



Beware of Dog!小心有狗!As a stranger entered a little country store, he noticed a sign warning, "Danger! Beware of dog!" posted on the glass door. Inside, he noticed a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register. "Is that the dog folks are supposed to beware of?" he asked the owner. "Yep, that's him," came the reply. The stranger couldn't help but be amused. "That certainly doesn't look like a dangerous dog to me. Why in the world would you post that sign?" "Because," the owner explained, "Before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him!"一名陌生人走进一家乡间小商店,看到玻璃门上帖着的一个告示牌上写着,“危险! 小心有狗!”进去后,他看到一条样子一点都不凶的老狗趴在收款机旁边的地板上睡觉。

“这就是大伙都得留神的那只狗啊?” 陌生人问店主。




你帖那个告示做什么?” “因为,” 店主解释说,“在我帖告示之前,大伙老被他绊倒。



知行英语综合教程1unit7答案知行英语综合教程1unit7答案Unit 7Content QuestionsPair Work1. He thinks animals will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purposes, not when scientists ask them to.2. Because he believes they may encounter animal intelligence in their daily life.3. He regards them as a new window on animal intelligence.4. She wanted to get more pineapple.5. He expanded the money supply by breading chips in two.6. It shows he is clever and sly. He ate up the fruit leaving nothing but stems to share with Miles.7. They say that animals cooperate when they learn it is in their interest to do so.8. The author thinks that what behaviorists say is right, but he doesn’t think their explanation is satisfactory enough.9. Because Orky was the most intelligent animal she had worked with.10. Corky is a female whale because she is Orky’s mate and delivered a baby whale.11. Because she thought the orange must have rolled off somewhere inaccessible.12. Towan hid his orange underneath his foot. The act reveals some animals are intelligent enough to know how to deceive. Text Organization1.Eugene Linden wants to tell the reader that animals dohave, at least, some limited intelligence, and the personal experiences of those who are in close contact with animals are more convincing evidence than that any experiments can provide.2. Let’s Make a Deal: Some animals are intelligent enough to know how to bargain with people.Tale of a Whale: Animals like whales can assess a situation and act accordingly. Primate Shell Game:Animals can attempt to deceive.Language Sense Enhancement1. (1) controversy (2) consciousness(3) explore (4) serves their own purposes(5) encounter (6) lack of it(7) convinced (8) mental feats(9) captivity (10) humansLanguage FocusI. Vocabulary1. 1) go (very) far 2) has expanded3) in the interest(s) of 4) only to5) encountered 6) has cooperated7) assessed 8) (had) switched 9) horizons10) gaze 11) disaster 12) wiped out2.1) … a long/long running controversy over whether the book should be published or not2) … felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly3) ... suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay4) … is obvious that our company is still maintaining its composition as market leader in software.5) … give in until they give her a pay rise3.1) have undertaken, original, to explore2) evidence convinced, underneath, extending to3) to negotiate, encounter, to figure out, exploreII. Confusable Words1.firstly2. first, first3. At first2.4. First/Firstly 5. first 6. First3.7. at first 8. firstIII. Usage1. animal intelligence whose2. zoo keeper where3. eye contact through what4. money supply of what5. killer whale what kind6. baby whale how old7. family member of what8. sea turtle what kind/where Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. (1) emergency (2) evidence (3) original(4) sizing up(5) negotiates (6) reveal (7) make a deal(8) dominant (9) in their interest(s)(10) deceiving (11) controversy (12) judgment (13) explore 2.(1) protect (2) However (3) type (4) situation(5) sights (6) together (7) rang(8) associate (9) without (10) environmentII. Translation1. 1) A local business undertook the project but went bankrupt before it was completed.2) Let’s make a deal—you wash my car, and I’ll let you use it tonight.3) We got to the village which we thought must have been wiped out in the severe earthquake, only to find it slightly damaged.4) My garden is dry and shady—few plants thrive in that condition5) Mystery still surrounds the exact truth behind the film star’s death/exact circumstance of the film star’s death. 2.When I was young I used to visit the zoo in my hometown. There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers, especially the male. They were dept in a huge iron cage at first, but later were released from it and moved to a place called Tiger Hill. Twenty years later I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find Tiger Hill was still there, butgreatly extended. Moving around now were six tigers, old and young, instead of two!。

