



传送管道内允许的最大 压力: 分离设备材质: 使用条件:
0.5 bar
不锈钢(1.4301),铝,特氟隆密封 在塑料行业中,用于检测自由下落进料的散 料,也可用于其它行业中的相似应用
干燥, 流动性好, 无长纤维, 电绝缘, 颗粒尺寸 < 8 mm
散料下落高度 4): 物料流向: 散料温度范围: 周围环境温度:
6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10
3.1 3.2 3.3 功能原理 结构图 功能及控制元件(控制器)
11 11 13
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 指定用途 安全标示 若不遵守安全守则,危险系数将升高。 注意运行及维修时的安全 其余危险注意事项 未经授权的更改所引起的后果 违规使用
Rapid Compact 30-70 的尺寸图
1 2 3 4 5 7
进料口 控制器 废料出口 出料口 压缩空气连接口 电源线
RC 30-120 CH(MSG3.3)
2. 面板说明
RC 30-70 的发货清单/标准设计及使用条件
集成金属检测器、转向器、已安装控制器的检 测系统。“Jacob”系统的出料口及废料口。
电源电缆: 温度: 防护等级: 工作电压 : 输入电流: 电源保险丝: 开关输入:
*) 按需求提供不同电压
控制器 MSG 3.3 的尺寸图
所有单பைடு நூலகம்为mm
RC 30-120 CH(MSG3.3)
2. 面板说明

CRC 汇编代码

CRC 汇编代码

CRC源码大全〖文章转载或出处〗≡中国电子技术信息网≡网址:CRC源码大全循环冗余校验码(Cylclic Redundancy Check Code),简称CRC码。



简单原理是将要传输的数据视为一堆连续位组成的一整个数值,并将此数值除一个特定的除数,通常以二进制表示,此除数称为衍生多项式(Generation Polynomial).一般数据量不大时,使用Checksume验错方式就行了;数据量大时,就用CRC了;据理论统计,用CRC16时,超过17个连续位的错误侦测率为99。


1、CRC-12 的生成多项式为:P(x)=X^12+X^11+X^3+X^2+12、CRC MOV DPH, #table ; 指向余式表下半区MOV DPL, R0 ; 指向对应单元CLR A ;MOVC A, @A+DPTR ; 读余式的高字节XRL A, R1 ; 计算余式的高字节MOV R0, A ; 存入R0INC DPH ; 指向余式表上半区CLR A ;MOVC A, @A+DPTR ; 读余式的低字节XRL A, R2 ; 计算余式的低字节MOV R1, A ; 存入R1RET这个是对于三字节的东东,你自己还要造张余式表3、很简单的查表法unsigned int UpdateCRC(unsigned char byte,unsigned int crc);#include <stdio.h>#include "crc16.h"static code unsigned int Crc16Table[256] ={0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7,0x8108, 0x9129, 0xa14a, 0xb16b, 0xc18c, 0xd1ad, 0xe1ce, 0xf1ef,0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52b5, 0x4294, 0x72f7, 0x62d6,0x9339, 0x8318, 0xb37b, 0xa35a, 0xd3bd, 0xc39c, 0xf3ff, 0xe3de,0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64e6, 0x74c7, 0x44a4, 0x5485, 0xa56a, 0xb54b, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xe5ee, 0xf5cf, 0xc5ac, 0xd58d, 0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76d7, 0x66f6, 0x5695, 0x46b4, 0xb75b, 0xa77a, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xf7df, 0xe7fe, 0xd79d, 0xc7bc, 0x48c4, 0x58e5, 0x6886, 0x78a7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823, 0xc9cc, 0xd9ed, 0xe98e, 0xf9af, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xa90a, 0xb92b, 0x5af5, 0x4ad4, 0x7ab7, 0x6a96, 0x1a71, 0x0a50, 0x3a33, 0x2a12, 0xdbfd, 0xcbdc, 0xfbbf, 0xeb9e, 0x9b79, 0x8b58, 0xbb3b, 0xab1a, 0x6ca6, 0x7c87, 0x4ce4, 0x5cc5, 0x2c22, 0x3c03, 0x0c60, 0x1c41, 0xedae, 0xfd8f, 0xcdec, 0xddcd, 0xad2a, 0xbd0b, 0x8d68, 0x9d49, 0x7e97, 0x6eb6, 0x5ed5, 0x4ef4, 0x3e13, 0x2e32, 0x1e51, 0x0e70, 0xff9f, 0xefbe, 0xdfdd, 0xcffc, 0xbf1b, 0xaf3a, 0x9f59, 0x8f78,0x9188, 0x81a9, 0xb1ca, 0xa1eb, 0xd10c, 0xc12d, 0xf14e, 0xe16f, 0x1080, 0x00a1, 0x30c2, 0x20e3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067, 0x83b9, 0x9398, 0xa3fb, 0xb3da, 0xc33d, 0xd31c, 0xe37f, 0xf35e, 0x02b1, 0x1290, 0x22f3, 0x32d2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256, 0xb5ea, 0xa5cb, 0x95a8, 0x8589, 0xf56e, 0xe54f, 0xd52c, 0xc50d, 0x34e2, 0x24c3, 0x14a0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405, 0xa7db, 0xb7fa, 0x8799, 0x97b8, 0xe75f, 0xf77e, 0xc71d, 0xd73c, 0x26d3, 0x36f2, 0x0691, 0x16b0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634, 0xd94c, 0xc96d, 0xf90e, 0xe92f, 0x99c8, 0x89e9, 0xb98a, 0xa9ab, 0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18c0, 0x08e1, 0x3882, 0x28a3, 0xcb7d, 0xdb5c, 0xeb3f, 0xfb1e, 0x8bf9, 0x9bd8, 0xabbb, 0xbb9a, 0x4a75, 0x5a54, 0x6a37, 0x7a16, 0x0af1, 0x1ad0, 0x2ab3, 0x3a92, 0xfd2e, 0xed0f, 0xdd6c, 0xcd4d, 0xbdaa, 0xad8b, 0x9de8, 0x8dc9, 0x7c26, 0x6c07, 0x5c64, 0x4c45, 0x3ca2, 0x2c83, 0x1ce0, 0x0cc1, 0xef1f, 0xff3e, 0xcf5d, 0xdf7c, 0xaf9b, 0xbfba, 0x8fd9, 0x9ff8,0x6e17, 0x7e36, 0x4e55, 0x5e74, 0x2e93, 0x3eb2, 0x0ed1, 0x1ef0 };unsigned int UpdateCrc16(unsigned char Octet,unsigned int CRC) {return Crc16Table[ (CRC >> 8) & 255] ^ (CRC << 8) ^ Octet;}unsigned int UpdateCRC(unsigned char Octet,unsigned int CRC) {return (CRC << 8) ^ Crc16Table[ (CRC >> 8) ^ Octet ];}4、_CRC:MOV A,R7 ;CRC INPUT POINTERMOV R1,AMOV B,R5MOV DPH,R6;#SRCADR ;CRC INPUT PAGE ADDRESS MOV DPL,R1MOV RCRC2L,#0MOV RCRC1H,#0MOV RCRC1L,#0CRCA:MOVX A,@DPTRXRL A,RCRC1HXRL A,RCRC2LMOV RXTEMP,AMOV RCRC2L,RCRC1LMOV DPTR,#CRCTAB1MOVC A,@A+DPTRMOV RCRC1H,AMOV A,RXTEMPINC DPHMOVC A,@A+DPTRMOV RCRC1L,AMOV DPH,R6;#SRCADR ;CRC INPUT PAGE ADDRESS INC R1MOV DPL,R1MOV A,R1CJNE A,B,CRCAMOV A,RCRC1HXRL A,RCRC2LCPL AMOV RCRC1H,AMOV A,RCRC1LCPL AMOV RCRC1L,AMOV R6,RCRC1HMOV R7,RCRC1LRET;-------------------------------------------CRCTAB1:DB 000H,089H,012H,09BH,024H,0ADH,036H,0BFHDB 048H,0C1H,05AH,0D3H,06CH,0E5H,07EH,0F7H DB 081H,008H,093H,01AH,0A5H,02CH,0B7H,03EHDB 0C9H,040H,0DBH,052H,0EDH,064H,0FFH,076H DB 002H,08BH,010H,099H,026H,0AFH,034H,0BDH DB 04AH,0C3H,058H,0D1H,06EH,0E7H,07CH,0F5H DB 083H,00AH,091H,018H,0A7H,02EH,0B5H,03CH DB 0CBH,042H,0D9H,050H,0EFH,066H,0FDH,074H DB 004H,08DH,016H,09FH,020H,0A9H,032H,0BBH DB 04CH,0C5H,05EH,0D7H,068H,0E1H,07AH,0F3H DB 085H,00CH,097H,01EH,0A1H,028H,0B3H,03AH DB 0CDH,044H,0DFH,056H,0E9H,060H,0FBH,072H DB 006H,08FH,014H,09DH,022H,0ABH,030H,0B9H DB 04EH,0C7H,05CH,0D5H,06AH,0E3H,078H,0F1H DB 087H,00EH,095H,01CH,0A3H,02AH,0B1H,038H DB 0CFH,046H,0DDH,054H,0EBH,062H,0F9H,070H DB 008H,081H,01AH,093H,02CH,0A5H,03EH,0B7H DB 040H,0C9H,052H,0DBH,064H,0EDH,076H,0FFH DB 089H,000H,09BH,012H,0ADH,024H,0BFH,036H DB 0C1H,048H,0D3H,05AH,0E5H,06CH,0F7H,07EH DB 00AH,083H,018H,091H,02EH,0A7H,03CH,0B5H DB 042H,0CBH,050H,0D9H,066H,0EFH,074H,0FDH DB 08BH,002H,099H,010H,0AFH,026H,0BDH,034H DB 0C3H,04AH,0D1H,058H,0E7H,06EH,0F5H,07CH DB 00CH,085H,01EH,097H,028H,0A1H,03AH,0B3H DB 044H,0CDH,056H,0DFH,060H,0E9H,072H,0FBH DB 08DH,004H,09FH,016H,0A9H,020H,0BBH,032H DB 0C5H,04CH,0D7H,05EH,0E1H,068H,0F3H,07AH DB 00EH,087H,01CH,095H,02AH,0A3H,038H,0B1H DB 046H,0CFH,054H,0DDH,062H,0EBH,070H,0F9H DB 08FH,006H,09DH,014H,0ABH,022H,0B9H,030H DB 0C7H,04EH,0D5H,05CH,0E3H,06AH,0F1H,078HCRCTAB2:DB 000H,011H,023H,032H,046H,057H,065H,074HDB 08CH,09DH,0AFH,0BEH,0CAH,0DBH,0E9H,0F8H DB 010H,001H,033H,022H,056H,047H,075H,064HDB 09CH,08DH,0BFH,0AEH,0DAH,0CBH,0F9H,0E8H DB 021H,030H,002H,013H,067H,076H,044H,055HDB 0ADH,0BCH,08EH,09FH,0EBH,0FAH,0C8H,0D9H DB 031H,020H,012H,003H,077H,066H,054H,045HDB 0BDH,0ACH,09EH,08FH,0FBH,0EAH,0D8H,0C9H DB 042H,053H,061H,070H,004H,015H,027H,036HDB 0CEH,0DFH,0EDH,0FCH,088H,099H,0ABH,0BAH DB 052H,043H,071H,060H,014H,005H,037H,026HDB 0DEH,0CFH,0FDH,0ECH,098H,089H,0BBH,0AAH DB 063H,072H,040H,051H,025H,034H,006H,017HDB 0EFH,0FEH,0CCH,0DDH,0A9H,0B8H,08AH,09BH DB 073H,062H,050H,041H,035H,024H,016H,007HDB 0FFH,0EEH,0DCH,0CDH,0B9H,0A8H,09AH,08BH DB 084H,095H,0A7H,0B6H,0C2H,0D3H,0E1H,0F0H DB 008H,019H,02BH,03AH,04EH,05FH,06DH,07CH DB 094H,085H,0B7H,0A6H,0D2H,0C3H,0F1H,0E0H DB 018H,009H,03BH,02AH,05EH,04FH,07DH,06CH DB 0A5H,0B4H,086H,097H,0E3H,0F2H,0C0H,0D1H DB 029H,038H,00AH,01BH,06FH,07EH,04CH,05DH DB 0B5H,0A4H,096H,087H,0F3H,0E2H,0D0H,0C1H DB 039H,028H,01AH,00BH,07FH,06EH,05CH,04DH DB 0C6H,0D7H,0E5H,0F4H,080H,091H,0A3H,0B2H DB 04AH,05BH,069H,078H,00CH,01DH,02FH,03EH DB 0D6H,0C7H,0F5H,0E4H,090H,081H,0B3H,0A2H DB 05AH,04BH,079H,068H,01CH,00DH,03FH,02EH DB 0E7H,0F6H,0C4H,0D5H,0A1H,0B0H,082H,093H DB 06BH,07AH,048H,059H,02DH,03CH,00EH,01FH DB 0F7H,0E6H,0D4H,0C5H,0B1H,0A0H,092H,083H DB 07BH,06AH,058H,049H,03DH,02CH,01EH,00FHend5、uint crc(uchar * byte,uchar nbyte) //CRC校验{uint data itemp=0;uchar data i,j;bit flag;for(i=0;i<nbyte;i++){itemp^=(byte[i]<<8);for (j=0;j<8;j++){flag=itemp&0x8000;itemp<<=1;if(flag){itemp^=0x1021;}}}return itemp;}6、CREATCRC: ; ----- CRC-16 ----- MOV R2,#00HMOV R3,#00HCRCATER2: MOV A,@R0XRL A,R3LCALL CRCCRT1XRL A,R2MOV R3,AMOV R2,BINC R0DJNZ R5,CRCA TER2MOV @R0,BINC R0MOV @R0,ARETCRCCRT1:MOV R7,#08HMOV B,#00HCRT1LOP1: CLR CPUSH ACCMOV A,BRLC AMOV B,APOP ACCRLC AJNC CRT1LOP2PUSH ACCMOV A,BXRL A,#CRCGENLMOV B,APOP ACCXRL A,#CRCGENHCRT1LOP2: DJNZ R7,CRT1LOP1 RETRECEIVE:SETB F0LCALL CREATCRCMOV A,CCRC1XRL A,@R0JNZ ERRORCRCINC R0MOV A,CCRC2XRL A,@R0JNZ ERRORCRCLJMP EENDERRORCRC: CLR F0EEND: RET7、1) 求CRC码的运算采用模2运算, 所谓模2运算就是不带进位和借位, 因此加法和减法等价,实际上就是逻辑上的异或运算, 除法可以用多次模2减法实现.2) 所谓CRC码, 就是把数据块左移16位, 然后除以0x11021所得到的余数(由CCITT推荐).3) 据此写出以下的CRC的C程序. *ptr指向发送数据块的首地址, len是数据块以字节为单位的长度.uint cal_crc(uchar *ptr, uchar len) {uint crc;uchar i;crc=0;while(len--!=0) {for(i=0x80; i!=0; i/=2) {if((crc&0x8000)!=0) {crc*=2; crc^=0x1021;}else crc*=2;if((*ptr&i)!=0) crc^=0x1021;}ptr++;}return(crc);}7、;CRC校验算法START EQU 2000H ;数据区首址(任意设置128字节数据)。



