Household wealth




雅思作⽂话题Brainstorm(下)Are Zoos Necessary?1. It is an effective way to preserve some rare animals and endangered species because the natural environment is no longer a suitable habitat for some species which are on the verge of extinction due to the deterioration of environment and hunting. The animals kept in zoos can undoubtedly receive better care and treatment for there are many well-trained professionals like vets and scientists.2. Besides protecting endangered species, zoos play an important role in improving the public knowledge of animals. Animals in zoos keep people in touch with a more natural animal world.3. Zoos are a place of entertainment and recreation. They are also a great tourist attraction which boosts the local tourism.The Conservation of Endangered AnimalsSituation:1. Hundreds of species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction.2. Many species have become extinct because of large-scale land clearing carried out and the commercialization of agriculture.Pros:3. Humans have the power to affect our environment more than any other species. If we continue to abuse the earth by deforestation, over-fishing, hunting and large-scale land clearing, we will cause irreparable damage. If we will not start thinking “balance and harmony with nature”, the Nature will find a way to destroy us.4. Bio-diversity is good for humans. Conservation means protecting valuable natural ecosystems and habitats for wildlife that can protect the reproduction and evolution of life in ecosystems and keep the energy flow, material cycling and ecological process in the system.Solutions:5. It is imperative for both developed and developing nations to adopt more environmentally friendly policies.6. It is important to educate students and the public so that they will understand the necessity for wildlife preservation.Should Animals Suffer for The benefits of Humans?1. For thousands of years, humans have used animal for a variety of purposes including food, clothing, labor, means of transportation, hunting, medicine, and companionship.2. The result of these animal experiments has been the elimination or control of many infectious diseases. Animal research is an integral part of today’s society when thinking of how much progress we have gained in human health with the use of animal experimentation.3. Research involving animals is absolutely essential in maintaining and improving the health of human beings. In many countries, such as The U.S and the U.K, all prescription drugs must be tested on animals before they are allowed onto the market.4. Although in principle it is more important to reduce human suffering than to prevent animal suffering, in practice it is possible (and absolutely right) to keep animal suffering to an absolute minimum.Pet-Keeping1. Pets are good, affectionate, loyal, and obedient companions to their masters.2. Raising pets is beneficial and joyful.3. They help old people and young children get rid of (drive off) their loneliness and kill the times.4. Pets have some practical uses, such as a guardian, doorkeeper, and even savior of the masters.5. Keeping pets is good for children’s growth. It helps children nurture a tender loving heart and learn to care for others. It helps to develop a sense of responsibility and teaches children an appreciation for life. Pets invite people to love and be loved.Telecommuting (Working at Home)1. Possible conflict between your business and personal lives. Because you’re working at home where you have always spent time with your family, it may be difficult for both you and your family to adjust to the fact that you must work while you’re at home.2. Lack of social contact. Some people dearly love the social interaction of the workplace. When you work from home, you are far more likely to feel cut off from the rest of the world.3. Lack of social contact with co-workers. The lack of daily contact with co-workers could take us “out of the loop”relative to what is going on within the company. This lack of “inside knowledge” could affect our advancement with the company.4. Need for self-discipline. It can be difficult to motivate yourself when you’re working from home. There are household chores to be done, plenty of distractions (such as television), and you can be alone for hours. Do you have the self-discipline required to get your work done despite all this?The Pros and Cons of Job-HoppingFor:1. Job-hopping is becoming a growing trend in today’s workforce. Generally speaking, it means new skills, higher salary, more experience and increased confidence.2. Job-hopping is a yearning to work with different people, a yearning for different job duties or even a yearning to live in a different city every year.3. Job transition is still viewed as the key to moving up in your professional path.Against:1. If you were a chronic job-hopper during the dotcom days, people may be questioning your integrity and loyalty. People who skip from job to job are looked on as being unstable and somehow untrustworthy. If you changed job every year or two, you were branded unstable.2. Switching job too rapidly makes employers think the individual can not get promoted, is not reliable, can not be a team member, or is so egotistical or self-centered that no job can meet his expectations.3. You may be pigeon-holed into a position lower than the one you feel you qualify for if they think you’re a risk. This could easily lead you to quickly hop out of this job too if you’re unhappy with your positions and responsibilities.White liesFor:1. Everyone should admit the significance of good faith and honesty and regard it as a virtue. However, we should not lose sight of the face that there are some special occasions in which we have to tell lies in order to avoid some unwanted unpleasant things.2. If you are a doctor and discover that one of your patients develops cancer of terminal stage, do you have the heart to inform him of the truth of keep it a secret? If you tell the truth, maybe he will collapse and lose the hope of living; if you keep it a secret and encourage him to struggle against the disease, maybe he will enjoy a much longer life and suffer from less strain and frustration.3. Our government sometimes also has to tell white lies in order to avoid social chaos and maintain social stability. For instance, when asked whether some kind of infectious disease has broken out, the government spokesman will sometimes deny it despite the fact that there are some cases confirmed.4. In social contacts, sometimes in order to avoid some embarrassment and avoid hurting the feelings of other, we have to tell some lies—the so-call white lies. For example, when your colleague wears a new dress and asks for you comment, even though you dislike it, you had better say something nice about it because we do not want to hurt another’s feelings or cause unnecessary worry. We tell a white lie. It seems that we are being kind or protecting the other person.The High Salaries of Athletes and Entertainers1. They bring great pleasure and happiness to ordinary people. Their brilliant performances enrich people’s cultural (spiritual) life, which partly contributes to the spiritual civilization. They make money by means of their skills and they deserve it. No one forces you to pay for his performance. Both are willing.2. Some of these stars have undergone painstaking training and practice. No pains, no gains. The road to success may not be easy for most pop stars, who may set examples for the youngsters.3. They sacrifice a lot for what they gain including privacy. They are no longer private individuals; they are public property.4. It is an inevitable outcome of the market economy. We shall not make a fuss of it. It is decided by the market.Should Marijuana Be Legalized?Cons:1. Marijuana has long-term psychological and physical effects. Scientists have found that smoking marijuana can cause the user to loose his memory. These individuals lose interest in everything.2. It will increase the number of drug user and drug related crimes. If drug is sold legally, it will become easy for users to buy it around the corner. Thus, it will increase the already existing problem of crime.3. The legalization would encourage greater availability and use of drugs especially among children.4. The legalization will advance a laissez-faire attitude about drugs.The Legalization of Gambling1. Gambling triggers addiction. The more legalized gambling available, the more addictive behavior is triggered.2. Gambling addiction is a serious threat to the family and to society at large.3. Problem gambling lead to embarrassment, indebtedness, bankruptcy, child neglect, or even divorce. Gambling presents a bad example to our children. Gambling promotes the idea that luck, not education and hard work, is the key to success. There are extreme cases where gambling tears a family apart or ruins the life of an adolescent.4. Gambling attracts crime. Casinos and gambling are often associated with gangster, prostitution, murderers, and all the illegal operations one could think of.5. Gambling produces no wealth for society, and suggests that productivity is not important. Gambling sets up artificial risks and glorifies individuals, who take the biggest, most foolish risks.Should Criminals Be Given Lengthy Jail Terms or Community Service Programs?1. Whoever violates the law should undoubtedly be punished. Only in this way does he know that crime does not pay.2. Just as the idiom goes: “They deserve their punishment.” Ruthless and tough criminals don’t deserve special funding and education.3. Lengthy jail terms function as an effective warning and deterrent to the would-be criminals and help prevent crime and lower the crime rate.4. It is fair to the victim and his family. Putting the criminals in jail does justice to the victim and ensures the social order.5. It prevents the criminals from repeating an offence.6. It executes (punishes) one as a warning to others.7. Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.8. They are potential threats and risks to law-abiding citizens. They are time bombs planted among innocent people.Gun Control1. Gun control is the perfect solution to crime.2. A vast majority of citizens believe that if gun control is strictly enforced it would quickly reduce the threat of crime.3. Gun violence is one of the most serious problems in many nations.4. If we eliminate guns, the suicide rate will go down.Censorship of the Internet1. Easy access to information on any topic may lead users, especially children, to materials that would otherwise not be accessible and could be potentially harmful.2. A person breaks the law if he puts offensive material like pornography on a web page without making sure children that can not access the page. Child pornography, hacking, and objectionable material on the Internet are bad and should be taken off.3. There is no doubt that the Internet is host to a lot of unsavory sites, from racist and pornographic through to dangerously anarchic. The government should prevent the information superhighway from becoming a computer”red light district”.。