知行英语2Unit1 课文翻译

知行英语2Unit1 课文翻译

Graduation Season Based on a story by Jennifer Gibbons
4 另外一组甚至采取了更简单的办法。他们在学生会门口摆 了个摊子,免费检测自行车轮胎的胎压。如果车胎需要打 气的话,他们收取1美元的打气费用。开始的时候,他们觉 得自己在占其他学生的便宜,因为学生们很容易就可以到 附近的加油站去给自行车打气。但接待过几个顾客之后, 他们发现骑车人对这项服务非常感激,他们这才意识到自 己提供的是一项既方便于人又有价值的服务。实际上,两 个小时过了一半的时候,小组就不再收取额定的费用,而 是要求提供捐赠。这样一来,他们的收入飙升,比起被要 求支付额定费用,顾客们在接受了免费的服务后愿意支付 更多的钱。
Graduation Season Based on a story by Jennifer Gibbons
6 上述练习强调了几点。第一,机会无限。在 任何地方、任何时间,环顾四周,你都可以 发现需要解决的问题。第二,不管问题大小 ,总会有创造性的方法来利用现有资源解决 它们。第三,人们在处理问题时常常思维过 于局限。参加过这个项目的人对这一点都深 有体会,很多人后来反思:永远不要为自己 的破产找借口,因为附近总会有财富等待着 你来赢取。
Graduation Season Based on a story by Jennifer Gibbons
1 如果你仅有5美元和两个小时,你会做些什么来挣 钱呢?这是我给斯坦福大学我教的一个班学生布置 的作业。每当我提出这个问题时,总会有人大叫: “到拉斯维加斯去!”或者“买彩票去!”。其他常见的 回答是用这5美元买原材料,摆个清洗汽车或卖柠 檬汽水的小摊。对于想要挣点小钱来零花的人来说 ,这倒是个不错的选择。但我班上的大多数学生最 终找到了远超出这些常规回答的方法,他们认真应 对挑战,展示出无尽的可能性。

知行英语综合教程1 Unit7

知行英语综合教程1 Unit7

*era n. 时代;年代
appearance n. 出现 *wizard n. 男巫;魔法师 *adventure n. 奇遇;历险 single a. 单身的
3 Harry Potter, since its first appearance in 1997, has a4ttra人c们te对d 《a g哈e利ne·波ra特tio》n的o关f r注ea似d乎er从s a未n停d 止th。en当e罗d琳uc在at给ed最后 t一he本m书,结se尾m时es,te当r 读by者s读em到e最st后er一, a本t 书Ho时g,w当ar最ts后W一iz部ar电d影Sc完ho成ol. T拍h摄e 时ad,ve人n们tu仍re对s结th局er津e津w乐er道e 。re然co而rd现ed在b,y现a在si又ng怎le样m呢o?ther who lived her own fairy tale: She got lucky, famous, attractive and richer than almost everyone but Oprah.
D soundtrack
E cinema, movie theater
Task 3
The following are posters of some popular movies and TV series (连续剧). Match the posters with their names.
Reading It
Why Is the World So Wild About Harry ? acquaintance
* Words
wild a. 狂热的
*deathly a. 死一般的

知行英语综合教程1 Unit6

知行英语综合教程1 Unit6

1 Grandma got Grandpa out of bed and helped him to the kitchen for 2 自从爷爷上次中风以来,这样的生活便成了常态。爷爷曾经很活跃,可现在他左 breakfast. After his meal, she led him to his armchair in the living room 臂伤得严重,加之行走困难,说话又含糊不清,因此只能呆在家里了。将近有一年的 where he would rest while she washed the dishes. Every so often, she 时间他甚至连教堂都没去过,也没有去看望家人。 would check to see if he needed anything.
8 “我现在要去洗个澡,”奶奶把电视遥控器递给爷爷,“如果你有什么需要, 等我一会儿回来再说。”
*glance v. 匆匆一看;扫 视 n. 扫视;一瞥
*cane n. 手杖 lean / v. 靠;倚 spot n. 地点;场所
*recliner n. 装有软垫的躺椅
9 After her shower, she glanced towards the back of Grandpa’s recliner but noticed that his cane was not leaning in its usual spot. 10 奶奶胡乱地在浴袍外面加了一件大衣,跑了出去。他一定没有走远; Sensing something unusual, she went into the room. He was gone. 他自己几乎没法行走。 The closet door stood open and his hat and overcoat were missing. Fear ran down her spine.

