UNIDRIVE ES 电梯专用变频器用户手册E1-20030818-C-1.0 (BOM:31010957)E m e r s o n I n d u s t i a l A u t o m a t i o n一般信息因用户疏忽或不当安装或不当调节设备操作参数,或将变频器与不适配的电机搭配使用所导致的任何后果,厂家概不负责。
为此,我公司应用了“环境管理系统(EMS)”(Environmental Management System),该系统通过ISO14001认证。
艾默生变频器参数调试:之马矢奏春创作0.00:密码 1000保管参数;1233恢复出厂值;1253更改变频器控制模式;0.01:最低速度 00.02:最高速度 1850rpm0.03:加速斜率 /s20.04:减速斜率 /s20.05:给定模式选择Pr数字量0.06:电流限 200%0.12:参数选择 0 (0号菜单选择)0.13:机电额定转速 1850rpm0.14:电梯额定速度 1000mm/s0.15: V1 50mm/s 检修半速0.16: V20.17: V3 30mm/s 爬行速度0.18: V4 150mm/s 检修速度0.19: V5 480mm/s 单层速度0.20: V6 550mm/s 双层速度0.21: V7 550mm/s 多层速度0.22:停车减速斜率 200mm/s20.23:启动S曲线 200mm/s30.24:运行S曲线 700mm/s30.25:停车S曲线 700mm/s30.29:1024 编码器脉冲数(相当与3.34) 0.42:4POLE (相当与5.11)0.43:0.88 (相当与5.10)0.44:340V (相当与5.09)0.45:1850RPM (相当与5.08)0.46:56A (相当与5.07)0.47:64HZ (相当与5.06)0.48:CL UECT闭环2.02:斜坡使能 ON(1)2.03:斜坡坚持 OFF(0)2.04:斜坡方式选择 FAST(1)2.10:加速斜率选择器 22.11:加速斜率 /s2(同等于0.03)2.20:减速斜率选择器 22.21:减速斜率 /s2(同等于0.04)3.24:0(闭环)3.34:1024(编码器脉冲数)3.36:5V(编码器电压)3.38;AB(编码器类型:差分AB相)3.42:4(编码器滤波“如果现场编码器干扰很年夜可以设定最年夜不要年夜于8”)3.43:1500(编码器脉冲数最年夜给定值)3.41:编码器自动检测 ON(1)4.05:运行电流限值 2004.06:再生电流限值 2004.07:对称电流限值 2004.12:电流给定滤波器1 4ms (降低机电噪音)4.13:电流环比例增益默认值4.14:电流环积分增益默认值4.15:热时间常数默认值4.24:用户设电流限值 2005.06:64HZ机电频率5.07:56A机电电流5.08:1850rpm机电转速5.09: 340v机电电压5.10:0.88机电功率因数5.11:4POLE机电级数5.18:8 PWM开关频率选择8.10:0FF 31号端子取反8.11:OFF 24号端子取反8.12:OFF 25号端子取反8.13:OFF 26号端子取反8.14:OFF 27号端子取反8.15:OFF 28号端子取反8.16:OFF 19号端子取反8.17:0N 41,42号端子取反8.18:ON 22号端子取反8.21:10.02 24号端子功能选择变频器运行8.22:18.38 25号端子功能选择多段速38.23:18.37 26号端子功能选择多段速28.24:19.44 27号端子功能选择正转(不成以改变)8.25:18.44 28号端子功能选择反转(不成以改变)8.26:18.36 29号端子功能选择多段速18.27:10.01 41,42号端子功能选择变频器正常/故障输出8. 28: 0.00 22号端子功能 24V电压输出8. 29: ON 变频器端子功能选择 (OFF:OV输入有效 ON:24 V输入有效)8. 31: ON 24号端子输入(出)功能选择 (OFF:输入 ON:输出)8. 32: OFF 25号端子输入(出)功能选择 (OFF:输入 ON:输出)8. 33: OFF 26号端子输入(出)功能选择 (OFF:输入 ON:输出)16.17: OFF “现场使用了选件卡“分频脉冲到主板上的卡”需要设为OFF,否则报SL2.ER故障”16.24: 3.2916.25: 0.1024(编码器分频输出值“现场干扰年夜时可以设小使用”)如果不设定命据主板没有脉冲收支16.26: 1.638418.11: V1 50mm/s 检修半速 (同等于0.15)18.12: V2 (同等于0.16)18.13: V3 30mm/s 爬行速度 (同等于0.17)18.14: V4 150mm/s 检修速度 (同等于0.18)18.15: V5 480mm/s 单层速度 (同等于0.19)18.16: V6 550mm/s 双层速度 (同等于0.20)18.17: V7 550mm/s 多层速度 (同等于0.21)18.18:启动优化速度 10mm/s (改善启动舒适感)18.23:磁场建立阀值 50018.25:运行比例增益 700 (高速P)18.26:运行积分增益 300 (高速I)18.27:启动比例增益 1300 (低速P)18.28:启动积分增益 500 (低速I)18.29:机电额定转速 1850rpm (同等于0.13)18.30:电梯额定速度 1000mm/s (同等于0.14)18.42:多段速给定选择类型 OFF(0)二进制18.45:正转和反转方向取反 OFF(0)18.48:切换增益选择 ON(1) 设为1,则分段有效,18.2518.2 8起作用18.49:惯量赔偿 ON(1)19.11:增益转换时间 2000ms19.13:停车减速斜率 200mm/s2 (同等于0.22)19.14:启动S曲线 200mm/s3 (同等于0.23)19.15:运行S曲线 700mm/s3 (同等于0.24)19.16:停车S曲线 700mm/s3 (同等于0.25)19.17:启动优化加加速度 10mm/s3 (从零速到启动优化速度的加速度)19.25:制动器翻开延时 500 (制动器翻开到速度命令给出的时间)19.26:运行方向设置 ON(1)双方向输入19.27:减速比的分母 119.28:启动优化时间 1000ms19.29:曳引轮直径 900mm (根据现场轮子实际尺寸)19.30:减速比分子 4319.34:电流环滤波时间常数 OFF(0) ON(1):4.12参数有效。
三、应用领域艾默生变频SKD34000广泛应用于以下领域: 1. 制造业:在各类生产线上,可以实现对设备运行速度的精确控制。
2. 建筑行业:用于大型空调、电梯和水泵等设备的能耗调节。
3. 矿山工业:适用于矿山设备的启停控制和负载调节。
4. 冶金行业:用于调节冶金设备的转速和负载。
谢谢!六、技术参数以下是艾默生变频SKD34000的一些重要技术参数: - 输入电压范围:XXXV-XXXV - 额定输入电流:XXA - 输出电压范围:XXXV-XXXV- 频率范围:XXHz-XXHz - 额定输出功率:XXkW - 控制方式:XXX控制 - 保护功能:过载保护、短路保护、过温保护等七、优势与竞争力艾默生变频SKD34000相比于同类产品具有以下优势: 1. 高性能:艾默生变频SKD34000采用先进的控制技术,具备更强的稳定性和输出精度。
资料版本 归档时间 BOM 编码
V1.7 2007-03-23 0472-0077-07
艾默生网络能源有限公司为客户提供全方位的技术支持,用户可与就近 的艾默生网络能源有限公司办事处或客户服务中心联系,也可直接与公 司总部联系。
艾默生网络能源有限公司 版权所有,保留一切权利。内容如有改动,恕不另行通知。
第四章 电气安装.............................................................................................. 13 4.1 电气接口 ......................................................................................................13 4.2 功率端子连线 ..............................................................................................14 4.3 接地线漏电流 ..............................................................................................16 4.3.1 使用内置 EMC 滤波器时..............................................................17 4.3.2 断开内置 EMC 滤波器后..............................................................17
EC系列PLC与SK变频器通讯说明一 变频器设置 (2)1 硬件连线 (2)2 参数设置 (2)二 PLC设置 (6)1 通讯口设置 (6)2 PLC程序说明 (6)一、 变频器设置 1、硬件连线SK 变频器通讯使用RJ45接口(俗称“水晶头”),标准RS485通信方式,从RJ45接口中有两根线作为RS485+和RS485-。
RJ45管角定义见下表将2和7或者2和8分别与PLC 的485+和485-连接。
2、 参数设置(键盘设定)(1)变频器通讯速度43号参数波特率需要和PLC 系统块中通讯口设置一致。
(2)变频器通讯地址(键盘设定)编号 功能 范围 默认值类型 44串行通信地址0~2471RW44号参数应该和网络上PLC 和MODBUS 设备地址不同,否则产生地址冲突。
最新-艾默生CTSK系列高性能可编程变频器用户手册 精品
