




1 本身是形容词。如:good,happy等。

2 由名词加y构成:sun—sunny,wind—-windy,rain——rainy,flower—-flowery.

3.由名词+-able,+-ent,+-en,+-al,+-less,+-ful,+-ing,+-ive,等构成,如:comfort—comfortable,differ—different,nation—national, wood—wooden, care—- careful,care—careless, excite—-exciting, act—-active.

4.由名词+ly构成形容词,如:friendly,lonely, lovely,lively,likely,ugly,brotherly, motherly,fatherly,daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early,manly,orderly,deadly,等。

5 复合形容词如:

kind-hearted,warm-hearted,well-educated,good-looking,man-made,Harding-working,peace-lovin g,new-born, snow-white,duty-free.


1 做定语修饰名词和代词a good boy,something new,等。

2 做表语,He is happy.

3 作宾语补足语I found him hard-working.

4 作主语补足语He was found hard-working.(被动语态中)

5 做主语或宾语(前面加the)The new replaces the old.新事物代替旧事物。

6伴随状语Tired and hot, we have to stop to have a rest.


1 放在所修饰的名词前,a red coat.

2 放在不定代词的后面something important.

3 长宽高深等形容词放在数词+名词的后面,

如:five meters high/deep/wide/long, six years old,

4 enough 放在形容词和副词之后,名词前后均可。big enough,enough time.

5 一些以a-开头的表语形容词不能放在名词前面做定语,要放在名词后做后置定语,如:a man alive活着的人,a awake baby一个醒着的婴儿, a asleep baby一个睡着的婴儿,但是如果这些词本身带有副词修饰时,可以放在名词前面,如 a fast asleep baby 一个熟睡的婴儿the wide awake soldier十分清醒的士兵。


It is as pleasant a day as yesterday. How beautiful a park it is

It is too cold a day to go out. He is so clever a boy that heworks out the problem.


几组常见形容词的区别1much too,too much 2 hard,hardly 3 too,also,either,as well4 already,yet 5 loud,loudly,aloud6 some time,sometime,some times,sometimes7 ago,before 8 just,just now,now9 so such10 too enough



2 地点副词放句末,地点副词与动词连用时,不加介词,go there,come here,

Turn left,turn right=turn to the right,go east ,go west,go upstairs,go downstairs, go abroad,

go somewhere/anywhere/everywhere, ......


4 频度副词放在be,第一个助动词,情态动词的之后,行为动词之前。

5 关系副词连接定语从句when,where,why


7 连接副词连接名词性从句(宾语从句,表语从句,主语从句等

when ,where,why,how....



1 本身是副词very ,rather等。

2与形容词形式一样hard,early,late,high,wide ,deep 等。an early bus,get up early

the late changes,stay up late,200meters high,fly high ,50 feet deep,

on a hard floor,study hard

talk deep into the night谈到深夜,ten minutes late晚十分钟,arrive late, a wide street,open your mouth/eyes wide,be widely used.


4 部分以-e结尾的形容词,去e+ly,构成副词。true-truly , possible-possibly, terrible-terribly,simple-simply,probable-probably. widely

5 以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,变副词要把y改成i再加ly,如:happy-happily。


late lately ,hard hardly,close closely,like likely,deep deeply,high highly,wide widely,

goog ——well


1作状语修饰动词rain heavily ,修饰形容词原形的词too,rather ,very,so quite ,修饰其他副词too fast,

修饰介词just behind the door,修饰从句This is exactly what I need,修饰其他词almost everyone,nearly 100 people,等。

2做后置定语the girl there,the population here.

3作表语,Who is in?

4作补语Let him out.

5 作介宾from abroad/here


1much too,too much 2 hard hardly 3 too ,also either, as well 4 already ,yet 5 loud,loudly6 some times ,sometimes,sometime,some time 7 too ,enough 8 ago before 9just,just now ,now10 so, such





二 比较级的用法

一)原级比较句型 肯定句型 A....+as+adj,/adv.+as+B 和......一样.....

否定句型 A......+not+so/as+adj./adv. +as+B. A 不如B.....

降级比较A …+less+adj./adv.+than B .A 不如B......

二) 比较级句型 1 比较级+than +比较对象 No(other)+单数名词/no one=nobody/none+比较级+than......没有......比…更…。

No other way is better than this one.

No ( other)+单数名词/no one/nobody/none......+as/so+adj./adv.+as+.....

No ocean in the world is as big as the Pacific Ocean.

2 the+比较级…,the+比较级…越…,越…。

3 比较级+and+比较级,越来越…。

4 the+比较级+of the two.....,两者中较为…的一个。

5 疑问词+be+比较级,A or B?两者中最........?

能够修饰比较级的单词 much,far,even,still,any, rather ,a lot, a little,a bit,a great deal,


1....... the+最高级+可数名词单数+of/in/among......,......中最.......

2...... one of the+最高级+复数名词+of/in/among......,......最......之一。

3 特殊疑问词+ be+the +最高级,A, B or C ?三者中最........?