知行英语综合教程1 Unit1

知行英语综合教程1 Unit1

Task 2
Here is the campus map of a university. Point out the locations of the main entrance, classrooms, library, Marble Chapel, dining hall, gymnasium, sand volleyball court and athletic field (运动场). 1 Main Entrance 2 Admissions Center 3 Classrooms 4 Auditorium 5 Library 6 Marble Chapel 7 The Coffee Bean 8 Harlow Residence Hall 9 Smart Residence Hall 10 Tatham Residence Hall 11 Dining Hall 12 Courtide Cafe 13 Fitness Center 14 Pollard Fieldhouse 15 Gymnasium Step 1
* Words
campus n. 校园 *freshman n. 大一学生;新手 club n. 俱乐部 common a. 共 同的;普通的
2 父母,再见!自由,你好!此刻的你正告别高中,进入大 Freshman year of college means moving to a 1 new place where you don’t know many people. You 学。但是开始庆祝之前,你要为一些可能会在大学生活里出 have to deal with 现的问题做好准备。 roommates, new friends, and clubs, not to mention getting to class on time and passing exams. No matter how hard you might try, problems are sure to occur, so you have to be prepared to deal with them when they appear. Campus life can be great, but there are two common problems that most freshmen have to address.


知行英语 知行英语
Task 1
Solve the following crossword puzzle. For some words, the first letters are given. You may refer to the tips given.
3 the particular taste of a food or drink
attract v. 吸引;引 起……的注意
父母去买那些不健康食品。他们引导孩子们轻信所 有的电视广告。小孩子尤其会被彩色包装和塑料玩 具吸引。我必须承认,我曾是他们中的一员,我也 曾以为我们所有的食物都来自开心小农场,那里每 天猪在泥浆里打滚,牛遍地吃草。
知行英语 2 I have found out that this is not true. I began to look into this stuff on the Internet, in books and films, and in my travels with my family. I discovered the dark side of the industrialized food system. First is the genetically engineered seeds. A seed is manipulated in a laboratory to do something not intended by nature, like taking the DNA of a fish and putting it into the DNA of a tomato. The seeds are then planted and grown. The food they produce have been proven to cause cancer and

知行英语综合教程1 Unit8

知行英语综合教程1 Unit8

experiment v. (on/with) 做实验 n. 实验
4 I continued 随着知识的积累,我越来越认识到其实大多数人要么 experimenting, access n. 接近或进入…… 接触不到这些资源,要么认为他们不需要这方面的指 watching different TV 的机会;进入;通道 导。我不会花数千美元去买那些只穿一、两次的衣服, shows and reading resource n. [pl.] 资源; 也不希望其他人这么做。但我知道价廉物美的好衣服 fashion books. And 财力 有的是,我不明白为什么有些人不愿意穿这些衣服从 the more my guidance n. 指引;指导; 而使自己看上去更具魅力。只有极少数人的着装风格 knowledge grew, the 领导 我能够欣赏,这不禁让我想起阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的一 more I thought that afford v. 买得起;负担得 句名言:“有一个问题时常困扰我:到底是我疯了还 not many people 起;提供 seemed to either have 是周围的人疯了?” *affordable a. 买得起的; access to these 负担得起的 resources or perhaps they thought they did not need any guidance. I option n. 选择;选择权 could not afford to spend thousands of dollars on something I would advantage n. 优点;有 only wear once or twice, and I didn’t expect others to, but I knew that 利因素 there were affordable and better options and I could not understand appropriate a. 适当的; why people would not want to take advantage of those clothes and 恰当的 make themselves look attractive. There were only a few people whose quote n. 引文 v. 援引 sense of style I could appreciate. It made me think of Albert Einstein’s *hazy a.(指人)困惑的 famous quote: “A question that sometimes drives me hazy: Am I or are crazy a. (about) 发疯的; the others crazy?”



