1) 武陵源集“山俊、峰奇、水秀、 峡幽、洞美”于一体,5,000座 岩峰千姿百态,耸立在沟壑深幽 之中;800条溪流蜿蜒曲折,穿行 于石林峡mous for its high mountains, queer crags, clear waters, deep valleys, and fine caves. Towering from the valleys are 5,000 crags with 800 streams winding forward through the gullies.
Covered by groves of olive, lemon and pine trees, the island is cool, green and shady, and, in the spring is a fragrant mass of blossoms.
12) 满树金花,芳香四溢的金桂;花白 如雪,香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄,花 多味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银,季季有花 的四季桂,竞相开放,争妍媲美。进入 桂林公园,阵阵桂花香扑鼻而来。
The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus. Flowers form these trees in different colours pervade the whole garden with their fragrance.
5)西湖如镜面,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深, 风光绮丽。
The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty.
Covered by groves of olive, lemon and pine trees, the island is cool, green and shady, and, in the spring is a fragrant mass of blossoms.
12) 满树金花,芳香四溢的金桂;花白 如雪,香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄,花 多味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银,季季有花 的四季桂,竞相开放,争妍媲美。进入 桂林公园,阵阵桂花香扑鼻而来。
The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus. Flowers form these trees in different colours pervade the whole garden with their fragrance.
5)西湖如镜面,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深, 风光绮丽。
The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty.
Dear Director General Guangwei, It is my distinct pleasure to write this letter to you. My wife, Helen, and I recently completed a 5-week tour of your country, including the Tibetan region. We had expected much from this well planned adventure. We tried to pack 10,000 years of known history, millions of square miles of land area, and many cultures into 5 weeks. We got much more than we had hoped for. We watched the wonders of your land, your people, culture, and history un-fold in front of us at a dizzying tempo.选自2003年2月12日《人民日报海外版》 乘爱的何光唪局长: 我非常高兴给您写这封信。我和我的妻子海伦最近用了5周的时间在 贵国旅游,包括西藏。 我们对这次计划很好的旅行有很高的期望。我们努力把中国几千年的 文明历史、千余万平方公里的土地以及丰富的文化,都装进我们这5周 的旅行之中。 这次旅行.我们得到的远远超过了我们的预期。我们看到了贵国神奇 的土地、人民、文化和历史。(刘冬译)
Ronnie Harrison asks him so loudly heads in the swimming pool turn around. 原译:龙尼·哈里森从游泳池里转过脑袋,故 意高声问道。 改译:龙尼·哈里森问话的声音很响,结果游 泳池里的人都扭转头向他看去。
Ronnie Harrison asks him so loudly heads in the swimming pool turn around. 原译:龙尼·哈里森从游泳池里转过脑袋,故 意高声问道。 改译:龙尼·哈里森问话的声音很响,结果游 泳池里的人都扭转头向他看去。
• Over your own.
• Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining.
• If the chain reaction went on without being checked, it could cause a terrible explosion.
1.无语境单个句子翻译 2.篇章内划线部分翻译
1.忠实----正确理解 2.通顺----充分表达
Hale Waihona Puke 翻译过程1.正确理解
1.正确理解原文、弄清文章的主题及上下文的逻辑关 系。
2.认真分析划线部分的语法结构。 3.斟酌划线部分英语句子的含义。
• Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已用来探索宇宙。
• Over your own.
• Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining.
• If the chain reaction went on without being checked, it could cause a terrible explosion.
1.无语境单个句子翻译 2.篇章内划线部分翻译
1.忠实----正确理解 2.通顺----充分表达
Hale Waihona Puke 翻译过程1.正确理解
1.正确理解原文、弄清文章的主题及上下文的逻辑关 系。
2.认真分析划线部分的语法结构。 3.斟酌划线部分英语句子的含义。
• Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已用来探索宇宙。
第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧(1)
![第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧(1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1aeb0d2c4b73f242336c5f9f.png)
2.2 直译加注法
Fo Tiao Qiang or Buddha-Jumps-Over-theWall (steamed Abalone with Shark’s Fin and Fish Maw: Fujian’s Number One Special dish, carefully prepared with shark’s fin, abalone and more than 20 other ingredients. The dish is so tempting that even a Buddhist monk will jump over the wall for it).