8 位的系统码和 8 位的命令码长度 为了增加可靠性,地址码(即用户码)和命令码都要发送两次 脉冲宽度调制 载波频率为 38K 每一位的时间长度为 1.12ms 或 2.25ms
图 1 逻辑“1”和“0”波形
NEC 码协议使用脉冲长度进行编码。每一个高电平由长度为 560µs 的 38K 载波构成(约 21 个周期)。1bit 的逻辑“1”发送时间是 2.25ms,而 1bit 逻辑“0”的发送时间为 1.12ms,如图 1。载波的占空比推荐值是 1/4 或 1/3。
画中画 搜台 制式
子通道 34
41 图文 SUBCODE 复用 65
PIP Source Subcode
画面交换 35
42 与图文 REVEAL 复用 66
Swap Reveal
36 音量-
67 43 上下左右和节目音量键不 VOL-
37 音量+
68 44 复用时作为音量加减键值 VOL+
45 图文 MIX 复用
46 图文 CANCEL 复用
PIP CH+ Cancel
47 图文 INDEX 复用
Position Index
计时回看 41
48 和 S 视频复用 72
Timer recall S-Video
下 节目减少
25 右 音量增加 24 18

ICP DAS I-7017R 8-ch Voltage and Current Input DAQ

ICP DAS I-7017R 8-ch Voltage and Current Input DAQ

I-7017R - 8-ch Voltage and Current Input DAQ Module - QuickStart (May/2020)ICP DAS USA, Inc. | | 1-310-517-9888 | 24309 Narbonne Ave. Suite 200. Lomita, CA 90717I-7017R8 Channels Voltage & Current InputData Acquisition ModuleQuick Start GuideProduct Website:https:///i_7017_r.html/dcon_utility_pro.htmlIntroductionThe I-7017R is an 8-channel analog input module with an extremely high quality protection mechanism where the overvoltage protection is 240 Vrms. The input type includes both voltage and current. The sampling rate of the I-7017R is adjustable, meaning that either fast mode or normal mode can be selected. The I-7017R also has 4 kV ESD protection as well as 3000 VDC intra-module isolation. The I-7017R-A5 is an 8-channel analog input module that is especially designed for high voltage input, and has an input range of between -50 V ~ +50 V or -150 V ~ +150 V.Packing ListI-7017RPlastic RailCDQuick Start GuideI-7017R - 8-ch Voltage and Current Input DAQ Module - QuickStart (May/2020)ICP DAS USA, Inc. | | 1-310-517-9888 | 24309 Narbonne Ave. Suite 200. Lomita, CA 90717⏹Internal I/O Structure < I-7017R >⏹Pin Assignments < I-7017R, I-7017R >⏹Internal I/O Structure (I-7017R)⏹Modbus Table (M-7017R only)Address Description R/W 10129 ~Over/under range status of channel 0R 10136to 7 for 4 ~ 20mA or 0 ~ 20mA ranges 00129 ~0013630001 ~Analog input value of channel 0 to 7R 3000840001 ~4000840481Firmware version (low word)R 40482Firmware version (high word)R 40483Module name (low word)R 40484Module name (high word)R 40485Module address, valid range: 1 ~ 247R/W 40486Bits 5:0R/WBaud rate, 0x03 ~ 0x0ACode0x030x040x050x06Baud1200240048009600Code0x070x080x090x0ABaud192003840057600115200Bits 7:600: no parity, 1 stop bit01: no parity, 2 stop bit10: even parity, 1 stop bit11: odd parity, 1 stop bit40487Type code R/W Address Description R/W 40488Modbus response delay time in ms,R/W valid range: 0 ~ 3040489Host watchdog timeout value, 0 ~R/W 255, in 0.1s40490Channel enable/disable, 00h ~ FFh R/W 40492Host watchdog timeout count, write 0R/W to clear00257Protocol, 0: DCON, 1: Modbus RTU R/W 00259Filter setting, 0: 60Hz rejection, 1:R/W 50Hz rejection002611: enable, 0: disable host watchdog R/W 00269Modbus data format, 0: hex, 1:R/W engineering00270Host watch dog timeout status, write R/W1 to clear host watch dog timeoutstatus002711: enable, 0: disable fast mode R/W 00273Reset status, 1: first read after R powered on, 0: not the first read afterpowered on⏹DCON ProtocolFunctions Command Response NotesRead module name$AAM!AA(Data)AA: address number Read module firmware version$AAF!AA(Data)Read all analog input data#aa>(data)Read analog input data of each channel (<=16 channel)#aai>(data)i: channel number (Hex) Read analog input data of each channel (>16 channel)#aaii>(data)ii: channel number (Hex) If you want to know the detail DCON protocol, please check it from CD or webCD path: \\napdos\7000\manual\Web: ftp:///pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/7000/manual/I-7017R - 8-ch Voltage and Current Input DAQ Module - QuickStart (May/2020)ICP DAS USA, Inc. | | 1-310-517-9888 | 24309 Narbonne Ave. Suite 200. Lomita, CA 90717I-7017R - 8-ch Voltage and Current Input DAQ Module - QuickStart (May/2020)ICP DAS USA, Inc. | | 1-310-517-9888 | 24309 Narbonne Ave. Suite 200. Lomita, CA 90717⏹Module test and configurationStep 1: INIT switch Operation Step 2: Install & Run DCON Utility 1. Please Install DCON Utility firstYou can find the software in the CD.CD path:<Driver>:\napdos\driver\dcon_utility\Web link:/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/driver/dcon_utility/ 2. Run DCON utility1. Find out the INIT switch( back of the module),and turn to INIT.2. Reboot the moduleStep 3: Set search configuration & search module Select COM Port Number1. Click “COM Port”2. Assign the communication information and click“OK”Module Default Setting COM Port Refer converter Port Number Baud Rate 9600ProtocolDCON for I-7000Modbus RTU for M-7000Parity Option N,8,13. Click “Search” and select “Start Searching”Software will search the modules from COM Port 4. Click “Search“ and select “stop searching”Manual stop when the modules searchedNote:When no module can be searched, please check the wire and communication informationStep 4: Select Module for testing and configurationDouble click “select module”Step 5: Configuration Settings & Channel SettingsChannel StatusModule SettingsProtocol DCON / ModbusAddress1~255 (0:INIT)Baud rate1200~115200Parity option N,8,1Input range Depends on signalsourcesStep 6: Change to normal mode and keep the settings1.Turn the INIT Switch to Normal.2.Reboot the moduleI-7017R - 8-ch Voltage and Current Input DAQ Module - QuickStart (May/2020)ICP DAS USA, Inc. | | 1-310-517-9888 | 24309 Narbonne Ave. Suite 200. Lomita, CA 90717Trouble ShootingQ1. How to do when forgot module address or baud rate?Please turn to INIT mode, and run DCON Utility to search.The module supports DCON protocol at the INIT mode.And the address is 0. The communication setting is “9600,N,8,1”.Q2. How to configure the I-7000 and M-7000 modules?ICP DAS provide DCON Utility to configure I-7000 and M-7000 modules.Please download the last version from: /pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/driver/dcon_utility/Q3. How to calibrate the analog input module?Usually it is not necessary to calibrate the analog input module.However, in case you need to perform this operation, we provide a function to calibrate the module.Please refer to user manual 1.10.Notice:1.Please update DCON Utility to version 5.2.3 or more.2.Keep the module running more than 30 minutes to warm-up.Q4. How to measure the current?I-7017R and I-7017R require optional external resistance (125Ω) for current measurement.Please refer wired connections diagram.And then select a suitable input range by DCON Utility.Or please use our I-7017RC or I-7017RC modules.Q5. How to programming with I-7000 or M-7000 by C#, VB, VC?ICP DAS I-7000 and M-7000 series both support DCON protocol. And Only M-7000 series supports Modbus protocol.For DCON protocol, please download SDK and Demo from:/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/driver/dcon_dll_new/For Modbus protocol, please refer this web link:/products/PAC/i-8000/modbus.htmIfthereisanyotherquestion,pleasefeelfreetocontactus.Email:******************Website: /contact_us/contact_us.htmlI-7017R - 8-ch Voltage and Current Input DAQ Module - QuickStart (May/2020)ICP DAS USA, Inc. | | 1-310-517-9888 | 24309 Narbonne Ave. Suite 200. Lomita, CA 90717。



HC-08蓝牙串口通信模块用户手册V3.3版本信息软件版本:HC-08V3.3硬件版本:V2.0/V2.6发布日期2021年03月01日修改记录1.更新“A T+VERSION”指令。