知行英语综合教程1unit6观后感全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Oh wow, Unit 6 of Know English Comprehensive Course 1 is so cool! We watched a movie and it was super interesting. I learned a lot of new words and phrases. The movie was about a boy who went on an adventure and met all kinds of fun characters.One thing I really liked was how the boy never gave up, even when things got tough. It taught me that we should always keep trying, no matter what. Another thing that I learned was that friends are really important. The boy made lots of friends along the way and they helped him out when he needed it.I also liked how the movie showed different places and cultures. It was so cool to see all the different customs and traditions. I think it's important to learn about the world around us.Overall, I had a great time watching the movie for Unit 6 of Know English Comprehensive Course 1. I can't wait to see what we learn next!Today we watched a movie in English class called "The Lion King" and it was so cool! I learned a lot of new words and phrases while watching it. The movie was about a lion named Simba who had to go through a lot of challenges to become king of the jungle.I think the movie was really interesting because it taught us about friendship, family, and never giving up. The characters in the movie were so funny and cute, especially the monkey named Rafiki. He was always saying wise things and helping Simba find his courage.One thing I really liked about the movie was the songs. They were so catchy and made me want to dance! My favorite song was "Hakuna Matata" because it was so upbeat and fun. I also liked the song "Circle of Life" because it talked about how everything is connected in the world.Overall, I had a great time watching "The Lion King" and I can't wait to watch more movies in English class. I think watching movies is a fun way to learn English and I hope we get to watch more in the future. Thank you, teacher, for showing us such a cool movie!Title: My Thoughts on Unit 6 of "Understanding English Comprehensive Course 1"Hey everyone, today I'm gonna share with you guys my thoughts on Unit 6 of our English textbook. This unit was all about different types of entertainment, like movies, TV shows, and sports. It was super interesting to learn about all the different things people like to do for fun.One of my favorite parts of the unit was when we talked about movies. I love watching movies with my friends and family, so it was really cool to learn some new vocabulary words about movies. Now I can talk about my favorite films in English!Another thing I really enjoyed was learning about different sports. I already knew a lot of the words for sports in English, but I learned some new ones too. Now I can talk about my favorite sport – soccer – in English too!Overall, I had a lot of fun learning about entertainment in Unit 6. I can't wait to keep learning more English in the next unit. See you guys next time! Bye!篇4Unit 6 in English Course 1 is so cool! We watched a movie and I learned a lot of things from it. The movie was about a group of friends going on an adventure and learning to trust each other. It was really exciting and I couldn't stop watching!From the movie, I learned that teamwork is super important. The friends had to work together to solve problems and they couldn't have done it alone. It made me realize that I should always try my best to help my friends and work together with them.I also learned that it's okay to make mistakes. The friends in the movie made a lot of mistakes, but they didn't give up. They learned from their mistakes and kept going. It showed me that it's okay to mess up sometimes, as long as we keep trying and learn from it.Overall, I really enjoyed watching the movie in Unit 6. It taught me a lot of important lessons and I can't wait to see what we learn next!篇5In Unit 6 of our English textbook, we learned a lot of interesting things! We watched a movie called "My Neighbor Totoro" and it was super cool.The movie is about two sisters, Satsuki and Mei, who move to the countryside with their dad. They meet a big fluffy creature called Totoro who can fly and has magical powers. It was so fun to see them go on adventures together and make friends with Totoro.I really liked how the movie taught us about friendship and kindness. Totoro was always there to help Satsuki and Mei when they needed it, and they were always looking out for each other too. It showed me that being a good friend is important.I also learned some new English words from watching the movie. It was cool to hear the characters speaking English and try to understand what they were saying. It made me want to practice my English even more!Overall, I had a great time watching "My Neighbor Totoro" and I can't wait to learn more English in the next unit. English is so much fun!篇6Last week in class, we watched a really cool video in Unit 6 of our English textbook. It was super interesting and I learned a lot from it!The video was all about different countries and their cultures. We got to see people from all over the world speaking different languages and wearing traditional clothes. It was so cool to see how diverse our world is!I liked how the video showed us that even though we're all different, we can still be friends and learn from each other. It's important to respect other cultures and traditions, and the video really helped me understand that.I also learned some new words and phrases in English from the video. My favorite part was when they talked about food from different countries. It made me hungry and now I want to try food from all over the world!Overall, I really enjoyed watching the video in Unit 6. I can't wait to learn more about different countries and cultures in our English class. English is so much fun!。

