



2024年激光直接成像(LDI)设备市场前景分析引言激光直接成像(Laser Direct Imaging,LDI)是一种通过使用激光光源直接将图像转移到PCB(Printed Circuit Board,印刷电路板)上的技术。



1. LDI设备市场现状目前,全球LDI设备市场正在快速增长。



2. LDI设备市场的驱动因素LDI设备市场的增长受到多个驱动因素的影响。








3. LDI设备市场的发展趋势未来几年,LDI设备市场有望保持强劲增长。























流程如下图所示:(PCB/LCD设计图)-->(CAM系统)-->(Gerber 文件) -->(光绘软件)-->(光栅图像处理器(RIP))-->(激光光绘机) -->(菲林冲片机)-->(菲林)在PCB光绘的时候,我们要做好很多的准备,其中包括软件的使用,软件使用时注意以下几点:光绘软件使用过程中,注意光绘文件的有序保存,最好不要将Gerber文件、光栅文件、临时文件等非程序文件置于软件安装目录中,以免删除时误删掉程序文件,破坏软件的运行。





























图1 激光成像系统文 杨芳图2 Screen Setter成像系统(注:Reflector:反射镜;UV-lamp:UV灯;optical lens:光学镜头;DMD:数字微镜设备;Lens:镜头;stencil:网版。





Stencil Writer系统Stencil Writer系统由Berg Engneering公司生产,在1997年投入使用,它的应用主要集中于工业精细印刷和商业印刷。


该系统配备了一款名为“Custom dot”的软件,能影印高质量、连续调的图像。

系统允许接受PC格式、MAC格式和Postscript level格式文件。

系统可达分辨率和速度分别为1270dpi和50%网点覆盖率10min 制1m2。

瑞士Safer公司提供的Safer LDS由于使用材料的恒定性,这种系统最受DVD 以及CD制造商的欢迎。


























ad d vcsh as nf m t f c nterq l n eie a i ie et g i e o h umme t o teF B .d e ns fh C m 唧
. tec ̄ e f l o lc ma — As h c v n c cnati g i* ml
优 缺 点及 其在 P B制作 中的应 用。 C 关键 词 : 直接 成像技 术 ; 印制板 ; 成像原 理
中圈分 类号 :N 1 T 4
文 献标识 码 : A
文章编号 :01 4420 】2 6 —0 i0 —37(020 —03 3
Die tI 昏n c n lg o CB r c ma g Te h oo y frP
i i u tt dt tedm ns f i 4 ̄i t rste1 e r t H g( I t h o r s mas e o h e ad h出 esyp t , a r i c . 曲】 u)) e n l igo o g il o t ae n h s de m c  ̄ s odf r
CHEN n H UANG i d n Bi g, Zh — O g
( . hn i ut eh ooy( h no )C roain S atu 55 4 , ia 1 C iaCr i T cn lg S a tu op rt ,h no 10 1 Ch ) c o n
Ab tat sr c : ice s g d n rai d m柑 sh mil ̄r a o n 豇 r naxi 6 n ad z fn t nly d lc i c ̄ u c o ai i t e t er xn ns 3e t
激 光直接 成像 技 术( )用 于 P B业始 于 2 世 uI ) C 0


为00 5mm/.2 .2 00 5mm粗细 均 匀 的线路 图形 。
单 孔 逐 次 加 工 ,在 加 工 效 率 方 面 大 大 落 后 于 C O 激
光 钻 孔 ,一 般 CO, 光 钻 孔 的速 率 是 uV激 光 的4 5 激  ̄ 倍 [ 】 。同 时uV激 光 钻 孔 由于 可 以实 现 对 铜 和 介 质 基 材 的一 次 性 去 除 而不 需要 对 铜 面进 行 特 殊 处 理 , 因 此 在盲 孑 制 作 时 需要 钻 孔 参 数 的 精 确控 制 ,否 则 L 容 易 出现 盲 孔被 打 穿现 象 。 1 9 年 欧 文 等 人 发 现 94 在uv 激 光烧 蚀铜 时 , 由于铜 材对uV AG激光 的高 Y
余 介质层 并清 除孔 内残渣 ,第 三步利 用频 率非 常低 且 不伤害 底层 铜 的激光执 行L S 程 ,实现 了 非传统 工 A过
序 厚径 比11 :的盲T N作 ( 图2 。采 用L 机 制 进 L 如 ) AS
1. 4.
以波 大 于7 0n 6 m的 红外 光 将 有机 板 材 予 以 强热 熔 化
随着 新 型 高 敏 感干 膜材 料 等 研 发 的 不 断 成 熟 ,必 将 成 为 以后 微 影 制 程 技 术 的主 流 。 当前 和 今 后 的 一段 时 间里 ,要解 决P B中 “ 高密 度 ”导线 的精细 度 、 C 甚 位 置度和 层 间对位 问题 ,必 离不 开L I 术[。 D 技 4 】