特殊疑问词+行为动词+副词最高级,A , B or C?Who runs fastest,Jim,Kate or Mike any other +单数名词

(all )the other +复数名词

anyone else/anything else

any of the other +复数名词

4 ......the+序数词+最高级+单数可数名词+in (范围)在.....第几最.....

能修饰最高级的词by far,almost,nearly.....


1 比较对象必须是对等的即同类事物或人.It is colder in Beijing than in Shanghai.

2 句中后面的名词避免重复,使用that代替可数名词单数或不可数名词,用those 代替可数名词复数,也可以用the one代替单数可数名词。

The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai.

The students in our class are stronger than those in their class.

The girl in red is taller than the one in green .

3 比较对象在同一范围内时用other把自身排除掉,不在同一范围内不用other

Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.

Shanghai is bigger than any city in Africa.

4 no +比较级+than 两者均否定,译为“一样不”…not +比较级+than,两者均肯定,前者不如后者,译为“…不如…”

This problem is no more important than that one.这个问题和那个问题一样不重要。

This problem isn’t more important than that one.这个问题不如那个问题重要。

5 There are many more + 复数名词+地点A+ than +地点B

There are many more books in our school than in their school.

There is much more + 不可数名词+地点A+than+地点B

There is much more water in the sea than in the river.

6 than后主格和宾格区别当谓语是be动词,或不及物动词或动词宾语是物时,主格和宾格无区别。若than 后保留动词的话,用主格不能用宾格。

She is taller than he /him. She speaks English better than he/him.

Tom runs faster than I do(不能用me);

She speaks English better than he does.


如:I knows you better than he (knows you).此句是主语相比较,我比他更了解你

I like you better than(I know) him .和他相比,我更了解你(我了解你胜过了解他。)than是you时,助动词就不能省略了。She knows me better than you do.

7 a most interesting story十分有趣的故事,the most interesting story 最有趣的故事


1 A+ be(或行为动词)+倍数+as+adj./adv.+as+B 。A是B的………倍

This room is three times as big as that one

2 A+be(或行为动词)+倍数+比较级+than +B。A比B……倍。

This room is three times bigger than that one.

3 A+be+倍数+the size(length,width,height,depth,weight...)+of B.

A 是B的……倍。This room is three times the size of that one.

4 A +be(行为动词)+ as +many+复数名词(much+不可数名词)+as +B

We see as many books as we can .we eat as much food as we can.

We have as many books as them.



New York is 3 hours ahead of California, but it does not make California slow, or that New York is fast. Both are working based on their own “ Time Zone”(时区).Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before finding a good job! And there is another who graduated at 27 and got hired immediately!

Someone became a CEO at 25, and died at 50.While another became a CEO at 50, and lived to 90 years.

Someone is still single, while someone else got married and waited 10 years having a child. There is another who had a baby within a year of marriage.

Obama retires(退休) at 55, but Trump starts at 70.

Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their Time Zone. People can have things worked out only according to their pace. (步调)

People around you might seem to go ahead of you; some might seem to be behind you. But everyone is running their own race, in their own time.

Don't envy them or laugh at them. They are in their TIME ZONE, and you are in yours!

Life is about waiting for the right moment to act. Hold on, be strong, and stay true to yourself .Fight in your time zone.

So, RELAX. You're not LATE. You're not EARLY. You are very much ON TIME , and in your time zone destiny set up for you.

(1)When it's 8:00 in New York, what time is it in California?

A. 11:30

B. 5:00

C. 12:30

D. 11:00

(2)Which is true according to the passage?

A. We should get married earlier.

B. If you fall behind, you needn't to try hard.

C. Obama starts his job of president at a younger age than Trump.

D. Life is about waiting for the right TIME ZONE

(3)What's the meaning of the underlined word “ envy”?

A. 观摩

B. 嘲笑

C. 羡慕

D. 跟随(4)According to the passage, if you don't do well in your study now, you should______.

A. have a rest and wait

B. stay in your own TIME ZONE

C. stop to have a relax.

D. work hard and wait for the right moment.

(5)Which do you think is the best title?

A. Time Zone

B. Wait for the Right Moment

C. Fight in Your Time Zone

D. You Are on Time







(1)推理计算题。根据New York is 3 hours ahead of California,纽约比加州早3个小时,可知当纽约是8点时加州应是8—3=5,所以加州应是5点,故答案选B。

(2)推理判断题。A根据Someone is still single, while someone else got married and waited 10 years having a child. There is another who had a baby within a year of marriage.可知文中说了有些人单身有些人结婚,有些人等10年才有孩子,而有些人结婚一年就有了孩子,但并没有提到说我们应该早点结婚,故A选项错误。B根据Life is about waiting for the right moment to act. Hold on, be strong, and stay true to yourself .Fight in your time zone.可知,生活就是等待合适的时机去行动,坚持、坚强,忠于自己,在你自己的时区里战斗,所以并不是说你落后了,就不必努力了,故B选项错误。C根据Obama retires(退休) at 55, but Trump starts at 70.可知,奥巴马在55岁退休,但特朗普在70岁才开始,所以说奥巴马比特朗普年轻就开始了他的总统职位是正确的,故B选项正确。D根据Life is about waiting for the right moment to act. Hold on,可知,生活就是等待合适的时机去行动,而不是等待正确的时区,故D选项错误。本题问哪一个选项是正确的,故答案选C。