知行英语综合教程1 Unit7

知行英语综合教程1 Unit7

5 现在来分析一下:在票房销售上,《哈利·波特》花掉了观众60 多亿美元——比22 部詹姆斯·邦德系列电影加起来还要多三分之一。 与《纳尼亚传奇》8 千万册的图书销量相比,《哈利·波特》共卖出了 4 亿5 千万册。
5 Now the analysis begins. It cost moviegoers more than $6 billion in ticket sales—a third more than all 22 James Bond movies together. It cost readers 450 million copies, compared with 80 million for Chronicles of Narnia.
1 Grey’s Anatomy
2 Transformers
3 The Twilight Saga
4 Shrek
5 Kung Fu Panda
6 Pirates of the Caribbean I
7 Ice Age
8 The Big Bang Theory C
9 The Lord of the Rings B
5 That movie about earthquake would first be __s_h_o_w_n__ to government officials.
watch a movie star in a movie show a movie make/shoot a movie movie premiere (the first time when a movie is shown)

知行英语综合教程1 Unit 1 First Day on Campus Warm-up

知行英语综合教程1 Unit 1 First Day on Campus Warm-up

Judge the book by its cover (but not only…)
Task 3 What does the title of the textbook “知行英语” mean?
Learning ↔ Doing Knowledge ↔ Action Theory ↔ Practice
Practical English from Campus to Career
Judge the book by its cover (but no at the covers of the textbooks and list words or phrases about them, then share your work with others.
Task 5 What would you like to add that’s not in the textbook?
Write down anything which doesn’t appear in the textbook but which you especially want to do.
Sample answers: boy; smile; notebook; girl; book; desk; student; plants Task 2 Use the following sentence patterns and the words or phrases from Task 1 to describe the book covers to your classmates. A. On… you can see… B. There is/are… on…
Task 4 Browse through the books. In the meantime, complete the following sentences with your own words. “I think I’ll like the book because…” “I don’t think I’ll like the book because…” “What worries me about the book is…”

知行英语综合教程1 Unit5

知行英语综合教程1 Unit5
couple n. 一对;一双 recommend v. 推荐; 建议 former a. 以前的 poet n. 诗人 *glaze v. 变得目光呆滞
5 Another day I saw a former student, a young poet. When I told her about my trip, her eyes glazed over. I saw stars dancing in them. “Paris? You’re going to Paris? Oh, the city of dreams. That’s so wonderful!”
What do people expect from a tourist destination? 1) unique ABCDE 2) friendly D 3) rich BE 4) delicious C A scenery B culture C food D people
5) beautiful A
1 当我最初想到要去巴黎旅行时, 2 My shoe repairman actually 我就无法自已——我告诉每个愿意聆 got tears in his eyes and looked 听的人。仅仅是谈论旅行本身就令我 off to the side. “I never go 激动不已,而我没有预料到的是,谈 anywhere,” he said. “All I’ve 论巴黎之行似乎以一种特别的方式影 ever done my whole life is 响到了别人,并总能在他们的心里激 work. ” His wife, he said, never 荡起某种情感。 wanted to travel. His grown children still needed some financial support from him.



