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1992年,《黑带》杂志23周年纪念活动“国际武坛最具影响力八大武术家” 评选,李小 龙名列八大之首 1998年,获中国武术协会颁发“武术巨星奖” 1999年,入选美国《黑带》杂志“十大世纪武术家”荣誉榜,位居榜首 2000年,金氏世界纪录,李小龙一拳能打出400磅的力量,与拳王阿里相同, 而阿里的体重是260磅,李小龙的体重只有130多磅 2003年,美国《黑带》杂志推出李小龙逝世三十周年纪念专辑,专题按语 “改造世界的男人:李小龙对美国武术界的恒久影响” 2008年,国际健联官方杂志《肌肉与健美》,再次推出封面专题《李小龙: 健身的传奇》,探讨李小龙的功夫健身之道。其专题文章如从评价李小龙: “在他之后,健身界出现了很多令人惊异的身材,但惟有李小龙的肌肉是最 协调与最平衡的。这已经成为评价他人的一个标准——这个标准至今仍是健 身者们渴望达到的。” 2008年,世界最强MMA(综合格斗)组织美国UFC与美国李小龙教育基金 会联合,共同推介李小龙。UFC主席达纳· 怀特(Dana White)赞誉李小龙 为“MMA之父”,他明确指出:“李小龙在上世纪60年代和70年代所宣扬 的每一件事情,在MMA大赛从90年代初期以来的发展中,都一一得到了验 证· · · · · · 他是武术发展到现在和为什么今天MMA大赛能够存在的原因。” 2008年,被誉为世界武术大师和电影大使
Bruce Lee; 1940 - 1973
Bruce Lee – what could he do?

Lee could spring a 107 kg opponent 4.6 metres away with a 1 inch punch. Lee could snatch a dime(硬币) off a person’s open hand, then replace it with a dollar before they could close their palm. Lee could perform push-ups using only his thumbs. Lee could throw grains of rice up into the air and catch them using only chopsticks(筷子). Lee could thrust(推) his hands through unopened cans of Coca Cola. Lee could break wooden boards 6 inches thick. Lee recommended a food high in nutrition(营养). For instance, he supplemented his diet with vitamins(维他命), bee pollen and chocolate-flavoured protein(蛋白质) tablets!

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee died, July 20th 1973. His brain had swollen to many times its real size. He was only 32 years old. At the time, he was making ‘Game of Death,' a film that involved Lee taking on various martial arts experts on his way to solving a criminal mystery… During his short life, he also trained many film stars in the martial arts (developing his own style, Jeet Kune Do – what Lee called ‘the art of fighting without fighting.’) Stars such as James Coburn, Steve McQueen and David Carradine all learned a great deal from him. Later, his son Brandon Lee became a star in his own right. During the filming of ‘The Crow,’ Brandon was tragically killed by a bullet which was meant to have been a dummy.

Fistfight 格斗
Bruce Lee is the father of mixed martial arts 综合格斗之父
physical fitness 健美

His approach to health and physical fitness would change the way other athletes and sports people train their bodies forever。他的健身健美方式也深深 地改变其他的运动员。
Action Movies动作电影 Music Advertising Branding品牌 。 。。


功夫荣誉 1957年,获香港校际拳击赛冠军 1967年,在美国创立跨越门派限制的、世界性的现代中国功夫—— “科学的街头格斗技”——截拳道(Jeet Kune Do),时年二十七岁 1972年,以截拳道宗师身份,入选国际权威武术杂志《黑带》名人堂。 这标志着李小龙新创截拳道获得国外武术界的权威公认 1974年, 李小龙被国际权威武术杂志《黑带》评为“世界七大武术 名家之一”,美国报刊赞誉他为“功夫之王”,日本人称他为“武之 圣者” 1975年,根据李小龙武学和哲学遗稿《武道释义》编辑整理而成的 《截拳道之道》一书由美国奥哈拉出版社正式出版。该书出版后,很 快被译成9种文字畅销全球,被欧美武术界奉为“武道圣经”。截止 1999年,前后重印40余次 1976年至1977年间,美国奥拉哈出版社分四册出版了李小龙另一武 学专著《李小龙技击法》,也迅速以9种文字风行世界