2020考研 恋恋有词 完整单词表

2020考研 恋恋有词 完整单词表

▪Unit 1A. 单词识记▪state 【n】状态;情况;国;州▪【v】陈述;说明;规定▪形近词▪statute 名词: 法令;法规▪manifestation 名词: 显示,表现;示威运动▪statistic 名词: 统计数值▪形容词: 统计的;统计学的▪statistical 形容词: 统计的;统计学的▪形近词▪stationary 形容词: 固定的;静止的;不动的▪statement 名词: ( 正式明确的口头或书面) 陈述,声明;( 意见或观点的) 表现,表达▪understatement 名词: 保守陈述;不充分▪的陈述;轻描淡写▪overstate 动词:夸张,夸大地叙述▪statesman 名词: 政治家▪estate 名词: 房地产;身份;财产▪▪形近词▪devastate 动词:毁灭,毁坏▪devastating 形容词: 毁灭性的;极具破坏力的▪workstation 名词:工作台▪status 名词: 地位;情形;状态▪近义词▪assert 动词:坚称;断言;表明▪affirm 动词:断言;肯定;证实▪▪public 【adj 】公众的;公共的;公开的【n】公众,民众▪形近词▪publication 名词: 出版;发行;出版物;发行物;公布;发布▪republican 形容词: 共和国的;共和政体的;▪(美国)共和党的;支持共和党的名词: 拥护共和政体者;共和主义者▪publicity 名词: 公众信息;宣传;公之于众的状况▪形近词▪publicize 动词:公开▪publicized 形容词: 公开的▪publicly 副词:公共地;公开地;公众地▪词组▪in public:公开地,当众▪近义词▪mass 名词: 民众;大量▪civil 形容词: 公民的▪law▪【n 】法律;法令;法规;规律;定律▪形近词▪claw 名词: 爪;螯;钳;爪形器具▪动词:用爪抓(或挖)▪lawful 形容词: 合法的;法定的;法律许可的▪lawsuit 名词: 诉讼;诉讼案件▪形近词▪flaw 名词: 瑕疵;裂纹;缺点▪动词:使破裂;使有缺陷▪lawyer 名词: 律师;法学家▪近义词▪legislation 名词: 法律;法规▪mean 【v】意味着,即是;意指,意思是说;打算,意欲;意义重大【形容词:】吝啬的;刻薄的;破旧的【n】平均值;平均数▪形近词▪meaning 名词: 意义,含义▪well-meaning 形容词: 善意的;好心的▪meaningless 形容词: 没有意义的;不重要的;无价值的▪meaningfully 副词:有意图地;有意义地;重要地▪形近词▪means 名词: 方法;手段▪meanwhile 副词:同时;其间▪词组▪by means of:用;依靠▪by no means:绝不;一点也不▪同义词▪indicate 动词:表明;暗示;象征;反映▪implication 名词: 可能引发的后果;暗示;含意▪influence▪【n】影响;感化;势力,权势▪【v】影响;感化▪形近词▪influential 形容词: 有影响力的;有势力的名词: 影响者;有势力的人▪近义词▪impact 名词:碰撞;撞击;影响动词:撞击;碰撞;(对……)产生影响▪Live 【v】居住;生活;生存;以……为生;留存;铭记▪【n】生命;生活【adj】活的;有生命的;现场演出的▪形近词▪alive a.活着的▪deliver 动词:发表( 讲话);递送;接生( 婴儿)▪delivery 名词: 分娩;投递;讲话方式▪outlive 动词:比……活得长;比……经久▪形近词▪liveliness 名词: 活力▪livelihood 名词: 生计;生活▪词组▪live off▪依赖……生活,依赖▪近义词▪dwell 动词:居住于;存在于▪reside 动词:定居于;属于▪近义词▪survive 动词:幸存;比……活得长▪survival 名词: 生存;幸存▪inhabit 动词:居住于▪settle 动词:使定居▪federal 【adj】联邦的▪形近词▪federation 名词: 联邦制国家;联邦;(社团或组织的)同盟;联盟;联合会▪词组▪FBI:联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)▪CIA:中央情报局(Central Intelligence▪Agency)▪large▪【adj】大的; 广大的;大量的▪形近词▪largely 副词:主要地;大体▪上地;大量地▪enlarge 动词:扩大;放大;扩充▪词组▪at large 一般;全体地;普遍地▪large▪【adj】大的; 广大的;大量的▪近义词▪bulky 形容词: 庞大的;体积大的▪outsize 形容词: 特大的▪huge 形容词: 庞大的▪mark▪【v】做标记;指出;标明;在( 商品) 上贴价格( 或质量等) 的标签、▪【n】痕迹;斑点;污点;记号;符号;( 考试等) 分数▪形近词▪market 名词: 市场;行情动词:推销;营销▪marketplace 名词:市集;商场;市场▪marked 形容词: 显著的,明显的;有记号的▪形近词▪marketer 名词: 市场商人;市场营销人员▪remark 动词:评论;谈到名词:评论;话语;注意;观察▪remarkable 形容词: 卓越的;非凡的;辉煌的▪landmark 名词: 地标;里程碑;转折点▪形容词: 有重大意义或影响的▪近义词▪blot 名词: 污点▪spot 名词: 点;斑点▪stain 名词: 污迹;污渍动词:玷污;污染▪symbol 名词: 象征;标志▪mark▪【v】做标记;指出;标明;在( 商品) 上贴价格( 或质量等) 的标签、▪【n】痕迹;斑点;污点;记号;符号;( 考试等) 分数▪形近词▪market 名词: 市场;行情动词:推销;营销▪marketplace 名词:市集;商场;市场▪marked 形容词: 显著的,明显的;有记号的▪system 【n】系统;体制▪形近词▪systematic 形容词:有系统的;系统化的▪systematically 副词:系统地;有条理地▪近义词▪regime 名词: 政权;政体( 指非民主且统治手段不被认可的政府或政权体系);管理制度;组织方法;养生法▪organization 名词:组织;机构;团体▪structure 名词: 结构;构造;组织▪stress 【v】强调;着重【n】压力;强调;重点;着重;重音;( 物)应力▪词组▪stressed-out 因心理紧张而被压垮的▪近义词▪highlight 动词:强调;突出▪emphasize 动词:强调▪strain 动词:使不堪承受;使紧张;拉伤;扭伤▪名词: 压力;负担;重负▪Unit 2A. 单词识记▪peer: 【名词:】同龄人;同等地位的人;贵族▪【及物动词:】仔细看;费力地看▪词组▪gaze at:凝视;注视▪stare at:盯;凝视▪glare at:长久地怒视;瞪着▪peer: 【名词:】同龄人;同等地位的人;贵族▪【及物动词:】仔细看;费力地看▪同义词▪contemporary 名词: 同代人▪▪issue:【动词:】发行,发表;发布;发,发放▪【名词:】问题;( 报刊的)期、号、版次▪形近词▪tissue 名词: 组织;薄的纱织品;面巾纸▪▪claim: 【动词:】要求;声称;断言;索取▪【名词:】要求; 声称; 断言;索赔; 提要求的权利;(拥有或获得某物的)权利▪形近词▪proclaim 动词:宣布;声明;公布;明确表示▪disclaim 动词:放弃;拒绝承认;否认▪acclaim 动词:欢呼;称赞;宣布;欢呼;喝彩▪词组▪lay claim to:对……提出所有权要求▪同义词▪allege 动词:(未提出证据而)断言;指称;声称▪contend 动词:声称;主张▪assert 动词:声称;断言▪▪patent: 【动词:】取得……的专利权;授予专利▪【形容词:】专利的;明显的▪【名词:】专利;专利权;专利品▪[词组]▪intellectual property:知识产权▪▪court: 【名词:】法院,法庭;球场;庭院▪形近词▪courteous 形容词:有礼貌的▪courtesy: courtesy seat,courtesy phone▪empathy: the ability to understand other people’sfeelings▪Line 【n】线,绳;路线,航线;线路, 电线;排,行;界线,边线【v】排队;加衬,做里子▪形近词(名词:)guideline 指导方针deadline 最后期限baseline 基线,底线airline 航线,航空公司coastline 海岸线headline 大标题,头版头条新闻discipline 纪律;学科;训练;惩罚形近词outline (名词:) 轮廓;大纲;概要(动词:) 概述friendliness (名词:) 友善,亲密loneliness (名词:) 孤独lonely aloneon-line (a.)线上的,在线的off-line (a.)线下的,离线的linen (a. / 名词:) 亚麻布(的)lineage (名词:) 血统;家系;世系kin kinship▪形近词decline (动词:/ 名词:) 下降;(及物动词:) 婉拒incline (动词:) 倾斜;倾向;易于~ to be subject to / be prone to / be apt to / be liable to / defer to / yield to underline (动词:) 在…底下划线;强调= stress / emphasize▪▪value:【名词:】价格;价值;实用性;重要性▪【动词:】评价,估计;尊重,重视▪形近词▪overvalue 动词:对…估价过高;过分重视▪devalued 形容词: 贬值的▪同义词▪worth 名词: 价值;财产▪近义词▪significance 名词: 意义;重要性▪view: 【名词:】观点;视点;景色;眼界▪【动词:】视为;看待;观察▪形近词▪interview 名词:面试;面谈;接见;采访▪动词:采访;接见;对……进行面试▪viewer 名词:电视观众;观察者;指示器▪review 名词:评论;回顾;复习;评审;审查▪动词:回顾;检查;复习功课;写评论▪worldview 名词: 世界观▪in view of:鉴于,考虑到;由于▪in view:在能看见的范围内;在考虑之中▪on view:在展出;在容易看见的地方▪take sth. in view =take sth. into account 把…拿来考虑▪同义词▪perspective ▪名词: 观点;(尤指受到某种思想、经验影响的) 思考方法;态度;角度;透视画法▪▪individual: 【形容词:】个人的;单独的;独特的▪【名词:】个人,个体▪形近词▪individually 副词:个别地,单独地▪反义词▪collective 形容词: 集体的;共同的;集合的▪▪economic: 【形容词:】经济( 上) 的,经济学的▪形近词▪uneconomic 形容词: 不经济的;不赢利的▪economics 名词: 经济学▪economically 副词:节约地,节俭地▪socioeconomic 形容词: 社会经济的▪词组fiscal cliff:财政悬崖▪IMF:国际货币基金组织▪(International Monetary Fund)▪近义词▪financial 形容词: 金融的;财务▪fiscal 形容词: 财政的;国库的▪monetary 形容词: 货币的▪▪create: 【动词:】创造,创作;引起,造成;建立▪creature 名词: 人;生物;动物▪creative 形容词: 创造的;有创造力的;创造性的;启发想象力的▪recreate 动词:再创造;再建;重现▪creativity 名词: 创造力;创造▪creation 名词: 创造,创立;创作;创造物,作品▪creationism 名词: 创造宇宙说;创世论;神造说▪creationist 名词: 创世论者;造物主义者▪procreation 名词: 生育;生殖▪▪Legal:【形容词:】法律的;合法的;正当的▪形近词▪illegal 形容词:非法的;违法的名词:非法移民▪同义词▪lawful 形容词: 合法的;法定的▪legitimate 形容词: 合法的;合情理的动词:使( 尤其坏事) 合法化▪▪consider: 【动词:】认为;把……看作;考虑;细想;体谅;照顾▪形近词▪consideration 名词: 体贴;关心;考虑;要考虑的事;报酬;补偿费▪reconsider 动词:重新考虑▪considerable 形容词: 相当大( 或多)的▪considering prep.