
Good morning!
Good morning!
Goodafternoon, Alice!
Hi, I’m Danny.
Hello, I’m Jack.
Nice to see you!
Nice to see you too.
What is it?
Kites in the sky.
Greenand brown.
It’s blackand white. It’s
big. It goes ‘moo… moo…’ What is it?
In the zoo.
It’s fat.
Is thatamonkey?
No, it’sabear.
Is thisan elephant?
Yes, it’san elephant.
in the zoo.
In the park.
What color is it?
Orange, please.
How many oranges?
peach juicy
I love you.
I love to eat.
Can I help you?
My I haveapie,please?
Give mea
hamburger, please.
What’s this?
It’s green.
Colour the ruler blue.

1. Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上好/下午好/晚上好。
2. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?这是一个常用的句子,用来询问他人的姓名。
3. How are you? 你好吗?这是另一个常用的问候语,用来询问他人的身体状况或者情绪状态。
4. What's this? 这是什么?这个句子常常用来询问物品的名称,对于小学生来说,通过这个句子他们可以学会认识一些基本的英语单词,帮助他们扩展词汇量。
5. How old are you? 你几岁了?通过这个句子,孩子们可以学会如何表达自己的年龄,也可以学会询问他人的年龄。
6. Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?这句话可以帮助孩子们学会如何请求帮助,也可以教会他们如何礼貌地向他人提出请求。
7. Thank you. 谢谢你。

幼儿园常用英文100句1. Good morning, children!2. How are you today?3. Let's start our day with a smile.4. Please line up quietly.5. Time for breakfast.6. Wash your hands before eating.7. Remember to say "please" and "thank you."8. Let's play together.9. Share your toys with your friends.10. Be gentle with each other.11. It's time for a story.12. Can you repeat after me?13. Color inside the lines.14. Cut carefully with scissors.15. Glue the pieces here.16. Let's sing a song.17. Dance to the music.18. It's time for nap.19. Sleep on your mat.20. Quiet time, please.21. Wake up, it's time to play.22. Let's do some exercise.23. Jump like a rabbit.24. Run like a cheetah.25. Stretch like a cat.26. It's snack time.27. Choose a healthy snack.28. Drink your water.29. Don't throw food.30. Clean up your mess.31. Put your toys away.32. Take turns.33. Wait for your turn.34. Say "excuse me" when you need to pass.35. Use kind words.36. Don't hit others.37. We share our feelings.38. I'm sorry for my mistake.39. It's okay, let's make up.40. Let's be friends.41. Help each other.42. Hold hands when we walk.43. Look both ways before crossing.44. Stay with your group.45. Keep your hands to yourself.46. Listen carefully to instructions.47. Follow the rules.48. Raise your hand if you have a question.49. Take a deep breath.50. Calm down and try again.51. I believe in you.52. Great job!53. Well done!54. Keep trying, you can do it.55. What a beautiful drawing!56. I like your idea.57. Let's think about it.58. How do you feel?59. Tell me about your day.60. I'm proud of you.61. It's time for lunch.62. Eat your vegetables.63. Finish your meal.64. Don't waste food.65. Clean your plate.66. Let's wash our hands.67. Brush your teeth after lunch.68. Change your clothes if they're dirty.69. Put on your shoes.70. Let's go outside.71. Play safely.72. Don't run near the pool.73. Wear a helmet when riding a bike.74. Stay away from strangers.75. Hold the railing when going up stairs.76. Look before you leap.77. It's time to come inside.78. Wash your hands before activities.79. Let's read a book together.80. Can you find the letter "A"?81. Count to ten.82. What's your favorite color?83. Can you show me how to do that?84. Let's build a tower.85. What shape is this?86. Match the colors.87. Put the puzzle piece here.88. It's time for a bathroom break.89. Flush the toilet and wash your hands.90. Use tissues when you sneeze.91. Cover your mouth when you cough.92. Let's clean the classroom.93. Put the trash in the bin.94. Recycle paper and plastic.95. Save water, don't waste it.96. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.97. It's time to go home.98. Say goodbye to your friends.99. See you tomorrow.100. Have a great day!。

以下是一种可能的一年级幼小衔接方案的英语内容:1. 日常用语和问候- Hello!(你好!)- Good morning/afternoon/evening!(早上/下午/晚上好!)- How are you?(你好吗?)- Thank you!(谢谢!)- Sorry!(对不起!)2. 自我介绍- My name is [name].(我的名字是[name]。
)- I am [age] years old.(我[age]岁了。
)- I am from [place].(我来自[地方]。
)- I like [activity/hobby].(我喜欢[活动/爱好]。
)3. 数字和基本计数- Numbers 1-20(数字1-20)- Counting objects(物品计数)- Addition and subtraction within 10(在10以内的加法和减法)4. 基本词汇和表达- Colors(颜色)- Animals(动物)- Family members(家庭成员)- School objects(学校物品)- Daily routine(日常生活)5. 基本句型和简单对话- What is your name?(你叫什么名字?)- How old are you?(你几岁了?)- Where are you from?(你来自哪里?)- What color is it?(它是什么颜色的?)- Can you [action]?(你会[动作]吗?)这个方案旨在帮助幼儿顺利过渡到一年级英语学习。