(2014.08.22)2.更新“A T+BAUD”指令。

(2014.08.22)3.增加“A T+RX”指令。

(2014.08.22)4.增加“A T+DEFAUL T”指令。

(2014.08.22)5.增加“A T+RESET”指令。

(2014.08.22)6.增加“A T+ROLE”指令,取消原34引脚设置角色功能。

(2014.08.22)7.增加“A T+ADDR”指令。

(2014.08.22)8.增加“A T+MODE”指令,增加低功耗、超低功耗模式。

(2014.08.22)9.增加“A T+RFPM”指令。

(2014.08.22)10.增加“A T+CONT”指令。

(2014.08.22)11.增加“A T+A VDA”指令。

(2014.08.22)12.增加“A T+TIME”指令。

(2014.08.22)13.增加“A T+CLEAR”指令。

(2015.07.30)14.增加“A T+LED”指令。

(2016.09.15)15.增加“A T+AINT”指令。

(2016.09.15)16.增加“A T+CINT”指令。

(2016.09.15)17.增加“A T+CTOUT”指令。

(2016.09.15)18.增加“A T+LUUID”指令。

(2016.09.15)19.增加“A T+SUUID”指令。

(2016.09.15)20.增加“A T+TUUID”指令。

(2016.09.15)21.删除“A T+TIME”指令。







Oracl‎e的to_‎d ate函‎数日期格式参‎数含义说明D 一周中的星‎期几DAY天的名字,使用空格填‎充到9个字‎符DD 月中的第几‎天DDD 年中的第几‎天DY天的简写名‎IW ISO标准‎的年中的第‎几周IYYY ISO标准‎的四位年份‎YYYY四位年份YYY,YY,Y年份的最后‎三位,两位,一位HH 小时,按12小时‎计HH24 小时,按24小时‎计MI 分SS 秒MM 月Mon 月份的简写‎注:在不同的语‎言下显示出‎来的数据不‎同,在中文下显‎示为5月,在英文下显‎示为MAY‎Month‎月份的全名‎W 该月的第几‎个星期WW 年中的第几‎个星期1.日期时间间‎隔操作当前时间减‎去7分钟的‎时间selec‎t sysda‎t e,sysda‎t e - inter‎v al‎’7’‎MINUT‎E from dual当前时间减‎去7小时的‎时间selec‎t sysda‎t e - inter‎v al‎’7’‎hour‎from‎dual‎当前时间减‎去7天的时‎间selec‎t sysda‎t e - inter‎v al‎’7’‎day‎from‎dual当前时间减‎去7月的时‎间selec‎t sysda‎t e,sysda‎t e - inter‎v al‎’7’‎month‎from dual当前时间减‎去7年的时‎间selec‎t sysda‎t e,sysda‎t e - inter‎v al‎’7’‎year‎from‎dual时间间隔乘‎以一个数字‎selec‎t sysda‎t e,sysda‎t e - 8 *inter‎v al‎’2’‎hour‎from‎dual2.日期到字符‎操作selec‎t sysda‎t e,to_ch‎a r(sysda‎t e,’yyyy-mm-dd‎hh24:mi:ss’)‎from‎dual‎selec‎t sysda‎t e,to_ch‎a r(sysda‎t e,’yyyy-mm-dd‎hh:mi:ss’)‎from‎dual‎selec‎t sysda‎t e,to_ch‎a r(sysda‎t e,’yyyy-ddd‎hh:mi:ss’)‎from‎dualselec‎t sysda‎t e,to_ch‎a r(sysda‎t e,’yyyy-mm iw-d‎hh:mi:ss’)‎from‎dual‎参考ora‎c le的相‎关关文档(ORACL‎E901D‎O C/SERVE‎R.901/A9012‎5/SQL_E‎L EMEN‎T S4.HTM#48515‎)3. 字符到日期‎操作selec‎t to_da‎t e(’2003-10-17‎21:15:37’,’yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss’)‎from‎dual‎具体用法和‎上面的to‎_char‎差不多。

凌鸥创芯 LKS32MC08X 电机控制处理器数据手册说明书

凌鸥创芯 LKS32MC08X 电机控制处理器数据手册说明书

南京凌鸥创芯电子有限公司LKS32MC08X Datasheet© 2020, 版权归凌鸥创芯所有机密文件,未经许可不得扩散1概述1.1功能简述LKS32MC08X系列MCU是32位内核的面向电机控制应用的专用处理器,集成了常用电机控制系统所需要的所有模块。

⚫性能➢96MHz 32位Cortex-M0内核➢集成自主指令集电机控制专用DSP➢超低功耗休眠模式,低功耗休眠电流10uA➢工业级工作温度范围➢超强抗静电和群脉冲能力⚫工作范围➢ 2.2V~5.5V电源供电,内部集成1个LDO,为数字部分电路供电➢工作温度: -40~105℃,LKS32MC085工作温度: -40~125℃⚫时钟➢内置4MHz高精度RC时钟,-40~105℃范围内精度在±1%之内➢内置低速32KHz 低速时钟,供低功耗模式使用➢可外挂4MHz外部晶振➢内部PLL可提供最高96MHz时钟⚫外设模块➢两路UART➢一路SPI,支持主从模式➢一路IIC,支持主从模式➢一路CAN(部分型号不带CAN)➢2个通用16位Timer,支持捕捉和边沿对齐PWM功能➢2个通用32位Timer,支持捕捉和边沿对齐PWM功能;支持正交编码输入,CW/CCW输入,脉冲+符号输入➢电机控制专用PWM模块,支持8路PWM输出,独立死区控制➢Hall信号专用接口,支持测速、去抖功能➢硬件看门狗➢最多4组16bit GPIO。

P0.0/P0.1/P1.0/P1.1 4个GPIO可以作为系统的唤醒源。

P0.15 ~ P0.0 共16个GPIO可以用作外部中断源输入。

⚫模拟模块➢集成1路12bit SAR ADC,同步双采样,3Msps采样及转换速率,最多支持13通道➢集成4路运算放大器,可设置为差分PGA模式➢集成两路比较器,可设置滞回模式➢集成12bit DAC 数模转换器➢内置±2℃温度传感器➢内置1.2V 0.5%精度电压基准源➢内置1路低功耗LDO和电源监测电路➢集成高精度、低温飘高频RC时钟➢集成晶体起振电路1.2性能优势➢高可靠性、高集成度、最终产品体积小、节约BOM成本;➢内部集成4路高速运放和两路比较器,可满足单电阻/双电阻/三电阻电流采样拓扑架构的不同需求;➢内部高速运放集成高压保护电路,可以允许高电压共模信号直接输入芯片,可以用最简单的电路拓扑实现MOSFET电阻直接电流采样模式;➢应用专利技术使ADC和高速运放达到最佳配合,可处理更宽的电流动态范围,同时兼顾高速小电流和低速大电流的采样精度;➢整体控制电路简洁高效,抗干扰能力强,稳定可靠;➢单电源2.2V~5.5V供电,确保了系统供电的通用性;适用于有感BLDC/无感BLDC/有感FOC/无感FOC及步进电机、永磁同步、异步电机等控制系统。


陪集与拉格朗日定理 设<H,*>是群 <G,*>的一个子群,a∈G,则集合 定的H在G中的左陪集,记为aH。 拉格朗日定理。 {a}H称为由a所确
1、设<S,*>是一个半群,如果S是一个有限集,则必有a∈S,使 得a*a=a。 2、设<G,*>是一个群,B是G的非空子集,如果B是一 个有限集, 那末只要运算*在B上封闭,<B,*>必定是<G,*>的子群。 3、设<G,*>是群,S是G的非空子集,如果对于S中的 任意元素a和b有a*b-1∈S,则<S,*>是<G,*>的子群。 4、设<S,*>是有限的可交换独异点,且对任意的a,b,c∈S,等式 a*b=a*c 蕴含着 b = c,证明<S,*>是阿贝尔群。 5、设<G,*>是一个群,<G,*>是阿贝尔群的充要条件 是对任意 的a,b∈G,有(a*b)*(a*b)=(a*a)*(b*b) 6、设<H , *>是群<G , *>的子群, A={x|x∈G , x*H*x-1=H},证明 <A , *>是<G , *>的一个子群。 7、设<H,﹡>是群<G,﹡>的子群, aH和bH是H在G中的任意 两个左陪集,证明:或者aH=bH,或者aH∩bH=Ф。 8、若<A,*>是半群,e是左幺元且对每一个x∈A,存的a,b,c∈A,如果a*b=a*c,则b=c。 b)通过证明e是<A,*>中的幺元,证明<A,*>是群。 9、证明:循环群的同态象必定是循环群。
Ch5 代数系统
• 运算的性质(封闭性、交换性、结合性、分配律、吸收 律、等幂律) • 特殊的元素(幺元、零元、逆元) • 广群、半群、独异点、群和子群 • 阿贝尔群和循环群 证明方法举例: 设<S,*>是一个半群,如果S是一个有限集,则必有 对于bS , b*bS,记b2=b*b b2*b=b*b2S,记b3=b2*b=b*b2 …… 由于S是有限集,所以必存在 j>i,使得bi=bj ……

KNF Neuberger FEM 08 系列膜型泵产品说明书

KNF Neuberger FEM 08 系列膜型泵产品说明书

The chemically-resistant, microprocessor-controlled series FEM 08__.18/S and FEM 08__.18/RC diaphragm metering pumps meter the smallest volumes continuously and evenly. Thanks to a special drive technology, these pumps feature a remarkably wide metering range of 1:1000.Metering Pumps STEPDOS ®08:FEM 08 __.18/S,FEM 08 __.18/RCMaterial in contact with the pumped media Type Pump Diaphragm Valves OrderNo.head FEM 08 KT .18/S PP PTFE-coated FFPM FEM 08 TT .18/S PVDF PTFE-coated FFPM FEM 08 FT .18/S PTFE PTFE-coated FFPM FEM 08 ST .18/S Stainless Steel PTFE-coated FFPM FEM 08 KT .18/RC PP PTFE-coated FFPM FEM 08 TT.18/RC PVDF PTFE-coated FFPM FEM 08 FT .18/RC PTFEPTFE-coated FFPM FEM 08 ST .18/RC Stainless SteelPTFE-coatedFFPM˾Reproducibility +/- 1%˾Integrated solenoid valve ensures the liquid does notdrip or flow back during stopDescription OrderNo.Foot switch069875Accessories1)Water at 20°C and zero pressure headT echnical data:Flow rate 1)0.08-80 ml/min Pressure head 20 mWg (2 bar)Suction head4 mWgMetering volumes 80 µl-115.2 l Time metering0.34 s - 24h Repeated metering 1-65000Pause time 1 s-24 h Reproducibility+/- 1 %Permissible liquid temperature 5-80 °C Permissible ambient temperature 5-40 °CConnectorsfor tube 4/6 mmm (KT , TT)and NPT 1/8“ inside thread (FT , ST)Mains 100-230V , 50/60Hz Weight approx. 1.5 kgHousingIP 65 (splash proof)Dimensions (LxHxW)185/115/82 mmSupply with software and PC cableKNF FLODOS AG, Wassermatte 2, CH-6210 Sursee, T el.++41(0)419250025,Fax++41(0)419250035,www.knf-flodos.ch,E-Mail:******************Dimensions (mm)Dimensions and performance characteristicsFlow rateFunction of the diaphragm metering pump STEPDOS 081 Solenoid valve2 Outlet valve3 Diaphragm4 Head5 Drive housingT echnology with long-term precisionA stepper motor and integrated solenoid valve conti-nuously ensure controlled movement in the pump head.The result is exact, practically pulsation-free, careful mete-ring. The liquid is released slowly and evenly, while the suction stroke always occurs at maximum speed. Thus,the liquid is metered virtually continuously and very quiet-ly, without pressure peaks.Pump performance characteristics for a dose of 1 ml/minVolumeTime3 2 1 0 0,5 1 1,5 2F l o w r a t e (m l /m i n )Suction height (mWg)Pressure head (mWg)。














20世纪80年代中期以后,Intel公司以专利转让的形式把8051内核给了许多半导体厂家,如Arotel、Philps、Ananog Devlces和Dallas等。

