语文出版社基础模块下Unit 1词组句子

语文出版社基础模块下Unit 1词组句子

Unit 1


1:The Great Wall 长城

2:pick sb up 开车接某人

3:be famous for 因…而著名

4:be located in 坐落于…

5:by hand 用手

6:place of interest 名胜

7:and so on 等等

8:traffic light 红绿灯

9:such as 比如…

10:on business 出差

11.the Summer Place 颐和园

12.the Palace Museum


13:hope to do sth希望做…

14:far from 远离

15:one of +adj最高级+n 复


16:decide to do sth决定做某事

17.havesth. done 使…被, 让人做.. 18:It's said that 据说

19. under terrible conditions


20:be forced to do sth被迫做…force sb to do sth强迫某人做

21:five meters high 五米高

22:be enough to do sth足够做…23:thousands of 成千上万

24:be listed as 被作为..列出

25:on the top of the mountain


26:make fires 点火

27.It takes sb some time to do sth.


28:lose one's way 迷路了

29. a 15-minute walk


1:Here's a booklet with a brief Introduction to the Great Wall.


2: I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrowmorning.

明天早上8 点我就来接你。

3:It is located in the north of China .


4.He decided to have the wallslinked and extended.


5:It took them more than tenyears to build it under terribleconditions.


5:Thousands of travelers from allparts of the world come to visitthe Great Wall every year.


6:How marvelous and magnificent it is!


7.On the top of the mountain isthe Great Wall.


8.Fire was used at night andsmoke during the day.


9:I ‘m afraid I ’ve lost my way .


10:So you have to walk twoblocks and then turn right at thetraffic lights.


11.Would you please tell me theway to …


12.Could/can you tell me how Ican get to…?你能告诉我怎么去...吗

仁爱英语七年级下册unit 5 topic 3 基础训练(含答案)教学文案

Unit 5 Topic 3 周末作业一、Words ['wenzdi] ['m?nd?] ['tju?zdi] ['θ??zdi] ['fra?di] ['f?z?ks] [d????gr?fi] [ɑ?t] ['h?stri] [m?θ] [ba???l?d?i] [?p?l?t?ks] ['sa??ns] ['mi?t??] ['i?zi] ['?nt?r?st??] ['d?f?k?lt] [l??n] [hw?t?] ['s?bd??kt] [best] ['st?di] ['a?td??] [?k't?v?ti] [??ten?(?)n] [b?'twi?n] [st?mp] ['s?t?di] [na?t] [sa?nd] ['febr??ri] [hɑ?d] [le?t] n.星期三 n.星期一 n.星期二 n.星期四 n.星期五 n.物理(学) n.地理(学) n.体育.(physical educatin的缩写) n.美术,艺术 n.历史 n.数学=mathematics n.生物(学) n.政治 n.科学 n.会议;会面 adj.容易的 adj.有趣的 adj.难的 v.学习,学会det&pron.哪一个;哪一些 n.学科;主题 adv.& adj.最好地(的) (good和well的最高级) v.学习;研究n.书房 adj.户外的;室外的 n.活动 n.注意 prep.在(两者)之间; n.邮票v.跺脚 n.星期六 从…到… n.夜间 n.声音v.听起来好像 n.(Feb.)二月 adj.努力的;困难的adv.艰难地;努力地adv.晚,迟adj.迟(的),晚(的) 二、写出下列短语 上一节音乐课结束下一节课 谈论在那一天每一个工作日每逢星期二在星期三上午 你觉得…怎么样?= 该是做…的时候了学习;了解


短语翻译 1. 喝点蜂蜜热茶 2. 量体温 3. 看见老人正躺在路边 4. 呼救 5. 没多想 6. 下车 7. 马上 8. 伤到自己 9.陷入麻烦中 10. 被打到了头 11. 呼吸有困难 12. 对。。。有兴趣 13. 习惯于冒险/过去常常冒险 14. 切掉 15. 做决定 16. 控制某人的生活 17. 离开,从。。。出来 句子翻译 1. 你怎么了?(三种) 2.我感冒了/发烧了/咳嗽了。 3.我的腿/背/脖子/咽喉痛。 4.我的头/肚子/牙痛。 5.你应该躺下休息。 6. 令他吃惊的是,他们都同意跟他一起走。 7.多亏了王先生,医生才能及时救治这个老人。 8. 他的水耗尽了。 9. 他用左手给自己绑绷带以免失血过多。