幼儿常用英语口语100句1.Hi! (你好)2.What’s your name? (你叫什么名字?)3.How old are you? (你多大了?)4.I’m hungry. (我饿了)5.Can I have some water? (我可以喝水吗?)6.Where is the bathroom? (洗手间在哪里?)7.I want to play. (我想玩)8.Let’s go outside. (我们出去玩吧)9.I love you. (我爱你)10.Can I have a cookie? (我可以吃饼干吗?)11.Good morning! (早上好!)12.Good night! (晚安)13.I’m sleepy. (我困了)14.What is this? (这是什么?)15.It’s raining. (下雨了)16.I’m cold. (我冷)17.This is my toy. (这是我的玩具)18.I don’t want to go to bed. (我不想睡觉)19.Can we go to the park? (我们可以去公园吗?)20.I’m sorry. (对不起)21.Where is my teddy bear? (我的泰迪熊在哪里?)22.I’m hot. (我热)23.I’m scared. (我害怕)24.Can you help me? (你能帮帮我吗?)25.I’m happy. (我开心)26.I’m sad. (我伤心)27.It’s time for lunch. (是吃午饭的时间了)28.Can I have a hug? (我可以拥抱你吗?)29.Do you want to dance? (你想跳舞吗?)30.It’s bedtime. (是睡觉时间了)31.I need a band-aid. (我需要创可贴)32.It’s a beautiful day. (今天天气很好)33.Let’s read a book. (我们读书吧)34.I want to draw. (我想画画)35.I’m not feeling well. (我不舒服)36.Can we watch a movie? (我们可以看电影吗?)37.I’m going to the playground. (我要去游乐场)38.Don’t touch that. (不要碰那个)39.I miss you. (我想你)40.It’s too loud. (太吵了)41.Bye-bye! (再见!)42.I have a secret. (我有个秘密)43.Can I have a snack? (我可以吃点心吗?)44.What’s your favorite color? (你最喜欢的颜色是什么?)45.Let’s sing a song. (我们唱歌吧)46.Can you tell me a story? (你能给我讲个故事吗?)47.I want to go home. (我想回家)48.It’s your turn. (轮到你了)49.I want to help. (我想帮忙)50.I’m tired. (我累了)51.I don’t like it. (我不喜欢)52.I want a big hug. (我想要一个大大的拥抱)53.Please be quiet. (请安静一点)54.Let’s build a castle. (我们来建城堡吧)55.Can I have a juice box? (我可以喝果汁盒子吗?)56.Thank you! (谢谢!)57.Can we play a game? (我们可以玩游戏吗?)58.I’m thirsty. (我渴了)59.I’m lost. (我迷路了)60.I have a question. (我有一个问题)61.Can I have a turn? (我可以来玩一下吗?)62.Look at the rainbow. (看彩虹)63.Can I have a sandwich? (我可以吃三明治吗?)64.What’s that noise? (那是什么声音?)65.I want to go swimming. (我想游泳)66.Let’s have a picnic. (我们野餐吧)67.Can you tie my shoes? (你能帮我系鞋带吗?)68.I’m excited. (我很兴奋)69.Where are my socks? (我的袜子在哪里?)70.Look at the stars! (看星星!)71.Can we go to the zoo? (我们可以去动物园吗?)72.I’m in trouble. (我麻烦了)73.I’m not ready. (我还没准备好)74.I’m scared of the dark. (我害怕黑暗)75.Can I have a piece of candy? (我可以吃糖果吗?)76.Look at the pretty flowers. (看漂亮的花)77.I want to color. (我想画画)78.Can you count to ten? (你能数到十吗?)79.I’m bored. (我无聊)80.Let’s go on an adventure. (我们去冒险吧)81.Where is my book? (我的书在哪里?)82.Can I have a snack? (我可以吃点心吗?)83.I want to go outside. (我想出去)84.I have a surprise for you. (我有个惊喜给你)85.Look at the cute puppy. (看可爱的小狗)86.Can we have a dance party? (我们可以开个舞会吗?)87.I miss my friends. (我想念我的朋友)88.Let’s have a tea party. (我们开个茶会吧)89.I need a hug. (我需要一个拥抱)90.I want to be a superhero. (我想当超级英雄)91.I’m so happy. (我好开心)92.Let’s make a fort. (我们建个堡垒吧)93.Can we have a race? (我们可以比赛吗?)94.I’m so proud of you. (我为你感到骄傲)95.I want to be a princess. (我想当公主)96.Can we have a tea party with teddy bears? (我们和泰迪熊开个茶会吗?)97.Look at the beautiful sunset. (看美丽的日落)98.I want to learn something new. (我想学些新东西)99.Can I have a bedtime story? (我可以听个睡前故事吗?)100.Good job! (干得好!)这些是幼儿常用的100句英语口语,希望能帮助家长更好地和孩子沟通,让孩子在快乐的氛围中学习和成长。

你想想,红红的、甜甜的苹果,是不是特别诱人?那咱们学会了“apple”,去超市或者水果店的时候,就可以大声说:“I want an apple!” 多厉害呀!还有“banana”,香蕉哟!弯弯的像个小月牙。
“I like bananas. They are so yummy!” 是不是很有趣?“dog”,小狗。
毛茸茸、活蹦乱跳的小狗,多可爱呀!“Look! That dog is so cute!”“cat”,小猫。
“The cat is sleeping on the sofa. Shh...” 安静点,别吵醒它。
“My dad drives a car to work every day.” 你有没有坐过小汽车呀?“bike”,自行车。
“I can ride a bike. How about you?” 咱们一起骑自行车出去玩好不好?“book”,书。
书里有好多好多有趣的故事呢!“I love reading books. They make me smart.”“pencil”,铅笔。
“I need a pencil to write my homework.” 没有铅笔可没法写作业哟。
“Use the ruler to draw a straight line.” 画直线就得靠它。
“I go to school from Monday to Friday. It's so fun!” 在学校能学到好多知识。
“Our teacher is very nice. She helps us a lot.” 老师教会我们好多东西。

