
Then pinch the wrapper and make a nice shape of it
To cook them in the boiling water
It’s important to stir a little with a spoon to make sure that the dumplings don’t stick to the bottom.
● Steamed dumplings: (zhengjiao) literally "steam-dumpling" .
● Shallow fried dumplings (jianjiao) “pan stick”, known as
“potstickers” in North. America, also rlings”.
Chinese invented
dumpling about
1,800 years ago. It’s a traditional food loved by Chinese people.
◆ Types
●Boiled dumplings: (shuijiao) literally "water dumplings" .
Filling For Dumplings
• Common dumpling meat fillings include pork, mutton, beef, chicken, fish, and shrimp which are usually mixed with chopped vegetables. Popular vegetable fillings include cabbage, scallion (spring onions), leek, and garlic chives. Dumplings are eaten with a soy sauce-based dipping sauce that may include vinegar, garlic, ginger, rice wine, hot sauce, and sesame oil.

These dumping are made with a slightly elastic enough that is rolled out to a thickness of about 1cm The filling is placed on the dog, and the dumping is then sealed tightly They are usually deep fried or steamed
Mix the flow and water together, knead the mixture until it becomes smooth and elastic, and let it rest for a while
Flour quantity and water temperature can affect the texture of the hour, so adjust accordingly
These dumping are made with a break through or paste that is rolled out to a thickness of about 1cm The filling is placed on the dog, and the dumping is then sealed tightly They are commonly cooked by frying, steaming, or bagging
Chop or shred the ingredients, season with salt, pepper, and other spices, and mix well

Why can it represent Chinese tradition?
❖ History and source ❖ Td we treat it
History and source
❖ it was created by zhang zhongjing,a famous doctor in the history.In winter, many people’s ears were hurt by the frozen weather, he make the dumpings of some medicine to give to them as treatment, and this lasted to the new spring festival.People have it in that day every year in the memory of him
The meanings
❖ Nowadays, in spring festival, we have them, together with our families, chatting and joking. We feel happy and pleasant at that atmosphere
The meanings
❖ If you make more noise when you make the stuffing, it symbols that you will get more wealth in the next year.

The meanings
If you make more noise when you make the stuffing, it symbols that you will get more wealth in the next year.
In China, the shape of dumping is like ‘jinyuanbao’, a kind of money.
The meanings
Nowadays, in spring festival, we have theபைடு நூலகம், together with our families, chatting and joking. We feel happy and pleasant at that atmosphere
Why can it represent Chinese tradition?
History and source The meanings How should we treat it
History and source
it was created by zhang zhongjing,a famous doctor in the history.In winter, many people’s ears were hurt by the frozen weather, he make the dumpings of some medicine to give to them as treatment, and this lasted to the new spring festival.People have it in that day every year in the memory of him

向外国朋友介绍中国文化:饺子Chinese Dumplings 饺子[1]Jiaozi (Chinese Dumplings) are a traditional Chinese food, which is essential during holidays in northern China. Chinese dumplings have become one of the most widely loved foods in China for many reasons. Here are just a few of them.[2]Chinese dumplings are one of the most important foods during the Chinese New Year. Since the shape of Chinese dumplings is similar to ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots, they symbolize wealth. Traditionally family members get together to make dumplings on New Year's Eve. They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings. The person who finds the coin is said to have good fortune in the New Year. Chinese dumplings are also popular during other Chinese holidays or festivals, so they are definitely a part of Chinese culture and tradition.[3]Making dumplings really takes teamwork. Usually all family members will join in the work. I started to make dumplings when I was just a kid in my family. This is when most Chinese learn how to make dumplings and why almost every Chinese person knows how! I am very good at making dumplings, particularly making skins, which is the hardest part of making tasty and light dumplings.[4]Chinese dumplings are often the food eaten before sending off friends or family members away on a trip. I guess this is another tradition and another reason why dumplings are such a big part of Chinese culture![1]饺子是中国的传统食品,在中国北方,过年过节总是少不了饺子。

Step3:Make the fillings
Hale Waihona Puke Step4:Make the skin
Divide the dough into little blocks, press each of them flat, then use a rolling pin to roll them thin. But remember, to make your skin strong enough, make sure the center of the skin is a little thicker than the edge.
Make delicious Dumplings
Prepare for the coming Spring Festival~~
When Spring Festival comes, Chinese always eat dumplings for dinner on the last day of a year. The whole family sitting together and chatting happily while making dumplings is a common scene in northern China on the special day.
Maybe this winter you can make dumplings by yourself and give your parents a surprise.
Do you know how to make dumplings? Are you familiar with the whole process? If not, don’t worry. Just go with me!