第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧
北京是中国的政治、文化中心。在这里您可 以游览万里长城中的一段—八达岭;明、清两 代皇室居住的地方—故宫;清朝御花园---颐和 园和北海;还可品尝到正宗的北京烤鸭、涮羊 肉。 上海是中国最大的城市,在这里选购物品最合 适。上海品种繁多的小吃、糕点和手工艺品, 会使您感到满意。离上海仅有几小时路程的苏 州和杭州,是中国园林艺术的代表,被人称为 “天堂”。
Case Study
The well-known Rushmoore National Monument in the United States is erected on the Rushmoore Peak, 1829 meters above sea level, of the Black Hills in the south-west of South Dakota. It is a group of huge stone statues of four American presidents, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevlet.
——Beijing Review
第四节 常用技巧
The fanciful names at Arches at Arches National Park like Fiery Furnace, Three Gossips, Marching Men, Dark Angels, etc. do justice to the other-worldly rock formations they denote.
across the northern part of Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton
Island, embracing the best the island has to offer.
Flanked on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the
Carrying distant mountains in the mouth and swallowing the Yangtze River, the vast and mighty Dong ting Lake stretches endlessly, turning brilliant in the morning and gloomy at dusk with the scenery abounding in changes.
west by the Gulf of St. Lawrence, this magnificent
preserve of highland plateau offers steep headlands,
rich bogs, and windblown barrens (home to rare arctic
the planet, this rugged land was shaped by uplift,
第四节 常用技巧
The fanciful names at Arches at Arches National Park like Fiery Furnace, Three Gossips, Marching Men, Dark Angels, etc. do justice to the other-worldly rock formations they denote.
across the northern part of Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton
Island, embracing the best the island has to offer.
Flanked on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the
Carrying distant mountains in the mouth and swallowing the Yangtze River, the vast and mighty Dong ting Lake stretches endlessly, turning brilliant in the morning and gloomy at dusk with the scenery abounding in changes.
west by the Gulf of St. Lawrence, this magnificent
preserve of highland plateau offers steep headlands,
rich bogs, and windblown barrens (home to rare arctic
the planet, this rugged land was shaped by uplift,
一、旅游文体翻译原则 二、地理位置的表达 三、旅游景点通名翻译 四、景点名称的翻译方法 五、景点导游词的常用翻译方法 六、楹联的翻译 七、旅游文体翻译的归化与异化 Homework 六级翻译
旅游文体包括: 旅游景点介绍,旅游宣传广告, 旅游告示标牌,民俗风情画册,古迹对联解说, 等等。
Former Residence 如: 宋庆龄故居 Former Residence of Song
Chingling Exhibition Hall/Center
Convention&Exhibition Center
1. The most famous of the Welsh highland areas is
Snowdonia National Park in the north of the country,
which spreads across some 825 square miles.
威尔士高地最著名的地方是北部的Snowdonia 国家公 园,占地面积825平方英里。
主要的河流有南部的泰晤士河,西部的塞文河,还有苏 格兰的Spey
东部地区的主要河流: the major rivers of the east
2. 美国的北邻加拿大,南边和墨西哥接壤。 The USA is bordered by Canada to the north and
Mexico to the south.
位于:be located in/on(接壤)/at/to
be situated in/on/at/to
lies/stands in/on/at/to
1. Britain is located on the westernmost edge of the continental shelf of Europe, consisting of two large and several huandred small islands.
一、旅游文体翻译原则 二、地理位置的表达 三、旅游景点通名翻译 四、景点名称的翻译方法 五、景点导游词的常用翻译方法 六、楹联的翻译 七、旅游文体翻译的归化与异化 Homework 六级翻译
旅游文体包括: 旅游景点介绍,旅游宣传广告, 旅游告示标牌,民俗风情画册,古迹对联解说, 等等。
Former Residence 如: 宋庆龄故居 Former Residence of Song
Chingling Exhibition Hall/Center
Convention&Exhibition Center
1. The most famous of the Welsh highland areas is
Snowdonia National Park in the north of the country,
which spreads across some 825 square miles.
威尔士高地最著名的地方是北部的Snowdonia 国家公 园,占地面积825平方英里。
主要的河流有南部的泰晤士河,西部的塞文河,还有苏 格兰的Spey
东部地区的主要河流: the major rivers of the east
2. 美国的北邻加拿大,南边和墨西哥接壤。 The USA is bordered by Canada to the north and
Mexico to the south.
位于:be located in/on(接壤)/at/to
be situated in/on/at/to
lies/stands in/on/at/to
1. Britain is located on the westernmost edge of the continental shelf of Europe, consisting of two large and several huandred small islands.