艾默生CTSK系列高性能可编程变频器用户手册篇一:1000系列通用变频器艾默生1000系列通用变频器艾默生0000运行频率设置方式选择0001运行频率数字设置0002运行命令选择0003面板运行方式0004最大输出频率0005键功能选择0006功能选择0007曲线控制模式0008转矩提升000910加减数时间001112上下限频率0034起动频率0039停机方式0087额定频率0088额定电压0089额定电流0102参数写人保护0103参数初始化0104用户密码若密码忘记可用同时按三键可清除密码篇二:艾默生型号大全艾默生变频器代理商咨询电话:0755-2814419924072992291000、2000高性能通用型艾默生变频器为恒转矩负载,为风机水泵负载(100004-55200055-280)1000-20004单相220191000-20007单相2201951000-20015单相220191000-20192单相220221000-40007三相3800751000-40015三相380151000-40022三相380221000-40037三相380371000-40055三相380551000-40037三相380371000-40055三相380552000-40055007555752000-40075011075112000-40110015011152000-40150 1085151852000-40185102201985222000-4022019300122302000-40300103701303 72000-40370045037452000-4045010550145552000-40550552000-40750752000-4 0900902000-411001102000-413201922000-416001602000-420002019000-422019 202000-40750752000-40900902000-411001102000-413201922000-416001602000 -420002019000-422019202000-428002803000系列矢量艾默生变频器(22-220)3000艾默生变频器是高品质、多功能、低噪音的矢量控制通用变频器。
艾默生变频器操作说明 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】7#炉引风机变频器送电操作1.检查旁路柜隔离开关位置正确,各柜门封闭正常;2.检查操作柱、变频器的急停按钮均复位,各柜门封闭正常;3.合17G开关柜二次回路空开和保险,将断路器手车摇至工作位,并检查确认;4.将17G开关柜转换开关切换至“远程”位;5.送变频系统控制电源—自2#配电室Ⅱ-11 柜 7# 抽屉;6.合变频器和旁路柜所有二次回路空开和保险;7.检查变频器人机界面,主控系统开始自检,控制面板上2个指示灯同时点亮;8.主控所有自检通过后,允许运行灯(绿色)闪烁;9.点击人机界面上进入系统按钮,输入密码后可进行参数的设置及监控;10.将本地-远程选择开关拨至“本地”;11.按下人机界面上预充电合闸按钮,变频器开始软启动,高压指示灯(红色)常亮;12.待软启动结束,自动闭合进线高压断路器,合闸成功后,高压指示灯(红色)常亮;13.将变频器“本地-远程”开关切换至“远程”位;(变频启停由操作柱和DCS实现);7#炉引风机变频器停电操作说明1.检查7#引风机已经停运,变频器确实处于停机状态;2.按下17G开关柜“手分按钮”,分断6kV断路器,并摇至试验位;3.断开17G开关柜二次回路空开和保险;4.断变频系统控制电源—自2#配电室Ⅱ-11 柜 7# 抽屉;注意:1.电机运行时,打开变频器及旁路柜柜门,会连锁分断6kV断路器,导致停机;2.电机运行时,断开旁路柜二次电源,会连锁分断6kV断路器,导致停机;3.旁路柜的隔离开关只在倒闸时需要操作,正常运行期间不必频繁操作,否则会导致7#炉引风机变频器告警、故障以及复位操作说明当变频器发生故障或告警时,人机界面会弹出相应故障或告警信息窗口,同时根据故障类型的不同,控制面板指示灯状态说明见表5-3。
爱默生TD3100电梯专用变频器用户手册一、前言尊敬的用户,欢迎您使用爱默生 TD3100 电梯专用变频器。
二、产品概述爱默生 TD3100 电梯专用变频器是一款专门为电梯控制设计的高性能变频器。
三、技术规格1、输入电源电压范围:_____频率范围:_____2、输出功率额定功率:_____过载能力:_____3、控制方式矢量控制V/F 控制4、调速范围无传感器矢量控制:_____有传感器矢量控制:_____5、速度精度无传感器矢量控制:_____有传感器矢量控制:_____6、通讯接口RS485CANopen四、安装指南1、安装环境要求环境温度:_____环境湿度:_____防护等级:_____2、安装步骤确认变频器的型号和规格是否与您的需求相符。
艾默生CT SK系列高性能可编程变频器用户手册
The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co.
SK 系列通用变频器 用户手册
资料版本 归档时间 BOM 编码
V1.6 2006-07-25 0472-0077-06
4.5 控制端子(I/O)定义.................................................................................23
第五章 键盘和显示屏 ...................................................................................... 27 5.1 编程键 ..........................................................................................................27 5.2 控制键 ..........................................................................................................28 5.3 选择和变更参数 ..........................................................................................28 5.3.1 操作指导.........................................................................................28 5.3.2 屏幕显示说明 ................................................................................29 5.4 保存参数 ......................................................................................................30 5.5 参数访问 ......................................................................................................30 5.6 安全代码 ......................................................................................................31 5.6.1 设置安全代码 ................................................................................31 5.6.2 解锁安全代码 ................................................................................31 5.6.3 重新锁定安全代码 ........................................................................32 5.6.4 撤销安全性设置 ............................................................................32 5.7 恢复默认值 ..................................................................................................32
【2018最新】艾默生变频器说明书-精选word文档 (10页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==艾默生变频器说明书篇一:艾默生变频门机系统调试手册篇二:艾默生变频器维修艾默生变频器维修(一)教程来源:上海华节电气有限公司作者:未知点击:80次时间:201X-2-26 14:31:20在维修艾默生系列变频器前,一定要对故障代码有所了解,不然就无从下手。
故障代码故障类型故障代码故障类型POFF 输入欠压 E008 输入缺相E001 加速过流 E009 输出缺相E002 减速过流 E010 模块保护E003 恒速过流 E011 逆变过热E004 加速过压 E012 整流过热E005 减速过压 E016 读写故障E006 恒速过压 E018 接触器未吸合E007 控制电源过压 E019 电流检测电路故障1、电流检测故障(如报E019,E001):(1)控制板Q1(15050026)坏。
(3)小板坏:在变频器通电时,用直流档,黑接7840的5脚,红分别接小板的脚从左到右应为2.5,2.5,2.5,3.4 1.5 ,0,1.6。
如值不对,小板坏:此时可更换小板坏中的三个小IC(39030024 LMV393),如还不好,更换小板。
【优质文档】艾默生变频器说明书-推荐word版 (10页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==艾默生变频器说明书篇一:艾默生变频门机系统调试手册篇二:艾默生变频器维修艾默生变频器维修(一)教程来源:上海华节电气有限公司作者:未知点击:80次时间:201X-2-26 14:31:20在维修艾默生系列变频器前,一定要对故障代码有所了解,不然就无从下手。