(3)词义猜测题。根据上文People around you might seem to go ahead of you; some might seem to be behind you.你周围的人可能会走在你前面,有些人可能会落在你的后面,以及Don't envy them or laugh at them.不要…他们或者嘲笑他们,可知此处是与上文对应的,对于落后你的人不要嘲笑他们,那么对于走在你前面的人也应该是不要“羡慕、嫉妒”他们,故答案选C。

(4)细节理解题。根据Life is about waiting for the right moment to act. Hold on, be strong, and stay true to yourself .Fight in your time zone. 生活就是等待合适的时机去行动,坚持、坚强,忠于自己,在你自己的时区里战斗,可知,如果你现在学习不好,你应该努力工作,等待合适的时机,故答案选D。





Think of life as a game in which you are playing with five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit and you keep all of them in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.

But the other four balls, family, health, friends and spirit, are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be broken and never be the same. You must understand that and try to have balance in your life. How ?

Don't look down on your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different and each of us is special.

Don't let other people set goals for you. Only you know what is best for yourself.

Don't give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Don't be afraid of difficulties. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible. The quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've been, but also where you are going.

Don't be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless. It's a treasure you can always carry easily.

Don't use time or words carelessly. You can't get them back. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery*, and today is a gift; that's why we call it “the present”. Life is not a competition, but a trip, step by step.

(1)According to the passage, the best way to keep love is to ________.

A. say it's impossible

B. give it

C. give it wings

D. hold it tightly

(2)The underlined phrase “bounce back”means that__________.

A. reuse

B. recall

C. review

D. return

(3)According to the passage,which of the following is true?


形容词和副词用法总结及练习 一、形容词: (一)概念:形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征,通常分成两类: 1. 直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词。 2. 叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词,大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。 例如:afraid, asleep, awake, alone, alive, awake, ashamed, alike。 其他常见表语形容词:worth, ready, sorry, well (二)形容词在句中的位置:有的形容词放在被修饰的名词之前,称为前置形容词;少数形容词放在被修饰的名词之后,称为后置形容词。 1)当名词被多个前置形容词修饰时,形容词之间有一个先后顺序问题。一般规则为: (限定词)→一般描绘性形容词→表示大小、长短、高低的形容词→表示年龄、新旧的形容词→表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词→表示物质、材料的形容词→(名词)。如: There is a famous fine old stone bridge near the village. 2)【重点】当形容词词组相当于一个定语从句时,或形容词用来修饰somebody, something, anything, nothing 等的时候,便会出现后置形容词。如: The boy interested in music is my brother. Do you have anything interesting to tell us? 二、副词: (一)概念:用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词的词叫做副词。例如:not(不),here(这里),now(现在)。 不少副词同时也可用作介词或其它词类。如: Have you read this book before? (副词,作时间状语) He will arrive before ten o’clock. (介词,before ten o’clock 是介词短语,作时间状语) (二)副词的种类 1、时间副词: 1)表示发生时间的副词:It’s beginning to rain now! 现在开始下雨了! 2)表示频繁程度的副词,也称频度副词:always, often, usually, sometimes, never, ever, hardly等一般位于系动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前: She often changes her mind. 3)还有一些其他表示时间的副词:He has just had an operation. 他刚动过手术。 2、地点副词: 1)表示地点的副词:She is studying abroad. 她在国外留学。 2)以where 构成的副词也是地点副词:It’s the same everywhere. 到处都一样。 3、【重点】方式副词 1)英语中有大量方式副词,说明行为方式(回答how的问题):How beautifully your wife dances. 2)表示情绪的副词:She smiled gratefully. 3)还有一些以-ly结尾的副词,表示动作发生的状况:He left the town secretly. 4、【重点】程度副词和强调副词 1)程度副词可修饰动词,表示“到某种程度”:Is she badly hurt? 她伤得重吗? [说明] 这类副词除修饰动词外,还可修饰形容词(a)或另一副词(b): a. fairly simple 相当简单quite correct 完全正确 干得很快 2 b. 修饰比较级:You sing much better than me. Their house is much nicer than ours. 5. 【重点】疑问副词和连接副词 1)疑问副词:疑问副词用来引导特殊问句: 2)连接副词:连接副词意思和词形都和疑问副词一样,但都引导从句或与不定式连用: how: Do you know how to start this machine? 你知道这台机器怎样启动吗? where: I don’t know where he lives. 我不知道他住在哪儿。(引导宾语从句) 6. 一些其它类型的副词,如表示方向的副词:Let’s go ins ide. Take two steps forward. (三)副词的位置 1. 副词修饰动词时,通常可以放在句首、句中或句末。如: Usually I do my homework in the evening. (句首) I often get up at six. (句中) Please speak slowly. 2. 副词修饰形容词或副词时,通常放在形容词或副词的前面如: These flowers are quite beautiful. (在形容词前)这些花相当漂亮。


