






综合安全检查要点:1.检测与报警设施1.1 在工艺装置火灾爆炸危险部位,设置超温、超压、报警(声、光)和安全连锁装置。

1.2 在可能泄漏扩散处,设置可燃气体、有毒气体浓度检测、报警装置检查。

1.3 检查储罐液位计或高、低液位报警器是否正常。

1.4 定期对工作场所进行职业病危害因素检测,检测结果存入职业卫生档案,并定期向作业人员公布。

2.泄压设施2.1 在可能引起超压的设备设置的安全阀,按标准进行定期校验。

2.2 检查生产现场甲、乙、丙类的设备,事故紧急排放(安全阀、爆破片、自动紧急切断进料设施等)。

3.防静电措施3.1 采取静电接地措施,防止爆炸、火灾危险场所内可能产生静电危险的设备和管道。

3.2 液氨、甲醇的装卸栈台和输送管道、设备及相关建筑物、构造物的金属构件等电气连接,接地检查。

3.3 液氨、甲醇罐车装卸栈台,应设静电专用接地线。

3.4 专设的静电接地体的接地电阻值,应小于100Ω。

3.5 在安全流速下输送易燃物料。

3.6 在易燃易爆物质生产及储存场所,设消除人体静电装置。

4.防雷设施4.1 仓库按照国家有关防雷设计安装规范的规定设置防雷装置。

4.2 工艺装置内露天布置的塔、,可燃气体、可燃液体的钢罐等,防雷接地装置。

4.3 避雷针(网、带)的接地电阻,不应大于10Ω。

4.4 在爆炸危险区域内输送易燃易爆物料的管道,跨节等防雷措施检查。

5.阻火设施与呼吸阀5.1 检查可燃气体放空管、排气管出口处阻火器是否正常。



油公司检查准备工作及注意事项一,甲板及甲板值班1,无论何时梯口必须保持有人值守,着装整洁符合要求;2,注意来客登记、行李检查并要求检查官出示证件;(政委协助)3,出口处消防、防污器材备好,所有消防炮对准出口,消防枪不能放在接油槽上;4,防污泵抵港前试验,检查胶皮管没有老化、破陋,确保随时可用;5,甲板排水孔塞好塞紧不能用脚就蹬下来,各接油槽放残口塞好,确保所有接油槽干净没有油迹和垃圾;6,甲板面一定干净绝对不能有油迹,包括搅缆机和锚机底盘内;7,淡水舱测量口和库房加锁,专职人员持有钥匙;8,SLOP舱放残伐备好F扳手,舱内压力不能太高,伐附近要有“没有大副允许不准开放的标记),大副要知道其结构和原理;9,缆绳在小滚筒上至少4-5圈,但不能超过一层;绞缆机安全销放正确位置;10,出口的另一舷压力表和温度表帆布罩揭开,确保显示正确;11,随时调整缆绳、防火缆,始终保持防火缆距离水面1-2米即可;12,库房干净、工具摆放整齐、无油漆及油样存放;13,当班水手要随身佩戴有毒气体探测器;14,手动液压泵甲板备好;15,关闭相关通风口,确保所有通风口标记清楚、开关活络;16,生活区只留一个出口,其余关闭加封条;(政委协助)17,当班水手要经常检查管线尤其是膨胀接头处是否有滴漏现象;18,当班水手要清楚、明白货油泵应急停止操作;19,各水密门活络、密封条不能有油漆,把手要有开关标记;20,各通风孔活络、元宝螺丝不能有油漆,要加油活络;21,梯口放蹬轮须知等告示牌,设安全通道;(政委协助)22,前尖舱一定要干净、整洁、没有水和液压油;23,洗舱管线压力表帆布罩揭开,确保压力显示正确;24,后甲板堆放的旧琵琶头下舱或找机会下海;25,甲板船员换衣间要保持干净、整齐;二,大副:1,卸货、洗舱计划完整,各相关人员了解并签字确认;2,与卸货相关的图纸放在CCR, 检查时能随时拿出;3,泵间两部风机运转;4,泵间及生活区可燃气体探测系统要开启,并显示正确;5,大仓压力要保证驾驶台、CCR、甲板和机控室都显示一致;6,高位报警抵港前试验,并记录;7,IGS使用前校正(不能超过24小时);8,CCR氧气含量和压力打印要清楚,并标注使用时间和日期;9,检查期间CCR当班人员着装整洁,不能穿板鞋;10,当班人员相关记录要正确齐全,如PUMP RECORD, 剪力和弯矩等;11,各便携式仪器抵港前要矫正,培训,确保每个驾驶员都会使用;12,甲板各阀要标记清楚,不用的绑绳;13,各惰气阀开关钥匙大副存放;14,抵港前防污泵试验;15,中桅房防污器材检查、记录、存放整齐;16,进入泵间程序张贴,进入泵间记录,进入泵间检查单不能大于6小时;17,泵间救生设备相关人员要会使用;18,海底阀试漏操作要会试验,并有记录;19,船岸检查单要正确填写,尤其是R项和A项;20,P/V BREAKER 液位显示正确、清楚;21,各舱P/V阀抵港前要试验,不能有漏气现象;22,安全会记录、培训记录、和各项工作的风险评估要记录完整;23,进入泵间要随声携带氧气探测仪;24,甲板部值班表要张贴清楚;25,O DME试验并记录在油类记录薄中,培训驾驶员要确保每个驾驶员都会使用;26,检查泵间是否有货油管线图;27,首尖舱弃链器手捶在位,标记清楚,销子活络;28,首尖舱污水警报标记清楚有试验记录;29,首尖舱污水排放阀标记清楚绑牢,没有大副允许不允许使用;30,压载舱检查记录每6各月,检查同时要做进入封闭场所许可,许可要单舱作业,不能一个许可对多舱;31,油类记录簿和垃圾记录簿要正确记载(重中之重);32,熟知压载水计划,压载水要正确记录;33,检查甲板各管线和舱口以及通风口标记是否齐全;34,压载舱可燃气体及取样检查至少每3日进行一次,并记录正确;35,原油洗舱记录要和油类记录薄相符;36,检查甲板部所有船员的工作、休息时间记录,尤其是靠离码头和装卸货时,以及拨钟时;37,所有驾驶员要熟知货物的MSDS中的内容;例如苯和硫化氢等的含量;38,督促检查全船的垃圾管理和分类情况;39,检查新上船船员的职责熟悉表,填写完整、正确是否有遗漏;40,油样不能放在生活区和CCR;三,二副(驾驶台)1,完整的航次计划,泊位到泊位;2,航行计划中要附进港指南和信号书中的相关内容;3,海图、图书改正要最新;4,罗经不能有气泡;5,各分罗经度数一致;6,航警及通告的改正,尤其是临时通告的改正要仔细,不能有遗漏;7,海图上标注要全面(参考手册和指南);8,大洋航行各驾驶员要做一下测天定位;并记录和标在海图上;(所有驾驶员)9,海图上的海图图示要清楚了解;(所有驾驶员)10,所有驾驶台检查单要仔细、全面不能有遗漏;11,海图上的潮流表要会使用;(所有驾驶员)12,A IS转低功率,要熟练使用并且输入的状态正确;(所有驾驶员)13,V HF转低功率;(所有驾驶员)14,航海日志要认真记录,不能有遗漏,抵港主机正倒车试验要和机舱一致;(驾驶员)15,驾驶员要知晓收到遇险报警如何处理;(所有驾驶员)16,G