10. 他不介意放弃爬山。 Unit 2 短语翻译 1.使他们开心 2. 离现在还有两周 3. 张贴标语 4. 把它们发放出去 5. 给。。。打电话 6. 发放食物 7. 打扫城市公园 8. 推迟列出计划 9. 为无家可归的人筹钱 10. 把它送别人了 11. 对。。。兴奋 句子翻译 1.过去的事情是怎样的? 2.我想学更多的东西,了解如何照顾动物。 3.她四岁的时候就能独立阅读了。 4.很少有人想到他们能做点什么来帮助别人。 5.奉献出我们的时间来帮助别人是度过我们的空闲时间的好方式。 6.我像我妈妈。 7.你帮助我使我拥有Lucky成为可能。 8.它使我的生活有了变化。 9.像接电话这样的平常事情对我都很困难。

10. 我会给你寄张我的照片。 Unit 3 短语翻译 1.洗碗 2.把垃圾带出去 3.叠衣服 4.扫地 5.整理床铺 6. 把盐递给我 7. 遛狗 句子翻译 1.至少让我看完这个节目好吗? 2.两小时的电视对你而言已经足够了。 3.妈妈随时都可能逛街回来。 4.我一坐在电视前面,妈妈就过来了。 5. 她没做家务,我也没做。(两种) 6.她吃惊的问。 7.做家务是浪费时间。 8.他们应当把时间花在功课上来提高成绩。 9.他们现在没必要来做这些。 10. 在家给孩子们提供一个干净舒适的环境是家长的工作。


英语期末考试试卷 班级姓名座号评分 一单词(共15分) 1.菜单 2.鸡肉 3.音乐 4.晴朗的 5.公司 6.volunteer 7.vocational 8.badminton 9.favorite 10.expensive 二词组(共20分) 1.一杯果汁 2.中餐 3.期待 4.英文歌 5.特价销售 6.hold on 7.play chess 8.eat out 9.be crazy about 10.an exciting movie 三选词填空(共20分) western provide fly best message news boring speak cheap welcome 1.May I take a . 2.I like play badminton . 3.I’ve got a good to tell you 4.We’ll free parking service. 5.I hate painting,it’s .

6. to my birthday party! 7.Can you Chinese? 8.I often kites with my friends on Sunday. 9.I’d like some food. 10.The food is not only delicious,but also . 四单项选择(共20分) 1.Hello!This is Ben. Can I to WangYang? A say B talk C speak D tell 2. Would you something to eat? A like B have C like to D have to 3. he like watching TV? –No, he listening to music. A Do likes B Dose likes C Does like D Do like 4.Meiwei restaurant is expensive than Y ueguang restaurant. A much B more C far D very 5.TangHua housework now. A do B does C is doing D doing 6.Would you like to us? A join B join in C joining D joins 7.What are you now? A does B doing C do D to do 8.What’s your shopping list?