考虑到;就……而论;鉴于▪词组▪consider …as:把……视作;把…看作▪Unit 3A. 单词识记▪subject▪【及物动词:】使遭受;使服从;使隶属▪【名词:】主题;题;学科;科目;主语▪【形容词:】受……支配的;服从于……的▪形近词▪subjective▪【形容词:】主观的;个人的;自觉的▪subject▪【及物动词:】使遭受;使服从;使隶属▪【名词:】主题;题;学科;科目;主语▪【形容词:】受……支配的;服从于……的▪词组▪be subject to:遭受;承受▪lead 【动词:】领导;引导;促进;领先;占首位;通向;导致;带来▪【名词:】带领;领头;引导;铅▪形近词▪leadership名词:领导能力;领导地位;领导阶层▪mislead 及物动词:误导;使误信;将…引入歧途▪leader 名词: 领袖;领导者;首领;指挥者▪形近词▪plead 动词:请求;恳求;为…辩护;提出…为理由▪leading 形容词: 卓越的;最重要的▪词组▪lead someone on 误导;蒙骗(某人)▪lead up to 导致;逐渐导致;使话题(渐渐)转向;为……做准备▪take the lead 带头;为首;起带头作用;领导▪intend 【动词:】想要;打算;企图▪词组▪intend to do/intend doing sth.▪打算做▪sector▪【名词:】( 经济的) 部门;行业;领域▪account【名词:】解释;说明;账户▪形近词▪accountant 名词: 会计师;会计人员▪词组▪account for 说明...原因; 占…比例▪take into account:考虑到;体谅▪leave sth. out of account:不考虑▪on account of 由于; 因为▪account【名词:】解释;说明;账户▪近义词▪description▪名词: 描述,描写;类型;说明书▪explanation▪名词: 说明,解释;辩解▪▪consumer【名词:】消费者;用户,顾客▪形近词▪consumption 名词: 消费;消耗;肺痨▪consuming 形容词: 消费的;强烈的▪近义词▪client 名词: [经] 客户;顾客;委托人▪consumerism 名词: 保护消费者利益运动;用户至上主义▪▪consumer【名词:】消费者;用户,顾客▪形近词▪consumption 名词: 消费;消耗;肺痨▪consuming 形容词: 消费的;强烈的▪近义词▪client 名词: [经] 客户;顾客;委托人▪consumerism 名词: 保护消费者利益运动;用户至上主义▪▪▪environment:【名词:】环境,外界▪形近词▪environmental 形容词: 环境的,周围的;有关环境的▪environmentally 副词:有关环境方面地▪environmentalist 名词: 环保人士;环境论者;研究环境问题的专家▪▪environment:【名词:】环境,外界▪近义词▪surroundings 名词: 环境;周围的事物▪atmosphere 名词: 气氛;大气;空气▪situation 名词: 情况;形势;处境;位置▪▪essay:【名词:】论文;杂文;散文;(学生就某门课程所写的) 论说文,短文▪近义词▪article 名词: 文章;物品;条款;[语] 冠词▪thesis 名词: 论文;论点▪▪matter: 【动词:】要紧;有关系;有影响▪【名词:】( 有形的) 物质;( 某一类型的) 物质;( 印刷或阅读的) 材料▪词组▪as a matter of fact 其实;实际上▪近义词▪substance 名词: 物质;实质▪stuff 名词: 东西;材料;填充物;素材资料▪material 名词: 材料,原料;物资;布料▪▪fund: 【动词:】拨款,为……提供资金▪【名词:】专款;基金;资金▪[形近词]▪fundamental 形容词: 基本的,根本的▪fundamentally 副词:根本地,从根本上;基础地▪non-fundamentalist▪underfund 动词:投资不足▪▪hold: 【动词:】持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制▪【名词:】专款;基金;资金▪[形近词]▪household 名词: 家庭;同住在一所房子里的人;一家人▪holder 名词: 支持物;持有者;( 支票等) 持有人▪withhold 及物动词:扣留,拒绝给予▪shareholder 名词: 股东▪▪hold: 【动词:】持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制▪【名词:】专款;基金;资金▪[形近词]▪shareholding 名词: 股权▪stockholder 名词: 股东;股票持有人▪stakeholder 名词: 利益相关人;股东▪▪[词组]▪hold back 退缩;阻止;抑制▪hold on 等一等;停一停;别挂电话, 坚持▪hold out伸出;递出;维持;保密;坚持;不屈服▪hold up 举起;支持;耽搁;抢劫▪▪[同义词]▪cling▪vi. 坚持,墨守;紧贴;附着▪withstand▪动词:经受住;承受;顶住▪seize▪及物动词:抓住;夺取;理解;逮捕▪▪function 【动词:】起作用▪【名词:】功能;作用;职责;职务;职员▪[形近词]▪functional 形容词: 功能的▪▪[同义词]▪work▪名词: 工作;[物] 功;产品;操作;职业;行为;工厂;文学、音乐或艺术作品▪employ▪及物动词:使用,采用;雇用;使忙于,使从事于▪▪evidence【名词:】根据;证据;形迹,迹象▪[形近词]▪evident 形容词: 明显的;明白的▪[同义词]▪proof 名词: 证明;证据;校样;考验;验证;试验▪形容词: 防…的;不能透入的;证明用的;耐…的▪▪practice 【名词:】名词: 实践;练习;惯例▪【动词:】执行;履行;演出;表演▪[词组]▪in practice 在实践中;事实上;实际上▪[同义词]▪perform 动词:执行;履行;演出;表演▪▪note 【名词:】笔记;记录;按语;注释;便条;短笺;纸币;含义;暗示;钞票;纸币▪【动词:】注意;记下;摘录下▪[形近词]▪denote 及物动词:表示,代表▪noteworthy 形容词: 值得注意的;显著的;重要的▪[词组]▪take/make notes 做笔记▪Unit 4A. 单词识记▪degree▪【名词:】程度;度数;学位;等级▪形近词▪agreement 名词: 协定;一致;同意▪Greek 名词: 希腊人;希腊语▪形容词: 希腊的;希腊人的▪concern▪【v】涉及;关系到;关注▪【名词:】关心;关切;顾虑;忧虑;利害( 关系)▪形近词▪concerned 形容词: 关心的;关注的;有关(方面)的;认为重要的;担心的▪unconcerned 形容词: 不关心的;无关的;无忧虑的▪词组▪concern oneself with▪对...关切; 关怀; 关心...▪as/so far as ... be concerned▪就...而言▪allow▪【v】允许;同意;考虑▪形近词▪shallow 形容词: 浅的, 肤浅的▪词组▪allow for▪考虑到▪product▪【v】生产;引起;创作▪形近词▪production 名词: 成果;产品;生产;作品▪productive 形容词: 富有成效的;多产的;有益的;具有创造性的▪productivity 名词: 生产力;生产率;生产能力▪▪product▪【v】生产;引起;创作▪近义词▪invention▪名词: 发明, 虚构的故事, 创作能力▪level 【n】水平;程度;等级,级别▪【形容词:】水平的;平的;平稳的▪【v】弄平;铺平;使瞄准;使对准▪形近词▪low-level▪形容词: 低水平的;低级别的;次要的▪形近词▪level off 稳定;呈平稳状态▪on the level 真诚;坦率;诚恳▪do one’s level best 全力以赴;竭尽所能▪effort 【n】努力▪形近词▪effortless▪形容词: 容易的;不费力气的▪infer 【v】推断;推论▪形近词▪inferiority 名词: 劣势;劣等;下等;次级;自卑情绪,自卑感▪inferior 形容词: 低等的;劣等的;下级的;▪差的,次的▪inference 名词: 推理;推论;推断▪▪infer 【v】推断;推论▪近义词▪deduce▪及物动词:推论,推断;演绎出▪conclude▪及物动词:推断;决定,作结论;结束▪▪professional 【形容词:】专业的;职业的;职业性的▪形近词▪professionalize 动词:使……职业化;使……专业化▪professionalization 专业化▪professionalism 名词: 职业水准或特性;▪职业化;专业化▪provide 【动词:】提供▪形近词▪provided▪conj. 假如;倘若▪provider▪名词: 提供者;供应者,供应商▪provision▪名词: 规定;条款;准备;[经] 供应品▪provide 【动词:】提供▪近义词▪supply 名词: 供给,补给;供应品▪及物动词:供给,提供;补充▪offer 及物动词:提供;给予▪challenge▪【名词:】挑战;艰巨任务;(对真实性、价值、权威等提出的) 怀疑;质疑▪【动词:】挑战;怀疑;质疑( 真实性、价值、权威等▪形近词▪unchallenged▪形容词: 不成问题的;未引起争论的▪Unit 5A. 