[] 2 林金 堵 . 光 直接成 像 技术 ( I J. 激 V )[ 印制 电路信 1
息 , 0 23 2 0 ,.
[] 困龙 , 迪. 内激光 直接 成像 ( D )技术 发展 3张 马 国 LI



LDI具有两个最突出的特点 1)能量高 高能量的光束对细导线形成起关键作用
在高能光照射下,这种激活的分子浓 度较低照度激活分子浓度高,当较多分 子处于激发态、抗蚀剂对光的吸收特性 就发生改变,光子可以轻易穿越到抗蚀 剂更深部位。使之整体更易聚合
2)光线直射板面 任何散射或非垂直光的照射都可能 引起成像区域外的抗蚀剂聚合反应 ,影响线条质量
2)较高的生产效率 对18英寸×24 英寸印制电路 板,达到每小时120面以上的 产能
3)好的可操作性 把 LDI设备设计得如同激光打印机 一样,数据处理部分设计合理
4)高可靠性 要求激光输出稳定、可靠,光源本 身具有较长的正常工作寿命,整套 光路的组成部分坚固,在高速移动 下保证定位准确
2)工艺范围与质量 常规抗蚀剂用于LDI,难以确定它是否聚 合完全、极易出现影不足或过显影 常规干膜都有—层聚酯保护膜,若其中 含有少量不完全透明的微粒,在LDI中易 造成线条表面凹坑和侧壁效应
LDI专用抗蚀剂分为干膜与液态两种 液态抗蚀剂除了运行成本低,适于 不平整的印制电路板表面等原有的 长处外,在 LDI 中表现最突出的特 点是其成膜很薄,可达8微米
提高细导线制造的合格率,避免重复缺 陷
缩短印制电路板制造流程,减少周 转时间
提高快速反应能力 ,降低生产成本, 减少不必要的损失



Th s rDie tI a i g eLa e r c m g n

T c n l g o I p o ePCB r o m a c e h o o yt m r v Pe f r n e
H U Zhiy n ・o g
Ab tac sr t
M a y‘ t n a d e in r lsf rr g sr to a ec n e o i c e s o r u c o aiy a n ‘ a d r ”d sg u e o e itai n c n b ha g d t n r a eb a d f n t n lt . nd s i
制 造 出各 种 类 型 的 P CB 组 件 。但 是 , 随 着 工 艺 技 术 的 不 断 改 进 , 设 计 师 应 该 知 道 他 们 提 供 的新 技
组 件 的 成 本 可 能 会 降 低 。LDI不 仅 是 一 种 制 造 微
细引线和很 多小尺寸产 品的工具 。在 P CB 的 制 造
生 产 中 ,它 是 唯 一 有 能 力 对 P CB 制 造 生 产 中 的 每

幅 图 片 进 行 单 独 登 记 记 录 和 按 比例 排 列 的 。 现
今 ,越 来 越 多 的 P B 公 司 在 生 产 过 程 中采 用 L C DI
技 术 。
PitdCi u fr t n 印制 电路 信 息 2 0 o … … . r e r iI omai n c tn o 08N . .
c s f ih e d C s o l cesdt og sr i ci g g(D )L ojsao lo k n e oto g -n B ud e erae ru hl e r tmai L I DIs t t o e ei s s h P c bd h a de n . in t t ma f l u i n