MDSS要记录完整、详细,内容正确;17,电瓶间整洁干净,工具齐全并有清单;18,各航警、天气预报驾驶员要阅读签字;(所有驾驶员)19,N EVTEX要会使用,输入正确;(所有驾驶员)20,测深仪打印要清楚,并记录时间和日期及地点;(所有驾驶员)21,车钟打印要记录日期和地点;(所有驾驶员)22,干湿球温度计中,湿球中要有水;23,破旧海图要用海图纸修补,不能用透明胶;24,驾驶员要有GMDSS培训记录;25,驾驶员要熟知避碰规则的相关内容,尤其是各信号;(所有驾驶员)26,驾驶员要熟知船长常规命令中内容,尤其是何时叫船长;(所有驾驶员)27,G MDSS各设备的测试一定要熟知;28,检查图书是否齐全并是新版,检查时打一份图书目录清单给船长;29,雷达性能测试,驾驶员要熟知如何测试和何时测试,并记录;(所有驾驶员)30,V HF遇险报警测试;(所有驾驶员)31,罗经差每班观测,大的转向和有显著目标时也要观测;(所有驾驶员)32,饮水卡船长和引水员信息交换信息要全面,要包括UKC 资料,要引水员签字确认;(所有驾驶员)33,保持驾驶台卫生,烟灰缸收起,两翼门锁闭,没人时水壶电源拔掉;四,三副1,维修保养记录要完整;2,培训、授课记录;3,演戏记录要完整,要和计划相对应;4,艇筏设备齐全,全在有效期内,气瓶压力足够;5,所有驾驶员和轮机员必须都会启动艇机;6,检查所有救生设备,如救生衣、救生圈等的附属设备反光带、船名、救生绳、自亮灯浮和哨笛等状态是否完好;7,检查救生衣灯的电池是否都在有效期内;8,检查公共场所驾驶台、机舱和首尖舱内的救生衣是否齐全,状态良好,是否按要求配备;9,检查消防员装备是否齐全,钢瓶压力足够并不能漏气;10,培训消防员装备的使用和穿戴正确并迅速;11,各消防管线和泡沫管线的隔离阀要标记清楚,确保阀活络,能一人顺利开关;12,国际通岸接头要标记明显,工具齐全,状态良好;13,消防控制图中要有最新的船员名单,卸货计划和货物MSDS等;14,再核对一遍应变部署表中的相关内容,看看是否有遗漏;15,检查消防箱和消防皮龙状况,尤其是皮龙不能有漏水现象;16,检查所有灭火器的状况是否良好,不能有遗漏,去泵间检查时要填写进入泵间检查单;17,艇筏的操作说明是否张贴清楚,并在应急灯下;18,火警试验记录;(电机员协助)19,E EBD的状况是否完好、数量和位置是否清楚正确;20,检查所有的救生消防标识是否齐全;21,大型泡沫灭火器的使用要熟练,确保每个干部船员都会熟练使用;22,要有各安全设备清单,包括有效期和检验日期等,检查时打一份给船长;23,驾驶台两翼救生圈及烟雾信号要状态良好,绑绳正确并长度符合要求;24,五,机舱1,机舱干净整洁,各设备绝不能有漏油现象;2,机舱舱底不能有舱底水;3,所有设备不能有临时修理,例如绝不能用卡吗临时修理;4,轮机长常规命令要完整,各轮机员要知晓并签字确认;5,轮机长每日休息前要写夜航命令,各轮机员签字确认;6,检查时机舱干部船员机舱待命,注意着装,尤其是安全帽和耳麦;7,机舱热工作业及许可;8,进入封闭场所许可;9,船员工作和作息时间记录,尤其是加油时要仔细与实际相符,并注意拨钟和演习时要和实际相符;10,加油作业检查单、风险评估、计划书要完整;11,要有完整的备件清单;12,无人机舱记录要和驾驶台相符;13,空调半内循环,保持室内正压;14,化学品库摆放整齐,酸碱分放,防护用品齐全,有使用记录,并有MSDS资料;15,新上船的船员职责熟悉表填写完整,正确不能有遗漏;16,要有每次的燃油化验报告及MSDS;17,要有滑油化验报告;18,各安全会记录,培训记录,重要工作的风险评估;19,抵港前应急消防泵的启动试验,启动程序要张贴,培训每个驾驶员会启动;20,应急发电机的启动试验和记录,要培训驾驶员会按步骤启动;21,机控室和库房要保持干净、整洁;22,舵机房舵机下部不能有液压油;23,冰库警报试验;(必检项目)24,主机油雾探测警报试验;(必检项目)25,油水分离器15PPM报警试验;(必检项目)26,舱底污水警报试验;(必检项目)27,轮机员呼叫警报试验;(必检项目)28,换衣间要保持干净、整齐;29,乙炔和二氧化碳间要标记清楚,要有反回火装置,并且管内不能有压力;30,焚烧炉和油水分离器的使用和记录;31,油水分离器的告示牌;32,油类记录薄记载;(重中之重)33,各吊的安全负荷SWL标志要清晰;34,烟窗层各风筒的开关一定要活络,开关自如,标记清晰;(重要)35,全船的照明,尤其是应急照明不能有不亮的,灯要水密和气密;(电机员)36,各控制台操作台脚踏绝缘垫;(电机员)37,各设备的绝缘状况;(电机员)38,粪便处理柜的使用和记录;39,泵间污水警报试验;要有进入泵间检查单;(四轨)40,泵间海底阀压力试验;(四轨,大副监督)41,泵间保持整洁、干净,不能有污水,抹布,废旧电池等;(四轨)42,泵间各阀标识清楚,各仪表度数显示正确;(四轨)43,任何人进入泵间要随身携带O2探测仪;(四轨)44,氧气分析仪使用前校正,不能超过24小时;(四轨,大副协助)45,泵间门口风筒挡板开关一定要好用,并开关自如;(四轨)46,泵间要有管线布置图;(四轨)47,泵间电话要试验确保好用;(四轨)48,卸货期间泵间保持两部风机运转;(四轨)49,泵间通风筒防火网破损需要修补;(四轨)50,其他船长没有想到的项目请各主管轮机员对照VIQ各项逐项检查;六,大厨(政委协助)1,厨房保持干净、整洁;2,冰库警报试验;(二轨协助)3,知道厨房防火毯如何使用;4,通风筒滤网要干净,不能有油迹;5,库房不能有过期食品;6,菜库和冻库要干净、整洁;7,抵港后把墙上朔料拿掉;8,厨房冰箱要整洁,碗盆中的食品要用保鲜膜封好;9,注意招待检查官;七,医生(政委协助)1,检查公共场所药箱中药品,是否齐全,是否在有效期内;2,每月酒精测试要按规定测试记录;3,病房卫生间要好用;(四轨协助检查)4,病房通往甲板的水密门要活络并从内部能开关自如;(大副协助)5,保持生活区内卫生、走廊和楼梯卫生;6,注意垃圾分类;7,两个休息室卫生,不能有打火机,垃圾要分类,勤倒;8,配餐间电冰箱内要干净、整洁,打开的半罐食品和碗装食品要用保鲜膜封好;9,各洗衣间的卫生要干净,垃圾注意分类;10,乒乓球室卫生,要干净整洁;八,其他,全船(政委协助)1,房间卫生干净,不能有烟灰缸和电器;达到春节检查时那样即可;2,房间垃圾桶内不能有烟头;3,注意吸烟规则,船上任何地方不能有打火机;4,甲板值班人员绝不能随身携带手机值班;5,检查期间注意着装,无关人员不要甲板和走廊溜达。