单词识记▪structure▪【v】组织;构成;建造▪【名词:】结构;构造;建筑物▪形近词▪restructuring 动词:改组;重新组织;调整▪structural 形容词: 结构的;建筑的▪infrastructure 名词: 下部构造;基础设施;下部组织▪content▪【v】使满足▪【名词:】内容,目录;满足;容量▪【形容词:】满意的▪形近词▪contention 名词: 争吵,争执;(争论或讨论时的)看法;观点▪discontent 名词:不满形容词:不满的及物动词:使不满▪self-contented 形容词:自满的;沾沾自喜的▪deal【名词:】数量;程度;交易▪【动词:】处理;给予;做买卖;经营▪形近词▪ideal 名词: 理想;完美的典型;典范▪形容词: 理想的;完美的;假设的▪dealing 名词: 行为;交易;交往▪dealership 名词: 代理权;代理商;经销权▪deal【名词:】数量;程度;交易▪【动词:】处理;给予;做买卖;经营▪词组▪deal with 处理;应付;安排▪ a great deal of 大量的;许多的▪近义词▪contract 名词: 契约;合同▪动词:使收缩,使缩小;使缩短▪define ▪【v】阐明;规定;限定;使明确;给…下定义;解释▪immigrant▪【名词:】( 外来) 移民;侨民▪【形容词:】( 从国外) 移来的;移民的▪形近词▪immigration 名词: 移居;移民▪emigrate 动词:移居国外;移民▪comprehension▪【名词:】理解;领悟▪形近词▪comprehensive 形容词: 全面的;综合性的;▪能充分理解的;广泛的▪词组▪beyond one’s comprehension 不可理解▪potential 【形容词:】潜在的;可能的▪【名词:】潜能;潜力▪形近词▪possible 形容词: 可能的;潜在的▪probable 形容词: 可能的;大概的;很有希望的▪mass 【形容词:】大规模的,群众的;大量的▪【名词:】块,团;群众,民众;大量,众多;质量▪形近词▪massive 形容词: 大而重的,大块的;大规模的;巨大的,大量的▪massacre 名词: 大屠杀▪biomass 名词: (单位面积或体积内)所有生物的数量▪mass 【形容词:】大规模的,群众的;大量的▪【名词:】块,团;群众,民众;大量,众多;质量▪近义词▪rally▪及物动词:团结起来;一致支持;恢复;振作▪名词: 群众大会;集会;(汽车;摩托车等的)公路大赛▪compare▪【动词:】比较;相比;对比;比作▪形近词▪comparable 形容词: 可比较的;比得上▪comparison 名词: 比较;对照;比喻▪comparative 形容词: 比较的;相当的▪comparatively 副词:比较地;相当地▪词组▪compare with 与……相比较▪compare to 与……相比;把……比作▪例与……相比▪近义词▪contrast▪动词:对比;对照;截然不同;有明显差异▪名词: 对比;差别;悬殊▪feature▪【动词:】及物动词:以…为特色▪【名词:】特色,特征▪【名词:】特写(或专题)▪involve 【动词:】使……卷入;牵涉;涉及;包含;使陷入;使参与▪形近词▪involvement 名词: 参与;介入;卷入;(投入的)感情;(倾注的)热情;暧昧关系;恋爱关系▪revolve 及物动词:使…旋转;使…循环;反复考虑;围绕▪evolve 动词:发展,进化;使逐步形成;推断出▪involve 【动词:】使……卷入;牵涉;涉及;包含;使陷入;使参与▪形近词▪invalid 形容词: 无效的;站不住脚的▪名词: 病人;残废者▪近义词▪engage 动词:使从事;使参与;使参加谈话▪occupy 动词:占据;使从事▪segment▪【名词:】部分;段;片;节▪近义词▪section 名词: 部分;章节▪fraction 名词: 一小部分;些微▪access▪【名词:】接近;进入的方法;入口;通道;进入权▪【动词:】读取(计算机)信▪近义词▪accessible▪形容词: 易接近的;可进入的;可理解的▪access▪【名词:】接近;进入的方法;入口;通道;进入权▪【动词:】读取(计算机)信▪词组▪give access to 获得▪access road 进出某处的)通道▪cover▪【名词:】封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物▪【动词:】包涵;足以支付,经过;穿过▪词组▪coverage 名词: 覆盖;覆盖范围;新闻报道▪recovery 名词: 恢复,复原;痊愈;重获▪discover 及物动词:发现;发觉▪cover▪【名词:】封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物▪【动词:】包涵;足以支付,经过;穿过▪近义词▪cloak▪名词: 斗蓬;宽大外衣;覆盖物;遮盖物▪及物动词:笼罩;覆盖;遮掩▪reveal▪【动词:】及物动词:显示;透露;揭露;泄露▪近义词▪uncover 及物动词:发现;揭露▪unveil 及物动词:使公诸于众,揭露▪display 动词:显示;陈列▪disclose 及物动词:公开;揭露▪analysis▪【名词:】分析▪近义词▪anatomy 名词: 解剖;解剖学;剖析;骨骼▪probe 名词: 探查;调查▪Unit 6A. 单词识记▪identify▪【v】识别;鉴别;确认;把……看成一样▪形近词▪identity 名词: 身份;同一性▪词组▪identify with 认同;与……有同感▪identify▪【v】识别;鉴别;确认;把……看成一样▪近义词▪recognize 及物动词:认出,识别▪classify 及物动词:分类;分等▪title▪【v】识别;鉴别;确认;把……看成一样▪近义词▪entitle 动词:取名为;叫做;给予名称;给……权利( 或资格)▪entitlement (拥有某事或做某事的)权利或资格▪subtitle 名词: 副标题;说明或对白的字幕▪及物动词:在…上印字幕;给…加副标题▪doubt▪【动词:】怀疑;疑问;疑惑▪【名词:】怀疑;疑问;疑惑▪近义词▪doubter 名词: 怀疑者▪undoubtedly 副词:确实地,无庸置疑地▪doubtful 形容词: 怀疑的;不能确定的▪doubt▪【动词:】怀疑;疑问;疑惑▪【名词:】怀疑;疑问;疑惑▪词组▪in doubt 不确定;存在疑问▪in no doubt 毫无疑问▪physical▪【形容词:】物质的;有形的;肉体的;身体的;物理学的▪形近词▪physics 名词: 物理;物理学▪geophysical 形容词: 地球物理学的▪physician 名词: [医] 医师;内科医师▪astrophysicist 名词: 天体物理学家▪physical▪【形容词:】物质的;有形的;肉体的;身体的;物理学的▪近义词▪material 形容词: 物质的,有形的;肉体的▪bodily 形容词: 身体的;肉体的▪introduce▪【动词:】介绍;引进;提出;采用;推行▪形近词▪introductory 形容词: 引导的,介绍的;引言的▪近义词▪initiate 及物动词:开始,创始;发起▪launch 及物动词:发射(导弹、火箭等);发起,发动名词: 发射;下水▪figure▪【动词:】介绍;引进;提出;采用;推行▪词组▪figure out 弄清楚▪conduct▪【动词:】引导,带领;处理;实施;管理;传导( 热,电等);指挥( 军队,乐队等)▪形近词▪semiconductor 名词: [电子][物] 半导体▪conductive 形容词: 传导性的;传导的;有传导力的▪conductor 名词: 领导者;▪向导;管理人;( 管弦乐队或合唱团的) 指挥▪例[n] ( 管弦乐队或合唱团的) 指挥▪conduct▪【动词:】引导,带领;处理;实施;管理;传导( 热,电等);指挥( 军队,乐队等)▪近义词▪behavior 名词: 行为;举止;( 科学领域中的) 运动方式;活动方式;性能;特点▪steer 及物动词:驾驶;控制,引导(某人采取某种行为或态度)▪▪tell【动词:】辨别,区别;告诉;讲述;吩咐,命令;(事物) 显露,显示▪形近词▪teller 名词:出纳员;讲话者;银行柜员机▪intellect 名词: 智力;非凡的才智;才智非凡的人▪intellectual 名词: 知识分子;脑力劳动者▪形容词: 智力的;聪明的;理智的;知识的▪intellectualism 名词: 知性主义;理智主义; 对理智之偏重▪形近词▪intelligent 形容词: 智能的;聪明的;有才智的▪intelligently 副词:聪明地,明智地▪intelligence 名词: 智力;智能;聪明▪satellite 名词: 人造卫星▪近义词▪inform 及物动词:通知;告诉▪notify 及物动词:通知;告知▪lack 【名词:】缺乏,不足;缺少的东西▪【动词:】缺乏,缺少▪形近词▪blackened 形容词:变黑的;被损坏的▪slack 形容词: 松弛的;疏忽的;不流畅的▪及物动词:放松;松懈;使缓慢▪名词: 煤末;长裤▪slacken 及物动词:使缓慢;使松懈;使松弛▪available▪【形容词:】可用的;可获得的;有空的▪词组▪be available to 可用于▪近义词▪obtainable 形容词: 可获得的;可取得的▪accessible 形容词: 可接近的;易得到的;▪emerge▪【动词:】浮现;出现;( 问题等) 发生;显露,( 事实等) 暴露;( 从困境等中) 摆脱;露头;出头▪形近词▪emergence 名词: 出现,浮现;发生;露头▪emergency 名词: 紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻▪形容词: 紧急情况下的;备用的▪词组▪emerge from 从……中出现,暴露(问题,意见等)▪近义词▪surface 动词:显露;浮出水面▪originate 动词:发源;来自;产生;创始;开创▪appear 动词:出现;显现▪express【动词:】表达;表示▪【形容词:】特快的,快速的;明确的;确切的▪【名词:】特快列车;快递;捷运公司▪形近词▪press 动词:压,按;催促;敦促;进行;强调;▪榨取;压榨▪名词: 报纸;报刊;印刷机;新闻记者▪expression 名词: 表达,表示;表情;神情▪impress 及物动词:盖印;强征;传送;给予某人深刻印象▪形近词▪impressive 形容词: 感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的▪unimpressive 形容词: 无印象的;给人印象不深的;不惹人注意的▪depress 及物动词:降低;减少;使沮丧;使萧条▪depression 名词: 萧条( 期);不景气;沮丧;忧愁;忧郁症▪depressant 名词:镇静剂▪形近词▪compress 及物动词:压缩,压紧;使简练▪pressing 形容词: 紧迫的;迫切的▪oppress 及物动词:压迫,压抑;使……烦恼▪suppress 及物动词:抑制;镇压;废止▪词组▪press for 迫切要求;敦促▪近义词▪state 及物动词:声明;陈述▪convey 及物动词:传达;输送;传递▪consequence▪【名词:】结果;后果;影响;重要性▪词组▪in consequence 因此;结果▪近义词▪outcome 名词: 结果,成果▪contribute▪【动词:】有助于;贡献,捐助;投稿;捐献▪形近词▪contributing 形容词: 贡献的;起作用的▪contribution 名词: 贡献;捐献;捐助之物▪词组▪contribute to 有助于;捐助;贡献▪lead to 导致;把……带到▪give rise to 引起;导致;造成▪executive▪【形容词:】执行的,实施的▪【名词:】经理;主管;管理者▪current▪【形容词:】现时的;当前的;进行中的▪【名词:】(河湖或海的)水流;气流;电流;思潮;潮流▪形近词▪curve 名词: 曲线;弯曲;曲线球;曲线图表▪及物动词:使弯曲;使呈曲线形▪sort 【动词:】分类;整理▪【名词:】种类;类别▪形近词▪resort 动词:求助,诉诸;凭借;采取▪名词:胜地;手段▪词组▪sort sth. out 挑选出;分类;整理;解决(问题);清理(细节)▪近义词▪assort 及物动词:把……分类▪classify 及物动词:分类;归类▪secure▪【动词:】得到某物;获得;防护;保卫▪【形容词:】安全的;可靠的;放心的;稳固的;稳定的▪近义词▪safeguard 及物动词:保护,护卫,维护▪shield 及物动词:保护;掩护;庇护▪threat▪【名词:】威胁;恐吓;凶兆▪近义词。





Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.2、世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。

O Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprintsin my words.3 、世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。


The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.4 、是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。

It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.5 、无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。

The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.6 、如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。

If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.7 、跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。



我爱中国英语演讲稿3篇I love Chinese English speech演讲人:JinTai College我爱中国英语演讲稿3篇前言:演讲是指在公众场合,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。


本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】1、篇章1:我爱中国英语演讲稿2、篇章2:我爱中国英语演讲稿3、篇章3:我爱中国英语演讲稿篇章1:我爱中国英语演讲稿good morning, ladies and gentlemen, i’m very glad to make a speech here. today my topic is “i love you, china.”since the day i was born, i began to have a proud name—chinese. since the day i began to talk, the most beautiful sentence i’ve ever learnt has been “i love you, china!”i love you, china, and i’m so proud of being a chinese. i’m proud that i’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. i’m also proud that i speak the most beautiful language in the world—chinese.i love you, china, for i can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. last year, i got an opportunity to visit the united states of america. during my staying ther e, my father’s boss onceinvited my family to dinner. while at , he looked at me and asked: “little boy, how long have you been in america?” “about a month,” i answered, “how lucky you are!” he said, “if you were living in china, how could you learn such p erfect english?” i smiled and told him proudly that all the students in china are able to learn english at school. i saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “i’m proud of you, china ”早上好,女士们,先生们,我很高兴作出了讲话。