PCB全制作流程中的激光直接成像技术应用Graph 1: trend of line & space at DYCONEX over the last 10 years The consequent use of LDI capability over the complete PCB manufacturing flowDaniel Schulze, Uwe KramerDYCONEX AGGrindelstrasse 408303 Bassersdorf, SwitzerlandT3.4 PCB QualityOral PresentationAbstractThe systematic implementation of optimized LDI (Laser Direct Imaging) photo resist types, LDI exposure units and fine line AOI (Automated Optical Inspection) equipment enhances the production technology and provides optimized PCB solutions for customers. This standardization results in a significantly faster and easier process flow with very precise registration. For high-reliability medical implants, full traceability can be obtained by adding individual serial numbers, date stamps and 2D barcodes for recording various process parameters.Design requirementsDriven by the assembly technology and analyzing the design requirements of the customers over the last 10 years a clear trend to smaller feature sizes is seen. A typical medical implantable product has afeature size of 50 μm line /space. Typical via diametersbetween 50 and 75 μm andpad sizes between 150 μm and 250 μm are standard tofind on these markets. Toassemble resistors of 0201packagingsizes will increase the requirements to the solder maskalignment as well down to25 μm alignment precision.During the quotation phase a detailed design rule check (DRC) has to be done to analyze customers design requirements. Dependent on these requirements like annular ring, layer to layer accuracy or solder mask to artwork accuracy the right registration systems have to be chosen to define the most cost effective and precise manufacturing flow.The graph below shows that the corresponding alignment accuracies are dependant on the customer design and finally used registration concept within the PCB manufacturing.Graph 3: registration concept dependant on customer design class using the annular ring as exampleGraph 2: typical misalignment failure modes Registration SystemsLaser via LDI Artwork Solder maskMechanical via LDI Artwork Solder maskPlasma via LDI Artwork Solder maskaverage compensationstep & repeat compensationaverage compensationindividual compensationindividual compensationindividual compensationindividual compensationaverage compensationaverage compensationaverage compensationaverage compensationEquipment requirementsThe challenge for PCB manufacturers is to constantly implement new manufacturing technologies to satisfy the customers growing demand in PCB complexity, cost efficiency and shorter delivery cycle times. In addition these requirements from the customers have to be linked to profitability of the supplier. Oneof the trends which has been observedduring the last years is the direct imagingtechnology. The growing market for directimaging tools reflects the increasingvariety of DI (Direct Imaging)technologies and vendors. Specializedsystems for different requirements are available. There are entry level systems,tools with double stage loading for faster throughput, high resolution systems and systems which cope with imaging of solder mask. All these systems offer a great variety of advantages over conventional film exposure which will be described in detail in the next chapters. Before starting with DI technology in production one needs to think about the specifications for the equipment. What should the tools be used for? What is the conversion strategy from film imaging to DI? Are there restrictions from customers which need to be addressed? Should and can the equipment operate in automated mode withoutoperator support? What advantages in detail are of interest for the production environment?Due to the demands of customers the requirements on DI systems are well defined. A film plotter has a resolution of 2.5 μm pixel size in comparison to a modern LDI with coherent light and 1 μm pixel size. Therefore LD I systems can offer resolutions higher than 20 μm line and space. Further requirements of the LDI equipment are registration performance better than 10 μm and programmable compensation schemes to include individual compensation together with step & repeat compensation. Furthermore, the systems need to be able to expose solder masks within a competitive process time. Customers are asking for full traceability during PCB manufacturing. Therefore, implementation of individual serial numbers, bar codes or date stamps during imaging is an important feature.After having defined all these prerequisites the process environment needs to be evaluated for matching the DI properties. Contrary to standard film foil exposure units most LDI systems use only one wavelength. Whenstarting with LDI processing inproduction photo resists are typicallynot optimized for direct imaging. Thismeans they either require longerexposure times compared to filmfoil Graph 4: film exposure and LDI exposure equipmentGraph 5: conventional exposure vs. LDI exposureexposure or they are not suitable at all for DI. Even if the standard photo resist can be exposed with DI the change to LDI optimized resists should be taken into account. Today there is a very big variety of optimized DI resists available on the market.After implementing these resists the cycle time for artwork imaging in comparison to film imaging is significantly reduced.Compared to photo resists conventional solder mask exposure requires much higher exposure energy; up to 800mJ/cm2. When establishing direct imaging processes in manufacturing this fact needs to be taken into account. Depending on other requirements the DI capacity needs to be calculated to be sufficient for conventional solder mask exposure. Optimized direct imaging tools are available on the market which combines both the advantages of direct imaging and the high exposure energy. The other option is to qualify new solder mask materials which are optimized for DI. As mentioned above the need for direct imaging of solder masks is usually given on very thin flex products. However, only a limited number of flexible solder masks are available. These solder masks can be exposed with less than 100mJ/cm2. Since medical customers can not change solder mask during the life cycle of a certified product a qualification of a solder mask for direct imaging is a long-term and strategic decision. Therefore at DYCONEX we have qualified two types of flex solder mask for direct imaging. When applying the solder mask optimized for direct imaging an exposure cycle time of less than 90 seconds per panel is achieved. In comparison to LDI solder mask, conventional solder mask exposure takes 6 times longer.Registration ConceptsSubstrate materials are changing in size during the various manufacturing steps. For example plating, desmearing or any process steps where heat is applied. Therefore a start compensation value is given to the substrates to accommodate for the shrinkage or expansion. Changing the single step artworkexposure to LDI has an influence on the rest of the manufacturing process steps. Conventional film foil exposure with just one single compensation value for the entire manufacturing lot as opposed to single panel compensation value to each individual panel using LDI. Thus the complete registration chain from the beginning of the first drilling step through to the artwork and solder mask exposure and ending up with the final routing has to be reviewed.One of the conventional registration concepts is to build sequential products and align layer to layer referring directly to the inner