TOP2008 通用编程器 说明书

TOP2008 通用编程器 说明书



特点:�可支持2.5~6.5V的器件;�使用USB接口电源,不必外接电源;�通过USB通用串口与PC机连接,传送速率12MHz/s;�即适合电池供电的笔记本电脑使用,也适合台式机使用;�完善的过电流保护,有效地保护编程器和器件不受损害;�USB负载能力检测;�全插脚检查,可以检查出任意一个插脚的的接触状态;�40针进口万能锁紧插座;�在32bit WINDOWS7/XP/VISTA下运行;�塑料机壳,体积小,重量轻,功耗低;�可自动探测厂家和型号;�单片机定时,编程速度与计算机无关;2性能和规格:1.软件:TopWin6(for32bit WINDOWS7/XP/VISTA) 2.体积:142x103x233.重量:250g4.功率:<2.5w(5v/500mA)5.锁紧座:40Pin进口优质插座(可更换)TOP2008成套件:1.TOP2008主机一件;2.标准USB1.1(兼容USB2.0)连接电缆线一根;3.《TOP2008通用编程器》说明书一本;4.《TopWin软件操作手册》一本;5.配套的TopWin软件光盘一张。

3TOP2008支持器件列表(以软件为准)V29C51001T,V29C51001B,V29C51002T,V29C51002B,V29C51004T,V29C51004B,F29C51001T,F29C51001B,F29C51002T,F29C51002B,F29C51004T,F29C51004B,____EEPROM-XICORX2816,X2816A,X2816B,X28C16,X28C16A,X28C16B,X2817A,X28C17,X2864A,X28C64,X28HC64,X28C256,X28HC256,X28TC256,X28VC256,X28C64*32PIN,X28HC64*32PIN,X28C256*32PIN,X28HC256*32PIN,X28TC256*32PIN,X28VC256*32PIN,X28C010,X28HT010,X28C020,X28HT020,____EEPROM-LINKSMARTLST28001,LST28002,LST28004,____EEPROM-PMCPM37VF512,PM37VF010,PM37VF020,PM29F002,PM29F004,PM29LV002,PM29LV004,PM39LV512,PM39LV010,PM39LV020,PM39LV040,PM49FL002,PM49FL004,____EEPROM-PTCPT28C010,PT28C020,____MPU-AMD87C51,87C521,87C541,____MPU-ATMELAT80F51,AT80F52,AT87F51,AT87F52,AT87F55WD,AT87F51RC,AT89C51,AT89LV51,AT89C52,AT89LV52,AT89C55,AT89LV55,AT89C55WD,AT89C51RC,AT89S51,AT89LS51,AT89S52,AT89LS52,AT89C1051,AT89LV1051,AT89C2051,AT89LV2051,AT89C4051,AT89LV4051,AT89S8252,AT89LS8252,AT89S8252,AT89LS8252,AT89S8253,AT89LS8253,AT89S53,AT89LS53,T89C51RB2,T89C51RC2,T89C51RD2,AT89C51RB2,AT89C51EB2,AT89C51IB2,AT89C51RC2,AT89C51EC2,AT89C51IC2,AT89C51RD2,AT89C51ED2,AT89C51ID2,AT89S54,AT89S58,AT89S64,AT90S1200,AT90S2313,AT90S4414,AT90LS4414,AT90S8515,AT90LS8515,AT90S4434,AT90S8535,AT90LS8535,AT90S4434,AT90LS4434,AT90S2333,AT90S4433,ATTINY11(Hi),ATTINY12(Hi),ATTINY13(Serial),ATTINY15L(Hi), ATTINY25,ATTINY26,ATTINY26L,ATTINY28L,ATTINY28V,ATTINY2313(DIP20),ATTINY2313V(DIP20),ATTINY2313, ATMEGA8,ATMEGA8L,ATMEGA16,ATMEGA16L,ATMEGA8535,ATMEGA8535L,ATMEGA8515,ATMEGA8515L,ATMEGA32,ATMEGA32L,ATMEGA48*PDIP28,ATMEGA88*PDIP28,ATMEGA88P*PDIP28,ATMEGA88PA*PDIP28,ATMEGA_ALL, ATMEGA168*PDIP28,ATMEGA328*PDIP28,ATMEGA328V*PDIP28,ATMEGA48V*PDIP28,ATMEGA88V*PDIP28,ATMEGA168V*PDIP28,ATMEGA_ALL,ATMEGA161,ATMEGA161L,ATMEGA162,ATMEGA162L,ATMEGA162V,ATMEGA162U,ATMEGA163,ATMEGA163L,AT90S2323,AT90LS2323,AT90S2343,AT90LS2343,____MPU-DALLASDS87C520,DS89C420,DS89C430,DS89C440,DS89C450,____MPU-SSTSST89C54,SST89C58,SST89F54,SST89F58,SST89E554RC,SST89E564RD,SST89V554RC,SST89V564RD,SST89E52RD,SST89E54RD,SST89E58RD,SST89E516RD,SST89E52RD2,SST89E54RD2,SST89E58RD2,SST89E516RD2,SST89V52RD,SST89V54RD,SST89V58RD,SST89V516RD,SST89V52RD2,SST89V54RD2,SST89V58RD2,SST89V516RD2,____MPU-STCSTC89C58RD,STC89LV58RD,STC89C516RD,STC89LV516RD,____MPU-SYNCMOSSM2952,SM2958,SM2964,SM2965,SM8951A,SM8952A,SM8951B,SM8952B,SM8954,SM8958,SM89516,SM89516C,SM89516L,SM8954A,SM8958A,SM89516A,SSU7301,SM7908,SM79108,4SM89S16R1,SM7964,SM79164,SM5964C,SM5964AL,SM59264,SM894051,SM59D02G2C(07),SM59D02G2L(07),SM59D03G2C,SM59D03G2L,SM59D04G2C,SM59D04G2L,____MPU-MOSELVITELICMSU2954,MSU2958,MSU2964,MSU2964as32K,MSU2964as16K,MSU2964as8K,MSU2964as4K,____MPU-LGGMS97C51,GMS97C52,GMS97C54,GMS97C58,GMS97C1051,GMS97C2051,____MPU-INTELi87C51,i87C52,i87C54,i87C58,i87C51FA,i87C51FB,i87C51FC,i87LC51FA,i87LC51FB,i87LC51FC,i87C51RA+,i87C51RB+,i87C51RC+,i87C51RD+,i87LC51RA+,i87LC51RB+,i87LC51RC+,i87LC51RD+,____MPU-PHILIPSP87C51,P87C52,P87C54,P87C58,P87C51X2,P87C52X2,P87C54X2,P87C58X2,P87C51FA,P87C51FB,P87C51FC,P87LC51FA,P87LC51FB,P87LC51FC,P87C51RA+,P87C51RB+,P87C51RC+,P87C51RD+,P87LC51RA+,P87LC51RB+,P87LC51RC+,P87LC51RD+,P87C591,P89C51Uxxx,P89C52Uxxx,P89C54Uxxx,P89C58Uxxx,P89C51Bx,P89C52Bx,P89C54Bx,P89C58Bx,P89C51X2,P89C52X2,P89C54X2,P89C58X2,P89C51RA+,P89C51RB+,P89C51RC+,P89C51RD+,P89C51RA2Hxx,P89C51RB2Hxx,P89C51RC2Hxx,P89C51RD2Hxx,P89C51RA2B,P89C51RB2B,P89C51RC2B,P89C51RD2B,P89C51RA2F,P89C51RB2F,P89C51RC2F,P89C51RD2F,P89C60X2,P89C61X2,P89C660,P89C662,P89C664,P89C668,P87LPC759,P87LPC760,P87LPC761,P87LPC762,P87LPC764,P87LPC767,P87LPC768,P87LPC769,P89LPC920,P89LPC921,P89LPC922,P89LPC9221,P89LPC924,P89LPC925,P89LPC930,P89LPC931,P89LPC932,P89LPC932A1,P89LPC933,P89LPC934,P89LPC935,P89LPC936,P89LPC938,V51RA2B,C922SPI,____MPU-WINBONDW78E51,W78E51B,W78LE51,W78E51C,W78LE51C,W78L051C,W78E52,W78E52B,W78LE52,W78E52C,W78LE52C,W78L052C,W78E54,W78E54B,W78LE54,W78E54C,W78L054C,W78E58,W78E58B,W78LE58,W78E516B,W78LE516,W78E51D,W78E52D,W78E54D,W78E051D,W78E052D,W78E054D,W78E58D,W78E516D,W78E058D,W78E0516D,W78ERD2,W78IRD2,W78E62,W78E65,W78L065,W78E365,W78LE365,W78E858,W77E54,W77E58,W77LE58,W77E516,W77LE516,W77E532,W79E532,W79E632,W79E201,W79E821A,W79E822A,W79E823A,W79E824A,W79E825A,W79E2051(20PIN),W79E4051(20PIN),W79E2051-DU(20PIN),W79E4051-DU(20PIN),W79E2051-SU(20PIN), W79E4051-SU(20PIN),____MPU-MICROCHIPPIC12C508,PIC12C508A,PIC12C508B,PIC12C509,PIC12C509A,PIC12C509B,PIC12CE518,PIC12CE519,PIC12F508,PIC12F509,PIC12F510,PIC12C671,PIC12C672,PIC12CE673,PIC12CE674,PIC12F508,PIC12F509,PIC12F510,PIC12F629,PIC12F675,PIC12F635-8PIN,PIC12F683-8PIN,PIC16F636-8PIN,PIC16F639-8PIN,PIC16F684-8PIN,PIC16F685-8PIN,PIC16F687-8PIN,PIC16F688-8PIN, PIC16F689-8PIN,PIC16F690-8PIN,PIC16F636-14PIN,PIC16F684-14PIN,PIC16F688-14PIN,PIC16F639-20PIN,PIC16F685-20PIN,PIC16F687-20PIN,PIC16F689-20PIN,PIC16F690-20PIN,PIC16F505,PIC16F506,PIC12F508-new,PIC12F509-new,PIC12F510-new,PIC16F54,PIC16F57,PIC16F630,PIC16F676,PIC16C505,PIC16C54,PIC16HV540,PIC16C54-LP,PIC16C54-XT,PIC16C54-RC,PIC16C54-HS,PIC16C54A,PIC16C54B,PIC16C54C,CF745,PIC16C55,PIC16C55-LP,PIC16C55-XT,PIC16C55-RC,PIC16C55-HS,PIC16C55A,PIC16C55B,PIC16C55C,PIC16C56,PIC16C56-LP,PIC16C56-XT,PIC16C56-RC,PIC16C56-HS,PIC16C56A,PIC16C56B,PIC16C56C,PIC16C57,PIC16C57-LP,PIC16C57-XT,PIC16C57-RC,PIC16C57-HS,PIC16C57A,PIC16C57B,PIC16C57C,CF775,PIC16C58,PIC16C58-LP,PIC16C58-XT,PIC16C58-RC,PIC16C58-HS,PIC16C58A,PIC16C58B,PIC16C58C,PIC16C64,PIC16C64A,PIC16C64B,PIC16C65,PIC16C774,PIC16C65A,PIC16C65B,PIC16C74,PIC16C74A,PIC16C74B,PIC16C71,PIC16C71A,PIC16C71B,PIC16C711,5PIC16C712,PIC16C61,PIC16C710,PIC16C620,PIC16C621,PIC16C622,PIC16C715,PIC16C716,PIC16C62,PIC16C62A,PIC16C62B,PIC16C63,PIC16C63A,PIC16C63B,PIC16C73,PIC16C73A,PIC16C73B,PIC16C773,PIC16C66,PIC16C67,PIC16C72,PIC16C72A,PIC16C72B,PIC16C76,PIC16C76A,PIC16C76B,PIC16C77,PIC16C77A,PIC16C77B,PIC16C641,PIC16C642,PIC16C661,PIC16C662,PIC16C554,PIC16C556,PIC16C558,PIC16C717,PIC16F627,PIC16F628,PIC16LF627,PIC16LF628,PIC16F627A,PIC16F628A,PIC16F648A,PIC16LF627A,PIC16LF628A,PIC16LF648A,PIC16F716,PIC16F72,PIC16F73,PIC16F74,PIC16F76,PIC16F77,PIC16F737,PIC16F747,PIC16F767,PIC16F777,PIC16F83,PIC16CR83,PIC16C84,PIC16CR84,PIC16F84,PIC16F84A,PIC16F870,PIC16F871,PIC16F872,PIC16F873,PIC16F874,PIC16F876,PIC16F877,PIC16F873A,PIC16F874A,PIC16F876A,PIC16F877A,PIC16F818,PIC16F819,PIC16F882,PIC16F883,PIC16F886,PIC16F884,PIC16F887,PIC16F913,PIC16F916,PIC16F914,PIC16F917,PIC16F722,PIC16F723,PIC16F726,PIC16F724,PIC16F727,PIC16LF722,PIC16LF723,PIC16LF726,PIC16LF724,PIC16LF727,____MPU-MICONMDT2005,MDT2005E,MDT2010,MDT2010E,MDT2015,MDT2020,MDT2020B,MDT10P21A1P,MDT10P21A1S,MDT10P21A2K,MDT10P21A3S,MDT10P22A1P,MDT10P22A1S,MDT10P22A2K,MDT10P22A3S,MDT2051,____MPU-ELANEM78P156E,EM78P256E,EM78P456E,EM78P247SA,EM78P247SB,EM78P447SA,EM78P447SB,____MPU-VERSACHIPV87C54,V87C58,____MPU-CRESCENTECCR80P100,CR80P200,____MPU-TOPTEKT81P54,T80P54,T80P57,T80P65,T52,____MPU-ISSIIS89C51A,IS89C52A,IS89LV51A,IS89LV52A,____Serial-93C46(128x8),P93,93C56(256x8),P93,93C66(512x8),P93,93C57(256x8),P93,93C86(2kx8),P93,93C76(1Kx8),P93,93C46(64x16),P93X16,93C56(128x16),P93X16,93C66(236x16),P93X16,93C76(512x16),P93X16,93C86(1Kx16),P93X16,24C01A(128x8),P24,24C02(256x8),P24,24C04(512x8),P24,24C08(1KX8),P24,24C16(2KX8),P24,24C32(4KX8),P24,24C64(8KX8),P24,24C128(16KX8),P24,24C256(32KX8),P24,24C512(64KX8),P24,____Serial-AKMAK93C46(128x8),AK93C56(256x8),AK93C66(512x8),P93,AK6420AF(128x16,AK6440AF(256x16,AK6480AF(512x16,AK6480CF(512x16,AK6420B(128x16),AK64SCI,AK6440B(256x16),AK64SCI,AK6480B(512x16),AK64SCI,AK6420AM(128x16),AK64SCI,AK6440AM(256x16),AK64SCI,AK6480AM(512x16),AK64SCI, AK6480CL(512x16),AK64SCI,AK6481CH(512x16),AK64SCI,AK6481CM(512x16),AK64SCI,AK6416A,AK6416AM(1024x16),AK64SCI,AK6416CM(1024x16),AK64SCI,AK6416CH(1024x16),AK64SCI,AK93C46(64x16),P93X16,AK93C56(128x16),P93X16,AK93C66(236x16),P93X16,AK93C86(2kx8),P93,AK93C86(1