

































奥巴马演讲稿范文4篇奥巴马演讲稿范文1:Yes We CanDear fellow Americans,Eight years ago, we came together as a nation to elect a president who promised hope and change. Today, we gather once again to celebrate the legacy of that president - Barack Obama.When he took office, our nation was in the midst of an economic crisis. Unemployment was at an all-time high, people were losing their homes, and hope seemed lost for many Americans. But Obama didn't give up - he rolled up his sleeves and got to work.He passed the Affordable Care Act, providing healthcare coverage to millions of Americans who had previously been left without it. He saved the auto industry, preventing the loss of thousands of jobs. And he fought tirelessly for equal rights, standing up for the LGBTQ community and signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law.But Obama's legacy isn't just about the policies he passed. It's about the way he inspired us to believe in ourselves and in each other. He reminded us that, yes, we can. Yes, we can come together as a nation to overcome our differences. Yes, we can work towards a brighter future for ourselves and for our children. Yes, we can achieve greatness.As we move forward as a nation, let us remember the legacy of Barack Obama. Let us continue to believe in ourselves and in thepower of hope and change. And let us always remember - Yes, we can.Thank you and God bless America.奥巴马演讲稿范文2:My Brothers and Sisters of AmericaMy fellow Americans,Today, as we celebrate our nation's independence, I want to take a moment to reflect on what it truly means to be an American. It's more than just living within our borders or having a certain set of rights - being American is about the values that we hold dear.Values like freedom, equality, and justice for all. Values like coming together as a nation, despite our differences. And values like never giving up, even in the face of adversity.As we look around the world today, we see that these values are under threat. We see hate and violence on the rise, fueled by those who seek to divide us. But we cannot give in to fear or despair. We must hold fast to our values and stand together as Americans.We must stand up for the rights of all people, regardless of their race, gender, or religion. We must fight for justice and equality, for every person who has ever been marginalized or oppressed. And we must work towards a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.So my brothers and sisters of America, let us not shy away fromthe challenges ahead. Let us embrace them with open hearts and minds. Let us remember the values that make us American, and let us never forget that together, we can achieve anything.Thank you, and God bless America.奥巴马演讲稿范文3:A More Perfect UnionMy fellow Americans,Over the past few months, we have seen deep divisions within our country. We have seen hate and intolerance rear its ugly head, and we have seen the wounds of our past reopen. But I believe that, as Americans, we have the strength and the courage to overcome these challenges.As we celebrate Independence Day, I want to remind us of the ideals that our country was founded upon. The idea that we are all created equal, and that we all have certain unalienable rights - life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The idea that, despite our differences, we are all Americans, and we should always strive towards a "more perfect union."This is not to say that we should ignore the problems that exist within our society. We must confront the challenges of racial inequality and social injustice head-on, and work towards a solution that is fair and just for all. We must listen to the voices of those who have been marginalized or oppressed, and work to create a society that uplifts and empowers every person.But we cannot do this alone. It takes all of us coming together, as Americans, to make real change happen. It takes us recognizing that no matter what our differences may be, we all share a common bond - our love for this country and our belief in the American dream.So let us work towards a "more perfect union." Let us continue fighting for justice and equality. And let us always remember that, as Americans, we are strongest when we stand together.Thank you, and God bless America.奥巴马演讲稿范文4:The Future of Our DemocracyMy fellow Americans,As we celebrate the 4th of July, I want to take a moment to reflect on the future of our democracy. Our country is facing unprecedented challenges - from the rising threat of international terrorism to the growing divide between our citizens. But I believe that, together, we can face these challenges head-on, and emerge even stronger.At the heart of our democracy is our belief in the power of the people. It is the idea that every citizen has a voice, and that those voices should be heard. But we must recognize that this idea is only effective if we are actively engaged in our civic duty.We cannot allow ourselves to become complacent, to believe that the problems we face will simply resolve themselves. We must bevigilant in protecting our democracy, in fighting for the rights of all people, and in working towards a more just and equitable society.So my message to you, my fellow Americans, is this: let us work towards a future that honors the values that make us great - freedom, equality, and justice for all. Let us be active and engaged citizens, using our voices and our actions to make real change happen. And let us never forget that, as citizens of the greatest democracy in the world, the future of our country is in our hands. Thank you, and God bless America.。




