Outside Activities(户外活动)
Two lines, please 请排成两队。Make two lines. 请排成两队。 Let’s go out to play.我们出去玩。 Ready? One, two, go! 准备好了吗?齐步走! Let’s play a game.我们做个游戏。 Turn left.向左转。Turn right.向右转。 Please, stand in a circle, hand in hand.请大家站成一个圈,手拉手。 Make a big circle.站成一个大圈。 One step backward/ forward everyone.向后/前退一步。 Turn around, face me please.请转身面向我。 Boys, jump on the circles.男孩子跳到 圈上。 Come on! 加油! Be careful! 当心!Are you tired? 你们累吗? Please come close to each other, sit down. 请靠拢坐下。 Don’t push others.不要推别人。 Brave boy! 你真勇敢! Let’s go back to our classroom.我们回教室吧。
Stand up, please. 请站起来。 Sit down, please. 请坐下。 Please raise you hand. 请举手。 Please come here. 请过来。 Please go back to you seat. 请回到你的座位上去。 Listen to me. 听我说。 Are you clear? 明白吗? Do you understand? 你明白了吗? Please repeat it after me. 请跟我重复。 Think it over. 再想一想。

幼小衔接必备的英语常用语1.Hi!/Hello!你好!2.Good morning.早上好。
3.Hello,nice to meet you./Nice to see you.你好,见到你真高兴。
4.How are you?I am fine,thank you.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。
e in,please.请进。
e on./come here,please.请过来。
7.Are you ready?准备好了吗?8.Let’s start.让我们开始。
9.Who can tell me?/Who can answer me?谁能告诉我?谁能回答?10.Look at me.看着我。
11.Look at the blackboard.看黑板。
12.Be quite./Keep quite.保持安静。
13.Sit well./Sit nicely.坐好。
14.Put up your hand./Put down your hand.把手举起来/把手放下。
15.Stop talking.别说话。
16.Is that clear?/Do you understand?清楚了么?你明白吗?17.Read with me.和我一起读。
18.Return to your seat.回座位。
19.Stand up./Sit down.起立/坐下。
20.Listen carefully.仔细听。
21.Listen to me./Listen to the music.听我说/听音乐。
22.Say it in English.用英语说。
23.Do you know?你知道吗?24.Let’s play a game.让我们来做游戏。
25.Let’s write/draw something.让我们来写点什麽/画点什麽。
26.Let’s dancing/singing.让我们来跳舞唱歌。
27.Let’s listen to a story.让我们听个故事。

