3、涡激振荡(VIM)及控制技术 Spar平台是直立漂浮在水中的圆柱体,系泊系统提供其纵荡 和横荡恢复力,因此,在海流的作用下,平台将发生涡激振荡 (Vortex Induced Motion)。由于Spar平台的吃水深,流经壳体 的流是非均匀的。Spar平台的涡激振荡是一个复杂的非线 性问题,对其研究以及对控制方法的研究也是Spar平台研 究的热点问题。
素有“第二个波斯湾”之称的 南中国海被列为中国十大油气 战略选区之一,数据显示,南海有 含油气构造200多个,油气田180 个。仅在曾母盆地、沙巴盆地、 万安盆地的石油总储量就将近 200亿t,据估计,南海的石油总储 量为230~300亿t,开发潜力巨大。 专家预测,南海油气资源可开发 价值超过20万亿元人民币。在 未来20年内只要开发30%,每年可 为中国GDP增长贡献1~2个百分 点。目前,国土资源部等有关部 门已经在南海南部的14个主要 盆地进行了油气资源评价。
2903 11340
5987 15377
1996 1999
Classic Classic
Nansen Boomvang Horn Mountain Medusa Gunnison Devil Tower Holstein Mad Dog
南海的主要含油气构造位于500~2000m水深的海域,而Spar平台 适用的水深为600~3000m,适合南海的深水开发。而且,Spar平台 的运动稳定性好,其垂荡运动小可与张力腿平台媲美,其二阶慢漂 运动远远小于半潜式平台,并且作为移动式平台灵活性好。此外, 南海的海洋环境恶劣,台风频发,平台的动力稳定性显得尤为重要。 国外的开发经验表明,半潜式平台和张力腿平台均有失稳倾覆的 先例,唯有Spar平台还没有这样的先例。而且,南海的风浪周期和 涌浪周期一般为4~9s,最大为23s左右。而典型的Spar平台纵荡周 期为160s,纵摇周期为60s,因此,与波浪的周期相差较远。南海的风 海流和密度流的流速一般为0.1~0.2m/s,广东东部沿岸流速最大, 可达0.25~0.4m/s。如果Spar平台的有效直径按30m计算,则涡泄 周期分别为750s和375s,与Spar平台的纵荡周期160s相差甚远。因 此,只要能够针对南海特殊的海洋环境条件开发出合理的Spar平台 结构,Spar平台就能够在中国南海深水海域的油气资源开发中发挥 积极的作用。
Volvo SPA平台简介
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沃尔沃SPA平台SPA简介SPA(Scalable Platform Architecture)可扩展的平台架构,是指大多数的沃尔沃车型的汽车架构,不论车辆大小和复杂性,可以建在同一条生产线。
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1. 互联网领域在互联网领域,平台的应用是最为广泛的。
• • • • 上部组块 主体结构 立管系统 系泊系统
上部组块(顶部甲板模块) ——平台生产和生活的中心
Spar平台的上部组块通常有2~4层矩形甲板结构 组成,用来进行钻探、油井维修、产品处理或其他组 合作业。 Spar平台一般设有油气处理设备、生活区、直升 机甲板以及公共设施等,根据作业设计要求,也可以 在顶层甲板上安装重型或轻型钻塔以及完成平台的钻 探、完井和修井作业。
• 典型的Spar平台从上到下主要分为硬舱、中段、 软舱。
• 平台主体从主体顶甲板至可变压载舱底部之间的部分为 硬舱,它是一个大直径的圆柱体结构,中央井贯穿其中, 设有固定浮舱和可变压载舱,为平台提供大部分浮力, 并对平台浮态进行调整。 • 中段是指平台主体从可变压载舱底部至临时浮舱定甲板 之间的部分,它是桁架结构,在桁架结构中设置2~4层 垂挡板,以增加平台的附加质量并附加阻尼,提高稳性。 • 平台主体中段以下的部分是软舱,软舱主要设置固定压 载舱,以此减低平台重心,同时为Spar平台自行竖立过 程提供扶正力矩。 • 此外,主体外壳上还安装2~3列螺旋侧板结构,以减少 平台的涡激振动,改善平台在涡流中的性能。
有较大的水平回复力,减小了平台的水平位移 。 具有较小的刚度,降低了缆绳的拉伸程度。 缆绳的轴向刚度随轴向张力及里的作用时间而 变化,容易偏移,分 析起来比较复杂。 缆绳容易打滑而产生蠕变,只能作为悬浮部分 ,而不能预放于海底,安装起来也很复杂。 常用的合成材料有聚酯材料,聚酰胺材料,高 模数聚乙烯材料三种。缆绳可以是螺旋状,平 行股式和六股式。
• 与TLP平台不同, Spar平台的稳定性不 是从系泊系统获得的,Spar平台的重心大 大低于浮心,即使横摇和纵摇到最大角度 , Spar平台也是个稳定系统。而TLP平 台稳性主要由上部结构、张力腿和锚基等 决定。
According to different classification of tree of oil tree
It can be divided into two categories: wet tree platform and dry tree platform;
Categorize functions and applications
•Working principle
The tension leg platform, through its own structural form, produces much more buoyancy than the structure itself, and the rest is called residual buoyancy. The residual buoyancy and the pretension balance.
•Profile of tension leg platform
The main structure Working principle and performance Build and install the process
Types and characteristics
Offshore platform
The rig Jacket platform Seated platform SPAR platform Production platform
Jack-up platform
Semisubmersible platform
SPAR平台主体结构概要建造方案1.引言SPAR平台是一种用于深海石油开采、生产、处理加工和储存的平台结构形式,由于该平台具有稳定性能好、运动特性优良、可以应用于深水作业、建造成本相对较低等特点,SPAR 平台已经成为最有发展潜力的平台形式之一,目前已经有十几座SPAR平台在墨西哥湾成功使用。
SPAR 平台主要由平台上部模块、主体结构、立管系统以及系泊系统四部分组成。
本文以国家863计划海洋技术领域“新型深水Spar平台、TLP平台概念设计与关键技术”课题中的新型深水SPAR平台为典型产品,针对其特点,概略阐述其总体建造方法,主要包括以下几个方面:◆结构总体建造方法◆关键结构建造方法◆装配合拢流程◆拖移下水方法2.结构总体建造方法新型SPAR平台结构是在第三代Cell Spar的基础上发展而成的,它的结构形式复杂,形状特殊,尺度大,节点多且复杂,必须要借助于先进的结构总体建造技术,才能够解决建造中的许多难题。
该平台的主要特征:平台形式:TCell Spar3;平台主体构成:硬舱、连接舱和软舱;该平台主要尺寸及物量:中央圆柱直径:16m;中央井尺寸:8*8m;环绕圆柱直径和数量:10m*8;硬舱高度:80m;连接舱高度:80.44m;软舱尺寸:37.8*37.8*13m;垂荡板尺寸:37.8*37.8;作业水深:1500m;预估重量:18150吨。
随着陆上石油资源日趋枯竭,海洋石油成为人类重要的能源来源之一,已探明的海洋石油储量80 %上在水深500m 以内,除了少数海域外,大部分地区的近海油气资源已日趋减少,向深海开发油气已成必然趋势,深海平台技术也成为国际海洋工程界的一个热点。
许多新型适应深海海洋环境的平台结构不断涌现,如顺应式平台、张力腿平台、浮式生产储油装置、SPAR 平台等。
到目前为止SPAR平台已经发展到第三代..1.传统SPAR平台(Classic Spar)30年前就在海洋工程中得到应用的SPAR平台那时只是一种储油和卸油的浮筒。
l987年,Edward E. Horton在柱形浮标和张力腿平台概念的基础上提出一种用于深水的生产平台,即单柱平台。
2.桁架式SPAR平台(Truss SPAR)第二代的桁架式SPAR平台的概念是Deep Oil Technology (DOT)公司和Spar International公司从1996年起经过大量的工作,历时5年后提出的,并于2000年2月份第一次应用于Nansen/Boomvang油田。
一、公司销售相关缩写1.CRM (Customer Relationship Management):客户关系管理,通过建立和维护客户关系来促进销售。
2.SOP (Sales and Operations Planning):销售与运营计划,用于协调销售计划和运营活动,确保产能和市场需求的匹配。
3.ROI (Return on Investment):投资回报率,用于衡量投资所产生的经济效益。
4.KPI (Key Performance Indicator):关键绩效指标,用于评估业务绩效和目标实现情况。
5.B2B (Business to Business):企业对企业,指企业之间的商业交易模式。
二、销售流程相关缩写1.SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-Payoff):一种销售技巧模型,帮助销售人员了解客户需求并提供解决方案。
2.ACV (Annual Contract Value):年度合同价值,用于衡量客户签署的年度合同金额。
3.POC (Proof of Concept):概念验证,用于验证产品或解决方案的可行性。
4.SOW (Statement of Work):工作说明书,明确工作目标、范围、进度等信息。
5.SLA (Service Level Agreement):服务水平协议,规定服务提供商和客户之间的服务标准和责任。
三、销售技巧相关缩写1.AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action):引起注意、激发兴趣、唤起欲望、促使行动,是传统的销售漏斗模型。
1.RTB Real Time Bidding [riəl taim ˈbɪdɪŋ]实时竞价2.SSP Supply Side Platform [səˈplai said ˈplætfɔ:m ] 供应方平台3.Ad Exchange [æd iksˈtʃeindʒ] advertisement exchange广告交易平台4.DSP Demand-Side Platform [dɪˈmænd said ˈplætfɔ:m]需求方5.DMP Data—Management Platform[ˈdetəˈmænɪdʒmənt ˈplætfɔ:m ]数据管理平台6.Direct—Response Advertising [[diˈrekt riˈspɔns ˈædvəˌtaɪzɪŋ]直接反应广告7.SEM Search Engine Marketing [ sə:tʃˈendʒin ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ]搜索引擎营销8.SMO Social media optimization [ˈsəuʃəlˈmi:djəˌɔptimaiˈzeiʃən]社会媒体优化9.P2P Peer—to-Peer [piətu piə]点对点10.ROI Return On Investment [riˈtə:n ɔn inˈvestmənt]回报率11.ROI Relevance、Originality、Impact [ˈreləvəns əˌrɪdʒəˈnælɪti:ˈimpækt]关联性、原创性、震撼力12.PPS广告pay per sale [pei pə:seil ]根据网络广告所产生的直接销售数量而付费的一种定价模式13.PPL广告pay per link [pei pə: liŋk]根据每次通过网络广告产生的引导付费的定价模式14.PPC广告pay per click [pei pə: klik ]根据点击广告或者电子邮件信息的用户数量来付费的一种网络广告定价模式15.CPP Cost Per Purchase [kɔst pə: ˈpə:tʃəs ]每购买成本16.CPR Cost Per Response [kɔst pə:riˈspɔns ]每回应成本17.CPL Cost Per Leads [kɔst pə: ledz ] 以搜集潜在客户名单多少来收费18.DMS Destination Marketing System [ˌdestiˈneiʃən ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋˈsistəm ]旅游目的地营销系统19.Ambush Marketing [ˈæmbʊʃˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ] 伏击营销20.CPM Cost Per Mille [kɔst pə: ˈmili: ] 千人成本21.ESP Emotional Selling Proposition [iˈməuʃənl ˈseliŋˌprɔpəˈziʃən ] 情感销售主张22.Viral Marketing [ˈvaɪərəl ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ] 病毒性营销23.Mini—site [ˈmɪni sait ]微型网站24.DAGMAR模式Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results[diˈfainiŋˈædvəˌtaɪzɪŋɡəul z fɔ: ˈmeʒəd ˈædvəˌtaɪzɪŋriˈzʌlts]为度量结果而确定广告目标25.Ad words [æd wə:dz]关键词广告26.Digital Marketing [ˈdidʒitəl ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ] 数字营销27.Differentiated Marketing [ˌdifəˈrenʃieitid ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ]差异化营销28.Online Marketing [ˌɔnˈlainˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ]在线营销29.Pareto principle [pəretəu ˈprinsəpl]马特莱定律,又称“二八定律”30.GC营销Good Choice [ɡud tʃɔis ]31.RSS Really Simple Syndication [ˈriəli ˈsimpl sindiˈkeiʃən ] 简易信息聚合32.电子广告Electronic Advertising [ilekˈtrɔnik ˈædvəˌtaɪzɪŋ ]33.置入性行销Placement Marketing [ˈpleɪsmənt ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ]34.直接营销Direct Marketing [diˈrektˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ]35.显示广告Display Advertising [disˈpleiˈædvəˌtaɪzɪŋ ]36.7Ps营销理论The Marketing Theory of 7Ps [ðəˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋˈθiəri ɔv ˈsevən pi:s ]7P:People [ˈpi:pl](人)、Process [ˈprəuses](过程)、Physical Evidence [ˈfizikəl ˈevidəns](物质环境)、Product [ˈprɔdʌkt](产品)、Price [prais](价格)、Promotion [prəˈməʊʃən](促销)、Place [pleis](渠道)。
一、社交媒体平台英语词汇1. Facebook(脸书)- A popular social networking platform.2. Instagram(照片墙)- A platform for sharing photos and videos.3. Twitter(推特)- A platform for sharing short messages (tweets).4. LinkedIn(领英)- A professional networking platform.5. YouTube(油管)- A platform for sharing and watching videos.6. Snapchat(快照)- A platform for sharing temporary photos and videos.7. Pinterest(Pinterest)- A platform for discovering and saving ideas.8. TikTok(抖音)- A platform for creating short videos.二、社交媒体网络短语的英文表达1. Like(点赞)- Indicate that you enjoy or approve of a post.2. Comment(评论)- Leave a response or feedback on a post.3. Share(分享)- Repost someone else's content on your own profile.4. Hashtag(标签)- A word or phrase preceded by the symbol #, used to categorize posts.5. Follow(关注)- Subscribe to someone's updates or content.6. Trending(热门话题)- Topics or hashtags that are currently popular.7. Viral(病毒式传播)- Content that spreads quickly and widely across social media.8. Influencer(影响者)- A social media user with a large following and influence.9. Selfie(自拍)- A self-portrait photograph taken with a smartphone.10. Meme(梗)- An image, video, or piece of text that is humorous and spread rapidly online.三、社交媒体策略的英文表达1. Content Strategy(内容策略)- A plan for creating and distributing content on social media.2. Engagement(互动)- The level of interaction and activity on social media posts.3. Target Audience(目标受众)- The specific group of people that a campaign or content is aimed at.4. Social Listening(社交媒体监听)- Monitoring social media platforms for mentions and discussions about a brand or topic.5. User-generated Content(用户生成内容)- Content created by social media users, often shared by brands.6. Influencer Marketing(影响者营销)- Collaborating with influential social media users to promote a product or brand.7. Call to Action(行动号召)- Encouraging users to take a specific action, such as clicking a link or making a purchase.8. Analytics(分析数据)- Data and statistics about social media performance and audience engagement.9. Brand Awareness(品牌知名度)- The level of recognition and familiarity that a brand has in the market.四、总结本文介绍了一些社交媒体英语词汇和表达,希望能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用社交媒体平台。
p-frame P- 帧pH level pH 级pack, battery 电池包;电池组件pack, ceramic quad flat (CQFP) 陶瓷四方扁平封装pack, flat 扁平封装pack, plastic quad flat (PQFP) 塑料四方扁平封装pack, quad flat (QFP) 四方扁平封装pack, self-solder quad flat (SSQFP) 自焊接式四方扁平封装pack, thin quad flat (TQFP) 纤薄四方扁平封装package 包装;封装;封装组件;套装软件package outline 封装外形package, ceramic 陶瓷封装package, ceramic dual-in-line (CerDIP) 陶瓷双列式直插组件package, ceramic leaded chip carrier (CLCC) 陶瓷式引线芯片承载封装package, dual-in-line (DIP) 双列直插式封装package, gull-wing 鸥翼式封装package, pin grid array (PGA) 栅格阵列接脚封装package, plastic 塑料封装package, plastic dual-in-line (PDIP) 塑料双列直插式封装package, plastic flat (PFP) 塑料扁平封装package, plastic leadless chip carrier (PLCC) 塑料无引线芯片承载封装package, quarter-sized outline (QSOP) 四分一大小外型封装package, shrink quad flat (SQFP) 缩小四方扁平封装package, shrink small outline (SSOP) 缩小外型封装package, single-in-line (SIP) 单列直插式封装package, small outline (SOP) 小外型封装package, small outline J-lead (SOJ) 小外型J 接脚封装package, software 软件封装package, thin small outline (TSOP) 纤薄小外型封装;纤巧小外型封装package, vertical surface-mount (VSMP) 垂直表面安装封装package, zigzag in-line (ZIP) 齿状单列封装packaging density 封装密度packaging level 封装等级packaging machine 包装机;封装机packed data 数据信息包packet 信息包packet ID 包标志packet assembler/disassambler (PAD) 包组装/拆卸器,包组装/拆卸程序packet assembly/disassembly (PAD) 信息包汇编;反汇编packet caching 分组缓存,包缓存packet channel feedback (PCF) [ 信息]包信道反馈,包通道反馈packet data unit (PDU) 分组数据单元,包数据单元packet delay 包延迟packet delay variation (PDV) 分组时延偏差,包时延偏差packet handler 包处理程序packet handler interface (PHI) [ 信息]包处理程序接口packet header 包报头packet internet groper (ping) 分组Internet探索者packet layer protocol 信息包层协定packet reservation multiple access (PRMA) 预留包多路访问,预留包多路接入packet switched data network (PSDN) 分封交换数据网络packet switching 分封交换packet-over-Sonet (POS)SONET 之上的分组模式packetization 分组,分包packing density 组装密度packing, tape 带式包装pad 焊垫pad array carrier 焊盘阵列载体pad cell 填补储存格pad