english song 英文歌大集合


幼儿园儿童英语歌曲推荐 幼儿园英语歌曲

幼儿园儿童英语歌曲推荐 幼儿园英语歌曲





1.《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》这首经典的英语儿歌是孩子们非常喜爱的歌曲之一。


2.《The Wheels on the Bus》这是一首非常欢快的英语歌曲,歌词讲述的是公共汽车上的趣事,孩子们可以通过歌曲了解到汽车部件的名称,并且能够通过跟唱的方式来锻炼他们的口语表达能力。

3.《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》这首歌曲通过农场里各种动物的叫声,让孩子们学习了解并记忆了不少动物的名称,而且简单的歌词也容易被幼儿接受和记忆。

4.《If You're Happy and You Know It》这是一首非常活泼的英语歌曲,旋律轻快,歌词简单,孩子们可以通过这首歌曲学习到一些情绪和动作的表达,同时也能够提高他们的听力和跟唱能力。

5.《Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes》这首歌曲通过反复唱头、肩膀、膝盖和脚的部位,让孩子们在欢快的音乐中学习到身体部位的英文名称,这对幼儿的身体认知和英语学习都非常有益。




6. 《Itsy Bitsy Spider》这首歌曲以小蜘蛛的故事为主题,通过简单的歌词和欢快的旋律,让孩子们轻松地学习了解了小动物和天气现象的表达,同时也能够锻炼他们的发音和语速,是一首非常适合幼儿园学习英语的歌曲。



English song 英文歌Chinese song 中国歌music express 音乐快车Music appreciation [əˌpri:ʃiˈeɪʃn]音乐欣赏solfeggio [sɒl'fedʒɪəʊ] 视唱练耳音乐理论名词The Stave五线谱子(the staff) staff notation五线谱musical notation 乐谱Rhythm 节奏music theory 乐理rhythm 节奏Sound 声音Sing 唱歌Song 歌曲Breath 呼吸bass clef 低音谱号Pulse 脉冲alto clef中音谱号Vocal 发声Scale 音阶[skeɪl ] Performance表演Percussion 打击乐pitch 音高(距离)Composing作曲Listening 聆听Major 大调minor 小调Triads 和弦Tonic主音Barlines 小节线Bar小节timbre音色tempo 速度dynamics力度beat 节拍vocal 声乐pitch name 音名yllable唱名compass 音域semitone 半音whole tone全音interval音程dynamics 力度chord和弦Harmony 和声Polyphony 复调Musical Analysis 曲式Percussion打击乐phrase 乐句symbols符号notation记号标志flats降号sharps升号naturals还原号Dotted notes 附点rests note休止符号accompaniment 伴奏treble clef [ˈtrebəl klef]高音谱号musical note音符全音符whole note (semibreves)二分音符half note (minims)四分音符Quarter note (crotchets)八分音符eighth note (Quavers)十六分音符sixteenth note音乐名词Video视频oudio音频band乐队belcanto 美声singer歌唱家dancer舞蹈家artist艺术家musician音乐家actor演员solo独奏part声部echo回声opera歌剧conductor指挥Orchestra管弦乐团Chorus 合唱队theatre戏剧院Historyof Music 音乐史musical drama音乐剧ballet 芭蕾舞 conservatory音乐学校Bel Canto 美声唱法Music Aesthetics音乐美学Research of World Music 世界音乐研究Instruments Practice 乐器练习Aural Practice 听力练习音乐类型:classical music, 古典音乐 world music世界音乐pop music流行音乐jazz music爵士音乐Symphony 交响乐Chinese folk music中国民族音乐light music轻音乐children’s music儿童音乐western music 西方音乐交响乐器:Percussion family打击乐:Bassdrum大鼓Castanet响板tambourine 铃鼓hand bell手铃Cymbals 镲timpani定音鼓Triangle 三角铁maracas沙锤snare drum军鼓tambourine铃鼓gong锣marimba马林巴muyu(temple blocks)木鱼String family弦乐:violin小提viola中提cello大提double bass贝司Woodwind family木管乐:piccolo短笛Flute长笛clarinet单簧oboe双簧English horn英国管bassoon大管bagpipe风笛Brass family铜管乐:trumpet 小号trombone 长号tuba 大号French horn 法国号double brass低音铜管其它乐器:harmonica口琴harp竖琴guitar吉它keybords 键盘piano钢琴。






首先,我们来介绍最受欢迎的10首少儿英文歌曲:1、《Let It Go》由加拿大女歌手珍妮罗森演唱,这首歌是迪士尼电影《冰雪奇缘》中的主题曲。



3、《Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes》,这首歌曲通过一些单词描述人的身体,它帮助孩子们学习小学英语,也可以增强他们的记忆力。

4、《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》是一首经典的儿童歌曲,它让孩子们感受到农村生活的乐趣,也可以教小朋友认识农场动物和植物的名称。

5、《The ABC Song》一首经典的学习歌曲,它可以帮助孩子们学习字母表。

此外,还有90首少儿英文歌曲是近年来也很受欢迎的:6、《Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star》,这是一首古老的英语儿歌,它让孩子们想象月亮和星星,让他们学习英语单词。