1. 数字Number基数词one1eleven11thirty30two2twelve12forty40three3thirteen13fifty50four4fourteen14sixty60five5fifteen15seventy70six6sixteen16eighty80seven7seventeen17ninety90eight8eighteen18hundred百nine9nineteen19thousand千ten10twenty20million百万序数词first第一fifth第五ninth第九second第二sixth第六tenth第十third第三seventh第七eleventh第十一fourth第四eighth第八twelfth第十二2. 服饰 Clothescoat外套jacket夹克sweater毛衣shirt衬衣swimsuit泳衣raincoat雨衣dress连衣裙skirt短裙T-shirt T恤衫trousers裤子pants长裤shorts短裤jeans牛仔裤vest背心pocket口袋shoe鞋sneakers网球鞋sandals凉鞋slippers拖鞋boots靴子sock袜子cap鸭舌帽hat有沿帽gloves手套tie领带sunglasses太阳镜3. 食物 foodbreakfast早餐lunch午餐dinner晚餐bread面包noodles面条rice米饭meat肉pork猪肉chicken鸡肉beef牛肉mutton羊肉fish鱼肉egg鸡蛋tofu豆腐vegetable蔬菜fast food快餐hamburger汉堡hot dog热狗cake蛋糕biscuit饼干cookie曲奇饼chips薯条cheese奶酪salad沙拉sausages香肠chocolate巧克力moon cake月饼sweets糖果peanut花生ice-cream冰激凌water水tea茶milk牛奶juice果汁coffee咖啡cola可乐eggplant茄子cucumber黄瓜green beans青豆tomato西红柿potato土豆onion洋葱carrot胡萝卜cabbage卷心菜soup汤apple苹果pear梨子mango芒果banana香蕉orange橙子watermelon西瓜grape葡萄peach桃子strawberry草莓pineapple菠萝4. 生活类家居类room房间bedroom卧室living room客厅washroom盥洗室bathroom浴室dining room餐厅kitchen厨房house房屋table桌子floor地板wall墙壁shelf架子door门window窗户curtain窗帘bed床end table床头柜closet壁橱sofa沙发trash bin垃圾箱mirror镜子doorbell门铃key钥匙lock锁cooker炊具pot锅plate盘子cup茶杯spoon勺子fork叉子vase花瓶knife小刀chopsticks筷子box盒子medicine药tooth brush牙刷photo相片picture图片hammer锤子ticket票stamp邮票电子类electricity电television电视TV电视fridge冰箱air-空调fan风扇conditionerlight灯lamp台灯oil lamp油灯radio收音机phone电话telephone电话camera相机walkman随身听video录像带computer电脑keyboard键盘mouse鼠标screen屏幕monitor显示器laser printer 激光打印机CD激光唱盘CD-Rom只读光盘E-card电子贺卡E-mail电子邮件5. 交通工具bike自行车bicycle自行车motorcycle摩托车car小汽车bus公共汽车taxi出租车jeep吉普车lorry卡车van邮车subway地铁train火车plane飞机boat小船ship轮船spaceship宇宙飞船6. 学校 schoolgrade年级class班级middle school中学row排、行team队group组Teacher’s office 教师办公室Classroom教室Teacher’sdesk讲台desk书桌chair椅子bag书包pen钢笔pencil铅笔crayon蜡笔pencil-box铅笔盒eraser橡皮ruler尺子sharpener卷笔刀map地图icon图标board写字板blackboard黑板dictionary字典book书story-book故事书comic book漫画书paper纸newspaper报纸magazine杂志card卡片,贺卡library card图书卡picture图画、照片address地址information信息message信息homework作业letter字母word单词Chinese语文Math数学English英语physics物理chemistry化学geography地理Science科学课Music音乐课P.E.体育课7. 运动类 sportball球basketball篮球football足球baseball棒球table-tennis乒乓球swimming游泳high jump跳高long jump跳远skipping-rope跳绳cycling骑自行车race比赛morningexercises早操Olympic Games奥林匹克8. 娱乐类game游戏jigsaw拼图游戏chess国际象棋slide滑梯swing秋千kite风筝Barbie doll芭比娃娃teddy bear玩具熊balloon气球9. 音乐类music音乐pop music流行音乐Classicalmusic古典音乐song歌曲dancing舞蹈violin小提琴trumpet小号guitar吉他zither古筝erhu二胡flute笛drum鼓trumpet喇叭10. 家庭 Familydad爸爸father父亲parent父母mum妈妈mother母亲grandparent祖父母uncle 叔叔、舅舅grandpa祖父grandma祖母brother兄弟sister姐妹cousin堂兄弟son儿子daughter女儿11. 称呼friend朋友children孩子们child 孩子-单数boy男孩girl女孩kid小孩twin双胞胎baby婴儿lady 女士kin亲戚men男人(复数)women 女人(复数)pen friend 笔友classmate同学people人neighbour邻居tourist旅行者queen 女王robot 机器人visitor客人dear亲爱的12. 职业reporter记者doctor 医生nurse护士driver司机farmer 农民worker工人acrobat杂技演员clown 小丑cleaner清洁工fireman消防员postman 邮递员goalkeeper守门员singer歌唱家writer 作家painter画家actor男演员actress 女演员engineer工程师policeman警察accountant 会计model模范principal 校长pupil小学生teacher老师shop assistant 售货员universitystudent大学生baseballplayer棒球运动员salesperson销售员13. 人体 Bodyeye眼睛nose鼻子ear耳朵mouth嘴巴tooth/teeth牙齿tongue舌头face脸head头hair头发neck脖子shoulder肩膀stomach胃hand手finger手指arm手臂foot/feet脚toe脚趾leg腿knee膝盖14. 疾病headache头痛stomachache胃痛cold感冒fever发烧toothache牙疼sore throat喉咙疼15. 地点home家school学校playground游乐场garden花园park公园nature park自然公园pond池塘zoo动物园theme park主题公园circus马戏团cinema电影院science museum 科学博物馆departmentstore百货商店theatre戏院library图书馆supermarket超市restaurant饭馆gym体育馆pet shop宠物店flat公寓playground操场post office邮局community社区art room美术教室bookstore书店hospital医院musicroom音乐教室fruit stand水果摊bank银行computer room 计算机教室canteen食堂TV room电视机房prairie草原company公司factory工厂space太空building大楼station车站Chinatown唐人街square广场farm农场airport飞机场16. 国家CountryChina/PRC中国Chinese中国的Australia澳大利亚England英国English英国的Scotland苏格兰America/USA美国American美国的Canada/CAN加拿大India印度Indian印度的UN联合国17. 城市 CityBeijing北京Shanghai上海Hong Kong香港Tibet西藏Harbin哈尔滨Shanxi山西Shaanxi陕西Xiamen厦门Fujian福建London伦敦New York纽约Moscow莫斯科Sydney悉尼Cario开罗WashingtonD.C.华盛顿SanFrancisco旧金山18. 景点theChangjiang River 长江the YellowRiver黄河the Great Wall长城the SummerPalace颐和园Ming Tombs明陵TowerBridge塔桥MountTai泰山West lake西湖Hyde Park海德公园Buckingham Place 白金汉宫RiverThames泰晤士河the London Eye伦敦眼Big Ben大本钟19. 天气 Weatherseason季节sunny阳光充足的hot热的spring春季rainy下雨的warm温暖summer夏季windy刮风的cold寒冷的autumn(fall)秋季snowy下雪的cool凉爽的winter冬季wet湿的dry干的20. 大自然类sky天空sun太阳cloud云mountain大山hill小山island岛sea海river河流lake湖tree树flower花bamboo竹子fire火stone石头world世界21. 颜色Colorred红色yellow黄色blue蓝色black黑色white白色brown褐色/棕色green绿色pink粉色orange橙色purple紫色22. 动物 animalcat猫dog狗pig猪chicken鸡rooster 公鸡hen母鸡chick小鸡turkey火鸡duck鸭子mouse老鼠rabbit兔子goose鹅tiger老虎lion狮子bear熊wolf狼fox狐狸kangaroo袋鼠sheep绵羊goat山羊lamb小羊羔cow牛cow奶牛elephant大象horse马zebra斑马donkey驴deer鹿giraffe长颈鹿panda大熊猫monkey猴子squirrel松鼠dragon龙ant蚂蚁bee蜜蜂snake蛇bird鸟parrot鹦鹉owl猫头鹰fish鱼shark鲨鱼squid鱿鱼seal海豹killer whale虎鲸sperm whale抹香鲸lobster龙虾frog青蛙pet宠物23. 时间 Timemorning早上today今天year年afternoon下午yesterday昨天hour小时evening晚上tomorrow明天minute分钟night夜晚tonight今晚o’clock时钟someday有一天sometimes有时holiday假日break课间休息week星期weekend周末Sunday星期日Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六month月份January一月February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月24. 节日FestivalNew Year新年Christmas圣诞节Thanksgiving感恩节Spring Festival 春节Lanternfestival元宵节Dragon BoatFestival端午节Mid-Autumn festival 中秋节Children’sDay儿童节Flag Day国旗日25. 方位词on在…上面below在…下面in在…里面over在…上方under在…下方between在…之间at在…方面inside在…内around在…周围in front of在…前面behind在…后面next to相邻from从…来near附近by靠近left左边right右边up向上east东west西down向下south南north北with用,和for为26. 指示代词this这个that那个here这里these这些those那些there那里all over到处27. 疑问词what什么why为什么where哪里who谁whose谁的which哪个when何时how怎么how big 有多大howold几岁how much多少钱how long有多长how many多少howtall多高how heavy多重what time几点what day星期几。
幼儿英语口语 日常英语口语100句