云南有26个少数民族,是中国少数民族种类最多的 省份。各民族的服饰、建筑、风俗、歌舞、饮食等, 形成了一幅美丽的风情画卷。 Home to 26 ethnic groups —the largest number in China— Yunnan Province offers tourists a cultural feast of unique ethnic costumers, architectures, customs, cuisines, songs, and dances.
1. 推敲原文语境因素,弄清原文实质 这里三千座奇峰拔地而起,形态各异,有的似玉柱神 鞭,立地顶天;有的像铜墙铁壁,巍然屹立;有的如 晃板垒卵,摇摇欲坠;有的若盆景古董,玲珑剔透 ... 神奇而又真实,迷离而又实在,不是艺术创造胜似艺 术创造,令人叹为观止。 --- 《武陵源风景》画册 3000 crags rise in various shapes. They are like whips or pillars propping up the sky; or huge walls, solid and sound; or immense eggs piled on an unsteady boarder; or miniature rocky or curious ... Fantastic but actual, dreamy but real! They are not artistic works, but more exquisite than artistic works. One can not help marveling at the acme of perfection of Nature's creation.
例2:山东青岛啤酒节 如果你曾到过慕尼黑啤酒节,那么你也应该光 临每年6月在青岛进行的亚洲啤酒节,品尝品尝 那里的啤酒味道如何。这座城市有数家著名啤 酒厂,其中就有闻名天下的青岛啤酒厂。这里 最早的啤酒厂建于1897-1915年间,许多品酒 专家把青岛啤酒誉为亚洲之冠。
Beer Festival Qingdao (Tsingtao), Shangdong P rovince If you’ve already been to Munich’s famous Oktoberfest, it’s time to try the Asian version -the summer Beer Festival in Qingdao each June. The city boasts several breweries including the world-famous Tsingtao factory. The original breweries were built between 1897 and 1915 when Qingdao was a German treaty port and many connoisseurs feel that the city produces the best beer in Asia.
Back Translation (回译) 该技巧是指将译文翻回原文,以此来检
验译文的准确性。在英汉互译人名、地 名和物名时,若原语本身是从目标语译 的,我们应该将之还原到原来的读音和 拼写的规范系统中。
例1:Getting a custom-made cheongsam is very sophisticated process. When measuring the size of the customer, 19 parts of the body are measured. The buttons come in hundreds of styles, making the work even more complicated. Next are two shops in Shanghai that do custommade cheongsams: Hanyi Cheongsam Shop and Old Shanghai Cheongsam Shop. 译:定制一件旗袍是一个非常复杂的过程。为顾 客量体裁衣时,需要测量身体19个部位的尺寸。 而一百多种不同风格的盘扣,使得制作工艺更加 复杂。以下有两家在上海的定制旗袍店——瀚艺 旗袍店和老上海旗袍店。
(三)意译 景点名称文化含义丰富,直译不能把相应的文化含义翻译 出来 突出其内在含义或相应典故与传说,便于游客理解,记忆 从意义出发,不注意原作形式包括句法结构、用词、比喻 及其他修辞手段 兵马俑:Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses 十三陵:Ming Tombs 故宫:the Imperial Palace 颐和园:the Palace Museum
展览馆、陈列馆译为Exhibition Hall / Center,而会展中心 译为Convention & Exhibition Center。 宫、院译为Palace,如“颐和园 Summer Palace”。 殿、堂译为 Hall,如“太和殿Hall of Supreme Harmony”、 “乐寿堂Hall of Longevity in Happiness”。 寺译为Temple,如“云居寺Yunju Temple”。 亭、阁译为Pavilion,如“寄澜亭Jilan Pavilion”。 一般的佛塔译为Pagoda,如“五塔寺 Five-Pagoda Temple”;藏式塔译为Dagoba,如“白塔寺的白塔 White Dagoba” 牌楼译为Memorial Archway。 高山译为 Mountain,如“太行山Taihang Mountain”或 “Mt. Taihang”。比较小的山、山丘等译为 Hill, 如“万寿 山 Longevity Hill”。
旅游景点通名翻译 植物园: Botanical Garden,如“北京植物园Beijing Botanical Garden”。 博物馆一般名称译为xx Museum,Museum放置在后面,如 “历史博物馆History Museum”。某机构的博物馆译为xx Museum of xxxx(机构名) 。 纪念馆:历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’s, 如“吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial”;历史事件或事 迹的纪念馆译为Memorial Museum,如“新文化运动纪 念馆 New Culture Movement Memorial Museum”。 故居:Former Residence,如“宋庆龄故居 Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling”。
Lecture 5旅游翻译 (1)
![Lecture 5旅游翻译 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8c71491bb7360b4c2e3f648c.png)
城市介绍I 城市介绍
梧州的灵气来自三条江。桂江、浔江与西江汇合处, 梧州的灵气来自三条江。桂江、浔江与西江汇合处,一浊 一清,恰似戏水鸳鸯,苏东坡赞曰: 鸳鸯秀水世无双” 一清,恰似戏水鸳鸯,苏东坡赞曰:“鸳鸯秀水世无双”。 鸳鸯 秀水世无双 The clear Guijiang River mingles with the turbid main stream of the West River and Xunjiang River in Wuzhou, suggesting the dark and light, female and male elements exhibited so happily by the duck and drake . As the famous poet Su Dongpo in Song Dynasty once wrote, “There is, no equal in the world, the streams seem as a pair of lovebird.”