7、《If You Happy and You Know It》,一首充满活力的歌曲,它有助于儿童表达自己的情感,帮助他们学习表达情感。

8、《Three Little Kittens》,一首宝宝们最爱的歌曲,它可以增强孩子的想象力,也可以激发他们的创造力。

9、《Where is Thumbkin》,一首有趣的歌曲,它让孩子们学习认识手指,也可以提高他们英语口语能力。

10、《What A Wonderful World》,来自美国民谣歌手路易斯阿姆斯特朗的一首最经典的歌曲,它能够让孩子们体会美好的、和谐的世界。



适合大学生练习听力的100首Englishsongs1 沉默之声The Sound Of Silence2 爱的细语There's A Kind Of Hush3 阳光季节Seasons In The Sun4 唱首忧郁的歌Song Sung Blue5 在老橡树上系黄丝带Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree6 雨的旋律Rhythm of The Rain7 七个寂寞的日子Seven Lonely Days8 超级迷你比基尼Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini9 波夫Puff10 柠檬树Lemon Tree11 花落何处 Where Have All The Flowers Gone?12 顺其自然Let It Be13 昨日重现Yesterday Once More14 甜心Dear Heart15 太年轻Too Young16 低语的松树 Whispering Pines17 世界末日The End Of The World18 我的家乡My Hometown19 大江东去The River Of No Return20 田纳西华尔兹Tennessee Waltz21 破晓Morning Has Broken22 恶水上的大桥Bridge Over Troubled Water23 让它是我Let It Be Me24 再见,吾爱Bye Bye, Love25 无法停止爱你I Can't Stop Loving You26 只有你Only You27 世事不可强求Que Sera, Sera28 雨点不断落在我头上Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head29 某处,吾爱Somewhere My Love30 在雨中哭泣Crying In The Rain31 跳舞吧,小女孩Dance On, Little Girl32 爱你在心口难开More Than I Can Say33 玫瑰,玫瑰我爱你Rose, Rose, I Love You34 清晨In The Morning35 往日情怀The Way We Were36 北上阿拉斯加North T o Alaska37 老鹰之歌El Condor Pasa38 乡村路带我回家T ake Me Home Country Roads39 邮差先生Please Mr. Postman40 黄河镇Yellow River41 放开我Release Me42 最后华尔兹The Last Waltz43 孤枕难眠I Don't Like To Sleep Alone44 想象Imagine45 不再坠入情网I'll Never Fall In. Love Again46 轻歌销魂Killing Me Softly With His Song47 婚礼The Wedding48 雪鸟Snowbird49 黛咪T ammy50 情感Feelings51 假如If52 小白鸽Paloma Blanca53 今日Today54 无须说爱我You Don't Have To Say You Love Me55 奔放的旋律Unchained Melody56 与我吻别Kiss Me Goodbye57 只有寻梦去All I Have To Do Is Dream58 小白花Edelweiss59 将头*在我肩上Put Your Head On My Shoulder60 黄鸟儿Yellow Bird61 全为了一个女孩的爱All For The Love Of A Girl62 轻声细诉,爱人Speak Softly, Love63 交换舞伴Changing Partners64 我参加你的婚礼I Went To Your Wedding65 给约翰的一封信 A Dear John Letter66 月亮河Moon River67 黛安娜Diana68 哦,卡罗Oh! Carol69 试着回忆Try To Remember70 什锦烩饭Jambalaya71 时机不再72 唯有孤寂Only The Lonely73 我明白I Understand74 全心全意爱我Love Me With All Of Your Heart75 深夜陌生人Strangers In The Night76 离家五百里Five Hundred Miles77 昨日Yesterday78 走在雨中Just Walking In The Rain79 阳光在我肩上Sunshine On My Shoulders80 我希望你要我I'd Love You To Want Me81 你欺骗的心Your Cheating Heart82 麻萨诸塞州Massachusetts83 丹尼男孩Danny Boy84 今晚你寂寞吗Are You Lonesome T onight85 随风飘荡Blowing In The Wind86 敲三下Knock Three Times87 不再No More88 热爱着你Devoted To You89 旧金山San Francisco90 棉花田Cotton Field91 亲爱的Sugar, Sugar92 世界之顶Top Of The World93 你照亮我的生命You Light Up My Life94 玫瑰花园Rose Garden95 如果你爱我If You Love Me96 史东妮Stoney97 我不知如何爱他I Don't Know How To Love Him98 温柔地爱我Love Me Tender99 你偷走巨厦The Mansion You Stole00A thousand miles(卡尔顿)100在我肩上哭泣 Cry on my should1.蝙蝠身上插鸡毛--你算什么鸟2.苍蝇采蜜--装疯(蜂)3.茶壶里的水--滚开4.大火烧竹林--一片光棍5.炊事员行军--替人背黑锅6.从河南到湖南--难上加难7.吃饱了的牛肚子--草包8.裁缝不带尺--存心不量(良)9.《百家姓》去掉赵--开口就是钱10.鼻孔喝水--够呛11.车祸--乘人之危12.唱戏的腿抽筋--下不了台13.擦粉进棺材--死要面子14.医生卖棺材--死活都要钱15.肮脏他娘哭肮脏--肮脏死了16.布告贴在楼顶上-~天知道17.一个耳朵大,一个耳朵小--猪狗养的18.二十一天不出鸡--坏蛋19.五百块分两下--二百五20.牛屎虫搬家--滚蛋21.石头放在鸡窝里--混蛋22.老肥猪上屠--挨刀的货23.有大哥有二弟--你算老几24.芝麻地里撒黄豆--杂种25.吊死鬼打粉插花-~死不要脸26.茅厕里题诗--臭秀才27茅房里打灯笼--照屎(找死)28.狗咬叫花子--畜牲也欺人29.狗咬皮影子--没一点人味30.骆驼生驴子--怪种31.种地不出苗--坏种32.看衣服行事--狗眼看人33.铁匠铺的料--挨打的货34.强盗画影像--就你那副贼形35.墙头上跑马--不回头的畜牲36.瞎子拉琴--瞎扯37.上打口红--装纯(唇)38.春哥敲门--蠢(春)到家了。



鄙人酷爱看美国大片,听英文歌曲,久而久之就听了N多首English songs!~ 常言说要想学好一个国家的语言就要先熟悉他们的音乐,所以起初本人单纯的想通过听英文歌曲看英文电影来练习英语听力,后来发现确实有那么些作用——听力好了那么点!我也从当时逼着自己听英文歌逐渐变成了灰常喜欢!在此本人斗胆推荐一些我个人灰常喜欢的E-songs给那些喜欢听英文歌却不知何处觅歌的同学,相信总有那么几首会是你喜欢听的!OK,here we go!1:we are the world ------------Michael Jackson 史上最著名公益单曲,45位歌星联袂演唱,想着歌曲产生的背景来听这首歌,绝对震撼和感动!此歌本人百听不厌!!!2:Thriller -----------Michael Jackson 标志着现代MV的产生!MJ主打曲之一3:you are not alone---------- Michael Jackson 公认为MJ抒情歌曲的代表作,经典铸就!4:Billie Jean ---------- Michael Jackson 普遍认为是MJ音乐生涯最成功的单曲,太空步即始于此!也是MJ至今为止最畅销的单曲!5:Beat it(避开)-----------Michael Jackson 这首歌估计很多人都听过吧!是一首反暴力音乐作品!动感十足!Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊)是在世界各地都极具影响力的流行音乐歌手,其必将成为永恒的经典!MJ是我最喜欢的外国歌手!不仅因为歌经典,本人更喜欢的是他做音乐的意图!他的两次诺贝尔和平奖提名不是徒有虚名的!他有太多经典歌曲,在此我仅列出5首,如果喜欢他的歌,可上网自己搜,听他的歌一定要仔细看歌词,细细体味!6: Stay --------------TONYA MITCHELL 一听就喜欢7: over it --------------katharine mcphee 旋律灰常美8: loving you --------------minnie riperton 狠抒情的一首歌9: how do you do --------------befour 慢摇风格的一首歌,男生的偏爱10:I'll miss you --------------Amanda Lear 朗读配上音乐!好听!11:it's not goodbye---------------Laura Pausini 抒情歌12: I Hate This Part---------------The Pussycat Dolls 这旋律你肯定听过13:Take A Bow --------------Madonna 个人认为是麦当娜最好听最抒情的一首歌14:La Isla Bonita -------------Madonna 麦当娜最为人所熟知的一首歌15:Tik Tok -------------Ke HIP-POP风格,好听16:we belong together-------- Mariah Carey 好听17:Let Me Love You ------------Mario 乡村曲风18:burning out -------------tata young 很有意境的一首歌19:you can trust in me---------Tang nguoi toi yeu歌曲旋律简单而柔美,一种温馨的感觉20:need you now ------------Lady Antebellum2010billboard排行榜年度歌曲第二名21:If I Were A Boy -----------Beyonce 碧昂斯的,个人认为是其最好听的歌曲22:killing me softly with his song-----Anne murray 也是相当抒情的一首歌23:Baby -----------Justin Bieber 17岁男孩的纯净声音24:Never Say Never---------Justin Bieber 这种声音你会喜欢的25:love me ------------Justin Bieber 你羡慕不来滴26:Dilemma ------------Kelly 此曲一出即火到爆27:Craigie Hill -------------Cara Dillon 清新纯美略带空灵的嗓音适合静静的听28:Me And You --------------六甲官锭/AL 女生版,很好听因为是台湾歌手29:you're my everything---六甲官锭/AL Me And You男生版所以音不是很准30:buttons ------------ the pussycat dolls 魅力舞蹈专用曲31:only love ----------- Trademark That’s something only love can do 32: My love -------------- WestLife33:That's why -------------- Michael Learns To Rock迈克学摇滚的经典曲目34:soledad -------------- WestLife 被SHE翻唱的紫藤花35:as long as you love me------- Backstreet Boys 后街经典36:i want it that way -------------Backstreet Boys37:U Make Me Wanna----------- Blue38:An Angel ------------Declan Galbraith 相当纯净的声音39:always come back to your love--- Samantha Mumba40:Let Me Breathe ------------Danielle Diiorio 狠柔情的一首歌41:Burning ------------Maria Arredondo42:Because Of You ------------Kelly Clarkson43:sorry ------------Queensberry 好听44:When There Was Me And You-----Vanessa Anne Hudgens 好听经典45:Far Away From Home---------Groove Coverage 好听经典压轴下面是一些有舞曲,Hip-pop风格的歌45:floorfiller ------------- A Teens 你应该听过的46:Boyfriend -------------- Ashlee Simpson47:your love is my drug----------- Ke$ha48:apologize ------------Timbaland49:Boom Boom Pow ------------- Black Eyed Peas50:the magic key ------------ One-T And Cool-T51:everybody -----------Backstreet Boys52:wait til you here from you----Sarah Connor53:she ------------ Groove Coverage54:all for you ------------ACE OF BASE55:Ein Kleines Lied ------------Candee56:Stand ---------------Jewel57:sexy sexy lover --------------Modern Talking 超喜欢的一首舞曲暂时列出这么多,Whether you like it or not, it’s all up to you!初高中听的诸如大大世界,昨日重现,此情可待等都是大家熟知的就不多说了!:。

super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集

super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集

super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集以下是为您生成的二十条主题为“super simple songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集”的相关文案,每条文案都包含了运用的例子:1. 哇塞,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,这简直就是孩子英语世界的魔法宝盒!就像给孩子插上了飞向英语乐园的翅膀,你能想象他们在这个乐园里快乐翱翔的样子吗?比如《The Wheels on the Bus》,那欢快的旋律,孩子跟着唱起来,英语单词不就自然而然记住啦?2. 朋友们,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集真的太绝啦!这不就是给孩子们打开英语大门的神奇钥匙嘛!像《Five Little Monkeys》,每次播放,孩子都跟着手舞足蹈,难道这还不能让孩子爱上英语?3. 天呐,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,简直是英语启蒙的超级神器!好比是一艘带领孩子畅游英语海洋的快艇。

