrigued by how artists portray emotions through their work. Do you know which artists are participating?A: Yes, there are several renowned artists showcasing their work. One of them is a local artist who specializes in abstract paintings. His use of vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes evokes strong emotions.B: Abstract art always leaves room for interpretation, and it allows the viewers to associate their own emotions with the artwork. I would love to see his paintings!A: There's also a sculptor who uses recycled materials to create thought-provoking pieces. She aims to raise awareness about environmental issues through her art.B: I appreciate artists who use their creativity to promote important causes. It's inspiring to see how art can communicate and bring attention to such topics.A: Absolutely! Art has the power to start conversations and generate new ideas. It allows us to see the world through different perspectives and encourages critical thinking.B: I completely agree. Art challenges our perception and expands our understanding of our surroundings. It also provides an escape from reality and allows us to experience joy and beauty.A: Definitely. Art has a therapeutic quality too. It can be a source of comfort and solace during difficult times. Many people turn to art to express and process their emotions.B: That's very true. I've personally found solace in painting during moments of stress or sadness. It helps me channel my emotions and find inner peace.A: It's wonderful that art can have such a positive impact on our well-being. That's why it's important to support local artists and exhibitions like this one. It not only enriches our community but also encourages the growth of artistic expression.B: I couldn't agree more. I can't wait to visit the exhibition and explore these different forms of art. It's amazing how art can connect us on a deeper level and ignite our imagination.A: Absolutely! Let's plan a visit together. We can discuss our interpretations and share our feelings about the art. It will be a memorable experience.B: That sounds like a fantastic idea! I'm excited to immerse myself in the world of art and be inspired by the creativity of these talented artists.A: It's a date then! Let's be open to the emotions that the art evokes in us and appreciate the beauty that's waiting to be discovered.B: I can't wait! Let's embrace the power of art and let it take us on a journey of self-discovery and reflection.(A and B make plans to visit the exhibition, looking forward to the transformative experience that art offers.)。

有关对话的艺术的作文英语1. Yeah, so, like, the thing about art is that it's all about self-expression, you know? It's like, you can just put your thoughts and feelings out there without having to say anything. It's pretty cool.2. I mean, art can be anything, right? It's not just about painting or drawing. It could be music, dance, or even just the way someone dresses. It's all aboutcreativity and individuality.3. When I look at a piece of art, I feel like I can see into the artist's soul, you know? It's like they're sharing a part of themselves with the world, and that's pretty powerful.4. And the thing is, art can mean different things to different people. Like, what one person sees as beautiful, another person might not get at all. It's all about perspective.5. I love how art can evoke so many emotions. Like, you can look at a painting and feel happy, sad, or even inspired. It's like a direct line to your feelings.6. And the best part is that anyone can create art. You don't have to be some fancy artist or musician. Just express yourself however you want, and that's art. It's pretty freeing, you know?。

英语情景对话大全:在美术馆Ruth: Oh, hello there. Can I help you?鲁斯:哦,你好啊。
有什么我能够帮忙的吗?Akane: Hi, I'm just looking at some of your paintings here. You have a really nice store here.茜:嗨,我仅仅在这里看这些画。
Ruth: Yes that's right, why do don't we? We have some really nice paintings in here.鲁斯:是啊,没错,为什么不呢?我们这里有一些很棒的画作。
Akane: I think I really like this one. Can you tell me a bit about it?茜:我认为这幅画很棒。
你能跟我说说这部作品吗?Ruth: Certainly, yes. Now that one's actually by a local painter. His name's John Mansfield and he's been painting since he was 14 actually, although he died in 1999 so he painted for about 53 years in total. I really like that one myself actually.鲁斯:当然能够。
Akane: So he died? That means that there aren't many of his paintings left.茜:那是说他已经去世了吗?意思是他的画作没剩多少了。
8. 高考英语应用文写作模板讲义-主题:谈论音乐

