
按摩师常用对话第一局部初次见面的应酬1. Hello.你好。
2. It is nice to meet you.见到你很快乐。
3. Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。
4. My name is…我叫…5. Where are you from?你来自哪里?6. What do you do?你作什么工作?7. How long have you been in China?你来中国多久了?8. Have you ever experienced any massage of TCM before? 您以前尝试过中医按摩吗?9. Do you have any ideas of benefit of massage of TCM? 您知道中医按摩的好处吗?10. Well, it is your turn.该您了。
11. Take off your coat, please.请脱下上衣。
12. Relax please.请放松。
13. Sit down, please.请坐。
14. Lie down, please.请躺下。
15. Now let’s start.现在我们开始。
第二局部诊断用语1. What’s trouble with you?您哪不舒服?2. How long has all this gone on?这种病症持续多久了。
3. How often do you get them?多久发作一次?4. Please tell me all about them.请说详细一些。
5. What else have you noticed?你还有别的感觉吗?6. Do you feel stiff on neck?脖子发硬吗?7. Do your legs give way?双腿不听使唤吗?8. Hands swollen?双手发胀吗?9. Is there too much pain on head?头痛的厉害吗?10. Do you feel giddy in bed?躺在床上感觉眩晕吗?11. Do you feel sick?你感到恶心吗?12. Can you give me your arm?伸出胳膊好吗?13. Does any position help you?改变体位会好一些码?14. Any tenderness here?这有压痛感吗?15. How about your stomach these days?最近肠胃怎么样?16. Do you feel tinnitus sometimes?时有耳鸣吗?[tiˈnaitəs]第三局部治疗中的动作1. Sit forward.面朝前坐。

一·常见按摩项目(common massage items)1·按摩massage 7·足浴foot massage2·保健按摩healthcare massage/ 8·美容facial careKeep-fit massage 9·减肥weight reduction3·医疗按摩therapeutic massage 10·药浴medicated bath therapy4·推拿tuina 11·推油oil pushing5·针灸acupuncture 12·踩背back trampling6·康复healing /rehabilitation 13·指压acupressure14·双足同步按摩simultaneous massage for both feet15·桑拿药足浴sauna & foot-bathing16·港台式足浴feet massage in the Hongkong & taiwan style17·古典式足浴feet massage in the classical style18·中式经络按摩Chinese meridian and collateral massage19·药熨按摩massage with medicated bag20·防衰按摩age-resistance massage21·日式油压Japanese acupressure with oil 27·小儿推拿children tuina22·椅式按摩chair massage 28·多功能牵引multi-function traction 23·中式按摩traditional Chinese massage 29·盲人按摩massage by the bind 24·泰式按摩massage in the Thailand style 30·日式指压shiatsu25·韩式松骨按摩massage in South Korean style 31·港式踩背26·印度草药按摩ayurvedic massage back trampling in Hongkong style32·淋巴排毒保健按摩lymph drainage massage 37·药酒medicated wine33·热石疗法hot stone therapy 38·修脚pedicure34·整脊疗法chiropractic massage 39·修手manicure35·反射疗法reflexology 40·采耳ear clearing36·香薰耳烛aroma ear candles therapy 41·火罐cupping /jar therapy 42·刮痧scraping /guasha treatment43·全身保健按摩whole-body healthcare massage44·足底保健按摩thenar healthcare massage45·色彩疗法colortherapy46·音乐疗法musictherapy47·触觉疗法tactiletherapy/touch therapy48·芳香疗法aromatherapy二·常用按摩手法(common techniques of massage)1·摩擦类(rubbing category)推法pushing 搓法palm twisting/抹法slipping/wipping rubbing with two palms摩法circular kneading 擦法rubbing/linear-rubbing2·挤压类(squeezing-pressing category) 3·摆动类(swaying category) 按pressing 揉法kneading点finger pressing 滚法rolling拨plucking/pulling 一指禅推法拿grasping thumb waving pressing/捻finger twisting/holding twisting Dhyana-thumb-pushing4·震动(vibrating category)抖法shaking 拍法patting振法vibrating 叩法tapping叩击法tapping knocking category 击法beating/knocking三·常见腧穴(frepuently used points)百会内关商阳足三里涌泉中府手三里神门风池尺泽曲池京门印堂列缺天枢委中四·常见按摩介质·器具(common ,media and appliance)1·滑石粉talcum powder 7·按摩棒massage sticks2·红花油Chinese medicated oil for bone injury 8·按摩锤massage knockers 3·清凉油Chinese refreshing ointment 9·按摩枕massage pillows4·精油essential oil 10·按摩靠垫massage cushions 5·按摩膏massage cream 11·按摩椅massage chairs6·按摩油massage oil 12·按摩床massage tables五·经络(channels and collaterals)1·手太阴肺经the lung channel of hand-taiyin2·手阳明大肠经the large intestine channel of hand-yangming3·足阳明大肠经the stomach channel of foot-yangming4·足太阴脾经the spleen channel of foot-taiyin5·手少阴心经the heart channel of hand-shaoyin6·手太阳小肠经the small intestine channel of taiyang7·足太阳膀胱经the urinary bladder channel of taiyang8·足少阴肾经the kidney channel of shaoyin9·手厥阴心包经the pericardium channel of hand-jueyin10·手少阳三焦经the sanjiao channel of hand-shaoyang11·足少阳胆经the gall bladder channel of foot-shaoyang12·足厥阴肝经the liver channel of foot-jueyin六·常见症状(common symptoms)1·头痛headache 9·半身不遂hemiparalysis /hemiplegia2·眩晕blackout/vertigo 10·冻疮chibain3·鼻塞the snuffle 11·牙痛toothache4·目胀distension in eye 12·腹泻diarrhea /diarrhoea5·胸闷chest stuff 13·便秘constipation6·食欲不振inappetence 14·神经衰弱nerve-tire /neurasthenic7·精神疲劳mental fatigue 15·中暑heat stroke8·失眠insomnia 16·耳鸣17·晕车(船)car-sickness /sea-sickness 20·颈椎病cervical spondylopathy18·营养不良malnutrition 21·肩周炎scapulohumeral periarthritis19·落枕torticollis /stiff neck 22·网球肘tennis elbowlateral humeral epicondylitis23·腕关节扭伤sprain of the wrist joint24·胸椎小关节错缝subluxation of the small joints of the thoracic vertebra25·背部肌筋膜炎facilities of back muscles26·急性腰扭伤acute strain of lumbar muscles27·慢性腰肌劳损chronic strain of lumbar muscles28·腰椎间盘突出症lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion29·骨骼关节扭伤sprain of the sacro-iliac articulation30·梨状肌综合症piriformis syndrome31·髌骨软化症chondrified knee cap syndrome32·膝关节骨性关节炎osteoarthritis of knee cap syndrome33·髌下脂肪垫劳损strain of the fatty pad under patella34·踝关节扭伤sprain of the ankle joint35·跟痛症heel pain syndrome36·呃逆hiccup 39·面瘫facial paralysis37·胃脘痛stomachache pain 40·骨盆骨折fracture of pelvis38·慢性腹泻chronic diarrhea 41·髋关节脱位dislocation of coax-joint七·其他常用术语1·解剖学anatomy 11·中医基础理论2·生理学physiology basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 3·病理学pathology 12·神经系统nervous system4·外伤学traumatology 13·骨骼和肌肉系统5·运动解剖学exercise anatomy skeletal system and muscular system 6·运动生理学exercise physiology 14·循环系统circulatory system7·运动医学sports medicine 15·呼吸系统respiratory system8·运动创伤学sports traumatology 16·消化系统digestive system9·运动生理病理学sports physiopathology 17·泌尿系统urinary system10·运动生物力学kinetic biomechanics 18·内分泌系统endocritic system 19·生殖系统genital system。

1.洗面乳c l e a n s i n g m i l k2.去黑头洗面奶biological cleanser// 黑头blackhead3.清洁面霜clarifying cream /cleaner4.眼部御妆液eye makeup removing5.按摩霜massage cream6.按摩油massage oil7.面膜mask8.冷膜freezing mask9.热膜hotting mask10.海藻面膜seaweed mask11.颈霜restructuring compo und for the neck12.特效营养霜rich nourishin g cream13.眼袋霜eyelid cream14.眼部嗜喱eye gel15.日霜day cream 16.晚霜night cream 17.眼霜eye cream 18.精华素Ampoule19.中性normal20.油性oily21.干性dry22.敏感性sensitive23.紧肤refirming24.补水moisturizing25.补氧oxygenating26.补充骨胶原collagen hyalr onic27.倒膜pour mask28.植物plant29.色素pigment30.酸性acidity 31.碱性alkaline护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash2 护肤专业术语Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸硷)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(温和用)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剥撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妆)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妆水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)3 化妆工具及其他术语工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状lip pencil,膏状lip lipstick,盒装lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bagus 87.消毒箱disinfect box 88.健胸仪breast strengtheni ng apparatus 89.减肥仪weight reducing a pparatus 90.高震按摩仪high frequenc y massage 91. 扫斑机fleck removal app aratus 92.导电极棒conduct stick 93.电极electrode 94.磨砂刷(磨刷帚)ground b rush 95.文眉机eyebrow-tattooin g apparatus 96.美容美容facial 169.美容室Le salon 170.美容院beauty salon 171.美容。

常用美容英语词汇 Prepared on 24 November 20201.洗面乳 cleansing milk2.去黑头洗面奶biological cleanser洁面霜 clarifying cream /cleaner4.眼部御妆液 eye makeup removing5.按摩霜 massage cream6.按摩油 massage oil7.面膜 mask8.冷膜 freezing mask9.热膜 hotting mask10.海藻面膜 seaweed mask11.颈霜 restructuring compo und for the neck12.特效营养霜 rich nourishin g cream13.眼袋霜 eyelid cream14.眼部嗜喱 eye gel15.日霜 day cream 16.晚霜 night cream 17.眼霜 eye cream 18.精华素 Ampoule19.中性 normal20.油性 oily21.干性 dry22.敏感性 sensitive23.紧肤 refirming24.补水 moisturizing25.补氧 oxygenating26.补充骨胶原 collagen hyalr onic27.倒膜 pour mask28.植物 plant29.色素 pigment30.酸性 acidity 31.碱性 alkaline护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash2 护肤专业术语Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸硷)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(温和用)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剥撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妆)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妆水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)3 化妆工具及其他术语工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bagus 87.消毒箱 disinfect box 88.健胸仪 breast strengtheni ng apparatus 89.减肥仪weight reducing a pparatus 90.高震按摩仪 high frequenc y massage 91. 扫斑机 fleck removal app aratus 92.导电极棒 conduct stick 93.电极 electrode 94.磨砂刷(磨刷帚)ground b rush 95.文眉机 eyebrow-tattooin g apparatus 96.美容美容 facial 169.美容室 Le salon 170.美容院 beauty salon 171.美容。