故障代码故障类型故障代码故障类型POFF 输入欠压 E008 输入缺相E001 加速过流 E009 输出缺相E002 减速过流 E010 模块保护E003 恒速过流 E011 逆变过热E004 加速过压 E012 整流过热E005 减速过压 E016 读写故障E006 恒速过压 E018 接触器未吸合E007 控制电源过压 E019 电流检测电路故障1、电流检测故障(如报E019,E001):(1)控制板Q1(15050026)坏。
(3)小板坏:在变频器通电时,用直流档,黑接7840的5脚,红分别接小板的脚从左到右应为2.5,2.5,2.5,3.4 1.5 ,0,1.6。
如值不对,小板坏:此时可更换小板坏中的三个小IC(39030024 LMV393),如还不好,更换小板。
00:密码1000保存参数;1233恢复出厂值;1 253更改变频器控制模式;0。
12:参数选择0 (0号菜单选择)0.13:电机额定转速1850rpm0.14:电梯额定速度1000mm/s0.15:V1 50mm/s 检修半速0。
17:V3 30mm/s 爬行速度0.18:V4 150mm/s 检修速度0。
19:V5 480mm/s 单层速度0。
20:V6 550mm/s 双层速度0.21:V7 550mm/s 多层速度0。
29:1024 编码器脉冲数(相当与3.34)0。
42:4POLE (相当与5。
88 (相当与5。
44:340V (相当与5.09)0。
45:1850RPM (相当与5.08)0。
46:56A (相当与5.07)0。
47:64HZ (相当与5.06)0.48:CL UECT闭环2.02:斜坡使能ON(1)2.03:斜坡保持OFF(0)2。
10:加速斜率选择器 22。
20:减速斜率选择器 22。
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Getting Started Guide Commander SKAC variable speed drive for 3 phase induction motors from 0.25kW to 7.5kW, 0.33hp to 10hpModel sizes A, B, C and DPart Number: 0472-0000-07Issue: 7General InformationThe manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional parameters of the equipment or from mismatching the variable speed drive with the motor.The contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of commitment to a policy of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product or its performance, or the content of the guide without notice.All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including, photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.Drive software versionThis product is supplied with the latest version of user-interface and machine control software. If this product is to be used in a new or existing system with other drives, there may be some differences between their software and the software in this product. These differences may cause the product to function differently. This may also apply to drives returned from the Control Techniques Service Centre.If there is any doubt, please contact your local Control Techniques Drive Centre or Distributor.Environmental StatementControl Techniques is committed to minimising the environmental impacts of its manufacturing operations and of its products throughout their life cycle. To this end, we operate an Environmental Management System (EMS) which is certified to the International Standard ISO 14001. Further information on the EMS, our Environment Policy and other relevant information is available on request, or can be found at .The electronic variable speed drives manufactured by Control Techniques have the potential to save energy and (through increased machine/process efficiency) reduce raw material consumption and scrap throughout their long working lifetime. In typical applications, these positive environmental effects far outweigh the negative impacts of product manufacture and end-of-life disposal. Nevertheless, when the products eventually reach the end of their useful life, they must not be discarded but should instead be recycled by a specialist recycler of electronic equipment. Recyclers will find the products easy to dismantle into their major component parts for efficient recycling. Many parts snap together and can be separated without the use of tools, whilst other parts are secured with conventional fasteners. Virtually all parts of the product are suitable for recycling.Product packaging is of good quality and can be re-used. Large products are packed in wooden crates, while smaller products come in strong cardboard cartons which themselves have a high-recycled fibre content. If not re-used, these containers can be recycled. Polythene, used on the protective film and bags from wrapping product, can be recycled in the same way. Control Techniques' packaging strategy favours easily recyclable materials of low environmental impact, and regular reviews identify opportunities for improvement.When preparing to recycle or dispose of any product or packaging, please observe local legislation and best practice.Copyright © June 2008 Control Techniques LtdIssue:7Software:01.08.00Contents1 Safety Information (5)1.1Warnings, Cautions and Notes (5)1.2Electrical Safety - general warning (5)1.3System design and safety of personnel (5)1.4Environmental Limits (5)1.5Access (6)1.6Compliance and regulations (6)1.7Motor (6)1.8Adjusting parameters (6)1.9Electrical installation (6)2 Rating Data (8)3 Mechanical Installation (10)4 Electrical Installation (12)4.1Power terminal connections (12)4.2Ground leakage (13)4.3EMC (14)4.4Control terminals I/O specification (15)5 Keypad and Display (19)5.1Programming