幼儿英语口语日常英语口语100句1. Hello! - 你好!2. Good morning! - 早上好!3. Goodbye! - 再见!4. Thank you! - 谢谢!5. Please - 请6. Sorry - 对不起7. Excuse me - 劳驾8. How are you? - 你好吗?9. I'm fine, thank you. - 我很好,谢谢你。
10. What's your name? - 你叫什么名字?11. My name is [name]. - 我叫[name]。
12. How old are you? - 你几岁了?13. I am [age] years old. - 我[age]岁了。
14. Where are you from? - 你从哪里来?15. I am from [country]. - 我来自[country]。
16. What is this? - 这是什么?17. It's a [object]. - 这是一个[object]。
18. Do you like [object]? - 你喜欢[object]吗?19. Yes, I like it. - 是的,我喜欢。
20. No, I don't like it. - 不,我不喜欢。
21. Can you help me? - 你能帮助我吗?22. Yes, I can help you. - 是的,我可以帮助你。
23. No, I can't help you. - 不,我不能帮助你。
24. What do you want to do? - 你想做什么?25. I want to [activity]. - 我想[activity]。
26. Where are you going? - 你要去哪里?27. I am going to [place]. - 我要去[place]。

幼儿英语早教生活用语以下是一些常见的幼儿英语早教生活用语:1. Good morning/afternoon/evening! 早上/下午/晚上好!2. How are you? 你好吗?3. I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。
4. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?5. My name is [name]. 我的名字是[名字]。
6. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
7. Goodbye! 再见!8. Let's go. 我们走吧。
9. Come here. 过来。
10. Be careful! 小心!11. Look! 看!12. Listen! 听!13. Smile! 微笑!14. Thank you. 谢谢你。
15. You're welcome. 不客气。
16. I love you. 我爱你。
17. Wash your hands. 洗手。
18. Brush your teeth. 刷牙。
19. Eat your breakfast/lunch/dinner. 吃早餐/午餐/晚餐。
20. Take a nap. 午睡。
21. Go to bed. 上床睡觉。
22. Wake up. 醒来。
23. Get dressed. 穿衣服。
24. Put on your shoes. 穿上鞋子。
25. Have a good day. 祝你度过美好的一天。

字母代表单词A: apple ant alligator B:book banana bag C: cat car computer D: dog desk dinosaur E: egg elf elephant F: fish flower farm G: girl goat giftH: hat house hot dog I: insect ink IndianJ: jet jam juiceK: key kite kingL: lamp lion lemon M: milk monkeyN: nut noseO: ox orangeP: pen pineappleQ: quiz queenR: robots rabbitsWeek1单词:apple,pear,banana,orange语法:--Du you like (bananas)?---Yes,I do/NO,I don’t.单词预习:blackboard,desk,chair,on,under,in,classroom 语法预习:--Where is the (book)?---It’s(on the desk).Week 2单词:black,yellow,blue,red,green语法:--What colour is it?---It’s (yellow)单词:light,bed,door,box,near,behind语法:---What’s behind the (door)?---A(chair).Week 3单词:one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten 语法:--How many cats are there?---There are five cats ./Five.单词:plan,ball,doll,train,car,bear语法:--Can I have a (car)?----Sure./Sorry noWeek 4单词:cat,dog,bird,tiger,monkey语法:--What’s this?--It’s a (bird).单词:rice,fish,eggs,noodles,chicken,vegetables 语法:I’m hungry.I want(fish)Week 5单词:face,ear,eye,nose,mouth语法:--Touch you....--This is my...Week 6单词:book,ruler,pencil,schoolbag,teacher语法:I have a...Week 7单词:Juice,tea,water,milk语法:--Do you want....?---Yes,please/No,thank.Iwant....Week 8单词:shirt,T-shirt,skirt,dress,socks,shorts语法:---Put on your....---I like your..--Thank you。