知行英语综合教程1unit1答案Unit 1 Growing UpPart II Language FocusVocabularyⅠ.respectable2. agony3. put…down4. sequence5. hold back6. distribute7. off and on8. vivid9. associate10. finally11. turn in12. tackle21. has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office.2. was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.3. a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time.4. gave the command the soldiers opened fire.5. buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.3.1. reputation, rigid, to inspire2. and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas3. compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold backⅡ.1. composed2. severe3. agony4. extraordinary5. recall6. command7. was violating 8. anticipateⅢ. 1. at 2. for 3. of 4. with 5. as6. about7. to8. in, in 9. from 10. on/uponComprehensive ExercisesⅠ. Cloze1.1.hold back2. tedious3. scanned4. recall5. vivid6.off and on 7. turn out/in 8. career2.st2. surprise3. pulled4. blowing5.dressed6. scene7. extraordinary2.8 image 9. turn 10.excitementⅡ. Translation1.1. As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2. His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.3. Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4. It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5. It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.2.Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again.One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life.。

知行英语综合教程1 Unit2

知行英语综合教程1 Unit2
bitter a. 痛苦的;有 苦味的 unemployed a. 未 被雇用的;失业的
résumé n. 简历
*stuck a. 无法摆脱困 境的
land v. <口>得到; 捞到 position n. 位置
*preschool n. 幼儿园
sign v. 签(名);署名
nervous a. 神经紧张 的;情绪不安的
h—a— pp这y.番话我以前不知道听过多少遍了。
*counselor n.(学生 76 I结m果et学w校it的h 生a c活o非un常se好lo。r我an在d那a儿sk上ed课h、im交a友b,ou过t得tr很an开sf心er。ring. He did the
same song and dance about math I’d heard many times before.
9 Some students will __tr_a_n_s_f_e_r_to another school to further their education.
10 College or universities usually hold a(n) __c_o_m__m_e_n_c_e_m__e_n_t__for students upon their graduation.
我不会。但我住在加利福尼亚,这的人必须通过代数考试才能上州立大学。而且还要学 一门像天文学这样的科学课程。而要学天文学——你猜对了——就必须会代数。
21 T我he特re别w喜a爱s a每t年im的e这in个m时y节li。fe鲜w花he盛n开th,e万gr物ad披u绿at。io夏n天se将as至o。n d各id地n的’t学m生ak们e即me h将ap毕p业y 。at全al新l.的I’d开g始o。to commencement ceremonies and feel sad, longing for a degree of my own. But it always felt far out of my reach. That’s because I have a learning disability that makes math seem like Greek to me. Don’t ask me to do linear algebra. I can’t. But in California where I live, you need to pass algebra to go to a state college. You also need an extra science class like astronomy. To take Astronomy—you guessed it—you need to be able to do algebra.



UNIT 41. 我觉得食品公司总是试着让像我一样的孩子要父母去买那些不健康食品。




2. 但我发现这不是真的。





比如提取鱼类的DNA,把它植入到西红柿的DNA 中,然后种植这些种子,让其生长。


自20 世纪90 年代起,人们一直在吃这些转基因的食物,而大多数人甚至都不知道怎么回事。

3. 第二点,在传统种植方式中,农民使用化肥促进植物生长。




4. 所以我问自己,如何才能改变这些状况?就在不久前,我还想成为一个美国国家橄榄球联盟的运动员。



5. 那儿的农民不使用任何有害的农药和转基因种子。




6. 通过做出与过去不同的选择,我们都可以有所作为。




知行英语综合教程1 Unit 5 The City of Dreams

知行英语综合教程1 Unit 5 The City of Dreams

New Words & Expressions
fulfill =carry out/realize
fulfill one’s plan/promise/dream
He would like to fulfill his dream of winning the prize someday.
recommend that
I highly/strongly recommend that you should watch the movie.
New Words & Expressions
reserve =shyness
She overcame her own natural reserve.
New Words & Expressions
affect =influence/have an impact on
Many people are affected by the air pollution in the winter.
冬天,很多人受到了 空气污染的影响。
New Words & Expressions
off to the /one side
on and on
put off
rent out
draw in
Unit 5 Reading It
The City of Dreams
by Chen Tian
New Words & Expressions
dean =a person who is in charge of one of the parts of a college/university