中医英文词汇1. 中医学(Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM)2. 经络学(Meridianology)3. 气(Qi)4. 血(Xue)5. 阴阳(Yin-Yang)6. 五行(Five Elements)7. 经络(Meridian)8. 穴位(Acupoint)9. 针灸(Acupuncture)10. 拔罐疗法(Cupping Therapy)11. 刮痧疗法(Gua Sha Therapy)12. 中草药(Chinese Herbal Medicine)13. 草药学(Herbology)14. 方剂(Prescription)15. 药膳(Medicated Diet)16. 气功(Qigong)17. 太极拳(Tai Chi)18. 推拿按摩(Tui Na Massage)19. 中医诊断(TCM Diagnosis)20. 脉诊(Pulse Diagnosis)21. 舌诊(Tongue Diagnosis)22. 中医治疗(TCM Treatment)23. 经络按摩(Meridian Massage)24. 中医保健(TCM Wellness)25. 中医病因学(TCM Pathology)26. 中风(Stroke)27. 心血管疾病(Cardiovascular Disease)28. 消化系统疾病(Digestive System Disorders)29. 呼吸系统疾病(Respiratory System Disorders)30. 神经系统疾病(Neurological Disorders)31. 内分泌系统疾病(Endocrine Disorders)32. 妇科疾病(Gynecological Disorders)33. 男科疾病(Andrology)34. 儿科疾病(Pediatrics)35. 皮肤病(Dermatological Disorders)36. 风湿病(Rheumatological Disorders)37. 肿瘤学(Oncology)38. 精神疾病(Psychiatric Disorders)39. 疼痛管理(Pain Management)40. 康复医学(Rehabilitation Medicine)41. 中医养生(TCM Health Preservation)42. 养生学(Health Cultivation)43. 中医美容(TCM Beauty Therapy)44. 中医理疗(TCM Physical Therapy)45. 中医药化学(TCM Medicinal Chemistry)46. 中医药制剂学(TCM Pharmaceutical Preparations)47. 中医药法学(TCM Jurisprudence)48. 中医药教育(TCM Education)49. 中医药研究(TCM Research)50. 中医药文化(TCM Culture)。