不同国家对家庭收入数据统计英语作文Household income data is an important economic indicator that provides insights into the financial well-being of a country's population. However, the methods used by different nations to collect and report this information can vary significantly. This essay will explore the approaches taken by several major economies in gathering and publishing household income statistics.In the United States, the primary source of household income data is the Current Population Survey (CPS), conducted monthly by the U.S. Census Bureau. The CPS collects information on the income of households, defined as all the people who occupy a housing unit. Respondents are asked to report their total pre-tax cash income from various sources, including wages, salaries, tips, net self-employment income, interest, dividends, Social Security payments, and other government transfers. The Census Bureau then aggregates this data to calculate measures such as median household income and the income distribution.One notable aspect of the U.S. approach is the exclusion of certainnon-cash benefits, such as employer-provided health insurance, food stamps, and housing subsidies, from the household income calculation. This has been a source of criticism, as these types of assistance can significantly impact a family's financial situation. Additionally, the CPS relies on self-reported data, which may be subject to recall bias or intentional underreporting of income.In contrast, the United Kingdom takes a more comprehensive approach to measuring household income. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) conducts the Family Resources Survey (FRS), which collects data on the income of all individuals within a household, including income from employment, self-employment, investments, and state benefits. The FRS also gathers information on the receipt of various non-cash benefits, such as free school meals and subsidized housing. This allows the ONS to calculate a more holistic measure of household disposable income, which is then used to analyze income inequality and poverty rates.One potential limitation of the UK's approach is the reliance on survey data, which may not capture the full extent of the population's income, particularly for high-income households that may be less inclined to participate in the survey. To address this, the ONS supplements the FRS with administrative data from tax records and other sources to provide a more accurate picture of the income distribution.In Germany, the primary source of household income data is the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), a longitudinal survey conducted by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). The SOEP collects detailed information on the income, assets, and living conditions of households, including income from employment, self-employment, government transfers, and private sources. Unlike the U.S. and UK approaches, the SOEP also gathers data on the wealth and financial assets of households, providing a more comprehensive view of their economic well-being.One advantage of the SOEP is its longitudinal design, which allows researchers to track changes in household income and wealth over time. This can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of income mobility and the factors that influence household financial stability. However, the SOEP's reliance on self-reported data may still be subject to some biases, and the sample size, while substantial, may not fully represent the diversity of the German population.In China, the collection and reporting of household income data is a more centralized and government-driven process. The National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS) conducts the annual Urban Household Survey and the Rural Household Survey to gather information on the income and expenditures of urban and rural households, respectively. These surveys collect data on a range ofincome sources, including wages, salaries, self-employment income, and government transfers.One notable aspect of the Chinese approach is the emphasis on capturing the income of both urban and rural households, reflecting the country's significant rural-urban divide. However, the reliability of the data collected by the NBS has been the subject of some debate, with concerns raised about potential underreporting of income, particularly in the context of China's rapidly changing economic landscape.In Japan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) conducts the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions (CSLC) to gather data on household income and expenditures. The CSLC collects information on the income sources of household members, including wages, salaries, pensions, and social security benefits. The data is then used to calculate measures such as average household income and the income distribution.One unique feature of the Japanese approach is the inclusion of in-kind benefits, such as employer-provided housing and meals, in the calculation of household income. This helps to provide a more accurate representation of the overall economic well-being of Japanese households. However, the CSLC, like many other household income surveys, relies on self-reported data, which may be subject tosome limitations.In conclusion, the methods used by different countries to collect and report household income data vary significantly, reflecting the diverse economic and social contexts of these nations. While some approaches, such as those of the UK and Germany, aim to capture a more comprehensive view of household financial well-being, others, like the U.S. and China, may have more limited scopes or face challenges in ensuring the reliability of the data collected.Nonetheless, the availability of household income statistics remains crucial for policymakers, researchers, and the public to understand the economic conditions of a country's population and inform decision-making processes. As economic and social dynamics continue to evolve, it is essential for national statistical agencies to adapt their data collection and reporting methods to ensure that household income data remains a reliable and relevant tool for informed policy discussions and economic analyses.。



春节的的英语作文:springfestivalThe New Moon on the first day of the new year — the full moon 15 days later。

Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon(新月)on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon(满月)15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival(元宵节), which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade.?The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle(月运周期)is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese an extra month once every few years (seven years out of a 19-yearcycle). This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year (闰年). This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year.New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are celebrated as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth(万物), the gods of the household and the family ancestors.?The sacrifice to the ancestors, the most vital of all the rituals (仪式), united the living members with those who had passed away. Departed relatives are remembered with great respect because they were responsible for laying the foundations for the fortune and glory of the family.?The presence of the ancestors is acknowledged on New Year’s Eve with a dinner arranged for them at the family banquet table. The spirits of the ancestors, together with the living, celebrate the onset of the New Year as one greatcommunity. The communal feast called "surrounding the stove" or Weilu. It symbolizes family unity and honors the past and present generations.The Origin of Chinese New YearThe Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coordination with the changes of Nature). Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations are hanging around. All agree, however, that the word Nian, which in modern Chinese solely means "year", was originally the name of a monster beast that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new year.One legend goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite. People were very scared. One day, an old man came to their rescue, offering to subdue Nian. T o Nian he said, "I hear say that you are very capable, but can you swallow the other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are by no means of your worthy opponents?" So, it did swallow many of the beasts of prey on earth that also harassed people and their domestic animals from time to time.After that, the old man disappeared riding the beast Nian. He turned out to be an immortal god. Now that Nian is gone and other beasts of prey are also scared into forests, people begin to enjoy their peaceful life. Before the old man left, he had told people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each year’s end to scare away Nian in case it sneaked back again, because red is the color the beast feared the most.From then on, the tradition of observing the conquest of Nian is carried on from generation to generation. The term "GuoNian", which may mean "Survive the Nian" becomes today "Celebrate the (New) Year" as the word "guo" in Chinese having both the meaning of "pass-over" and "observe". The custom of putting up red paper and firing fire-crackers to scare away Nian should it have a chance to run loose is still around. However, people today have long forgotten why they are doing all this, except that they feel the color and the sound add to the excitement of the celebration.Traditional New Year FoodsProbably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year. Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as those close to us who have died.On New Year’s Day, the Chinese fam ily will eat a vegetarian dish called jai. Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them.?Other foods include a whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance, and a chicken for prosperity. The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life.?In south China, the favorite and most typical dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice(糯米)pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed(芦苇)leaves), another popular delicacy.?In the north, steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and small meat dumplings were the preferred food. The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household.The 15-Day Celebration of Chinese New YearThe first day of the Lunar New Year is "the welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth. "Many people abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is believed that this will ensure long and happy lives for them.On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs.?The third and fourth days are for the sons-in-laws to pay respect to their parents-in-law.?The fifth day is called Po Woo. On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth. No one visits families and friends on the fifth day because it will bring both parties bad luck.?On the sixth to the 10th day, the Chinese visit their relatives and friends freely. They also visit the temples to pray for good fortune and health.?The seventh day of the New Year is the day for farmers to display their produce. These farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate the occasion. The seventh day is also considered the birthday of human beings. Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success.?On the eighth day the Fujian people have another family reunion dinner, and at midnight they pray to Tian Gong, the God of Heaven.?The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor.?The 10th through the 12th are days that friends and relatives should be invited for dinner. After so much rich food, on the 13th day you should have simple rice congee and mustard greens (choi sum) to cleanse the system.。








(段落1)倘若你想描述某人富有或者生活在幸福与舒适之中,你可以使用下列表达:1. A wealth of information/knowledge/experience这个短语表示“丰富的信息/知识/经验”。

例如:She possesses a wealth of knowledge about art history. (她拥有丰富的艺术史知识)2. Wealthy affluent people这个短语指代“富人、有钱人”。

例如:The neighborhood is home to many wealthy and affluent people.(这个社区居住着许多有钱人)3. Wealth and prosperity表示“财富和繁荣”,用来描绘社会经济发展。

例如:The government aims to promote wealth and prosperity for all citizens. (政府致力于促进所有公民的财富和繁荣)(段落2)(二级标题)贫穷和匮乏与wealth相关的词汇还包括某人或某地处于贫困或匮乏状态。

下面是一些用法和短语:1. Wealth gap这个词汇指代“贫富差距”,用来描述社会经济不平等的现象。

例如:The widening wealth gap poses significant challenges for society. (不断扩大的贫富差距对社会构成了巨大挑战)2. Poverty and wealth disparities表示“贫穷和富裕之间的差别”。






春节的习俗英语翻译篇1过年禁忌New Year taboos首先一点就是语言上忌讳。




Words can reflect New Year taboos. People tend to, for example, avoid negative words, such as "failing", "dying", and "illness" during New Year’s celebrations. Breaking a dish is another taboo in some places, because it implies that you will not have a thing to eat.很多地方过年的时候不能扫地,或者扫地时只能往屋内扫,不能往屋外扫,因为这样会把"财气"扫出去。



People do not carry the garbage out or clean the house on New Year’s Day or for the rest of the Spring Festival holiday, for fear of sweeping away good luck.春节期间也忌讳剃头。

《商务英语视听说(第1册)》课件Unit 4

《商务英语视听说(第1册)》课件Unit 4
2. pirate: n. a person who sails in a ship and attacks other ships in order to steal from them e.g. In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.
Unit 4 Companies
In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: people, product, and profits.
—Lee Iacocca
In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
Publicly traded companies are able to raise funds and capital through the sale (in the primary or secondary market) of shares of stock. This is the reason publicly traded corporations are important; prior to their existence, it was very difficult to obtain large amounts of capital for private enterprises. The profit on stock is gained in form of dividend or capital gain to the holders.