副词和形容词 一、形容词的用法 1.形容词修饰名词,并且放在名词的前面,这时形容词在句子中作定语 例如: a beautiful lady、a tall man、a big house A beautiful lady is standing in front of a tall man. 2.形容词放在be动词的后面,这时形容词在句子中作表语/主语补足语。 例如:The lady is tall. (tall在句子中作表语,说明lady是怎么样的) The beautiful lady is tall. (beautiful在句子中作定语,tall作表语) The beautiful lady is tall and slim. 3.形容词放在连系动词(become成为、seem看起来、taste尝起来、look看起来、smell 闻起来、feel摸起来/感觉、turn变成,等等)后面,在句子中作表语/主语补足语。 例如:The leaf (叶子) turned yellow.树叶变黄了。 — She looks beautiful./ He looks handsome. 她看起来漂亮。/他看来帅气。 The food taste good. 这些食物好吃。 The sweater feels soft. (柔软的;舒服的) He becomes careful. (小心的) 他变得小心了。 The flower smells very good. 花闻起来很香。 Everything seems good. 一切看起来都好。 二、副词的用法 1.副词修饰动词,并且通常放在实义动词后面,这是副词在句子中作方式状语。 例如:The man runs fast. (fast修饰runs这个动作) She jumps high. (high修饰jump这个动作) He finished his homework quickly. (quickly修饰finished这个动作) 2.: 3.副词修饰形容词,并且通常放在形容词的前面 例如:He becomes very handsome. She looks very beautiful. The lady is very tall and slim. 在“副词+形容词”这样的结构中,中心词是形容词,副词只是为了说明程度大小 即:very handsome的中心词是handsome 4.副词前面也可以加副词,例如上面的句子都可以改写成: The man runs very fast. She jumps very high. He finished his homework very quickly. very本身是副词,意思是“非常,很”,所以后面也可以跟副词或者形容词。 三、。 四、填形容词还是副词 动词后面一般都跟副词,但不是所有动词后面都跟副词,实义动词后面跟副词,连系动词后面跟形容词。 例如:She sings beautifully. (sing是实义动词,beautiful用来说明唱得如何)


形容词和副词比较级的用法 形容词和副词的用法 1. 形容词是用来描写或修饰名词或代词的一类词。 在句中主要做定语和表语等成分。做定语时修饰名词或代词(一般为不定代词),修饰名词时常放于名词前,修饰不定代词时常放于不定代词后,做表语时和系动词(简称系词)连用,构成一个系表结构。例如: Can you hear the loud noise? (定语)你听见大的吵闹声了吗? The noise is very loud . (表语)吵声很大 The quiet girl is my sister. (定语)那个安静的女孩是我妹妹。 My sister looks very quiet . (表语)我妹妹看起来很安静。 He lives a happy life. (定语)他过着幸福生活。 He feels happy. (表语)他感觉很快乐。 There is something wrong with the car. (定语)这个小车出毛病了。 I have nothing new to tell you. (定语)我没什么新东西告诉你。 Do you have anything interesting to tell us? (定语)你有一些有趣的东西告诉我们吗? 2. 常和形容词连用构成系表结构的连系动词有: look (看起来,看上去),feel (感觉),taste (尝起来),smell (闻起来),get (变得),turn(变),become(成为,变得),sound (听起来)等。 例如:The weather gets warmer and the trees turn green in spring. 春天天气变暖和了,树变绿了。 The flowers smell sweet. 这些花闻起来很香。 The soup taste nice. 这汤尝上去很好吃。 You look fine. 你看起来气色很好。 3. 副词是用以修饰动词,形容词,其他副词以及全句的词例如: The men and the women walk quickly. 这些男女走得很快。 The children walk slowly. 孩子们走得很慢。 They often laugh loudly. 他们经常大声地笑。 1.原级的构成和用法 l)构成:形容词,副词的原级形式是形容词,副词的原形. 2)用法:表示双方在程度,性质,特征等某方面相等时,用“as 十原级形容词或副词十as”的结构;表示双方不相等时,用“not so (as)十原级形容词或副词十as”的结构;表示一方是另一方的若干倍时,用“倍数十as 十原级形容词或副词十as”的结构. 例如:This building looks not so (as) high as that one. Ms.Sun speaks English as fluently as you. This room is three times as large as that one. 2.比较级的构成和用法 1)比较级和最高级的构成: ①单音节形容词以及少数以- er,- ow结尾的形容词和副词加“er”, great greater narrow narrower fast faster clever cleverer ②以e结尾的单音节形容词和副词后以及少数以- ble,- ple结尾的双音节形容词和副词后,加“r”,. large larger able abler simple simpler ③以一个辅音结尾的单音节形容词,其前的元音字母发短元音时,该辅音字母要双写,然后加“er”,“. hot hotter ④以辅音加y结尾的形容词和少数不是形容词加ly构成的副词要将y改为i,再加“er”, easy easier early earlier happy happier ⑤一般双音节词、多音节形容词和副词在原级前加more