keys (19)5.2Control keys (19)5.3Selecting and changing parameters (20)5.4Saving parameters (21)5.5Parameter access (21)5.6Security codes (22)5.7Setting drive back to default values (22)6 Parameters (23)6.1Parameter descriptions - Level 1 (23)6.2Parameter descriptions - Level 2 (30)6.3Parameter descriptions - Level 3 (39)6.4Diagnostic parameters (39)7 Quick Start Commissioning (40)7.1Terminal control (40)7.2Keypad control (42)8 Diagnostics (44)9 Options (47)9.1Documentation (48)10 Parameter List (49)11 UL Listing Information (51)11.1UL information (for Commander SK size A, B, C and D) (51)Commander SK Getting Started GuideIssue Number: 4Commander SK Getting Started Guide Issue Number: 7Declaration of ConformityControl Techniques Ltd The Gro Newtown Powys UKSY16 3BEThe AC variable speed drive products listed above have been designed and manufactured in accordance with the following European harmonised standards:EN 61000-3-2: Applicable where input current <16A. No limits apply for professional equipment where input power >1kW.SKA1200025, SKA1200037, SKA1200055: input choke required All other units: for professional use only EN 61000-3-3:Applicable where input current <16A and supply voltage 230/400VThese products comply with the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC, and the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC.These electronic drive products are intended to be used with appropriate motors,controllers, electrical protection components and other equipment to form complete end products or systems. Compliance with safety and EMC regulations depends upon installing and configuring drives correctly, including using the specified input filters. The drives must be installed only by professional assemblers who are familiar with requirements for safety and EMC. The assembler is responsible for ensuring that the end product or system complies with all the relevant laws in the country where it is to be used. Refer to theCommander SK Getting Started Guide . An EMC Data Sheet is also available giving detailed EMC information.SKA1100025SKA1100037SKA1200025SKA1200037SKA1200055SKA1200075SKB1100075SKB1100110SKBD200110SKBD200150SKB3400037SKB3400055SKB3400075SKB3400110SKB3400150SKCD200220SKC3400220SKC3400300SKC3400400SKDD200300SKD3200400SKD3400550SKD3400750EN 61800-5-1Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - safety requirements - electrical, thermal and energyEN 61800-3Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. EMC product standard including specific test methodsEN 61000-6-2Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards. Immunity standard for industrial environmentsEN 61000-6-4Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards. Emission standard for industrial environmentsEN 61000-3-2Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Limits, Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current <16A per phase)EN 61000-3-3Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Limits, Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current <16AW. DruryExecutive VP Technology Date: 10 April 2008Commander SK Getting Started Guide 5Issue Number: Rating DataMechanical InstallationElectrical InstallationKeypad and DisplayParameters Quick Start Commissioning Diagnostics Options Parameter ListUL Listing Information1Safety Information1.1Warnings, Cautions and Notes1.2Electrical Safety - general warningThe voltages used in the drive can cause severe electrical shock and/or burns, and could be lethal. Extreme care is necessary at all times when working with or adjacent to the drive.Specific warnings are given at the relevant places in this guide.1.3System design and safety of personnelThe drive is intended as a component for professional incorporation into complete equipment or system. If installed incorrectly, the drive may present a safety hazard.The drive uses high voltages and currents, carries a high level of stored electrical energy, and is used to control equipment which can cause injury.System design, installation, commissioning and maintenance must be carried out by personnel who have the necessary training and experience. They must read this safety information and this guide carefully.The STOP and START controls or electrical inputs of the drive must not be relied upon to ensure safety of personnel. They do not isolate dangerous voltages from the output of the drive or from any external option unit. The supply must bedisconnected by an approved