Kx16),P93X16,____Serial-ONSEMICAT64LC20W(128x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC20J(128x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC40W(256x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC40J(256x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC80W(512x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC80J(512x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC20(P/L/S/V/U/Y),CAT64LC40(P/L/S/V/U/Y),CAT64LC80(P/L/S/V/U/Y),____Serial-ATMELAT24C01,AT24C02,AT24C02A,AT24C04,AT24C04A,AT24C08,AT24C08A,AT24RF08C,AT24C16,AT24C16A,AT24C32,AT24C64,AT24C128,AT24C256,AT24C512,AT93C46(128x8),P93,AT93C56(256x8),P93,6AT93C66(512x8),P93,AT93C86(2kx8),P93,AT93C46(64x16),P93X16,AT93C56(128x16),P93X16,AT93C66(236x16),P93X16,AT93C86(1Kx16),P93X16,AT25010,AT25020,AT25040,AT25080,AT25160,AT25320,AT25640,AT25128,AT25256,AT25010A,AT25020A,AT25040A,AT25080A,AT25160A,AT25320A,AT25640A,AT25128A,AT25256A,AT25F512,AT25F1024,AT25F1024A,ACTRANS25,AT25F2048,AT25F4096,AT25DF021,AT26DF,AT25DF041,AT26DF,AT25DF081,AT26DF,AT25DF161,AT26DF,AT26DF021,AT26DF,AT26DF041,AT26DF,AT26DF081,AT26DF,AT26DF161,AT26DF,____Serial-ACTRANSAC25512,AC25LC512,AC25LV512,AC25010,AC25LC010,AC25LV010,____Serial-AMICA25L10P(8PIN),A25L20P(8PIN),A25L40P(8PIN),A25L80P(8PIN),____Serial-APLUSAF24BC01,AF24BC02,AF24BC04,AF24BC08,AF24BC16,AF24BC32,AF24BC64,AF24BC128,AF24BC256,AF93BC46(128x8),P93,AF93BC56(256x8),P93,AF93BC66(512x8),P93,AF93BC86(2kx8),P93,AF93BC46(64x16),P93X16,AF93BC56(128x16),P93X16,AF93BC66(236x16),P93X16,AF93BC86(1Kx16),P93X16,____Serial-MXICMX25L512(8PIN),MX25L10xx(8PIN),MX25L20xx(8PIN),MX25L40xx(8PIN),MX25L80xx(8PIN),Mx25L16xx(8PIN),MX25L32xx(8PIN),____Serial-EONEN25T10(8PIN),EN25T20(8PIN),EN25T40(8PIN),EN25T80(8PIN),EN25T80(8PIN),EN25T16(8PIN),EN25F10(8PIN),EN25F20(8PIN),EN25F40(8PIN),EN25F80(8PIN),EN25F80(8PIN),EN25F16(8PIN),____Serial-STM25P10-V(8PIN),M25P20-V(8PIN),M25P40-V(8PIN),M25P80-V(8PIN),____Serial-WINBONDW25P10L(8PIN),W25P20L(8PIN),W25P40L(8PIN),W25P80L(8PIN),W25X10L(8PIN),W25X20L(8PIN),W25X40L(8PIN),W25X80L(8PIN),W25X16V/L(8PIN),W25X32V/L(8PIN),W25X64V/L(8PIN),____Serial-PMCPM25LV512(8PIN),PM25LV010(8PIN),PM25LV020(8PIN),PM25LV040(8PIN),PM25LV080(8PIN),____Serial-ESIES25P10(8PIN),ES25P20(8PIN),ES25P40(8PIN),ES25P80(8PIN),____Serial-SPANSIONS25FL001(8PIN),S25FL002(8PIN),S25FL004(8PIN),S25FL008(8PIN),____Serial-SSTSST25LF512(8PIN),SST25LF010(8PIN),SST25LF020(8PIN),SST25LF040(8PIN),SST25LF512A(8PIN),SST25LF010A(8PIN),SST25LF020A(8PIN),SST25LF040A(8PIN),SST25VF512(8PIN),SST25VF010(8PIN),SST25VF020(8PIN),SST25VF040(8PIN),SST25VF512A(8PIN),SST25VF010A(8PIN),SST25VF020A(8PIN),SST25VF040A(8PIN),SST25VF040B(8PIN),SST25VF080B(8PIN),SST25VF016B(8PIN),SST25VF032B(8PIN),____Serial-CATALYSTCAT24C01,CAT24C02,CAT24C02A,CAT24C02AI,CAT24C02I,CAT24C04,CAT24C04I,CAT24C08,CAT24C08I,CAT24C16,CAT24C16I,CAT24LC01,CAT24LC02,CAT24LC02A,CAT24LC02AI,CAT24LC02I,CAT24LC04,CAT24LC04I,CAT24LC08,CAT24LC08I,CAT24LC16,CAT24LC16I,CAT24WC02,CAT24WC04,CAT24WC08,CAT24WC16,93C46(128x8),P93,93C46A(128x8),93C46H(128x8),93C46I(128x8),93C46(64x16),P93X16,93C56(128x16),P93X16,93C66(236x16),P93X16,____Serial-EXELXL93C46(128x8),XL93C56(128x8),XL93C66(128x8),XL93CS46,X93C46(64x16),P93X16,X93C56(128x16),P93X16, X93C66(236x16),P93X16,X93C86(2kx8),P93,X93C86(1Kx16),P93X16,____Serial-FAIRCHILDFM24C02,FM24C02W,FM24C03,FM24C04,FM24C04W,FM24C08,FM24C08W,FM24C16,FM24C16W,7FM93C46(128x8),FM93C56(128x8),FM93C66(128x8),FM93C46(64x16),P93X16,FM93C56(128x16),P93X16,FM93C66(236x16),P93X16,____Serial-HYUNDAIHY24C02,HY24C02W,HY24C04,HY24C04W,HY24C08,HY24C08W,HY24C16,HY24C16W,HY93C46(128x8),HY93C46(256x8),HY93C46(64x16),P93X16,HY93C56(128x16),P93X16,HY93C66(236x16),P93X16,____Serial-ICT24C02,24C02W,24C04,24C04W,24C08,24C08W,24C16,24C16W,93C46,93C46A(128x8),93CX46(128x8),93C56,93CX56(256x8),93C66,93CX66(512x8),93C46,93C56,93C66,____Serial-GIANTECGT24C02(256x8),P24,GT24C04,GT24C08,GT24C16,GT24C32,GT24C64,GT24C128,GT24C256,____Serial-ISSI24C02(256x8),P24,24C04,24C08,24C16,24C32,24C64,24C128,24C256,93C46/-3,93C56/-3,93C66,93C46,93C56,93C66,____Serial-MICROCHIP24C01A,24C02A,24C04A,24C04,24C08,24C16,24C32,24C64,24C65,24C128,24C256,24C512,24LC01,24LC02,24LC04,24LC04,24LC08,24LC16,24LC32,24LC64,24LC65,24LC128,24LC256,24LC512,93C46(128x8),93C56(256x8),P93,93LC56,93C66,93LC66(512x8),P93,93C86,93C46(128x8),93C46,93C56,93C66,93C86,93C46A,93C46B,93C46C,93C46C,93C56A,93C56B,93C56C,93C56C,93C66A,93C66B,93C66C,93C66C,93C86A,93C86B,93C86C,93C86C,93LC46A,93LC46B,93LC46C,93LC46C,93LC56A,93LC56B,93LC56C,93LC56C,93LC66A,93LC66B,93LC66C,93LC66C,93LC86A,93LC86B,93LC86C,93LC86C,93AA46A,93AA46B,93AA46C,93AA46C,93AA56A,93AA56B(128x16),P93X16,93AA56C,93AA56C,93AA66A,93AA66B,93AA66C,93AA66C,93AA86A,93AA86B,93AA86C,93AA86C,25C040,25C080,25C160,25C320,25LC040,25LC080,25LC160,25LC320,25LC640,25AA040,25AA080,25AA160,25AA320,25AA640,____Serial-NS24C02,24C02L,24C04,24C04L,24C08,24C16,NMC9346(128x8),P93,NMC93C46(128x8),P93,NMC93CS46(128x8),P93,NMC93C56(256x8),P93,NMC93CS56,NMC93C66,NMC93CS66,NM93C46(64x16),P93X16, NM93C56(128x16),P93X16,NM93C66(236x16),P93X16,NM59C11,NM24C02/L,NM24C04/L,NM24C08,NM24C16,____Serial-ROHMBR24C01A(128x8),BR24C02(256x8),P24,BR24C04(512x8),P24,BR24C08(1Kx8),P24,BR24C16(2KX8),P24,BR24C32(4KX8),P24,BR24C64(8KX8),P24,BR93C46(128x8),BR93C56(256x8),P93,BR93C66(512x8),P93,BR93C46(64x16),P93X16,BR93C56(128x16),P93X16,BR93C66(256x16),P93X16,BR93LC46(128x8),BR93LC56(256x8),P93,BR93LC66(512x8),P93,BR93LC46(64x16),P93X16,BR93LC56(128x16),P93X16,BR93LC66(256x16),P93X16,BR9010AF,BR9020AF,BR9040AF,BR9080AF,BR9080CF,BR9010B(128x16),BR90,BR9020B(128x16),BR90,BR9040B(256x16),BR90,BR9080B(512x16),BR90,BR9020AM(128x16),BR90,BR9040AM(256x16),BR90,BR9080AM(512x16),BR90,BR9080CL(512x16),BR90,BR9016A(1024x16),BR90,BR9016AM(1024x16),BR90,BR9016CM(1024x16),BR90,BR9016CH(1024x16),BR90,____Serial-SAMSUNGKM24C02,KM24C04,KM24C08,KM24C16,KM93C46(128x8),P93,KM93C46V(128x8),P93,KM93C56(256x8),P93,KM93CS56(256x8),P93,KM93C57(256x8),P93,KM93C66(512x8),P93,KM93CS66(512x8),P93,KM93C67(512x8),P93,____Serial-ST24C01,24C02A,ST24C04,ST24C08,ST24C16,M93C46A(128x8),M93C56(256x8),P93,M93C66(512x8),P93,M93C57(128x16),P93,M93C76(512x16),P93X16,M93C86(2k,MST93C46(64x16),P93X16,M93C56(128x16),P93X16, M93C66(256x16),P93X16,M93C76(512x16),P93X16,M93C86(1k,M93S46,M93S46-W,M93S46-R,8M93S56,M93S56-W,M93S56-R,M93S66,M93S66-W,M93S66-R,M95160,M95320,M95640,____Serial-SGS-THOMSONST24C01,ST24C02A,ST24C04,ST24C08,ST24C16,ST93C46A(128x8),ST93C56(256x8),P93,ST93C66(512x8),P93,ST93C46(64x16),P93X16,ST93C56(128x16),P93X16,ST93C66(256x16),P93X16,ST93C57(128x16),P93,ST93C86(2kx8),P93,ST93C86(1kx16),P93X16,____Serial-XICORX24C00,X24C01,X24C01I,X24C01A,X2402,X2402I,X24C02,X24C02I,X2404,X2404I,X24C04,X24C04I,X24C16,X24C16I,X25043(8pin),X25045(8pin),X5043(8pin),X5045(8pin),X5043(14pin),X5045(14pin),X25010,X25020,X25040,X25080,X25160,X25320,X25640,X25650,X93C46(64x16),P93X16,X93C56(128x16),P93X16,X93C66(236x16),P93X16,X93C86(2kx8),P93,X93C86(1Kx16),P93X16,X25043(8pin),X25045(8pin),X5043(8pin),X5045(8pin),X5043(14pin),X5045(14pin),____Serial-PMCPM25010,PM25020,PM25040,PM25080,____Serial-PHILIPSPCF8570,PCF8570C,PCF8571,PCF8572,PCF8581,PCF8582,PCF8594,PCF8598,PCF85102,PCF85103,____Serial-YMCY24LC02A,P24,Y54LC64,YMC54XX,Y93LC46A(64x16),P93X16,Y93LC46A(256x16),P93X16,Y93LC46A(128x8),P93, Y93LC66A(512x8),P93,____PLD-ATMELATF16V8,ATF16V8B,ATF16V8BL,ATF16V8BQ,ATF16V8BQL,ATF16V8C,ATF16V8CEXT,ATF16V8CZ,ATF20V8,ATF20V8B,ATF20V8BL,ATF20V8BQL,ATF22V10,ATF22V10L,ATF22V10B/L,____PLD-LATTICEGAL16V8,GAL16V8A,GAL16V8B,GAL16V8C,GAL16V8D,GAL20V8,GAL20V8A,GAL20V8B,GAL22V10,GAL22V10A,GAL22V10B,GAL22V10C,GAL22V10D,____PLD-NSGAL16V8,GAL16V8A,GAL20V8,GAL20V8A,GAL20V8,GAL22V10,,____PLD-SGS/THOMSONGAL16V8,GAL16V8A,GAL16V8AS,GAL16V8S,GAL20V8,GAL20V8A,GAL20V8AS,GAL20V8S,GAL22V10,____PLD-VLSIVP16V8,VP20V8,____RAM-STAND6116,6264,62256,62512,628128,628256,628512,2464,24256,24512,24010,24020,24040,____RAM-WINBONDW2465,W24128,W24257A,W24257AC,W24M257,W24512A,W24M512,W24M512A,W24M1024,W24010,W24020,W24040,____RAM-INTEL6116,6264,62256,62512,628128,628256,628512,____RAM-DALLASDS1220Y,DS1220AB,DS1220AD,DS1225AB,DS1225AD,DS1225D,DS1225DE,DS1225Y,DS1230Y,DS1230AB,DS1245Y,DS12449,DS1250Y,____RAM-BDTICHK1225,HK1235,HK1245,HK1265,HK1255,____TEST-StandardICTEST(附加功能,只供参考):74xxx,40xxx,45xxx,9。