grid array (PGA) 焊盘栅阵列,基底栅格阵列pad ring 填补环pad stack 插入栈,扩充栈pad, test 测试焊垫padcap 焊帽paddle switch 闸门式开关page 分页page access 分页存取page attribute 分页属性page description language 页描述语言page fault 分页错误page frame 分页框架page interleave 分页交错page space 页空间page zero 零页面page, graphic 图像分页page, logical 逻辑分页page, swapping out 交换出分页paged, demand 需求分页pager 调页程序;传呼机pager printer 分页打印程序, 分页打印机paging by zone 分区寻呼, 按区寻呼paging message processor 寻呼信息处理器paging segment 分页分段paging speakers 寻呼员paging unit 分页单元paging, virtual 虚拟分页pair selected ternary (PST) 成对选择三进码pair, ion 离子偶pair, wire 对偶线pair-wise routing 双层路由法palette 调色板palette, color 彩色调色板palette, true-color 真色调色板palladium 钯pan 摇全景;摇镜头panel 平板;面板panel board 配电盘,配电箱;操作控制盘panel emitter 平板放射器panel meter 面板仪表panel, back 背板panel, flat 扁平面板panel, fluorescent indicator (FIP) 萤光指示板panel, front 面板panning 摇摄全景paper-base laminate 纸基层压板parabolic reflector 抛物线反射器paradigm shift 思考模式的转移parallax 视差parallax method 视差法parallel 平行;并行;并联parallel T-network 平行T形网络parallel bit, 位平行parallel circuit 并联电路parallel combination 并联汇编parallel communications 平行通讯parallel interface 并行接口parallel load 平行负载parallel load rate 平行负载率parallel operation 并行操作parallel poll 平行轮询parallel port 平行端口parallel processing 并行处理parallel processor 并行处理器parallel rays 平行光束parallel transmission 平行传输parallel, bit 位平行parallel-in serial-out (PISO) 并行输入串行输出parallel-plate capacitor 并行片电容器paralleling 并行,并联paramagnetic substance 顺磁性物质paramagnetism 顺磁性parameter 参数parameter limited yield (PARLY) 受限参量产品parametric amplifier 参数式放大器parametric measurement 参数式量测parametric plotter 参数绘图机parametric search 参数搜索parametric test 参数式测试parametric transform 参数变换parasitic 寄生parasitic component 寄生元素parasitic diode 寄生二极管parasitic element 寄生元素parasitic extraction 寄生析出parasitic inductance 寄生电感parasitic interconnect 寄生互连parasitic lead 寄生引线parasitic loading 寄生负载parasitic net 寄生网parasitic network 寄生网络paraxial ray 傍轴光线parent node 母节点parent nucleus 母核parity 奇偶parity bit 奇偶位parity check 奇偶检测parity control 奇偶控制parity error 奇偶错误parity generator 奇偶产生器parity violation 奇偶违犯park, head 磁头锁定parse 语法分析part 部分;零件part lead 零部件引线partial 部分partial carry 部分进位partial sum 部分和particle 粒子particle, alpha 阿尔发粒子particle, charged 带电粒子particle, elementary 基本粒子particle, neutral 中性粒子partition 分区partition exchange sort 划分交换式排序partitioning 分割parts 零件parts library 零件程序库parts list 零件表列parts per million 百万分率parts per minute 每分钟含量比例party line 合用线pascal 帕斯卡, 帕斯卡定律pass 通行;通过pass band 通频带pass, tentative 试验性通行pass-band ripple 通频带脉动pass/fail criteria 合格/不合格准则passes, multiple 多种通行passivated 钝化的passivation 钝化passivation layer 纯化层passivation material 钝化物件passive branching device 无源分支器件, 无源分流设备passive component 无源器件passive electronics 无源电子器件,无源电子技术passive hold-down 无源保持passive network 无源网络passive optical network (PON) 无源光网passive trimming 无源调整,无源微调password 口令;密码;通行密码password authentication protocol (PAP) 口令授权协议paste, solder 焊膏;锡膏path 通路path inductance 通路电感path overhead (POH) 路径开销path, data 数据通路path, delay 通路延迟path, direct single-bit serial-scan 直接单位串行扫描通路path, instruction 指令通路path, optical 光程path, physical 实体通路path, receive audio 接收声频通路path, reduced intrusion scan (RISP) 精简入侵性扫描通路path, speech 语音通路path, transmit audio 传输声频通路pattern 式样;图形;模式;模型pattern frame synchronizing, 信息段同步模式pattern generator 图形产生器pattern recognition 图形识别pattern router 图形路由器pattern, frame synchronizing 信息段同步模式pattern, net 网模式pattern, simulation 模拟模式pattern, stimulus 刺激模式pattern, test 测试模式pattern, trace 线迹图形patterned anisotropic conductive adhesive (PACA) 模式各向异性传导粘合剂pause 暂停pause frame 停顿帧,暂停帧pay-TV 付费电视pay-per-TV 付费电视pay-per-view (ppv) 按观看以数计费, 按画面计费payload 有效载荷peak 峰值peak cell rate (PCR) 峰值信元速率peak charging 峰值充电peak current rating 额定峰值电流peak detector 波峰检测器peak inverse voltage (PIV) 负向峰值电压peak limiter 峰值限制器peak output current 峰值输出电流peak value 峰值peak-to-peak 峰到峰pedestal 基座(脉冲), 消隐脉冲电平peel 剥离peel strength 剥离强度peel-away speed 剥离速度peer protocol 同级协定peer-to-peer 对等,端对端, 端到端pel 图素pen plotter 笔式绘图机pen, light 光笔pen-based computer 笔控型电脑penetration 透过, 贯穿, 渗透, 渗透性penetration depth 渗透深度pentium Intel 推出的CPU产品名称pentode 五极管penumbra 半影percentage error 百分误差percussion, center of 撞击中心perfect machine 理想机器perfectly elastic body 完全弹性体performance 性能performance optimization 性能状化performance test 性能测试period 周期period motion 周期运动period, activation 活化期periodic and random deviation (PARD) 周期和随机偏差periodic check 周期性检测periodic table 周期表peripheral 外设设备peripheral cell 外设储存格peripheral compatibility 外设兼容性peripheral component interconnect (pci) 外围器件互连peripheral interface bus 外设接口总线peripheral leaded package 周边引脚封装peripheral select line 外设选择线peripheral vision 边界视力periscope 潜望镜perl programming language perl 程序设计语言permanent magnet 永久磁体permanent virtual circuit (PVC) 永久虚电路permeability 磁导率permeability, absolute 绝对磁导率permeability, relative 相对磁导率permeameter 磁导计permeance 可渗透的permitivity 介电常数;电容率permutation 排列permutation and combination 排列汇编permutation index 轮排索引,排列索引persistence 存留;持续persistence time 存留时间persistent connection 持久连接,持续连接personal Java 个人Javapersonal access communications system (PACS) 个人接入通信系统personal communications services (pcs) 个人通信服务personal computer (PC) 个人电脑personal digital assistant (PDA) 个人数字助理personal digital cellular (PDC) 个人数字蜂窝[通信]personal handyphone system (PHS) 个人手提电话系统personal locator system (PLS) 个人定位系统personal mobility 个人移动personal number 个人号码personal telecommunication number (PTN) 个人远程通信号码,个人电信号码personal television (PTV) 个人电视,便携式电视personal wireless telecommunications (PWT) 个人无线远程通信personal-area network (PAN) 个人区域网络,个人环境网络perverted image 反像phanotron 热阴极充气二极管phantom 非真实;虚像phantom cell 储存单元虚像phase accumulator 相位累加器phase alternating line (PAL) 相位交替线式扫描标准phase