electrical isolation device before gaining access to the electrical connections.The drive is not intended to be used for safety-related functions.Careful consideration must be given to the function of the drive which might result in a hazard, either through its intended behaviour or through incorrect operation due to a fault. In any application where a malfunction of the drive or its control system could lead to or allow damage, loss or injury, a risk analysis must be carried out, and where necessary, further measures taken to reduce the risk - for example, an over-speedprotection device in case of failure of the speed control, or a fail-safe mechanical brake in case of loss of motor braking.1.4Environmental LimitsInstructions within the supplied data and information within the Commander SKTechnical Data Guide regarding transport, storage, installation and the use of the drive must be complied with, including the specified environmental limits. Drives must not be subjected to excessive physical force.A Warning contains information, which is essential for avoiding a safety hazard.A Caution contains information, which is necessary for avoiding a risk of damage to the product or other equipment.A Note contains information, which helps to ensure correct operation of the product.1.5AccessAccess must be restricted to authorized personnel only. Safety regulations which applyat the place of use must be complied with.The IP (Ingress Protection) rating of the drive is installation dependant. For furtherinformation, refer to the Commander SK Technical Data Guide.1.6Compliance and regulationsThe installer is responsible for complying with all relevant regulations, such as nationalwiring regulations, accident prevention regulations and electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) regulations. Particular attention must be given to the cross-sectional areas ofconductors, the selection of fuses and other protection, and protective ground (earth)connections.The Commander SK Technical Data Guide contains instructions for achievingcompliance with specific EMC standards.Within the European Union, all machinery in which this product is used must complywith the following directives:98/37/EC: Safety of machinery89/336/EEC: Electromagnetic compatibility1.7MotorEnsure the motor is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.Ensure the motor shaft is not exposed.Standard squirrel cage induction motors are designed for single speed operation. If it isintended to use the capability of a drive to run a motor at speeds above its designedmaximum, it is strongly recommended that the manufacturer is consulted first.Low speeds may cause the motor to overheat because the cooling fan becomes lesseffective. The motor should be installed with a protection thermistor. If necessary, anelectric force vent fan should be used.The values of the motor parameters set in the drive affect the protection of the motor.The default values in the drive should not be relied upon.It is essential that the correct value is entered into parameter 06, motor rated current.This affects the thermal protection of the motor.1.8Adjusting parametersSome parameters have a profound effect on the operation of the drive. They must notbe altered without careful consideration of the impact on the controlled system.Measures must be taken to prevent unwanted changes due to error or tampering.1.9Electrical installation1.9.1Electric shock riskThe voltages present in the following locations can cause severe electric shock and maybe lethal:•AC supply cables and connections•DC bus, dynamic brake cables and connections•Output cables and connections•Many internal parts of the drive, and external option unitsUnless otherwise indicated, control terminals are single insulated and must not betouched.6Commander SK Getting Started Guide Issue Number: 7Commander SK Getting Started Guide 7Issue Number: Rating DataMechanical Installation Electrical InstallationKeypad and Display ParametersQuick Start Commissioning Diagnostics Options Parameter List UL Listing Information1.9.2Isolation deviceThe AC supply must be disconnected from the drive using an approved isolation device before any cover is removed from the drive or before any servicing work is performed.1.9.3STOP functionThe STOP function does not remove dangerous voltages from the drive, the motor or any external option units.1.9.4Stored chargeThe drive contains capacitors that remain charged to a potentially lethal voltage