book 2 unit 5基础训练

10月31日高三英语课时作业(book 2 unit 5) 考号:姓名:班级: (一)基础单词(根据汉语提示写单词,注意正确形式) 1.The book will tell you how to ____________________(连接) a printer to your computer. 2.At the age of thirty, Samuel became a professional astronomer and _____________(获得) an international reputation. 3.He can play the piano, violin and several other __________________(乐器) 4.Who will take over the company is a very ________________(敏感的) issue. 5.Being a native of the city, he is ___________________(熟悉的) with all the streets here. 6.The baby is not really crying. She is only ________________(假装). 7.Her ______________(投入) to the job left her with very little free time. 8.She expressed her feelings in the ________________________(形式) of poetry. 9.The Asian Games will be _________________________(广播) live on TV. (二)重点单词 A:根据提示,写出下列单词的适当形式 10.____________________vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行 →____________________ n.表演;演奏→_____________________ n.表演者 11.___________________ _adj.幽默的;诙谐的→__________________n.幽默;幽默感 12.___________________adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的→_____________vt.吸引; 引起→_________________n.吸引;吸引力 13._____________________adj.痛苦的;疼痛的→___________________n.痛苦 B:一言辨异(根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空) 14.They _____________ him to their party, and he accepted their ___________gladly.(invitation) 15.I am fully ____________of his success, for his hard-working and ______________convince me.(confident) 16.After a _______________ pause, he began to end up the meeting ________with few words.(brief) (一)根据汉语提示写出短语 1.____________________梦见;梦想;设想 2.____________________说实在地;实话说 3.____________________认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 4.____________________用现金;有现钱 5.____________________戏弄 6.____________________依赖;依靠 7.____________________大约 8.____________________打碎;分裂;解体 9.____________________另外;也 10.___________________分类11.___________________最重要;首先 12.___________________熟悉;与……熟悉起来 (二)选用以上短语填空(其中有两个多余选项) 1.I'll give you 10 minutes __________to go over the text again before answering my questions. 2.Little did I ______________one day entering a university at that time. 3.______________, this tie is a little too colorful. I don't think it suits your boyfriend. 4.We __________great importance ________education and encourage constant learning and thinking. 5.“There is no future between us, so I want to_____________,”said the girl to her boyfriend. 6.Children need many things, but _____________they need love from their parents. 7.Economic development should ____________both domestic and foreign markets. 8.It is not difficult to ___________the materials as long as time permits. 9.The famous actress takes various exercises. ________________ , she is on a diet. 10.Usually it takes time for anyone to _____________a new place. 根据提示,利用本课所学知识,完成下面的小作文。 他依靠(rely on)信心和毅力(persistence)三十年如一日的练习唱歌,最重要的(above all)是他的歌声深受群众的喜爱。他十分看重(attach importance to)人们给予他的帮助,他认为没有(without which)这些帮助,他就不可能(can't)取得这么大的进步。他曾许诺他和歌迷的联系永远不分开(break up)。 词数:60词左右


八年级上册课本重点短语和句型 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 【重点短语】 1、去度假 2、呆在家 3、上山/进山 4、到海边去 5、参观博物馆 6、去夏令营 7、相当多 8、为……学习, 9、出去 10、大部分时间/绝大多数时间 11、尝起来味道好 12、玩的开心 13、当然可以14、感觉像……/想要 15、购物 16、在过去 17、绕……走 18、太多(可数名词前面) 19、因为 20、一碗…… 21、查出来/发现 22、继续 23、照相 24、重要的事情 25、上上下下 26、出来 【重点句型】 1.你到哪里去度假了我去了纽约城。 2.你出去带人吗不,没有人在这儿。大家度去度假了。 3.你买了什么特别的东西吗对,我给父亲买了一些东西。 4.食物怎么样每一样东西真的都好吃。 5.大家玩的开心吗对,一切都很精彩。 6.晚上除了读书以外无事可做。 Unit 2 How often do you exercise 【重点短语】 1、帮助做家务活 2、购物 3、在周末 4、多久一次 5、几乎不 6、每周一次 7、每月二次 8、去看电影 9、每天 10、上网/用网 11、有空 12、上舞蹈钢琴课 13、摇摆舞 14、打网球 15、熬夜16、至少 17、早睡 18、锻炼身体 19、对…...有好处 20、去野营 21、在某人的空闲时间 22、根本不 23、最流行 24、例如 25、去看牙医 26、超过/多于 27、旧习惯难改 28、困难的 29、少于/不到 【重点句型】 1.我可能一个月看一次电影。