5-石油公司检查注意项目 11-6-23

5-石油公司检查注意项目 11-6-23


























石油公司检查中常见的缺陷、VIQ的规定及如何改正1.缺陷: IOPP证书的格式B表内容不全,有关机舱的污水处理仅有油泥舱的油泥保存和处理,没有写明油污水舱的容积。

VIQ:Are the bilge and sludge tanks being recorded in Part 1 detailed in Form B of the IOPP Certificate?污水舱和油泥舱是否如IOPP证书的格式B中所记载的被记录在油类记录薄第一部分内。

Holding tank: m3 Sludge tank: m3 Other: m3集油污水舱油泥舱其他舱Details of the size of bilge and sludge tanks can be obtained from Form B of the IOPP Certificate, and the recording of the information here is only for the inspector to compare those details with the Oil Record Books if so desired.污水舱和油泥舱的大小可以从IOPP证书的格式B中查到,这些资料的记录供检查官比较其与油类记录薄中的记载是否一致.改正: IOPP证书中应该写清各使用的油舱,船上所有的油类作业必须记入油类记录薄。


VIQ:Is an approved MARPOL Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Response Plan (SOPEP) on board, and are drills regularly held and recorded? (6.1)经认可的防油污应急反应计划是否在船,演习是否按常规进行并有记录?改正:溢油演习应按SOPEP中的规定定期进行,以检验防油污计划是有效的。



石油公司检查准备工作1. 装卸油程序(OIL TRANSFER PROCEDURE)当值人员签字。


3. 货油装卸操作手册及有关类似装卸货系统图纸,说明书要放在CCR。

4. 本航次装卸货计划要详细,打印出来,做出表格。

第一步先卸1C ,3C,5C。



5. 各种记录。

6. IGS各种记录,协助P/M做好(氧气分析仪校正记录,IGS使用保养记录等)。

7. CCR的氧气记录纸(IGS)要标明日期,时间,港口。

8. 压载系统各防火网状况良好,通风筒,顶盖,倒盖可以打开活络。












17.各干隔舱(VOID SPACE)要标明,通风筒要完整(有锈穿的地方可用封舱胶布封好,打上油漆,WBT通风筒也是)。





















石油企业安全巡检报告1. 背景介绍石油企业是国家经济的重要支柱之一,而安全是石油企业运营的基石。



2. 巡检内容2.1 场区安全:对石油企业的场区进行全面巡视,检查安全防护设施和设备的完好程度,安全标识的醒目性,紧急逃生通道是否畅通,和场区周边环境的安全隐患是否存在。