layer structure. A newer registration system uses x-ray drilling to reference to one or more inner layers at simultaneously. Changing from conventional multilayer registration concept to LDI offers several advantages: less process steps, faster through put time and higher alignment precision.The lower number of process steps in the work flow for LDI registration system is seen in Graph 6. For the conventional registration the reference system needs to be protected with 4stickers prior to plating. The punching of the reference system needs to be done. After that the compensation needs to be measured and the films need to be plotted. During exposure the film needs to be aligned to the panel and for good imaging performance vacuum needs to be applied. If required additional sets of films need to be plotted where compensation deviations within the work order occur. The exposure process itself is typically performed simultaneously on front and back of the panel. The overall process time including the supporting processes is 5 - 10 minutes per panel.For the LDI registration process the reference system can bedrilled and does not need to be protected. No film needs to be plotted and the individual compensation does not need to be measured in advance. The exposure of front and back is done sequentially. The overall process time including application of resist is less than 2 minutes per panel.Graph 6: comparison between conventional registration and LDI registration systemCompensation conceptsBasically within the film exposure process only an average compensation for the entire lot of multiple panels is possible. Depending on the LDI equipment used a variety of different compensation schemes can be applied:average compensationindividual panel compensationstep & repeat compensation (sub panel scaling)Step & repeat scaling can help when highcompensation offsets are present within a workorder. Individual compensation is not feasibledue to the following processes where onlyaverage compensation, like final mechanicalrouting or screen printing has been applied.The most accurate and at the same time mostcomplex scaling concept is the step and repeatregistration and compensation.Comparisons between different compensationschemes show the performance improvements.Very thin flex material tends to non linear distortions which occur through the entire manufacturing process. These distortions can not be compensated completely. All remaining distortions which can not be corrected are reflected in loss ofannular ring and misregistration. Together with the increasing complexity as mentioned in the beginning of this paper the annular ring requirements are also increasing. Today standard alignment requir ements are 25 μm for both artwork and solder mask. Typically thin flex material distortions within a workorder can be higher than 300 ppm. This can result, depending on panel size in more than 50 μm loss in annular ring.When film foil exposure is applied no kind of deviation can be corrected. When using individual panel scaling the panel to panel variation can be compensated. This reduces the amount of annular ring failures by a factor of two. The impact of the non linear distortions can Graph 8: material distortion within one single panelGraph 7: material distortion within a work order of multiple production panelsbe reduced when step & repeat registration is applied. Measurements on 25 μm flex material show that the registration within one workorder is improved again by a factor of two. The conclusion of this is that only DI systems can guarantee the high yields to satisfy increasing demands on high density PCB’s.When individual or step & repeat compensation is applied the same compensation methods should be applied to the following process steps. As an example the artwork and solder mask on a 25 μm thin flex panel is imaged using step & repeat compensation. This results in 25 μm registration accuracy. Nevertheless the distortions within a panel are higher than this. Therefore the final mechanical routing also has to be done with step & repeat compensation. Otherwise positioning failure of the PCB structures relative to the routing contour will occur. In other words, the full potential of individual or step & repeatcompensation needs to be considered for the entire process chain.Individual and step & repeat compensations in artwork imaging are well established in the PCB industry already. Same holds true for laser processing. Last but not least the solder mask imaging is the process which also needs to be converted to direct imaging.average compensation = x panel individual compensation = 1 panelS&R compensation = 1/x panelaverage compensation individual compensationS&R compensation Graph 10: registration performance depend on used registration conceptTraceability InformationAs mentioned above most customers ask for traceability of their products through the entire manufacturing process. Traceability means a unique numbering of the manufacturing lot, panel, delivery panel and print at least. This can mean bar codes and date stamp of customer specific counters. Since for DI process no film needs to be plotted, these features can be implemented directly during exposure. The individual features are etched in copper. The same can be done when solder mask is exposed with direct imaging. On some products a legend print is included. Even here the individual serial number can be exposed. At DYCONEX all artwork exposures enable individual serial numbers for full traceability.Graph 11: Traceability information with LDI exposure and copper etchedConclusionTo achieve higher yields and faster trough-put times achange from conventional manufacturing technologies like film exposure to advanced manufacturing processes like laser direct imaging is necessary for high-end, high-reliability flexible PCB’s in the medical, avionics or semiconductor market. T o use LDI exposure in PCB manufacturing requires several equipment updates. Changing the photo chemistry lines and implementing new photo resists or reference systems are just some examples. Following this path results in a new spectrum of smaller and more miniaturized PCB’s with the advantage of better alignment registration, higher accuracy, faster through put time and a better traceability.Manufacturer IDLot NumberPanel NumberPrin t Position NumberDate CodeCustomer Article Number 2D Barcodecopper etchedBiographyMr. Daniel Schulze studied at the Technical University of Dresden and has a diploma degree in Electrical Engineering. During his diploma thesis and an internship at the Georgia Tech Packaging Research Center he got involved with the work on optical waveguides embedded in PCB’s. In 2005 he started to work as Product Engineer at DYCONEX. Since 2008 he is Engineering Manager at DYCONEX and responsible for the product development of medical imaging PCB’s, hearing aids and cochlear implants, industrial and HF products.Mr. Uwe Kramer studied at the University of Halle/Wittenberg and the Technical University Dresden. He holdsa diploma degree in physics. He is specialized in semiconductor and metal physics. The diploma thesis was done in collaboration with Advanced Micro Devises and Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials. Thesis of diploma was three dimensional reconstruction and analysis of grain structure by using fine beam techniques. Mr. Kramer joined DYCONEX in 2008 as process engineer. Since 2013 he is manager of the process module artwork and senior process engineer.。