奥巴马演讲稿多篇hi, everybody. on behalf of all the obamas – michelle, malia, sasha, bo, and the newest member of our family, sunny – i want to wish you a happy and healthy thanksgiving.大家好!我代表我们家所有人——米歇尔、玛利亚、萨莎、波尔以及新添成员桑尼,祝愿大家有一个快乐舒适的感恩节。

we’ll be spending today just like many of you – sitting down with family and friends to eat some good food, tell some stories, watch a little football, and most importantly, count our blessings.我们今天会和家人朋友一起享用美味的食物、讲故事、看点足球比赛,最重要的是,感恩——就像你们大多数人一样。

and as americans, we have so much to be thankful for.作为美国人,我们有那么多值得感恩的东西。

we give thanks for the men and women who set sail for this land nearly four centuries ago, risking everything for the chance at a better life – and the people who were already here, our native american brothers and sisters, for their generosity during that first thanksgiving.我们对近4__年前航行到这片土地的人们表达感谢,因为他们为了寻求更好的生活,甘冒一切风险。



奥巴马经典演讲稿奥巴马经典演讲稿【篇一】:竞选This is a defining moment in our history. We face the orst economic crisis since the Great Depression -- 760,000 orkers have lost their jobs this year. Businesses and families can't get credit. Home values are falling, and pensions are disappearing. Wages are loer than they've been in a decade, at a time hen the costs of health care and college have never been higher.At a moment like this, e can't afford four more years of spending increases, poorly designed tax cuts, or the plete lack of regulatory oversight that even former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan no believes as a mistake. America needs a ne direction. That's hy I'm running for president of the United States. Tomorro, you can give this country the change e need.My opponent, Senator McCain, has served his country honorably. He can even point to a fe moments in the past here he has broken from his party. But over the past eight years, he's voted ith President Bush 90% of the time. And hen it es to the economy, he still can't tell the American people one major thing he'd do differently from George Bush.It's not change to e up ith a tax plan that doesn't give a penny of relief to more than 100 million middle-class Americans -- a plan that even the National Revie and other conservative organizations plain does far too little to benefit the middle class. It's not change to add more than $5 trillion to the deficits e've run up in recent years. It's not change to e up ith a plan to address our housing crisis that puts another $300 billion of taxpayer money at risk -- a plan that the editorialboard of this nespaper said 'raises more questions than it ansers.'If there's one thing e've learned from this economic crisis, it's that e are all in this together. From CEOs to shareholders, from financiers to factory orkers, e all have a stake in each other's success because the more Americans prosper, the more America prospers.That's hy e've had titans of industry ho've made it their mission to pay ell enough that their employees could afford the products they made -- businessmen like Warren Buffett, hose support I'm proud to have. That's hy our economy hasn't just been the orld's greatest ealth creator -- it's been the orld's greatest job generator. It's been the tide that has lifted the boats of the largest middle class in history. To rebuild that middle class, I'll give a tax break to 95% of orkers and their families. If you ork, pay taxes, and make less than $200,000, you'll get a tax cut. If you make more than $250,000, you'll still pay taxes at a loer rate than in the 1990s -- and capital gains and dividend taxes one-third loer than they ere under President Reagan.We'll create to million ne jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and laying broadband lines that reach every corner of the country. I'll invest $15 billion a year over the next decade in reneable energy, creating five million ne, green jobs that pay ell, can't be outsourced, and can help end our dependence on Middle East oil. When it es to health care, e don't have to choose beteen a government-run system and the unaffordable one e have no. My opponent's plan ould make you pay taxes on your health-care benefits for the first time in history. My plan ill make health care affordable and accessible for every American. If you already have health insurance, theonly change you'll see under my plan is loer premiums. If you don't, you'll be able to get the same kind of plan that members of Congress get for themselves.To give every child a orld-class education so they can pete in this global economy for the jobs of the 21st century, I'll invest in early childhood education and recruit an army of ne teachers. But I'll also demand higher standards and more accountability. And e'll make a deal ith every young American: If you mit to serving your munity or your country, e ill make sure you can afford your tuition.And hen it es to keeping this country safe, I'll end the Iraq ar responsibly so e stop spending $10 billion a month in Iraq hile it sits on a huge surplus. For the sake of our economy, our military and the long-term stability of Iraq, it's time for the Iraqis to step up. I'll finally finish the fight against bin Laden and the al Qaeda terrorists ho attacked us on 9/11, build ne partnerships to defeat the threats of the 21st century, and restore our moral standing so that America remains the last, best hope of Earth.None of this ill be easy. It on't happen overnight. But I believe e can do this because I believe in America. This is the country that alloed our parents and grandparents to believe that even if they couldn't go to college, they could save a little bit each eek so their child could; that even if they couldn't have their on business, they could ork hard enough so their child could open one of their on. And at every moment in our history, e've risen to meet our challenges because e've never forgotten the fundamental truth that in America, our destiny is not ritten for us, but by us. So tomorro, I ask you to rite our nation's next great chapter. I ask you to believe -- not just in my ability to bring about change, but in yours.Tomorro, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, create ne jobs, and gro this economy so that everyone has a chance to succeed. You can choose hope over fear, unity over division, the promise of change over the poer of the status quo. If you give me your vote, e on't just in this election -- together, e ill change this country and change the orld.译文:现在是美国历史的关键时刻。



