Step4: Make dumplings
▪ Spoon a little fillings and put it at the center of the skin.Then pinch the wrapper and make a nice shape of it
Step5:Boil the dumplings
Step3:Make the fillings
▪ Cut up all the materials. Put Shallot, Ginger and Dumpling stuffing condiment in it. Then you need to do the chopping and the mixing.
▪ Put the Dumplings one by one into the boiling water. When you see the Dumplings floating in boiling water, they are ready to eat.
Delicious dumplings
◆Dumpling's origin and development
▪ Dumplings are one of the major foods eaten during the Chinese New Year and year round in the northern provinces. They look like the golden ingots yuan bao,which was used during the Ming Dynasty for money.
Step1: Choose materials

● Steamed dumplings: (zhengjiao)
literally "steam-dumpling" .
● Shallow fried dumplings (jianjiao)
“pan stick”, known as “potstickers” in North. America, also referred to as “dry-fried dumplings”.
Filling For Dumpling
• Common dumpling meat fillings include pork, mutton, beef, chicken, fish, and shrimp which are usually mixed with chopped vegetables. Popular vegetable fillings include cabbage, scallion (spring onions), leek, and garlic chives. Dumplings are eaten with a soy saucebased dipping sauce that may include vinegar, garlic, 6
406 & 407
◆Dumpling's origin and development
• Dumplings are one of the major foods eaten during the Chinese New Year and year round in the northern provinces. They look like the golden ingots yuan bao,which was used during the Ming Dynasty for money.

Steam or Boiling
Dumplings are either steamed or cooked in water until they float or are fully cooked
Modern Methods
Pre die Dough
Available in many supermarkets, this Dough is already kneaded and ready
Pan Frying Techniques
Preparing the Pan
Heat a large skill over medium high heat and add a small amount of oil
Pan Frying
Place the dumping in the pan, leaving some space between them Fry on each side until golden brown, about 2-3 minutes per side
Variety of Wrapping Techniques
Experiment with different wrapping techniques to create unique dumping
Ingredients and Flavors
Common Ingredients
Dumping wrappers can be made from various types of dough, such as wheat flow, rice flow, or even buckwheat Wrappers are often thin and elastic, allowing them to hold the filling securiIntroduction

Step1: Choose materials
Vegetabl e
Step1: Choose materials
Flour Seasoning
Step2: Make a dough
Mix flour and water together, knead into the dough until it becomes ……
Step5: Make dumplings
Spoon a little fillings the skin, then fold
and it.
wcehntieter of
Step5:Make dumplings
Step6:Boil the dumplings
Step3:Make the fillings
Cut up all the materials
Step3:Make the fillings
Mix them with your seasoning, better always stir them to one direction (because if you have pressed vegetable to remove water, the mixture will be dry and hard to mix).
Maybe this winter you can make dumplings by yourself and give your parents a surprise.
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Make delicious Dumplings

Tradition﹠ Meaning(1)
•When Spring Festival comes, Chinese always
eat dumplings for dinner on the last day of a year. The whole family sitting together and chatting happily while making dumplings is a common scene in northern China on the special day. 3
•It was created by zhang zhongjing,a famous doctor
in Dong Han dynasty.In winter, many people’s ears
were hurt by the frozen weather,he make the
Cut up all the materials
Mix them with your seasoning,
better always stir them to one direction .(because if you have pressed vegetable to remove water, the mixture will be dry and hard to mix).
★ When it comes to the 12p.m at the New year‘s Eve,we will boil them,which means ‘time changing’,also it can mean the “happy reunion” and “good luck and happiness ”

Filling For Dumplings
C o m m o n d u m p lin g m e a t filli n g s i ncl u d e por k , m u tto n , b e e f , ch ic k e n , fis h , a n d sh rim p w h ic h
The meanings
• If yo u m a k e m o re n o is e w h e n yo u m a k e th e stu ffin g , it sy m b o ls th a t yo u w ill g e t m o re w e a lth in th e n e x t ye a r . • In C h in a , th e sh a p e o f d u m p in g is lik e ‘jin y u a n b a o ’, a kin d o f m oney. • W h e n it co m e s to th e 12p .m a t th e N e w ye a r 's E v e ,w e w ill b o il th e m ,w h ic h m e a n s ‘tim e ch a n g in g ’,a ls o it ca n m e a n t he “ ha p p y r e u ni o n ”
• T h o u g h w e liv e b e tte r life , w e s h o u ld a ls o v a lu e th e tra d itio n a n d u s e it a s a w a y to connect our re la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n fa m ilie s a n d frie n d s . • W e s h o u ld in tro d u c e it to th e w h o le w o rld in th e

Why can it represent Chinese tradition? 饺子作为中国传统代表的原因
❖ History and source 源起
❖ The meanings 内涵
❖ How should we treat it ❖ 意义
History and source
❖ It was created by zhang zhongjing,a famous doctor in the history.In winter, many people’s ears were hurt by the frozen weather, he make the dumpings of some medicine to give to them as treatment, and this lasted to the new spring festival.People have it in that day every year in the memory of him
❖ When it comes to the 12p.m at the New year's Eve, we will boil them,which means ‘time changing’, also it can mean the “happy reunion”and “good luck and happiness ”
❖ stir it without a break ❖It become a smooth dough
❖ Rub the dough to the strip ❖ Cut into small pieces
❖One hand hold the edge of the wrapper,