after the AC supply has been disconnected. If the drive has been energized, the AC supply must be isolated at least ten minutes before work may continue.Normally, the capacitors are discharged by an internal resistor. Under certain, unusual fault conditions, it is possible that the capacitors may fail to discharge, or be prevented from being discharged by a voltage applied to the output terminals. If the drive has failed in a manner that causes the display to go blank immediately, it is possible the capacitors will not be discharged. In this case, consult Control Techniques or their authorized distributor.1.9.5Equipment supplied by plug and socketSpecial attention must be given if the drive is installed in equipment which is connected to the AC supply by a plug and socket. The AC supply terminals of the drive areconnected to the internal capacitors through rectifier diodes which are not intended to give safety isolation. If the plug terminals can be touched when the plug is disconnected from the socket, a means of automatically isolating the plug from the drive must be used (e.g. a latching relay).1.9.6Ground leakage currentThe drive is supplied with an internal EMC filter capacitor installed. If the input voltage to the drive is supplied through an ELCB or RCD, these may trip due to the groundleakage current. See section 4.3.1Internal EMC filter on page 14 for further information and how to disconnect the internal EMC capacitor.8Commander SK Getting Started Guide Issue Number: 72Rating DataFigure 2-1Model code explanationTable 2-1Commander SK, 1 phase, 100 to 120VAC ±10%, 48 to 62Hz units*No dynamic braking available with Commander SK size A 110V drive.Table 2-2Commander SK, 1 phase, 200 to 240VAC ±10%, 48 to 62Hz unitsTable 2-3Commander SK, 1 and 3 phase, 200 to 240VAC ±10%, 48 to 62Hz unitsModel Number Nominal motor power Input fuserating Typical full load input current 100% RMS output current A 150% overload current for 60s A Minimum braking resistor value kW hp A A Heavy Duty ΩSKA11000250.250.33107.5 1.7 2.55N/A*SKA11000370.370.51511 2.2 3.3SKB11000750.75 1.02519.6 4.0 6.028SKB11001101.11.53224.0 5.27.8ModelNumber Nominal motor power Input fuserating Typical full load input current 100% RMS output current A 150% overload current for 60s AMinimum brakingresistor value kW hp A A Heavy Duty ΩSKA12000250.250.336 4.3 1.7 2.5568SKA12000370.370.510 5.8 2.2 3.3SKA12000550.550.75108.1 3.0 4.5SKA12000750.751.01610.5 4.0 6.0ModelNumber Nominal motor power Input fuse rating A Typical full load input current A Maximum continuous input current A 100% RMS output current A 150% overload current for 60s A Minimum brakingresistorvalueΩkW hp 1ph 3ph 1ph 3ph 1ph 3ph Heavy DutySKBD200110 1.1 1.5161014.2 6.79.2 5.27.828SKBD200150 1.5 2.0201617.48.712.67.010.528SKCD200220 2.2 3.0252023.211.917.09.614.428SKDD200300 3.0 3.0251623.612.516.612.618.920SKD32004004.05.02015.719.517.025.520Commander SK Getting Started Guide 9Issue Number: SafetyInformationMechanical Installation Electrical InstallationKeypad and DisplayParametersQuick Start Commissioning Diagnostics Options Parameter List UL Listing InformationTable 2-4Commander SK, 3 phase, 380 to 480VAC ±10%, 48 to 62Hz unitsOutput frequency0 to 1500HzOutput voltage110V drives:3 phase, 0 to 240Vac (240 Vac maximum set by Pr 08).200V and 400V drives:3 phase, 0 to drive rating (240 or 480Vac maximum set by Pr 08).Model Number Nominal motor power Input fuse rating Typical full load input current Maximum continuous input current100% RMS output currentA150% overloadcurrent for 60sA Minimumbrakingresistor valuekW hp A A A Heavy DutyΩSKB34000370.370.56 1.7 2.5 1.3 1.95100SKB34000550.550.756 2.5 3.1 1.7 2.55100SKB34000750.75 1.06 3.1 3.75 2.1 3.15100SKB3400110 1.1 1.56 4.0 4.6 2.8 4.2100SKB3400150 1.5 2.010 5.2 5.9 3.8 5.7100SKC3400220 2.2 3.0167.39.6 5.17.65100SKC3400300 3.0 3.0169.511.27.210.855SKC3400400 4.0 5.01611.913.49.013.555SKD3400550 5.57.51612.414.313.019.553SKD34007507.510.02015.616.916.524.7553110V drives contain a voltage doubler circuit on the AC input.The output voltage can be increased by 20% during deceleration. See Pr 30 on page 33The maximum continuous current inputs are used to calculate input cable and fuse sizing. Where no maximum continuous input currents are indicated, use the typical full load input current values. See Commander SK Technical Data Guide for cable and fuse data.10Commander SK Getting Started Guide Issue Number: 73Mechanical InstallationThe drive complies