就说《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》,孩子唱着就能认识好多动物单词,这难道不神奇吗?4. 亲,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集可太棒啦!它就像一座充满惊喜的英语城堡,等着孩子们去探索。

像《If You're Happy and You Know It》,孩子一唱就开心得不得了,难道您不想让孩子也这样快乐学英语?语学习路上的璀璨星光呀!如同为孩子点亮了英语梦想的灯塔。

比如说《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》,优美的旋律,孩子能不陶醉其中?6. 嘿,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,那可真是不得了!简直是孩子英语启蒙的秘密武器!就像《Head Shoulders Knees and Toes》,边唱边指,英语身体部位单词轻松掌握,这效果难道不好?7. 哇哦,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,这绝对是开启孩子英语智慧的宝藏!宛如一个装满英语知识糖果的罐子。



百灵鸟孩子最喜欢的50首英文歌Title: Top 50 English Songs Loved by Bai Ling Bird KidsBai Ling Bird Kids are known for their love of music, especially English songs. Here is a list of the top 50 English songs that Bai Ling Bird Kids absolutely love:1. "Old McDonald Had a Farm" - Traditional2. "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" - Traditional3. "The Wheels on the Bus" - Traditional4. "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" - Traditional5. "If You're Happy and You Know It" - Traditional6. "Baby Shark" - Pinkfong7. "Let It Go" - Idina Menzel8. "Baby Beluga" - Raffi9. "You Are My Sunshine" - Traditional10. "The Alphabet Song" - Traditional11. "Rock-a-bye Baby" - Traditional12. "Do-Re-Mi" - Julie Andrews13. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole14. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" - The Tokens15. "Hakuna Matata" - The Lion King16. "Under the Sea" - The Little Mermaid17. "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" - Mary Poppins18. "Beauty and the Beast" - Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson19. "A Whole New World" - Aladdin20. "Part of Your World" - The Little Mermaid21. "You've Got a Friend in Me" - Toy Story22. "Circle of Life" - The Lion King23. "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" - The Lion King24. "Colors of the Wind" - Pocahontas25. "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" - The Lion King26. "Reflection" - Mulan27. "Friend Like Me" - Aladdin28. "Let's Go Fly a Kite" - Mary Poppins29. "The Bear Necessities" - The Jungle Book30. "Heigh-Ho" - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs31. "Just Around the Riverbend" - Pocahontas32. "A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes" - Cinderella33. "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" - Song of the South34. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" - Cinderella35. "When You Wish Upon a Star" - Pinocchio36. "The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers" - Winnie the Pooh37. "A Spoonful of Sugar" - Mary Poppins38. "I Wanna Be Like You" - The Jungle Book39. "If I Didn't Have You" - Monsters, Inc.40. "When She Loved Me" - Toy Story 241. "Why Should I Worry?" - Oliver and Company42. "A Girl Worth Fighting For" - Mulan43. "True Love's Kiss" - Enchanted44. "I See the Light" - Tangled45. "Almost There" - The Princess and the Frog46. "Go the Distance" - Hercules47. "Love Is an Open Door" - Frozen48. "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride" - Lilo and Stitch49. "Bare Necessities" - The Jungle Book50. "Chim Chim Cher-ee" - Mary PoppinsThese songs are not only fun and entertaining but also educational, helping Bai Ling Bird Kids improve their English vocabulary and pronunciation. Let the music play and the learning begin!。



英文儿歌100首简单的Sure! Here are 100 popular and simple English nursery rhymes:1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.2. Old MacDonald Had a Farm.3. Itsy Bitsy Spider.4. Row, Row, Row Your Boat.5. The Wheels on the Bus.6. Mary Had a Little Lamb.7. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.8. If You're Happy and You Know It.9. Five Little Ducks.10. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.11. Humpty Dumpty.12. London Bridge is Falling Down.13. Hickory Dickory Dock.14. The Alphabet Song (ABC)。

15. The Hokey Pokey.16. This Old Man.17. Little Miss Muffet.18. Jack and Jill.19. The Itsy Bitsy Spider.20. Ring Around the Rosie.21. I'm a Little Teapot.22. Pop Goes the Weasel.23. The Farmer in the Dell.24. Three Blind Mice.25. Ten in the Bed.26. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.27. Pat-a-Cake.28. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe.29. The Muffin Man.30. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.31. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary.32. Little Bo Peep.33. Polly Put the Kettle On.34. Simple Simon.35. Sing a Song of Sixpence.36. Hey Diddle Diddle.37. Little Boy Blue.38. Little Jack Horner.39. Old King Cole.40. Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater.41. The Grand Old Duke of York.42. There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe.43. Little Tommy Tucker.44. Little Polly Flinders.45. Little Robin Redbreast.46. Pease Porridge Hot.47. Wee Willie Winkie.48. The Queen of Hearts.49. Little Nut Tree.50. Oranges and Lemons.51. Lavender's Blue.52. The North Wind Doth Blow.53. Girls and Boys Come Out to Play.54. Georgie Porgie.55. Little Betty Blue.56. Little Nancy Etticoat.57. Lucy Locket.58. Little Bo Peep.59. Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son.60. Ride a Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross.61. Curly Locks.62. Little Poll Parrot.63. Cross Patch.64. Goosey, Goosey Gander.65. Hot Cross Buns.66. Little Arabella Miller.67. Little Boy Blue.68. Little Bo-Peep.69. Little Jumping Joan.70. Little Miss Muffet.71. Little Polly Flinders.72. Little Robin Redbreast.73. Little Tommy Tucker.74. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary.75. Mistress Mary.76. Old Mother Hubbard.77. Pease Porridge Hot.78. Peter Piper.79. Pussycat, Pussycat.80. Ride a Cock-Horse.81. Robin and Richard.82. Rock-a-Bye Baby.83. Sing a Song of Sixpence.84. The Cat and the Fiddle.85. The Crooked Man.86. The Man in the Moon.87. The Old Woman and Her Pig.88. The Queen of Hearts.89. The Three Wise Men of Gotham.90. There Was a Crooked Man.91. There Was an Old Woman.92. Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son.93. Tom, the Piper's Son.94. Wee Willie Winkie.95. When I Was a Bachelor.96. Where Are You Going.97. Where Are You Going.98. Where Are You Going.99. Where Are You Going.100. Where Are You Going.These nursery rhymes are not only simple but also very popular among children. They are a great way to introduce young learners to the English language and help them develop their language skills in a fun and engaging way.。



84.When You Believe《当你相信》 (Mariah Carey&whitney houston)
85.Someone 你说要送我花 如今空空的花瓶却堆满灰尘 - 统一冰红茶广告歌 (孙燕姿)
86.Better Man (robbie williams)
87.Beautiful material《美丽》 (Christina Aguilera)
33.Bring It All Back《回到过去》蔡依林don`t stop原曲 (S CLUB 7)
34.the winners song (Geraldine McQueen)
35.Bad Day《糟糕的一天》总会过去 (daniel powter)
36.I believe I Can Fly 我相信我能飞翔 (R kelly)
30.The Journey《旅途》珍爱生命中的每时每刻 (911)
31.Just stand up^~公益歌曲:勇敢站起来~ (Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Rihann)
32.Dare to dream 悉尼奥运会闭幕式歌曲 (Olivia Newton-John & John Farn)
65.what you wanna be (drin)
66.promises don't come easy <诺言来得不易> (Caron Nightingale)
67.fame 电影《名扬四海》插曲 (Irene Cara)
68.We move in silence 明天,太阳下不再有任何争斗 (Club 8)
88.You raise me up《你鼓舞了我》--女声版 (celtic woman)