2.2 设备安全:对石油生产设备进行维护巡视,检查设备的运行状况是否正常,是否存在泄漏、破裂、腐蚀等安全隐患,是否有防爆措施的配备。

2.3 员工安全:检查员工的安全防护装备是否齐全,并对员工的安全操作和消防知识进行培训和考核。


3. 巡检结果与分析3.1 场区安全:石油企业的场区安全措施较为完备,安全标识清晰可见,紧急逃生通道畅通。


3.2 设备安全:设备运行状况基本正常,防爆措施也有配备。



3.3 员工安全:企业员工的安全意识较高,安全防护装备配备齐全。



4. 建议4.1 加强场区周边环境的安全管理,定期维修道路和交通设施,确保场区周边环境的安全性。

4.2 加大设备的维护力度,定期检查设备的运行状况,及时修复或更换存在问题的设备,确保生产设备的安全可靠性。

4.3 加强员工的安全培训,提高员工的安全意识和应急能力,确保员工在工作过程中的安全。





























1. 成品油质量检查,我们对成品油的密度、粘度、闪点、凝点等质量指标进行了全面检测,确保成品油质量符合国家标准要求。

2. 成品油储存设施检查,我们对成品油储罐、管道、阀门等设施进行了检查,确保设施完好无损,不存在泄漏和安全隐患。

3. 成品油运输车辆检查,对公司成品油运输车辆进行了严格检查,确保车辆状态良好,符合运输要求。


1. 成品油质量方面,经检测,成品油的质量指标均符合国家标准要求,不存在质量问题。

2. 成品油储存设施方面,储罐、管道、阀门等设施完好无损,未发现泄漏和安全隐患。

3. 成品油运输车辆方面,公司成品油运输车辆状态良好,符合运输要求,不存在安全隐患。













2009年石油公司检查缺陷整理如下:Chapter 2Item 1 (2.1)a) This newly delivered vessel had not yet had a Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR).b) This vessel is a newly delivered double hull VLCC. However it‟s IOPP Certificate Form B item 5 was marked for item 5.1.3 for …required to be provided with SBT‟.c) This vessel did not have an ECDIS, but the Safety Equipment Certificate Form E recorded that the vessel was …provided‟ with this equipment.Item 1 (2.1)The P&I Club Certificate of Entry onboard was only a copy. The original certificate was not onboard. USCG Certificate of Compliance was not available.Item 1 (2.1)Engine Room gantry crane not included in Class/Staff checksItem 1 (2.1)The P & I Certificate of Entry was a photocopy, and the original Certificate was not available on board the vessel.Item 1 (2.1)The latest edition P & I Club rule book and correspondence were not available on board. It was e-mail to vessel during the cause of inspection.Item 1 (2.1)The USCG Certificate of Compliance already expired on the 3 Nov 2008.Item 1 (2.1)USCG Certificate of Compliance valid till 14.5.2009.Item 3 (2.01)ITF special agreement, BC no. 2008005606 expired on 27.4.2009. Vessel‟s officers and ratings have collective with Merchant Navy Officers Guild Hong Kong and Amalgamated Union of Seafarers Hong Kong which are affiliate of ITF.Item 1 (2.1)ODME and COW manuals not updated for regulations nbrs. as regards marpol 2006 updates.Item 1 (2.1)Date of building is different on IOPP Form B (26/Oct/2000) & all other Class documentation (24/Oct/2000)- (Class expires 23/Oct/10). (also 1.8).Item 1 (2.2)The operator‟s HSE management procedures manuals was of both Chinese and English version s and their index lists were incorrect : The chapter numbers and chapter pages listed on their index lists were not aligne d with the actual ones.Item 1 (2.2)The vessel did not carry an emergency contingency manual.Item 1 (2.4)No audit reports were traceable on board for operator's visit on 9th Mar 09 hence close-out system dealing with non-conformity couldn't be verified.Item 1 (2.14)SR-The MF/HF radio installation was found out of function of NBDP and DSC communications to be fixed as soon as possible but not later than Feb 27, 2009, In addition, the Inmarsates should keep in order for spare. Item 1 (2.15)1. Following recommendations recorded in the survey report carried out on 28-Jan-2009:- 2 pieces of liferafts for 15 persons to be provided on board the tanker before departure from Bilbao. Other damage parts (due to storm and heavy sea) to be permanent repaired as soon as possible at next call-port, La Coruña, Spain.Item 1 (2.15)Two condition of class as follow:-(a) Issued 20 Nov 2007, due 20 Oct 2009, between frames 168 and 170 starboard side and below summer load line about 800 – 1800mm, shell plating of 1000 x 1500 mm and 1 longitudinal 1000mm slightly distorted to be permanently repair.(b) Issued 7 June 2008, due 20 Oct 2009, Engine frame of no. 1 generator repaired by of means metal lock, should be inspected by CCS surveyor at next annual survey and engine frame be renewed as soon as possible but not later than due date.Item 1 (2.15)The annual performance test on the VDR was due no later than 17 Aug 2009. A performance report for the VDR was sighted, dated 24 May 2009. The Master reported that Class was to attend at the next discharge port to clear the recommendation.Item 1 (2.15)A Class memorandum was given on 8 November 2007.The stern bush clearance must be measured at next dock survey. Due date 4 November 2010.Item 2 (2.15)One memorandum for lifting appliances as follow: Issued 25 Dec 2008, load test on all three cranes should be carried out before 24 Dec 2009.Item 1 (2.15)The following Class Memo was included in the latest Survey Listing:“The annual survey was completed more than three months before the anniversary shown on the relevant certificates, so the anniversary date was amended to September”.Item 1 (2.15)The vessel has 1 memo about the load testing of lifting gear, testing of all 3 cranes to be carried out by 24 Dec 2009.Item 2 (2.16)Procedures for annual inspection of cargo tanks, not in place.Item 1 (2.16)T he operator had policy cargo tanks to be inspected at 30 months intervals.Item 1 (2.16)The company policy required ballast tank inspections every 6 months. However cargo tank inspection was done once every 30 months.Item 2 (2.16)The internal inspection of the cargo tanks has been conducted only during the periodical drydocking repair periods instead of annual inspection.Item 1 (2.16)All cargo tanks were last inspected internally during the vessel's last docking in September 2007 (more than one year).Item 1 (2.16)this question.Item 1 (2.16)It was the company‟s policy that the cargo tanks should be internally inspected by ship staffs during drydocking period, not annually as required in VIQ.Item 1 (2.16)The cargo tanks had not been inspected in the last year - Last 8 Apr 08.Item 2 (2.16)As per the last cargo tank inspection records (ship staff inspections) there was some coating breakdown in the cargo tanks. Class records after the 1st Special Survey and the VPQ the cargo tanks were not coated. Cargo tank inspection records have no mention of cargo handling or monitoring equipment including heating coils, valves, bell mouths.Item 1 (2.16)There was lack of some inspection details as per inspection records for ballast tanks and cargo tanks, which included cargo/ballast handling and monitoring equipments.Item 1 (2.17)The survey for the Enhanced Survey Programme was recorded to have been conducted during the last special survey which was completed on 20 August 2009 however, the Condition Evaluation Report had not been received by the vessel.Item 2 (2.20)In the absence of the Condition Evaluation Report, the results of the criteria were not available for inspection.Chapter 3Item 1 (3.2)The Operators policy for work and rest hours although it covered the requirements under STCW did not contain a policy for when the vessel was operating in US waters and which fell under the more stricter requirements that were made under OPA90.Item 2 (3.2)With the exception of the Chief Engineer, the Engineer's work/rest logs did not match the times the vessel was manuevering, outside of normal working hours, during the month of April 2009.Item 1 (3.3)The rest period log records did not coincide with the vessel bunkering operations on the 6th Dec, from 02:30 - 04:40 hours.Item 3 (3.3)There was not a correct relationship between UMS period in engine room and working hours: reported engine attended from 08:00 to 22:00 whilst recorded daily working hours 8 only.Item 2 (3.3)The work/rest hours for the Chief Engineer in February 2009 did not reflect is actual hours of work when taking bunkers, and as recorded in the Oil Record Book.Item 1 (3.3)Work/rest hours recorded on board were not accurate and did not correspond to actual activities on board. For example, the ship took bunkers from 1700/25th to 0145/26th Mar 2009 but the work hour records for relevant engineers did not agree with actual work period.Item 5 (3.3)Rest Hour Records were not signed by Crewmembers.Item 1 (3.3)High riskVessel bunkered on 15 Nov. 2009 from 1515 to 1800 as per engine room oil record book. Third engineer was shown to be part of the bunkering team however he showed he was off duty from 17-1800.The working language was not established. Master advised that the working language of the ship is Chinese and only Chinese crew were on board.Item 1 (3.8)The vessel was fitted with non-approved ECDIS, the Master had no proof of having attended formal training of the system.Item 2 (3.10 Repsol YPE Vetting Rules and Procedures – OCIMF/TMSA)There are no staff members on board trained in incident investigation.Item 1 (3.10)Second Officer (B), 3rd Engineer (B) and 4th Engineer without oil endorsement.Item 1 (3.10)The master (0.1 year) and the chief officer(2.3 years) combined tanker service on board time less than 3 years. Item 1 (3.10)Chief Officer flag state Certificate of Competency was not sighted on board.Item 4 (3.11)Operator´s policy stated the frequency of unannounced drug testing as annual however, last test carried out 16.12.2007reported as taken out of service.Chapter 4Item 1 (4.1)A hard copy of the operator‟s navigation policy was not available on the bridge during inspection. It was rectified during inspection.Item 3 (4.2)No squat effect