医学英语翻译常用专业词汇如下:M (①meter ②molar) ①米②容积克分子的(溶液)MA (milliampere) 毫安(培)maceration 浸渍,浸软maceration tank 浸渍槽macerator 浸渍器Mach 马赫(音速单位)machcardiogram (abbr. MCG) 心机械图(即对心电、心音、颈动脉波,心尖搏动图进行同步记录,可对各图型和时相及其相互关系进行研究)machine(abbr. mach.) 机,机器,装置machine parts 机器零件machinery 机器,机械装置macro- 巨,大,长,宏观macroanalysis 常量分析macrochemistry 常量化学macroroentgenogram X 射线放大照片macroroentgenography X 射线放大工业照像术made-up 人工的,制成的,预制的madisterion 拔毛镊madisterium 拔毛镊madistor 晶体磁控管magamp 磁性放大器magazine ①杂志,期刊②箱,盒,办片匣,暗盒③软片盒magic 魔术,不可思议的magic eye ①电眼②光调谐指示管magic lantern 幻灯magmeter 直读式频率计magnalium 镁铝合金magnesia anastomosis tube 镁氧吻合管magnesium (abbr. Mg) 镁magnet 吸铁器,磁铁magnet for eye 眼用吸铁器magnetic 磁(性)的magnetic amplifier 磁性放大器,磁增强器magnetic attraction 磁吸引magnetic belt 磁性治病带magnetic core memory 磁心存储器magnetic deflector 磁偏转器magnetic drum computer 磁鼓计算机magnetic drum memory 磁鼓存储器magnetic electricity 磁电magnetic extractor 磁力取物器(内窥镜)magnetic field therapy apparatus 磁疗机magnetic flowmeter 磁通流量计magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic head 磁头magnetic ink 磁性墨水magnetic material 磁性材料magnetic powder plugger 磁粉充填器magnetic resonance 磁共振magnetic resonance spectroscopy 磁共振波谱学magnetics 磁力学,磁性元件magnetic separator 磁力分离器magnetic shield 磁屏蔽magnetic sound amplifying stethoscope 磁声放大听诊器magnetic spectrograph 磁谱仪magnetic stirrer 磁搅拌器magnetic stirring apparatus 磁力搅拌器magnetic tape 磁带magnetic tape controller 磁带机magnetic tape data recorder 磁带数据记录器magnetic tape eraser 磁带抹音器magnetic tape recorder 磁带录音机magnetic tape video recorder 磁带录像机magnetic water therapy apparatus 磁处理水治疗器magnetism 磁力,磁性magnetism apparatus 磁疗机magnetization 磁化,起磁magnetizator 磁化器(治疗结石)magnetizer 磁化器(治疗结石)magnetocardiogram (abbr. MCG) 心磁波描记图,磁性心动描记图magnetocardiograph 磁体心脏记录器,心磁波描记器magnetodiode 磁敏二极管magneto-electricity 磁电magnetoencephalogram (abbr. MEG) 磁性脑造影片magnetoencephalograph 脑磁波描记器magnetograph 磁强记录仪,磁针记录仪magneto-induction 磁感应magnetometer 磁场计,磁强计magnetomyography 肌磁波描记术magneton 磁子magnetophone 磁带录音机magnetoscope 验磁器magnetosphere 磁圈magnetotherapy 磁力疗法magnet probe 磁铁探针(眼用)magnetron 磁控电子管magnification ①放大②放大率,放大倍数magnifier ①放大镜②放大器magnify 放大,扩大,增加magnifying glass 放大镜magnifying lens 放大镜magnifying loupe 放大镜magnifying mirror 放大镜magnifying mouth mirror 口腔放大镜magnifying power 放大率magnifying spectacles 放大眼镜mail 邮寄,邮件mail order 邮购main ①干线,管路②主要的,干线的mainframe 主机架,底盘mainframe memory 主体存储器main lead 电源线main lens 主透镜mains 干线,电源mains cable 电源线mainspring 发条mains supply 电源mains transformer 电源变压器main switch 总开关,主闸maintain 维修,保养maintainer ①保持器②维修人员maintenance 维修,保养maintenance unit 内窥镜维修器main unit 主机main uses 主要用途maisonneuve 尿道刀major forceps 大钳major graduation 主纹刻度maker ①制造者,制造厂②接合器make-up 构造,组成,装配,接通,闭合making prints 晒印mal- 不好,不良,恶劣maladjustment 失调male ①阳性②插入式配件,凸模male catheter 男用导尿管male die 阳模male metal catheter 男用金属导尿管male plug 插头,插销male urine bag 男用尿袋malformation 畸形,变形malfunction 失灵,故障,机能障碍malignancy 恶性malignometer 恶性病测验器malleable retractor 可伸展牵开器malleolar measure 量踝器mallet 锤,槌mallet plugger 锤充填器maloperation 不正确操作mamma 乳房mammo- 乳房mammogram 乳房X 射线照片mammographic device 乳线摄影装置mammographic X-ray unit 乳房X 射线摄影机mammography 乳房X 射线造影术management 管理,经营,管理部门manager (abbr. Mgr.) 经理,管理员man-amplifier 人肌增强器mandibular denture 下托牙mandibulometer 下颌骨测量计mandrel 轴柄,芯子mandril 轴柄,芯子mandrin ①导尿管导子②管心针,细探针maneuver 手法,操作法manganese (abbr. Mn) 锰manhole 检查孔,检查窗口manicure scissors 修指甲剪manifest 证明,显示manifold adapter 多支管接头manikin 人体模型manipulation 操作法,控制manipulator 操纵器,调制器,控制器mankind 人类man-made 人造的,人工的man-made fiber 人造纤维man-made noise 工业干扰manner 方式,样式,种类manograph 流体压力记录器manometer (流体)压力计,测压计manometer tube 压力管manometry 测压法,液体压力测法manoptoscope 检视计,主视检查器manoscope 气体密度测定仪manoscopy 气体密度测定法manostat 稳压器mantle 罩,机套mantle heater 有罩加热器manual ①手册,说明书②人工的,手控的manual control 手控manual controller 手动控制器manual dermatome 手动植皮机manual diluting pipet 手控稀释移液管manual piston burette 手控活塞滴定管manual reagent dispenser 手控试剂分注器manual resuscitator 人工复苏器manual sample changer 手控标本换样器manudynamometer 器械冲力计manufactory 工厂,制造厂manufacturer (abbr. MFR; mfr) 制造者,制造工厂manufacturer's agency 厂家代理manufacturer's certificate 制造商说明书manumotor 手推车manuscript 手稿,手秒本map 地图,挂图msppinh ①映象②绘图marble 大理石,云石margarid 珠状的margarimeter 乳脂汁margarine 人造奶油,珠脂margin 边缘,限界,差距maritime 海的,海运的Maritime-Custom 海关mark 标志,符号,刻度marked 显著的,有标记的marker ①标记,指标②标识器,指示器marker stylus 标记笔直(ECG)market 市场,行情,销售marking adapter 标记接合器(γ照像机附件)markite 导电性塑料marrow 髓(尤指骨髓)marrowbrain 脑脊髓marrow spoon 骨髓匙maser 微波激射器mask ①面具,口罩②盘,时标mask for inhalation 吸入口罩mass ①物质,质量②大量,团,块massage ①按摩法②推拿massage couch 按摩床massager 按摩器massage table 按摩床mass analyzer 质谱分析器mass chest survey apparatus 集体胸透机mass dete ctor 质量检测器masseur 按摩器massfilter 滤质器massing machine 制丸块机,强力搅拌机mass miniature roentgenography 集体缩影X 射线照像术massodent 龈按摩器massor 按摩器mass radiography 集体X 射线照像术mass roentgenography 集体X 射线照像术mass screening system 集体检诊系统mass separator 质量分离器mass spectra 质谱mass spectrogram 质谱图mass spectrograph 质谱仪mass spectrography 质谱分析法mass spectrometer 质谱仪,质谱分光计mass spectrometry 质谱分析法,质谱学mass spectroscope 质谱分光镜,质谱仪mass spectrum 质谱mass stomach survey table 胃集检X 光机mass survey X-ray apparatus 集检X 光机mass-synchrometer 同步质谱仪,高频质谱仪mast 杆,柱,桅mastax 破碎器master ①主人,雇主②主要的,基本的,③校对规master meter 标准仪表,基准电表master oscillator 主振荡器master sample 标准样品master slave system 主从方式master switch 主开关,总开关mastic 膏,胶,树脂mastogram 乳房X 射线照片mastography 乳房X 射线照像术mastoid ①乳突②乳突状的mastoid bone gouging forceps 乳突咬骨钳mastoid chisel 乳突凿mastoid clamp 乳突夹mastoid curet 乳突刮匙mastoid fixed dilator 乳突固定扩张器mastoid flat chisel 乳突平凿mastoid knife 耳乳突刀mastoid raspatory 乳突骨刮mastoid retractor 乳突牵开器mastoid rongeur 乳突咬骨钳mastoid suction tube 乳突吸液管mat ①垫物,席子②底板,罩面match ①比赛,匹配②火柴matched attenuator 匹配衰减器matched control 对比,对照matched load 匹配负载matching 匹配,配合matching cathode follower 匹配阴极跟踪器matching container 配比容器matchless 无比的,无敌的material (abbr. mtl.) 原料,物质,材料,资料mathematical 数学上的,极正确的mathmodelling 数学模拟mathematics 数学matrass 卵形瓶,硬质细玻璃管matrix 浮雕片,成型片matrix bands 成型片matrix pliers 型片镊matrix printer 版型印刷机matter 物质,内容matting 垫子,席子mattress 褥子,床垫mattress pad 褥垫max. cap. (maximum capacity) 最大容量maxilla resection chesil 上颌骨切除凿maxillary denture 上托牙maxillary punch cutting forceps 上颌窦咬骨钳maxillary puncture needle 上颌窦穿刺针maxillary sinus canula 上颌窦套管maxillary sinus drill 上颌窦钻maxillary sinus hemostat 上颌窦止血钳maxillary sinus puncture needle 上颌窦穿刺针maxillary sinus rasp 上颌窦锉maximum (abbr. Max.; max.) 最大值,最大的,最高的maximum temperature 最高温度maximum thermometer 最高温度计Maxwellmeter 磁通计May 五月maybe 大概,或许MBC (maximum breathing capacity) 最大换气量MCG (①machcardiogram ②magnetocardiogram) ①心机械图②心磁波描记图MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration) 红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度MCV (①mean corpuscular volume ②motor nerve conduction velocity) ①红细胞平均容积②运动神经传导速度Md (mendelevium) 钔ME (①medical electronics ②medical engineering ③medical equipment) ①医用电子学②医学工程学③医学设备mean ①平均值②平均的mean corpuscular volume (abbr. MCV) 红细胞平均容量mean deviation 均差mean error 平均误差means 方法,工具,装置mean temperature 平均温度mean value 平均值measure ①计量,测量②量器measure gauge 量尺,量规measurement ①测量②尺码measuring amplifier 测量放大器measuring apparatus 测定器measuring device 测量装置,测量器measuring equipment 测定器measuring forceps 测度钳measuring glass 量杯measuring microscope 量度显微镜measuring pipet 计量吸管measuring plate 测量板measuring range 测量范围,量程measuring resistance 标准电阻测量用电阻measuring system 测定系统measuring tape 卷尺,皮尺measuring vessel 量器meatal 道的meatome 尿道口刀meatometer 尿道口计meatoscope 尿道窥镜meatotome 尿道口刀meatotome for the gland 尿道口腺体刀meatus clamp forceps 耳道夹钳meatus knife 耳道刀mechanical 机械的,手工操纵的,技工的mechanical analytic balance 机械分析天平mechanical cardiovascular simulator 机械心血管模拟器mechanical hammer 技工榔头,技工锤mechanical hearing aid 机械助听器mechanical heart-lung system 人工心肺机mechanical scaling 器械刮牙术mechanical sectors canner 超声扇形扫描仪mechanical sieve shaker 机动筛粉器mechanical stage 移动镜台,机械台mechanical sterilization 器械灭菌法mechanical stimulus 机械刺激物mechanical vibrator 机械振动器mechanical wave 机械波mechanism 机理,原理,机构mechanist 机械师,技工mechanization 机械化mechanocardiogram (abbr. MCG) 心机械图mechanocardiography 心机械图描记法mechanogram 机械记录图mecometer 婴儿身长测量计medial 中间的,平均的median line 正中线,中线mediaometer 眼介质屈光计mediastina 纵隔mediastinogram 纵隔X 射线(照)片mediastinography 纵隔X 射线照像术mediastinoscope 纵隔(腔)镜mediastinoscopy 纵隔镜检查mediasticlm drounage tube 纵隔引充管mediator 间介器,传递器,介体medical 医学的,医药的medical apparatus and instruments 医疗器械medical betatron 医用电子感应加速器medical box 医药箱medical certification 诊断书medical cold light source shadowless lamp 医用冷光源无影灯medical college 医学院medical cup 医用杯medical data processing computer 医用数据处理机medical data processor 医用数据处理机medical department 医务科medical diagnostic X-ray unit 医用诊断X 光机medical diathermy 医用透热法medical director 医用导子medical electrode 医用电极medical electronic apparatus 医用电子仪器medical electronic linear accelerator 医用电子直线加速器medical equipment 医用设备medical flannelette 医用绒布medical gas analyser 医用气体分析仪medical instrumentation 医疗器械medical laser 医用激光器medical laser system 医用激光系统medical lasertherapy equipment 医用激光治疗设备medical linear accelerator 医用线性加速器medical mass spectrometer 医用质谱仪medical multi-channel recorder 医用多导记录器medical physics 医用物理学medical radio-telemeter 医用无线电遥测仪medical rubber air cushion 医用橡皮气垫medical rubber apron 医用橡胶围裙medical rubber cloth 医用橡胶布medical rubber finger cover 医用橡胶指套medical rubber glove 医用橡胶手套medical spray gun 医用喷雾器medical statistics 医用统计学medical suture clamp 医用缝合夹medical suture needle 医用缝合针medical transducer 医用换能器medical ultrasonic holography system 医用超声全息摄影装置medical vaporizer 医用雾化器medicament bottle 药瓶medicament tray 药盘medicated sound 涂药探子medicated vaginal suppository 阴道栓药medicator 涂药器medicine 医学,医药medicine cabinet 药柜medicine cup 药杯medicine cupboard 药柜medicine dropper 药用滴管medicine packaging machine 药物分装机medicine spoon 药匙medicomechanical apparatus 医疗体操器械medicophysics 医用物理学medicospot 医用聚光笔medicothorax 药蒸气人工气胸medium ①培养基②介质③中间medium pressure liguid chromatograph 中压液相色谱仪medium wave band 中波波段meerschaum probe 海泡石探子(检铅弹)meeting ①会议②连接点,接合MEF (maximal expiratory flow) 最大呼气流量MEG (magnetoencephalograph) 脑磁波描记器mega-;megalo- 大,巨大megacycle (abbr. Mc.) 兆周,百万周megahertz (abbr. MHz) 兆赫(兹)megaloscope 放大镜,扩大镜megaphone 扩音器,嗽叭筒megascope ①显微幻灯,扩大照像机,②粗视显微镜megohm (abbr. MΩ) 北欧megohm bridge 兆欧母电桥melt indexer 熔融指数测定仪melting point (abbr. m. p.) 熔点melting point detector 熔点测定仪melting point tube 熔点(测定)管melt viscometer 熔解粘度计member ①成员②构件,元件membrane ①膜,膜片②光圈membrane filter 膜滤器membrane lcrng 膜肺membrane manometer 薄膜测压计membrane osmometry 膜渗透压测量法membrane oxygenator 膜式氧合器membrane potential 膜电位membrane pump 膜式泵membrane puncture needl 刺膜针membrane puncturing forceps 膜穿刺钳memometer 记忆测验器memorandum 备记录,便函memorizer 存储器memory ①存储器,记忆装置②记忆memory access 存取器memory disc 存储盘memory element 存储单元memory monitor 记忆监护仪,存储监测仪memory oscilloscope 存储示波器,记忆示波镜memory register 存储寄存器memory-scope 存储示波器memory synchroscope 存储式同步示波器,长余辉同步示波器memory vectorcardiograph 记忆心电向量图机,储存心电向量图机memoscope 存储示波镜,存储管式示波器mend 修理,修补mendable 可修好的meninges knife 脑膜刀meninges scissors 脑膜剪meningo- 脑膜,脊膜meningocortical 脑膜皮层的meninx dissector 脑膜剥离器meniscectomy knife 半月板切除刀meniscectomy retractor 半月板拉钩meniscus lens 凹凸透镜,弯月形透镜menstruum 溶剂,溶媒mental 记忆的,精神的,智力的mentality 智力mentimeter 智刀测验器mention 谈论,叙述mercurial desk model sphygmomanometer 合式汞柱血压计mercurial floor stand model sphygmomanometer 立式汞柱血压计mercurial sphygmomanometer 水银血压计mercurial thermometer 水银温度计mercury 汞,水银,水争柱mercury absolute pressure 水银柱压力mercury arc lamp 水银灯mercury battery 汞电池mercury column 水银柱,汞柱mercury electrode 水银电池,汞电极mercury gauge 水银压力计mercury-in-glass thermometer 玻璃水银温度计,汞柱玻璃温度计mercury kettle 汞壶mercury lamp 水银灯mercury manometer 水银压力计mercury pressure gauge 汞压力计mercury quartz lamp 水银石英灯mercury sphygmomanometer 水银式血压计,汞血压计mercury standard 水银标准mercury thermoregulator 水银温度调节器mercury vacuum pump 水银真空泵mercury vapour lamp 汞汽灯,水银蒸气灯merger ①合并②联合企业,托拉斯mesh ①网状物,丝状物②网眼,孔mesoscope 中视镜mesotron 介子(中电子)message ①信息②通信meta- 中间,中位,转,偏,亚,超metabiosis 共生,共栖metabograph 新陈代谢记录器metabolic bed 代谢测定床metabolimeter 基础代谢率计metabolimetry 基础代谢测量法metabolism 新陈代谢metabolism tester 新陈代谢测定仪metabology 新陈代谢学metabolor 基础代谢率计,新陈代谢计metacarpal saw 掌骨锯metal 金属metal canula 金属套管metal catheter 金属导尿管metal film resistance thermometer 金属薄膜电阻温度计metal filter 金属滤光镜metal gauze splint 金属网沙夹metallic thermometer 金属温度计metallic tractor 金属牵引器metalloid 非金属,类金属metallurgical microscope 金相显微镜metal rack 金属架metal tape 金属磨条metanometer 甲烷指示计metascope 红外线显示器metastatic thermometer 易位温度计(能指示极小温度改变的温度计)meteorogram 气象(记录)图meteorograph 气象计,气象记录器meter (abbr. M.; m.) ①米,公尺②计,表,量器,计数器-meter ①…计,…表,…仪②量器meter dial 仪表刻度盘meter glass 量杯meter pump 计数泵,测量泵meter reading 计数读数methode 方法,方式,程序methylene blue stain 亚甲蓝染剂metra-;metro- 子宫metranoikter 子宫颈扩张器metraster 曝光表metratome 子宫切开刀metre (abbr. M.; m.) 米,公尺metredynamometer 子宫收缩力计metreurynter 子宫颈扩张袋metric system 米制metroclyst 子宫灌洗器metroclyster 子宫灌洗metrodynamometer 子宫收缩力计metrography 子宫X 线造影术metronome 节拍器,节拍声metronome interrupter 节拍器metronoscope 眼肌失调矫正器metropexy 子宫固定术metrosalpingography 子宫输卵管X 射线造影术metroscope 子宫镜metroscopy 子宫镜检查metrotome 子宫刀metrotomy 子宫切开术metrotubography 子宫输卵管X 射线造影术metro-urethrotome 计径尿道刀-metry 测定,测量Mfg.; mfg. (manufacturing) 制造(的),生产(的)Mfr. (manufacturer) 制造者,制造厂,厂商Mg(magnesium) 镁mg. (milligram) 毫克MHb (myohaemoglobin) 肌红蛋白MI (medical instrumentation) 医疗器械Mic (microscope) 显微镜mica 云母mica spectacles 云母眼镜micracoustic 弱音助听器micro ①微型的,显微的②微米③百万分之一,10-6 micro (micrograph) 显微照片micro- 小,细,微microaerotonometer 微量血气计microammeter 微安(培)计microampere 微安(培)microanalysis 微量分析microanalytical balance 微量分析天平microangiogram 微血管造影片microangiograph 微血管造影术microangioscopy 微血管显微镜检查microarteriography 微动脉造影术microaudiphone 弱音助听器microautoradiography 显微放射自显影术microbalance 微量天平microbe 微生物micro binocular loupe 微型双目式放大镜microbiology 微生物学microbiophotometer 微生物浊度计microbioscope 活组织显微镜,微生物用显微镜microblade 显微手术刀片microblood shaker 微量血液振荡器micro bone drill 微型骨钻microbrenner 小电烙器,电烙针microburet 微量滴定管micro burner 微焰灯microcalorimeter 微热量计microcapillary 微型烙器micro cautery 微细管micro cell counter 微量血球计数器micro centrifuge 微型离心机microchemical analysis apparatus 微量化学分析仪micro chemical balance 微量化学天平micro-chromatograph 微量色谱仪micro-chromatography 微量色谱法microcinematography 显微电影摄影术microcircuit 微型电路microcirculation 微循环microcirculation microscope 微循环显微镜micro clip 微型夹microclyster 微量灌肠法microcolorimeter 微量比色计microcolorimetry 测微比色法micro computer 微型计算机,微处理机micro computer controil densitometer 微型计算机控制比重计microconcentrator 微量浓缩器microcoronary bulldog clamp 小冠状手枪夹microcryostat 微型冰冻箱microcystometer 袖珍膀胱内压测量器microdensitometer 微量光密度计microdetmatome 微型植皮刀microdetermination 微量测定法microdilatometer 微膨胀计microdismembrator 微型细胞研磨器micro dissecting instrument 显微解剖器械microdissection 显微解剖micro dissector 显微解剖刀micro distillation apparatus 微量液体蒸溜装置microdosage 微小剂量micro electrode 微电极microelectrode amplifier 微型电极放大器mecroelectrophoresis 微量电泳microelectrophoresis apparatus 微量电泳仪microelectrophoretic cell 微电泳池microelement ①微量元素②微型元件microfilm 显微胶片,缩微胶片装置microfilm equipment 显微胶片装置microfilter 微孔过滤器microfluorometer 测微荧光计microforceps 微型外科镊microfuse 细保险丝microgalvanometer 微量电流计microgamma (abbr. μr) 微微克,沙克microgas analyser 微量气体分析仪microgasometer 微量血液气体分析仪microgonioscope 前房角镜microgram (abbr. ug; mcg) ①微克,10-6 克②显微图micrograph ①显微照片②微动描记器micro handdrill 微型骨钻micro-hematocrit centrifuge 微量血细胞比容离心机microhemopipet 血液微量管micro-holography 显微全息照像术micro-homogenizer 微量匀浆器micro-injection 微量注射micro-injector 微量注射器microkinematography 显微电影摄影术microkymotherapy 微波透热法microlamp 显微镜用灯泡microliter (abbr. μl) 微升microliter inyeetor 微量注射器micrology 显微科学micromagnetometer 测微磁强计micromanipulation 显微操作法micromanipulator 显微操作器micromanometer ①测微气压计②微量(液体)测压计micro melting point determinator 微量溶点测定仪micrometer ①测微计,测微尺②微米micrometer disc 测微计盘micrometer eyepiece 测微目镜micrometer microscope 测微显微镜micrometer stage 测微计镜台micromethod 微量测定法micrometry 测微法micromicro 微微,10-2micromicrogram 微微克micromill 小型粉碎机microminiature 超小型,微型microminiature circuit 超小型电路microdule 微型组件micromotor 微型马达micromotor handpiece 微型马达机头micromotoscope 微动摄影装置,显微电影照像机micron 公丝,微米,10-6 米microneedle 显微操作针microneedle holder 微型持针器micronizer 超微粉粉碎机,微粉磨机micro nut driver 微型螺母推进器microorganism 微生物microoscillograph 测微示波器microosmometer 微量渗透压计microphenomenon 微观现象microphone 话筒,扩音机microphone amplifier 传声放大器microphonograph 微音扩扬器(聋者学话用)microphonoscope 微音听诊器,扩音听筒microphoresis 微量电泳microphoto 显微照片microphotodensitometes 微光密度测定仪microphotograph 小型照片microphotographic camera 显微照像机microphotography 显微照像术microphotometer 测微光度计microphthalmoscope 小型眼底镜,小型检眼镜micropipet 微量吸管micropipette 微量吸移管,微量滴管micropipettor 微量注射器microplethysmography 微差体积描记法micropolarimeter 测微偏振计micropolariscope 测微偏振镜,偏振光显微镜microporous plastic sheet 微孔塑料薄膜micropositioning device 微型定位装置microprism 微棱镜microprobe 显微探针(显微手术用)microprocessor 微信息处理机,微计算器microprocessor-based programmable ECG simulator 微处理机控制的可编程心电模拟装置microprocessor ionmeter 微机处理PH 离子测定仪microprocessor hignperformance oxygen-metel 微机处理高效血氧计microprocessor PH meter 微机处理附计microprogram 微程序控制microprojection 显微投影microprojection equipment 显微投影装置microprojection reading balance 投影读数微量天平microprojector 显微投影仪micropuncture 显微穿刺术microradioautography 显微放射自显影术microradiogram 显微放射照片microradiography 显微放射照像术microradiometer 微辐射计microray 微波microreader 缩微阅读器microrefractometer 显微折射计microrespirometer 微量呼吸器microroentgen (abbr. ur) 微伦琴,微量X 射线单位microrutherford 微卢(瑟辐)(放射性单位)microsaccharimeter 微糖量计microsagittalsaw 显微尖状锯micro scissors 微型手术剪microscope 显微镜microscope adapter 显微镜转接器microscope base 显微镜座microscope camera 显微照像机microscope carrier 显微镜载物台microscope forceps 显微镜镊microscope desk 显微镜台microscope fluorometer 显微镜荧光计microscope illuminator 显微照明器microscope lamp 显微镜灯microscope micrometer 显微镜测微计microscope objective 显微镜物镜microscope photometer 显微镜光度计microscope projector 显微镜投影仪microscope slide 显微镜载玻片,显微镜载物架microscope slide drier 显微镜载玻片干燥箱microscope slide holder 显微镜载玻片插板microscope stage 显微镜载物台microscope tube 显微镜筒microscope turn table 显微镜旋转台microscopic bistoury 显微镜用细长刀microscopic electrophoresis 显微电泳microscopic knife 显微刀microscopic needle 显微针microscopic section 显微切片microscopy 显微镜学,显微镜检查microscopy filter 显微镜滤色片microscrew driver 微型螺钉推进器microsecond 微秒microsection 显微切片microslide 显微镜载物片,显微镜载玻片microsound scope 微型示波器microspectrofluorometer ①显微荧光分光计②显微分光X 射线量计microspectrofluorometry 显微荧光分光光度测定法microspectrography 显微光谱描记法microspectrometer 显微分光计microspectrophotometer 显微分光光度计microspectroscope 显微分光镜microsplit prism 显微分光棱镜microstat 显微镜载物台microstethophone 扩音听诊器microstethoscope 电音听诊器,扬声听诊器micro-stirrer 微量搅拌器microstructure 显微结构micro-suction tube 显微吸管microsurgery 显微外科学,显微手术microsurgery instruments 显微外科器械microsurgical forceps 显微外科钳microsurgical mrstruments 显微手术仪器microsurgical instruments set 显微手术器械包microsurgical rongeur 显微外科咬骨钳microsurgical scissors 显微外科剪microsurgical suction handle and tips 显微外科吸柄和吸头microsutures 显微缝线microswitch 微动开关,微型开关microsyn 精密自动同步机microsyringe 微量注射器,微量进样器microtechnique 显微技术micro-television 微型电视microtiter centrifuge 微量滴定离心机nicrotitration photometer 微量滴定光度计microtitration plate 微量滴定板microtome 切片机microtome blade 切片机刀片microtome knife 切片刀microtome knife back 切片刀夹具microtome knife holder 切片机刀架microtomy 组织切片术microtonometer 微测压计microtron 电子回旋加速器microtubular membrane 微管膜micro-unit 微量单位microvessel approximator 微血管合拢器microvessel clamp 微型血管夹microviscosimeter 微量粘度计microvoltometer 微伏计,微电位计microvolumetry 微容量计数法microwave 微波microwave accelerator 微波加速器microwave amplifier 微波放大器microwave diathermy 微波透热法microwave diatherny unit 微波透热治疗机microwave filter 微波滤波器microwave oven 微波炉microwave radiometer 微波辐射计microwave separator 微波分离器microwave signal generator 微波信号发生器microwave synthesizer 微波综合器microwave system analyzer 微波系统分析器microwave therapy apparatus 微波理疗机microweigh 微量称量MICS (medical instrument calibration system) 医疗仪器校准系统mictiograph 尿流图仪miction 排尿midband 中频,中频带middle 中间的,中等的middle ear analyzer 中耳测听仪micdle ear function tester 中耳功能测定仪middle ear microoperating instruments 中耳显微手术器械middle ear polypus forceps 中耳息肉钳mid forceps 中位钳mid frequency 中频midget 微型的,袖珍的midwifery forceps 产钳midwifery hook 助产拉钩mignon lamp 米农微型灯(用于膀胱镜检查)migration 位移,移动mike 话筒,微音器,麦克风mile 英里military 军事的,军用的milk 乳,牛奶milk bottle 奶瓶milk bottle brush 奶瓶刷milkpump 吸乳器milk scale burette 乳白刻度滴管milk tester 验乳器milk tube 吸奶管mill 碾磨机,粉碎机milli- 千分之一,毫(10-3)milliammeter 毫安(培)计milliampere (abbr. mA; ma) 毫安(培)millibar (abbr. mB) 毫巴(压强单位)millibar-barometer 毫巴气压表milliequivalent (abbr. mEq) 毫(克)当量milligamma (abbr. mr) 毫微克millgram (abbr. mg) 毫克,千分之一克millilitre (abbr. ml) 毫升millimetre (abbr. mm) 毫米,千分之一米millimetre partial pressure (abbr. mmpp) 毫米分压汞柱,毫米压力汞柱millimol (abbr. mM) 毫克分子,毫模milliphot 毫辐透(照度单位)millirad (abbr. mrad) 毫拉德(辐射剂量单位)milliroentgen (abbr. mr; mR) 毫伦琴millisecond (abbr. msec) 毫秒millivolt (abbr. mv) 毫伏(特)millvoltmeter 毫伏表mimetic 模仿的,模拟的mimetic crystal 拟晶mimic ①模仿的②仿制晶mimic bus 模拟线路mincer 绞碎器mineral 矿物的,无机的mineral acid 矿物酸,无机酸mineralogical microscope 矿物显微镜mingographs 喷墨水记录器,尿喷式记录器mini ①缩影,缩图②缩型,模型③小型计算机mini- 小型,微,缩。