IR Codes for “ReportMappingTable” value. Not all Xbox 360 buttons listed, they are the same as the Media CenterThe Hexadecimal values above are used within the “ReportMappingTable” value noted on the following page. The “ReportMappingTable” value can be altered by creating a custom INF file or editing the Registry entry. After changing the value must restart Windows or the eHome under USB in Device Manager must be disabled and re-enabled for changes to take affect.Windows MC Remote settings are installed using the INPUT.INF file.In registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\RemotesA binary registry value named “ReportMappingTable” is used to set the functionality of remote buttons.Examples: (Note, the last line in the INF file should not have a comma at the end, these are example lines.)0x28,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x73, \ ; Function Key 24 to XBox 360 Remote Open button0x4F,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x03,0x1D, \ ; CTRL+SHFT+Z for Zoom to XBox 360 Display button0x64,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x04,0x3D, \ ; ALT+F4 for Exit application to XBox 360 Silver X button0x51,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x09,0x2B, \ ; CTRL+WIN+TAB for Persistent Flip 3D to XBox 360 Title button 0x66,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x02,0x48,0x00, \ ; Recorded TV to XBox 360 Green A buttonExample Remote Method and Data (can get additional MCE Method and Data values from the INPUT.INF file)In the INPUT.INF file approximately half way down is the following lineHKR,"Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da","ReportMappingTable",0x00000001,\and the “ReportMappingTable” for “RC6 based MCE remote” follows that line. Each entry is 7 bytes with the bytes represented in hexadecimal and separated by commas.Note that the last line of the binary value does not have a comma at the end of the hexadecimal digits. All the hexadecimal digits should end in a comma with exception to the last digit on the last line. The INF lines have comments (start with semi-colon) at the end of the lines. Comments at end of lines are not mandatory. However, the backslash after the hexadecimal digits is mandatory. The backslash indicates the registry entry carries onto the next line, the line continuator.Do not change the values for other remotes listed in the INPUT.INF file, just the "RC6 based MCE remote". Should not edit the INPUT.INF file, and instead use a custom INF file to change the “ReportMappingTable” entry. Create INF, Right-Click and Install it, then Restart Windows or Disable and then Enable the eHome under USB in Device Manager.Create a text file and change the file extension to .INF, call it RC6MAP.INFFile contents:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Version]Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"[DefaultInstall]DelReg=Del.SettingsAddReg=Add.Settings[Del.Settings]HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da","ReportMappingTable"[Add.Settings]HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da","ReportMappingTable",0x00000001,\0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x1e, \ ; 10x02,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x1f, \ ; 20x03,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x20, \ ; 30x04,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x21, \ ; 40x05,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x22, \ ; 50x06,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x23, \ ; 60x07,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x24, \ ; 70x08,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x25, \ ; 80x09,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x26, \ ;0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x27, \ ; 00x0B,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x28, \ ; return0x0A,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x29, \ ; escape0x1D,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x02,0x25, \ ; *0x1C,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x02,0x20, \ ; #0x1F,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x51, \ ; down arrow0x1E,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x52, \ ; up arrow0x21,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x4f, \ ; right arrow0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x50, \ ; left arrow0x22,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x28, \ ; return0x4E,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0x08,0x02, \ ; AC Print0x0F,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0x09,0x02, \ ; AC Properties (Details)0x23,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0x24,0x02, \ ; AC Back0x16,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xb0,0x00, \ ; AC Media play0x18,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xb1,0x00, \ ; AC Media pause0x17,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xb2,0x00, \ ; AC Media record0x14,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xb3,0x00, \ ; AC FF0x15,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xb4,0x00, \ ; AC RW0x1A,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xb5,0x00, \ ; AC Media next track0x1B,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xb6,0x00, \ ; AC Media previous track0x19,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xb7,0x00, \ ; AC Media Stop0x6E,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xcd,0x00, \ ; AC Media play/pause0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xe9,0x00, \ ; AC volume up0x11,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xea,0x00, \ ; AC volume down0x0E,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0xe2,0x00, \ ; AC volume mute0x26,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0x8d,0x00, \ ; AC select program guide0x12,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0x9c,0x00, \ ; AC channel up0x13,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x01,0x9d,0x00, \ ; AC channel down0x0C,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x03,0x82,0x00, \ ; Suspend0x2A,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x03,0x82,0x00, \ ; Discrete Power Off0x28,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x73, \ ; Function Key 24 to XBox 360 Remote Open button0x4F,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x03,0x1D, \ ; CTRL+SHFT+Z for Zoom to XBox 360 Display button0x64,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x04,0x3D, \ ; ALT+F4 for Exit application to XBox 360 Silver X button0x51,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x09,0x2B, \ ; CTRL+WIN+TAB for Persistent Flip 3D to XBox 360 Title button0x66,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x02,0x48,0x00, \ ; Recorded TV to XBox 360 Green A button0x68,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x08,0x00 \ ; WIN key for Start Menu to XBox 360 Blue X button <-– note no comma after last hex digits on last line _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Save the INF file, then Right-Click the INF file and choose Install from Right-Click menu.And don’t forget, the backslashes are mandatory and the last line does not have comma at end of numbers. Restart Windows or disable/enable the eHome under USB in Device Manager.By default the eHome IR Receiver works with MCE Remotes only. The Xbox 360 Universal Media remote is not an MCE Remote. To enable the eHome Receiver to work with other RC6 remotes like the Xbox 360, perform either of the following.1) Create and install an INF file then disable/enable eHome under USB in Device Manager.or2) Edit the registry then disable/enable eHome under USB in Device Manager.1) Create and Install an INF file and disable/enable the eHome under USB:Create a text file and change the file extension to .INF, call it MCALLRC6.INFFile contents:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[Version]Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"[DefaultInstall]DelReg=Del.SettingsAddReg=Add.Settings[Del.Settings]HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da","CodeSetNum0"HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da","CodeSetNum1"HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da","CodeSetNum2"HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da","CodeSetNum3"[Add.Settings]HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da","CodeSetNum0",0x00010001,0x0_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Save the INF file, then Right-Click the INF file and choose Install from Right-Click menu.Restart Windows or disable/enable the eHome under USB in Device Manager.2) Edit the Registry and disable/enable the eHome under USB:Under the following key:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57daDelete the values CodeSetNum1, CodeSetNum2, and CodeSetNum3.Then change CodeSetNum0 to 0 (zero).Do not alter other remotes, just the “745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da” key.Restart Windows or disable/enable the eHome under USB in Device Manager.The text on this page is from the article “Use a remote control with Windows Media Center” on the “” website. The More button on the MCE Remote is equivalent to the Info button on the Xbox 360 and HP remotes.Entering Text with the RemoteTo enter text using the remote control, press a number repeatedly to scroll through the choices that are available for that number. With each repeated press of a number, a different character appears. When you find the character that you want, press the ENTER button on the remote control. For example, if you are a fan of cooking shows, you can search the Guide by keyword for "food" by doing the following:For letters and numbers, use the button corresponding to the letter or number you want.1. Press the number 3 three times for the letter "f", and then press ENTER.2. Press the number 6 three times for the letter "o", and then press ENTER.3. Press the number 6 three times for the letter "o", and then press ENTER.4. Press the number 3 one time for the letter "d", and then press ENTER.Sometimes you do not have to enter every letter of every word into your keyword search. The list of possible choices appears after the third letter.You can also do the following:•To switch between character sets such as uppercase, lowercase, and symbol modes, press the CH/PG+ or CH/PG- button on the remote control.•To backspace, press the CLEAR button on the remote control.•To enter a space between words, press the (0) button on the remote control.The MORE buttonWhen you press the MORE button on the remote control, a list displays in Windows Media Center of additional options to choose from. The options that are available depend on your selection on the screen. For example, if you select a picture, and then press the MORE button on the remote, you will get the following options: Picture Details, Rotate, Burn, and Settings.You can access Settings from anywhere in Windows Media Center by pressing the MORE button on the remote control.To dismiss the list of options without making a selection, press the BACK button on the remote control, press the ESC button on the keyboard, or click the screen outside the list by using the mouse.The Volume buttonsBy default the volume buttons control the PC’s volume, but can be changed using the remote’s learning feature.The TV buttonBy default the TV button has no function, but can be changed using the remote’s learning feature. The TV button is for turning a TV on and off, for when the Media Center PC is attached to a television.For information on using the MCE Remote’s learning feature see the Remote’s manual. The Remote’s manual is downloadable on the Internet as the MCE_Remote_Manual.pdf file. The MCE Remote Keyboard also has a learning feature covered in the MCE_Keyboard.pdf file. When searching for the files, note the underscore characters in both PDF file names. For programming the Xbox 360 Universal Remote see the na-uniremote.pdf file.。