幼小衔接英文句子Fun farm 有趣的农场What is this? 这是什么?It's a duck. 这是一只鸭子。
It's a cow. 这是一只奶牛。
It's a sheep. 这是一只绵羊。
Yummy food 美味的食物What would you like to eat? 你想要吃什么呢?I'd like some pizza. 我想吃点披萨。
What would you like to drink? 你想要喝什么呢?I'd like some juice. 我想喝点果汁。
Do you like hamburger? 你喜欢吃汉堡吗?Yes, I do./ No, I don't. 是的,我喜欢。
Amazing zoo 神奇的动物园Look at the elephant. 看看那头大象。
There is a monkey. 那里有一只猴子。
I can see a zebra. 我看到了一只斑马。
The alligators look scary. 鳄鱼看着好吓人。
Colorful world 多彩的世界What color is it? 这是什么颜色的It's red. 它是红色的。
I like red. 我喜欢红色。
What color is the leaf? 叶子是什么颜色的呢?It is green. 叶子是绿色的。
What color is the sky? 天空是什么颜色的呢?It is green. 天空是蓝色的。
I can... 我会......What can you do? 你会做什么?I can jump. 我会跳跃。
I can sing. 我会唱歌。
Can you dive? 你会游泳吗?Yes, I can. /No, I can't. 是的,我会。
Weather 天气How's the weather? 天气怎么样。

从起床到出门早晨好!Good morning!该起床了!It's time to get up!你醒了嘛?Are you awake?今天是个好天!It's a nice day!把被子叠好。
Let's fold up the futon.我做了个美梦。
I had a good dream.我得洗脸了。
I have to wash my face.该吃早饭了。
It's time to eat breakfast. 我还困着呢。
I'm still sleepy.刷牙了吗?Did you brush your teeth?我得梳梳头了。
I have to comb my hair. 快换衣服。
Hurry up and get dressed. 我走了,妈妈。
I'm leaving.Bye mom.我要迟到了。
I'm late.我回来了。
I’m home.你回来了。
Welcome home.我可以出去玩会儿嘛?Can I go out and play?我饿了。
I'm hungry.真累啊!I'm tired!还是家好哇。
It's good to be home.晚饭好了吗?Is dinner ready?妈妈,今天晚饭吃什么?Mom,what's for dinner tonight?我开动了。
Let's eat.该吃饭啦!It's time to eat!这就来啦!I'm coming!别弄撒了。
Don't spill it.把碗里的菜吃光。
Eat all of your vegetables.。

cat 猫 chicken 小鸡 duck 鸭子单词Cat,cat,miao,miao.Dog,dog,bowwow.Duck,duck,clip —clop.Chicken,chicken,chip.小猫叫起来“喵……”。
第二篇单词第一篇dog 狗 数来宝rabbit兔子elephant大象monkey猴数来宝Jump,jump,monkey.Run,run,rabbit.Heavy,heavy,elephant.Big,big,tiger.猴子跳啊跳。

幼小衔接学前英语知识点大全(22大主题+60个单元+1000词汇+30音标)备注:以华东理工大学出版社《迪士尼幼小衔接英语进阶教程》为基础进行扩充整理整理人:龙月Moudule 1 Greetings 打招呼Unit 1 How are you?你好吗?Target language 句型Hi!Hello!How are you?I’m OK/fine/good/happy/great/wonderful.How are you?I’m sad/tired/not so good.Vocabulary 词汇基础人称词汇: I you常见系动词搭配:I-am you-are基础感受词汇:OK /fine good/happy great/wonderfulnot good tired sadUnit 2 What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?Target language 句型Good morning! I’m Miss Wu.What’s your name?Good morning!My name is Bill.Hello! What’s your name?Hi,I’m Anna.Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.Vocabulary 词汇what name your my什么名字你的我的基础时间词汇:Good morning! Good afternoon!Good evening!Good night!Unit 3 Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!Target language 句型Hi,I’m Anna,nice to meet you!Nice to meet you,too.Goodbye!Goodbye,see you soon.Goodbye!Goodbye,see you next time.Goodbye!Goodbye,see you tomorrow.Vocabulary 词汇nice meet see soon next time tomorrow 友好的遇见看见很快下一个的时间明天Moudule 2 Families 家庭Unit 1 Who’s this?这是谁?Target language 句型Who’s this?This is my mother/my father/my sister/my brother/my grandma/my grandpa/my uncle/my aunt.Vocabulary 词汇基础人称词汇:my基础家庭成员词汇:dad/daddy/father mom/mommy/mother grandma/grandmother grandpa/grandfathersister brother babyuncle aunt/auntie son daughterUnit 2 This is my father. 这是我爸爸。