按摩常用英语按摩师常用对话第一部分初次见面的寒暄1. Hello.你好。
2. It is nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
3. Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。
4. My name is…我叫…5. Where are you from?你来自哪里?6. What do you do?你作什么工作?7. How long have you been in China?你来中国多久了?8. Have you ever experienced any massage of TCM before?您以前尝试过中医按摩吗?9. Do you have any ideas of benefit of massage of TCM?您知道中医按摩的好处吗?10. Well, it is your turn.该您了。
11. Take off your coat, please.请脱下上衣。
12. Relax please.请放松。
13. Sit down, please.请坐。
14. Lie down, please.请躺下。
15. Now let’s start.现在我们开始。
第二部分诊断用语1. What’s trouble with you?您哪不舒服?2. How long has all this gone on? 这种症状持续多久了。
3. How often do you get them?多久发作一次?4. Please tell me all about them. 请说详细一些。
5. What else have you noticed?你还有别的感觉吗?6. Do you feel stiff on neck?脖子发硬吗?7. Do your legs give way?双腿不听使唤吗?8. Hands swollen?双手发胀吗?9. Is there too much pain on head? 头痛的厉害吗?10. Do you feel giddy in bed?躺在床上感觉眩晕吗?11. Do you feel sick?你感到恶心吗?12. Can you give me your arm?伸出胳膊好吗?13. Does any position help you?改变体位会好一些码?14. Any tenderness here?这有压痛感吗?15. How about your stomach these days?最近肠胃怎么样?16. Do you feel tinnitus sometimes?时有耳鸣吗?[ti?nait?s]第三部分治疗中的动作1. Sit forward.面朝前坐。