因而建筑华美、设施齐全、井井有条。古城占地约 公顷 公顷, 因而建筑华美、设施齐全、井井有条。古城占地约60公顷, 建筑华美 有城墙和八座城门,主要街道呈十字交叉,纵横交错。 有城墙和八座城门,主要街道呈十字交叉,纵横交错。 十字交叉 解析:英汉翻译中,词汇多用四字词组或是成语,句式对称, 解析:英汉翻译中,词汇多用四字词组或是成语,句式对称, 多用对偶、排比等修辞方法。结构松散,讲求意合。 多用对偶、排比等修辞方法。结构松散,讲求意合。 Lecture 4
类比法: 类比法:将银川与伊斯兰教的圣地麦加进行类比 改译法, 改译法,词性转换法
Lecture 4
城市介绍I 城市介绍
梧州的灵气来自三条江。桂江、浔江与西江汇合处, 梧州的灵气来自三条江。桂江、浔江与西江汇合处,一浊 一清,恰似戏水鸳鸯,苏东坡赞曰: 鸳鸯秀水世无双” 一清,恰似戏水鸳鸯,苏东坡赞曰:“鸳鸯秀水世无双”。 鸳鸯 秀水世无双 The clear Guijiang River mingles with the turbid main stream of the West River and Xunjiang River in Wuzhou, suggesting the dark and light, female and male elements exhibited so happily by the duck and drake . As the famous poet Su Dongpo in Song Dynasty once wrote, “There is, no equal in the world, the streams seem as a pair of lovebird.”
因而建筑华美、设施齐全、井井有条。古城占地约 公顷 公顷, 因而建筑华美、设施齐全、井井有条。古城占地约60公顷, 建筑华美 有城墙和八座城门,主要街道呈十字交叉,纵横交错。 有城墙和八座城门,主要街道呈十字交叉,纵横交错。 十字交叉 解析:英汉翻译中,词汇多用四字词组或是成语,句式对称, 解析:英汉翻译中,词汇多用四字词组或是成语,句式对称, 多用对偶、排比等修辞方法。结构松散,讲求意合。 多用对偶、排比等修辞方法。结构松散,讲求意合。 Lecture 4
类比法: 类比法:将银川与伊斯兰教的圣地麦加进行类比 改译法, 改译法,词性转换法
Lecture 4
旅游翻译 英译汉技巧简介
![旅游翻译 英译汉技巧简介](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8d54d6380912a21614792933.png)
Towers, domes(拱形穹顶), balanced rocks, and arches have been formed over millions of years of weathering and erosion, and the process continues, constantly reshaping this fantastical rock garden. 岁月沧桑,风化雨蚀,造就了这里奇特的山体风貌: 满山“巨塔”高耸,“穹丘”浑圆,“不倒翁”摇摇 欲坠,“大拱门”凌空而立,奇形怪状,浑然天成。 大自然造物不尽,还在不断创造新的神奇。
原文中有文化高值信息词,也有意义不大低值的 信息词。对于前者,翻译时需要重点介绍,补充 信息甚至背景知识;而对于后者,由于这些低值 的文化指涉对主旨并不重要的,译出来反而画蛇 添足,甚至弄巧成拙。 低值信息词有:与介绍的景物没有直接联系的信 息;描写性的文字,如景物描写等;议论性、抒 情性的文字。这些都需要淡化处理甚至可以从译 文中删减掉。
Cultural Differences and Skills Profile of Tourism Translation
体裁:属典型的“呼唤型”文本,旅游文章作为 公共宣传品,其“呼唤”功能十分突出,目的就 是要最大可能地吸引游客,因而翻译时译者应该 充分揣摩译文读者的文化心理和审美习惯,从原 文中选取他们易于理解并乐于接受的旅游信息在 译文予以表达。 内容:旅游景点介绍、旅游宣传广告、旅游告示 标牌民俗风情画册、古迹楹联解说等各方面的内 容。而其中尤以景介翻译最具旅游文体特色,也 是旅游翻译中的重点和难点。 目的:通过传递信息来吸引旅游者。
第七讲 英语旅游 资料的汉译
一.课堂互动 (一)将下面英语旅游资料译成汉语: 1. Extend Your Magical Stay This summer, let the Disney magic linger with a stay at the park's fabulous hotels. Both the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and the Disney's Hollywood Hotel will be making a splash with all kinds of fun summer activities for the whole family. Let the kids design their own summer fashions like sunglasses and visors, or get down and groove to the calypso beat with whacky water games. You can even go for a swim with Goofy! And outdoor bars will make sure refreshing poolside beverages are always in reach. Now take a closer look with our photo gallery! And 2 check out our latest hotel offers.