information was available for both ballast and loaded passages on the wheel house.Item 2 (4.3)The radar log did not record the effectiveness of the radar performance in term of numeric, percentage, graphical, or other measurement value.Item 1 (4.3)The radar log did not record the effectiveness of the radar performance in term of numerical, percentage, graphic or other measurement value at end of each watch.Item 2 (4.3)The vessel did not record the effectiveness of the radar performance at end of each watch prior to handover to next watch. It was record after the officer take over the watch.Item 1 (4.3)There was no permanent record of ships position recorded while under pilotage at Le Havre arrival.Item 2 (4.3)The vessel's position had not been recorded during the pilotage into Long Beach.Item 2 (4.3)Engine movement (Bell) book was not available on board ( No records) at the time of the inspection.Item 3 (4.5)The Master/Pilot information exchange had not been fully completed.Item 1 (4.5)Pilot-Master interchange checklists were available but not complied with ICS Bridge Procedure Guide. Information from Master to Pilot was available but information from Pilot to Master was not available.Item 3 (4.7)The vessel‟s manoeuvring characteristics were not in line with IMO Res. A.601 (15) requirements (as outlined within the Bridge Procedures Guide) and it did not address the turning circle for shallow waters.Item 1 (4.11)Vessel was fitted with two sets of gyro compass.Only one compass error book was maintained on board and did not specify which of the two gyro compass was in use at the time of error being taken and recorded.Item 1 (4.11)The gyro compass error log was not completed correctly as the gyro bearing of the object was not recorded. Item 2 (4.11)The vessel did not take compass errors every watch or record the reason for not taking a compass error in the Deck Log Book or Compass Error Book.Item 1 (4.13)According to a certificate issued by the chart supply contractor, only Admiralty charts and publications were supplied automatically, other publications had to be identified and ordered by the ship's staff.Item 1 (4.13)Some of the charts from the just completed voyage were worn from rubbings, taped together and well overdue for replacement.Item 2 (4.14)The arrival chart being used for Long Beach, CA was not the latest edition. The chart was dated Aug 2005, but this had been superseded by a newer edition in Oct 2008.Item 1 (4.14)Corrections were entered on charts in red ink. Note that recommendation in NP294 is for violet ink to be used. Item 2 (4.15)Some navigational charts (e.g. BA 3854, 3850) were worn or had been reinforced using adhesive tapeItem 1 (4.15)The largest scale charts published BA chart 1371 was not used during present voyage, as it was not onboard. Master had made requisition for the chart.Item 1 (4.16)The entry of the chart correction log was found not correctly entered. It was rectified immediately during inspection.Item 6 (4.16)“Guide to Port Entry” outdated, version 2008.Item 2 (4.16)List of light volume “F” for the area was not corrected fo r notices to mariners correction from 43/08 to 04/09. Item 2 (4.18)The starting date and time were not marked on the echo sounder recorder for arrival this port.Item 3 (4.18)The printout from the echo sounder was marked when it was switched on and off but it was not marked when the vessel passed significant navigational marks.Item 2 (4.20)The frequency of the position fixing for the passage plan was not included for pilot to berth, and it only stated on the ocean passageItem 1 (4.20)The previous voyage passage plan did not cover the full voyage from, which was observed that anchorage duration in Huizhou anchorage was not included into the full passage plan.The 2/O was not able to demonstrate that he was able to determine if navigation warnings were relevant to the passage.Item 2 (4.25)Temporary and Preliminary Notices to the previous voyage Sailing direction NP32 were not well recorded on the preface, even though all related Temporary and Preliminary Notices already corrected accordingly.Item5 (4.26)It was reported that a new Navtex receiver had been fitted on the day before the inspection and the vessel had been without one for 2 months.The ECDIS was not class approved and was not listed on the Safety Equipment Certificate, Form E.Item 1 (4.26)Air whistle, when tested at random manually, was found unable to shut itself due to stuck plunger; which was immediately rectified.Item 2 (4.26)The vessel did not have a chronometer.Item 5 (4.26)This vessel is a new building delivered on 16 Jan 09 and was inspected whilst in ballast on maiden voyage to loading port. As the vessel has not commenced any cargo operation, the operational status of the cargo handling equipment and procedures could not be adequately assessed.Item 1 (4.26)There was no record of servicing of the gyrocompass carried out by external agency.Item 2 (4.26)The vessel was fitted with non-approved ECDIS, the system which was not working had not been loaded with the necessary soft ware. The Master stated that the system had not been used since the delivery of the vessel from its ship-builder.Item 2 (4.26)LRIT was fitted but conformance test report not available.Item 2 (4.26)There was a bubble in the standard compass bowl.Item 3 (4.26)The AIS was not interfaced with radars. Port radar was located about 4 meters from the AIS.Item 2 (4.26)The magnetic compass had a 2cm (approximate) diameter air bubble.Item 2 (4.26)Last Annual performance test for VDR was carried out on 05-Sep-2009. Same was due for annual inspection as on date of ship inspection.Item 3 (4.26)The vessel was fitted with non-approved ECDIS, the system which was stated to be not used had not been loaded with the necessary soft ware.Item 3 (4.26)The vessel is fitted with ECDIS. It is inoperative, reportedly since delivery.Item 3 (4.26)Annual conformance test records for AIS in use was not available on board.Chapter 5Item 5 (5.1)Observed a bundle of material marked with "Dust Free Asbestos" was stored in deck house together with anti-pollution equipment.Item 4 (5.5)The SMC Mtg. minutes did not include an analysis of recent NC in Internal ISM AuditItem 3 (5.6)As per sighted emails from USCG, the vessel touched bottom in the Mississippi River on 29 October 2008. Class was notified and class report was sighted. A USCG 2692 report was sighted. There was, however, no internal investigation nor non-conformity sighted during during the inspection.Item 3 (5.6)Near miss reports were not closed according to SMS procedure requirements as per report on board although these near misse s were marked as …company assistance‟.Item 1 (5.7)The ship shore safety checklist showed the question regarding vapour return line as N/A. However a vapour return line was connected and in use. (The chief officer corrected this entry prior to the inspect or‟s departure from the vessel.)Item 5 (5.7)Ship/shore safety check list not properly completed: reported vessel with window type A/C units and none on boardItem 1 (5.7)The Ship/Shore Safety Checklist in use was not filled in as per ISDOTT. Comments, signed by both parties were lacking.Item 2 (5.7)The Ship/Shore Safety Checklist in use by vessel at the time of inspection was of older edition.Item 3 (5.8)The ship had open, metal type ash trays. They were no self extinguishing or self-closing type. If upset they could dump their contents on the deck.Item 3 (5.10)Air-conditioning was being operated on full re-circulation creating slight vaccum inside the accommodation. Item 1 (5.11)Some loose gears stowed in forecastle bosun store were not secured.Item 2 (5.12)The familiarization form was not department specific and did not include the dates when each section of the form was completed except the joining date of the crew with signature on the same date.Item 4 (5.13)The annual training matrix did not included engine room flooding.Item 8 (5.17)Security level not posted.Item 7 (5.18)Emergency Generator Compartment was locked.Item6 (5.18)The last monthly test of the Ship Security Alert System was performed on 6th June 2009.Item 3 (5.21)The Ship Security Officer (SSO) was the Chief Officer who had SSO Certificate but not to STCW Convention new Regulation VI/5 and A-VI/5 Paragraphs 1 to 4 STCW Code applicable 1 Jan 2008.Item 1 (5.24)Some enclosed space entry permits record of entry were not completed for entry/ exit time.Item 1 (5.24)The vessel was keeping enclosed space and pumproom permits. However, there was no record being kept when person were entering the pumproom. The vessel started a log this port of call.Item 2 (5.25)No Pumpman alarm in the PR.Item 4 (5.25)The ship had a pumproom checklist which was completed but they were not keeping any records for who entered the pumproom, when, and when did they exit.Item7 (5.25)Pumproom entry procedures were inadequate. As a result the pumproom was not inspected.Item 5 (5.26)Pump room ventilation fan port side abnormal noise probably due to bearing worn out.Item 3 (5.28)The stretcher provided in the pump room was not suitable for lifting an unconscious person in the event