直复式营销策划的古老经典1.直复式营销概念2.直复式营销的特点3.直复式营销的媒介4.五个直复式营销策略5.倍增企业利润的3大策略和6大秘诀6.直复式营销12个不为人知的营销策略7.直复式营销永不过时的营销理念1.直复式营销概念美国直复营销协会(ADMA)为直复营销下的定义,直复营销(DIRECT -MARKETING)是一种为了在任何地方产生可度量的反应和(或)达成交易而使用一种或多种广告媒体的相互作用的市场营销体系。




















英文儿歌曲经典100首Sure, there are numerous classic English children's songs that have been cherished by generations. Here are 100 timeless favorites:1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.2. Old MacDonald Had a Farm.3. The Wheels on the Bus.4. If You're Happy and You Know It.5. Row, Row, Row Your Boat.6. Itsy Bitsy Spider.7. Mary Had a Little Lamb.8. London Bridge is Falling Down.9. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.10. The Alphabet Song (A-B-C)。

11. This Old Man.12. Humpty Dumpty.13. Hickory Dickory Dock.14. Pop Goes the Weasel.15. The Farmer in the Dell.16. I'm a Little Teapot.17. The Hokey Pokey.18. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.19. The Ants Go Marching.20. Five Little Ducks.21. Ten in the Bed.22. Five Little Monkeys.23. The Grand Old Duke of York.24. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone.25. Oh! Susanna.26. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain.27. Oh, My Darling Clementine.28. Polly Wolly Doodle.29. The Muffin Man.30. Skip to My Lou.31. Yankee Doodle.32. I've Been Working on the Railroad.33. Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be?34. Little Bo Peep.35. Lavender's Blue.36. Jack and Jill.37. Simple Simon.38. The More We Get Together.39. Do Your Ears Hang Low?40. There's a Hole in the Bucket.41. Oh, You Can't Get to Heaven.42. The Bear Went Over the Mountain.43. Michael Finnegan.44. I Saw Three Ships.45. The Green Grass Grew All Around.46. Billy Boy.47. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.48. Oh, My Darling, Valentine.49. A-Tisket, A-Tasket.50. Little Miss Muffet.51. Little Boy Blue.52. Little Jack Horner.53. Little Tommy Tucker.54. Little Polly Flinders.55. Ride a Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross.56. Little Nut Tree.57. Little Robin Redbreast.58. Little Betty Blue.59. Little Bo-Peep.60. Little Nancy Etticoat.61. Little Johnny Green.62. Little Tommy Stout.63. Little King Boggen.64. Little Miss Muffet.65. Little Bo-Peep.66. Little Jack Horner.67. Little Tom Tucker.68. Little Polly Flinders.69. Little Robin Redbreast.70. Little Boy Blue.71. Little Nancy Etticoat.72. Little Tommy Tittlemouse.73. Little Maid, Pretty Maid.74. Little Poll Parrot.75. Little Jumping Joan.76. Little Jack Jingle.77. Little Mopsey May.78. Little Bobby Snooks.79. Little Dolly Daydream.80. Little Tommy Pringle.81. Little Tommy Tupper.82. Little Tommy Tacket.83. Little Tommy Tittlemouse.84. Little Johnny Green.85. Little Bo-Peep.86. Little Jack Horner.87. Little Tom Tucker.88. Little Polly Flinders.89. Little Robin Redbreast.90. Little Boy Blue.91. Little Nancy Etticoat.92. Little Tommy Tittlemouse.93. Little Maid, Pretty Maid.94. Little Poll Parrot.95. Little Jumping Joan.96. Little Jack Jingle.97. Little Mopsey May.98. Little Bobby Snooks.99. Little Dolly Daydream.100. Little Tommy Pringle.These songs have remained popular due to their catchy melodies, simple lyrics, and educational value. They are an integral part of childhood and continue to be passed down through the generations.。



100首幼儿启蒙英文歌1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.2. Old MacDonald Had a Farm.3. The Wheels on the Bus.4. If You're Happy and You Know It.5. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.6. Baa Baa Black Sheep.7. Itsy Bitsy Spider.8. Row, Row, Row Your Boat.9. Five Little Monkeys.10. Mary Had a Little Lamb.11. Hickory Dickory Dock.12. London Bridge is Falling Down.13. The Alphabet Song.14. I'm a Little Teapot.15. Humpty Dumpty.16. The Hokey Pokey.17. Pat-a-Cake.18. This Old Man.19. The Muffin Man.20. Jack and Jill.21. Five Little Ducks.22. The Farmer in the Dell.23. Ring Around the Rosie.24. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.25. The Itsy Bitsy Spider.26. I Have a Little Dreidel.27. The Ants Go Marching.28. The Mulberry Bush.29. Pop Goes the Weasel.30. The Grand Old Duke of York.31. I Saw Three Ships.32. Little Bo Peep.33. Do You Know the Muffin Man?34. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe.35. Skip to My Lou.36. The More We Get Together.37. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain.38. A Tisket, A Tasket.39. The Bear Went Over the Mountain.40. Yankee Doodle.41. Hokey Pokey.42. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.43. The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round.44. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.45. This Little Piggy.46. I'm a Little Teapot.47. Down by the Bay.48. The Farmer in the Dell.49. The Ants Go Marching.50. The Muffin Man.51. The Alphabet Song.52. If You're Happy and You Know It.53. Mary Had a Little Lamb.54. Old MacDonald Had a Farm.55. Row, Row, Row Your Boat.56. Baa Baa Black Sheep.57. Itsy Bitsy Spider.58. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.59. London Bridge is Falling Down.60. Hickory Dickory Dock.61. Humpty Dumpty.62. Jack and Jill.63. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.64. Five Little Ducks.65. The Wheels on the Bus.66. Three Blind Mice.67. I Have a Little Dreidel.68. Rock-a-Bye Baby.69. Pop Goes the Weasel.70. Ring Around the Rosie.71. Little Bo Peep.72. Do You Know the Muffin Man?73. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe.74. The Itsy Bitsy Spider.75. Skip to My Lou.76. The More We Get Together.77. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain.78. A Tisket, A Tasket.79. The Bear Went Over the Mountain.80. Yankee Doodle.81. Hokey Pokey.82. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.83. The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round.84. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.85. This Little Piggy.86. I'm a Little Teapot.87. Down by the Bay.88. The Farmer in the Dell.89. The Ants Go Marching.90. The Muffin Man.91. The Alphabet Song.92. If You're Happy and You Know It.93. Mary Had a Little Lamb.94. Old MacDonald Had a Farm.95. Row, Row, Row Your Boat.96. Baa Baa Black Sheep.97. Itsy Bitsy Spider.98. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.99. London Bridge is Falling Down.100. Hickory Dickory Dock.这些歌曲涵盖了经典的英文儿歌,旋律简单易记,适合幼儿学习和娱乐。