例如: 化合物 乙 醇 丙 烷
M 46 44
b.p. (℃) 78.4 -42.1
b.p. (℃)
直链 b.p. 支链
例如:正丁醇(118℃)和异丁醇(108.1℃); 直链:羟基在链端 b.p. 羟基不在链端 例如:正丁醇(118℃)和仲丁醇(99. 5℃)。
(3)—OH数目↑→ b.p.↑
C5以内的醇类,可以溶于卢卡斯试剂中,而反 应产物氯代烷是难溶于卢卡斯试剂中的油状液体, 因此反应体系中产生明显的浑浊或分层现象,标志 着反应的发生。C6以上的醇类,因本身不溶于卢卡 斯试剂,同样产生浑浊,以致无法判别反应与否。 利用伯、仲、叔醇的反应速率不同,可用该试剂来 鉴别三类醇。
第八章 醇酚醚
【本章重点】 醇酚醚的结构与性质 【必须掌握的内容】 1.醇酚醚的结构与性质。 2.醇的取代反应的试剂,条件,影响因素,生成物及其应 用; 3.醇的消除反应的试剂,条件,消除取向及影响因素; 4.酚苯环上的亲电取代反应。
醇(Alcohol) —OH
⑥多官能团化合物 多官能团化合物命名 时应选择优先官能团为主。主要官能团的优先 次序为: —COOH,—SO3H,—CN,—CHO, C O —OH(醇),—OH(酚), —NH2,

伯 1° 仲 2° 叔 3°



NH 3
8.1 不饱和羰基化合物
8.1.2 不饱和羰基化合物的化学性质
2 α,β-不饱和羰基化合物的性质
(2) Michael加成反应
HN COOCH 3 除草剂
Cl 灭草灵
CH 3 速灭威
CH 3 巴沙
8.3 1,3-二羰基化合物在有机合成中的应用
8.3.1 乙酰乙酸乙酯在有机合成上的应用 烯醇式与酮式的互变异构
1 烯酮的性质
烯酮分子中羰基为sp杂化态,两个累积双键正交,并不共轭,化学性质非常活泼,并且有很 大的毒性。乙烯酮(气态)易二聚为液体。
C C C , C C C OR

,C C C O 等
CH2(COOEt) 2, CH 3COCH 2COOR , CH 3NO2 , NCCH 2COOR , PhCH 2CN , RMgX , R 2CuLi

六色RGB 十八色CH LED驱动器评估板指南说明书

六色RGB 十八色CH LED驱动器评估板指南说明书

DESCRIPTIONThe IS31FL3018 is an 18 LED current sinks LED driver programmed via 1MHz I2C compatible interface. Each LED can be dimmed individually with 16-bit PWM data and each color current sinks has 8-bit group DC scaling (Color Calibration) data which allowing 65536 steps of linear PWM dimming for each channel and 256 steps of DC current adjustable level for each color group. The output current of each channel can be set at up to 25mA (max.), all channels are grouped as G group (OUT1, OUT4, OUT7...), R group (OUT2, OUT5, OUT8...), B group (OUT3, OUT6, OUT9...) and each group has 8 bits output current control register which allows fine tuning the current for rich global RGB color mixing.) Additionally each LED open and short state can be detected, IS31FL3018 stores the open or short information in Open Short Registers. The Open Short Registers allowing MCU to read out via I2C compatible interface. Inform MCU whether there are LEDs open or short and the locations of open or short LEDs.The IS31FL3018 operates from 2.7V to 5.5V and features a very low shutdown and operational current. IS31FL3018 is available in QFN-32 (4mm×4mm) package. It operates from 2.7V to 5.5V over the temperature range of -40°C to +125°C.FEATURES•Supply voltage range: 2.7V to 5.5V•18 current sinks•Accurate color rendition- 8/10+4/12/16-bit PWM/channel- Three 8-bit global DC current adjust •SDB rising edge reset I2C module•32KHz PWM frequency (10+4-bit PWM mode) •1MHz I2C-compatible interface•Individual open and short error detect function •180-degree phase delay operation to reduce power noise•Spread spectrum•QFN-32 (4mm×4mm) package•RoHS & Halogen-Free Compliance•TSCA Compliance QUICK STARTFigure 1: Photo of IS31FL3018 Evaluation BoardRECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT• 5.0V, 2A power supplyABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS•≤ 5.5V power supplyCaution: Do not exceed the conditions listed above, otherwise the board will be damaged.PROCEDUREThe IS31FL3018 evaluation board is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps listed below to verify board operation.Caution: Do not turn on the power supply until all connections are completed.1) Short last two pins of P1 to enable the control ofboard MCU (default status).2) Connect the 5VDC power to VCC(TP1) /GND(TP2),or plug in the USB power input to micro-USB.3) Turn on the power supply, pay attention to thesupply current. If the current exceeds 1A, please check for circuit fault.ORDERING INFORMATIONPart No. Temperature Range PackageIS31FL3018-QFLS4-EB -40°C to +125°C, Industrial QFN-32, Lead-freeTable 1: Ordering InformationFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contacts Lumissil’s analog marketing team at *******************or (408) 969-6600.EVALUATION BOARD OPERATIONThe IS31FL3018 evaluation board has five display modes. Press K1 to switch configurations:Note: See Appendix for each mode’s detail.1) Two groups single color LEDs chasing each other-A.2) Two groups single color LEDs chasing each other-B.3) There groups single color LEDs chase after eachother.4) Chasing cycle.5) RGB LEDs (RGB1-RGB6) are breathing effect A-mixed color.6) RGB LEDs (RGB1-RGB6) are breathing effect B. Note: IS31FL3018 solely controls the FxLED function on the evaluation board.SOFTWARE SUPPORTP1 (EXT CTRL) default setting is closed (jumper on). If it is open (when the EVB is powered on by 5V DC or micro-USB, no jumper P1), the on-board MCU will configure its own I2C/SDB/AD pins to High Impedance status so an external source can driver the I2C/SDB signals to control the IS31FL3018 LED driver, the on-board MCU will also configure the U4 to open the VLED (Single color LED+) and close the VRGB.Press K1 to change VLED to VRGB.Figure 2: Photo of Arduino UNO connected to EvaluationBoard The steps listed below are an example using the Arduino for external control.The Arduino hardware consists of an Atmel microcontroller with a bootloader allowing quick firmware updates. First download the latest Arduino Integrated Development Environment IDE (1.6.12 or greater) from /en/Main/Software. Also download the Wire.h library from /en/reference/wire and verify that pgmspace.h is in the directory …program Files(x86)/Arduino/hardware/tools/avr/avr/include/avr /. Then download the latest IS31FL3018 test firmware (sketch) from the Lumissil website /products/led-driver/fxled.1) Open the P1 (EXT CTRL)2) Connect the 5 pins from Arduino board toIS31FL3018 EVB:a) Arduino GND to IS31FL3018 EVB GND(TP2).b) Arduino 5V pin to IS31FL3018 EVB VCC(TP1).c) Arduino SDA (A4) to IS31FL3018 EVB SDA(TP4).d) Arduino SCL (A5) to IS31FL3018 EVB SCL(TP4).e) If Arduino use 3.3V MCU VCC, connect 3.3Vto IS31FL3018 EVB SDB, if Arduino use5.0V MCU VCC, connect 5.0V to EVB SDB(TP4).(Arduino UNO MCU VCC is 5V, so SDB canbe 5V or 3.3V)3) Use the test code in appendix I or download thetest firmware (sketch) from the Lumissil website,a .txt file and copy the code to Arduino IDE,compile and upload to Arduino.4) Run the Arduino code and the single LED will runthe Arduino code. If need to swap to RGB display, one way is de-soldering the U4 and short the U4’s pin 3 and pin 5 or pin 6 to enable the power of RGB.Please refer to the datasheet to get more information about IS31FL3018.Figure 3: IS31FL3018 Application SchematicBILL OF MATERIALSName Symbol Description Qty Supplier Part No.LED Driver U1 18-CH LED Driver 1 Lumissil IS31FL3018 MCU U2 Microcontroller 1 STM STM32F103C8T6 LDO U3 3.0V LDO 1 SGMICRO SGM2019-3.0YN5G PMOS U4 PMOS 1 ANPEC APM4953LED D1~D18 LED, SMD Blue 18 EVERLIGHT19-217/BHC-AN1P2/3TRGB LED D19~D24 RGB LED, SMD 6 EVERLIGHT 99-235/RSGBB7C-A22/2Dor99-235/RGBC/TR8Diode DS1 Diode, SMD 1 DIODES DFLS240 Crystal Y1 Crystal, 8MHz 1 HLX HC-49S Resistor R1,R3 RES,2K,1/16W,±5%,SMD 2 Yageo RC0603JR-072KLResistorR2,R4,R6,R7,R8RES,100k,1/16W,±5%,SMD 5 Yageo RC0603JR-07100KLResistor R5 RES,3.3K,1/16W,±5%,SMD 1 Yageo RC0603JR-073K3L Resistor R9 RES,1K,1/16W,±5%,SMD 1 Yageo RC0603JR-071KL Resistor R10, R11 RES,22R,1/16W,±5%,SMD 2 Yageo RC0603JR-0722RL Resistor R12 RES,1.5K,1/16W,±5%,SMD 1 Yageo RC0603JR-071K5L Capacitor C1,C2 CAP,100nF,16V,±20%,SMD 2 Yageo CC0603KKX7R9BB104 Capacitor C3 CAP,10µF,16V,±20%,SMD 1 Yageo CC0805KKX7R9BB106 Capacitor C4,C5 CAP,1µF,16V,±20%,SMD 2 Yageo CC0603KKX7R9BB105 Capacitor C6 CAP,10nF,16V,±20%,SMD 1 Yageo CC0603KKX7R9BB103 Capacitor C7,C8 CAP,33pF,16V,±20%,SMD 2 Yageo CC0603KKX7R9BB330 Button K1(Bottom) Button 1Micro USB CON1 Micro USB 1Bill of Materials, refer to Figure 3 above.Figure 4: Board Component Placement Guide - Top LayerFigure 5: Board PCB Layout - Top LayerFigure 6: Board Component Placement Guide - Bottom LayerFigure 7: Board PCB Layout - Bottom LayerCopyright © 2023 Lumissil Microsystems. All rights reserved. Lumissil Microsystems reserves the right to make changes to this specification and its products at any time without notice. Lumissil Microsystems assumes no liability arising out of the application or use of any information, products or services described herein. Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of this device specification before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products.Lumissil Microsystems does not recommend the use of any of its products in life support applications where the failure or malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to cause failure of the life support system or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness. Products are not authorized for use in such applications unless Lumissil Microsystems receives written assurance to its satisfaction, that:a.) the risk of injury or damage has been minimized;b.) the user assume all such risks; andc.) potential liability of Lumissil Microsystems is adequately protected under the circumstancesREVISION HISTORYRevision Detail Information DateA Initial release 2023.08.20APPENDIX Ⅰ: IS31FL3018 Arduino Test Code V01A #include<Wire.h>#include<avr/pgmspace.h>#define Addr_GND 0x68//7 bit format is 0x3Fbyte PWM_Gamma64[64]={0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0b,0x0d,0x0f,0x11,0x13,0x16,0x1a,0x1c,0x1d,0x1f,0x22,0x25,0x28,0x2e,0x34,0x38,0x3c,0x40,0x44,0x48,0x4b,0x4f,0x55,0x5a,0x5f,0x64,0x69,0x6d,0x72,0x77,0x7d,0x80,0x88,0x8d,0x94,0x9a,0xa0,0xa7,0xac,0xb0,0xb9,0xbf,0xc6,0xcb,0xcf,0xd6,0xe1,0xe9,0xed,0xf1,0xf6,0xfa,0xfe,0xff};void setup() {// put your setup code here, to run once:Wire.begin();Wire.setClock(400000);//I2C 400kHz// pinMode(4,OUTPUT);//SDB// digitalWrite(4,HIGH);//SDB_HIGH//delay(100); //keep 0.5sInit_FL3018();}void loop() {// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:// delay(50);//Init_FL3018 ();IS31FL3018_mode1();//breath mode}void IS_IIC_WriteByte(uint8_t Dev_Add,uint8_t Reg_Add,uint8_t Reg_Dat) {Wire.beginTransmission(Dev_Add/2);Wire.write(Reg_Add); // sends regaddressWire.write(Reg_Dat); // sends regaddressWire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting}void Init_FL3018(void){uint8_t i = 0;for(i=0x01;i<=0x24;i++){IS_IIC_WriteByte(Addr_GND,i,0x00);//write PWM}IS_IIC_WriteByte(Addr_GND,0x26,0xff);//GCC-RIS_IIC_WriteByte(Addr_GND,0x27,0xff);//GCC-GIS_IIC_WriteByte(Addr_GND,0x28,0xff);//GCC-BIS_IIC_WriteByte(Addr_GND,0x25,0x00);//update PWM & congtrol registersIS_IIC_WriteByte(Addr_GND,0x00,0x03);//normal operation 8BIT}void IS31FL3018_mode1(void)//white LED{int i=0,j=0;for(j=0;j<=63;j++){for(i=0x01;i<=0x24;i=i+2){IS_IIC_WriteByte(Addr_GND,i, PWM_Gamma64[j]);//write all PWMIS_IIC_WriteByte(Addr_GND,0x25,0x00);//update PWM & congtrol registers }delay(10); //keep 0.5s}for(j=63;j>=0;j--){for(i=0x01;i<=0x24;i=i+2){IS_IIC_WriteByte(Addr_GND,i, PWM_Gamma64[j]);//write all PWMIS_IIC_WriteByte(Addr_GND,0x25,0x00);//update PWM & congtrol registers }delay(10); //keep 0.5s}}。