形容词、副词 (一) 知识概要 形容词的用法很活跃,在英语中用处也很多,但英语中修饰可数名词和不可数名词的修饰语和词组有时不同,要特别加以注意。下面将初中学习阶段中遇到的修饰可数名词的词和词组归纳如下:many, no, several, some, a few, a lot, lots, plenty, plenty of, a lot of, a large number of, enough。而修饰不可数名词的词或词组如下:much, no, some, a lot, a great deal, lots, plenty, a lot of, plenty of。 其中some, no, a lot of, plenty of既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。 英语中形容词与副词有原级、比较级、最高级之分,其规则如下: 构词法原级比较级最高级加er,或est Tall young taller younger tallest youngest 只加r或st nice large nicer larger nicest largest 重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母时双写该字母加er、est big fat hot bigger fatter hotter biggest fattest hottest 不规则变化的形容词或副词:

原级比较级最高级 good better best Well better best bad worse worst badly worse worst many more most most more most little less lest far farther further farthest furthest old older elder oldest eldest 要注意的是许多形容词同时又是副词,如:back, all, alone, either, far, high, slow等。而有些形容词则要经过一定变化才能转为副词,其规律如下: 构词法形容词副词 一般加ly Careful kind carefully kindly 尾是y时将y变成i加ly Happy busy easy Happily busily easily 其他true terrible full possible shy whole truly terribly

(高中) 形容词、副词的基本用法及练习

形容词、副词的基本用法 1 形容词及其用法 形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。 1) 直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot 热的。 2) 叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid 害怕的。 (错)He is an ill man. (对)The man is ill. (错)She is an afraid girl. (对)The girl is afraid. 这类词还有: well,unwell,ill,faint,afraid,alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake 等。 3)形容词作定语修饰名词时,要放在名词的前边。但是如果形容词修饰以-thing 为字尾的词语时,要放在这些词之后,例如: something nice 2 以-ly结尾的形容词 1)大部分形容词加-ly可构成副词。但 friendly,deadly,lovely,lonely,likely,lively,ugly,brotherly,仍为形容词。 改错:(错) She sang lovely. (错) He spoke to me very friendly. (对) Her singing was lovely. (对) He spoke to me in a very friendly way. 2)有些以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词。 daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early The Times is a daily paper. The Times is published daily. 3 用形容词表示类别和整体 1)某些形容词加上定冠词可以泛指一类人,与谓语动词的复数连接。如:the dead,the living,the rich,the poor,the blind,the hungry The poor are losing hope. 2)有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族的整体,与动词的复数连用。 the British,the English,the French,the Chinese. The English have wonderful sense of humor. 4 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为:


形容词和副词 一、形容词 形容词修饰名词/不定代词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。一般放所修饰名词前作定语,也可独立作表语/宾补等 1、作定语:①this is an interesting story. ②kitty is a clever cat. 2、作表语:①Yao Ming is very tall. ②our classroom is big and bright. 3、作宾补:①don't make your hands dirty. ②we're trying to make our school beautiful. 可将形容词分成性质形容词+叙述形容词,不一定都放在名词前面。 1、直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot 热的。 2、叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid 害怕的。 (错)He is an ill man. (对)The man is ill. (错)She is an afraid girl. (对)The girl is afraid. 、 这类词还有:well,unwell,ill,faint,afraid,alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake 等。 3)形容词作定语修饰名词时,要放在名词的前边。但是如果形容词修饰以-thing为字尾的词语时,要放在这些词后。例如:something nice 二、以-ly结尾的形容词 1、大部分形容词加-ly可构成副词。但friendly,deadly,lovely,lonely,likely,lively,ugly,brotherly,仍为形容词。 改错:(错)She sang lovely. (错)He spoke to me very friendly. (对)Her singing was lovely. (对)He spoke to me in a very friendly way. 2、有些以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词。daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early ①The Times is a daily paper. ②The Times is published daily. 三、用形容词表示类别和整体 1、某些形容词加上定冠词可泛指一类人,谓语用复数。如:the dead,the living,the rich,the poor,the blind,the hungry。———— The poor are losing hope. — 2、有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族的整体,与动词复数连用。the British,the English,the French,the Chinese. ————The English have wonderful sense of humor. 四、多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 多个形容词修饰名词时,顺序:限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --出处--材料性质,类别) ① a small round table ② a tall gray building a dirty old brown shirt a famous German medical school an expensive Japanese sports car


2019 年中考英语真题--- 形容词和副词词义辨析(一) 1. 【2019 ? 福建省】More and more people have realized that clear water and green mountains are as as mountains of gold a and silver. A. central B. special C. valuable 2. 【2019 ?兰州 市】How ___ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel our football match. A heavily B. light C. heavy D. lightly 3.【2019 ?安徽 省】—The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away. —It's really __ A. secret B. direct C. amazing D. traditional 4. 【2019 ?安徽 省】I came to school _____ this morning because it was my turn to clean our classroom. A. early B. slowly C. quietly D. suddenly 5. 【2019 ?山东滨州市】The artist is so ___ that he can make different changing __________________________________________ pictures with sand. A. common B. careless C. creative D. helpful 6. 【2019 ?山东滨州市】—Confucius Institute (孔子学院) has been set up in many other countries. —Yes, Chinese is _____ spoken in those countries. I am proud of that as a Chinese. A. hardly B. widely C. never D. seldom 7. 【2019 ? 江西省】Peter spoke so ____ that I could hardly hear him.