angle 相角phase changer 相位变换器,换相器phase coherent 相位一致phase coherent measurement 相位一致测量phase comparator 相位比较器phase compensation 相位补偿phase detection 相位检测phase detector 相位检测器phase difference 相位差phase displacement 相位移phase distortion 相位畸变,相位失真phase equalization 相位均衡phase evaluation 相位评估,相位估计,相位测定phase grating scale 相光栅刻度phase inverter circuit 倒相电路phase jitter 相位抖动phase lock loop (PLL) 锁相回路phase locked 锁相phase margin 相位边缘phase modulation (PM) 相位调制phase rotator 相位旋转器phase shift 相位位移;相位移转phase shift mask (PSM) 移相掩膜phase synchronous 相位同步phase voltage 相位电压phase, differential 差动相位phase, fixed 固定相位phase, minimal 最小相位phase, opposite 反相phase, out- 异相;异相位phase, out-of- 异相;异相位phase, single 单相;单相位phase, three 三相;三相位phase, two 二相;二相位phase, vapor- 汽相phase, virtual 虚拟相位phase-coherent measurement 相位一致测量phase-inverter circuit 反相电路phase-locked detector (PLD) 锁相检测器phase-locked loop (PLL) 锁相环路phase-shift keying (PSK) 相位变换调制法phase-shift oscillator 相位位移振荡电路phase-synchronous 相位同步phased-array antenna 相位阵列式天线phasor quantity 相量phenomena, capillary 毛细管现象phone, cellular 蜂巢式无线电话phone, cordless 室内无线电话phone, mobile 移动电话phosgene 光气phosphene 磷化氢phosphor 磷phosphosilicate glass (PSG) 硅酸磷玻璃photo etching 光蚀刻法photo sensor 光感应器photo thyristor 光闸流晶体管photo transistor 光晶体管photo-cd 感光CD,光电CD,照片CD photo-charge 光电荷photo-coupler 光偶合器photo-imagable liquid 感光液photo-imageable dielectric 光可成像的电介质photo-interrupter 光中断器photo-isolator 光隔离器photo-sensitive surface 光敏表面photocell 光电池photocomposition 照相排版photoconductive effect 光传导效应photocurrent 光电流photodetector 光检测器photodiode 光电二极管photodiode output 光电二极管输出photoelasticity 光弹性学photoelectric cell 光电池photoelectric current 光电流photoelectric effect 光电效应photoelectric sensor 光电传感器photoelectron 光电子photolithographic beam 光刻线photolithography 光刻法photomask 遮光膜,光掩膜,光罩photometer 光度计photometer, flame 火焰光度计photometer, shadow 阴影光度计photon 光子photon incident 光子入射photon, ultraviolet 紫外线光子photonic switching 光子交换photonics 光子学photonics in switching 交换光子学;交换纤维光学photoplotter 照相绘图机photopolymer 感光聚合物photoresist 光阻photoresist system 光阻系统photoresist, dry film 乾膜光阻photoresister dry strip 光刻胶干式剥离photorisister dry strip 光刻胶干式剥除photovoltaic generator 光电发生器photovoltaics 光生伏打physical 实体physical address 物理地址physical address unit 物理地址单元physical artifact 物理赝像physical coding sublayer (PCS) 物理编码子层physical constraint 物理限制physical data 物理数据physical definition 物理定义physical effect 物理效应physical estimator 物理估值器physical layer (PHY) 物理层physical layer controller (PLAYER) 物理层控制器physical layer overhead 物理层开销physical layer protocol 物理层协定physical path 物理通路physical quantity 物理量physical unit type 2.1 (PU Type 2.1) 物理单元-2.1类physical vapor deposition (PVD) 物理汽相沉积physical-layer controller 物理层面控制器physical-layer protocol 物理层协定physics 物理学physics, classical 经典物理学physics, nuclear 核物理学physics, solid-state 固态物理学physics, statistical 统计物理学pi filter π型滤波器pick-and-place 拾取和放置pick-and-place accuracy 拾取和放置精度pick-and-place machine 取放机器pick-up 检拾pick-up system 检拾系统pico cell 微微蜂窝;皮可信元picoammeter 微微安培计picofarad (pF) 微微法拉picosecond (ps) 微微秒picture element (pixel) 图素picture-in-picture 画面中显示画面piezoelectric 压电的piezoelectric device 压电器件piezoelectricity 压电piggybacking 背袱,机载pigtail 抽头;柔韧铜辫;辫型导线,引线pillow distortion 枕形失真pin 接脚pin & paste 压住并粘贴,钉住并粘贴pin grid array package (PGA) 栅格阵列接脚封装pin list 接脚表列pin swap 接脚交换pin, input 输入接脚pin, output 输出接脚pin, tooling 工具接脚pin-count 接脚数目pin-through-hole 引脚通孔pin-through-paste 穿过焊剂的管脚,穿过焊剂的引线pincushion distortion 枕形失真pinhole 针孔pinout 接脚分布pipeline 管线pipeline architecture 管线结构pipeline instruction 管线指令pipeline operation 管线作业pipeline processing 管线处理pipeline, non-interlocking 非互锁式管线piston 活塞pit 坑;缺陷;槽pitch 音调;间距pitch, dot 点距pitch, lead 引线间距pivot 支持点pixel 图素pixel clock (Pclk) 象素显示时钟pixel replication 图素重复pixel stream 图素串place 布局place and route 布局及路由placement 布局;置放placement, feed-through 给进式布局plain old telephone service (POTS) 老式电话系统planar epitaxial process 平面外延工艺planar network 平面网络planarity 平面性;平面化plane 平面;层plane polarization 平面偏振;偏极面plane principal focal, 主焦平面plane wave 平面波plane, bit 位层plane, buried power 隐蔽式电源板层plane, color 颜色层plane, data 数据层plane, focal 焦平面plane, ground 接地面plane, inclined 斜面plane, memory 存储器层plane, principal focal 主焦平面planes, multiple memory 多重存储器层planning, computer-aided (CAP) 电脑辅助计划planning, manufacturing resources (MRP) 生产资源规划plano-concave lens 平凹透镜plano-convex lens 平凸透镜plasma 等离子plasma chamber cleaning 等离子腔清洗plasma cleaning 等离子清洗plasma display 等离子显示器plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) 等离子体增强化学汽相淀积plasma etch process 等离子蚀刻工艺plasma etching 等离子蚀刻plasma silicon nitride 等离子氮化硅plasma, transformer-coupled (TCP) 变换偶合等离子plastic 塑料plastic deformation 塑性形变plastic dual-in-line package (PDIP) 塑料双列直插式封装plastic electronics 塑料电子学,有机电子器件plastic encapsulated microcircuit (PEM) 塑胶密封的微电路plastic film 塑胶膜plastic flat package (PFP) 塑料扁平封装plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC) 塑料引线芯片载体封装plastic leaded chip carrier package 塑料引线芯片载体封装plastic leadless chip carrier 塑料无引线芯片载体封装plastic leadless chip carrier package (PLCC) 塑料无引线芯片载体封装plastic magnet 塑料磁体plastic package 塑料封装plastic quad flat pack (PQFP) 塑料四方扁平封装plate circuit 板极电路plate, ground 接地平面plate, probe 探针面板plated axial lead 电镀轴向引脚plated through-board 镀通电路板plated through-hole (PTH) 镀通孔plated thru-board 镀通板plated thru-hole 镀通孔plated-through hole 金属化孔platform for Internet content selection (PICS) 因特网内容选择平台platform, hardware 硬体台plating inconsistency 电镀不匀platter 磁盘机plenum 充满,充实;增压,高压plesiochronous communication 准同步通信plotter 绘图机plotter, parametric 参数绘图机plotter, pen 笔式绘图机plug 插头plug delay 插接延迟plug-in 插座;插入plunger 活塞plunger travel 引缩行程pneumatic actuator 气动起动器pneumatic dispensing 气动涂料pneumatic drill 