适合小孩唱的英文歌曲100首Children are naturally drawn to music and singing as a way to express themselves and learn about the world around them Music can be a powerful tool for teaching children important lessons and helping them develop important skills such as language acquisition coordination and emotional intelligence When it comes to choosing songs for children the most important factor is that the lyrics and melodies are age-appropriate and engaging for young listeners Here are 100 English songs that are well-suited for childrenNursery Rhymes and Lullabies1 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star2 The Itsy Bitsy Spider3 Baa Baa Black Sheep4 Row Row Row Your Boat5 Hush Little Baby6 Rock-a-Bye Baby7 Frère Jacques8 Old MacDonald Had a Farm9 The Wheels on the Bus10 If You're Happy and You Know ItClassic Children's Songs11 The Hokey Pokey12 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes13 The Alphabet Song14 London Bridge is Falling Down15 Five Little Ducks16 The Farmer in the Dell17 Ring Around the Rosie18 Mary Had a Little Lamb19 Three Little Kittens20 The Ants Go MarchingDisney and Animated Film Songs21 Let It Go from Frozen22 A Whole New World from Aladdin23 You've Got a Friend in Me from Toy Story24 Hakuna Matata from The Lion King25 Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid26 Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas27 When You Wish Upon a Star from Pinocchio28 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from Mary Poppins29 I'll Make a Man Out of You from Mulan30 Under the Sea from The Little MermaidNursery Rhyme Remixes31 Baby Shark32 The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round33 Old MacDonald Had a Farm34 If You're Happy and You Know It35 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed36 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star37 Baa Baa Black Sheep38 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes39 The Itsy Bitsy Spider40 Row Row Row Your BoatEducational Songs41 The Months of the Year42 The Days of the Week43 Counting to Ten44 The Shapes Song45 The Colors Song46 The Opposites Song47 The Emotions Song48 The Body Parts Song49 The Family Song50 The Healthy Habits SongInspirational and Character-Building Songs51 The Little Engine That Could52 I Believe I Can Fly53 You Are Special54 Try Everything55 The Climb56 Just the Way You Are57 The Power of Yet58 Brave59 Shine60 Dream BigMovement and Dance Songs61 The Hokey Pokey62 Baby Shark Dance63 The Chicken Dance64 The Macarena65 Shake Your Sillies Out66 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes67 If You're Happy and You Know It68 The Hustle69 Cotton Eye Joe70 JumpSeasonal and Holiday Songs71 Jingle Bells72 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer73 Frosty the Snowman74 Deck the Halls75 Jingle Bell Rock76 We Wish You a Merry Christmas77 Auld Lang Syne78 The Easter Parade79 The Bunny Hop80 The Thanksgiving SongMulticultural Songs81 Feliz Navidad82 Dónde Está Santa Claus83 Frère Jacques84 La Bamba85 Funiculi Funicula86 Sakura Sakura87 Hava Nagila88 Guantanamera89 Siyahamba90 De ColoresThese 100 English songs cover a wide range of genres and themes that are engaging and educational for children While some areclassic nursery rhymes and lullabies others are modern adaptations or original compositions designed to teach important lessons about numbers colors emotions and more Many draw inspiration from beloved children's movies and TV shows making them instantly recognizable and enjoyable for young listeners The diversity of the list also introduces children to music from around the world exposing them to different languages cultures and traditions No matter a child's age or interests there is sure to be a song on this list that will capture their imagination and get them singing along。



英语歌曲简单易学15首Learning English through songs is a fun and effective way to improve language skills. There are countless English songs that are simple and easy to learn, making themperfect for language learners of all levels. In this article, I will introduce 15 English songs that are not only popular but also great for learning English. These songs cover a range of genres, from pop to rock to hip-hop, so there is something for everyone.One of the most popular and timeless English songs for language learners is "Let It Be" by The Beatles. This song has simple lyrics and a slow tempo, making it easy for beginners to follow along. The repetitive chorus and uplifting message also make it a great song for practicing vocabulary and pronunciation. Additionally, The Beatles are a legendary band, so learning their songs can also provide cultural and historical context for English language learners.Another classic song that is perfect for English learners is "Imagine" by John Lennon. This song has beautiful and meaningful lyrics that can help learners expand their vocabulary and improve their listening skills. The slow pace and clear pronunciation also make it easier for beginners to understand and sing along. Additionally, "Imagine" is a powerful and thought-provoking song that can inspire deep conversations and discussions about important topics, making it a valuable learning tool for English language learners.For those who prefer more modern music, "Count on Me" by Bruno Mars is a great choice for learning English. This song has a catchy melody and simple lyrics that are easy to memorize. The positive and uplifting message of the song can also help learners feel motivated and encouraged as they practice their English skills. Additionally, Bruno Mars is a popular artist with a wide fan base, so learning his songs can also provide cultural and social context for English language learners."Perfect" by Ed Sheeran is another modern hit that isperfect for English learners. The song has a slow tempo and clear pronunciation, making it easy for beginners to follow along. The romantic and heartfelt lyrics can also help learners practice expressing emotions and feelings in English. Additionally, Ed Sheeran is a talented and popular artist, so learning his songs can also provide insight into contemporary English-speaking culture and music.For those who enjoy rap and hip-hop, "Love the Way You Lie" by Eminem ft. Rihanna is a great song for learning English. The song has a powerful and emotional message, with clear and expressive lyrics that can help learners practice listening and understanding English in a different musical genre. The collaboration between Eminem and Rihanna also provides an interesting dynamic and contrast in vocal styles, making it an engaging and diverse learning experience for English language learners."Someone Like You" by Adele is a beautiful and emotional song that is perfect for practicing English. The song has a slow tempo and clear pronunciation, making it easy for beginners to follow along. The heartfelt andrelatable lyrics can also help learners practice expressing emotions and experiences in English. Additionally, Adele is a highly acclaimed and influential artist, so learning her songs can also provide cultural and artistic context for English language learners."Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran is a modern and upbeat song that is great for learning English. The song has a catchy melody and simple lyrics that are easy to memorize. The energetic and fun vibe of the song can also help learners feel motivated and engaged as they practice their English skills. Additionally, Ed Sheeran is a popular and influential artist, so learning his songs can also provide insight into contemporary English-speaking culture and music."Roar" by Katy Perry is a powerful and empowering song that is perfect for English learners. The song has a catchy and energetic melody, with clear and expressive lyrics that can help learners practice listening and understanding English in a different musical genre. The uplifting and motivational message of the song can also help learnersfeel inspired and confident as they practice their English skills. Additionally, Katy Perry is a widely recognized and influential artist, so learning her songs can also provide cultural and social context for English language learners."Can't Stop the Feeling!" by Justin Timberlake is a fun and upbeat song that is great for learning English. Thesong has a catchy and lively melody, with simple and repetitive lyrics that are easy to memorize. The positive and joyful vibe of the song can also help learners feel motivated and engaged as they practice their English skills. Additionally, Justin Timberlake is a popular andinfluential artist, so learning his songs can also provide insight into contemporary English-speaking culture and music."Love Story" by Taylor Swift is a sweet and romantic song that is perfect for practicing English. The song has a slow tempo and clear pronunciation, making it easy for beginners to follow along. The romantic and heartfeltlyrics can also help learners practice expressing emotions and feelings in English. Additionally, Taylor Swift is ahighly successful and influential artist, so learning her songs can also provide cultural and artistic context for English language learners."Let Her Go" by Passenger is a beautiful and emotional song that is great for learning English. The song has a slow tempo and clear pronunciation, making it easy for beginners to follow along. The heartfelt and relatable lyrics can also help learners practice expressing emotions and experiences in English. Additionally, Passenger is a talented and respected artist, so learning his songs can also provide cultural and artistic context for English language learners."Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift is a fun and upbeat song that is perfect for English learners. The song has a catchy and lively melody, with simple and repetitive lyrics that are easy to memorize. The positive and empowering message of the song can also help learners feel motivated and confident as they practice their English skills. Additionally, Taylor Swift is a widely recognized and influential artist, so learning her songs can also providecultural and social context for English language learners."Say Something" by A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera is a beautiful and emotional song that is greatfor learning English. The song has a slow tempo and clear pronunciation, making it easy for beginners to follow along. The heartfelt and relatable lyrics can also help learners practice expressing emotions and experiences in English. Additionally, the collaboration between A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera provides an interesting dynamic and contrast in vocal styles, making it an engaging and diverse learning experience for English language learners."Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons is a powerful and energetic song that is perfect for practicing English. The song has a catchy and intense melody, with clear and expressive lyrics that can help learners practice listening and understanding English in a different musical genre. The uplifting and motivational message of the song can alsohelp learners feel inspired and confident as they practice their English skills. Additionally, Imagine Dragons is a popular and influential band, so learning their songs canalso provide insight into contemporary English-speaking culture and music.In conclusion, learning English through songs is a fun and effective way to improve language skills. The 15English songs mentioned above cover a range of genres and styles, making them perfect for language learners of all levels. From classic hits by The Beatles and John Lennon to modern hits by Bruno Mars and Ed Sheeran, there is something for everyone to enjoy and learn from. Whether you prefer pop, rock, hip-hop, or folk music, these songs can help you expand your vocabulary, improve your pronunciation, and practice expressing emotions and experiences in English. Additionally, learning these songs can also providecultural and social context for English language learners, making the learning experience more engaging and meaningful. So, turn up the volume, sing along, and have fun learning English through these amazing songs!。