七大介词in on under in front of behind between 在…里在…上在…下在…之前在…之后在…之间next to 在…附近家居物品(一)radio (tele)phone clock camera lamp picture 收音机电话时钟照相机台灯图片window door floor wall bed bedroom 窗户门地板墙床卧室sofa armchair shell vase glasses shelf 沙发手扶椅贝壳花瓶眼镜书架cupboarbookcase d 碗橱书柜易混单词sofa-armchair sofa-chair grandfather-grandmother 沙发-手扶椅沙发-椅子祖父-祖母shirt-jacket shirt-T-shirt dress-skirt 衬衫-夹克衫衬衫-T恤衫连衣裙-短裙clock-watch tiger-cat plane-helicopter 钟表-手表老虎-猫飞机-直升机sock-stocking orange juice-lemonade pineapple-lime 短袜-长袜橙汁-柠檬汁菠萝-青柠檬telephone-television sheep-goat ball-doll 手机-电视绵羊-山羊球-洋娃娃boat-bat h kitchen-chicken chicken-hen hand-head cake-pizza-bread 木船-洗澡厨房-小鸡小鸡-母鸡手-头蛋糕-披萨-面包名字女孩名Linda Lucy Pat May Mary Kim 男孩名Tom David Nick Ben Alex Sam 数词one two three four five six 一二三四五六seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 七八九十十一十二thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen 十三十四十五十六十七十八nineteen t wenty 十九二十动词draw drink eat fly ride run 画喝吃飞骑跑swim read sing sit(down) stand(up)catch 游泳读书唱坐下站立接throw look jump kick paint point 扔看跳踢涂指play pick(up) say walk sleep learn with 玩捡起说行走睡觉学习put give listen to live write show 放给听居住写展示open close go answer ask watch 打开关闭走回答提问观看wear talk find have got like love 穿谈话找到有喜欢爱understacolour enjoy want be spell nd 动词拼写明白涂颜色享受想要tick try cross start know 打勾试图横穿开始知道衣物clothes dress skirt handbag hat cap 衣服长裙短裙手提包帽子鸭舌帽shirt T-shirt shoe sock trousers jeans 男士衬T恤鞋短袜长裤牛仔裤衫shorts glasses jacket coat 短裤眼镜夹克大衣休闲beach bounce camera photo doll ball 海滩拍球照相机照片洋娃娃球game hit hobby kite paint swim 游戏敲击爱好风筝涂鸦游泳run sing song fish televison radio 跑步唱歌歌曲钓鱼电视机收音机watch piano story 手表钢琴故事水果apple banana coconut lemon lime mango 苹果香蕉椰子柠檬青柠檬芒果pineapple orange watermelon peach grapefruit grape 菠萝橙子西瓜桃子西柚葡萄交通运输bike motorbike boat bus car helicopter 自行车摩托车木船公共汽车小汽车直升机plane train ride run swim fly 飞机火车骑跑游泳飞go walk 走行走颜色black blue brown green gray(grey) pink 黑色蓝色棕色绿色灰色粉红red white yellow purple orange 红色白色黄色紫色橙色家居物品二bath bathroom bedroom kitchen box mirror 洗澡浴室卧室厨房盒子镜子mat table chair toy tree flower 垫子桌子椅子玩具树花家庭family baby boy girl man/men woman/we men 家庭小孩男孩女孩儿男人女人father mother grandfather grandmother brother sister 爸爸妈妈祖父祖母兄弟姐妹I you he she we they 我你他她我们他们my your his her our their 我的你的他的她的我们的他们的动物animal bird cat chicken cow dog 动物鸟猫小鸡母牛狗duck elephant fish frog giraffe goat 鸭子大象鱼青蛙长颈鹿山羊mouse/misheep snake horse lizard monkey ce 老鼠(复马蜥蜴猴绵羊蛇数)tiger hippo spider crocodile 老虎河马蜘蛛鳄鱼身体body arm ear eye face foot/feet 身体手臂耳朵眼睛脸脚hand head leg mouth nose hair 手头腿嘴鼻子头发形容词new old happy sad big small 新的老的/旧的开心的难过的大的小的tall short long clean dirty good 高的矮的/短的长的干净的肮脏的好的bad beautiful ugly favourite 不好的美丽的丑陋的最喜欢的特殊疑问词what what colour when where which who 什么什么颜色什么时候哪里哪一个谁whose how how many how much how old 谁的怎样多少个多少钱几岁运动badminton ball baseball basketball football soccer 羽毛球球棒球篮球足球英式足球volleybatable tennis hockey throw catch kick ll 排球乒乓球曲棍球扔接踢run jump hit 跑步跳击打食物和饮料bean bread tomato potato burger cake 大豆面包西红柿土豆汉堡蛋糕egg fish chicken chips French fries ice cream 鸡蛋鱼鸡肉薯片薯条冰激凌rice meat pea sausage carrot food 大米肉豌豆香肠胡萝卜食物lemonadwater milk juice drink breakfast e 柠檬汁水牛奶果汁饮料早餐lunch supper 午餐晚餐其他物品bag box computer guitar piano cupboard 包盒子电脑吉他钢琴橱柜shell sea robot monster sun moon 贝壳大海机器人怪物太阳月亮动词与ing 的三种用法直接法draw-drawing eat-eating drink-drinking f ly-flying 去e法ride-riding write-writing phone-phoning dance-danc ing 双写结尾字母法run-running sit-sitting swim-swimming mop-moppi ng 关于学校school teacher classroom class floor wall 学校老师教室课堂地板墙blackboard bookcase desk book ruler pencil 黑板书柜书桌书尺子铅笔eraser pen pencil-case schoolbag number letter 橡皮钢笔铅笔盒书包数字字母lesson answer ask draw read word 课回答提问画画读单词sentence alphabet English example no yes 句子字母表英语例子不是是的page part picture question line right 页数部分图片问题线正确的日常表达Bye-bye goodbye hello well then OK 再见再见你好好的然后好的please right yes sorry thank you pardon 请好的是的对不起谢谢你打扰限定词a/an that the this these those 一个那个定冠词这个这些那些副词again here now there today very 又一次这里现在那里今天非常。