风钻point charge 点电荷point of application 作用点point source 点光源point, boiling 沸点point, conjugate 共扼点point, curie 居里点point, dew 露点point, entry 进入点point, freezing 冰点;凝固点point, fusion 熔点point, ignition 燃点point, melting 溶点;熔点point, neutral 中和点point, null 零点point, reference 参考点point, saturation 饱和点point, solidifying 凝固点point, test 测试点point, triple 三态点point, yield 屈折点point-of-presence (POP) 出现点,存在的点point-of-sale terminal (POS) 销售终端机point-to-multipoint 点对多点, 单点对多点point-to-point 点对点point-to-point protocol (PPP) 点对点串行线协定point-to-point transmission 点对点传输point-to-point tunneling protocol (PPTP) 点对点隧道协议pointer 指标pointer register 指标寄存器pointer, address 地址指标pointer, decrement address 减量地址指标pointer, increment address 增量地址指标pointer, instruction 指令指标pointer, memory 存储器指标pointer, offset 偏移指标pointer, register 寄存器指标pointer, workspace 作业空间指标pointing device 指点器polar 极向型polar modulation 极化调制polar molecule 极向分子polarimeter 偏光计polariscope 偏光器polarity 极性polarization 极化,极化作用,偏振polarization angle 偏极角polarization filter 极化滤波器polarization of a cell 电池之极化polarization of dielectric 介质之极化polarization plane 偏极面polarization, circular 圆偏极化polarized component 极向元件polarized, plane- 偏光pole 极pole strength 极强度pole, magnetic north 磁北极pole, magnetic south 磁南极pole, totem 推拉输出电路polish 修饰;磨光poll 轮询poll and select 轮询和选择poll, parallel 平行轮询polling 轮询polling delay 轮询延迟pollution, thermal 热污染polyacetal 多乙缩醛polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯polychlorinated biphenyls 多氯联苯polycrystalline 多结晶体polycrystalline layer 多结晶体层polycrystalline silicon layer 多硅晶体层polyester 聚脂polyester film capacitor 聚脂膜电容器polyester film condenser 聚脂薄膜电容器polyethylene 聚乙烯polyethylene (PE) 聚乙烯polyethylene condenser 聚乙烯电容器polygate 多门polyhedron 多面体polyimide 聚酰亚胺polymer 聚合物polymer film interconnect (PFI) 聚合物薄膜互连,高分子薄膜互连polymer thick film 聚合物厚膜,高分子厚膜polymer, conductive 导电聚合物polymerization 聚合polymerization reaction 聚合反应polymerized rosin 聚合树脂polynomial 多项式polynomial code 多项式码polyphase 多相polyphonic 多调polypropylene 聚丙烯polypropylene condenser 聚丙烯电容器polysilicon 多晶硅polysilicon gate 多晶硅栅polysilicon layer 多晶硅层polysilicon process 多晶硅处理polysilicon process rule 多晶硅处理规则polysilicon, dual-layer 双层多晶硅polystyrene 聚苯乙烯polystyrene condenser 聚苯乙烯电容器polyvinyl-difluoride (PVDF) 聚二氟乙烯pop-up menu 弹出式操作指引populated board 附有元件的电路板populated board inspection 组装板检查,成板检验populating 繁殖,增生,填充,提供population inversion 粒子分布倒置porous 多孔的porous solder joint 多孔焊点port 端口;移接port multiplier 端口多路器port, dual- 双端口port, multiplexed pixel input 多工图素输入端口port, parallel 平行端口port, random access memory 随机存取存储器端口port, serial 串行端口port, serial read 串行读取端口port, test access (TAP) 测试存取端口portability 可移接性portability, source level 源水平可移接性portable 可移接;手提式portable appliance tester (PAT) 便携式电器检测仪portable battery 手提式电池portable computer 手提式电脑portable electronics 便携式电子设备portable network graphics (PNG) 便携式网络图形技术portable television 手提电视机position error 位置误差position feedback 定位反馈position sensor 位置感应器position, relative 相对位置positioner, closed-loop servo 闭环伺服定位器positioning 定位positioning, head 磁头定位positive charge 正电荷positive electrode 正电极positive emitter coupled logic (PECL) 正射极偶合逻辑positive feedback 正反馈positive grid 正栅格positive ion 正离子positive justification 正调整positive logic 正逻辑positive resist 正电阻,正阻positive temperature coefficient (PTC) 正向温度系数positive-edge (脉冲) 正沿,上升沿positive-true 正-真[逻辑]positron 阳电子post processing 后处理post-layout simulator 后布置模拟器post-processing facility 后处理设施potassium cyanide 氰化钾potential 电位;电势potential difference (PD) 电位差;电势差potential drop 电位降potential energy (PE) 位能potential energy difference 位能差potential failure mode and effects analysis (PFMEA) 潜在故障状态和效应分析potential source 电位源;电势源potential transformers 测量用变压器,仪表用变压器potential well 电势井potential, contact 接触电位potential, critical 临界电位potential, discharge 放电电位potential, electrical 电位;电势potential, electrode 电极电位potential, excitation 激发电位potential, ionization 电离电位potential, negative 负电位potential, ozone-depletion (ODP) 臭氧层损耗潜能值potential, space 空间电位potential, temperature 温度势potential-energy difference 位能差potentiometer 电位计;电位器potentiometer, wire-wound 绕线式电位器pothead 电缆终端套管,配电箱potting 封装potting compound 封装化合物power 功率power ASIC 增强型专用集成电路power amplifier 功率放大器power circuitry 功率电路power control 功率控制power converter 功率变换器;功率整流器power density 功率密度power dissipation 功率耗散power distribution 功率分布power down 电源中断power drain 电源泄漏power electronics 动力电子设备power factor 功率因素power factor control (PFC) 功率因数控制power fail detect (PFD) 电源故障检测power failure signal 电源故障信号power foldback 电源折返power foldback limit 电源折返限制power line communications (PLC) 电力线通信power line filter 电源线滤波器power loss 功率损耗power loss density 功率损失密度power management 功率管理power package 电源组,动力组power plant 发电厂,发电站power pool 联合电力系统;联合电网power rating 额定功率power sags 电压突降power saver 省电器power sequencer 电源定序器power spectral density 功率谱密度power supply 电源供应;电源供应器power supply cord 电源线power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) 电源供应抑制比率power surges 电压浪涌power transistor 功率晶体管power waveform monitor 电力波形监察仪power, apparent 表观功率power, effective 有效功率power, electric 电功率power, magnification 放大率power, magnifying 放大率power, optical 光学功率power, rated 额定功率power, resolving 分辨率power, reverse 反向电源power, smart 灵巧化功率power, stabilizing 稳压电源power-down mode 省电状态;省电模式power-factor corrector (PFC) 功率因素修正器power-fail detect (PFD) 电源故障检测power-foldback limit 电源折返限制power-line filter 电源线滤波器power-on diagnostics 通电诊断power-on reset 通电重设power-on self test (POST) 通电自测试power-on-demand (PoD) 需求式供电practical extraction and report language (PERL) 实用摘录和报表语言pre-emphasis 预先强调pre-regulation 预调整preamble 前文preamble transmission 前文传送preamble, field 栏位前文preamplifier (PreAmp) 前置放大器precise positioning service (PPS) 精密定位业务precision 精准precision adaptive sub-band coding (PASC) 精准自适应子频带编码precision architecture (PA) 精密体系结构precision, double- 双精度precision, high 高精度precision, single- 单精度precision-wound 精密卷绕precompensation 预补偿precompensation, write 写入预补偿precompiler 预编译器precondition 预先调校predicted image 预测图象prediction gain 预测增益predictor 预示器preemption 先取prefetch 预找取prefetch queue 预找取队列preflow 预流程prefusing 预熔preheat 预热prepreg 预浸料坯,半固化片preprocessor 预运算器presbyopia 老花眼prescaler 预标定器presentation 展示presentation layer 展示层presentation manager 展示管理程序presentation protocol data unit (PPDU) 表示协议数据单元presentation software 简报软件preset 预设press fit 压合press, hydraulic 液压机pressing 加压pressure gradient 压力梯度pressure, absolute 绝对压力pressure, atmospheric 大气压力pressure, base 基本压力pressure, constant 定压pressure, critical 临界压力pressure, gauge 计示压强pressure, negative 负压力pressure, osmotic 渗透压pressure, saturated vapor 饱和汽压pressure, standard atmospheric 标准大气压力pressure, vapor 汽压pretty good privacy (PGP) 无懈可击的保密措施,高度保密preventive maintenance (PM) 预防性检修primary 初级;基本primary address 原地址primary battery 原电池primary cell 原电池;一次性电池primary circuit 初级电路primary coil 初级线圈primary color 原色primary rate 初级速率primary rate access 初级速率存取primary rate interface (PRI) 初级速率接口primary voltage 初级电压prime mover 原动机primitive 原语,基元, 底层原语primitive 基元primitive function 基元功能primitive process 原处理principal axis 主轴principal focal plane 主焦平面principal section 主截面print head 打印头printed circuit assembly 电路板装配,电路板组装printed circuit board (PCB) 印刷电路板printed wiring assembly (PWA) 线路板装配printed wiring board (PWB) 印刷电路板printed-circuit substrate 印制电路基底printer 打印机printer command language (PCL) 打印机指令语言printer description language (PDL) 打印机描述语言printer, daisy wheel 菊轮式打印机printer, dot matrix 点阵式打印机printer, impact 撞击式打印机printer, ink-jet 喷墨式打印机printer, laser 激光打印机printer, line 行式打印机printer, screen 丝网印刷机;网印机printer, solder paste 焊浆打印机printer, thermal 热感式打印机printing, ion-flow 离子流打印printing, near-letter quality 优质字符打印printing, screen 丝网印刷机priority 优先顺序;优先权priority interrupt system 优先顺序中断系统priority level 优先水平priority queue 优先队列priority, interrupt 中断优先prism 三棱镜;棱镜prism angle 棱镜角prism, total reflection 全反射棱镜private automatic branch exchange (PABX) 专用自动分机交换private branch exchange (PBX) 专用分机交换private key 个人密码private land mobile radio (PMR) 专用陆上移动无线通信private line 专用线路private mobile radio (PMR) 专用移动无线通信private network-to-network interface (PNNI) 专用网间接口privileged instruction 特许指令privileged mode 特许状态;特许模式probabilistic method 概率方法probability 或然率;几率probability density function (PDF) 概率密度函数probable error 可能误差probe 探针probe contact 探针接触点probe plate 探针面板probe registration 探针定位probe spacing 探针距离probe, clamp-on current 钳式电流探测器probe, guided 导引探针probe, pick-up 接收探视器probe, universal temperature 通用温度探测器probing, dual 双探测probing, in-circuit (ICP) 内电路探测problem 难题procedural language 过程型语言procedure 程序procedure, link access (LAP) 链路存取程序process 处理;程序;过程;过程process control 过程控制;工艺控制process equipment 处理设备process flow diagram 工艺流程图process management 过程管理;工艺管理process oriented 处理导向process signature 进程标记图process, adapter signal (ASP) 配接器信号处理process, adiabatic 绝热过程process, analog 模拟过程process, argon sputter etch 氩气溅镀蚀刻工艺process, assembly 汇编过程process, bipolar analog 双极模拟工艺process, black oxide 黑氧化处理process, dielectric isolation 介电质隔离工艺process, dual-layer aluminum wiring 双层铝线工艺process, interconnection 互连工艺process, isobaric 等压过程process, isothermal 等温过程process, isovolumetric 等容过程process, planar epitaxial 平面外延工艺process, plasma etch 等离子蚀刻工艺process, polysilicon 多硅晶体处理process, primitive 原处理process, reversible 可逆过程process, sequential 序列处理process, sputter etch 溅镀蚀刻工艺process, swell 涨大工艺process, throttling 节流过程process, vapor pressure control 汽相压力控制过程processing 处理;进程processing distributed transaction, (DTP) 分布式交易处理processing electronic data, (EDP) 电子数据处理processing gain 处理增益,加工盈余processing, batch 批次处理作业processing, communications 通讯处理processing, concurrent 并行处理processing, data 数据处理processing, digital signal (DSP) 数字信号处理processing, distributed transaction (DTP) 分布式交易处理processing, electronic data (EDP) 电子数据处理processing, on-line transaction (OLTP) 连线交易处理processing, parallel 并行处理processing, pipeline 管线处理processing, post 后处理processing, rapid thermal (RTP) 快速热处理processing, tree 树状处理processing, wet 润湿处理processor signal converter 处理器信号转换器processor, application specific automation (ASAP) 特殊应用自动化处理器processor, application specific integrated (ASIP) 特殊应用综合处理器processor, basic audio (BAP) 基本声频处理器processor, channel 通道处理器processor, co- 协处理器processor, command 命令处理器processor, consumer control (CCP) 客户控制处理器processor, digital optical 数字光学处理器processor, digital signal 数字信号处理器processor, distributed array (DAP) 分布式阵列处理器processor, enhanced audio (EAP) 增强声频处理器processor, front-end (FEP) 前端处理器processor, front-end network 前端网络处理器processor, interface 接口处理器processor, interface message, (IMP) 接口信息处理器processor, optical 光学处理器processor, parallel 并行处理器processor, raster graphics 光栅图像处理器processor, streamlined instruction 流线式指令处理器processor, universal (UP) 万用处理器processor, vector 向量处理器processor, virtual channel (VCP) 虚拟通道处理器processor, vision (VP) 视频处理器processor, voltage synthesizing micro- 电压合成微处理器processor-specific memory (PSM) 特殊处理器存储器product nucleus 生成核product term 乘积项product, application-specific standard (ASSP) 特殊应用标准产品product, scalar 标积production test 生产测试professional mobile radio (PMR) 专业移动无线通信profile 外形;描述;轮廓profile, servo 伺服描述profiler 铣床prognosis 预测program 程序program association table 程序关联表program editor 程序编辑器program elementary stream (PES) 程序基本流程program status word 程序状态字program stream (PS) 程序流program translation 程序转换program, benchmarking 基准点测试程序program, carrier 载体程序program, memory resident 