A little guy with bud teeth and weary glasses who`s on the content anyones 龅牙近视的矮小人 物只知道算计他人
The hero of the Asians
To the imagine the fighting philosopher,a peaceful warrior.
deep cuts
The attitude of china
For many Chinese people ,the strong character played by Bruce Lee was both revolutionary and inspiring.对于很多中国人 来说,李小龙所演绎的坚强的角色是激励 和变革的化身。 He changed the ways Asians were before treated On screen forever.
his lats 背来自百度文库肌
In body—building,we call it Christmas tree. 健美界中我们都称为‘圣诞树’。
his abs 腹肌

He has legendary set of abs ,deep cuts, incredible serratus of muscles。他的腹肌 简直太不可思议了,如锯齿一般

1972年,获金马奖“最佳技艺奖” 1979年,美国洛杉矶市政府将《死亡游戏》的开映日,即7月8日,定为“李 小龙日” 1993年,美国好莱坞名人大道铺上李小龙纪念星徽 1993年,获香港电影金像奖大会颁发“终身成就奖” 1998年,获美国演艺同业公会“终身成就奖” 1999年,美国政府颁授李小龙“多米尼加艺术奖”美国演艺同业公会授予李 小龙“终身成就奖” 2005年,获香港电影金像奖大会“百年光辉之星”奖 2005年,获“中国电影走向世界杰出贡献奖” 2005年,当选“中国电影百年百位优秀演员” 2007年,入选英国Total Film杂志“50大电影英雄” 2009年,美国国家广播评选出了影视作品中的十大铁血猛男形象之一 2009年,美国《Total Film》杂志最近选出67部改变世界的电影,其中李小 龙主演的《龙争虎斗》入围,杂志指该片带起了七十年代的美国功夫热潮

1、1965年,接受黄泽民的挑战并获得胜利,继续教授外国人功夫。 2、背阔肌:扩展时周长超过1.12395米。 3、双手将身体撑起呈V字形并保持一段时间。 4、腾空前踢:高度约2米5(可以踢碎天花板上的灯泡)。 5、助跑后腾空侧踢:高度约2米(可以凌空踢到NBA球星贾巴尔的头部,贾巴尔的身 高是2米18)。 6、以其130余磅的体重,击出了450公斤的重拳,驾拳王阿里之上。 7、用二节棍击出了1600磅的力量。 8、用侧踢把一只45公斤的沙袋踢破。 9、侧踢可以将5块悬空的厚木板踢碎,每块木板厚度为1英寸。 10、将200磅的绳系沙袋,踢出晃至1层楼房的高度。[1] 编辑本段其它贡献 一、将kungfu一词写入了英文词典。 二、开创了功夫片并且将中国功夫带向世界。 三、首位成功打入好莱坞的华人。 四、让双节棍风靡全球。MMA(混合格斗)之父,UFC起源者。 五、创立了截拳道。[1
How Bruce Lee Change The World
Philosophy哲学 Fistfight格斗 Physical fitness 健美 The attitude of China对中国的看法 Music 音乐 Many aspects。。。


The water can flow or creep or drip or crash.水可以流淌潜行滴落冲击
Parkour 跑酷
Free running is an offshoot of discipline that first emerged in France known as Parkour 。自由奔跑起源于法国,一项运动 的分支被称为跑酷 Because of his philosophy,these arts also have philosophy。因为李的哲学,跑 酷艺术也有了自己的哲学
Bruce Lee

‘I’m not a master, I’m a student master.’
‘If someone comes at you with a sword, run if you can. Kung fu doesn't always work.’ Bruce Lee’s first breakthrough film was ‘The Big Boss (1971).’ He had tried his luck in the US, but had managed only smaller roles in programmes such as ‘Batman’ and the ‘Green Hornet.’ But ‘The Big Boss’ made him a star throughout Asia. His second movie, ‘Fists of Fury (1972),’ firmly established him as an Asian superstar, and the third, ‘Way of the Dragon (1972),’ led to his first US Hollywood movie, ‘ Enter the Dragon (1973).’ Lee seemed quicker than all the other martial arts stars, he also had the film-star looks and the charisma to break box-office records around the world. Kung – fu films were here to stay!