译文: 乐园酒店延续奇妙体验 入住两间迪士尼酒店,使您和家人感受一新! 孩子发挥无限创意,设计夏日时装;全家到泳 池开心畅泳,与高飞一同嬉水。此外,池畔的 酒吧供应清凉饮品,令您暑气全消。马上欣赏 酒店图片集,然后再查看酒店优惠,展开奇妙 之旅。
一.课堂互动 (一)将下面英语旅游资料译成汉语: 1. Extend Your Magical Stay This summer, let the Disney magic linger with a stay at the park's fabulous hotels. Both the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and the Disney's Hollywood Hotel will be making a splash with all kinds of fun summer activities for the whole family. Let the kids design their own summer fashions like sunglasses and visors, or get down and groove to the calypso beat with whacky water games. You can even go for a swim with Goofy! And outdoor bars will make sure refreshing poolside beverages are always in reach. Now take a closer look with our photo gallery! And 2 check out our latest hotel offers.
译文: 乐园酒店延续奇妙体验 入住两间迪士尼酒店,使您和家人感受一新! 孩子发挥无限创意,设计夏日时装;全家到泳 池开心畅泳,与高飞一同嬉水。此外,池畔的 酒吧供应清凉饮品,令您暑气全消。马上欣赏 酒店图片集,然后再查看酒店优惠,展开奇妙 之旅。
第二章 旅游英语翻译技巧
![第二章 旅游英语翻译技巧](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c1f2b16248d7c1c708a1459f.png)
2.6 归化
西施 Chinese Cleopatra; Xishi, name of a fmous beauty in the late Spring and Autumn Period 月下老人 Chinese Cupid; God who unites man and woman in marriage 济公 Robin Hood in China
2.5 释义
英国人喜爱的饮料是啤酒,酿制啤酒的啤酒品 牌种类众多;“苦啤酒”可能最受欢迎,”浓烈 “黑啤酒是酒精含量很高的黑啤酒,在爱尔兰 很受欢迎。英国啤酒有别于欧洲大陆啤酒,后 者在冷的让人发抖是适于饮用,而英国啤酒在 略有些凉的时候最适宜饮用。
2.5 释义
The Maori people of New Zealand is a hospital nationality good at singing and dancing. Its greeting rituals perfectly maintain Maori people’s social customs and hongi is a very important kind of the greeting rituals. 新西兰的毛利人是一个能歌善舞、热情好客的 民族,它的欢迎仪式完好地保存着毛利人独有 的社会风俗习惯。碰鼻礼是毛利欢迎仪式中的 一个重要方面。
Case Study
山海关在河北秦皇岛市长城 尽头,因关处于北边的燕山 与南边的渤海之间而得名。 这里是河北通往东北的咽喉, 历来是军事关, 有“两京锁 钥无双地,万里长城第一关”e Mountain and Sea Pass) is located at the end of the Great Wall in the city of Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province. It stands south of the Yanshan Mountain and north of the Bohai Sea, that is, between the mountain and the sea. It is a strategic passage from Hebei to the northeast, and was of great military importance for centuries. People say: “The greatest pass on the Great Wall of ten thousand Li,/Occupies a matchless key position between two capital cities.”