一、症状描述1. 舌苔(Tongue Coating)中医诊断中,医生会仔细观察患者舌苔的颜色、质地和厚薄程度等。
2. 脉象(Pulse)中医通过触摸患者脉搏来判断体内脏腑的功能和疾病情况。
3. 咳嗽(Cough)咳嗽是中医常见的症状之一,可分为干咳、湿咳、痰多、痰黄等不同类型。
4. 发热(Fever)体温升高是常见的中医症状,可用于判断病证的性质及严重程度。
5. 头晕(Dizziness)中医将头晕分为眩晕、头昏、头眩等不同类型,以辅助诊断病因和辨证。
二、疾病诊断1. 冠心病(Coronary Heart Disease)冠心病是指冠状动脉血液供应不足引发的心脏病,常见症状包括胸痛、气短等。
2. 高血压(Hypertension)高血压是中医常见疾病,可引发头痛、头晕、眼花等症状。
3. 糖尿病(Diabetes)糖尿病是一种代谢性疾病,主要特征是血糖浓度增高。
4. 高血脂(Hyperlipidemia)高血脂是指血液中脂质含量过高的病症,中医观点认为高血脂与体内湿气过盛有关。
5. 慢性胃炎(Chronic Gastritis)慢性胃炎是胃粘膜长期受损引起的一种炎症,中医常用‘胃气郁结’来描述其病因。
三、中医治疗方法1. 针灸(Acupuncture)针灸是中医常用的治疗方法之一,通过刺激人体穴位来调节气血,达到治疗疾病的目的。
2. 中药疗法(Chinese Herbal Medicine)中药疗法是中医的核心治疗方法,通过使用植物的根、茎、叶、花等部位制成的药材来疗效疾病。

导语:随着时代的发展,越来越多的人喜欢去美容,愉悦自己的同 时取悦别人,下面是 YJBYS 小编收集整理的美容行业常用英语词汇, 欢迎参考! 洗头:shampoo /:hair shampoo 烫发:permanent 剪发:cut/hair cutting 染发:color/hair coloring 吹风(发):blow/blowdrying 护发:treatment/hair treatment 修指甲:manicure 修脚甲:pedicure 整发做花:hair setting 发型设计:hair design 手指卷法:pin curl 化妆:make up 按摩:massage 全套服务:full service 快速服务:quick service 免费服务:free service 指甲保养:nail care 产品(product) 头发:hair 冷烫液: cold wave/ perm 洗发精:shampoo
十字交叉检查:cross check 发缘线:hair line 分撮:sectioning 黄金点:golden point 打薄:thinning 打凹痕:notching 挑剪:weaving 头顶区:crown 侧发区:side 前额区:front 后脑区:back 后颈区:nape 手干法:finger gry 梳剪:scissor over comb 逆梳:back combing 化妆:make up 化妆室:Toilet 挑剔:trouble 检查:check 流行:fashion 造型:style 助理: hair assistant 发型设计师:hair designer 美发师:hair stylist 模特儿:model 美容院:beauty salon

1.洗面乳cleansing milk2.去黑头洗面奶biological cleanser// 黑头blackhead3.清洁面霜clarifying cream /cleaner4.眼部御妆液eye makeup removing5.按摩霜massage cream6.按摩油massage oil7.面膜mask8.冷膜freezing mask9.热膜hotting mask10.海藻面膜seaweed mask11.颈霜restructuring compo und for the neck12.特效营养霜rich nourishin g cream13.眼袋霜eyelid cream14.眼部嗜喱eye gel15.日霜day cream 16.晚霜night cream 17.眼霜eye cream 18.精华素Ampoule19.中性normal20.油性oily21.干性dry22.敏感性sensitive23.紧肤refirming24.补水moisturizing25.补氧oxygenating26.补充骨胶原collagen hyalr onic27.倒膜pour mask28.植物plant29.色素pigment30.酸性acidity 31.碱性alkaline护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash2 护肤专业术语Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸硷)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(温和用)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剥撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妆)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妆水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)3 化妆工具及其他术语工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状lip pencil,膏状lip lipstick,盒装lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bagus 87.消毒箱disinfect box 88.健胸仪breast strengtheni ng apparatus 89.减肥仪weight reducing a pparatus 90.高震按摩仪high frequenc y massage 91. 扫斑机fleck removal app aratus 92.导电极棒conduct stick 93.电极electrode 94.磨砂刷(磨刷帚)ground b rush 95.文眉机eyebrow-tattooin g apparatus 96.美容美容facial 169.美容室Le salon 170.美容院beauty salon 171.美容。

按摩常用英语公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-按摩师常用对话第一部分初次见面的寒暄1. Hello.你好。
2. It is nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
3. Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。
4. My name is…我叫…5. Where are you from?你来自哪里?6. What do you do?你作什么工作?7. How long have you been in China?你来中国多久了?8. Have you ever experienced any massage of TCM before?您以前尝试过中医按摩吗?9. Do you have any ideas of benefit of massage of TCM?您知道中医按摩的好处吗?10. Well, it is your turn.该您了。
11. Take off your coat, please.请脱下上衣。
12. Relax please.请放松。
13. Sit down, please.请坐。
14. Lie down, please.请躺下。
15. Now let’s start.现在我们开始。
第二部分诊断用语1. What’s trouble with you您哪不舒服?2. How long has all this gone on?这种症状持续多久了。
3. How often do you get them?多久发作一次?4. Please tell me all about them.请说详细一些。
5. What else have you noticed?你还有别的感觉吗?6. Do you feel stiff on neck?脖子发硬吗7. Do your legs give way双腿不听使唤吗8. Hands swollen?双手发胀吗?9. Is there too much pain on head?头痛的厉害吗?10. Do you feel giddy in bed躺在床上感觉眩晕吗?11. Do you feel sick?你感到恶心吗?12. Can you give me your arm?伸出胳膊好吗?13. Does any position help you?改变体位会好一些码14. Any tenderness here?这有压痛感吗?15. How about your stomach these days?最近肠胃怎么样?16. Do you feel tinnitus sometimes?时有耳鸣吗?[tinaits]第三部分治疗中的动作1. Sit forward.面朝前坐。