存储器驻留程序program, network control (NCP) 网络控制程序program, object 目的程序program, overlay 重叠程序program, source 源程序program, terminate and stay resident (TSR) 终止及常驻程序program, translation 转换程序programmable 可编程programmable array logic (PAL) 可编程阵列逻辑programmable gain amplifier (PGA) 可编程增益放大器programmable gate array (PGA) 可编程门阵列programmable interrupt controller 可编程中断控制器programmable logic 可编程逻辑programmable logic array (PLA) 可编程逻辑阵列programmable logic controller (PLC) 可编程逻辑控制器programmable logic device (PLD) 可编程逻辑器件programmable lookup table 可编程搜寻列表programmable networks 可编程网络programmable power supply 可编程电源programmable read only memory (PROM) 可编程只读存储器programmable sequencer (PROSE) 可编程定序器programmable system device (PSD) 可编程系统器件programmable universal filter 可编程通用滤波器programmable universal micro accelerator (PUMA) 可编程通用微加速器programmable voltage range 可编程电压范围programmable wait-state controller 可编程等候状态控制器programmable, in-system (ISP) 系统内可编程programming environment 编程环境progress, call 呼叫过程progressive wave 前进波projectile 抛射体projectile motion 抛体运动projection optics 投影光学projector, overhead 投影机prompt, voice 声音提示proof-of-concept 概念验证。
20 0 8年 第 3 7卷 第 5期 第 3 2页
石 油 矿 场 机 械
OI F E E L I LD QUI E PM NT 20 3 () 3 ~3 0 8, 7 5 : 2 5
文 章 编 号 :1 0 — 4 2 2 0 ) 5 0 3 — 4 O 13 8 (0 8 0 —0 20
海 上油 气 田 的开 发 已经 有 近 半 个 多世 纪 的 历 史, 中国, 在 大规模 的海上油 田的开 发也有 二十 多年
台( P 具有更 好 的运 动性 能 、 够适 应 更深 的海 TL ) 能
域 、 位 和操 作都 相对容 易 、 活性和经 济性更好 等 定 灵 特点 , 被认 为是最 具 吸引 力 和 发展 潜力 的新 一代பைடு நூலகம்深
d e wa e i g sd v lp n ,i a u sa dn e p tr pa fr e p trol& a e eo me t s n o tt n ig d e wa e lto m. A e iw n d v lp rve o e eo —
m e fSp r p a f r i v n,t a y t m v r l s r t r n h r c e s i t o c d i nto a l to m s gie he Sp r s s e o e a l t uc u e a d c a a t r i n r du e n d t isa c r ng t a sc Sp r e a l c o di o Cl s i a ,Tr s a u s Sp r Cel S r p a f r ,a m p rs n wih Sp r l pa l to m nd Co a io t a
4.在金融领域,平台为投资者和企业提供了便捷的投融资渠道,如P2P 网贷平台、股权众筹平台等。
OTC 深海技术会议2009年会议论文全部标题——中英文对照
![OTC 深海技术会议2009年会议论文全部标题——中英文对照](
Tahiti Flowline Expansion Control System
Tahiti Project Subsea System Design/Qualification
Novel Single-Trip Upper Completion System Saves Rig Time in Deepwater Offshore Brazil
Development of a Large Bore Umbilical for Deep Water Service
Risk Mitigation of Chemical Munitions in a Deepwater GeoHazard Assessment
Comparison of Tank Testing and Numerical Analysis for the Design of a Catamaran for Deck Installation by the Float-Over Method
Effect of Remolding and Reconsolidation on the Touchdown Stiffness of a
FPSO:Floating Production, Storage and Offloading. Typically a tanker type hull or barge with wellheads on a turret that the ship can rotate freely around (to point into wind, waves or current). The turret has wire rope and chain connections to several anchors (position mooring-POSMOR), or it can be dynamically positioned using thrusters (dynamic positioning-DYNPOS). Water depths 200 to 200 meters, Common with subsea wells. The main process is placed on the deck, while the hull is used for storage and offloading to a shuttle tanker. May also be used with pipeline transport.TLP: A Tension Leg Platform consists of a structure held in place by vertical tendons connected to the sea floor by pile-secured templates. The structure is held in a fixed position by tensioned tendons, which provide for use of the TLP in a broad water depth rang up to about 2000m. Limited vertical motion. The tendons are constructed as hollow high tensile strength steel pipes that carry the spare buoyancy of the structure and ensure limited vertical motion. A variant is Seastar platforms which are miniature floating tension leg platforms, much like the semi submersible type, with tensioned tendons.SPAR: The SPAR consists of a single tall floating cylinder hull, supporting a fixed deck. The cylinder however does not extend all the way to the seafloor, but instead is tethered to the bottom by a series of cables and lines. The large cylinder serves to stabilize the platform in the water, and allows for movement to absorb the force of potential hurricanes. Spars can be quite large and are used for water depths from 300 and up to 3000 meters. SPAR is not an acronym, but refers to its likeness with a ship’s spar. Spars can support dry completion wells, but is more often used with subsea wells.To get the last of the water out of the oil, the oil is processed through an oil treater or a treating system. A treater is similar to a separator, but with special features to help separate the water from the oil. Treaters or treating systems usually provide heat to reduce oil viscosity and large settling sections to allow the water time to settle from the oil, and may provide an electrostatic grid to promote coalescing of the water droplets. Conventional treaters usually have a front section with a heater in which the emulsion is heated and initial separation of the “free water” takes place. The oil then flows to a second section of the vessel, where additional coalescence and settling of the water droplets takes place. Gas is flashed (i.e. liberated) from the emulsion as the pressure is lowered and the temperature is raised from the upstream separator. For a conventional treater with a heater, free-water knockout section, and settling section, the water content in the oil can be reduced to less than 1%. An electrostatic treater, which is a conventional treater with anelectrostatic grid in the settling section, can reduce the water content to 0.3 to 0.5%by vol ume.The rotating part of the compressor consists of all the impellers. It runs on two radial bearings (on all modern compressors, there are hydrodynamic tilt pad