2.他多久看电视一次他几乎不看电视。 3.你购物吗不,我从来就不购物。 4.下面就是结果。 5.我们发现仅仅百分之十五的学生每天锻炼。 6.我们都知道很多学生经常上网,我们很吃惊他们中有百分之九十的人每天上网。 7.虽然很多学生喜欢看体育节目,但游戏节目依然是最受欢迎的。 8.通过上网或看游戏节目来放松很好,但是我们认为最好的放松方法还是通过锻炼。 9.对思想和身体都很健康。 10.开始锻炼,为时不晚。 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 【重点短语】 1.更外向/更开朗 2.与……一样 3.歌咏比赛 4.最重要的 5.在音乐方面有天赋 6. 与……相同 7.关心/留意/关注 8.与…...不同 9.像一面镜子 10.只要;与…...一样长11.显示/显出 12.取得更好的成绩 13.伸手达到/达到 14.感动 15.事实上 16.交朋友 17.在某方面成绩好 18.另一个 19.与…相似 20.与…和睦相处 【重点句型】 的头发比Tom的长。 2.现在的我比两年前更高。 3.现在的我比两年前学习更努力了。 4.两年前的我比现在学习更努力。 5.谁更聪明,你的老爸还是老妈 6.妈妈告诉我好朋友像一面镜子。 7.那就是我为什么喜欢读书。 8. 我认为朋友像书,只要是好的就不必需要太多。 9.我很害羞,所以交朋友对于我来说不容易。


1.He sometimes fights ________others .We don’t like him . A. for B. with C. against D. off 2.Why do you ____________your temper A. lost B. lose C. have D. get 3. Since then the number of wild animals there _____greatly. A. have increased B. has increased C. is increased D. are increasing 4. _________his mother become thinner and thinner, the young man feels sad and wants to cry. A. See B. Seeing C. Seen D. To see 5 At last, he can ________his temper when he becomes angry. A. keep B. take C. get D. prevent 6.In 2011, a war between the Libya’s government and the opposing faction_________ A. happened to B. broke out C. took place D. took the place 7. Efforts and intelligence will lead to __________ A. succeed B. success C. succeeding D. B or C 8. The fence will never be the same ____it was before. A. as B. that C. like D. alike 9. She ran out of the classroom ________. A. at anger B. on anger C. in anger D. in angry 10. We like English ___it is rather difficult for us. A. even if B. though C. as if D. in case