一·常见按摩项目(common massage items)1·按摩massage 7·足浴foot massage2·保健按摩healthcare massage/ 8·美容facial careKeep-fit massage 9·减肥weight reduction3·医疗按摩therapeutic massage 10·药浴medicated bath therapy4·推拿tuina 11·推油oil pushing5·针灸acupuncture 12·踩背back trampling6·康复healing /rehabilitation 13·指压acupressure14·双足同步按摩simultaneous massage for both feet'15·桑拿药足浴sauna & foot-bathing16·港台式足浴feet massage in the Hongkong & taiwan style17·古典式足浴feet massage in the classical style18·中式经络按摩Chinese meridian and collateral massage19·药熨按摩massage with medicated bag20·防衰按摩age-resistance massage21·日式油压Japanese acupressure with oil 27·小儿推拿children tuina22·椅式按摩chair massage 28·多功能牵引multi-function traction 23·中式按摩traditional Chinese massage 29·盲人按摩massage by the bind…24·泰式按摩massage in the Thailand style 30·日式指压shiatsu25·韩式松骨按摩massage in South Korean style 31·港式踩背26·印度草药按摩ayurvedic massage back trampling in Hongkong style32·淋巴排毒保健按摩lymph drainage massage 37·药酒medicated wine33·热石疗法hot stone therapy 38·修脚pedicure34·整脊疗法chiropractic massage 39·修手manicure35·反射疗法reflexology 40·采耳ear clearing36·香薰耳烛aroma ear candles therapy 41·火罐cupping /jar therapy:42·刮痧scraping /guasha treatment43·全身保健按摩whole-body healthcare massage44·足底保健按摩thenar healthcare massage45·色彩疗法colortherapy46·音乐疗法musictherapy47·触觉疗法tactiletherapy/touch therapy48·芳香疗法aromatherapy二·常用按摩手法(common techniques of massage)(1·摩擦类(rubbing category)推法pushing 搓法palm twisting/抹法slipping/wipping rubbing with two palms摩法circular kneading 擦法rubbing/linear-rubbing2·挤压类(squeezing-pressing category) 3·摆动类(swaying category)按pressing 揉法kneading点finger pressing 滚法rolling拨plucking/pulling 一指禅推法拿grasping thumb waving pressing/捻finger twisting/holding twisting Dhyana-thumb-pushing…4·震动(vibrating category)抖法shaking 拍法patting振法vibrating 叩法tapping叩击法tapping knocking category 击法beating/knocking三·常见腧穴(frepuently used points)百会内关商阳足三里涌泉中府手三里神门风池尺泽曲池京门!印堂列缺天枢委中四·常见按摩介质·器具(common ,media and appliance)1·滑石粉talcum powder 7·按摩棒massage sticks2·红花油Chinese medicated oil for bone injury 8·按摩锤massage knockers 3·清凉油Chinese refreshing ointment 9·按摩枕massage pillows4·精油essential oil 10·按摩靠垫massage cushions 5·按摩膏massage cream 11·按摩椅massage chairs6·按摩油massage oil 12·按摩床massage tables)五·经络(channels and collaterals)1·手太阴肺经the lung channel of hand-taiyin2·手阳明大肠经the large intestine channel of hand-yangming3·足阳明大肠经the stomach channel of foot-yangming4·足太阴脾经the spleen channel of foot-taiyin5·手少阴心经the heart channel of hand-shaoyin6·手太阳小肠经the small intestine channel of taiyang7·足太阳膀胱经the urinary bladder channel of taiyang8·足少阴肾经the kidney channel of shaoyin"9·手厥阴心包经the pericardium channel of hand-jueyin10·手少阳三焦经the sanjiao channel of hand-shaoyang11·足少阳胆经the gall bladder channel of foot-shaoyang12·足厥阴肝经the liver channel of foot-jueyin六·常见症状(common symptoms)1·头痛headache 9·半身不遂hemiparalysis /hemiplegia2·眩晕blackout/vertigo 10·冻疮chibain3·鼻塞the snuffle 11·牙痛toothache4·目胀distension in eye 12·腹泻diarrhea /diarrhoea'5·胸闷chest stuff 13·便秘constipation6·食欲不振inappetence 14·神经衰弱nerve-tire /neurasthenic7·精神疲劳mental fatigue 15·中暑heat stroke8·失眠insomnia 16·耳鸣17·晕车(船)car-sickness /sea-sickness 20·颈椎病cervical spondylopathy18·营养不良malnutrition 21·肩周炎scapulohumeral periarthritis 19·落枕torticollis /stiff neck 22·网球肘tennis elbowlateral humeral epicondylitis23·腕关节扭伤sprain of the wrist joint!24·胸椎小关节错缝subluxation of the small joints of the thoracic vertebra25·背部肌筋膜炎facilities of back muscles26·急性腰扭伤acute strain of lumbar muscles27·慢性腰肌劳损chronic strain of lumbar muscles28·腰椎间盘突出症lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion29·骨骼关节扭伤sprain of the sacro-iliac articulation30·梨状肌综合症piriformis syndrome31·髌骨软化症chondrified knee cap syndrome32·膝关节骨性关节炎osteoarthritis of knee cap syndrome33·髌下脂肪垫劳损strain of the fatty pad under patella)34·踝关节扭伤sprain of the ankle joint35·跟痛症heel pain syndrome36·呃逆hiccup 39·面瘫facial paralysis37·胃脘痛stomachache pain 40·骨盆骨折fracture of pelvis38·慢性腹泻chronic diarrhea 41·髋关节脱位dislocation of coax-joint七·其他常用术语1·解剖学anatomy 11·中医基础理论2·生理学physiology basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 、3·病理学pathology 12·神经系统nervous system 4·外伤学traumatology 13·骨骼和肌肉系统5·运动解剖学exercise anatomy skeletal system and muscular system 6·运动生理学exercise physiology 14·循环系统circulatory system 7·运动医学sports medicine 15·呼吸系统respiratory system 8·运动创伤学sports traumatology 16·消化系统digestive system 9·运动生理病理学sports physiopathology 17·泌尿系统urinary system 10·运动生物力学kinetic biomechanics 18·内分泌系统endocritic system 19·生殖系统genital system。

1.Massage: 这个词是最常见的表达方式,也是在英文中广泛使用的。
“Massage” 表示一种用手或者特定工具在身体表面进行压力、摩擦等手法以促进放松和健康的技术或过程。
你可以说,“I went to the spa yesterday and hada great massage.” (我昨天去水疗中心做了一次很棒的按摩。
)2.Bodywork: “Bodywork” 一词用来表示一种综合性的按照治疗,同时也包括按摩。
“Yesterday,I had a bodywork session and it was very relaxing.”(昨天我做了一次综合性按摩疗程,非常放松。
)3.Therapeutic touch: 这个短语指代的是一种以触摸为基础的治疗方法。
“Therapeutic touch” 的目的是通过轻柔的触摸手法来促进身体的自然疗愈。
“I schedule regular therapeutic touch sessions to alleviate my muscle pain.”(我定期进行治疗触摸疗程来缓解我的肌肉疼痛。
)4.Reflexology: “Reflexology” 是一种特殊的按摩技术,通过对脚部或手部特定区域的按摩来对应身体其他部位的健康产生影响。
“I’m thinking about trying reflexology to improve my overall well-being.”(我在考虑尝试足部反射区按摩,以提高整体健康状况。
)5.Shiatsu: “Shiatsu” 是来自日本的一种按摩技术,强调对身体特定点位的施压。

欢迎共阅一·常见按摩项目(common massage items)1·按摩massage 7·足浴foot massage2·保健按摩healthcare massage/ 8·美容facial careKeep-fit massage 9·减肥weight reduction3·医疗按摩therapeutic massage 10·药浴medicated bath therapy 4·推拿tuina 11·推油oil pushing5·针灸acupuncture 12·踩背back trampling6·康复healing /rehabilitation 13·指压acupressure14·双足同步按摩simultaneous massage for both feet15·桑拿药足浴sauna & foot-bathing16·港台式足浴feet massage in the Hongkong & taiwan style17·古典式足浴feet massage in the classical style18·中式经络按摩Chinese meridian and collateral massage19·药熨按摩massage with medicated bag20·防衰按摩age-resistance massage21·日式油压Japanese acupressure with oil 27·小儿推拿children tuina 22·椅式按摩chair massage 28·多功能牵引multi-function traction23·中式按摩traditional Chinese massage 29·盲人按摩massage by the bind24·泰式按摩massage in the Thailand style 30·日式指压shiatsu 25·韩式松骨按摩massage in South Korean style 31·港式踩背26·印度草药按摩ayurvedic massage back trampling in Hongkong style32·淋巴排毒保健按摩lymph drainage massage 37·药酒medicated wine 33·热石疗法hot stone therapy 38·修脚pedicure34·整脊疗法chiropractic massage 39·修手manicure35·反射疗法reflexology 40·采耳ear clearing 36·香薰耳烛aroma ear candles therapy 41·火罐cupping /jar therapy 42·刮痧scraping /guasha treatment43·全身保健按摩whole-body healthcare massage44·足底保健按摩thenar healthcare massage45·色彩疗法colortherapy46·音乐疗法musictherapy47·触觉疗法tactiletherapy/touch therapy48·芳香疗法aromatherapy二·常用按摩手法(common techniques of massage)1·摩擦类(rubbing category)推法pushing 搓法palm twisting/抹法slipping/wipping rubbing with two palms摩法circular kneading 擦法rubbing/linear-rubbing2·挤压类(squeezing-pressing category) 3·摆动类(swaying category)按pressing 揉法kneading点finger pressing 滚法rolling拨plucking/pulling 一指禅推法拿grasping thumb waving pressing/捻finger twisting/holding twisting Dhyana-thumb-pushing 4·震动(vibrating category)抖法shaking 拍法patting振法vibrating 叩法tapping叩击法tapping knocking category 击法beating/knocking三·常见腧穴(frepuently used points)百会内关商阳足三里涌泉中府手三里神门风池尺泽曲池京门印堂列缺天枢委中四·常见按摩介质·器具(common ,media and appliance)1·滑石粉talcum powder 7·按摩棒massage sticks 2·红花油Chinese medicated oil for bone injury 8·按摩锤massage knockers 3·清凉油Chinese refreshing ointment 9·按摩枕massage pillows 4·精油essential oil 10·按摩靠垫massage cushions5·按摩膏massage cream 11·按摩椅massage chairs 6·按摩油massage oil 12·按摩床massage tables 五·经络(channels and collaterals)1·手太阴肺经the lung channel of hand-taiyin2·手阳明大肠经the large intestine channel of hand-yangming3·足阳明大肠经the stomach channel of foot-yangming4·足太阴脾经the spleen channel of foot-taiyin5·手少阴心经the heart channel of hand-shaoyin6·手太阳小肠经the small intestine channel of taiyang7·足太阳膀胱经the urinary bladder channel of taiyang8·足少阴肾经the kidney channel of shaoyin9·手厥阴心包经the pericardium channel of hand-jueyin10·手少阳三焦经the sanjiao channel of hand-shaoyang11·足少阳胆经the gall bladder channel of foot-shaoyang12·足厥阴肝经the liver channel of foot-jueyin六·常见症状(common symptoms)1·头痛headache 9·半身不遂hemiparalysis /hemiplegia 2·眩晕blackout/vertigo 10·冻疮chibain3·鼻塞the snuffle 11·牙痛toothache4·目胀distension in eye 12·腹泻diarrhea /diarrhoea5·胸闷chest stuff 13·便秘constipation6·食欲不振inappetence 14·神经衰弱nerve-tire /neurasthenic 7·精神疲劳mental fatigue 15·中暑heat stroke8·失眠insomnia 16·耳鸣17·晕车(船)car-sickness /sea-sickness 20·颈椎病cervical spondylopathy 18·营养不良malnutrition 21·肩周炎scapulohumeral periarthritis 19·落枕torticollis /stiff neck 22·网球肘tennis elbowlateral humeral epicondylitis 23·腕关节扭伤sprain of the wrist joint24·胸椎小关节错缝subluxation of the small joints of the thoracic vertebra 25·背部肌筋膜炎facilities of back muscles26·急性腰扭伤acute strain of lumbar muscles27·慢性腰肌劳损chronic strain of lumbar muscles28·腰椎间盘突出症lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion29·骨骼关节扭伤sprain of the sacro-iliac articulation30·梨状肌综合症piriformis syndrome31·髌骨软化症chondrified knee cap syndrome32·膝关节骨性关节炎osteoarthritis of knee cap syndrome33·髌下脂肪垫劳损strain of the fatty pad under patella34·踝关节扭伤sprain of the ankle joint35·跟痛症heel pain syndrome36·呃逆hiccup 39·面瘫facial paralysis37·胃脘痛stomachache pain 40·骨盆骨折fracture of pelvis 38·慢性腹泻chronic diarrhea 41·髋关节脱位dislocation of coax-joint七·其他常用术语1·解剖学anatomy 11·中医基础理论2·生理学physiology basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine3·病理学pathology 12·神经系统nervous system 4·外伤学traumatology 13·骨骼和肌肉系统5·运动解剖学exercise anatomy skeletal system and muscular system6·运动生理学exercise physiology 14·循环系统circulatory system 7·运动医学sports medicine 15·呼吸系统respiratory system 8·运动创伤学sports traumatology 16·消化系统digestive system 9·运动生理病理学sports physiopathology 17·泌尿系统urinary system 10·运动生物力学kinetic biomechanics 18·内分泌系统endocritic system 19·生殖系统genital system。