of emergency. Purchase order had been seen on board date 18 Jan 09.Item 5 (5.29)The ship had a fixed gas detection system for the ballast tanks however there was no procedure for testing the spaces from the local position in the tanks.Item 2 (5.29)Pump room was protected by the fixed gas analyzer. Lowest sensors were located on the port and starboard side of the lower level, approximately 30cm above the grating. This position placed them approximately 4 meters above the bottom of the pump room bilge. There were no detectors located in the ventilation trunks Item 2 (5.30)The fixed gas detection system gas disconnected instead of being switched on in order to monitor the void spaces and maintain ballast tanks skippedItem 1 (5.31)The portable gas meters were not provided with devices to enable gas measurements of cargo tanks to be made in a closed manner.Item8 (5.31)The vessel did not carry portable instruments for H2S, other than the personal monitors.Item 4 (5.31)There was only one Oxygen meter that could be used for checking Oxygen content in the cargo or ballast tanks. Sensor cables for the other Oxygen meters were less than 5 metres long, the cargo tanks are about 18 metres deep.Item 6 (5.33)Annual calibration of portable analysers ashore, performed by a competent organisation, overdue. Last 15.12.2007Item 4 (5.34)The vessel did not have the span calibration gas for the instruments designed to work in an inert atmosphere. Item 2 (5.35)The vessel did not provide with instruments capable of measuring hydrocarbon content in an oxygen deficient atmosphere.Item 3 (5.36)Gas detector tubes for Benzene and Sulfide dioxide were expired.Item 2 (5.36)Benzene gas tubes were of the range 5-100 PPM. TVEL of benzene is 1 PPM.The vessel was unloading a crude oil cargo at the inspection but no mercaptan gas detection glass tube was available on board.Item 3 (5.36)The ship was provided with …Drager‟ type hand pump for toxic gas detecting, the t oxic gas tubes were noted from different manufactures of …GASTEC” and …Drager‟. (The captain took …GASTEC‟ type tubes away during the inspection)Item 3 (5.37)Injector test stand compartment was fitted with positive pressure, not exhaust systemItem 4 (5.37)As per Operator‟s policy, no hot work to be carried out outside machinery space without office approval. Hot work was carried out in IG Scrubber room and Steering gear room in the past but no close loop of communication was verified as approval from o ffice couldn‟t be traced / sighted.Item 1 (5.40)The acetylene and oxygen fixed pipe arrangement at main deck after the flame arrester was observed; one (1) section of copper material.Item 2 (5.41)Flashback arrester was fitted at work station but not fitted at oxygen cylinder.Item 7 (5.42)Several valve caps missing in oxygen and acetylene cylinders. Full and empty cylinders not segregated but mixed.Item 1 (5.42)Spare acetylene gas cylinder onboard was in poor condition.Item 4 (5.42)Three(3) of incorrectly painted (Green colour) oxygen cylinders were noted at the oxygen locker located on the poop deck.Item 2 (5.43)No detailed instruction on recovery of rescue boat using recovery strop and hang off pennants. SOLAS Reg 17.5.Item 5 (5.45)The muster list didn‟t specify the officer assigned to ensure the life-saving appliances are maintained in good order and ready for immediate use.Item 6 (5.46)Life Boats on-load release gear thorough examination and operational tests by properly trained person, familiar with the system was not carried out.Item 4 (5.46)The lifeboat five-yearly inspection was carried out by shipyard on 30 Dec 2007. No evidence showed that the shipyard had been authorized to do such inspectionItem 4 (5.47)Abt. ½ required number of seasickness tablets on board the LifeboatItem 9 (5.47)Boxes of equipment were found stowed on seats in the port lifeboat, reducing the capacity by 7.Item 2 (5.47)The light-shade of the stbd lifeboat illumination light located on top of the canopy observed to be opaque.Item 7 (5.47)Port / Stbd lifeboat magnetic compass heading were found to be off by 100 / 25 degree respectively when compared with wheel house magnetic compass reading.Air draining valve connection was observed leakage during random pressure test for air cylinder of port side lifeboat. ----rectified before inspection completed.Item 4 (5.48)Launching instructions of starboard side lifeboat were missingItem 3 (5.49)Port life boat was the designated recovery boat. Recovery straps could not be located for this boat.Item 1 (5.50)There was no embarkation (pilot) ladder available at the forward liferaft location however a knotted rope was available.Item 3 (5.51)Liferafts were fitted with Thanner HRU. The weak link appeared to be 3 or 4mm synthetic rope of poor quality and there was uncertainty about the effectiveness of this. It is noted that the UK MCA Marine Guidance Notice No 343 has a diagram of this type which indicates that the correct weak link is a wire with thimbles at each end Item 10 (5.51)The EPIRB HRU was not marked with the expiry date.Item 2 (5.63)One of the fire hose was found heavy leak during tested of the emergency fire pump. It was renewed / retested and found in satisfactorily condition during inspection.Item 3 (5.63)The foam generator room was padlocked.Item 3 (5.64)Isolating valves for foam system lines on main deck was not clearly marked.Item 2 (5.64)The isolating valves on the foam and fire main lines on deck were not clearly marked.Item 5 (5.65)Gasket, bolts and nuts were not available with the international shore fire connection.Item 8 (5.66)The fixed fire detection system was faulty: "overlaod batteries above 29V" first and then "fire alarm system". Item 11 (5.66)There were no written procedures available for isolating fire detection zones.Item 4 (5.66)Fire detection system consisted of smoke, heat and flame detectors. There was no device on board to properly test flame detectors. Vessel was currently using an open flame.Item 12 (5.67)The engine room water sprinkler system was switched to manual.The hydraulic room fire door was manually held open with rope.The Last annual service of the CO2 system was performed on 14th July 2008.Item 3 (5.68)Emergency Fire pump well drained to the ER bilge through a small line fitted with a spring loaded valve, there was no bilge alarm in the space. Leakage into the space could go undetected.Item 2 (5.68)There were no operating instructions posted for the emergency fire pump at local site and remote starting panels.Item 5 (5.68) (High Risk)It was observed that the emergency fire pump could not deliver any water in spite of efforts by senior engineers for about 30 minutes. The problem was rectified by the time the inspector left the vessel.Two of the firemans outfits were leaking air at the bottle connection. These were replaced by spares while the inspector was aboard.Item 7 (5.70)No pressure test certificate of SCBA bottles available on board.Item 1 (5.70)The air quality check to the air compressor to the SCBA cylinder was over one year (last done was on 01.08.2008), which requested to conduct annually as per company policy.Item 3 (5.71)The certificate of annual quality for breathing apparatus air compressor was expired.Item 1 (5.71)Last analysis for the air quality of breathing apparatus air recharging system was 2 January 2009, but the report not available on board.Item 5 (5.71)There was no documentary evidence indicated that 12 nos of SCBA air cylinders were hydrostatically tested within past 5 years.Item 5 (5.74)Noted a fire damper in a vent pipe for forecastle bosun store froze while its handle wheel was still free to move. (The frozen damper was repaired and brought into order during the inspection.)Item 3 (5.76)The observed pilot ladder side ropes were not constructed to the requirements of IMO Res A667 (16) 2.2.1, which required that the side ropes be continuous with no join below the top step. The observed pilot ladders had side ropes which were joined below the bottom stepItem 2 (5.76)There was evidence of advanced corrosion of the aluminium accommodation ladder at the attachment of the steel top platform.Chapter 6Item 2 (6.1)Some entries in the machinery side Oil Record Book were overwritten rather than properly corrected.Item 2 (6.1)ER ORB: There were 2 recent bunkering operations on 31/7 & 01/8, with only the 1st. one recordedItem 13 (6.1)The type of cargo loaded on 12th June 2009 was not recorded in the oil record book.Item 6 (6.1)It was observed that ORB part 2 is not being filled up correctly for section D- Crude Oil Washing. Entries for COW start/stop timings etc for individual tanks was not recorded.Item 1 (6.2)Oil residue tank mentioned on ORB, reportedly referring to the mixing tank.Item 6 (6.5)The non-permanent connection for the discharge of engine sludge to the slop tank was not removed.Item 3 (6.5)The vessel was provided with a deck transfer line to discharge engine room oily residues to port slop tank but there was no evidence that the same was Class approved.Item 3 (6.6)The SOPEP owner‟s interest contact list did not include the contact details for P & I Club.。