必修(一)Unit 5基础训练英语试题

谷城三中高一英语必修(一)Unit 5基础训练 一、单词拼写 1.Jack is often told by his parents to be friendly to anybody even if he is ________(抨击).2.Different people have different ________(看法)about open education. 3.If you are interested in buying coloured business cards of high __________(质量)at a reasonable price, you need to use the Internet. 4.We should give all children ________ (平等)opportunities to develop their special talents. 5.Children should learn and obey the ________(原则)of the school first. 6.The People's Republic of China was ________(成立)in 1949. 7.In the end the soldiers succeeded in ________(逃跑) from prison and ran away. 8.I promise that you will be ______(报答)for providing useful information about the missing child. 9.I think Rose will become a good monitor, so I'd like to ________(投票)for her. 10.Girls should have the right to be ________(教育)at school as boys do. 11.There is an ________(相等的) number of boys and girls in the class. 12.There were 16 ________(票) in favor of my suggestion, and 15 against. 13.This is her first time to perform on the________(舞台). 14.He had been a talented artist in his ________(青年时期). 15.There is too much ________(暴力)on TV, which may have a bad effect on children. 16.I'm ________(乐意)to do anything for you. 17.Under the teacher's ________(指导), he can speak some English soon. 18.The man ________(攻击) her with a knife. 19.We aim at ________(质量) rather than quantity. 20.They struggled in their desperate attempts ________ but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction. 21.We hope that you will give ________(意见) and suggestions about our work. 22.He managed to ________(逃脱) from the big fire into the street. 23.London is full of homeless people ________(乞讨) in the streets. 24.It is always better to share your worries and troubles with your friends or ________(亲戚).25.I can't stand some people's ________(残忍) to animals. 26. He was ________(判决) to three years in prison. 27. He gave the children some chocolate to ________(奖赏) them for behaving well. 28. In general,children of ________(受教育的) parents usually get better grades. 29. Make sure the ________(电源) is turned off first before you leave the lab. 30. Mandela was already in his seventies when he became ________(总统). 二、在下列句子的空白处填入一个适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Although he is quite old, he leads an _____ life. His _____ include tennis and painting. (active) 2.Everyone hopes to be treated ________ because ________ is the basic demand. (equal) 3.After retiring from the basketball field, Yao Ming decided to get further ________ (educate) in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 4.Some people choose not to eat meat because they believe that it is _____ (cruelty) to eat animals. 5.He offered ________ (guide) to us. 6.________ (hopeful), I'll be able to stay at home for three weeks this time. 7.It's ________ (legal) to drive a car without a driver's license. 8.He was ________ (devote) to his career. 9.It's ________ (fair) to treat women badly. 10.Tom is a ________ (self) boy, who always thinks of others. 11.He never ________ heart when he was in trouble. 12.It was a prison from ________ no one could escape. 13.The owner of the garden allowed us ______ (enter) the garden. 14.My mother devoted most of her time to ________ (care) for my sick father. 15.As ________ matter of fact, he was ________ lawyer. 16.Tom was out ________ work at that time. 17.He often turned ________ his neighbour for help. 18.Free ________ worry, the woman lived a peaceful life. 19.He was the first man ________ (explore) the outer space. 20.I'm worried about ________ I can be admitted to the university. 21.Things might get better, but it doesn't look very ________ (hope) right now. 22._______ (self) people must learn to share so as to make themselves become _______ (self).23.They have an ________ (activity) holiday, sailing and swimming. 24.It's so ________ (fair)—Mary gets more money for less work. 25.The money was divided ________ (equal) among her four children. 26.________ (devote) to their work, most of the parents spend little time with their children. 27.I'm worried ________ her driving the car tonight on the wet road. 28.The soldiers were fighting bravely ________ their people ________ the enemy. 29. When he was out ________work, he was involved in crimes of violence and was put ________ prison at last. 30.Only by practicing a few hours every day ________ you be able to master English. 31.We live in an age________more information is available with greater ease than ever before. 32.Most of the students in our class are________(will) to spend their money and time on books and other useful things. 33.Some of the films are full of________(violent),which is not good for young kids. 34.We’re just trying to reach a point ________ both sides will sit down together and talk. 35.Every time I________(see) the old man in the park,he is absorbed in reading papers. 36.When the sports hero turned________at our party,he was welcomed with open arms. 37.It’s important to learn to take a positive attitude_______life when you are _____trouble. 38.Tsinghua University,________(found) in 1911,is one of the best universities in China. 39.Under our teacher’s careful ________ (guide),we finished our homework in advance. 40.People who are well ________ (educate) will be respected by everyone. 课文缩写语法填空(一)根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Elias was a poor black worker in South Africa. The time __1__ he first met Nelson Mandela was a difficult period of his life. He was twelves years old at that time. Mandela was a black lawyear to __2__ he went for advice. Mandela offered __3__ (guide) to poor black people on their __4__ (illegal) problems. Elias needed Mandela's help __5__ he had little education. The school __6__ he studied for only two years was three kilometres away. He had to drop out of school because his family couldn't pay the school fees or the bus __7__. He couldn't read or write well. After trying hard, he got a job in a gold mine. __8__,he didn't have a passbook to live in Johannesbug and he worried about __9__ he would become out __10__ work. 课文缩写语法填空(二)根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 When Elias, a poor black worker in South Africa, first met Nelson Mandela, he was in a very