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Chapter 8 Foundations of PlanningTRUE/FALSE QUESTIONSWHAT IS PLANNING?2. Organizational planning is concerned with how objectives are to be accomplished, not what is to beaccomplished.(False; easy; p. 158)3. If a manager refuses to write anything down or share his plans with others in the organization, he is not trulyplanning.(False; moderate; p. 158)WHY DO MANAGERS PLAN?5. According to the textbook, research indicates that nonplanning organizations generally outperform planningorganizations.(False; moderate; p. 159)6. Planning establishes the goals and standards by which managers control their organization.(True; difficult; p. 159)HOW DO MANAGERS PLAN?8. Operational planning is usually performed by upper management.(False; moderate; p. 168)9. Operational plans specify the details of how the achievement of the overall objectives is to be obtained.(True; difficult; p. 162)10. Directional plans have clearly defined objectives.(False; moderate; p. 163)11. Standing plans create guidance for regularly occurring activities and events.(True; moderate; p. 163)ESTABLISHING GOALS AND DEVELOPING PLANS13. In traditional goal settings, goals often lose clarity and unity as they make their way from the top to thebottom of the organization.(True; moderate; p. 164)14. In a rapidly changing environment, well-defined and precisely developed action plans enhance organizationalperformance.(False; moderate; p. 163)15. Planning is a waste of time in a volatile environment.(False; easy; p. 163)20. In a typical MBO program, successful achievement of objectives is reinforced by performance-based rewards.(True; difficult; p. 165)23. A well-designed goal should be written in terms of outcomes, not actions, and the goals should be measurable.(True; easy; p. 166)MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSFor each of the following, choose the answer that most completely answers the question.WHAT IS PLANNING?28.Planning involves defining the organization’s goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving thosegoals, and developing a comprehensive set of plans _____________.a.as to which shift will perform what work functionsb.to determine which manager will be over which departmentc.to integrate and coordinate organizational workd.to establish the quality and quantity of work to be accomplished(c; difficult; P. 158)rmal planning is _________.a.performed at the lowest organizational levelb.general and lacks continuityc.developed in informal meetings at a resortd.specific and is developed by the middle managers for their department(b; easy; p. 158)30.In formal planning, _________.a.specific goals covering a period of years are definedb.specific goals are developed and not writtenc.general goals are developed and not writtend.general goals covering an unspecified period of years are defined(a; easy; p. 158)32. In informal planning, __________ sharing of goals with others in the organization.a. everything may be written down, but there is little or nob. everything is written down, and there isc. nothing is written down, and there is little or nod. nothing is written down, therefore management does a lot of(c; difficult; p. 158)WHY DO MANAGERS PLAN?33.Planning gives direction, reduces the impact of change, minimizes waste and redundancy, and __________.a.establishes the workloads for each of the departmentsb.sets the basis used for promotion of individuals within the organizationc.eliminates departments that are found to not be needed within the pland.sets the standards used in controlling(d; moderate; p. 159)34.The quality of the planning process and the appropriate implementation of the plans probably ___________.a.don’t contribute to high performance nearly as much as the extent of planningb.contribute more to high performance than does the extent of planningc.contribute less to high performance than does the extent of planningd.should be studied more to factually determine which contributes the most(b; difficult; p. 159)HOW DO MANAGERS PLAN?42. Planning involves two important elements: ___________.a. goals and decisionsb. goals and plansc. plans and decisionsd. goals and actions(b; moderate; p. 160)43. Official statements of what an organization says and what it wants its various stakeholders to believe arereferred to as ___________.a. real goalsb. stated goalsc. committed goalsd. comprehensive goals(b; moderate; p. 161)45. What should a person do to understand what the real objectives of the organization are?a. observe organizational member actionsb. attend a stockholders’ annual meetingc. read their annual reportd. watch television news reports(a; moderate; p. 162)46. When we categorize plans as being directional versus specific, we are categorizing them by ____________.a.breadthb.specificitya.frequency of used. depth(b; easy; p. 163)47. When we categorize plans as being single use versus standing, we categorize them by ____________.a. breadthb. specificityc.frequency of used. time frame(c; easy; p. 163)50. Which of the following is true concerning standing plans?a.They provide guidance for activities repeatedly performed in the organization.b.They provide guidance for 1–3 years.c.They specify general guidelines.d.They are specifically designed to meet the needs of a unique situation.(a; moderate; p. 163)51. A city’s policy concerning skateboarding on downtown sidewalks that provides guidance for police actionwould be considered what type of plan?a.standingb.contingencyc. directionald. single use(a; difficult; p. 163)54. Goals are objectives, __________.a. and we use the two terms interchangeablyb. but goals are long-term and objectives are short-termc. and goals are used by top management and objectives are used by first-level managementd. but goals are used in reference to profits, and objectives are used in reference to production output(a; easy; p. 160)55. Plans are documents that outline how goals are going to be met and ___________.a. define which department has what responsibilities needed to accomplish the goalsb. tell what materials and processes are necessary to fulfill the goalsc. identify how much capital is required to complete the goalsd. describe resource allocations, schedules, and other necessary actions to accomplish the goals(d; difficult; p. 160)59. The most popular ways to describe organizational plans are by their breadth, time frame, ____________.a. depth, and urgencyb. frequency, and urgencyc. specificity, and frequencyd. depth, and specificity(c; difficult; p. 162)60. Strategic plans are plans that apply to the entire organization, establish the organization’s overall goals, and____________.a. guide the organization toward maximizing organizational profits for the stockholdersb. attempt to satisfy all government regulations while maximizing profitsc. satisfy the organization’s stakeholdersd. seek to position the organization in terms of its environment(d; difficult; p. 162)63. Specific plans are clearly defined and ____________.a. allow managers to their interpretation for flexibilityb. leave no room for interpretationc. give the managers authority to interpret the plans for their area of responsibilityd. keep the stakeholders inform of the organization’s objectives(b; moderate; p. 163)64. Directional plans are ___________.a. flexible plans that set out general guidelinesb. stringent plans that establish specific directions for manager to followc. formal plans that provide the directions of how to assemble the productd. general plans that allow the workers to change the schedule of production(a; easy; p. 163)65. Standing plans are ongoing plans that provide ____________.a. general directions of how to accomplish an identifiable taskb. stakeholders identifiable goals that the organization will always strive to achievec. the stockholders identifiable goals that the organization will always strive to achieved. guidance for activities performed repeatedly(d; moderate; p. 163)68. The conflict in stated goals exists because organizations respond to a variety of _______________.a. stakeholdersb. external environmentsc. governmental regulationsd. stockholders(a; difficult; p. 161)71. __________ is a one-time plan specifically designed to meet the needs of a unique situation.a. Multipurpose planb. Strategic planc. Operational pland. Single-use plan(d; easy; p. 163)ESTABLISHING GOALS AND DEVELOPING PLANS75. Management by objectives is a management system in which the first steps are setting specific performancegoals that are _____________.a. established that can be easily accomplishedb. jointly determined by employees and their managersc. determined by top management with clarity so that the objective are clear to even the most incompetentemployeed. developed in such a manner that the employees are self-directed and do not need supervision(b; moderate; p. 165)77. According to the textbook, one of the potential problems of MBO programs is that ____________.a. there may be an overemphasis on the employee accomplishing their goals without regards to others inthe work unitb. they may not be as effective in times of dynamic environmental changec. employees do not take goal setting seriously enoughd. all of the above(d; moderate; p. 165)80. A well-designed goal should be measurable, have a specified time frame, and be ____________.a.written downb.nearly unattainable, so that even if the unit or employee misses their goal, performance is still very highmunicated to anyone who needs to knowd.both a and c(d; moderate; p. 166)82. When the hierarchy of organizational goals is clearly defined, it forms an integrated network of goals,or ____________.a. hierarchical-link chainb. means-ends chainc. weakest-link chaind. level-level chain(b; easy; p. 164)87. In the traditional approach to planning, planning was done entirely by top-level managers who were oftenassisted by ____________.a.business level managersb.functional level managersc. a mixture of managers from the line, functional, and business leveld. a group of planning specialists(d; easy; p. 169)CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN PLANNING92. According to your textbook, in an uncertain environment, managers want to develop _________ plans.a.general and flexibleb.specific but flexiblec.formald.contingency(b; moderate; p. 172)94. In an uncertain environment, managers want to develop plans that are ____________.a. flexible but manageableb. specific and long rangingc. directional but flexibled. specific but flexible(d; moderate; p. 171)96. According to your textbook, in order to manage effectively in dynamic environment, managers mustrecognize that planning is _____________.a. an ongoing processb. not renewable from one planning period to the nextc. best left to the formal planning departmentd. best done at the beginning of a new year(a; easy; p. 172)。