【导语】奥巴马于2008年正式成为美国历第⼀位⿊⼈美国总统,他的就职演讲曾打动过⽆数⼈,以下是分享给⼤家的奥巴马经典演讲稿【三篇】,给⼤家作为参考,希望能给⼤家带来帮助!奥巴马经典演讲稿【⼀】 我要感谢我的竞选伙伴。



And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation’s next first lady Michelle Obama. Sasha and Malia I love you both more than you can imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that’s coming with us to the new White House. And while she’s no longer with us, I know my grandmother’s watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight. I know that my debt to them is beyond measure. To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you’ve given me. I am grateful to them. 如果不是我过去⼗六年间最亲密的朋友、我的家庭的基⽯和我⼀⽣的⾄爱给予的⽀持,今晚我不会站在这⾥。



《奥巴马演讲稿》奥巴马演讲稿(一):MR. OBAMA: Thank you。

Thank you so much。

Vice President Biden,Mr. ChiefJustice, Members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellowcitizens:多谢,十分感谢大家。


Each time we gather to inaugurate a president, we bear witness to theenduring strength of our Constitution。

We affirm the promise of our democracy。

We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin orthe tenets of our faith or the origins of our names。

What makes us exceptionalwhat makes us American is our allegiance to an idea,articulated in adeclaration made more than two centuries ago:每一次我们集会庆祝总统就职都是在见证美国宪法的持久力量。




200多年前,这一理念在一篇宣言中被清晰阐述:We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, thatamong these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness。



奥巴马演讲稿范文4篇good evening, everybody. i just want to make a fewbrief comments about the attacks across paristonight. once again, we've seen an outrageousattempt to terrorize innocent civilians. this is anattack not just on paris, it's an attack not just on thepeople of france, but this is an attack on all ofhumanity and the universal values that we share.we stand prepared and ready to provide whateverassistance that the government and the people offrance need to respond. france is our oldest ally.the french people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the united states time and again.and we want to be very clear that we stand together with them in the fight against terrorismand extremism.paris itself represents the timeless values of human progress. those who think that they canterrorize the people of france or the values that they stand for are wrong. the american peopledraw strength from the french people's commitment to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.we are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of libertéand égalit éand fraternitéarenot only values that the french people care so deeply about, but they are values that we share.and those values aregoing to endure far beyond any act of terrorism or the hateful vision ofthose who perpetrated the crimes this evening.we're going to do whatever it takes to work with the french people and with nations around theworld to bring these terrorists to justice, and to go after any terrorist networks that go after ourpeople.we don't yet know all the details of what has happened. we have been in contact with frenchofficials to communicate our deepest condolences to the families of those who have beenkilled, to offer our prayers and thoughts to those who have been wounded. we have offered ourfull support to them. the situation is still unfolding. i've chosen not to call president hollande atthis time, because my expectation is that he's very busy at the moment. i actually, bycoincidence, was talking to him earlier today in preparation for the g20 meeting. but i amconfident that i'll be in direct communications with him in the next few days, and we'll becoordinating in any ways that they think are helpful in the investigation of what's happened.this is a heartbreaking situation. and obviously those of us here in the united states know whatit's like. we've gone through these kinds ofepisodes ourselves. and whenever these kinds ofattacks happened, we've always been able to count on the french people to stand with us. theyhave been an extraordinary counterterrorism partner, and we intend to be there with themin that same fashion.i'm sure that in the days ahead we'll learn more about exactly what happened, and my teamswill make sure that we are in communication with the press to provide you accurateinformation. i don't want to speculate at this point in terms of who was responsible for this. itappears that there may still be live activity and dangers that are taking place as we speak. andso until we know from french officials that the situation is under control, and we have for moreinformation about it, i don't want to speculate.thank you very much.奥巴马周末电视演讲稿译文奥巴马演讲稿范文(2)奥巴马周末电视演讲稿译文hi, everybody. about a year ago, i promised that XX would be a breakthrough year for america. and this week, we got more evidence toback that up.in december, our businesses created 240,000 new jobs. the unemployment rate fell to 5.6%. that means that XX was the strongest year for job growth since the 1990s. in XX, unemployment fell faster than it has in three decades.over a 58-month streak, our businesses have created 11.2 million new jobs. after a decade of decline, american manufacturing is in its best stretch of job growth since the …90s. america is now the world‟s number one producer of oil and gas, helping to save drivers about a buck-ten a gallon at the pump over this time last year. thanks to the affordable care act, about 10 million americans have gained health insurance in the past year alone. we have cut our deficits by about two-thirds. and after 13 long years, our war in afghanistan has come to a responsible end, and more of our brave troops have come home.大家好。