M7 Unit21、△household /ˈhaʊsˌhəʊld/.adj. 家庭的;家用的n.一家人;家庭1. N-COUNT A household is all the people in a family or group who live together in a house. 家庭; 同住一所房子的人例:...growing up in a male-only household.…在全体成员均为男性的家庭里长大。

2. N-SING The household is your home and everything that is connected with taking care of it. 家务例:...household chores. …家务活。

3. ADJ Someone or something that is a household name or word is very well known. 家喻户晓的[ADJ n]例:Today, fashion designers are household names.如今,服装设计师们家喻户晓。

2、fiction /ˈfɪkʃən/ n. 小说;虚构或想象出来的事1. N-UNCOUNT Fiction refers to books and stories about imaginary people and events, rather than books about real people or events. 小说例:Immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction.移民故事一直是小说的流行主题。

2. see also science fiction3. N-UNCOUNT A statement or account that is fiction is not true. 虚构例:The truth or fiction of this story has never been truly determined.这个故事是真实还是虚构,一直没有定论。



1.Tight-lipped elders used to say, “It‟s not what you want in this world, but what you get.”结构分析:本句的主干是elders used to say…。

直接引语中是主系表结构, 注意not…but 结构。


”2.You can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house, and each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living.结构分析:这句话是and连接的两个并列句。

在第一个分句中,as是连词,引导比较状语从句,把a mental blueprint of a desire和a blueprint of a house相比较。

第二个分句中的主干结构是:each of us is…making blueprints…。





3.While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your “wares” and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.结构分析:and 连接两个并列句。



Household Finance家庭金融John Y. Campbell摘要家庭金融的研究正日益受到挑战,因为家庭的行为很难衡量,并且家庭还受到论文中的模型之外的限制。

参与(participation)、分散化(diversification)和抵押贷款再融资(mortgage refinance)的证据表明许多家庭的投资很有效率,但是还有少数家庭的投资面临着重大失误。








金融研究可以是实证的或规范的(positive or normative)。














2007-2008学年第1学期英汉翻译课程A卷Part ⅠBlank Filling (20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in this part. Fill in the blanks. You should write the answer on the corresponding part of the answer paper.1. 1 在《< 2 >译例言》中提出信、达、雅的标准,成为近一个世纪以来中国译界最为推崇的翻译标准。


它们依次是 3 、 4 、 5 。

3.就翻译所涉语言而论,翻译可分为 6 和7 。

4.从词的方面来讲,8 、9 、10 是翻译三种基本技巧。

5.著名翻译理论家奈达借用语言学家11 的理论,创建了读者反映论。

6.语言符号有三种意义,它们是12 、13 、14 ,其中,15 是翻译中最难以传达的意义。


其中,原文文本分为16 、17 、18 。

8.现代著名翻译家傅雷从绘画的角度出发,提出翻译的最高标准是19 。

9.中国古代最伟大的佛经翻译家是20 。

Part ⅡLSP T ext T ranslation (40 points)Directions: This part consists of two English texts. You should translate them into Chinese, and write down your translation on the answer paper.T ext 1The figures for burglaries have risen alarmingly over the last few years and are now quite appalling. Let me quote you a few statistics about break-ins. A house is burgled now about every three minutes, and over the past five years the number of burglaries reported to the police has risen by approximately 60,000 to well over 500,000 this year. The insurance companies report that last year alone household burglary losses rose by 38 per cent over the previous year to 219.7 million pounds, and I believe one or two companies are refusing to provide burglary cover in what we might call high-risk areas. (20 points)T ext 2Bluetooth is the newest kid on the technology block, and it holds a lot of promise for the assistive technology industry. Named for a 10th Century King of Denmark who unified the kingdoms of Denmark and Norway, Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communication specification that promises to improve and increase electronic access to a number of environments by overcoming some of the obstacles typical of current technology. Bluetooth technology will enable devices to communicate and transfer data wirelessly and without the line-of-site issues of infrared technology. (20 points)Part ⅢT ransitional LSP T ext T ranslation (20 points)Directions: This part consists of one English text. You should translate it into Chinese, and write down your translation on the answer paper.I experienced the community of people who worked hard but always with plenty of laughing and singing. These people were dirt-poor by western standards, with no running water or electricity or any other modern convenience. Yet, they display tremendous joy in their lives with their keen senses of humor and their liking for dancing and drumming till the early hours of morning. I learned a powerful lesson that will continue to impress me for decades to come. Happiness is not dependent on material wealth and it was this lesson that eventually led me to question the American dream, a dream of gaining as much money, power and status as humanly possible.Part ⅣLiterary T ext T ranslation (20 points)Directions: This part consists of one English text. You should translate the underlined sections into Chinese, and write down your translation on the answer paper.When I saw her first there was a smoke of mist about her as high as her foreyard. Her topsails and flying kites had a faint glow upon them where the dawn caught them. Then the mist rolled away from her, so that we could see her hull and the glimmer of the red sidelight as it was hoisted inboard. She was rolling slightly, tracing an area against the heaven, and as I watched her the glow upon her deepened, till every sail she wore burned rosily like an opal turned to the sun, like a fiery jewel. She was radiant, she was of an immortal beauty, that swaying, delicate clipper. Coming as she came, out of the mist into the dawn. She was like a spirit, like an intellectual presence. Her hull glowed, her rails glowed: there was colour upon the boats and tackling. She was a lofty ship (with skysails and royal staysails), and it was wonderful to watch her blushing in the sun, swaying and curveting. She was alive with a more than mortal life. One thought that she would speak in some strange language or break out into a music which would express the sea and that great flower in the sky. She came trembling down to us, rising up high and plunging; showing the red lead below her water line; then diving down till the smother bubbled over her hawseholes. She bowed and curveted: the light caught the skylights on the poop; she gleamed and sparkled; she shook the sea from her as she rose. There was no man aboard of us but was filled with the beauty of that ship. I think they would have cheered her had she been a little nearer to us; but, as it was, we ran up our flags in answer to her, adding our position and comparing our chronometers, then dipping our ensigns and standing away. For some minutes I watched her, as I made up the flags before putting them back in their cupboard. The old mate limped up to me, and spat, and swore. “That's one of the beautiful sights of the world,” he said, “That, and a cornfield, and a woman with her child. It's beauty and strength. How would you like to have one of th em skysails round your neck?” I gave him some answer, and continued to watch her, till the beautiful, precise hull, with all its lovely detail, had become blurred to leeward, where the sun was now marching in triumph, the helm of a golden warrior plumed in cirrus.2007-2008学年第1学期英汉翻译课程A卷答题纸Part ⅠBlank Filling (20 points)1. 11.2. 12.3. 13.4. 14.5. 15.6. 16.7. 17.8. 18.9. 19.10. 20.Part ⅡLSP T ext T ranslation (40 points)T ext 1 (20 points)T ext 2 (20 points)Part ⅢT ransitional LSP T ext T ranslation (20 points)Part ⅣLiterary T ext T ranslation (20 points)Section 1 (10 points)Section 2 (10 points)河北理工大学外国语学院英汉翻译答案及评分标准A卷制定人:审核人:考试时间:主观题答案及评分标准(满分__100_分)Part ⅠBlank Filling (20 points)1. 严复11. 乔姆斯基2. 天演论12. 所指意义3. 拙译13. 实用意义4. 佳译14. 内部意义5. 妙译15. 内部意义6. 语内翻译16. 语言层次7. 语际翻译17. 逻辑层次8. 慎选词义18. 事理层次9. 改变词量19. 神似10. 变换词类20. (唐)玄奘Part ⅡLSP T ext T ranslation (40 points)参考答案:T ext 1在过去几年中,统计数字显示入室盗窃案件大幅上升,现在情况已经非常惊人。