1.Shape of You - Ed Sheeran2.Count on Me - Bruno Mars3.Perfect - Ed Sheeran4.Roar - Katy Perry5.What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction6.Love Story - Taylor Swift7.All of Me - John Legend8.Shake It Off - Taylor Swift9.A Thousand Years - Christina Perri10.Firework - Katy Perry11.I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston12.Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars13.Umbrella - Rihanna14.One Call Away - Charlie Puth15.Apologize - One Republic16.Let it Go - Idina Menzel17.Hello - Adele18.Can't Stop the Feeling - Justin Timberlake19.Maps - Maroon 520.This Is Me - Keala Settle21.Flashlight - Jessie J22.A Million Dreams - Ziv Zaifman23.Stronger - Kelly Clarkson24.Fight Song - Rachel Platten25.See You Again - Charlie Puth, Wiz Khalifa26.When You Believe - Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey27.Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole28.I'm Yours - Jason Mraz29.Don't Stop Believin' - Journey30.Girls Like You - Maroon 531.I Want to Hold Your Hand - The Beatles32.Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley33.Apologize - Timbaland, One Republic34.Rolling in the Deep - Adele35.Fix You - Coldplay36.Paradise - Coldplay37.Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia38.I Believe I Can Fly - R. Kelly39.Beat It - Michael Jackson40.Part Of Your World - Jodi Benson41.You've Got a Friend in Me - Randy Newman42.Time of My Life - Bill Medley, Jennifer Warnes43.Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley44.Memory - Elaine Paige45.Never Enough - Loren Allred46.All I Want For Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey47.Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Judy Garland48.Jingle Bell Rock - Bobby Helmsst Christmas - Wham!50.Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - Gene Autry51.Silent Night - Franz Xaver Gruber, Joseph Mohr52.White Christmas - Bing Crosby53.Amazing Grace - Judy Collins54.Ave Maria - Franz Schubert55.Edelweiss - Julie Andrews56.My Favorite Things - Julie Andrews57.Over The Rainbow - Judy Garland58.The Sound of Music - Julie Andrews59.Yellow Submarine - The Beatles60.Imagine - John Lennon61.Hey Jude - The Beatles62.A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles63.All You Need Is Love - The Beatles64.Blinding Lights - The Weeknd65.Believer - Imagine Dragons66.Demons - Imagine Dragons67.Thunder - Imagine Dragons68.Radioactive - Imagine Dragons69.Shape of You (Spanish Version) - Ed Sheeran70.I Don't Care - Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber71.Ocean - Martin Garrix, Khalid72.Se?orita - Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello73.Photograph - Ed Sheeran74.Perfect Symphony - Ed Sheeran, Andrea Bocelli75.You Are The Reason - Calum Scott76.All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor77.Dancing Queen - ABBA78.Happy - Pharrell Williams79.I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas80.Let Me Love You - DJ Snake, Justin Bieber81.Sorry - Justin Bieber82.Shape of My Heart - Backstreet Boys83.I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys84.Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader85.Mr. Brightside - The Killers86.Memories - Maroon 587.Dance Monkey - Tones and I88.Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi89.Stay - Rihanna, Mikky Ekko90.Stitches - Shawn Mendes91.Treat You Better - Shawn Mendes92.Yummy - Justin Bieber93.Photograph - Nickelback94.Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers, Coldplay95.A Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay96.Counting Stars - OneRepublic97.Love Yourself - Justin Bieber98.Mercy - Shawn Mendes99.The Middle - Zedd, Maren Morris, Grey100.Havana - Camila Cabello这一百首歌曲涵盖了流行、摇滚、经典、钢琴曲等各种类型,让你在学习英语的同时也能够充分享受音乐的美妙。



我最喜欢的英文歌英文作文英文:My favorite English song is "Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran. The reason I love this song is because of its catchy melody and relatable lyrics. The beat is infectious and it always gets me moving and dancing.The lyrics of this song are also very relatable. They talk about falling in love with someone's body and being completely infatuated with them. It's a feeling that most people have experienced at some point in their lives, soit's easy to connect with the song.Another reason I love this song is because of Ed Sheeran's voice. He has a unique sound that is both soothing and powerful at the same time. It's no wonder he's become one of the biggest names in music today.Overall, "Shape of You" is a song that I can listen toover and over again without getting tired of it. It's a great song to dance to, sing along with, or just relax and enjoy.中文:我最喜欢的英文歌是艾德·希兰的《Shape of You》。



《一些简单的英文歌——易学的英语歌曲》1. 《Happy》——Pharrell Williams这首歌曲节奏欢快,歌词简单,非常适合初学者。

歌曲中反复出现的“Because I'm happy”能让你在轻松愉快的氛围中记住这个表达。

2. 《Counting Stars》——OneRepublic这首歌曲旋律优美,歌词朗朗上口。

通过学习这首歌,你可以掌握一些基本的英语词汇和短语,如“counting stars”和“dreamingof what could be”。

3. 《Take Me to Your Heart》——Michael Learns to Rock这是一首经典的情歌,歌词通俗易懂。

通过学习这首歌,你可以了解到英语中表达爱意的多种方式,如“take me to your heart”和“love me like you do”。

4. 《Lemon Tree》—— Fool's Garden这首歌曲节奏明快,歌词讲述了一个关于等待的故事。

学习这首歌,你可以学会一些描述心情和场景的词汇,如“lemon tree”和“sitting here in the boring room”。

5. 《You Are My Sunshine》——Johnny Cash这是一首温馨的民谣,歌词简单易懂。

通过学习这首歌,你可以学会表达对家人的关爱和思念,如“you are my sunshine, my only sunshine”。


6. 《I'm a Believer》——The Monkees这首60年代的经典歌曲,因其简单的歌词和欢快的旋律而被广泛传唱。

歌曲中的“love was more than just a game for you”和“I'm a believer”等句子,可以帮助你练习过去时态和表达信念的词汇。