译林A重点短语及句子 默写 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

8A Unit 1重点短语(中考指南) 1.来点喝的东西 2.再来点食物 3.与某人分享某物 4.使某人快乐/特别 5.关心某人 6.说某人的坏话 7.保守秘密 8.说谎 9.讲有趣的笑话 10.感到厌烦/不快乐 11.有一副好嗓子 12.把座位让给需要的人 13.把...撞落到...上 14.戴着小圆眼镜 15.走过(课桌) 16.使人看起来聪明 17.长大 18.帮助某人做作业/解决难题 19.与某人交朋友 20.有双明亮微笑的眼睛 21.成为一名优秀的教师 22.面带微笑23.使某人看起来真漂亮善良 翻译句子 1.我可以喝点什么吗

2. 3.你相信他说的话吗 4. 5.她愿意与她的朋友们分享东西. 6.他讲有趣的笑话并且总是使我发笑. 7.她经常微笑,并且从来不说任何人的坏话. 8.当我长大了我想要成为一名社会志愿者. 9.我认为她将会成为一位优秀的教师. 8A Unit 2重点短语(中考指南) 1.更努力工作 2.英/美式英语 3.在这一周期间 4.从...借来某物 5.从...带来某物 6.每周临近尾声的时候 7.与某人讨论某事 8.在八年级 9.帮助某人做某事 10.主动给某人提供帮助 11.上不同的课程 12.刻苦练习 13.在我们三个人之间 14.休息几周/休几周假15.花时间做某事 16.至多 17.浏览 18.继续用英语写 19.有大量的时间做课外活动 20.有一个小时的家庭作业时间 21.进行一次学校旅行

翻译句子 1.学习外国语言很有趣. 2.每周临近尾声的时候,我们在课上和我们的同学讨论所读的书国. 3.他经常仔细倾听我的问题并且主动给我提供帮助. 4.在周五下午,我们学校放学比平时早. 5.我每个星期在放学后要打两次棒球. 6.英国学生比中国学生花更少的时间做家庭作业. 7.我理想的学校是上午9点开始上课下午3点放学. 8.每个月,我们进行一次学校旅行. 8A Unit 3重点短语(中考指南) 2.保持健康 2.加油、快点、得了吧 3.玩的愉快 4.保重 5.乘船旅行 6.经过 7.由...制成 8.邀请某人做某事 9.花一段时间做某事 10.交通拥挤 11.到达 12.迫不及待地做某事 13.景点 14.看起来和家乡的那个一样棒15.不相信自己的眼睛 16.学到许多关于不同文化的知识17.在网上 18.你们亲自去看看吧 19.把自己往上拉 20.秘密留给自己心里 21.举行/发生 22.为某人喝彩 23.忘记做某事 24.计划外出的一天


英语基础模块一期末考试卷 (考试时间:120分钟满分:120分) 姓名:___________ 班级:___________ 得分:_________ 一.单词过关我能行: (20*1=20分) 1.超市_________ __________3.提供_____________ .信息 7.咖啡_________ .服务员___________ 10. form________11.爱好____________12. guest____________ 13.欢迎_________14. customer_________15.邮票____________ ________17.音乐___________18. translation________ 19.国际象棋 二.短语翻译我最棒: (10*2=20分) 1.向....学习________________ to do 3.对...感兴趣______________ computer games__________ 5.放风筝stamps__________________ 7.一杯果汁ready for___________________ 9.向B介绍good at doing 三.单项选择: (20*1=20分) ( )1. What_____you like for breakfast A. may B. will C. would D. can ( )2. What do you like to eat A.juice B. dishes C. soup D. tea ( )3. He likes the book but it_____ too much. A. pays B. costs C. takes D. spends ( )4. There_____five sheep in the field. A. be B. is C. are D. been ( )5. They won't go to the Great Wall if it _____tomorrow. A.rain B. raining C. rains D. will rain ( )6. Miss Li is one of ______in our school. A. a popular teacher B. more popular teacher C. most popular teacher D. the most popular teachers ( )7. You can borrow all kinds of books from the_______. A. library B. classroom C. canteen D. office ( )8. He doesn't have much money. He is only a____ of the company. A. manager B. general engineer C. director(导演) D. cleck ( )9. ______your umbrella, or you will be wet in the rain. A. Talk B. Talked C. Take D. Took ( )10. When traffic lights are red, we_____ stop and wait. A. may B. can C. must D. might ( )11. Jeff_______ football and knows a lot about it. A. is interested on B. is interested in C. is interesting about D. is intesting with