bearings), while the axial thrust generated by the impellers is balanced by a balance piston, and resulting force is balanced by a hydrodynamic tilt pad thrust bearing. To keep the gas from escaping at the shaft ends, dry gas seals are used. The entire assembly is contained i n a casi ng (usual l y barrel type).The different working principles cause differences in the operating characteristics of the centrifugal compressors compared to those the reciprocating unit. Centrifugal compressors are used in a wide variety of applications in chemical plants, refineries, onshore and offshore gas lift and gas injection application, gas gathering, and in the transmission of natural gas. Centrifugal compressors can be used for outlet pressures as high as 10000 psia,thus overlapping with reciprocating compressors over a portion of the flow rate/pressure domain. Centrifugal compressors are usually either turbine or electric motor driven. Typical operating speeds for centrifugal compressors in gas transmission applications are about 14000 rpm for 5000-hp units 8000 rpm for 20000-hp units.The task of gas compression is to bring gas from a certain suction pressure to a higher discharge pressure by means of mechanical work. The actual compression process is often compared to one of three ideal processes: isothermal, isentropic, and polytrophic compression.Mercaptans are compounds that occur naturally in sour gas. They are hydrocarbon compounds that have a sulfur atom inserted between a carbon atom and a hydrogen atom. Methyl, ethyl, propyl, and butyl merchantman are some examples. Mercaptans have a strong offensive odor, and certain mixtures of manufactured mercaptan, such as tertiary butyl mercaptan and isopropy mercaptan, as well as others, are added to sweet natural gas to odorize the gas prior to domestic or commercial consumption.Most of the regenerative chemical sweetening solvents are alkanolamines, which are compounds formed by replacing one, two, or three hydrogen atoms of the ammonia molecule with radicals of other compounds to form primary, secondary, or tertiary amines respectively. Amines are weak organic bases that have been used for many years in gas treating to remove CO2 and H2S fromnatural gas as well as from synthesis gas. These compounds combine chemically with the acid gases in the contactor to form unstable salts. The salts break down under the elevated temperature and low pressure in the still.The flow to and from reciprocating compressors is subject to significant pressure fluctuations due to the reciprocating compression process. Therefore, pulsation dampeners have to be installed upstream and downstream of the compressor to avoid damages to other equipment. The pressure losses (several percent of the static flow pressure) of these dampeners have to be accounted for in the station design.Reciprocating compressors are widely utilized in the gas processing industries because they are flexible in throughput and discharge pressure range. Reciprocating compressors are classified as either “high speed” or “slow speed”. Typically, high-speed compressors operate at speeds of 900 to 1200 rpm and slow-speed units at speeds of 200 to 600 rpm. High-speed units are normally “separable”i.e., the compressor frame and driver are separated by a coupling or gearbox. For an “integral”unit, power cylinders are mounted on the frame as compressor cylinders, and power pistons ate attached to the same drive shaft as the compressor cylinders. Low-speed units are typically integral in design.Isothermal compression occurs when the temperature is kept constant during the compression process. It is not adiabatic because the heat generated in the compression process has to be removed from the system.The compression process is isentropic or adiabatic reversible if no heat is added to or removed from the gas during compression and process is frictionless. With these assumptions, the entropy of the gas does not change during the compression process.Diglycolamine (DGA). The DGA process was developed by The Fluor Crop. in the 1950s, which called the process the Econamine Process. The advantage of DGA over MEA appears to be the lower solution rate owing to the higher solvent concentration, resulting in higher acid gas pickup per volume of solution circulated. This yields capital saving, as the regeneration equipment is smaller for DGA than for MEA. Disadvantage appear to be degradation of the chemical with CO2 and greater solubility of heavier hydrocarbons in the solution, as compared to MEA. This is a serious drawback if the acid gas steam is fed to a Claus plant, as additional air is required for the combustion of the hydrocarbons. Also, this dilutes the sulfur compounds in the sulfur recoverytrain. Solution strength is on the order of 50 to 70% by weight of DGA in water, which mol loadings in the range of 0.3 to 0.4 moles of acid gas per mole of DGA circulated. The DGA process train usually includes a reclaimer Diglycolamine(DGA的)。
ssp的名词解释SSP,全称Sell-Side Platform,即供应方平台,是数字广告领域中的一个重要概念。
DSP:DSP(全称:Demand-Side Platform)需求方平台是为广告主、代理公司提供的一个综合性管理平台,通过同一个界面管理多个数字广告和数据交换的账户。
利用DSP,广告主可以在广告交易平台(Ad Exchange)对在线广告进行实时竞价(RTB Real-Time Bidding),高效管理广告定价。
RTB:RTB(全称:RealTime Bidding)实时竞价,是一种利用第三方技术在数以百万计的网站上针对每一个用户展示行为进行评估以及出价的竞价技术。
SSP:SSP(全称:Sell-Side Platform)是一个媒体服务平台,该平台通过人群定向技术,智能的管理媒体广告位库存、优化广告的投放,助网络媒体实现其广告资源优化,提高其广告资源价值,达到帮助媒体提高收益的目的。
由于吃水深、水线面积小,SPAR 平台的垂荡运动比半潜式平台小,与张力腿平台相当,在系泊系统和主体浮力控制下,具有良好的运动特性,特别是垂荡运动和漂移小,适合于深水锚泊定位,对系泊系统和立管的相关技术要求相对较低,工程成本具有明显优势。
目前世界上建成的SPAR平台有三种类型,按出现的时间顺序分别是:传统型(Classic SPAR)、桁架型(Truss SPAR)、蜂巢型(Cell SPAR),如图1所示。