美容院中常用英语词汇1.洗面奶c leans ing m ilk 2.去黑头洗面奶b iolog icalclean ser 3.清洁面霜 cla rifyi ng cr eam 4.眼部御妆水 ey e mak e upremov ing 5.按摩霜 mass age c ream6.按摩油 mas sageoil 7.面膜mask8.冷膜 free zingmask9.热膜 hott ing m ask 10.海藻面膜 se aweed mask11.颈霜res truct uring comp oundfor t he ne ck 12.特效营养霜 ri ch no urish ing c ream13.眼袋霜 ey elidcream14.眼部嗜喱 eyegel 15.日霜 daycream16.晚霜 ni ght c ream17.眼霜 eye crea m18.精华素Ampou le19.中性norma l20.油性o ily 21.干性 dry22.敏感性 se nsiti ve23.紧肤refir ming24.补水 moi sturi zing25.补氧 oxy genat ing 26.补充骨胶原c ollag en hy alron ic27.倒膜pourmask28.植物 pla nt29.色素pigme nt30.酸性acidi ty31.碱性alkal ine 32.矿物质 min eralsubst ance33.蛋白质 pr otein34.活性细胞素 ene rgeti c cel l35.维生素vitam in36.化妆品 cosm etic37.氧化剂 ox idant38.胭脂 ro uge 39.口红 lipstick41.睫毛膏 ma scara42.粉底霜f ounda tion43.眼线笔eye line r pen cil 44.眉笔eyebr ow pe ncil45.唇线笔lip penc il46.唇膏l ip st ick 47.润唇膏 lip prot ector48.颜色 co lour49.红色 red50.桔红色(橙色) or ange51.玫瑰红 ro se52.棕色(咖啡色)brown53.黄色 ye llow54.蓝色 blu e55.肉色y ellow ish p ink 56.黑色 blac k57.白色w hite58.紫色 pur ple 59.绿色 gree n60.灰色g ray 61.粉红色 pin k62.洗甲水clean er63.指甲油 nail poli sh64.擦光剂 poli sh65.酒精alcoh ol66.液体liqui d67.眼 ey e68.耳 ea r69.口 mo uth 70.鼻nose71.手 hand72.脚 foo t(fee t 复数)73.头部 he ad74.发h air 75.面face76.皮肤 ski n77.手碗w rist78.胸部 bus t79.唇 li p80.眉 ey ebrow82.大腿 th ighs83.小腿 cal ves 84.颈部 neck85.奥桑蒸气机Ao S ang s teamengin e 86.皮肤测试仪skin analy sis a ppara tus 87.消毒箱 dis infec t box88.健胸仪br eaststren gthen ing a ppara tus 89.减肥仪 wei ght r educi ng ap parat us90.高震按摩仪hig h fre quenc y mas sage91.扫斑机fl eck r emova l app aratu s92.导电极棒 cond uct s tick93.电极elec trode94.磨砂刷(磨刷帚)gr oundbrush95.文眉机e yebro w-tat tooin g app aratu s 96.美容仪器 bea uty a ppara tus 97.电流 elec triccurre nt98.电压volta ge99.高压highpress ure 100.照射 shi ne101.温度 humi dity102.力度 dy namic s103.高温hightempe ratur e104.电疗棒 elec troth erapy stic k105.紫外线 ultr aviol et ra y106.手柄handhandl er107.握hold108.摘 pic k109.防敏anti-anaph ylaxi s110.距离dista nce 111.洞、孔 ho le112.晚宴装 eve ningmakeup fo r par ty 113.文眉 tatt oo ey eline114.文睫毛线 uppe r eye line115.文唇线xl ip116.深层皮肤护理deeplifti ng117.胸部护理 bu st tr eatme nt118.电眼睫毛 el ectro nic e yelas h119.修指甲manic ure 120.剪指甲tri mx121.手部护理 ha nd ca re122.减肥护理die t car e123.腹部减肥 red uce a bdome n 124.打耳孔 pier ce ea rs125.腿部脱毛rem ove l eg ho urs 126.新娘妆 br idalmakeup127.晚妆 even ing m ake u p128.日妆day m ake u p129.皮肤护理skin care130.结构c ompos ition131.摇动、抖动 sha ke132.震荡 freq uency133.针 ne edle134.金属me tal 135.增加incr ease136.可触摸t angib le137.微波 micr owave138.液态l iquid139.超声波ultra sonic wave140.红外线i nfrar ed ra y141.大m ax142.小m in143.开turnon144.关turnof145.蒸馏 dist illat ion 146.冷冻 fre eze 147.热量的 th ermal148.温和的gentl e149.操作opera te150.电磁 elec troma gneti sm151.稳定的 sta ble 152.调节 reg ulate153.去除r emovi ng,ge t rid of 154.协调 har moniz e155.选择choos e156.粗t hick157.细 thi n158.简单easy159.整体 wh ole 160.尖形 poi nt161.椭圆形 ell ipse162.抬起 ra ise 163.部位、位置posit ion 164.机器 mac hine165.冻结 fr eezin g166.减少reduc e167.旋转revol ve168.美容 faci al169.美容室Le s alon170.美容院b eauty salo n 171.美容师beaut ician172.先生si r172.小姐miss173.脱下tak e off174.外衣c oat 175.手提箱sui tcase176.这边儿t his w ay177.各种各样kin ds of 178.服务s ervic e179.项链neckl ace 180.耳环earr ing 181.穿上puton182.价钱 pric e183.收费charg e184.费用c ost 185.欢迎welc ome 186.几点 wha t tim e187.多少H ow mu ch188.适合 fit189.不适合u nfit190.可以使ca n mak e191.请进comein192.请坐sit d own 193.关门 clo se th e doo r 194.加a dd195.一会momen t196.明天t omorr ow197.希望 hope198.小心L ook o ut199.左left200.右 rig ht201.感觉feeli ng202.决不no me ans 203.满意sati sfact ion 204.星期一Mon day 205.星期二Tue sday206.星期三We dnesd ay207.星期四Thur sday208.星期五Fr iday209.星期六Sa turda y210.星期日Sunda y211.一月J anuar y212.二月F ebrua ry213.三月March214.四月Ap ril 215.五月May216.六月Jun e217.七月J uly 218.八月Augu st219.九月Septe mber220.十月Oct ober221.十一月No vembe r222.十二月Decem ber 223.周末week224.早安go od mo rning225.下午好g ood a ftern oom 226.晚上好goo d nig ht227.祝你好运goo d luc k228.当然o f cou rse 229.正是Exac tly 230.正正如此Qu ite s o231.的确s urely232.很好v ery g ood 233.真妙Exce llent234.十分乐意withpleas ure 235.啊我明白了oh ,I see236.是真的Thats true237.或许不是Perha ps238.从来没有Nev er239.不要紧Dont worr y240.不行t hat w ont d o241.行了thatwilldo242.再来一次onc e mor e243.再试一次tryagain244.请原谅E xcuse me 245.停止Stop that246.为什么?whatfor?247.怎么会的H ow ca n?248.为什么不 Wh y not?249.一点也不 Not at a ll250.是这样吗?Is it s o?251.什么时候?wh en? 252.哪一样 Wh ich?253.怎么样H ow? 254.描眉卡bro w tem plate255.纸巾fa cialtissu e256.吸油纸 oil-Abso rbing Shee ts 257.化装棉cot ton p ads 258.口红刷li p bru sh 259.胭脂扫 bl ush b rush260.转笔刀p encil shar pener261.电动剃毛器 el ectri c sha ver-f or wo men 262.电动睫毛卷elect ric l ash c urler?263.粉扑 powd er pu ffs 264.海绵扑s ponge puff s265.眉刷browbrush266.睫毛夹 lash curl er 267.染发 hai r col or 268.冷烫水 pe rm/pe rming form ula 269.卷发器r oller s/per m rol lers。

常用美容英语词汇Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-199981.洗面乳 cleansing milk2.去黑头洗面奶biological cleanser洁面霜 clarifying cream /cleaner4.眼部御妆液 eye makeup removing5.按摩霜 massage cream6.按摩油 massage oil7.面膜 mask8.冷膜 freezing mask9.热膜 hotting mask10.海藻面膜 seaweed mask11.颈霜 restructuring compo und for the neck12.特效营养霜 rich nourishin g cream13.眼袋霜 eyelid cream14.眼部嗜喱 eye gel15.日霜 day cream 16.晚霜 night cream 17.眼霜 eye cream 18.精华素 Ampoule19.中性 normal20.油性 oily21.干性 dry22.敏感性 sensitive23.紧肤 refirming24.补水 moisturizing25.补氧 oxygenating26.补充骨胶原 collagen hyalr onic27.倒膜 pour mask28.植物 plant29.色素 pigment30.酸性 acidity 31.碱性 alkaline护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash2 护肤专业术语Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸硷)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(温和用)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剥撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妆)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妆水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)3 化妆工具及其他术语工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bagus 87.消毒箱 disinfect box 88.健胸仪 breast strengtheni ng apparatus 89.减肥仪weight reducing a pparatus 90.高震按摩仪 high frequenc y massage 91. 扫斑机 fleck removal app aratus 92.导电极棒 conduct stick 93.电极 electrode 94.磨砂刷(磨刷帚)ground b rush 95.文眉机 eyebrow-tattooin g apparatus 96.美容美容 facial 169.美容室 Le salon 170.美容院 beauty salon 171.美容。