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奥巴马大选胜选的英文演讲稿三篇演讲稿一:奥巴马大选胜选演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen,Thank you all for being here today. It is an honor to stand before you as the newly elected President of the United States. I am humbled by the trust and confidence you have placed in me, and I am ready to lead this great nation towards a brighter future.Over the course of this campaign, we have seen the power of hope and unity. We have witnessed the strength of the American people, who have come together to build a better tomorrow. Today, I stand before you not as a Democrat or a Republican, but as an American, ready to work with each and every one of you to bring about the change we so desperately need.As I look out into this crowd, I see faces from all walks of life. I see the faces of hardworking families struggling to make ends meet.I see the faces of young students dreaming of a brighter future. I see the faces of our brave men and women in uniform, who sacrifice so much to protect our freedoms. And I see the faces of those who have been left behind, forgotten by a system that no longer works for them.But today, I promise you this: I will be a president for all Americans. I will fight for every single one of you, regardless of your race, your religion, or your background. I will work tirelessly to create jobs, to improve our education system, and to provide access to affordable healthcare for all. I will fight for equality and justice, and I will never stop believing in the power of the American dream.Together, we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead. We can rebuild our economy, strengthen our communities, and restore faith in our government. But it will not be easy. It will require hard work, determination, and a willingness to put aside our differences and come together as one nation.I am reminded of the words of our founding fathers, who understood that ‘we the people’ have the power to shape our own destiny. They understood that in times of crisis, it is our unity that will see us through. And they understood that it is our shared values and common purpose that make us strong.So let us come together, my fellow Americans, and let us build a future that is worthy of our children and grandchildren. Let us never forget that we are a nation of immigrants, a land of opportunity, and a beacon of hope for the world. And let us never lose faith in the power of democracy, for it is through our collective voice that we can make a difference.Thank you, and God bless you all.演讲稿二:奥巴马大选胜选演讲稿My fellow Americans,Today, we have made history. We have chosen hope over fear, unity over division, and progress over stagnation. Today, we have sent a clear message to the world: that the United States of America is ready to lead once again.I stand before you as the 44th President of the United States, but I am not here alone. I am here because of the millions of Americans who believed in this campaign, who volunteered their time andtheir energy, who knocked on doors and made phone calls, who gave what they could to make this moment possible.I am here because of the mothers and fathers who work two jobs to make ends meet, but still find the time to read bedtime stories to their children. I am here because of the young people who are not just our future, but our present, who are ready to take on the challenges of our time. I am here because of the men and women in uniform who serve this country with honor and dignity, who sacrifice so much for our freedom.But most of all, I am here because of you, the American people. You have shown the world that change is possible, that we can come together and make a difference. You have proven that hope is not a hollow word, but a powerful force that can move mountains.Now, the real work begins. We face many challenges as a nation, but I am confident that together, we can overcome them. We can rebuild our economy, create jobs, and ensure that everyone has a fair shot at success. We can improve our education system, so that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential. We can tackle the urgent threat of climate change, and leave behind a planet that is safe and sustainable for future generations.But we cannot do it alone. It will require all of us, working together, to bring about the change we so desperately need. It will require us to put aside our differences and find common ground. It will require us to listen to one another, to respect one another, and to remember that we are all Americans, united by a common purpose.So let us move forward with courage and conviction. Let us embrace the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that our best days are still ahead of us. Let us never forget that we are a nation of immigrants, a land of opportunity, and a beacon of hope for the world. And let us never lose sight of the fact that we are all in this together.Thank you, and God bless you all.演讲稿三:奥巴马大选胜选演讲稿My fellow Americans,Today, we have made history. We have chosen a new path, a path of hope and progress. Today, we have shown the world that the United States of America is ready to lead once again.I stand before you as your President, but I am not here alone. I am here because of the millions of Americans who believed in this campaign, who stood up and said, “Yes, we can.” I am here because of the mothers and fathers who work long hours to provide for their families, but still find the time to volunteer in their communities. I am here because of the young people who have taken to the streets, demanding change and refusing to be silenced.I am here because of the men and women who have served this country with honor, who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. But most of all, I am here because of you, the American people. You have shown the world that change is possible, that we can come together and build a brighter future. You have proven that we are not a nation divided, but a nation united by our shared values and common purpose.Now, the real work begins. We face many challenges as a nation, but I am confident that together, we can overcome them. We can rebuild our economy, create jobs, and ensure that every American has the opportunity to succeed. We can reform our criminal justice system, so that it is fair and just for all. We can address the urgent threat of climate change, and preserve our planet for future generations.But we cannot do it alone. It will require all of us, working together, to bring about the change we so desperately need. It will require us to listen to one another, to respect one another, and to find common ground. It will require us to remember that we are all Americans, united by a common purpose and a shared destiny.So let us move forward with hope and determination. Let us embrace the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that we have the power to shape our own destiny. Let us never forget that we are a nation of immigrants, a land of opportunity, and a beacon of hope for the world. And let us never lose sight of the fact that we are all in this together.Thank you, and God bless you all.。