知行英语综合教程1unit8答案Unit 8Pair work1. She was amazed at the author’s ability to do mental calculation.2. Children can’t spell correctly; their knowledge of word history and geography is non-existent3. He didn’t want to compete with the hard-working Asians at U.C.L.A. He preferred a less intellectually challenging life.4. A modern industrial state cannot function with an idle, ignorant labor force.5. To use the media to dramatize and drive home the message to today’s teenagers.6. He is fed up with the book he is forced to red.7. They can’t read or write. They place their hopes on their children.8. He works as a cleaner in a factory owned by the Japanese.9. Because he has no education, no useful skill, and no discipline.10. Americans stop demanding good education foe children. Machines do all the complex work and there is little manual work to be done. America is poorer than Japan and European countries.11. Hard work education, saving and discipline help a nation rise from the ashes. 12. He finally comes to realize the importance of study.Work on your own1.Part one paras.1-10Teenagers’idleness and ignorance will produce serious effects on all concerned and society as a whole.Part two paras.11-24Kevin 1990 comes to realize in his dream how greatly lack of education costs his forebears, himself, his children and the society they live in, and how important it is to study hard.2.Part oneTeenagers’intellectual laziness and ignorancePart twoKevin 1990, his forebears(with the exception of his intellectual father),and his children lead a poor, miserable life.America is on the decline.There is no law and order in the country.America children have no chance to receive a good education.Businesses in America are owned by wealthy Europeans and Asians.Language sense enhancement Indifference(1) Summed up (2) Preferred (3) Financial(4)Accumulated (5)Intellectual (6)Affect (7)Industrial (8)Idle (9)Break down (10)Vocabulary I1.1. industrial2. idle3. is functioning4. intellectual5. scared6. handful7. luxury8. private9. work up 10. slice 11. miracle 12. was jammed2.1. to be seriously affected by the rise in gas prices。


audience n.(戏剧、音乐会
54 我W的e戏s剧ta《rt派ed对人ou生r》d是re出s喜s剧re。h我e仔a细rs地al挑, 选an演d员,th然e后t我ec们h认n真ic地ia排n演s。d对id于t成h功ei我r 们jo信bs w心十el足l. 。M终y于a,ct我o们rs的, o戏n剧t可h以e彩o排th了e。r h这a是n我d们, w初e次r加e 上ha声v效in、g灯a光d和if戏fic服u,lt也t是im我e的. 演So员m初e次h面o对w, w一小ith群c观o众st表u演m。es and under hot lights, this comedy didn’t play very funny. My actors expected to hear laughs from the technicians, but the laughs never came. Were the technicians too busy? Didn’t they have a sense of humor? My actors’ confidence was shaken, and so was mine.
3 Long before I was an Emmy winner, I was a drama student at 2Sa走n上D台ie去go领S我ta的te艾U美n奖iv“e最rs佳ity儿. 童Ev节er目y”奖 是f多ou么rt令h人-y兴ea奋r啊st!ud所e有n为t i了n 《th布e偶宝 贝d》e付pa出rt的m漫e长nt时is间re和q辛ui苦re工d作to都d是ir值ec得t 的a。nd produce a play. It’s the biggest task in his or her college career. I was waiting for my turn, to write and direct my own play.
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1 父母,再见!自由,你好!此刻的你正告别高中,进入大学。


2 大学一年级意味着你要进入一个全新的地方,在这里,你认识的人寥寥无几,你要应对室友、新朋友和社团,更别说还要准时上课以及通过考试。



3 如果说有什么是学生最为担心的,那肯定是见新室友,见那些要与其共住同一间宿舍的人。

他或者她会是什么样的呢?我们能处得好吗?如果我们是完全不同类型的人怎么办?4 并不是所有的人都能和室友处得来。

我们都听过一些耸人听闻的故事,比如有人从来不洗澡,或者某个女生在周二的凌晨 4 点开派对。



5 如果问题开始出现,那就尽量马上解决。


新泽西州莫瓦市拉玛珀学院2005 届毕业生迈克尔·纳多说:“我和一个室友起初处得并不好,我们的政见不同,一开始争执很多,但后来我们决定转移话题,谈论足球和健身,结果我们相处得很融洽。