1.Cry On My Shoulder《在我肩膀哭泣》德国群星(DSDS)2.When You Believe《当你相信》埃及王子主题曲(Mariah Carey)3.May It Be《指环王》插曲:信仰指引你方向(Enya)4.A Whole New World《阿拉丁》主题曲(Peabo Bryso,Regina Belle)5.I Believe I Can Fly《我相信我能飞翔》1998格莱美(R.Kelly)6.Bruce Lee 呐喊- 李小龙传奇英文插曲(Emma Re (谢尔维雅)(意大利))7.someone's watching over me 黑暗中依然坚信《有人在注视着我》- 绝不放弃(Hilary Duff)8.Light the Passion Share the Dream 点燃激情传递梦想2008北京奥运会推荐歌曲(世界小姐)9.promises don't come easy 诺言来得不易不要轻言放弃- 创世纪主题曲(Caron Nightingale)10.Imagine 《想像》(Declan Galbraith)11.Together We Are One 我们一起向梦想高飞(Delta Goodrem)12.The Rose 爱是一朵春天绽放的《玫瑰》(Bette Midler)13.Don't Cry for Me, Argentina 阿根廷别为我哭泣(Madonna)14.You Raise Me Up (Westlife)15.Let the River Run 永不放弃希望-61届奥斯卡最佳(Carly Simon)16.cry on my shoulder (deutschland. sucht den superst)17.this is me《这就是我》不再躲藏不再畏惧- 摇滚夏令营Camp Rock (demi lovato)18.Anything But Ordinary 决不平凡(Avril Lavigne)19.Up 别犹豫最好的选择就是努力《向上》!- The Saturdays 火热励志英文歌(Saturdays)20.Aquarius《水瓶座》芭比娃娃唱的英文歌(Aqua)21.Proud 2005年伦敦申奥成功的英文歌(Heather Small)22.Born To Try《生为拼搏》(Delta Goodrem)23.So Small《如此渺小》敞开心扉向前走- 也许你爬的山只是粒沙子(Carrie Underwood)24.Blowing In The Wind〈随风飘荡〉(Bob Dylan)25.shining friends - fiona fung友情万岁!(fiona fung)26.That’s My Goal《那就是我的目标》英国超级男声谢纳·沃德(Shayne Ward)27.keep holding on (Avril)28.The Second Coming 生命不息战斗不止(Juelz Santana)29.Eye Of The Tiger《虎视眈眈》洛基川插曲(Survivor)30.The Journey《旅途》珍爱生命中的每时每刻(911)31.Just stand up^~公益歌曲:勇敢站起来~ (Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Rihann)32.Dare to dream 悉尼奥运会闭幕式歌曲(Olivia Newton-John & John Farn)33.Bring It All Back《回到过去》蔡依林don`t stop原曲(S CLUB 7)34.the winners song (Geraldine McQueen)35.Bad Day《糟糕的一天》总会过去(daniel powter)36.I believe I Can Fly 我相信我能飞翔(R kelly)37.Life Is A Highway 《奔腾的生命》《汽车总动员》插曲(rascal flatts)38.my way 爱过笑过哭过我活了充实的一生- 电影《夺标》励志名曲(Frank Sinatra)39.I Can Do Better (Avril Lavigne)40.4 minutes《4分钟拯救世界》(Madonna)41.B what U wanna B <宝贝你想成为什么> (darin zanyar)42.I've Never Been to Me《未曾有自我》- 珍惜平凡而真实的爱(charlene)43.trouble is a frend(挫折也是朋友)(Lenka)44.More to Life 活得更精彩(Stacie Orrico )45.Hold my hand MJ &AKON wow!! (Akon&Michael Jackson)46.Change 胜利,所需要的仅仅是一点改变(Taylor Swift)47.The Second Coming NIKE广告(Juelz Santana)48.Be what you wanna be (Darin zanyar)49.Hope 生活中一切都充满希望(Twista)50.The World's Greatest 这一天做世界最棒的(R. Kelly)51.you raise me up (Josh Groban)52.Hero《英雄》每个人都能成为英雄(Mariah Carey)53.Via Dolorosa 耶稣最后走过的《悲伤之路》(Sandi Patti)54.Wild Love (隐形的翅膀英文版)(胡娜)55.You Know My Name 007之皇家赌场主题曲(Chris Cornell)56.Everyday《每一天》邦.乔维摇滚经典(Bon Jovi)57.peerless《无与伦比,独一无二》(Darin Zanyar达林·赞雅)58.not your average thug 真的我不是你们所想的那样- 王力宏唱的英文歌(leehom wang)59.Big Girls Don't Cry 情人离开《大女孩不哭》(Fergie)60.I'm Me 菲尔普斯最爱听的HipPop ( Lil Wayne)61.Life For Rent 《无主人生》好听ing (Dido)62.Who will I be【我的青春我做主】(Demi Lovato 黛米·洛瓦托)63.Ultimate 你是我的真命天子(Lindsay Lohan)64.Beat It《闪开吧》别逞能!- 迈克尔杰克逊老歌(Michael Jackson)65.what you wanna be (drin)66.promises don't come easy <诺言来得不易> (Caron Nightingale)67.fame 电影《名扬四海》插曲(Irene Cara)68.We move in silence 明天,太阳下不再有任何争斗(Club 8)69.Keep On Movin《继续前行》(FIVE)70.Breathe Again《斗鱼电视原声大碟》(Juwita Suwito)71.Believe me 即使梦想不能实现决不会停止在今天- 俄罗斯超男,超级励志(Dima Bila)72.Shangri-La 带你去我的《香格里拉》看日出A Teens (A Teens)73.With you all the time《永远和你在一起》(天下足球)74.We're All in This Together 歌舞青春(High School Musical cast )75.The Tide Is High 一首很轻快的歌(atomic kitten)76. i believe i can fly (r.kelly)77.I Believe I Can Fly《我相信我能飞翔》(R.Kelly)78.hand in hand《手拉手》信仰和平重建这个世界一个崭新的机会等待你我(befour)79.Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Elton John)80.Forever young《永远年轻》阿尔发村合唱团(Alphaville)81.Disguise 伪装微笑下心乱如麻(lene marlin)82.Sri Isopanisad《施瑞·伊首帕尼沙德(至尊奥义书)》(Mahatma Das)83.You Know My Name007大战皇家赌场主题曲(Chris_Cornell)84.When You Believe《当你相信》(Mariah Carey&whitney houston)85.Someone 你说要送我花如今空空的花瓶却堆满灰尘- 统一冰红茶广告歌(孙燕姿)86.Better Man (robbie williams)87.Beautiful material《美丽》(Christina Aguilera)88.You raise me up《你鼓舞了我》--女声版(celtic woman)89.There's Gotta Be 放手吧其实生命中还有更多- Stacie Orrico (Stacie Orrico)90.innocence (爱薇儿)91.Demi Lovato《This is me》这就是我!(Demi Lovato)92.Three Little Birds RAGGAE音乐教父鲍伯玛雷(marley bob)93.tell me why (Declan Galbraith)94.hero《英雄》(Mariah Carey )95.listen 听,那是我内心的声音(beyonce)96.Keep Your Mind Wide Open 敞开心扉(AnnaSophia Robb)97.Do what you want to do做你想做的事情(SUNXUN孙逊)98.Our Song 我们的歌(Taylor Swift)99.Viva La Vida《生命万岁》(coldplay 酷玩乐队)100.I Can Do It 相信我,我可以做到(Elin Lanto )101.only time《惟有时光》天籁之作(enya)102.breaking free (zac efron and vanessa anne hud)103.make some noise 喊出来吧更多地表现自己!(Miley Cyrus)104.Someone's Watching Over Me有人总是守候著我(Hilary Duff)105.As I Moved on《前进路上》(Blue Foundation)106.peerless (Darin Zanyar)107.When you believe (惠特尼·休斯頓AND瑪麗亞·凱莉)108.Roberto Baggio 天下足球绝对巨星之- 巴乔(Robbie Williams)109.Dream On (aerosmith)《持续的梦幻(空中铁匠)》(aerosmith)110.Follow Your Heart(地中海岸的湛蓝美声) (Mario Frangoulis)111.seasons in the sun 《阳光雨季》(westlife)112.I Can Do Better《我会做的更好》(Avril Lavigne )113.Dream 我是一个拥有小小梦想的女孩(Priscilla Aha)114.Light the Passion Share the Dream 点燃激情传递梦想-- 2008北京奥运会推荐歌曲(世界小姐)115.Make Some Noise《孟汉娜》原声大碟(Miley Cyrus)116.I've Never Been to Me:爱情因平凡而美丽(Charlene Duncan )117.tears in heaven<<泪洒天堂>> (Eric Clapton)118.WE WILL ROCK YOU (Queen)119.Van Basten 天下足球绝对巨星之- 范-巴斯滕(Def Leppard)120.seasons in the sun 《阳光雨季》(westlife)121.Cry On My Shoulder《在我肩膀上哭泣吧》(DSDS)122.skater boy 《滑板男孩》被甩男孩终成明星(avril lavigne )123.Hero (Mariah Carey)124.All For Love 一切为了爱-情歌王子布莱恩(bryan adams)125.I need to wake up (Melissa Etheridge)126.What If She's An Angel (Tommy Shane Steiner )127.life`s what you make it (Miley)128.i need to wake up (Melissa Ethridge)129.I Will Be With You/ Where The Lost Ones Go ( Sissel Kyrkjeb& Espen Lind) 130.b what u wanna (华语群星)131.barcelona巴塞罗那- 只有我与自己的影子纠结(jewel)132.darkness has come(黑暗来临)(恩雅(Enya))133.twinkle little star (declan galbraith)134.Bruce Lee 呐喊(Emma Re (谢尔维雅)(意大利))135.Wildflower《野花》自由的飞舞(Sheryl Crow)136.Life Is Cool (sweetbox)137.what you wanna be (drin)138.When the Rain Comes (Third day)139.here i am (camp rock)140.Sail The Ocean《扬帆远航》(darin zanyar)141.We're All in This Together (High School Musical cast)142.I Can Do It 相信我,我可以(Elin Lanto)143.you raise me up (Westlife)144.Breaking Free (Troy-Gabri)145.The Gambler (Kenny Rogers)146.graduation (vitamin c)147.i've never to be me (charlene)148.don't cry (guns n' roses)149.sk8er boi 《滑板男孩》(avril lavigne)150.Do what you want to do (孙逊)151.It's a long road (Dan Hill)152.Hilary Duff -《Why Not》(Hilary Duff)153.bless the broken road (Rascal Flatts-feels like today)154.Be want (是希望) (Ring)155.May it be-为灾区人民祈祷(enya)156.Girl Singing in the Wreckage (Black Box Recorder) 157.Philadelphia Freedom (Elton John)158.You raise me up《你鼓舞了我》--女声版(celtic woman) 159.perfect fan (backstreet boys)160.The Time of My Life 美国偶像冠军之夜演唱(david cook) 161.If Only 假如(Luis Fonsi)st smile (Psychedelico)163.Happily Never After 幸福不会恒久(Nicole Scherzinger) 164.i still believe (hayden panettiere)165.Someone's Watching Over Me (Hilary Duff)166.When I see you smile~~ (bad english)167.just stand up (various artists)168.flavor of life (宇多田ヒカル)169.say it again (c21)170.Ordinary Miracle (Sarah McLachlan)171.Little Look (Eleanor McEvoy)172.Philadelphia Freedom (Elton John)173.the winners song (Geraldine McQueen)174.Goodbye (L2M)175.Pinball Wizard (Elton John)176.Big girls don't cry (Fergie)177.Peerless (Darin)178.i have a dream (westlife)179.Pinball Wizard (Elton John)180.Chocolate Ice (Janice)181.someone’s watching over me (Hilary duff)182.They don't care about us (Michael Jackson)183.beat of my heart (hilary duff)184.Peerless ( Darin Zanyar)185.We are the champions (Crazy frog)186.Can I Have This Dance (歌舞青春)187.so young (the corrs)188.Shining Friends (冯曦妤)189.Love you lately~~ (daniel powter)190.Welcome to my life--Simple plan~ (Simple plan)191.Who will i be-Demi Lovato (Camp rock(摇滚青春)) 192.beautiful (christina )193.Jordin Sparks--One step at a time~ (Jordin Sparks) 194.tainted love (MANSON)195.You're Pitiful (weird al" yankovic)196.creepin up on you (darren hayes )197.Can I Have This Dance (歌舞青春)198.L Impazienza (Longer UltraTraxx Re - Re - Mix) (Danijay) 199.Beautiful Boy (john lennon )200.Believe (Dima Bilan)201.Find a Way (J Five)202.Breakaway (Kelly Clarkson)203.Missy Babe Hero Tonigh (ZZ)204.Jai Ho (A·R·Laman)205.put your records on (Corinne Bailey Rae)206.Blowing in wind (Bob Dylan)207.From A Distance (Bette Midler)208.Even Angels Fall (Jessica Riddle )209.Chances (Five For Fighting)210.Believe (Dima Bilan )211.It's not over (Daughtry)212.my goodbye (My Goodbye)213.little people (T.A.T.U)214.Times Of Your Life (Paul Anka)215.Fancy Free (何耀珊sun)216.Rangers Brothers《流浪兄弟》(狼孩)217.Rehab (Amy Winehouse)Promise do not come easy。