I.单词[ge?t] [ba?] ['s?bwe?] ['??lwe?z] [?k?m?n] [ple?n] [tre?n] [??p] [b??t] ['wi?kde?] ['??li] [b??d] [k?t?] [w??m] Unit5 Topic 1 基础训练 乘地铁 adv.总是 快点儿;加油;来吧 步行 n.飞机 n.火车; n.轮船 n.小船,舟 n.工作日 adj.早的;adv.早地; n.鸟 v.捉住;接住 n.软体虫 adv.有时 ['s?mta?mz] [?seld?m] [w??k] ['nev?] [ra?d] [pɑ?k] [w?t?] [?tel?v???n] [?s?k?] [?mu?vi] [b?'g?n] ['ɑ?ft?] [bed] ['b?sk?tb??l] [sw?m] ['l?sn] ['mju?z?k] ['la?br?ri] [wi?k] [w?ns] [twa?s] [gre?t] [w??l] [la?f] [?'mer?k?n] [??] ['??v?] [m??] [t??k] n.大门 prep.(表示方式,如乘车等)经过n.地铁=underground [??nd?'ɡra?nd] II、短语adv.很少 v.& n.步行;散步 adv.从不 v.骑(自行车、马等) n.公园;v.停(汽) v.观看;当心;n.手表n.电视;电视机=TV 看电视 (football BrE) n.足球(运动)n.电影film v.开始 在学校;在上课prep.在…后 n.床 n.篮球 v.& n.游泳 去游泳 v.(注意地)听 n.音乐;乐曲 n.图书馆,图书室 n.星期,周 adv.一次;曾经conj.一旦adv.两次;两倍 adj.伟大的;好极的 n.墙 长城 n.生活;生命 adj.美国的n.美国人 conj.或者;否则 adv.结束;穿过 det.更多的; nv.&n.谈话 1.走路;步行 2.在学校大门口 3.在工作日


英语基础模块二(下册)期末试题 2017-2018学年度英语基础模块一(下册)期末试题 、补全单词。(1' *10=10 2. b_aut_ful(美丽的) 4. m_n_g」(经理) 6. _nt_rview(面试) 8. v_c_tio n (假期) 10. c_mp_ny(公司) 、短语翻译:(2' *10=20 2. play volleyball_ 4. have a trip 6. surf the internet 7. ___________________ take a parttime job 9. _________________ go online 三、连线:(1' *5=5 ' 1. It is made in Chi na. 2. We end our trip. 3. You can go on li ne. 4. I had a bad cold. 5. He had an in terview. 四、单选题:(1' *10=10) ()1.The broken bike ___ here by Mr Smith. A. can mend B.can mended C.can be mend D.can be mended () 2. The old bridge in my hometown ___ n ext mon th. A. is going to be rebuilt B. will rebuilt C. are going to be rebuilt D. are going to rebuilt ()3. The play ___ at the theatre next Sun day. A. is going to be show n B.will show n C.will show D.is show n ()4. The old stone bridge __ next week. A. i s going to be rebuilt B.will be rebuild C.are going to be rebuilt D.will rebuilt ()5. It _____ fine yesterday. We __ to the park. A. is , went B. were, go C. was, went D. was, go 班级:2017计应班姓名: 成绩:_________ 1. s_bw_y(地铁) 3. ch_ng_(改变) 5. en_ug_改变) 7.p_r_nt(父亲或母 亲) 1.go swimmi ng, 3.have fun ___ 5.see a movie 8.read news _________ 10.made in China ____ A. 你可以上网。 B. 我得了重感冒。 C. 我们结束了旅行。 D. 它是由中国制造的 E. 他参加了一场面试