”6 和室友相处,要记住一个重要的原则,那就是坦诚交流。




7 最后,如果你觉得自己没办法处理好这个问题,可以找个人帮你,比如说辅导员。

不要立即要求调换宿舍——大学生活的一部分就是学会应对各种问题!8 在大学里,你肯定有很多事要做——在课业、社团活动、社会活动之间忙碌,你的时间表肯定会排得满满的!9 想要确保能有足够的时间用来学习,在开始的几堂课就要从老师那里搜集所有相关的重要信息。





10 当你搞清楚你想加入哪些社团和运动队,就要了解他们的例会/训练时间表。




11 有些学生无法正确对待大学生活的自由。






1 我特别喜爱每年的这个时节。





2 我生命中曾经有过那么一段时期,毕业的季节让我完全无法开心。








3 我试着在社区学院修基础数学课,但总是听不懂——即便我去请教别人,并且也很用功。




4 我一整年都找不到工作。




5 我把自己擅长的事一个个列了出来。



我又迈步回到社区学院,注册了15 个单元的课程。


6 结果学校的生活非常好。


7 我找到学校的一位辅导员,向他咨询转学的事。


8 “你知道吗,有些人并不适合转到四年制的大学,”他跟我说。

9 过去听到这种话的时候,我会默不做声。


10 “我知道,但我真的很想转学,想拿个学位,”我回答说。


”11 话音刚落,我就四下看看,有那么一瞬间,我有些恍惚,不确定这番话是谁说出来的。



12 我查了米尔斯大学的资料,了解到那里有一个很不错的英语系——而且对数学不作要求。


13 于是我向学校递交了申请,然后祈祷一切顺利。




14 我带父亲来到这个现在属于我的校园。



”15 两年后,我真的坐到了这里,和朋友们一起,聆听芭芭拉·鲍克瑟尔参议员的毕业典礼主旨演说。



16 叫到我的名字时,我的眼泪流了下来。



17 “非常好!”校长说。

18 后来,我在家办了个晚会,所有和我生活有关联的人都到场了。




19 现在,已经快到第五年校友聚会了,我的学位证书仍保存在书架上,连同一张别人赠送的毕业贺卡。




1 “获奖者是……”2 走上台去领我的艾美奖“最佳儿童节目”奖是多么令人兴奋啊!所有为了《布偶宝贝》付出的漫长时间和辛苦工作都是值得的。

3 在成为艾美奖得主之前很久,我还是圣地亚哥州立大学戏剧系的学生。




4 我的戏剧《派对人生》是出喜剧。





5 我们开始了彩排,技术人员做得很好。





6 一位技师对我说:“你知道那句老话‘糟糕的彩排会带来成功的开场’吗?”我努力地回以微笑。

7 第二天,我注视着剧场里逐渐坐满了师生。





有什么好担心的呢?8 我的演员上场了,开始时,能听到一点笑声。









9 当时,我真希望在宇宙中能有一个黑洞把我吞进去。


10 我噙着泪水回到宿舍,给父母打了电话。

母亲想要安慰我,又不确定该怎么说,仅仅说了句:“亲爱的,现在失败不比将来在职业生涯受挫要好吗?”11 什么生涯?她难道看不出我的职业梦想正在化为泡影吗?她怎么还会有这么可笑的想法?12 时光一点点流逝,生活一天天继续。





13 毕业后我在一家剧院做了演员,几个月后,得到一次机会执导我自己写的喜剧。







14 今天,我经历了各种成功与失败。



谁知道呢,或许将来也有一个刻着你名字的艾美奖呢!1 我觉得食品公司总是试着让像我一样的孩子要父母去买那些不健康食品。




2 但我发现这不是真的。





比如提取鱼类的DNA,把它植入到西红柿的DNA 中,然后种植这些种子,让其生长。


自20 世纪90 年代起,人们一直在吃这些转基因的食物,而大多数人甚至都不知道怎么回事。

3 第二点,在传统种植方式中,农民使用化肥促进植物生长。




4 所以我问自己,如何才能改变这些状况?就在不久前,我还想成为一个美国国家橄榄球联盟的运动员。



5 通过做出与过去不同的选择,我们都可以有所作为。