1. 生产设施运行情况。


2. 安全生产管理情况。


3. 环境保护措施执行情况。


4. 法律法规遵守情况。



在本次监督检查中,我们发现了一些问题,主要包括:1. 部分设备存在轻微泄漏现象,需要及时进行维修;2. 部分员工个人防护意识不强,需要加强安全教育培训;3. 部分环境监测数据略微超标,需要加强环境保护设施运行管理。












1. 压力容器本加油站的储油罐、油气回收罐等压力容器都经过检查,未发现泄漏、裂纹等情况。


2. 泄漏监测装置我们对泄漏监测装置进行了细致检查,包括液位报警、阻水堤壁、泡沫洒淬等设备。



3. 泄漏报警装置本加油站安装的泄漏报警装置均处于正常工作状态,故障报警的准确度较高。


4. 泄漏处理设备在对泄漏处理设备进行检查时,我们发现加油站员工都清楚了解有关设备的功能和维护方法,且设备状态良好。


5. 消防设备消防设备是加油站安全的重要组成部分。



6. 防静电设施静电火花可能成为引发火灾的重要因素,因此防静电设施的作用不可小觑。




1. 危化品储存情况加油站储存的危险化学品储存区域划分明确,化学品存放整齐有序,符合危险化学品储存要求。

2. 危化品标志和标签使用情况加油站的所有危险化学品都贴有明确的标志和标签,标志内容准确、清晰可读,符合相关法律法规的要求。












石油公司检查目录一、通过石油公司检查的重要性二、能否通过石油公司检查的要紧因素三、石油公司检查的流程四、船舶的准备、应检与缺陷整改五、公司在船舶通过石油公司检查方面的作用六、石油公司检查中一些经常存在的缺陷七、应对石油公司检查的一些建议八、关于石油公司检查附件一、“远盛湖”轮石油公司检查培训提纲附件二、石油公司检查所需证书与文件附件三、“远盛湖”轮航海出版物目录附件四、OBSERV ATIONS ASSESSED AS HIGH RISK附件五、VIDEOTEL 公司对石油公司检查的培训一、通过石油公司检查的重要性关于液货船(油船,液化气船与化学品船)来说,是否能通过石油公司的检查,是非常重要与不言而喻的。