PCB曝光LDI原理是指PCB(Printed Circuit Board,印刷电
路板)曝光时使用的LDI(Laser Direct Imaging,激光直接成像)技术。


1. 准备光敏感材料,在PCB板上涂覆一层光敏感材料,通常是

2. 激光直接成像,LDI设备使用激光光源,通过光学系统将设


3. 图案显影,经过激光直接成像后,PCB板上的光敏感材料会



度为 ±1 微 米 0

质 量信 誉 :S ⅢME NS作 为高质 量 的 电
子设 备制造商 ,已经成功地在全球范围推 出 70 多台 s 00 【 C MD贴片设 备, A ES 建立 了良
好 的 信 誉 。 激 光 直 接 制 板 设 备 在 德 国 ER IHS I同一生 产厂 制造 。 日1C A
有的检流计控制技术 , 以保护激光刻板的高 可 速进 行。加 之设 备 的光路设 计 简洁 , 保证 了激
光光 路的最 优途 径 和能量 的最小 损耗 。 光在 激 浸 锡层 上 的切 除 速度 可 以达 到每 秒钟 10 00毫

先进 的激 光技 术 :S 伍 Ns的高频 钕 皿n

降低成 本 : 激光 直接 刻 板技 术除 了避免
由底 片制备带来 的 系列成 本 以外 ,因为采用简 单 的爱锡 作 为抗 蚀层 .对 专 门 的基材 表 面准 备、 贴膜 、 曝光 、 显影 设备都 可 以省略 , 以直接 刻板代 替 ,这些 过程 中带来 的合 格率损 失 ,都
可以避免。而且. 激光直接刻板技术无须净化
由f : 激光直接刻板 (s 同样采用数据驱 I) J 动设备进行图形的形成 ,无需底片作为中介 , 故而具有一般激光直接成像的所有优越性 。 而
且 , S 采用干 膜作 为抗蚀 剂 , 消除 了由干 L 不 又
膜带来的诸多问题 , 优越性进一步增加 , 具体
激 光具有非 常 高的能 量密度 ,可以对锡层 进行 高速直接蚀 刻 。光学 回路 的设 计 非常简单 , 提 高激光传 输能量 效率 , 使得 光束定 位精确 。



苎 竺 要 此 要 差 警 量 些萼 苎, 查 系 三粤 望 得
的光致抗蚀剂的研制成功 , 使得L I D技
I , 昂 、

不 适 磊 能用 磊 晶 菇 荏
~ “

t f . 箭

路 信 息
以 … 方 准 步 u 定 _平 垂 的 高 确 进L Ⅲ H 直 … ‘ J 1K 固 板J 向… 移 地 动 , , 的
● 每年共节省照相底版费用为:20x 0
3H ¥ 0 ¥ ,0 , 1 ; Ilx 2 = 1 0( I 2 )
● 每年净节省费崩为 ¥2 H¨ l01 l【 x 8、 { I
¥l f“0 8 0 0 )=¥ 7 0 0 5
块板所需的时间大约为 l m n ,如果制作的 O is 是8 层板 , 这样就能节省3 m n , 6 is 除了节 省时
● 每天制作的菲林数为: 0 11=0 ; 20)( 2 0 / ̄ ● 每年 直 接 成 像 系 统 的操 作 成 本 :
¥ 5 0 0 100 ;
● 每年 lmJ O 的光致抗 蚀 剂成本 为 :sf ?qt ,
× ) 0s . 1 /qf 2 0 × 3 N= 1 00 0; t× 0 0 () ¥ 8 . 0
生产能 力较接触 印制有较大的提高 .运 用浚
技术使生产商有了更 多的选择 ,能获得更大
的经济效益。 该技术能 大大地减小盘 的尺寸 , 有效地利用基板面 , 从而缩小了板的尺寸 , 减
少 了板 的 层数
t nc G以及台湾的一些高技术P B r iA o C 生产商 均应用这一成像技术 , 以提 高高密度板 、 高层 板 、柔性板等的成 品率 ,从中获得较 大的利