要想在人群中脱颖而出,我们需要具备以下几个方面的能力:1. 勤奋刻苦:学习没有捷径,只有付出努力,才能收获成功。


2. 求知若渴:知识是推动社会进步的力量。


3. 团队合作:在名校,我们不仅要学会独立思考,还要具备良好的团队协作能力。


4. 持续创新:在竞争激烈的环境中,我们要敢于突破传统思维,勇于创新,不断提升自己的竞争力。


以下是我的一些建议:1. 积极参与社会实践:通过参与志愿者活动、社会调研等,了解社会现状,关注民生,为社会发展贡献自己的力量。

2. 培养社会责任感:我们要认识到,自己的成长离不开社会。


3. 关爱他人:在日常生活中,我们要学会关心身边的人,尊重他人,帮助他人。



以下是我的一些建议:1. 明确自己的人生目标:我们要根据自己的兴趣和特长,制定合理的人生规划,为实现目标而努力。





































一起看奥巴马演讲稿精选5篇,欢迎查阅!奥巴马演讲稿1hi, everybody. about a year ago, i promised that __ would be a breakthroughyear for america. and this week, we got more evidence to back that up.in december, our businesses created 240,000 new jobs. the unemployment ratefell to 5.6%. that means that __ was the strongest year for job growth since the1990s. in __, unemployment fell faster than it has in three decades.over a 58-month streak, our businesses have created 11.2 million new jobs.after a decade of decline, american manufacturing is in its best stretch of jobgrowth since the ?90s. america is now the world?s number one producer of oil andgas, helping to save drivers about a buck-ten a gallon at the pump over thistime last year. thanks to the affordable care act, about 10 million americanshave gained health insurance in the past year alone. we have cut our deficits byabout two-thirds. and after 13 long years, our war in afghanistan has come to aresponsible end, andmore of our brave troops have come home.大家好。

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if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

it’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.


it’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor,
democrat and republican, black, white, hispanic, asian, native american, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.
we are, and always will be, the united states of america. 这个回答来自青年、老人、穷人、富人、民主党、共和党人、黑皮肤、白皮肤、拉美人、亚裔、印第安人、同性恋和非同性恋者、残疾人和健全者。



it’s the answer that led those who’ve been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day. 很多人,在长久以往的耳濡目染中愤世嫉俗、担忧、怀疑。



it’s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment change has come to america.


a little bit earlier this evening, i received an extraordinarily gracious call from sen. mccain.
sen. mccain fought long and hard in this campaign. and he’
s fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. he has endured sacrifices for america that most of us cannot begin to imagine. we are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.
i congratulate him; i congratulate gov. palin for all that they’ve achieved. and i look forward to working with them to renew this nation’s promise in the months ahead.







i want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of scranton and rode with on the train home to delaware, the vice president-elect of the united states, joe biden.



and i would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation’s next first lady michelle obama.。