形容词与副词,连词与介词的用法 一. 语法小结: 形容词的用法: (一)形容词在句中的用法: 1. 定语:I have to look after the sick boy. 2. 表语:Don’t feel bad . Everything will be all right. 以a开头的形容词asleep , alone , alive , awake , afraid , alike , ashamed , aware ,以及content , unable , sure , sorry 等常用作表语,ill , well 等表示身体健康状况时,只作表语。作定语时要用sick 与healthy. 3. 宾补:Who left the door open ? I found him asleep. 4. 状语:He spent seven days in the wind and snow , cold and hungry. (表示动作发生的情 况或方式) Crusoe stared at the footprint , full of fear. (表示动作发生的原因) 5. 作独立成分:Strange to say , he did pass the exam after all. 说也奇怪,他到底还是通过 考试了。 (二)形容词修饰名词的顺序: 1. 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序: 当几个表示不同种类的形容词同时修饰一个名词时,它的顺序是: 限定词 冠词+代词/名词所有格/序数词/基数词+ 类别 +名词中心词 描绘/大小/新旧/颜色/类别 表示限定的词: (1)放在冠词前的形容词有:all , both , such (2)冠词、指示代词、物主代词、不定代词有:a , the , this , that , my , his , some , every , each , etc. (3)序数词放在基数词的前面:the first one(第一),the second half(下半场) 表示类别的词: 表示内在性质的词要放在表示状态的词前。 (1)性质(描绘性形容词):nice , clever , fine , beautiful , interesting (2)状态(大小、新旧等形容词):large , big , old , hot , red , new , young , little (3)专用的形容词(国籍等):Chinese , English … (4)生产原料:wooden , plastic , cotton … 例:It is a useless , old , big , yellow English car. 这是一辆没有用的、旧的、黄色的英国大轿车。 She was a hungry , tired , sleepy little match girl. 她是一个又饿又累又想睡的卖火柴的小女孩。 1

中考英语 形容词和副词

义务教育基础课程初中教学资料 形容词和副词 一、期考典测——他山之石 1.【2015届山东滕州市羊庄中学九年级上期末英语试卷】The mixture didn’t mix__________and ta sted_________. A.good,bad B.bad,well C.good,badly D.well,bad 2.【2014-2015学年广东中山黄圃镇中学九年级下开学检测英语试卷】The question is_________ that nobody can answer it. A. very hard B. too difficult C. strange enough D. so strange 3.【2015届山东滕州木石中学九年级下学业水平模拟1英语试卷】--How do you like this piece of music by Tan Dun? --Well,of all the music that he has written,I think this is his ____ one. A.better-known B.w ell-known C.best-known D.most-known 4.【2015届福建长汀县城区三校九年级12月联考英语试卷】Wang Fan , could you give us ______ on how to learn English _______?\ A. some advices, good B. any advices , well C. some advice , well 5.【2014-2015学年江苏常州西藏民族中学九年级上期末英语试卷】The price of the Iphone6 is _____for the young man. He can’t pay for it himself. A.high B.expensive C. cheap D.cheaper 6.【2014-2015学年江苏常州西藏民族中学九年级上期末英语试卷】His watch is 5 minutes _____. He feels _____now. A.slow; worry B.slow; worried C.slowly; worry D.slowly; worried


本代主要介绍形容词和副词的用法,包含形容词的语法功能,形容词的比较等级,副词 的分类,副词的语法功能等内容后面带有练习题内容很多,知识点也比较齐全 一、概述 形容词和副词都是起修饰作用的词类,两者的区别之一就在于它们所修饰的对象不同。形容词主要用来说明或修饰名词或代词,描述名词或代词所代表人或事物的性质,增加或补充其含意,从而限制或缩小其适用范围。副词的主要功能是修饰动词,形容词或其它副词有时也可以修饰全句。 Boris has brains. In fact,I doubt whether any one in the class has a higher IQ. 保利斯有头脑。事实上,我怀疑班上是否有人比他智商高。(形容词修饰名词) 二、形容词 1、形容词的定义 形容词用来修饰和形容名词,表示名词的属性,补充说明它的意思。 a big house 一幢大房子a new bicycle一辆新自行车 2、形容词的语法功能 形容词修饰名词或不定代词,表示人或事物的性质、特征或状态,在句子中主要用作定语、表语、补足语、状语等。 (1)作定语 ①前置定语 a.形容词作定语一般需放在它所修饰的名词之前并尽量靠近被修饰的词。在这种位置上的定语叫前置定语。语序一般为“冠词(或其他限定词)+形容词+名词”。 He is an honest boy.他是个诚实的孩子。 b.若有多个形容修饰名词,它们的位置要由它们与被修饰词的密切程度来决定。关系最密切的形容词靠近被修饰词,而关系较远的离被修饰词则相对较远。其排列顺序通常是:限定词+描绘性形容词+颜色+国籍、地区+用途、类别+名词。 the happy and healthy children幸福而健康的孩子们 -It was great. We vis it ed some friends, and spent the last few sunny days at the seaside. 很好。我们拜访了朋友,在海边度过最后几天阳光明媚的日子。 巧记形容词的排列顺序: “县官行令谢国材”帮你掌握英语里形容词的排列次序。 “县”(限)代表限定词,包括:冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、名词所有格、数词等。“官”(观)代表表示观点的描绘性形容词。 “行”(形)代表表示大小、长短、高低及形状的形容词。 “令”(龄)代表表示年龄、新、旧的形容词。 “谢”(“色”的近似音)代表表示颜色的形容词等。 “国”代表表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词(名词)等。 “材”则代表形成中心名词的材料的形容词,stone,wooden,silk,plastic等。