(1)分类—按照光源 1)紫外激光直接成像 成熟的产品 ,设备多为平面台面, 单面曝光,采用紫外光敏感抗蚀剂 ,可在黄光下工作
2)可见激光直接成像 只能在暗室或低照度红光下使用。 其波长位于488纳米,能源利用更加 有效,必须采用专用可见光抗蚀剂 3)YAG激光直接成像 可以在金属抗蚀涂层上进行选择性 蚀刻,不采用光致抗蚀剂
多层印制板的制造工序有100多道,其 中图像转移是印制电路板生产过程中的 关键步骤
接触成像技术在现代印制电路板制造 中有着多年的历史,接触成像技术需要照 相原版,并且曝光时生产底版与印制板必 须充分接触
2)较高的生产效率 对18英寸×24 英寸印制电路 板,达到每小时120面以上的 产能
3)好的可操作性 把 LDI设备设计得如同激光打印机 一样,数据处理部分设计合理
4)高可靠性 要求激光输出稳定、可靠,光源本 身具有较长的正常工作寿命,整套 光路的组成部分坚固,在高速移动 下保证定位准确
LDI具有两个最突出的特点 1)能量高 高能量的光束对细导线形成起关键作用
在高能光照射下,这种激活的分子浓 度较低照度激活分子浓度高,当较多分 子处于激发态、抗蚀剂对光的吸收特性 就发生改变,光子可以轻易穿越到抗蚀 剂更深部位。使之整体更易聚合Fra bibliotek (2)图形质量
2)光线直射板面 任何散射或非垂直光的照射都可能 引起成像区域外的抗蚀剂聚合反应 ,影响线条质量






















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1.1 半加成工艺首先对半加成工艺进行简单的介绍,首先要制造种子层并将电解铜渡到平坦的表面上,然后为了增加表面的美观性,接下来要在抗蚀层上绘制图案,在这一步还要做好一下三个方面的工作,第一,溅镀铜到平坦表面上,第二,积层薄铜箔到平坦表面,第三,积层厚铜箔到平坦表面然后整体蚀刻减薄。

























基于激光直写电路技术的PCB板快速制造系统徐璞【摘要】生产样品PCB板通常需要几天到1周的时间,这种较长时间的生产周期,不利于新产品研发时的快速验证.为了解决样品PCB板生产周期较长的问题,现有一种PCB板快速制造系统,可以实现在1天之内完成样品PCB板的制造.该系统的工艺步骤如下:钻孔及金属化孔→线路图形制作→阻焊图形制作→字符图形制作→助焊防氧化处理.该套系统能实现的加工能力为:最小孔径0.2 mm,最小线宽2 mil,线间最小间距0.8 mil,加工精度±0.08 mil.利用激光直写电路技术,该系统进一步解决了物理雕刻方式制作线路图形精度不够的问题,且在加工线路图形时对材料的热冲击效应较小,所以对加工精细间距的电路和射频微波电路有更好的效果,可有效解决高精度PCB样品板的快速制造问题.【期刊名称】《新技术新工艺》【年(卷),期】2019(000)003【总页数】5页(P58-62)【关键词】PCB;新产品研发;生产周期;快速制造;激光直写电路;线路图形【作者】徐璞【作者单位】重庆会凌电子新技术有限公司,重庆 401336【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN41研发新的电子产品,需要经过产品设计、生产加工和调试等工序,其中,PCB板的设计、制造是最关键的环节之一。