1. 生产设施运行情况,对油气生产设施的运行状况进行了全面检查,包括生产设备的完好情况、生产工艺的合规运行等。

2. 安全生产情况,对油气生产单位的安全生产管理情况进行了检查,包括安全生产制度的执行、安全隐患的整改情况等。

3. 环境保护情况,对油气生产单位的环境保护措施进行了检查,包括废水、废气、固体废物的处理情况等。

4. 资源利用情况,对油气资源的开采利用情况进行了检查,包括资源开采率、资源利用效率等。


1. 生产设施运行情况良好,未发现重大设备故障或安全隐患。

2. 安全生产管理较为规范,各项安全制度得到有效执行,未发生安全事故。

3. 环境保护措施有效,废水、废气、固体废物处理符合相关标准。

4. 资源开采利用效率较高,资源利用率达到了预期目标。


1. 部分油气生产单位在环境保护方面仍存在一些小问题,建议加强对废水、废气、固体废物的监测和处理。

2. 部分油气生产单位在安全生产管理方面存在一些疏漏,建议加强对安全隐患的排查和整改。


1. 继续加强对油气生产单位的监督检查,确保生产设施安全运行。

2. 加强对环境保护和资源利用的监测和评估,推动油气生产单位实现绿色发展。









设备和设施安全- 检查石油设备和设施的工作状况,确保其正常运行并符合安全要求。

- 检查设备和设施的保护装置是否齐全,并进行定期的维护和检修。

- 检查石油管道的压力、温度和泄漏情况,以确保其正常运行和安全性。

安全操作程序- 审查和更新石油行业安全操作程序,以确保符合最新的安全标准和法规要求。

- 培训员工,使其熟悉正确的操作程序和安全措施。

- 定期检查员工的操作行为,确保他们遵守安全程序并采取正确的安全措施。

应急响应准备- 制定和执行紧急事故应急响应计划,包括应急联系人和紧急疏散程序。

- 配备必要的应急设备和救援装备,并确保其处于可用状态。

- 组织应急演和培训,提高员工对应急情况的应对能力。

环境保护- 确保石油行业活动不对环境造成污染,遵守相关环保法规和标准。

- 定期检查并维护污水处理、废气处理等环保设施的正常运行。

- 强调资源有效利用,推动绿色能源和环保技术在石油行业的应用。

安全意识培养- 组织安全培训和教育活动,提高员工对安全意识的认识和理解。

- 鼓励员工提出安全改进建议,并及时采纳和落实。

- 加强安全文化建设,使安全成为石油行业的共同价值观。



















1.Vessel was equipped with ECDIS. Last correction CD for ECDIS was received for January 2009 notices.船上配备的电子海图上次更新日期是。

2.Wheel over positions were not being marked on charts as part of passage plan.施舵点作为航行计划的一部分没有标注在海图上。

3.Records on board shown that the vessel was grounded on 10 Feb 09 during approaching to pilot boarding station at Vung Tau, Vietnam. The vessel was refloated after five hours during rising tide. A diver inspection was carried out after vessel re-floated. Subsequently the vessel also entered a dry dock at Guangzhou, China on 10 Mar 09 to check the bottom and reported no damage to the bottom hull.4.Visual bearings had not been used for vessel’s position fixing during this voyage, the Master stated that failure of the gyro compass was the reason for this.本航次目视方位定位未使用,船长解释是因为电罗经故障。

5.The effectiveness of the radar performance was not recorded at end of each watch in terms每班结束没有做雷达性能测试记录。

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1.Vessel was equipped with ECDIS. Last correction CD for ECDIS was received for January 2009 notices.船上配备的电子海图上次更新日期是。

2.Wheel over positions were not being marked on charts as part of passage plan.施舵点作为航行计划的一部分没有标注在海图上。

3.Records on board shown that the vessel was grounded on 10 Feb 09 during approaching to pilot boarding station at Vung Tau, Vietnam. The vessel was refloated after five hours during rising tide. A diver inspection was carried out after vessel re-floated. Subsequently the vessel also entered a dry dock at Guangzhou, China on 10 Mar 09 to check the bottom and reported no damage to the bottom hull.4.Visual bearings had not been used for vessel’s position fixing during this voyage, the Master stated that failure of the gyro compass was the reason for this.本航次目视方位定位未使用,船长解释是因为电罗经故障。

5.The effectiveness of the radar performance was not recorded at end of each watch in terms每班结束没有做雷达性能测试记录。

6.Admiralty Tide tables were not available on board and only Chinese Tide tables were on board.没有配备潮汐表,只有中版潮汐表7.Voyage charts were noted been corrected up to date, but the charts correction log was not correctly updated for temporary and preliminary corrections for Chinese charts.8.The second officer was not able to calculate the tides from the tidal diamond information without assistance.二副在没有别人的帮助下,不能从潮汐信息中计算潮汐。

(钻石潮汐计算)9.Parallel indexing had only been used on rare occasions through the voyage as evidenced from the marked PI lines on the voyage charts.平行避险线使用较少10.There was no file of Navarea warnings for the vessels trading area available yet these could have been taken from the weekly notices to mariners onboard.没有相关航区的航警11.BA charts 4039,4040,4041,covering Singapore water were old edition. New edition had been published in AUG 2011.海图不是最新版12.A few of navigatier warnings as per list of in force warnings dated 10.9.11 by EGC were not available for nav area 11航警缺失13.Weekly test of MF/HF DSC had not been recorded after 7-JUN 2011每周测试未记录14.A random checking of some of the non voyage chart found that a cancelled chart was not removed away from the chart folio. There was also no record of the chart had been cancelled.作废海图未清除15.Bell book in bridge was not properly maintained.驾驶台车钟记录簿没有保持记录。

16.Notices of Sailing Direction were not maintained in separate log/folder, as per guidelines given in M ariners’ Handbook, but found pasted in respective volumes.航路指南改正不准确。

17.Annual service record of S-VDR, installed in Oct 2006, was not sighted or available.18.The passage plan identified the position fix interval during One fathom Bank passage & Approaches as 30-60 mins. Positions were observed plotted at 50 mins to 60 mins intervals. No parallel indexing was used or plotted during New Mamgalore departure, Malacca straits. No overlay tracing were provided.19.新加坡附近航行时,只有一些平行避险线,没有使用视方位定位。

(已按规定15分钟内雷达卫星定位;平行避险线的数量我认为足够)20.The BA chart 1761 used for previous voyage was torn and in poor condition.21..检查车钟自动打印,来核实是否进行了正、倒车试验,和经过浅水区域的速度是否和UKC计算时的速度一致。



24.Current SOLAS Amendment was not available onboard.solas补篇没有在船25.Observed single method of position fixing was charted during passage from departure load port and arrival discharge port.26.One passage chart picked at at random was not corrected for temporary correction.27.digital echo sounder without printing facility. Maximum memory 24 hours.测深仪没有连接打印设备,最大记录时间只有24小时。

28.two voyage charts were applied with excessive tape,echo had a taped length of about 2meters29.a portable VHF radio was noted with a broken antenna.30.During the last passage arrival at this port Dalian, a parallel indexing distance drawn on chart shown that the method of parallel indexing was incorrectly carried out.31.The entries in deck log pertaining to fire rounds shown that not all fire rounds were carried out after the watch as per operator’s policy. Some of the watches’ fire rounds were carried out before officer taking over watch. There were also entries showing that during some of the navigation watches, the lookout man was sent for fire rounds during the middle of the watch, and thus leaving with no lookout on the bridge during the periods of fire rounds, and also not complying with operator’s policy.32.富余水深要求(中文)太过简单,它仅注明船长在任何时间应确保保持足够的水深,并未明确限定船舶的最小富余水深。

33.船上最近一期的英版航海通告是2003年2月20日的第8期,这是两个多月前的,据说随后的英版航海通告在下一港到船34.Course recorder out of order.航向记录仪故障。