形容词和副词用法总结及练习 一、形容词: (一)概念:形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征,通常分成两类: 1.直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词。 2.叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词,大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。 例如:afraid,asleep, awake,alone,alive, awake, ashamed,alike。 其他常见表语形容词:worth,ready, sorry,well (二)形容词在句中的位置:有的形容词放在被修饰的名词之前,称为前置形容词;少数形容词放在被修饰的名词之 后,称为后置形容词。 1)当名词被多个前置形容词修饰时,形容词之间有一个先后顺序问题。一般规则为: (限定词)→一般描绘性形容词→表示大小、长短、高低的形容词→表示年龄、新旧的形容词→表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词→表示物质、材料的形容词→(名词)。如: There is a famous fine oldstone bridge near thevillage. 2)【重点】当形容词词组相当于一个定语从句时,或形容词用来修饰somebody, something, anything, nothing等的时候,便会出现后置形容词。如: The boy interested inmusic ismybrother. Doyou have anythinginterest ing to tell us? 二、副词: (一)概念:用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词的词叫做副词。例如: not(不),here(这里),now(现在)。不少副 词同时也可用作介词或其它词类。如: Have you read this book before?(副词,作时间状语) He willarrive before ten o’clock.(介词,before ten o’clock是介词短语,作时间状语) (二)副词的种类 1、时间副词: 1)表示发生时间的副词:It’s beginningtorain now!现在开始下雨了! 2)表示频繁程度的副词,也称频度副词:always, often, usually, sometimes,never, ever, hardly 等 一般位于系动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前: She often changes her mind. 3)还有一些其他表示时间的副词:Hehas just had an operation. 他刚动过手术。 2、地点副词: 1)表示地点的副词:Sheis studyingabroad. 她在国外留学。 2)以where 构成的副词也是地点副词:It’sthesame everywhere. 到处都一样。 3、【重点】方式副词 1)英语中有大量方式副词,说明行为方式(回答how的问题):How beautifullyyourwifedances. 2)表示情绪的副词:She smiled gratefully. 3)还有一些以-ly结尾的副词,表示动作发生的状况:He leftthetown secretly. 4、【重点】程度副词和强调副词 1)程度副词可修饰动词,表示“到某种程度”:Is she badly hurt? 她伤得重吗? [说明] 这类副词除修饰动词外,还可修饰形容词(a)或另一副词(b): a. fairly simple 相当简单quitecorrect 完全正确 it very quickly 干得很快 2: oodat singing. b.修饰比较级:Yousingmuch better than me. Their house ismuchnicer thanours. 5.【重点】疑问副词和连接副词 1)疑问副词: 疑问副词用来引导特殊问句: 2)连接副词:连接副词意思和词形都和疑问副词一样,但都引导从句或与不定式连用: how: Do you know howto startthis machine?你知道这台机器怎样启动吗? where: I don’t know wherehe lives. 我不知道他住在哪儿。(引导宾语从句) 6. 一些其它类型的副词,如表示方向的副词: Let’s goinside.Taketwo steps forward.


形容词与副词的用法 一、形容词的用法。 1、作定语,放在名词的前面。例如:a big room 2、作表语,放在连系动词的后面,构成系表结构。例如:She feels warm. 常见的连系动词有: ①be “是”例如: It is big. ②feel “感到,摸起来…”例如: Lily feels happy. ③look “看起来…”例如: The old man looks tired. ④get “变得…..”例如: The weather gets hot. ⑤become “变得…..”例如: The story becomes true. ⑥turn “变得(用于颜色)…..”例如: When spring comes, leaves turn green. ⑦sound “听起来…..”例如: The song sounds beautiful. ⑧taste “尝起来….”例如: The cookies taste nice. ⑨smell “闻起来…..”例如: The food smells good. 二、副词的用法。 1、修饰行为动词。例如:Tom runs quickly. 2、修饰形容词。例如:Lily looks quite excited. 3、修饰其它副词。例如:She studies very hard. 三、很多形容词可以通过加ly构成副词. 1、直接加ly ,例如:slow----slowly 2、辅音字母加结尾的,改y 为加i ,例如:happy----happily 四、一些词本身既是形容词,也是副词。例如: early(早), late(迟), high(高), fast(快), far(远)…. 形容词与副词比较等级的构成: 形容词与副词通常有三个等级:即原级, 比较级, 最高级. 它们的变化如下: 一、规则变化: 1、一般情况下加----er, est. 如: small---smaller—smallest fast—faster--fastest 2、以不发音的e结尾的,加—r, ---st. 如: late—later—latest large—larger---largest 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的, 把y改为i加—er, ---est. happy---happier—happiest early—earlier—earliest