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Graph 1: trend of line & space at DYCONEX over the last 10 years The consequent use of LDI capability over the completePCB manufacturing flowDaniel Schulze, Uwe KramerDYCONEX AGGrindelstrasse 408303 Bassersdorf, SwitzerlandT3.4 PCB QualityOral PresentationAbstractThe systematic implementation of optimized LDI (Laser Direct Imaging) photo resist types, LDI exposure units and fine line AOI (Automated Optical Inspection) equipment enhances the production technology and provides optimized PCB solutions for customers. This standardization results in a significantly faster and easier process flow with very precise registration. For high-reliability medical implants, full traceability can be obtained by adding individual serial numbers, date stamps and 2D barcodes for recording various process parameters.Design requirementsDriven by the assembly technology and analyzing the design requirements of the customers over the last 10 years a clear trend to smaller feature sizes is seen. A typical medical implantable product has afeature size of 50 µm line /space. Typical via diametersbetween 50 and 75 µm andpad sizes between 150 µm and 250 µm are standard tofind on these markets. Toassemble resistors of 0201packagingsizes will increase the requirements to the solder maskalignment as well down to25 µm alignment precision.During the quotation phase a detailed design rule check (DRC) has to be done to analyze customers design requirements. Dependent on these requirements like annular ring, layer to layer accuracy or solder mask to artwork accuracy the right registration systems have to be chosen to define the most cost effective and precise manufacturing flow.The graph below shows that the corresponding alignment accuracies are dependant on the customer design and finally used registration concept within the PCB manufacturing.Graph 3: registration concept dependant on customer design class using the annular ring as exampleGraph 2: typical misalignment failure modes Registration SystemsLaser via LDI Artwork Solder maskMechanical via LDI Artwork Solder maskPlasma via LDI Artwork Solder maskaverage compensationstep & repeat compensationaverage compensationindividual compensationindividual compensationindividual compensationindividual compensationaverage compensationaverage compensationaverage compensationaverage compensationEquipment requirementsThe challenge for PCB manufacturers is to constantly implement new manufacturing technologies to satisfy the customers growing demand in PCB complexity, cost efficiency and shorter delivery cycle times. In addition these requirements from the customers have to be linked to profitability of the supplier. Oneof the trends which has been observedduring the last years is the direct imagingtechnology. The growing market for directimaging tools reflects the increasingvariety of DI (Direct Imaging)technologies and vendors. Specializedsystems for different requirements are available. There are entry level systems,tools with double stage loading for faster throughput, high resolution systems and systems which cope with imaging of solder mask. All these systems offer a great variety of advantages over conventional film exposure which will be described in detail in the next chapters. Before starting with DI technology in production one needs to think about the specifications for the equipment. What should the tools be used for? What is the conversion strategy from film imaging to DI? Are there restrictions from customers which need to be addressed? Should and can the equipment operate in automated mode without operator support? What advantages in detail are of interest for the production environment?Due to the demands of customers the requirements on DI systems are well defined. A film plotter has a resolution of 2.5 µm pixel size in comparison to a modern LDI with coherent light and 1 µm pixel size. Therefore LDI systems can offer resolutions higher than 20 µm line and space. Further requirements of the LDI equipment are registration performance better than 10 µm and programmable compensation schemes to include individual compensation together with step & repeat compensation. Furthermore, the systems need to be able to expose solder masks within a competitive process time. Customers are asking for full traceability during PCB manufacturing. Therefore, implementation of individual serial numbers, bar codes or date stamps during imaging is an important feature.After having defined all these prerequisites the process environment needs to be evaluated for matching the DI properties. Contrary to standard film foil exposure units most LDI systems use only one wavelength. Whenstarting with LDI processing inproduction photo resists are typicallynot optimized for direct imaging. Thismeans they either require longerexposure times compared to filmfoil Graph 4: film exposure and LDI exposure equipmentGraph 5: conventional exposure vs. LDI exposureexposure or they are not suitable at all for DI. Even if the standard photo resist can be exposed with DI the change to LDI optimized resists should be taken into account. Today there is a very big variety of optimized DI resists available on the market. After implementing these resists the cycle time for artwork imaging in comparison to film imaging is significantly reduced.Compared to photo resists conventional solder mask exposure requires much higher exposure energy; up to 800mJ/cm2. When establishing direct imaging processes in manufacturing this fact needs to be taken into account. Depending on other requirements the DI capacity needs to be calculated to be sufficient for conventional solder mask exposure. Optimized direct imaging tools are available on the market which combines both the advantages of direct imaging and the high exposure energy. The other option is to qualify new solder mask materials which are optimized for DI. As mentioned above the need for direct imaging of solder masks is usually given on very thin flex products. However, only a limited number of flexible solder masks are available. These solder masks can be exposed with less than 100mJ/cm2. Since medical customers can not change solder mask during the life cycle of a certified product a qualification of a solder mask for direct imaging is a long-term and strategic decision. Therefore at DYCONEX we have qualified two types of flex solder mask for direct imaging. When applying the solder mask optimized for direct imaging an exposure cycle time of less than 90 seconds per panel is achieved. In comparison to LDI solder mask, conventional solder mask exposure takes 6 times longer.Registration ConceptsSubstrate materials are changing in size during the various manufacturing steps. For example plating, desmearing or any process steps where heat is applied. Therefore a start compensation value is given to the substrates to accommodate for the shrinkage or expansion. Changing the single step artwork exposure to LDI has an influence on the rest of the manufacturing process steps. Conventional film foil exposure with just one single compensation value for the entire manufacturing lot as opposed to single panel compensation value to each individual panel using LDI. Thus the complete registration chain from the beginning of the first drilling step through to the artwork and solder mask exposure and ending up with the final routing has to be reviewed.One of the conventional registration concepts is to build sequential products and align layer to layer referring directly