十大震撼史诗级英文歌1. "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen: This iconic song is a masterpiece that combines rock, opera, and ballad elements, making it one of the most epic English songs of all time.2. "Hotel California" by Eagles: With its captivating lyrics and memorable guitar solos, this song is considered a classic that has stood the test of time.3. "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin: Known for its progressive rock sound and mystical lyrics, this song is often regarded as one of the greatest rock songs ever recorded.4. "Imagine" by John Lennon: This powerful anthem promotes peace and unity and has become an enduring symbol of hope and inspiration.5. "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen: Originally released in 1984, this song gained widespread popularity through various covers and is known for its emotional depth and hauntingly beautiful melody.6. "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan: An influential song in the history of rock music, it showcases Dylan's poetic lyrics and distinctive voice.7. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana: Often credited as one of the definitive songs of the grunge movement, this song's raw energy and rebellious spirit made it a cultural phenomenon.8. "A Day in the Life" by The Beatles: This complex and innovative song combines different musical styles and experimental techniques, contributing to its status as a groundbreaking piece in popular music.9. "Yesterday" by The Beatles: With its timeless melody and simple yet heartfelt lyrics, this song has become one of the most covered and recognized songs in the world.10. "Hey Jude" by The Beatles: This anthemic sing-along song ischaracterized by its uplifting message and unforgettable chorus, making it a beloved and influential song in popular music history.。

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英语学习这么多年,若问一个“How to study”的问题,每个人都会说到要注意积累词汇、牢固掌握语法规则、阅读能力、多读、多说等。



英语歌曲丰富多彩,语言优美,动听,象卡彭特的“Yesterday Once More”,磁性的嗓上带着忧伤的旋律,更有那句“When I was young, I listened to the radio…”,仿佛置身于往事无限的留恋中。

纵然是“What Ever Will Be, Will Be”这样简单易懂的歌词,也可以以使你从中体会到朴素的人生哲理。


1. 唱歌学语音




如儿童歌曲London's Burning全曲只有四句:London's burning, London's burning. Fetch the engines. Fetch the engines. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Pour on water. Pour on water.

通过学这种歌词,重音、重读、连读、节奏等许多语音难点都得到了训练,语音 2. 唱歌学词汇


如获1996年Grammy奖的“One Sweet Day”一首歌中有这样的歌词:“I know eventually we'll be

3. 唱歌学句型
学唱歌也可以学习许多句型,这样的例子不胜枚举,如在“I Swear”这首歌词中,有这样的句子:I Swear, like the shadow that's by your. 又比如:You give me wings, making mefly. You touch my head and could touch the sky. 还有there be句型:There is place in your heart.
4. 唱歌学语法

将来进行时是一个不易掌握的语法;但?“I'll be right there waiting for you”,这不是一句很好的例子吗?只要举一反三,对于将来进行时便会融汇贯通了!
5. 唱歌学文化
如学唱Joe Hill的歌,I dream l saw Joe Hill last night alive as you and me….歌曲充满了对Joe Hill的怀念。

通过样的歌曲,可以了解到Joe Hill 组织工人罢工,在狱中歌曲,最后英勇就义,我们对Joe Hill的钦佩油然而生。




We are the world群星合唱的一首英文歌,经典!

take me to your heart(中英对照版)

Proud Of You --《挥着翅膀的女孩》的英文版

PLEASE DON‘T LEAVE ME 刘德华《谢谢你的爱》英文版

Blue的《All Rise》,很好听

can\'t let go 黄安《新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦》

张宇 - 用心良苦 NOW YOU R GONE英文版

Day You Went Away离开的日子


Starship-Nothing\'s Gonna Stop Us Now(粞切?雪碧广告歌)


《斯加波罗之市》 Scarborough Fair

Nothing To Lose



everytime i think you-kylie miccga-你怎么舍得我难过-黄品源--英文版

don\'t wene be(谁的眼泪在飞-孟庭伟)英文版


让我欢喜让我忧 I FEW TRY 周华健--英文版


一起走过的日子-刘德华love is only just a dream英文版

let it be(天意-刘德华)


the girl next door-agu tan-对面的女孩看过来-任贤齐--英文版

me mores of us together(不想走-周华健)

if i could -annie lenno-祝福-张学友--英文版

forgiven love(忘情水-刘德华)英语版

just a fantasy-micheall cretu-情网-张学友--英文版。