一、皮肤护理词汇1. Cleanser - 清洁剂2. Toner - 爽肤水3. Moisturizer - 保湿霜4. Serum - 精华液5. Exfoliator - 去角质产品6. Mask - 面膜7. Sunscreen - 防晒霜8. Acne - 痤疮9. Wrinkles - 皱纹10. Hyperpigmentation - 色素沉着二、美发词汇1. Shampoo - 洗发水2. Conditioner - 护发素3. Haircut - 理发4. Styling - 发型设计5. Blow-dry - 吹干6. Highlights - 高光7. Perm - 烫发8. Hair dye - 染发剂9. Split ends - 开叉10. Dandruff - 头皮屑三、美甲词汇1. Nail polish - 指甲油2. Base coat - 底油3. Top coat - 面油4. Nail file - 指甲锉5. Cuticle - 甲皮6. Nail art - 美甲艺术7. Gel nails - 喷砂甲8. French manicure - 法式美甲9. Nail extension - 延长甲10. Nail salon - 美甲沙龙四、化妆品词汇1. Foundation - 粉底2. Concealer - 遮瑕膏3. Blush - 腮红4. Eyeshadow - 眼影5. Eyeliner - 眼线液6. Mascara - 睫毛膏7. Lipstick - 口红8. Lip gloss - 唇彩9. Makeup brush - 化妆刷10. Makeup remover - 卸妆液五、身体护理词汇1. Body lotion - 身体乳液2. Body scrub - 身体磨砂3. Body wash - 沐浴露4. Body oil - 身体油5. Body spray - 身体喷雾6. Bath salts - 浴盐7. Massage - 按摩8. Relaxation - 放松9. Spa - 水疗10. Aromatherapy - 芳香疗法以上是一些常见的美容英语词汇,希望对你有所帮助。

按摩师常用对话第一部分初次见面的寒暄1. Hello.你好。
2. It is nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
3. Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。
4. My name is…我叫…5. Where are you from?你来自哪里?6. What do you do?你作什么工作?7. How long have you been in China?你来中国多久了?8. Have you ever experienced any massage of TCM before? 您以前尝试过中医按摩吗?9. Do you have any ideas of benefit of massage of TCM? 您知道中医按摩的好处吗?10. Well, it is your turn.该您了。
11. Take off your coat, please.请脱下上衣。
12. Relax please.请放松。
13. Sit down, please.请坐。
14. Lie down, please.请躺下。
15. Now let’s start.现在我们开始。
第二部分诊断用语1. What’s trouble with you?您哪不舒服?2. How long has all this gone on?这种症状持续多久了。
3. How often do you get them?多久发作一次?4. Please tell me all about them.请说详细一些。
5. What else have you noticed?你还有别的感觉吗?6. Do you feel stiff on neck?脖子发硬吗?7. Do your legs give way?双腿不听使唤吗?8. Hands swollen?双手发胀吗?9. Is there too much pain on head?头痛的厉害吗?10. Do you feel giddy in bed?躺在床上感觉眩晕吗?11. Do you feel sick?你感到恶心吗?12. Can you give me your arm?伸出胳膊好吗?13. Does any position help you?改变体位会好一些码?14. Any tenderness here?这有压痛感吗?15. How about your stomach these days?最近肠胃怎么样?16. Do you feel tinnitus sometimes?时有耳鸣吗?[ti?nait?s]第三部分治疗中的动作1. Sit forward.面朝前坐。

按摩的英文翻译短语词汇关于按摩的英文翻译短语词汇按摩是令人放松的好方式,下面是店铺整理的关于按摩的英文翻译短语词汇,欢迎阅读!按摩[àn mó]{中医} massage; chirismus; cheirapsis; chirapsia; tripsis:例句: facial massage;面部按摩 scalp massage;头皮按摩短语:1. 按摩床 massage couch;2. 按摩(采精)法 massage method;3. 按摩机 massager;4. 按摩技士[手治疗师] chiropractor;5. 按摩疗法 massotherapy; chiropractic; chiropraxis; massage treatment;6. 按摩师massager; masseur (男性); masseuse (女性); massagist;7. 按摩室 massage room; massage department;8. 按摩手法 massage manipulation;9. 按摩术 lomi-lomi;10. 按摩霜[乳] massage cream;11. 按摩推拿法 massage;12. 按摩医师 massotherapist;13. 按摩诊所 massage clinic;14. 按摩震动器 massage vibrator按摩:1. massage/Lock (上锁)/Massage (按摩)/Moan (呜咽) ...2. rub downrub away 擦掉;磨去rub down 用力擦遍;按摩rub off 擦掉,磨去 ...3. massieren Amarkieren A 做标记massieren A 按摩mehrmals 重复的;再三的 ...4. die Massage, ndie Marone, n 板栗die Massage, n 按摩die Mathematik, opl. 数学常用词组1 jacuzzi再到按摩池(Jacuzzi)池中,小小水中按摩泡一下,再到Sports pool旁边的.吧台点了冰淇淋来吃,在今天这样的炎炎夏日中,画上凉爽 (2)2 spa提供桑拿设备,泳池设备,水疗设备,水景喷泉设... ... 环流河 lazy river 按摩池 spa 戏水池 paddling pools.3 whirlpool生活英语单词笔记_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... parking space 停车位whirlpool 按摩池 air conditioner 空调.相关词条1 豪华按摩池别墅GARDEN VILLAS...海景豪华泳池别墅(POOL VILLAS)–78.2坪-8间每间都有泳池及花园围绕的高级按摩浴缸以及具有疗效的按摩步道。
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一·常见按摩项目(common massage items)1·按摩massage 7·足浴foot massage2·保健按摩healthcare massage/ 8·美容facial careKeep-fit massage 9·减肥weight reduction3·医疗按摩therapeutic massage 10·药浴medicated bath therapy4·推拿tuina 11·推油oil pushing5·针灸acupuncture 12·踩背back trampling6·康复healing /rehabilitation 13·指压acupressure14·双足同步按摩simultaneous massage for both feet15·桑拿药足浴sauna & foot-bathing16·港台式足浴feet massage in the Hongkong & taiwan style17·古典式足浴feet massage in the classical style18·中式经络按摩Chinese meridian and collateral massage19·药熨按摩massage with medicated bag20·防衰按摩age-resistance massage21·日式油压Japanese acupressure with oil 27·小儿推拿children tuina22·椅式按摩chair massage 28·多功能牵引multi-function traction 23·中式按摩traditional Chinese massage 29·盲人按摩massage by the bind 24·泰式按摩massage in the Thailand style 30·日式指压shiatsu25·韩式松骨按摩massage in South Korean style 31·港式踩背26·印度草药按摩ayurvedic massage back trampling in Hongkong style32·淋巴排毒保健按摩lymph drainage massage 37·药酒medicated wine33·热石疗法hot stone therapy 38·修脚pedicure34·整脊疗法chiropractic massage 39·修手manicure35·反射疗法reflexology 40·采耳ear clearing36·香薰耳烛aroma ear candles therapy 41·火罐cupping /jar therapy 42·刮痧scraping /guasha treatment43·全身保健按摩whole-body healthcare massage44·足底保健按摩thenar healthcare massage45·色彩疗法colortherapy46·音乐疗法musictherapy47·触觉疗法tactiletherapy/touch therapy48·芳香疗法aromatherapy二·常用按摩手法(common techniques of massage)1·摩擦类(rubbing category)推法pushing 搓法palm twisting/抹法slipping/wipping rubbing with two palms摩法circular kneading 擦法rubbing/linear-rubbing2·挤压类(squeezing-pressing category) 3·摆动类(swaying category) 按pressing 揉法kneading点finger pressing 滚法rolling拨plucking/pulling 一指禅推法拿grasping thumb waving pressing/捻finger twisting/holding twisting Dhyana-thumb-pushing4·震动(vibrating category)抖法shaking 拍法patting振法vibrating 叩法tapping叩击法tapping knocking category 击法beating/knocking三·常见腧穴(frepuently used points)百会内关商阳足三里涌泉中府手三里神门风池尺泽曲池京门印堂列缺天枢委中四·常见按摩介质·器具(common ,media and appliance)1·滑石粉talcum powder 7·按摩棒massage sticks2·红花油Chinese medicated oil for bone injury 8·按摩锤massage knockers 3·清凉油Chinese refreshing ointment 9·按摩枕massage pillows4·精油essential oil 10·按摩靠垫massage cushions 5·按摩膏massage cream 11·按摩椅massage chairs6·按摩油massage oil 12·按摩床massage tables五·经络(channels and collaterals)1·手太阴肺经the lung channel of hand-taiyin2·手阳明大肠经the large intestine channel of hand-yangming3·足阳明大肠经the stomach channel of foot-yangming4·足太阴脾经the spleen channel of foot-taiyin5·手少阴心经the heart channel of hand-shaoyin6·手太阳小肠经the small intestine channel of taiyang7·足太阳膀胱经the urinary bladder channel of taiyang8·足少阴肾经the kidney channel of shaoyin9·手厥阴心包经the pericardium channel of hand-jueyin10·手少阳三焦经the sanjiao channel of hand-shaoyang11·足少阳胆经the gall bladder channel of foot-shaoyang12·足厥阴肝经the liver channel of foot-jueyin六·常见症状(common symptoms)1·头痛headache 9·半身不遂hemiparalysis /hemiplegia2·眩晕blackout/vertigo 10·冻疮chibain3·鼻塞the snuffle 11·牙痛toothache4·目胀distension in eye 12·腹泻diarrhea /diarrhoea5·胸闷chest stuff 13·便秘constipation6·食欲不振inappetence 14·神经衰弱nerve-tire /neurasthenic7·精神疲劳mental fatigue 15·中暑heat stroke8·失眠insomnia 16·耳鸣17·晕车(船)car-sickness /sea-sickness 20·颈椎病cervical spondylopathy18·营养不良malnutrition 21·肩周炎scapulohumeral periarthritis19·落枕torticollis /stiff neck 22·网球肘tennis elbowlateral humeral epicondylitis23·腕关节扭伤sprain of the wrist joint24·胸椎小关节错缝subluxation of the small joints of the thoracic vertebra25·背部肌筋膜炎facilities of back muscles26·急性腰扭伤acute strain of lumbar muscles27·慢性腰肌劳损chronic strain of lumbar muscles28·腰椎间盘突出症lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion29·骨骼关节扭伤sprain of the sacro-iliac articulation30·梨状肌综合症piriformis syndrome31·髌骨软化症chondrified knee cap syndrome32·膝关节骨性关节炎osteoarthritis of knee cap syndrome33·髌下脂肪垫劳损strain of the fatty pad under patella34·踝关节扭伤sprain of the ankle joint35·跟痛症heel pain syndrome36·呃逆hiccup 39·面瘫facial paralysis37·胃脘痛stomachache pain 40·骨盆骨折fracture of pelvis38·慢性腹泻chronic diarrhea 41·髋关节脱位dislocation of coax-joint七·其他常用术语1·解剖学anatomy 11·中医基础理论2·生理学physiology basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 3·病理学pathology 12·神经系统nervous system4·外伤学traumatology 13·骨骼和肌肉系统5·运动解剖学exercise anatomy skeletal system and muscular system 6·运动生理学exercise physiology 14·循环系统circulatory system7·运动医学sports medicine 15·呼吸系统respiratory system8·运动创伤学sports traumatology 16·消化系统digestive system9·运动生理病理学sports physiopathology 17·泌尿系统urinary system10·运动生物力学kinetic biomechanics 18·内分泌系统endocritic system 19·生殖系统genital system。