to the inner layer structure. A newer registration system uses x-ray drilling to reference to one or more inner layers at simultaneously. Changing from conventional multilayer registration concept to LDI offers several advantages: less process steps, faster through put time and higher alignment precision.The lower number of process steps in the work flow for LDI registration system is seen in Graph 6. For the conventional registration the reference system needs to be protected with4stickers prior to plating. The punching of the reference system needs to be done. After that the compensation needs to be measured and the films need to be plotted. During exposure the film needs to be aligned to the panel and for good imaging performance vacuum needs to be applied. If required additional sets of films need to be plotted where compensation deviations within the work order occur. The exposure process itself is typically performed simultaneously on front and back of the panel. The overall process time including the supporting processes is 5 - 10 minutes per panel.For the LDI registration process the reference system can be drilled and does not need to be protected. No film needs to be plotted and the individual compensation does not need to be measured in advance. The exposure of front and back is done sequentially. The overall process time including application of resist is less than 2 minutes per panel.Graph 6: comparison between conventional registration and LDI registration systemCompensation conceptsBasically within the film exposure process only an average compensation for the entire lot of multiple panels is possible. Depending on the LDI equipment used a variety of different compensation schemes can be applied:• average compensation• individual panel compensation• step & repeat compensation (sub panel scaling)Step & repeat scaling can help when highcompensation offsets are present within a workorder. Individual compensation is not feasibledue to the following processes where onlyaverage compensation, like final mechanicalrouting or screen printing has been applied.The most accurate and at the same time mostcomplex scaling concept is the step and repeatregistration and compensation.Comparisons between different compensationschemes show the performance improvements.Very thin flex material tends to non linear distortions which occur through the entire manufacturing process. These distortions can not be compensated completely. All remaining distortions which can not be corrected are reflected in loss of annular ring and misregistration. Together with the increasing complexity as mentioned in the beginning of this paper the annular ring requirements are also increasing. Today standard alignment requirements are 25 µm for both artwork and solder mask. Typically thin flex material distortions within a workorder can be higher than 300 ppm. This can result, depending on panel size in more than 50 µm loss in annular ring.When film foil exposure is applied no kind of deviation can be corrected. When using individual panel scaling the panel to panel variation can be compensated. This reduces theamount of annular ring failures by a factor of two. The impact of the non linear distortions can Graph 8: material distortion within one single panelGraph 7: material distortion within a work order of multiple production panelsbe reduced when step & repeat registration is applied. Measurements on 25 µm flex material show that the registration within one workorder is improved again by a factor of two. The conclusion of this is that only DI systems can guarantee the high yields to satisfy increasing demands on high density PCB’s.When individual or step & repeat compensation is applied the same compensation methods should be applied to the following process steps. As an example the artwork and solder mask on a 25 µm thin flex panel is imaged using step & repeat compensation. This results in 25 µm registration accuracy. Nevertheless the distortions within a panel are higher than this. Therefore the final mechanical routing also has to be done with step & repeat compensation. Otherwise positioning failure of the PCB structures relative to the routing contour will occur. In other words, the full potential of individual or step & repeat compensation needs to be considered for the entire process chain.Individual and step & repeat compensations in artwork imaging are well established in the PCB industry already. Same holds true for laser processing. Last but not least the solder mask imaging is the process which also needs to be converted to direct imaging.average compensation = x panel individual compensation = 1 panelS&R compensation = 1/x panelaverage compensation individual compensationS&R compensation Graph 10: registration performance depend on used registration conceptTraceability InformationAs mentioned above most customers ask for traceability of their products through the entire manufacturing process. Traceability means a unique numbering of the manufacturing lot, panel, delivery panel and print at least. This can mean bar codes and date stamp of customer specific counters. Since for DI process no film needs to be plotted, these features can be implemented directly during exposure. The individual features are etched in copper. The same can be done when solder mask is exposed with direct imaging. On some products a legend print is included. Even here the individual serial number can be exposed. At DYCONEX all artwork exposures enable individual serial numbers for full traceability.Graph 11: Traceability information with LDI exposure and copper etchedConclusionTo achieve higher yields and faster trough-put times a change from conventional manufacturing technologies like film exposure to advanced manufacturing processes like laser direct imaging is necessary for high-end, high-reliability flexible PCB’s in the medical, avionics or semiconductor market. To use LDI exposure in PCB manufacturing requires several equipment updates. Changing the photo chemistry lines and implementing new photo resists or reference systems are just some examples. Following this path results in a new spectrum of smaller and more miniaturized PCB’s with the advantage of better alignment registration, higher accuracy, faster through put time and a better traceability.Manufacturer IDLot NumberPanel NumberPrin t Position NumberDate CodeCustomer Article Number 2D Barcodecopper etchedBiographyMr. Daniel Schulze studied at the Technical University of Dresden and has a diploma degree in Electrical Engineering. During his diploma thesis and an internship at the Georgia Tech Packaging Research Center he got involved with the work on optical waveguides embedded in PCB’s. In 2005 he started to work as Product Engineer at DYCONEX. Since 2008 he is Engineering Manager at DYCONEX and responsible for the product development of medical imaging PCB’s, hearing aids and cochlear implants, industrial and HF products.Mr. Uwe Kramer studied at the University of Halle/Wittenberg and the Technical University Dresden. He holds a diploma degree in physics. He is specialized in semiconductor and metal physics. The diploma thesis was done in collaboration with Advanced Micro Devises and Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials. Thesis of diploma was three dimensional reconstruction and analysis of grain structure by using fine beam techniques. Mr. Kramer joined DYCONEX in 2008 as process engineer. Since 2013 he is manager of the process module artwork and senior process engineer.。