高考英语备考指南真题风向标精选模拟优题:谈论音乐要求回复邮件,谈谈你的看法,内容包括:1. 你喜欢的音乐;2. 你对音乐的看法。
Dear Alice Bryant,_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________高级词组搭配:1. Embark on a discussion (开始讨论)2. Delve into the intricacies of music (深入探讨音乐的复杂性)3. Ponder the nuances of musical composition (思考音乐作品的微妙之处)4. Explore the interplay between melody and harmony (探索旋律与和声之间的互动)5. Exemplify the evolution of musical genres (举例说明音乐流派的演变)6. Analyze the thematic elements of renowned compositions (分析著名作品的主题元素)7. Reflect on the aesthetic significance of diverse musical styles (反思多样化音乐风格的美学意义)8. Elicit emotional responses through melodic motifs (通过旋律主题引发情感反应)9. Intrigue the audience with complex rhythmic patterns (用复杂的节奏模式引起观众的兴趣)10. Convey profound sentiments through lyrical poetry (通过抒情诗歌传达深刻情感)11. Cherish the cultural heritage embedded in musical traditions (珍视音乐传统中蕴含的文化遗产)12. Enrich the auditory experience with symphonic arrangements (通过交响乐编曲丰富听觉体验)13. Immerse oneself in the melodic tapestry of classical compositions (沉浸在古典作品的旋律编织中)14. Foster a profound appreciation for musical craftsmanship (培养对音乐工艺的深刻欣赏)15. Harmonize disparate musical elements into a cohesive whole (将不同的音乐元素融合成一个统一的整体)16. Evoke nostalgic memories through melodic reminiscences (通过旋律的回忆唤起怀旧情感)17. Transcend cultural boundaries through universal musical themes (通过普遍的音乐主题超越文化界限)18. Imbue compositions with profound philosophical insights (赋予作品深刻的哲学洞见)19. Enthrall audiences with virtuosic instrumental performances (用精湛的器乐表演迷住观众)20. Uphold the legacy of musical luminaries through artistic interpretation (通过艺术解读维护音乐名人的遗产)模板套句:开头:1. In response to your intriguing inquiry about music, I am thrilled to engage ina captivating discourse on this timeless art form. (回应你有趣的关于音乐的询问,我很高兴能参与到这个永恒艺术形式的引人入胜的对话中。

关于音乐的英语口语对话【本文概要】很多人都喜欢听音乐,想要学习一些有关音乐的英语口语对话吗?那你知道关于音乐的英语口语对话有哪些吗?下面是本文收集整理的一些关于音乐的英语口语对话,大家一起来看看吧!【篇一】关于音乐的英语口语对话bobby: kelly, can you turn the vibes up a little?鲍比:凯莉,你能把音乐放大声点吗?kelly: sure, but it’s already pretty loud.凯莉:没问题,不过已经很大声了。
bobby: that’s ok. i love to have loud music on when i am doing the housework.鲍比:没事。
kelly: is that so you don’t get so bored while you are washing and scrubbing?凯莉:这么做是让你在洗洗刷刷的时候不那么无聊?bobby: that’s absolutely right.鲍比:对极了。
kelly: i hate chores as well, so maybe i will follow your example and get into some music.凯莉:我也讨厌家务劳动,所以也许我应该像你那样听一些音乐。
bobby: you will find that the time just flies when you are listening to music while you work.鲍比:你会发现一边劳动一边听音乐时间过得就是快。
kelly: i should take some cds to work with me then.凯莉:那我应该带一些cd去工作。
bobby: i don’t think the boss or your colleagues would like loud music when they were trying to work!鲍比:我觉得你的老板或同事在工作的时候不喜欢听喧闹的音乐!kelly: good point! i will leave the music at home.凯莉:有道理!我要把音乐留在家里。
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Todd: OK. Richard, do you like art?
Richard: I do. Very much. Yes.
Todd: OK. Um, what kind of art do you like?
Richard: OK. Well, I like all kinds of art.
Todd: OK.
Richard: When I was young I used to enjoy painting.
Todd: OK. What did you paint?
Richard: OK. When I was a kid, I was in art class, so it was all fairly sort of basic standard stuff like country scenes.
Todd: Country scenes! So in a country scene, what can you see?
Richard: OK, I can see a red house, with a chimney, billowing smoke..um..green fields , luscious green grass in England.
Todd: Wow, so is your..is your home like that in England?
Richard: Actually, no! No, It's not in the....we're in the suburbs of London, we're not really in the country.
Todd: Oh!
Richard: And I used to paint sort of idyllic countryside scenes.
Todd: OK. Which do you prefer, the country of the city?
Richard: To paint or to live in?
Todd: Uh..to paint.
Richard: To paint! To paint I prefer the country.
Todd: OK. Great.
Richard: To live in, I think it is more convenient being, being near a big city.
Todd: OK. Great. Thanks.。