第五章 旅游翻译
![第五章 旅游翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ca5eefb565ce05087632132c.png)
译文:只见海港被环 抱于半圆形的小山丛 中,煞是好看,朦朦 胧胧,一片银灰,宛 若仙境——它浓淡交融, 光影柔和,清雅绝俗。
Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms and fine white sand.
汉语语言表达人文色彩浓郁,物我一体, 具有一种超越现实、虚实不定的朦胧、变 形之美,所谓“山之精神写不出,以烟霞 写之,春之精神写不出,以草木写之”, 一景一物,皆有灵性,主观色彩极浓。 行文用字历来有四六骈体,行文用字宜双 不宜单的习惯,讲究四言八句,平行对偶, 声情并茂诗情画意盎然。
Yellowstone National Park
Though filled with an astonishing array of geologic wonders: geysers, hot springs, fumaroles, canyons, waterfalls, Yellowstone is perhaps most remarkable as a wildlife sanctuary. Protected here are bison, elk, bears, moose , mountain lions, eagles, trumpeter swans, and a host of other animals. The world’s first national park, Yellowstone covers more than two million acres (810,000 hectares) and draws thousands of visitors a year.
项目16 旅游翻译与汉英翻译技巧之连动句和兼语句翻译
![项目16 旅游翻译与汉英翻译技巧之连动句和兼语句翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/291ba8d405087632311212c3.png)
3. 音译加意译 完全意译也有不足之处,因为没有音译,外故宫里面几个主要宫殿的名称历来有多 种译法,有的是完全音译,有的是音译和意译结合,还有的是完全意译。例如: 太和殿 Taihedian Taihedian Hall Hall of Supreme Harmony 中和殿 Zhonghedian Zhonghedian Hall Hall of Complete Harmony 保和殿 Baohedian Baohedian Hall Hall of Preserving Harmony 音意双译一般都采用专名音译、通名意译的方法,涉及历史上和传说中的人物时尤 其如此。许多山河湖海的名称也多采用此译法。如: 茅盾故居 the Former Residence of Mao Dun 杜甫草堂 Du Fu Thatched Cottage
1. 增词法 增词法主要是对旅游资料中涉及的一些人名、地名、朝代、历史事件或典故等加以 说明。旅游宣传资料是向外国游客介绍中国的风景名胜,其中有许多民族传统文化色彩 浓厚的东西在中国妇孺皆知,但对外国游客而言却知之甚少,甚至一无所知。因此,旅
一、旅游景点名称翻译 旅游景点(tourist attractions)是指以旅游及其相关活动为主要功能或主要功能之 一的空间或地域。包括风景区、文博院馆、寺庙观堂、旅游度假区、自然保护区、主题 公园、森林公园、地质公园、、文化艺术等各类旅游景点。 汉语景点的名称通常由“专有名称+通名(种类名称)”构成。专有名称是对景点的称呼, 如“太清宫”中的“太清”,“颐和园”中的“颐和”就是这两个建筑物的专有名称。 通名(种类名称)就是指判断、辨别景点类别的名词,如“太清宫”的“宫”、“颐和 园”的“园”。 当前旅游景点名称翻译存在着译名不规范、不统一的现象,这严重影响了旅游景区 形象和对外服务的质量。旅游景点名称由“专有名称”和“通名”两部分构成。
You'll not only find sport here, but also culture...and emotion. 这里,您不仅可以 体验体育运动 ,还可以尝试各种文化运动,一切 充满了激情。
So where the bloody hell are you? we’ve poured you a beer; and we have got the camel shampoed; we’ve saved you a spot on the beach; And we’ve got the shark out of the pool; we’ve got the Roos off the green; And Bill’s on his way down to open the front gate; The taxi’s waiting; An dinner’s about to be served. We’ve turned on the lights; And we’ve been rehearsing for 40,000 years; SoLOGO where the bloody hell are you ?
英文:Out of all of America’s symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. 译文1:在美国所有的标志中,没 有比“自由女神”更持久、更具感 召力的了。 译文2:在美国所有的标志当中, “自由女神”最为持久,也最具感 召力。
旅游文本属于宣传广告类型,而广告 在使用形容词时往往会用比较级或最 高级,以示广告的产品或服务优于同 类产品或服务。 比较级的翻译一般可以直译,但是英 语的比较级转译为汉语的最高级会更 具说明力,更简洁,更通顺。