with the requirements of IP20 as standard.Figure 3-1Commander SK dimensionsTable 3-1Commander SK dimensions*Size C and D are not DIN rail mountable.The DIN rail used should conform to DIN46277-3.EnclosureThe drive is intended to be mounted in an enclosure which prevents access except by trained and authorized personnel, and which prevents the ingress of contamination. It is designed for use in an environment classified as pollution degree 2 in accordance with IEC 60664-1. This means that only dry, non-conducting contamination is acceptable.Drive sizeA B C D EFGH*I mminmminmminmminmminmminmminmminmminA 140 5.51154 6.06110.43642.5275 2.95145 5.71104 4.09143 5.63B 1907.482058.0710.90.4365.9 2.6853.35773.0156 6.15155.56.121947.64C 2409.4525810.1610.40.4181.13.2100 3.9491.9 3.62173 6.812449.61D30011.8133513.1914.50.57100.53.96115 4.531987.8031512.4If DIN rail mounting is used in an installation where the drive is to be subjected to shock or vibration, it is recommended that the bottom mounting screws are used to secure the drive to the back plate.If the installation is going to be subjected to heavy shock and vibration, then it is recommended that the drive is surface mounted rather than DIN rail mounted.NOTEThe DIN rail mounting mechanism has been designed so no tools are required to install and remove the drive from a DIN rail. Please ensure the top mounting lugs are located correctly on the DIN rail before installation is initiated.NOTESafety Information Rating DataMechanical InstallationElectrical Installation Keypad and Display ParametersQuick Start CommissioningDiagnostics OptionsParameter List UL Listing Information*This is the minimum spacing between drives at the base of the drive where it ismounted against a back plate.Drive sizeA B C mm in mm in mm in A100.3900100 3.94B (≤0.75kW)10*0.39*B (≥1.1kW) or B (110V)00C50* 1.97*D 004Electrical Installation4.1Power terminal connections14.On the Commander SKB 110V drives, the supply should be connected to L1 and L3/N.On the Commander SK size D, the internal EMC filter is connected to the -DC Bus.Safety Information Rating Data Mechanical InstallationKeypad and DisplayParameters Quick Start CommissioningDiagnosticsOptions Parameter List UL Listing Information4.2Ground leakageThe ground leakage current depends upon the internal EMC filter being installed. The drive is supplied with the filter installed. Instructions for removal of the internal EMC filter are given in section 4.3.2Removing the internal EMC filter .With internal EMC filter installed30µA DC (10M Ω internal bleed resistor, relevant where DC leakage current is being measured)Size A1 phase 110V drives4mA AC at 110V, 50Hz (proportional to supply voltage and frequency)1 phase 200V drives10mA AC at 230V, 50Hz (proportional to supply voltage and frequency)Size B 1 phase 110V drives10mA AC at 110V, 50Hz (proportional to supply voltage and frequency)Size B and C 1 phase 200V drives20mA AC at 230V, 50Hz (proportional to supply voltage and frequency)The braking terminals are not available on the size A 110V drive.Fuses/MCBThe AC supply to the drive must be installed with suitable protection against overload and short circuits. Failure to observe this requirement will cause risk of fire.See the Commander SK Technical Data Guide for fuse data.The drive must be grounded by a conductor sufficient to carry the prospective faultcurrent in the event of a fault. See also the warning in section 4.2Ground leakage relating to ground leakage current.To avoid a fire hazard and maintain validity of the UL listing, adhere to the specifiedtightening torques for the power and ground terminals. Refer to the table below.Frame sizeMaximum power terminal screw torque A0.5 N m / 4.4 lb in B, C and D 1.4 N m / 12.1 lb inBraking resistor: High temperatures and overload protectionBraking resistors can reach high temperatures. Locate braking resistors so that damage cannot result. Use cable having insulation capable of withstanding the high temperatures.It is essential that the braking resistor be protected against overload caused by a failureof the brake control. Unless the resistor has in-built protection, a circuit like those shown in Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2 should be used, where the thermal protection devicedisconnects the AC supply to the drive. Do not use AC relay contacts directly in series with the braking resistor circuit, because it carries DC.When connecting single phase to a dual rated 200V unit, use