形容词和副词 形容词及其用法 以-ly结尾的形容词 用形容词表示类别和整体 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 副词及其基本用法 兼有两种形式的副词 形容词与副词的比较级 as+形容词或副词原级+as 比较级形容词或副词+than 可修饰比较级的词 many,old和far the+最高级+比较范围 和more有关的词组 4. 形容词和副词 4.1 形容词及其用法 形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。 1)直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot 热的。 2)叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid 害怕的。 (错)He is an ill man. (对)The man is ill. (错)She is an afraid girl. (对)The girl is afraid. 这类词还有:well,unwell,ill,faint,afraid,alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake 等。 3)形容词作定语修饰名词时,要放在名词的前边。但是如果形容词修饰以-thing为字尾的词语时,要放在这些词之后,例如:something nice 4.1 形容词及其用法

形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。 1)直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot 热的。 2)叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a 开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid 害怕的。 (错)He is an ill man. (对)The man is ill. (错)She is an afraid girl. (对)The girl is afraid. 这类词还有:well,unwell,ill,faint,afraid,alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake 等。 3)形容词作定语修饰名词时,要放在名词的前边。但是如果形容词修饰以-thing为字尾的词语时,要放在这些词之后,例如: something nice 4.2 以-ly结尾的形容词 1)大部分形容词加-ly可构成副词。但friendly,deadly,lovely,lonely,likely,lively,ugly,brotherly,仍为形容词。 改错:(错)She sang lovely. (错)He spoke to me very friendly. (对)Her singing was lovely. (对)He spoke to me in a very friendly way. 2)有些以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词。 daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early The Times is a daily paper. The Times is published daily. 4.2 以-ly结尾的形容词


高考英语:形容词和副词 【考查要点】 1) 原级,比较级、最高级的选用及应用范围,复习中须注意如下句型的用法: ①as + 原级adj. / adv. + as表“和…一样”;not as / so + 原级adj. / adv. + as表“不如…”。 例如:John plays football as well as David. Tom does not play the piano so/as well as Jack. The violin in the other shop will be cheaper, but not as good. ②as + 原级adj. + a(n) + n. + as表“跟…一样”。 如It’s believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science. Our neighbor has as big a house as ours. ③比较级+ than表“比…更”;less+原级+ than表“不如…”。 如:This year they have produced less grain than they did last year. This road is wider than that one. | ④the + 比较级,the + 比较级表示“越…,就会越…”。 例如:It’s believed that the harder you work, the better result you’ll get. ⑤the +比较级+ of the + two/名词/代词表两者中“较…的一个”。如:Who is the younger of the two boys ⑥比较级+and+ 比较级表示:越来越…。如:Our country is getting stronger and stronger. ⑦用the last表示“最不可能的”、“最不适合的”、“最不希望的”等。 例如: The last thing I want to do is to offend you.我最不愿意做的就是惹你生气。 (8)a / an+ 形容词最高级,表示的是:‘很,非常,极其’等意思,不是真正比较。就是一种语气:She is a best friend of mine.她是我一位非常要好的朋友。 考点1:形容词作表语,形容词、副词作后置定语 adj修饰something, nothing, anything, everything等不定代词时,要后置。Something new. * ②present作“出席的”时只作后置定语。③表语形容词alive, asleep, awake, alone等作后置定语。 ④副词修饰动词时, 放在动词之后。修饰形容词或副词时, 放在被修饰词之前。 enough修饰形容词、副词时要后置,修饰名词时可放在名词的前后。形容词短语修饰名词作主语时要后置。 用and或or连接的形容词作定语时要后置, 起强调作用。表数量的词作定语时要后置。 副词修饰形容词的特殊词序, “so, as, how, too + 形容词+ 单数可数名词”。 考点2:倍数表达法(重点) 1)倍数+ as + 原级形容词+ as ...。如:This road is three times as long as that one. 2)倍数+ the size / length / width / depth / height of ...。如:The river is five times the width of that one. 3)倍数+ 比较级+ than + 被比较对象。如:The sun is a million times larger than the earth. 考点3:多个形容词作定语时的排序问题 @ 1) 多个形容词作定语时的排序遵从如下规律:限定词+描绘性形容词(beautiful)+大小、长短、高低等形容性形