1.Good morning! 早上好!2.How are you? 你好吗?3.What is your name? 你叫什么名字?4.Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
5.How old are you? 你几岁了?6.Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?7.Thank you. 谢谢你。
8.Please. 请。
9.Sorry. 对不起。
10.Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。
11.Yes. 是的。
12.No. 不。
13.I love you. 我爱你。
14.Good job! 做得好!15.Sit down, please. 请坐下。
16.Stand up. 起立。
e here. 过来。
18.Go away. 走开。
19.Be quiet. 安静。
20.Listen to me. 听我说。
21.Look at me. 看着我。
22.Raise your hand. 举手。
23.Open the book. 打开书。
24.Close the door. 关门。
25.Turn on the light. 开灯。
26.Turn off the light. 关灯。
27.Let’s play. 我们玩吧。
28.Can I play with you? 我能和你们一起玩吗?29.Time for lunch. 是吃饭的时间了。
30.Wash your hands. 洗手。
31.Brush your teeth. 刷牙。
32.Take a nap. 小睡一会儿。
33.It’s time to go home. 是回家的时间了。
34.I miss my mom. 我想妈妈。

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2.Good morning.早上好。
3.Hello,nice to meet you./Nice to see you.你好,见到你真高兴。
4.How are you?I am fine,thank you.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。
e in,please.请进。
e on./come here,please.请过来。
7.Are you ready?准备好了吗?
8.Let’s start.让我们开始。
9.Who can tell me?/Who can answer me?谁能告诉我?谁能回答?
10.Look at me.看着我。
11.Look at the blackboard.看黑板。
12.Be quite./Keep quite.保持安静。
13.Sit well./Sit nicely.坐好。
14.Put up your hand./Put down your hand.把手举起来/把手放下。
15.Stop talking.别说话。
16.Is that clear?/Do you understand?清楚了么?你明白吗?
17.Read with me.和我一起读。
18.Return to your seat.回座位。
19.Stand up./Sit down.起立/坐下。
20.Listen carefully.仔细听。
21.Listen to me./Listen to the music.听我说/听音乐。
22.Say it in English.用英语说。
23.Do you know?你知道吗?
24.Let’s play a game.让我们来做游戏。
25.Let’s write/draw something.让我们来写点什麽/画点什麽。
26.Let’s dancing/singing.让我们来跳舞唱歌。
27.Let’s listen to a story.让我们听个故事。
28.Let’s watch TV/a play.让我们看电视/看表演。
29.Let’s say it together.让我们一起说。
30.What did you hear?你听到什麽了?
31.Who has finished?谁做完了?
32.Who want to try?谁想试试?33.How do you know?你怎麽知道的?
34.Which one do you like?你喜欢哪一个?
36.You are right.你是正确的。
37.You are so good!你真棒!
38.Open/close your book,please.打开/合上你的书。
39.Don’t be afraid/shy.别害怕/害羞。
40.It’s time for morning exercises.早操时间到了。
41.Let’s go out/outside.让我们到室外去。
42.Let’s play on the ground.让我们去操场上玩。
43.Line up.排队。
44.Two line.2条队。
45.Let’s go.让我们走。
47.Hurry up.快点。
48.Be careful.小心。
49.One by one.一个接着一个。
50.Be slowly,take easy.慢点,别着急。
51.Don’t move.别动。
52.Let’s have a race.让我们来个比赛。
53.Hand in hand.手拉手。
54.Make a circle.围一个圈。
57.You are the winner.你是胜利者。
58.You are the first.你是第一名。
59.Are you tired?/Let’s have a rest.你累了吗?/让我们休息一下。
60.Let’s go back to the classroom.让我们回教室。
61.Please go to the toilet/bathroom,boys go first.男孩先去洗手间。
62.Show me your hands,are they clean/dirty?让我看看你的手干净了吗?/脏吗?
63.It’s time for lunch.午饭时间到了。
64.Would you like some rice or soup?你想要一些米饭还是汤?
65.Do you want to more?你要加一些吗?
66.Eat a little more.在多吃一点。
67.Don’t play with your foods.别玩食物。
68.Are you full?饱了吗?
69.Wipe your mouth.擦嘴。
70.Rinse out your mouth.漱口。
71.Please keep the table clean.请保持桌面干净。
72.Let’s go out for a walk.让我们出去走走。
73.Is it delicious?它好吃吗?
74.It’s bed time.午睡时间到了。
75.Take off your clothes/coat/trousers/shoes.脱衣服/外套/裤子/鞋。
76.Fold up your clothes/coat/trousers/shoes.叠好衣服/外套/裤子,放好鞋。
77.Go to sleep.睡觉。
78.Close your eyes.闭眼。
79.Wake up./get up.叫醒。
80.Dress yourself.自己穿衣服
flower花grass草tree树bee蜜蜂butterfly蝴蝶aut蚂蚁birthday cake生日蛋糕candle蜡烛gift礼物sing唱歌dance跳舞ear耳朵eye眼睛nose鼻子mouth嘴巴happy快乐的sad悲伤的angry生气的scared恐惧的
duck鸭子horse马pig猪rabbit兔子fly飞swim游咏jump跳跃red红色yellow黄色white白色blue蓝色green绿色black黑色dog狗sister姐妹brother兄弟you你,I me我,she她,he他,it它,good好,bad坏。