terminals L1 and L3.For control terminal connections, see Pr 05 on page 24.For information on the internal EMC filter, see section 4.3.1Internal EMC filter .3 phase 200V drives8mA AC at 230V, 50Hz (proportional to supply voltage and frequency)3 phase 400V drives8.2mA AC at 415V, 50Hz (proportional to supply voltage and frequency)Size D1 phase 200V drives20.5mA AC at 230V, 50Hz (proportional to supply voltage and frequency)3 phase 200V drives8mA AC at 230V, 50Hz (proportional to supply voltage and frequency)3 phase 400V drives10.5mA AC at 415V, 50Hz (proportional to supply voltage and frequency)With internal EMC filter removed<1mA 4.2.1Use of earth (ground) leakage circuit breakers (ELCB) / residual currentdevice (RCD)There are three common types of ELCB/RCD:Type AC - detects AC fault currentsType A - detects AC and pulsating DC fault currents (provided the DC currentreaches zero at least once every half cycle)Type B - detects AC, pulsating DC and smooth DC fault currents•Type AC should never be used with drives •Type A can only be used with single phase drives •Type B must be used with three phase drives4.3EMC 4.3.1Internal EMC filterIt is recommended that the internal EMC filter is kept in place unless there is a specific reason for removing it.If the drive is to be used on an IT supply, then the filter must be removed.The internal EMC filter reduces radio-frequency emissions into the mains supply. Where the motor cable is short, it permits the requirements of EN61800-3 to be met for thesecond environment.For longer motor cables, the filter continues to provide a useful reduction in emission level, and when used with any length of shielded cable up to the limit for the drive, it is unlikely that nearby industrial equipment will be disturbed. It is recommended that the filter be used in all applications unless the ground leakage current is unacceptable or the above conditions are true.When the internal EMC filter is used on the Commander SK size D, the motor cables (U, The above leakage currents are just the leakage currents of the drive with the internal EMC filter connected and do not take into account any leakage currents of the motor or motor cable.In both cases, there is an internal voltage surge suppression device connected toground. Under normal circumstances, this carries negligible current.When the internal EMC filter is installed, the leakage current is high. In this case, apermanent fixed ground connection must be provided using two independent conductors each with a cross-section equal to or exceeding that of the supply conductors. The drive is provided with two ground terminals to facilitate this. The purpose is to prevent a safety hazard occurring if a connection is lost. Both ground connections are required to meet the required european standard.Safety Information Rating Data Mechanical Installation Electrical Installation Keypad and DisplayParameters Quick Start Commissioning DiagnosticsOptions Parameter List UL Listing InformationV and W) need to be fed twice through a ferrite ring (provided with the drive), so that the drive meets the requirements of operating in the second environment.4.3.2Removing the internal EMC filterFigure 4-3Removal and re-fitting of internal EMC filterFurther EMC precautions are required if more stringent EMC emission requirements apply:•Operation in the first environment of EN 61800-3•Conformity to the generic emission standards•Equipment which is sensitive to electrical interference operating nearbyIn this case it is necessary to use:•The optional external EMC filter • A shielded motor cable, with shield clamped to the grounded metal panel • A shielded control cable, with shield clamped to the grounded metal panel Full instructions are given in the Commander SK Technical Data Guide .A full range of external EMC filters is also available for use with Commander SK.4.4Control terminals I/O specificationThe control circuits are isolated from the power circuits in the drive by basic insulation (single insulation) only. The installer must ensure that the external control circuits are insulated from human contact by at least one layer of insulation (supplementary insulation) rated for use at the AC supply voltage.WARNING If the control circuits are to be connected to other circuits classified as Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) (e.g. to personal computer), an additional isolating barrier must be included in order to maintain the SELV classification.WARNING。