Step3:Make the fillings
Cut up all the materials. Put Shallot, Ginger and Dumpling stuffing condiment in it. Then you need to do the chopping and the mixing.
◆Dumpling's origin and development
Dumplings are one of the major foods eaten during the Chinese New Year and year round in the northern provinces. They look like the golden ingots yuan bao,which was used during the Ming Dynasty for money.
Step4: Make dumplings
Spoon a little fillings and put it at the center of the skin.Then pinch the wrapper and make a nice shape of it
Step5:Boil the dumplings
英文介绍中国饺子ppt课件 dumpling?sorigin majorfoods eaten during chinesenew year yearround northernprovinces. looklike goldeningots yuan bao,which usedduring mingdynasty chineseinvented dumpling about 1,800 years ago. traditionalfood loved chinesepeople. boileddumplings: (shuijiao) literally "water dumplings" steameddumplings: (zhengjiao) literally "steam- dumpling" shallowfried dumplings (jianjiao) "pan stick", known north.america also referred "dry-frieddumplings". commondumpling meat fillings include pork, mutton, beef, chicken, fish, shrimpwhich usuallymixed choppedvegetables. popular vegetable fillings include cabbage, scallion (spring onions), leek, garlicchives. dumplings soysauce- based dipping sauce mayinclude vinegar, garlic, ginger, rice wine, hot sauce, sesameoil. step1:choose materials ----flour flavoring step2:make wheatflour water.when ready,we use rollingpole small,thin roundpieces. cutup all materials.put shallot, ginger dumplingstuffing condiment youneed step4:make dumplings littlefillings skin.thenpi

Then pinch the wrapper and make a nice shape of it
To cook them in the boiling water
It’s important to stir a little with a spoon to make sure that the dumplings don’t stick to the bottom.
● Steamed dumplings: (zhengjiao) literally "steam-dumpling" .
● Shallow fried dumplings (jianjiao) “pan stick”, known as
“potstickers” in North. America, also referred to as “dry-fried dumplings”.
Delicious dumplings
the material
-----Meat and vegetables
| | Flavoring ------Flour
Put Shallot, Ginger and Dumpling stuffing condiment in it. Then you need to do the chopping and the mixing.
英文介绍饺子ppt教案 dumplingdumpling majorfoods dumplings majorfoods eaten during chinesenew year eatenduring chinesenew year yearround northernprovinces. yearround northernprovinces. looklike goldeningots yuan bao,which look like goldeningots yuan bao,which usedduring mingdynasty usedduring mingdynasty money.money. chinese invented dumpling about 1,800 years ago. traditionalfood loved chinesepeople. types boiled dumplings: (shuijiao) boiled dumplings: (shuijiao) literally "water dumplings" literally"water dumplings" steameddumplings: (zhengjiao) steamed dumplings: (zhengjiao) literally "steam literally "steam--dumpling" shallowfried dumplings (jianjiao) shallow fried dumplings (jianjiao) ""pan stick pan stick" ""potstickerspotstickers""in north. america, north.america, also referred alsoreferred ""drydry--fried fried dumplings dumplings"".. filling dumplingsfilling commondumpling meat common dumpling meat fillings include pork, mutton, fillings include pork, mutton, beef, chicken, fish, shrimpbeef, chicken, fish, sh
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◆Dumpling's origin and development
Dumplings are one of the major foods eaten during the Chinese New Year and year round in the northern provinces. They look like the golden ingots yuan bao,which was used during the Ming Dynasty for money.
Step1: Choose materials
----Meat and vegetables
l Flavoring
Step2: Make a dough
Knead the dough with wheat flour and water. When the dough is ready, We use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces.
◆Filling For Dumplings
Common dumpling meat fillings include pork, mutton, beef, chicken, fish, and shrimp which are usually mixed with chopped vegetables. Popular vegetable fillings include cabbage, scallion (spring onions), leek, and garlic chives. Dumplings are eaten with a soy saucebased dipping sauce that may include vinegar, garlic, ginger, rice wine, hot sauce, and sesame oil.
Step3:Make the fillings
Cut up all the materials. Put Shallot, Ginger and Dumpling stuffing condiment in it. Then you need to do the chopping and the mixing.
Put the Dumplings one by one into the boiling water. When you see the Dumplings floating in boiling water, they are ready to eat.
Delicious dumplings
● Steamed dumplings: (zhengjiao) literally "steamdumpling" .
● Shallow fried dumplings (jianjiao) “pan stick”, known as “potstickers” in North. America also referred to as “dry-fried dumplings”.
Chinese invented dumpling about 1,800 years ago. It’s a traditional food loved by Chinese people.
◆ Types
●Boiled dumplings: (shuijiao) literally "water dumplings" .
8பைடு நூலகம்
Step4: Make dumplings
Spoon a little fillings and put it at the center of the skin.Then pinch the wrapper and make a nice shape of it
Step5:Boil the dumplings