家庭经济状况英文作文Title: Understanding Family Economic Status。

In contemporary society, the economic condition of a family plays a crucial role in shaping its dynamics, opportunities, and overall well-being. Herein, we delveinto the intricacies of family economic status, its implications, and ways to navigate its challenges.Firstly, let's explore the significance of family economic status. It encompasses various facets, including income, assets, debts, and expenses. A family's economic standing determines its access to resources such as education, healthcare, housing, and leisure activities. Moreover, it influences lifestyle choices, social interactions, and future prospects.Income serves as a primary indicator of family economic status. It reflects the monetary inflow derived from employment, investments, or other sources. A stable andsufficient income enables families to meet their basic needs, pursue educational opportunities, and save for the future. Conversely, inadequate income may lead to financial strain, limited choices, and heightened stress levels.Assets and debts further characterize family economic status. Assets encompass possessions such as properties, vehicles, savings, and investments, which contribute to wealth accumulation and financial security. On the other hand, debts, including mortgages, loans, and credit card balances, represent financial obligations that can impact disposable income and long-term stability. Managing assets prudently and minimizing debts are pivotal for enhancing economic resilience.Expenses constitute another crucial aspect of family economic status. They encompass various categories such as housing, utilities, food, transportation, healthcare, education, and discretionary spending. Balancing expenses with income is essential to maintain financial equilibrium and avoid excessive debt accumulation. Effective budgeting and prioritization can optimize resource allocation andfoster financial well-being.The economic status of a family profoundly influences its members' opportunities and life outcomes. For instance, children from economically advantaged families oftenbenefit from superior educational resources,extracurricular activities, and social networks, which enhance their academic performance and future prospects. Conversely, those from disadvantaged backgrounds may encounter barriers to educational attainment, employment opportunities, and upward mobility.Furthermore, family economic status intersects with various social factors, including race, ethnicity, gender, and geographic location, thereby shaping disparities in economic outcomes and opportunities. Addressing systemic inequities and promoting inclusive economic policies are essential steps towards fostering greater economic equity and social justice.In navigating the challenges posed by family economic status, resilience and resourcefulness are paramount.Families can leverage various strategies to enhance their economic well-being, such as pursuing educational and vocational opportunities, cultivating financial literacy and skills, seeking assistance from community resources and support networks, and advocating for policies that promote economic empowerment and social mobility.In conclusion, family economic status exerts a profound influence on individuals' lives, shaping their opportunities, choices, and overall well-being. By understanding its complexities and implementing proactive strategies, families can strive towards greater economic stability, security, and prosperity. Ultimately, fostering economic equity and opportunity for all remains acollective imperative in building a more inclusive and prosperous society.。



中国家庭金融调查报告精选中国家庭金融调查与研究中心西南财经大学目录一、数据质量 (3)1、抽样设计 (3)2、拒访率比较 (3)3、人口统计学特征 (4)二、收入和储蓄 (5)1、家庭收入 (5)2、家庭储蓄 (5)三、非金融资产 (6)1、房产 (6)(1)自有住房拥有率 (6)(2)拥有住房数量 (6)(3)人均居住面积 (6)(4)住房价值 (7)(5)住房负债 (7)2、汽车 (8)(1)汽车拥有率 (8)(2)汽车品牌分布 (8)3、工商经营 (8)(1)工商项目拥有 (8)(2)经营负债 (8)(3)信贷约束 (8)(4)教育与创业 (9)四、金融资产 (9)1、金融资产总量 (9)2、无风险资产占比高 (9)3、炒股盈亏的“二八”法则 (10)4、炒股盈亏的年龄效应 (10)5、金融市场参与差异大 (11)6、股票市场参与和风险态度成正比 (12)7、民间金融市场参与城乡趋同 (12)五、家庭负债 (12)1、家庭负债值得关注 (12)2、教育负债比例高 (13)3、家庭支付方式多元化 (14)4、信用卡方便交易 (14)六、家庭财富 (15)1、家庭财富分布不均 (15)2、城乡家庭财富差距大 (16)3、家庭资产分布不均 (16)七、保险和保障 (17)1、汽车保险的赔付率偏低 (17)2、汽车保险的逆向选择明显 (18)3、我国人口老年抚养比高,社会负担重。

(18)4、医保中的道德风险 (18)八、家庭支出 (19)1、消费支出城乡差距大 (19)2、远亲和近邻 (19)3、家庭礼金支出 (20)九、家庭教育 (20)1、义务教育效果明显 (20)2、大学扩招效果显著 (21)3、教育平等 (22)4、高等教育国际化 (23)5、教育回报高 (23)十、其他部分 (23)1、性别比例 (23)2、剩男剩女 (24)3、中小企业与就业 (24)一、数据质量1、抽样设计中国家庭金融调查(China Household Finance Survey,CHFS)的抽样方案采用了分层、三阶段与规模度量成比例(PPS)的抽样设计。




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我家的财富作文范文英文回答,My Family's Wealth.My family's wealth is something that I am trulygrateful for. We have been fortunate enough to have a comfortable lifestyle and access to various opportunities. Our wealth is not just limited to financial resources, but also includes the love, support, and education that we receive from our family.Financially, my family is well-off. We have a stable income that allows us to meet our daily needs without any difficulties. We are able to afford a nice house, reliable transportation, and other luxuries that make our lives more comfortable. We also have savings and investments that provide us with a sense of security and stability for the future.However, wealth is not just about money. It is also about the intangible assets that we possess. My family iswealthy in terms of the love and support we provide each other. We have a strong bond and always stand by each other through thick and thin. This support system is invaluable and contributes to our overall well-being.Education is another form of wealth that my family values greatly. We understand the importance of knowledge and continuously strive to learn and grow. My parents have always encouraged us to pursue higher education and have provided us with the resources to do so. This has opened doors for us and given us opportunities that we might not have had otherwise.中文回答,我家的财富。















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Household wealth家庭财富The balance-sheet boom资产负债表的繁荣Household wealth, and debt, is forecast to swell in 2015预计2015年家庭财富和债务将膨胀Jan 3rd 2015 | From the print editionWITH the excesses of Christmas nearly over, Britons are planning their budgets for the new year. Their decisions will be crucial for the economy. After paying down debts to repair their balance-sheets in the years after the financial crisis, consumers are spending again. Yet wealth, like wages, remains lower than in 2007. A recovery in riches is an essential component of official forecasts for further growth.随着圣诞节购物狂潮接近尾声,英国人开始进行新一年的规划预算。





When the financial crisis hit, wealth immediately suffered (unlike real wages, which hardly budged in 2008 but have fallen every year since). Household net worth—ie, assets minus debts—plummeted by 12% in 2008, driven by a 13% fall in housing wealth, which makes up just under half of all household assets. The hole is not yet filled: adjusting for inflation, housing wealth—£168,000 ($261,000) per household—remains 13% below its pre-crisis peak. Financial wealth, which includes investments in stocks and shares, has fared slightly better, but is still down 4% on 2007.当金融危机袭来时,财富首当其冲遭受损害(不像实际的工资,2008年勉强回升但从那以后逐年下降)。




As a result, households reduced their debts from 2008. Savings jumped from around 7% of income pre-crisis to 11% by 2010. By 2013 the average household had £62,000 worth of debt, down 16% in real terms on 2007. Largely as a result of this frugality, household net worth, which averaged £320,000 in 2013, has recovered about half its losses from the crisis (see first chart).其结果就是,自2008年以来,家庭减少了债务。




That suggests that balance-sheets are not fully patched up. Yet consumers have been spending more; since 2013 saving has hovered around its pre-crisis level. And forecasts by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), Britain’s fiscal watchdog, see it falling further still, from 6.6% of income in 2014 to 5.4% in 2015 and then 4.8% by 2019.这表明资产负债表并没有完全被修补好。



Several factors lie behind the reversal. Better employment prospects mean workers are less in need of rainy-day funds. They might also expect wage growth and want to borrow against that future income. But the most significant factor is recent house-price growth, which boosts homeowners’ w ealth without them needing to save. House prices are up 17.5% on average since 2012 (30% in London) and the OBR reckons a further rise of 7.4% is on the cards in 2015.这个逆转背后有几个因素。






It was a housing boom that allowed the aggregate debt-to-income ratio to reach a record high of close to 170% before the crisis. The OBR now forecasts another balance-sheet boom, with debt surpassing its pre-crisis high in 2017 and reaching 184% of income by 2020 (see second chart).正是房屋市场的繁荣让整体上的债务收入比达到了历史新高,约是危机前的170%。


(见表2)This is troubling. If puffed-up house prices prove temporary—as in 2007—high debt could leave households vulnerable and harm the financial system. Housing is illiquid, meaning that in a crisis fire-sales can cause prices to fall rapidly. Even at current levels—146% of income—the Bank of England rightly frets about household debt, and in October limited the number of high-risk mortgages banks can issue (the market has cooled slightly since). The bank’s concern makes the OBR’s forecast look either wrong or terrifying.这很棘手。





In addition, saving is lower than the figures suggest, according to a recent working paper by John Ralfe, a pensions consultant, and Bernard Casey of Warwick University. The (recently revised) statistics fail to count pension payouts as running down savings. Adjust for this and the savings rate fell to -0.2% in 2013 and will become more sharply negative if the OBR forecast is borne out. So much for an end to Christmas excess.另外,根据养老金顾问约翰·拉尔夫和华威大学的伯纳德·卡西的一篇工作论文所说,实际储蓄比数据显示的要低。
